Harry and Dora: Beginnings | By : oldwolf Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 38832 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Disclaimer: J. K. Rowlings owns everything. I own a computer.
is walking down the hall on the second floor of 12 Grimmauld Place when she
hears a muffled sound coming from one of the bedrooms. Her wand is instantly in her hand and she
edges closer to the door. The door
hadn’t latched when closed, so Tonks gently presses her hand against the door
and eases it open.
she finds the only other occupant of this dreary house, Harry James
Potter. She hears the sound again and
can identify it, a sob. As she looks
closer she can see Harry’s thin frame shaking with barely suppressed tears.
sheathes her wand and quietly enters the room, taking great care not to make
any noise. Her entrance into the room
appears to have gone unnoticed as Tonks comes within a few feet of the young
that she’s closer, she can see he’s holding something in his hand and
whispering something between sobs.
Straining her ears, Tonks can just make out what Harry’s saying,
“Sirius, Sirius. I know you’re not dead,
please Sirius.”
careful motions, Tonks shifts her position to see what Harry’s holding, it
appears to be a small mirror.
crap! Sirius’s mirror. He’s got to accept that the man he loved like
his own father is gone. What can I do?
would seem fate was just waiting for the question to be asked, because as soon
as she says that, Tonks catches a glimpse of a photograph on Harry’s
nightstand. She quickly recognizes the
occupants of the picture and makes a decision.
God, Merlin, Morgana, please let
this be the right thing to do. With that Tonks closes her eyes, and changes
her features. Her normally pink hair
darkens to a vibrant red and falls down around her shoulders, her tanned skin
lightens considerably, and when she opens her eye, they’re a startling
green. Tonks grabs her wand and silently
transfigures her clothes into something much more conservative.
an internal sigh, Tonks puts her wand away and walks up to Harry. She sets down on the bed next to him and
places a gentle hand on his shoulder.
dazed is the young man, that he barely takes in the woman before him, before he
latches onto her with a startles “Mum.”
wraps her arms around Harry and whispers in his ear, “It’s all right Harry,
it’s alright. Let it out.”
places his head against her shoulder and starts to cry and cry. Twenty minutes later, Harry seems to have run
out of tears before he ran out of sorrow.
Harry lifts his head and Tonks get a look at his tear stained face and
bloodshot eyes and her heart melt. Harry
gives her a little smile, “Thanks Tonks.”
Harry then yawns, “Sorry bout that, I haven’t been getting much sleep.”
screws up her face and her features return to normal, “You’re welcome Harry and
don’t worry about it, it’s almost midnight as is. Why don’t you get some sleep?”
lets go of Harry and stands up before she hears him say in a very small and
quite voice,
you mind staying Tonks? I feel safe when
I’m with you.”
Love and hatred
war in the Auror’s heart as she says, “Of course Harry.” She lies down on the bed next to Harry and fe hears him say in a very small and quite
voice, "ve.r shoulders, her tanned skin els him gently wrap his
arms around her waist.
those Dursleys to Hell. Alright Tonks,
right now Harry needs you to be serene, so calm down, but Albus is going to get
an earful about those Muggles! I’ll just
stay here until Harry falls asleep then I can move to my own room.’
closes her eyes for a second and that’s all it takes for sleep to overcome her.
wakes up feeling something hard pressing against her inner thigh and someone’s
hand has a very tight grip on her arse.
She opens her eyes and sees an unruly mop of black hair.
into trousers.
Knickers? On and very damp.
I’m still fully clothed, so we can’t have done that much.
she gets out of bed, Harry opens his eyes.
For a second they’re darkened by sleep, and, could she be mistaken,
feels something soft and squishy pressing against his chest as he swims towards
consciousness. He’d been having a
wonderful dream where Tonks had let him cry on her shoulder and then stayed
with him to help him sleep.
he opens his eyes, he sees Tonks lying next to him and wonders for a second
what it’d be like to press his lips to hers.
However, in that second, Harry comes to full consciousness and discovers
where his hands had strayed to in his sleep.
is off the bed in less then a heartbeat.
so sorry Tonks, I’m so sorry Tonks,” Harry keeps repeating himself as he rushes
out the door.
work moron. Now he feels worse then
climbs out of bed as she hears a door slam shut. Tonks exits the bedroom in search of her
charge. She heads towards the bathroom
as she hears sounds coming from that direction.
knocks on the door and says, “Harry, I need to talk to you can I come in?”
waits for a minute before she repeats herself.
Half a minute later, she tries opening the door to find it locked.
concerned, Tonks takes out her wand and casts, “Alohomora.” To her dismay and growing concern, the lock
stubbornly stays closed. Panicking now,
she points her wand at the door and says, “Evanesco.”
door vanishes to reveal a naked Harry Potter sitting in the bathtub with a
naked razorblade in his hand.
roars, “Accio razorblade.”
carefully catches the blade and turns her attention to Harry.
has a puzzled look on his face as he looks at Tonks, “Can I help you?”
shouts, “What the hell do you think you were doing?”
arches an eyebrow, “Taking a bath. Is
there a problem with that?”
storms over to him, making sure to keep her eyes on his face and hold the blade
like a wand in her other hand, “And what were you planning on doing with this?”
exasperated, Harry says, “I was just checking the edge to make sure it’s sharp
enough. I do need to shave sometimes.”
takes a close look at Harry’s face and can faintly see stubble on his face.
Tonks looks down, “Sorry Harry, but the way you rushed out of the room this
morning had me scared. Plus there’s that
Locking charm you put on the door. I
couldn’t break it.”
in the first place, if I did a Locking Charm, it was accidental, in the second
place, would you mind if we continued this discussion later?” Harry says the last part with a small blush.
eyes trail down to Harry’s chest of their own accord. Tonks then turns around quickly, “Ok Harry,
I’ll be down in the kitchen when you’re done with your bath. By the way, where does this go?”
in on the sink please.”
places the piece of steel on the sink before she quickly leaves the room.
in the kitchen Tonks pours herself a cup of coffee, then she looks around like
she’s afraid someone will see her. She
goes over to one of the cupboards and pulls out a bottle with an amber liquid
in it.
pours a generous dollop into her coffee cup before she returns the bottle and
sits down at the table to think.
did he get all those muscles? I mean, I
know he plays Quidditch but, damn that boy is build! This is going to be a very hard month. Hermione’s with her parents on vacation in
some exotic locale, Ron’s with that Lovegood girl is Switzerland looking for
some strange thing, Ginny and the Longbottom boy are helping the twins in their
shop, and the rest of the Order is to busy running around trying to make sure
You-know-who can’t cause too much trouble.
I thought it would be a good thing to take those two months off to
recover from the battle at the Ministry when they offered it, now I’m not
sure. How’ll I be able to look at Harry
without wanting to shag him senseless?
then, the object of her thoughts enters the kitchen wearing trousers, an overly
large t-shirt, and a surprisingly small number of pieces of toilet paper on his
Tonks. You want to go take a bath while
I make breakfast?”
like a good idea Harry.” Tonks grins
devilishly, “Gonna try and sneak up for a quick peep show?”
blushes, but being the competitor he is says, “It’d certainly even the score
for the look you got earlier.
squeals and turns to face him. Seeing
the sheepish look on Harry’s face Tonks bursts out laughing and Harry joins her
a second later.
goes to take her shower while Harry starts breakfast, scrambled eggs, bacon,
and bangers.
keeps an eye on the door for a certain black haired boy as she takes her
shower. She’s not sure weather she’s
relieved or disappointed when she finishes her shower and he’s no were to be
returns to the kitchen and their meal passes in a slightly strained
silence. Finally Tonks says, “Harry I
want to apologize for jumping to conclusions this morning.”
looks at Harry and says, “It’s just that I found out last night, and confirmed
this morning… Harry… I…
Harry… I… Oh damn it all. Harry, I like you.”
looks down at the table and waits for Harry to shout at her.
voice is just above a whisper as he says, “I like you to Tonks. I care about you.”
looks up and meets Harry’s eyes, “Harry, I care about you to. I don’t know if what I’m feeling is love,
lust, or a simple infatuation, but I’m willing to try and find out if you are.”
eyes are full of desperation as he says, “I agree, this might not be love,
Hell, I don’t have anything to compare it to, but, yeah, I’m willing to find
out with you.”
catches something out of the corner of his eye as he looks to the side, he’d
almost swear that Sirius’ shadow was sitting at the table next to him. In the time it takes Harry to blink it’s
once more threaten Harry’s eyes. Tonks
is by Harry’s side is a second, “What’s wrong Harry?”
Sirius. I… I killed him.
If only I’d…” that’s as far he gets before Tonks shuts him up in the
most effective manner she can think of.
self-loathing turns to shock as Tonks grabs him by the head and plants her lips
over his. He feels Tonks run her tongue
over his lips. He hesitantly opens his
lips and lets his tongue run along the top of her mouth.
their tongues duel, seemingly of their own accord Harry hands find their way to
Tonks’ bum. Tonks moans into Harry’s
mouth as she feels him give her arse a good squeeze.
ends the kiss quickly and tries to separate himself from Tonks, “I am so
sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
gently presses one finger against Harry’s lips to quiet him.
did I shove you away or remove you hands from me?” When he shakes his head no, Tonks
continues. “Harry, if you do something
I’m not comfortable with I swear I’ll tell you.
Until then, enjoy.”
still looks very sheepish as he says, “You really don’t mind?”
it’s quite a compliment that you’re being so forward.”
ok, Tonks do you want to take care of the dishes so I can get to work on my
homework Harry? Until you get your
O.W.L. results you’re free of school.”
yeah, I’d forgotten. So, what shall we
do today?”
I need to talk to Dumbledore today, but other then that my only job is to keep
an eye on you. How’s this sound, you do
the dishes while I go talk with Albus, then when I get back, I can help you
with Potions. That’ll get Snivelus in a
right fit.”
think I like the sounds of that. How
long do you think you’ll be gone?”
should only take about an hour or so.”
I’ll see you then Tonks,” Harry says, before he plants a very chaste kiss on
Tonks cheek.
rubs the spot Harry just kissed for a second before she disappears with a soft
shrugs his shoulders and sets about cleaning the breakfast dishes the muggle
an hour later, Harry hears a *pop* behind him, he whirls around his wand
already in hand. He finds Tonks with a
huge grin on her face.
reflexes Harry, Moody would be proud,” Tonks voice is a little hoarse.
blushes and puts his wand away. “Well,
after last year, I think I’m within my rights to be a little paranoid. At least I didn’t hex you before I checked
who you were.”
point. Alright, shall we get to work?”
but I have a question Tonks and you’re free to hit me afterwards, but I need to
ask it. You seem to have lost you
infamous lack of coordination, why is that?”
grins shyly at him, “First, Harry, relax, I’m not going to hit you, in fact I’m
proud of you for asking that question.
Secondly, about half of my clumsiness is what’s called ‘protective
coloration.’ Basically it means that
with my reputation for tripping over my own feet, most people don’t really
consider me a threat and thus they aren’t at their best when they fight
me. The other half is actually part of
being a morpher. My instincts are never
sure of where my extremities are in relation to the rest of me unless I focus
on it and when I focus on it, and then I can’t watch where I’m going and trip
over things regardless.”
concentrates for a second before saying, “Interesting problem. Is this the case everywhere?”
blushes as she says, “Not quite. Most of
the guys I’ve dated have only really seen me for my morphing ability and have
asked me to change certain aspects of my body.
A huge set of knockers and a small, pert arse are the most common
requests, so I know those areas pretty well.”
smiles, “Then it should just be a matter of expanding your awareness out from
those areas.”
hopeful expression almost makes Harry cry, she looks like he’d just offered her
the world on a silver platter. “You mean
it Harry? You mean I might be able to
walk through a room of fragile stuff and not need to do a repair spell every
few steps?”
I said *should* for a reason Tonks. This
could be very easy or it might never work, but all you can do is try.”
suddenly finds himself tackled to the ground and a pair of lips sealed against
his as Tonks kisses him.
she releases his mouth, Tonks says, “Harry, even the possibility is more then
I’ve ever hoped for.”
think it’d be a good idea to forestall the Potions lesson in favor of Tonks
thank you,” she says as she stands up and then helps Harry up.
blushes before saying, “Tonks this is another point that’s going to get me
injured, but for this training, robes would be a bad thing.”
I’m only going to say this once, so pay attention, I will *not* slap, punch,
hex, injure or attack you for any legitimate question or comment you have. If you ask something that’s too personal,
I’ll refuse to answer, but that’ll be the end of it, am I clear?”
looks at his feet sheepishly before he say, “Yes ma’am.”
now what would you recommend for this training oh master?”
I am a sixteen year old straight male, but that has nothing to do with this
suggestion. I’d recommend just your bra
and knickers.”
arches an eyebrow. “Why would you
suggest that Harry?”
it’s the closest to being naked as you can get and I doubt I’d be able to think
if you were naked. For purposes of
training though, you need to have as much skin sensitivity as possible.”
but I don’t think it’d be a good idea for me to be almost starkers in the
kitchen with you groping me if someone decided to pop in.”
face is almost scarlet as he follows Tonks upstairs to her bedroom. He almost passes out as Tonks starts to
clinically strip down to just what he recommended: she’s wearing a baby blue
bra and a pair of red lacy thong knickers.
gulps nervously as he approaches Tonks.
He says, “I want you to close your eyes and try to *sense* where my
hands are before they touch you, alright?”
Harry,” with that Tonks closes her eyes and waits for Harry to start.
tries to keep his hands as far as possible from Tonks’ chest and arse, so the
training has little effect, until Tonks says, “Harry, I am your girlfriend and
you are me boyfriend, correct?”
mumbles an affirmative.
Harry, you have my explicit permission to touch my teats and bum for purposes
of training, as well as pleasure.”
declaration seems to get rid of most of Harry’s nervousness, which allows the
training to go on, and Harry never deliberately cops a feel.
hour later, Harry’s arms are exhausted and Tonks is almost passed out from so
much time with her eyes closed.
I think that’ll do it Tonks, I feel like my arms are about to fall off.”
turns towards Harry with a mischievous twinkle in her now open eyes, “I agree
Harry. Why don’t you go sit down on the
hesitantly complies, as he turned though, Tonks got a quick look at the bulge
in Harry’s trousers and licks her lips.
Harry is seated on the bed, Tonks walks over and kneels in front of him,
“Harry, I hope you’ll forgive me for being forward, but I really want to do
this. I’ll stop if you tell me to, but I
hope you won’t.”
that, Tonks reaches up and makes short work of Harry’s trousers and pants. In moments, Harry feels cool air against his
pardon an obtuse question, but what are you doing?”
pink haired Auror bites off a sharp retort as she looks at Harry’s face, “You
really *haven’t* done this before have you?”
sheepishly studies the floor as he shakes his head.
grins, “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.
I’d imagine that you just haven’t had the opportunity come up, so to
speak. In that case, just relax and
enjoy yourself.”
then gently kisses the tip of Harry’s cock.
A muffled moan rewards Tonks before she opens her mouth and starts to
slowly take him in her mouth.
surprised gasp escapes Harry’s lips as he feels Tonks run her tongue along the
underside of his shaft. When she
suddenly takes a deep breath, Harry loses all vestiges of control and deposits
a large load in Tonks waiting mouth.
Harry finishes, Tonks slips Harry’s dick out of her mouth, and to his immense
surprise, swirls his seed around in her mouth for a moment before swallowing.
thank you.”
stands up and says, “Believe me Harry, it was my pleasure. Now why don’t you see about getting something
to eat, I’ve just had a rather delicious meal.”
To accentuate her point, Tonks runs a finger along the edge of her mouth
and then licks it clean.
shakes his head violently, “Tonks, you do know I’m not going to be able to look
at food the same why for a while don’t you?”
smiles, “I know, but save that thought for later, for now, I’d imagine you’re
hungry. Now despite the meal I just had
being very pleasing on the palate, it’s not very filling. You’re birthday’s tomorrow isn’t it? Well then why don’t we go out to eat? Albus won’t be real happy, but I won’t tell
if you won’t.”
Dora, I’d like that, besides, if we stay in the Muggle world, we should be
has another glint in her eye as she says, “Harry, why’d you call me ‘Dora’?”
Tonks is kinda hard to say and I just can’t bring myself to call you ‘Nymph’ so
I guess I split the difference.”
envelopes Harry in a hug as he stands up, “Harry, I’ve never let anyone call me
by anything other than my surname. From
you though, it makes me almost giddy.”
stiffens as Tonks squeezes him.
feels something poke her in the stomach as Harry’s back goes stiff as a
board. “What’s wrong Harry?”
forcing himself to relax, Harry says, “Nothing Tonks, I’m just not used to
displays of affection.”
to shelve this particular topic for the moment, Tonks says, “Why don’t you get
dressed, one of your school uniforms minus the robes should work.”
meet down in the entrance hall in an hour?”
make it three, that way I’ve got enough time to get ready properly.”
gives Tonks a strange look, “Alright.”
under three hours later, Harry’s waiting for Tonks wearing a black dress shirt
and a pair of black khakis. When he sees
his date however, his jaw literally drops.
has her hair shoulder length in a light brown color and she’s wearing a red
strapless dress that hugs all the right curves.
Tonks comes to the bottom of the staircase she does a pirouette, “Do you like
it Harry?”
grins and says, “Dora, before we go, I need to go get my wand holster.”
frowns, “Are you expecting the Death Eaters?”
I just want my wand as close to hand as possible.”
my dear lady, wherever we go tonight, if you wear that dress in, we’ll have to
fight our way out.”
blushes and says, “Thank you Harry. Now,
I hope you don’t mind walking.”
mind walking with a gorgeous lady on my arm?
even deeper, Tonks says, “Come on Romeo.”
before Tonks opens the door to the outside, Harry says, “By the, call me Alan
security, everyone who knows you and knows about you knows that you go by your
surname only. So they won’t even notice
unless I call you Tonks instead of Dora.”
looks at Harry a second before she slaps herself in the forehead and says,
“Thanks Harry, em Alan. I’d totally
forgotten about anything like that.”
that, the two take to the London streets.
They walk for two blocks before hailing a taxi.
gives the cabbie the directions and they arrive a half an hour later. They arrive at the address and to Harry’s
surprise it’s a rather upscale place.
has a few quite words with the matrè de and they’re seated without incident.
waiter comes and takes their drink order before leaving the two alone to
contemplate the menu.
what’d you like to eat Harry?”
not really sure; this is the first time I’ve ever eaten out.”
blushes a bit and says, “Well, I’ve eaten here before, I can make a couple of
suggestions if you like.”
appreciate it Ton… Dora.”
scowls for a moment at her slip up.
waiter arrives to take their orders and the rest of the meal passes without
they’re considering dessert though, Tonks sees Harry sit up much straighter and
his face loses all animation. She
follows his eyes to an elderly gentleman who’d just entered the restaurant.
gentleman has a white cane in one hand and a leash in the other at the end of
the leash is a… Oh bloody Hell. The man has a dog on the leash, a large,
black dog.
throws a few muggle bills on the table and says, “Come on Alan let’s
follows her unresistingly out of the restaurant and they take another cab back
to number 12.
manages to get Harry into the kitchen and seated before he falls apart, once
more weeping into her shoulder uncontrollably as she takes a seat on his
lap. Fortunately or otherwise, Harry’s
hands come to rest on her rump as he holds onto her.
minutes later, Harry looks up at Tonks and says, “I thought I was over this.”
Harry. The pain of losing a parent plus
all those years of abuse doesn’t just vanish overnight.”
face suddenly reddens as he realizes just where his hands are resting and what
he’s holding onto.
he opens his mouth, Tonks says, “Harry, don’t you dare apologize. Remember our conversation earlier where I,
told you that if you did anything that made me uncomfortable, I’d let you
know?” When he nods, she continues,
“Good, then you’ll kindly note I haven’t moved your hand or asked that you move
them have I?” He shakes his head, “Then
you have nothing to apologize for.” With
that, Tonks kisses him squarely on the mouth, and once more their tongues duel
and Harry unconsciously tightens his grip on Tonks luscious bum.
doesn’t break the kiss until her lungs are actively demanding oxygen.
an impish grin, Tonks says, “Harry, mind if I have a little snack?”
at all, want me to help?”
course,” she says as she stands up.
asks, “What do you want me to do,” as he starts to follow suite.
lays a hand on his chest and gently pushes him back into the chair, “Stay right
where you’re at.”
drops to her knees and quickly has Harry’s trousers undone as he asks, “What
snack are you talking about?”
as you might have noticed I’m more a seafood person, right?”
but what’s that got to do with it?”
another grin, Tonks says, “My favorite dish, is Herring.” With that, Tonks drops her head to Harry’s
crotch and takes most of his erection into her mouth.
moans as Tonks quickly takes him in her mouth and then slowly pulls her head
back. The saliva makes the suddenly cool
air even colder for a truly unique sensation.
slides her head back until just the head of Harry’s cock is still in her
mouth. She closes her eyes for a moment
to get ready before she starts the journey back to Harry’s crotch.
gasps as he feels his penis hit that back of Tonks throat.
slides back a little bit, then consciously suppressing her gag reflex, deep
throats Harry.
can only moan as Tonks takes him into her throat then she does something that
almost sends him over the edge.
what she’s heard, Tonks swallows several times and is rewarded by another sweet
moan from Harry. Deciding to try another
trick she’s heard glorious praise of, Tonks starts to hum deep in her throat.
vibrations in Tonks throat from her humming is too much for Harry, he grabs two
fistful of hair and holds Tonks head against his crotch as he fires off his
knickers grow even damper as she feels Harry gently pull on her hair and she
opens her throat as much as she can she feels Harry drop another sweet load
down her throat. I just wish I could
get a taste of it, oh well.
release Tonks as he comes down from his euphoria. Harry looks sheepish as Tonks takes her mouth
away from his cock.
he opens his mouth to speak, Tonks gently lays a finger against his lips,
“Again Harry, no apology needed. I knew
what I was doing as well as how you were likely to react, so I take full
responsibility for what happened, including the pulled hair and what you
probably think of as choking me, understood?”
meekly nods his head.
now, why don’t we get changed into something more comfortable and relax.”
Tonks goes back to her room, she’s silently cursing the Dursleys.
don’t give a flying fuck what kind of protections Privet drive offers Harry,
those bastards have conditioned him to be at fault for everything, especially
when ever he enjoys himself. If he goes
back there ever again, he’s going with an escort and Albus be damned!
removes the dress and giggles as she imagines Harry’s reaction if he knew she
hadn’t worn a bra to dinner. Becoming
serious, Tonks considers her wardrobe and her plans for this evening,
specifically, the ones for after 12:30 a.m. Deciding on a pair of Daisy Duke
shorts, a pink tank top and a red lacy bra to compliment her knickers of the
same color, Tonks grabs her wand and slips it into a forearm holster after
quietly casting a spell on herself.
in the kitchen wearing jeans and an oversized t-shirt waiting for Tonks.
Dora, what do you want to do?”
grin Tonks gives Harry makes him think for a moment that ‘Nymph’ would be a
better name, “Well Harry, I’ve heard from some reliable sources that the sofa
in the library is very good for snogging purposes, wanna try it out?”
just gapes at Tonks for a moment before saying, “Why not?”
they head to the library, Tonks looks at the kitchen clock, 11:28 p.m. Only an hour to kill looks like I’ll have to
soon as they reach the library, Tonks casts a silencing charm over the door,
sits on Harry’s lap and then proceeds to drive all cognizant thought from the
young man’s mind.
the clock chimes half after midnight, Tonks breaks off her kiss with Harry and
pulls down her shirt, which was up over her chest.
most guys don’t feel that they’re a man until they’ve made love to a woman,
would you let me make you a man?”
looks at Tonks for a second before asking, “Why?”
a shy smile, Tonks says, “Because you have shown more balls then most men will
ever have by asking that question. But
also, you’ve seen way to much Harry, more then almost anyone in the Order
except Snape and Dumbledore, yet you’ve retained your innocence when neither of
them has. I want to Harry, that’s what
this all comes down to. Everything else
is just justification,” Tonks says with tears in her eyes, “but what it all boils
down to is that I want to make love to you!”
Tonks then crumbles at Harry’s feet; she puts her head in Harry’s lap
and weeps openly.
runs his hand through Tonks hair and waits for her to recover.
few minutes later Tonks looks up at Harry, her eyes slightly bloodshot. “I’m sorry Harry; I didn’t want to pressure
you into this. I…”
hush. I’d be glad to make love with
evident in her face, Tonks says, “Really?”
my dear Dora.”
suddenly kisses Harry hard. Harry gently
grips her shoulders, and breaks the kiss, “I think we should move this too my
bedroom, don’t you?”
they change locations. As soon as the
door is closed, Tonks says, “Now Harry, normally at this point there’s a lot of
petting but considering that this is your first time, I think it’d be easier on
both of our nerves if we dispensed with that, but if you like, petting is also
I have literally no clue as to what’s supposed to happen now.”
looks at him in disbelief, “You mean nothing?
Not even locker room chatter?”
blushes, “In the locker room, they’d talk about the ‘birds they’d bagged’, but
never went into specifics about the mechanics.”
Oh brother, note to self, bitch
to Albus about the lack of a sex ed program at Hogwarts.
right Harry if you want, I’ll take charge of this circus, all you have to do is
what I tell you and enjoy yourself.”
a shy smile, Harry says, “I’d appreciate it Dora.”
Harry, just relax then,” Tonks says in a soothing voice.
quickly crosses to Harry and then gently takes off Harry’s glasses and places
them on the nightstand.
swift and sure moves, Tonks disrobes Harry until he’s wearing only his boxers.
pulls her shirt over her head to reveal her naked chest to the blind
Harry. She reaches down and takes
Harry’s right hand and guides it to her breast.
Harry unconsciously starts to massage the mound of flesh in his hand,
eliciting a moan from Tonks.
feel the hard spots?”
comes the tentative response.
want you to pinch them.”
slowly adjusts his hand and takes Tonks nipple between his thumb and forefinger
and gives it a gentle squeeze.
has very strong hands from being a seeker, and thus uses more power then he
intended, earning a deep moan from Tonks as the line between pain and pleasure
goes fuzzy.
it Harry.”
pinches Tonks nipple again before she reaches up and takes his hand in hers
before leading him to the bed. Tonks
slips Harry’s boxers off before she has him lay down on the bed.
strips out of her knickers and says, “Harry, I want you to relax ok? If you’re tense to begin with, this’ll be
over to quickly.”
doesn’t tense as Tonks climbs onto the bed and straddles his hips. Raising her self up, Tonks reaches down and
grabs Harry’s erection, poising it at her damp entrance, “Any last words
can only mumble incoherently, so, taking a deep breath, Tonks drops down,
taking Harry’s entire length into her.
gasps at the warmth surrounding him and Tonks moans as she feels herself being
slowly raises her hips until just the head of Harry’s cock is in her before she
lowers them again, at an agonizingly slow pace, with both of them moaning and
gasping the entire time. The next time
Harry’s hips meet Tonks on the way down.
Their breathing deepens as the speed of their thrusts increases.
leans down and captures Harry’s lips with her own and Harry wraps his arms
around the beautiful Auror atop him.
he feels pressure build up in his cock, Harry accidentally rolls his fingers up
and drags his nails across Tonks back.
sudden pain in Tonks back sends her over the edge and she screams out her
release as the thin line between pain and pleasure vanishes completely.
sudden screams and her convulsions cause Harry to lose control and he shoots
his seed into Tonks.
almost twenty seconds of screaming, Tonks collapses next to Harry.
looks at Tonks, evidently barely keeping his eyes open, “Thank you Dora.” Then the young man passes out from his
whispers, “Thank you Harry,” before she gently kisses his forehead and joins
him in sleep.
the morning, Tonks wakes up, her back screaming in pain.
happened, Tonks thinks while replaying the events of last night through her
mind. She goes through all the events,
including when she actually make love to Harry, twice before she seizes on it,
When he scratched my back, he must have done something wicked. Hmm, he doesn’t need this mentally; let’s get
him on his way so I can do a couple of quick healing spells.
gently nibbles on Harry’s earlobe and whispers in his ear, “Harry it’s time to
wake up.”
Harry swims towards consciousness, in a thick voice, Harry says, “Yeah Dora?”
Happy birthday again Harry. Second, why
don’t you go start breakfast? I’ll be
down in a few; I have to take care of a couple of things first.”
less then a minute, Harry’s dressed and out the door. As soon as the door’s locked, Tonks almost
runs to the vanity and presents her back to the mirror.
whistles at the ten long welts currently adorning her back. Hmm,
nothing to severe, just slightly painful.
Tonks quickly grabs her wand and goes about repairing the damage
from this morning’s… activity.
quickly dresses in the same clothes from last night and heads down to the
kitchen. She chuckles to herself as she
thinks to herself; I wonder how long it’ll take Harry to think about fertility?
greets her with a quick kiss as she walks into the kitchen to find breakfast
done. “Where’d he learn to cook
that…? Fuck it; I know where he learned
to cook fast.” Tonks rage at the
Dursleys threatens to overwhelm her before she focus’ her thought on how
energetic Harry can be.
much is said over breakfast, Tonks is to deeply in thought and Harry senses her
desire for silence.
Harry starts to clean up the dishes Tonks says another silent prayer that her
plan doesn’t backfire, ‘Cause if it does, I’m in a world of hurt.’ That thought sends a chill down Tonks
spine. When Harry’s done, Tonks says,
“Harry, please sit down, we need to talk.”
is prevalent on Harry’s face as he takes a seat across from Tonks; his voice is
quivering as he says, “Yes Tonks?”
reaches across the table and takes Harry’s hand in hers, “Don’t worry Harry,
nothing’s wrong.”
dawns on Harry’s face, “Tonks, how fertile are you?”
down a derisive laugh, “Like I said Harry, don’t worry. Unlike you, I can do magic during the summer,
I cast a contraceptive spell on myself last night between dinner and snogging.”
evident relief, “Then what’s up Dora?”
a deep sigh, Tonks says, “I’ll be honest with you Harry, your reaction to that
dog last night worries me. Now, there’s
a type of therapy I’d like you to try, but it requires that you trust me one
hundred percent.”
eyes meet violet and Harry says, “Tonks, I trust you as much as I trust
Hermione, which is to say, I trust you not to do anything harmful to me, as
much as I trust anyone.”
takes a deep breath, “Harry, I need you to hold off on responding until I’ve
said my piece because I’m going to ramble a bit, ok?” Harry nods and she continues, “Harry, I know
you want to be an Auror, but you should know something about the corps, almost
every Auror in existence is prone to some type of sexual deviation. Kingsly likes his women in a Full Body Bind,
Mad-eye won’t sleep with a female unless he’s put her through the mill to make
sure she isn’t an assassin.
you know how my face screws up whenever I change. I know most people just put it down to
concentration, but in addition, it also hurts like all Hell. I have to literally stretch my bones, pull my
muscles, extend or shorten my tendons, change the muscles in my body and either
pale or burn my skin for the desired results.”
a look of compassion, Harry says, “I didn’t know it was done like that Dora.”
has a gentle smile as she says, “Not many people do Harry, but that’s my
bend.” Tonks starts studying the
tabletop really hard, “I enjoy the pain Harry.
When I was a teen, when I’d toss off, I’d morph just for the pain. I’m not sure which came first, Harry, the
pleasure from the pain or the pain meaning pleasure.” Tonks clears her throat, “Anyways, Harry, you
need to let the pain inside of you go, release it in a more productive manner
than you did last year.”
do you mean Dora?”
herself for the worse, Tonks says, “Harry you need a physical outlet for you
aggression. I also happen to think that
you need to be able to do something that you’ve never been allowed to do or
allowed yourself to do, inflict pain on another person.”
please hear me out,” Tonks voice is actively pleading.
visibly forces himself to calm down and Tonks continues, “Now I might be way
off base here, but you have a lot of rage still inside you, if you’re ever to
face YKW you’re going to need to be rid of it.
Now, I have selfish reasons for this idea as well, most of the men who’d
enjoy helping me out with the pain thing are men whom I either work for, and
thus would be a problem on too many levels, or men I’m trying to take down,
which would be outright dangerous, which leaves me looking for relief. Also, before you go thinking that this entire
thing is something to get you to help me out, a lot of men who’ve lost their
parents at an older age will swear that venting on something, like a muggle
punching bag or a willing lady’s behind, helps.”
looks at Tonks for a second before he makes his decision, “I’ll make no
promises, but I’m willing to at least try this for you, now what do you want me
to do?”
me,” Tonks then leads Harry up to her room.
Going over to her desk, Tonks picks up a quill and transfigures it into
what, to Harry, looks like a Ping-Pong paddle, but when she hands it to him, he
notices a couple of differences; this paddle doesn’t have any rubber on it, and
it has several round holes in it.
this for Dora?”
for your therapy. I don’t think there’s
any way to put this gently, so, I’ll be blunt.
That, Harry, is so you can let you your anger on my bum.”
just looks at Tonks for several seconds before Tonks decides to take the
initiative, before either of them loses their nerve. She grabs the waist of her shorts and
knickers and pulls them down, not even bothering to undo the shorts.
what are you doing,” Harry asks as his now bottomless girlfriend bends over the
end of the bed.
Harry, you know what a spanking is don’t you?”
yeah I do.”
boyfriend mine, you are going to give you girlfriend the spanking of her life.”
looks over her shoulder at her boyfriend and almost looses her nerve, “Like I
said down in the kitchen Harry, I think that this’ll help you let go of the
but, but…”
on my butt. If you need to, think of
this as punishment for jumping to conclusions yesterday.”
walks around so he’s next to Tonks, “Ok Dora.”
He raises the arm with the paddle in it and brings it down on Tonks
upturned arse, getting only a quiet *slap* as the wood comes into contact with
love, for this to work you’re going to have to channel all you anger into it.”
swallows nervously as he thinks back to when Beatrix caused Sirius to fall
through the veil. With that thought in
mind, Harry raises his arm and brings the paddle down with as much force as he
can. This time the result is a
resounding *CRACK* and a shriek from Tonks.
you ok Dora?”
fine Harry. Damn, that was a good hit,
now keep that up.”
casts his mind back again, this time to when he was six, with a broken arm,
locked in the cupboard. He raises his
arm again and delivers another blow, resulting in another *CRACK* and a shriek.
continues this process, going through the memories that hurt the most.
so caught up in his own thoughts he doesn’t even notice when the blows cause
Tonks to shudder.
Harry’s arm is worn out and Tonks bum is a very bright shade of red. When Harry realizes why Tonks arse is so red
he stutters, “Tonks, I, I, I’m so sorry.”
stands up as she turns around; she places a finger on his lips. As he quiets down, Tonks says, “Harry, you
have nothing to be sorry for. How
closely were you watching me?”
removes her finger, “Not very. I was stupid.”
hot retort catches Harry off guard, “Harry James Potter, you were not being
stupid, you were doing what I told you to do!
I will *not* hear you refer to yourself as stupid, am I clear?”
y- yes ma’am.”
but I’ll have you know, that if you’d been paying attention, you’d have noticed
I came three times.”
voice becomes much gentler, “Yes I did Harry.”
Her eyes trail down to Harry’s crotch.
“Did you enjoy that Harry?”
*no*, I don’t know. I’m on the road to
becoming Voldemort if I enjoy inflicting pain on other.”
let me tell you with absolute certainty, that you are in no danger of become
YWH. You only did this because I asked
you to. Would you have even thought of
anything like this if I hadn’t suggested it?”
I wouldn’t have. But I enjoyed hurting
you enjoyed it, but the next question is, would you ever do something like this
if I wasn’t willing?”
is my point Harry. You enjoyed it, and
so did I so there’s nothing wrong, because we were both willing. It’s only wrong if either of us didn’t want
this to happen, Ok?”
now let’s see about getting something to eat.”
I heard a new recipe I’d like to try.”
two head down to the kitchen and a good meal.
A/N: Well,
here’s another challenge answer.
Continuation will depend on the reviews received. The challenge conditions are:
Tonks has guard
duty at Grimmauld place for a few days while on holiday from being an Auror,
and everyone else is keeping up appearances in their respective jobs. Harry is having issues over Sirius' death,
and is the only other occupant of HQ - issues can be angsty, anger, drinking,
drugs, horny, mad, whatever - writers purgative. Rating G-NC17, no word limit, must include
the following phrases -
"I didn't know it was done like that,"
"I'm more a seafood person,"
"Where does this go?"
“You really
HAVEN'T done this before, have you?"
Until next
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