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Reviews for Madrigal

By : Rotisserie_Cassowary
  • From Tnteacups on April 19, 2017

    I read this through in almost a single go, and I really really loved it. Though Snape was a bit OoC, I really loved your depiction of him. This may have been my frist Snape/Hermione that I've ever read, and I now have a love for them because of Madrigal.

    I really liked the name of the story, the way you describe their building relationship, the legilimency, and the way you write. It was amazing, and I love how they actually win in the end because they dispense of the secrecy and lies. I loved almost everything about this story, and have no real critiques, except that I'm disappointed that it's TO BE CONTINUED. :( The need for more is great, and unsatisfied.

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  • From frankyemarie on November 27, 2016

    Goodness that was amazing!! When are you starting part 2?!

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  • From Fox on October 27, 2016

    Chapter 47.

    I enjoyed the reading, can't believe you actually left it at that... are you coming back to finish?? I'm curious of what's next. I mean, Severus will have a fatal case of blue balls because of you. You are simply cruel, don't you love him at all? 

    Severus is terribly out of characer in my opinion, but honestly, I don't mind at all. It is a fanfiction in the end and where would be the fun of it, if everyone stuck to the canon, hmmm? Exactly, nowhere. And seeing him in Black Sabbath t-shirt -loved it.

    Thank you



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  • From Fox on October 26, 2016

    Chapter 13.

    I would just looove to witness that!


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  • From Fox on October 26, 2016


    Chapters 1-6.

    I like Severus' point of view quite a lot :-) I find his comments amusing.

    Interesting story, nice and slow change in his attitude is enjoyable and chapter six put a smile on my face. Curious about next chapters. 

    Speak to you soon.


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