That\'s Incredible! | By : Padfoot79 Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 1863 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Title: That's Incredible!
Author: Prongs
Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns all things 'Harry Potter.'
Slash: SB/JP; RL/SS; LM/PP; other pairings.
A/N: This is the 400 member story of the SiriusxJames group.
Chapter One
"I'm going to start getting ready now," Sirius said as he pecked his boyfriend on the lips. "Should we meet in the common room or Great Hall?"
James grinned, "Let's meet in the Great Hall."
"Sounds good," Sirius replied. "Have you seen 'Physical Graffiti?'"
"Do you have to liste tha that particular album every time you get ready for something important?" James asked curiously.
"Absolutely," Sirius said as he stared at his record collection with an annoyed look on his face. "I know I didn't let someone borrow it, and I doubt I left it somewhere."
"I think Peter has it," Remus remarked from his bed. He was working on a transfiguration assignment that he had missed due to the full moon the previous night.
Sirius scowled. "What does he want with my Zeppelin albums? He doesn't have taste in music!"
James laughed and kissed his lover on the lips. "If I see him, I'll tell him you're in dire need of it, all right, love?"
Sirius nodded his head in satisfaction and watched his boyfriend leave the room. He then made his way over to his closet and began throwing clothes on his bed.
"Sirius, why are you still here?" Remus asked curiously.
Sirius turned around and raised an eyebrow. "I happen to live here, Moony."
Remus rolled his eyes. "I'm well-aware, Sirius. Howe we we all know you usually spend the night in James' room, and I would wager that over half of your clothes are in his closet. So why are you getting dressed here?"
Sirius sighed and continued yanking clothes out of his closet. "He won't let me go to his room while he's getting ready. Says I can't see him until everything is perfect."
Remus clapped his hand to his heart in mock horror. "He's getting to be almost as bad as you, Sirius!"
"And where is Snape? You two are going to the dance together, aren't you?" Sirius asked.
"Of course," Remus replied. "And his name is Severus."
Sirius snorted. "Just be happy I'm calling him by his last name and not something else."
Remus sighed and closed his textbook. "The two of you are completely hopeless. You're never going to get along, are you?"
Sirius scrunched up his face. "Remus, there are certain things that I don't want to waste my time thinking about. Getting along with Snape is one of those things. Where in the hell is Peter? How am I supposed to fucking get dressed without listening to 'The Rover'?"
Remus snickered anlkedlked out of the room in search of Severus.
Seconds later, Peter walked in and meekly handed a record albumSiriSirius. "Sorry," he mumbled. "I should've asked you first."
"Yes, you should have," Sirius grumbled as he grabbed the record and put it on his enchanted record player. As soon as the music came on, he calmed down slightly and looked at his friend once again. "Why are you so down, Peter?"
Peter shrugged sho shoulders and sat down on Sirius' bed. He looked slightly amused at the huge stack of clothes cluttering most of the bed. "Can't decide what to wear, huh?"
"I have to impress him!" Sirius practically whined.
Peter groaned. "He'll always be impressed by you, Sirius. I think that much should be obvious."
"Lucius is going to be here tonight," Peter remarked dreamily.
Sirius looked at his friend skeptically. "Are you sure?"
Peter eagerly nodded his head. "Positive. Ever since he defied his father and the death eaters, he has been coming to Hogwarts more often. Talking to Dumbledore, I think."
"But woulwould he be here for the dance?"
"I think Dumbledore offered him an internship or something. I guess he just wants to spend some more time here," Peter replied.
"Probably feels safer here," Sirius commented.
"Yeah, I guess. I wish he would notice me."
"You're younger," Sirius said as he held up two black shirts and compared them to each other.
"So what? He's not that much older. Sirius, those shirts look the same."
"They do, don't they?" Sirius sighed and threw them both down on the floor.
"The floor is dirty," Peter said, motioning to the shirts.
"They'll be fine. You need to get him to notice you, Peter."
"Easy for you to say, Sirius. People always notice you."
"And yet I don't always want to be noticed by them. James is the only person I'm concerned with in that area."
"No kidding," Peter said, folding his arms across his chest. "You know you used to intimidate me."
Peter shrugged his shoulders. "I guess use use you always seemed so confident, and you're smart and beautiful."
Sirius almost glared at his friend, and Peter stifled a laugh.
"I'm so not interested in you in that way, so don't freak out, okay? I'm gay, and I'm allowed to notice good-looking men, aren't I?"
"Guess so."
"I prefer blondes, anyway," Peter said, smiling. "You don't intimidate me, anymore, though. Lucius does."
"If you to kto know him, maybe you wouldn't feel that way," Sirius suggested as he grabbed a pair of tight black pants and smirked.
"Why are you being nice about this? You hate Slytherins!"
"Indeed I do," Sirius replied. "James and I helped Remus hook up with the bastard Snape, though, didn't we?"
"Yes, though I don't understand why!"
"Because we love our friends," Sirius said, winking. "Enough talking, Peter. Go dig through your closet, and I'll help yick ick out something to wear. After all, we're listening to 'Physical Graffiti,' so what can go wrong?"
Peter rolled his eyes and made his way to his closet.
"James, could you possibly calm down for at least five damn minutes!" Lily exclaimed.
James' eyes widened. "You cursed!"
Lily smirked. "Happens every now and then. Especially when the head boy acts like a nervous idiot about going to a dance with his boyfriend. Honestly, James, you two have been dating for over three years. There's no reason to be all high-strung like this!"
"I know," James said, "It's just that this is different. I really want to impress him with my new look for tonight."
Lily patted James' shoulder. "Sirius is already very impressed with you. Not to mention entirely obsessed. You really't 't need to impress him. He already loves and adores you. It's very obvious how much you two mean to each other."
James smiled. "He means the world to me, Lil. But I really do want to do something special and different tonight. That's why you're here."
"All right, James. I'll help you, but remem I h I have to get ready, too."
"You already look wonderful," James said sweetly.
Lily shook her head slightly, but she was grinning. "You have contacts, right?"
"Yeah, but I rarely wear them."
"Why not?"
"I guess because they take some getting used to," James said. "That and I can't get them in my eyes. Last time I tried, I gave up after forty minutes!"
"Merlin, James, it can't be that hard."
James just tapped his foot on the floor impatiently.
"Fine. Why don't I help you put them in and then I'll put a comfort charm on your eyes for the night."
"Sounds good. What about my hair?"
Lily groaned loudly and flopped herself down on James' bed. "Who are you kidding? That rat's nest is impossible to style, James! There's no way in hell I can tame your wild hair. I may be a good witch, but I assure you, I'm not that good. Even Dumbledore probably couldn't-"
"Oh all right, I get it!" James interrupted. "Couldn't we try using a few spells and some muggle hair gel, though?"
"We can try," Lily mumbled in defeat. "What else?"
"Make-up," James said simply.
"That'll be easy."
"And that's all I want help with. I can handle the outfit myself with no problem."
"Yeah, we all know you're a great dresser," Lily admitted. "Fine then. I'll go to my room and get dressed, and you decide on your outfit. I'll meet you back here in twenty minutes, and we'll get to work."
"Thanks," James said, smiling.
Sirius carefully finished applying his eyeliner and then put his make-up away. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror and smiled when the mirror whistled.
Sirius walked out he bhe bathroom and offered to help r ger get ready.
"Are you done already?" Peter asked, turning around. "Damn, Sirius, you look great!"
"Thanks," Sirius replied, smiling. He was wearing tight black pants with a pale blue shirt that clung to his body and matched the color of his eyes. His hair was down with several strands falling into his eyes, and he was wearing his favorite pair of dressy black boots. Around his neck, he had on a silver necklace that James had given him last year for his birthday. As usual, he had on a small hoop earring and several silver rings.
"Where did you learn to put on mascara and eyeliner?" Peter asked curiously.
Sirius shrugged his shoulders. "It's easy," he said motioning to his eyes. "Why? Want to try it?"
"It'll look stupid on me," Peter said shyly.
Sirius waved his han thn the air impatiently. "No, it won't, Peter. I'll help you out. Can you go get out the second record of 'Physical Graffiti' while I pick out what you'll wear?"
Peter nodded his head and walked across the room to Sirius' record player. Meanwhile, Sirius quickly searched through Peter's clothes and pulled out a pair of black pants and a white shirt.
"Wear this," Sirius said, handing Peter the clothes. "But make sure you don't button the shirt up all of the way. "Leave at least three buttons undone and make sure you wear a necklace with it, too."
Peter just nodded his head and took the clothes into the bathroom to change.
"Damn it, James, just hold still!" Lily said in frustration as she tried for the seventh time to put mascara on him. "Stop blinking!"
"Sorry," James mumbled.
"There," Lily said in relief. "Your make-up is done. The eyeliner especially looks sexy. Sirius will be very happy, I can promise you that."
James looked at his reflection and smiled. "What's next?"
"Well, you're wearing your contacts and make-up, so I guess it's on to your hair," Lily said dramatically. "Merlin help me."
"It isn't that bad!" James exclaimed.
"Really, James. Be honest with yourself. Anyway, doesn't Sirius love your hair?"
"I suppose so."
"What do you mean you suppose so? I've heard him say it, James. Anyway, we have a bottle of muggle hair gel, so let's get to work."
As Lily attempted to style James' hair, all he could think was that this would be incredibly sexy if only Sirius was the one with his hands in James' hair.
"Hey, Remus!" Sirius exclaimed as he entered the Great Hall. "You look fantastic!"
"Thanks," Remus replied, smiling. He was wearing a pair of tight brown pants with a navy blue shirt. His hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail.
"Snape," Sirius mumbled as he passed his friends' boyfriend.
"Black," Severus grunted.
Both silently thought that the other looked halfway decent, but neither would ever say anything polite to the other, so they glared at each other and then looked in the other direction.
Remus shook his head and then he started to say hello to Peter, but stopped when he saw his friend's outfit, which was now complimented by black boots and make-up.
"Gods, Peter, you look different!" Remus said loudly.
Peter glanced at his friends worriedly. "In a good way or-"
"Yes, in a good way," Remus said immediately. "You look wonderful."
Peter smiled genuinely and thanked Remus quietly. "Sirius helped me a lot," Peter admitted.
"Aww, so, the damn mutt is good for something. Now, the short one looks halfway presentable," rus rus said sarcastically.
"He looks much better then you could ever hope to look on your best day," Sirius commented.
"Would you two give it a rest?" Remus asked.
Sirius scowled and walked away with Peter next to him. Remus turned to look at rus rus who quickly kissed the werewolf.
"I wish you two could get along," Remus said after the kiss had ended.
Severus ran his finger along Remus' face. "You're so beautiful, love."
"Thank you," Remus replied, leaning into Severus' embrace. "Did you hear what I just said?"
"Unfortunately," Severus remarked. "Remus, you have to understand that Black and I truly hate each other. We're never going to get along."
"Will you please at least try to be nice to my friends?"
Severus scowled.
"Merlin, Sev, I know you'll hate this, but you and Sirius have a lot in common. Your scowls and glares could scare the hell out of almost anyone, you know?"
"Please don't compare me to him, all right?" Severus said as he kissed Remus again.
The werewolf sighed and returned the kiss with equal passion. He had the rest of his life to work on Severus and Sirius.
"He's over there," Peter said nervously. "I wish I weighed less."
"You look fine," Sirius mumbled, looking around the ro&nbs "Where is James?"
Peter shook his head. "That's a good question."
"Black, Pettigrew," Lucius said as he walked past them.
"Hold up, Malfoy," Sirius said, surprising Peter.
Lucius raised an eyebrow curiously and looked at Sirius.
"Did you defy your entire family?" Sirius asked.
Petervoervously watched his friend and Lucius, but said nothing.
Lucius started to reply with a scathing remark, but he paused and then shocked both himself and Sirius. "Yes. Unfortunately, I didn't do it sooner."
Sirius looked surprised, but recovered quickly. "Are you staying here?"
"Now I am," Lucius replied as he fingered his glass of punch. "I'll be teaching defense next year. For now, Dumbledore wants me to sit in on the classes. Honestly, I think he just wants to keep me safe."
"I agree with you," Sirius said.
"I wish I had been more like you," Lucius commented quietly.
Sirius' eyebrows shot up, and he just stared at the Slytherin.
Lucius chuckled. "Scary, isn't it?"
"What?" Sirius asked. "The two of us talking civilly?"
"Exactly," Lucius agreed. "What I mean is you hated your family from the beginning. You didn't fall into their trap. You stood up for yourself much sooner than I did. I admire you for that. I always did, but I was supposed to hate you, so "
Sirius' gaze lowered, and he studied the floor for a moment before replying. "It wasn't easy," he said softly. "My parents and brother certainly put me through hell when I was at home."
"I know," Lucius admitted quietly. "Your brother doesn't hate you, though, Sirius."
"My brother is dead."
Lucius slowly shook his head. "He's here right now."
"What?" Sirius asked in anger. "That fucking-"
"He's here? But how?" Peter finally spoke, curiosity getting the better of him.
Lucius stared at Peter for several moments and then spoke. "He never died, Sirius. He never wanted to be a deatheater, either."
"Id thd that very hard to believe," Sirius replied through clenched teeth.
"It's true, but I can't blame you for not believing me. Look, I'm sorry I told you now. I shouldn't have."
"Lucius? Why are you talking to the bloody Gryffindors?" Severus asked as he embraced his old friend.
"They're not that bad," Lucius remarked, smirking.
Severus looked appalled while Remus snickered. Peter grinned, but Sirius looked thoughtful.
"Where's James?" Remus asked as Lucius and Severus started talking.
Sirius shook his head.
"Sirius? What's wrong? Did Malfoy say something?"
Sirius nodded.
Remus looked at Peter. "I hate it when he won't talk."
"Me, too," Peter replied, stealing a glance at Lucius. "Sirius, should I tell Remus?"
"I will," Sirius finally spoke. "Lucius says that-"
"You're calling him Lucius?" Remus asked, surprised.
"Turns out he isn't that bad," Sirius said. "Besides, I can identify with people who have escaped the clutches of their fucked up family."
Remus just looked at Sirius sympathetically.
"He says that Regulus is here," Sirius finally explained quietly.
"What? But he's dead!"
"Who's dead?" Severus asked.
Sirius just looked at Lucius.
Lucius nodded his head.
"Regulus," Sirius replied.
"No, he's not," Severus said and then clamped his hand over his mouth.
"It's okay," Lucius said. "He already knows."
"Oh," Severus said. He looked at Sirius with something close to worry in his eyes, but then the usual sneer returned.
Sirius noticed the look, but chose not to comment. "Are you going to explain?"
"Later," Lucius replied. "Or maybe you should let him explain."
"Do you really think that's a good idea?" Severus asked.
"If Potter is there with them, it might be okay," Lucius replied.
"Speaking of the great bastard, where is he?" Severus muttered.
"Look in a mirror," James replied as he joined the group. "This is an unusual gathering. What in the hell are you guys doing?"
Everyone turned to look at James. Sirius' jaw dropped, and his glass of punch fell to the floor.
A/N: This was supposed to be a short, one-shot, fluffy story. Oops! I got carried away and new ideas kept coming to me as I was typing, so now we have a rather long, involved story forming. I'm really not sure how many chapters it will end up having. Like I said, the ideas just keep popping up in my head, so we'll just have to wait and see what I come up with next!
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