Uninvited | By : museofmonotony Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 2830 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter? Yeah, don’t own. All you lovely people
who are reaping the profits of your labor, please continue. I’ll just sit here…
Pairings: Harry/Draco, James/Lily. Any others will be noted in
later chapters.
Summary: Following an escaped Death Eater brings Harry 20
years into the past. As Harry searches for him inside Hogwarts, Harry learns
just how the world he lives in came to be- and what it still has left for him.
Like any uncharted territory
I must seem greatly intriguing
You speak of my love like
You have experienced love like mine before
But this is not allowed
You're uninvited
An unfortunate slight
~Alanis Morissette, Uninvited
“What makes the Dark Arts dangerous?”
There was a consensus of fidgeting, chorused by snickering
in the far right of the dimly lit room. It was the first class of the day,
double Defense Against the Dark Arts with the sixth year Slytherins and Gryffindors. Harry
resisted the itch to make a fuss- he really didn’t like people not paying
attention. But it wouldn’t do to get
upset on the first day, even if the transgressors were Slytherins.
After waiting for a response, and not receiving any, he
continued, “You become dizzy, your breathing becomes shallow and it takes all
the blood in your body to keep your heart moving. You become pale. Hands sweat.
Your body shakes. Your tongue becomes cotton in your mouth as your lips become
dry and cracked. Your voice sticks in your throat. Why?”
He paced the room slowly as he spoke, connecting gazes with
any student who didn't have their head hanging towards the floor. The snickers in
the back became snorts, along with one laugh reminisce of a dog barking. Harry
ignored them with effort.
Timidly, a red haired Gryffindor girl with entrancing, and
familiar, green eyes raised a pale hand. Harry noticed a delicate silver
bracelet on her thin wrist. He tried not to stare too longingly at the petite
girl who had spoken up, internally proud that she was the one to break the
“Hate. The caster must be able to dehumanize the person they
are casting the spell on.” Her voice was clear, with a hint of apprehension.
She fidgeted with the silver bracelet, unsure if the answer was correct but
hoping to please the new professor.
Harry smiled sincerely, something he hadn’t been prone to do
in a while. Something blossomed in his chest at her voice. He hoped his
expression didn’t give him away.
“Very well said, Miss Evans. Five points to Gryffindor.
However, it is not the answer I was looking for. Yes, the caster must use hate
to dehumanize the victim of the spell, but what makes the Dark Arts so
dangerous to the victim?”
Silence. Harry stopped in the middle of the classroom, black
robes settling before his voice rang through the room like cracking ice. His
face became unreadable.
“Fear,” he started, “It burrows deep in your chest, larvae
becoming a sickening twist in your bowels, clenching your throat in your lungs
as it pulls your mind with it. Even the most powerful of wizards are no match
for her once she takes a hold. And that is why the Dark Arts are a force to be
reckoned with. They ally themselves with fear.” Many students couldn’t contain
the slight shiver at the new professors voice- it was cold. It had taken Harry
years to get people to take him seriously. He found the right tone of voice
with the right choice of words always did the trick. The snickering in the back
had stopped. He finally had everyone’s attention. Harry did his best to stop
the smirk threatening to take over- Draco would never let him live it down.
Causing several students to jump, Harry made his way back to
the front of the room, the back of his robes flickering behind him like a
Once in the front of the classroom, he continued with what
Harry hoped would be an enlightening lesson. “On that note, this year you will
learn how to restrain it, use it. Controlling your inner demons is the basis of
Defense Against the Dark Arts. In order to fully utilize any practical spells
we learn in here, you must be able to contain your fear. Anything I teach you
will otherwise be useless.”
Internally, Harry was terrified himself, though he didn’t
care to admit it. Though he was posing as a tall, mouse-haired teacher in his
twenties, thanks to a well-planned glamour charm, he still felt apprehension
about making a fool of himself. Maybe it was that little need to be accepted
that fluttered around his subconscious surfacing. By all means, up to his first
real class he had felt confident in his new disguise, ready to make a name for
himself- one that had no connections to one Harry Potter.
Especially because he wasn’t born yet.
At the thought, Harry glanced to the left side of the room,
where four familiar young men were huddled over a small piece of parchment. He
suppressed a chocked swallow as he stared at the almost exact replica of the
face he found in the mirror every morning. He’d been trying not to relish the
chance of seeing the Marauders live and well for the first time in years (and
in some cases, ever) but the emotion seemed to have burrowed itself in his
Breaking from his reverie- quite literally as he shook his
head, earning him questioning looks from the students- Harry returned his mind
to the lesson at hand.
With a severe wave of his wand, the room went dark. Students
yelped in surprise, shivering as the room suddenly dropped several degrees
until they could feel their breath smoking in the air- though none of them
could see it. The room now plunged into darkness, Harry muttered a quick spell
in a breath, so quietly only the students in the front heard it.
Something tingled at the back of Harry’s mind, like cold
fingers crawling through his thoughts, sifting through little nuances and
uncertainties and pulling them into his consciousness. Stifling bile from
rising in his throat, Harry battled with the imp, quelling it with slow
meditation until it had calmed completely. That done, Harry focused on the state
of the classroom.
Spreading his aura over the room, Harry took in the emotions
of each of his students. The spell was meant to bring fear and uncertainty
bubbling to the forefront of the mind. It was a minor dark spell, used mostly
for confusion and distraction for other things. The unfortunate side effect was
that the caster themselves were also subjugated to the same state. Fortunately,
Harry had used and been under the curse enough to know how to relieve it.
Some students had begun to panic- the harsh, fast beating of
their hearts pounded in Harry’s senses. He could hear some begin to
hyperventilate. Others were containing the panic, with effort. A few seemed to
have completely thrown off the curse- Harry hoped it was more due to skill than
actual experience. With a little twinge of pride, Harry noticed Lily was one of
the students containing the panic. Peter was one of the ones hyperventilating,
Sirius containing it as best he could. James and Remus had overcome the effects
Deciding the students were well enough acquainted with the
spell now, Harry muttered the counter-curse and the room was washed with light.
He blinked, the sudden light jerking him awake- he wasn’t even aware he had
begun to get sleepy. Harry blamed it on the anticipation of classes. He hadn’t
slept much the night before.
The room became a sea of conversation, some students glaring
at him, put out by the lack of warning. A group of Slytherins in the back were
smirking, finding the uproar amusing. Harry tried not to delve too much in the
thought that they had all thrown off the curse. On the right, the Marauders
were blinking back into reality, exchanging enigmatic glances Harry longed to
understand. A few students sported a grey complexion, others were flushed.
Clearing his throat, drawing attention back to himself, Harry began.
“As you can see, fear can be a great weapon. What you just
experienced was only a minor dark spell, the metus excito. It’s considered the
basest form of mind control, as it doesn’t influence any part of the mind, only
drawing fourth already existing emotions.”
Noticing the uncertain looks exchanged between some
students, Harry continued, “I will be using many dark spells in this class,
though nothing I feel you cannot handle. I alone will be using dark
spells, as I have been forbidden from teaching you any.” He grimaced at that,
showing his “respect” for the decision, “I felt it was the nature of Defense
Against the Dark Arts to obtain practical experience, and so despite much
disapproval from many of the staff and parents, you will gain familiarity
blocking them, in addition to your bookwork of course.”
Harry glanced at the time. Class wasn’t over for another
hour, but by the look of the students, it didn’t seem like it would be of any
use keeping them any longer. He smiled apologetically at the class, hoping he
hadn’t done too much too soon.
“In order to control it, you must first understand your
fear. That is where we will start in our next lesson. For homework, write three
feet on one dark spell of your choosing, it’s theory, uses, and how it relates
to fear. Due next class, no excuses. I do not take late work.”
Slightly baffled at the sudden end of the lesson- and
groaning from such a large assignment on the first day- students slowly packed
up quills and parchment, neither of which had been touched. The crowd slowly
leaked out the door, sounds of conversation and laughter following.
Once most of the students had filed out, Harry was surprised
to see the young Marauders lag behind. After a quick conversation and several
nudges, it was Remus who slowly approached the new professor.
“Professor Cutter? May I have a word?”
Harry had been just about to sit down to relax in his seat
for a few minutes before the 1st years lesson- he was dreading that
particular one most of all. Slightly miffed at being interrupted from what he
deemed a well earned rest- but more than a little excited to speak to the young
werewolf- he turned what he hoped was a friendly smile to the young Remus.
“Is there anything I can help you with Lupin?”
Remus looked back at the now snickering boys before turning
back to the DADA professor. Harry suddenly had a bad feeling.
Marauders snickering was probably not a good sign.
“Professor, I was curious where you learned the Dark Arts.”
Surprised by the answer- and lack of the infamous Marauder
pranks- Harry raised an eyebrow.
“Is there any particular reason you ask?”
Remus shook his head quickly, a slight brush crawling up his
“No sir, I was just curious. Most professors won’t dare
touch the Dark Arts in Hogwarts. I know they teach some in other schools, but
I’ve never heard of it being used here. That is to say, I’m not
disapproving of your methods, but I found it unusual to have a teacher using
them, especially on the first day and all…”
It took a second to realize Remus was babbling incoherently,
and a few more to realize it was borne of nervousness. If he’d had a few more
seconds he would have realized it was probably a distraction for other
activities, but by then he was already colored purple and holding tightly to
his chair, which had decided to start dancing.
Note to self: Marauders snickering is never
a good sign.
Despite the situation, Harry couldn’t hold back a heartfelt
laugh. This would definitely be a good year.
Zane Lynton Cutter. That was the face he glimpsed throughout
the day- in his reflection in the mirror, in his drink, in the windows. It was
a handsome face, yes, but a hardened face. The gifts of youth still fresh, but
growing old and stale.
It had taken Harry two weeks to respond to the name. The
sound always seemed foreign, even on his own lips. But if the name was exotic,
the face was disturbing. The glamour charm made him truly feel like another
person. The hard nose cut through deep set unremarkable brown eyes. His hair
was stringy, falling in waves along his cheeks.
He found it both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, he
felt invincible. Professor Cutter was clever, easygoing, and powerful. Harry
was young, nostalgic, and fragile. On the other hand, his words felt strange
even to him. The months spent planning for the mission ensured him a response
for every question concerning his past, meticulously planned down to the
rougher accent than he was used to. He felt out of his own skin, something
Harry feared might drain him within the next year.
A year spent in another man’s body was something both
intimidating and welcoming for Harry, though he didn’t care to admit the later.
Telling himself he needed to stay true to Harry, at least in private, he tried
his best to remain as just Harry for as many hours as possible daily. Sleeping,
eating, grading papers, making lesson plans, anything that could be done in his
private quarters was done as himself. He couldn’t afford to live the life of
Professor Cutter and neglect Harry Potter. He couldn’t afford to forget his own
It wasn’t until the first night of his stay he couldn’t lie
to himself anymore.
Standing in front of the mirror in his private quarters,
Harry felt like he’d hit a brick wall. The face staring back at him wasn’t Zane
Lynton Cutter, or Harry Potter. It was a face of a man who was growing old.
Looking back, Harry slowly realized how much he had been avoiding mirrors since
the end of the war. Somehow, he didn’t want to recognize what he had become-
standing in front of the oblong mirror in it’s foreboding black frame, he
suddenly wished he had left Harry Potter behind.
It was a strange notion to look at your own face and realize
so much had changed since you’d seen yourself last. He was shocked to realize
the face was unfamiliar and cold. His face was gaunter then he thought. Not in
an ugly way, but it added strength to his otherwise feminine face. His
cheekbones were high, his green eyes like emeralds set in gold. His complexion
was fairer than he remembered- it used to seem so ruddy, especially in
comparison to his pale haired lover. His face was as tan as his arms, except
around his eyes, most likely from squinting in the sun. His raven hair fell
like feathers on his forehead and against his cheeks. It had grown long,
reaching to about his collar. It was as messy as ever, though the length made
it look more like a mane than a birds nest. He hadn’t had a haircut in months,
and had no intention to. His lips were full, more like a woman’s than he cared
to admit. Thin wrinkles had appeared at the corners of his mouth- whether from
previous smiling or more recent frowning he wasn’t sure.
And there, peeking from beneath the black of his mane was
what he wanted to avoid seeing. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know if his scar
had changed. It wasn’t something he was willing to investigate just yet.
He furthered his exploration, fingers tracing the lines of
his nose. It was delicate. As he grew older, he was told less and less of how
much he resembled his father. Instead he often heard how much his mothers’
blood was showing through. His mind wandered to the day when Molly Weasley had
commented on this, and how Draco had referred to him as his wife shortly
afterwards. The prick was lucky he was in love with him, or else he’d have had
a shiner.
He didn’t want to think of his lover. He sorely missed him,
even after such a short time. The fact that his lover wouldn’t miss him only
made him envious. While Harry would be without Draco for a year, Draco wouldn’t
even have a chance to realize he was gone before he would reappear. He would
come back at the exact second he had left the future.
The thought made his intestines lurch. After all they’d been
through, he was reluctant to leave the newly formed relationship for any amount
of time. It was fragile between the two. They had just gotten settled after the
war when Dumbledore offered this mission to Harry. He was reluctant to accept. There was still so much more they had
yet to do and learn about each other. The fact that he would have aged a year
while Draco stayed the same only added to his uncertainty. But Draco would have
none of it. He accepted the mission for him- something that had earned
the Slytherin a week on the sofa (though Harry was secretly grateful for his
He remembered voicing his fears to his lover the week before
he left. They were lying on the forest green sheets in Draco's room, minds
still lost in afterglow. Harry had suddenly felt overwhelmed, and grabbed
Draco's hand in a vice-like grip. His voice had constricted, and he could
barely whisper as tears stung in his eyes- he blamed it on the physical exhaustion.
“I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to change. What if I
come back and I’m a different person? I don’t want to become anything else when
I’m not next to you.”
The Slytherin had snorted at that, eyes still closed, but
his thumb gently rubbed the top of his hand. Harry chuckled, which came out
more as a sob. He loved the mans’ antics.
He smirked. Harry couldn’t see it with his face nestled
under Draco’s chin, but he could feel it. The smirk was soon accompanied by a
playful drawl- something Harry would have found offensive before their
relationship. “Really, Harry. You haven’t changed one bit since I met you first
year. What makes you think one year will change anything?”
They both knew it was a lie. Harry had changed in the
past few years. They both had. With the war approaching, it was time to grow
up. In the midst of it, they had grown old.
Harry had let it go, nipping at the pale neck before him,
and Draco had rolled on top of him in response. They had kissed, slowly, not
intending to arouse, but caress. Sooth. Love. Something neither of them had
much experience with, and enjoyed every moment of.
After a few minutes, it was Draco’s turn to rest his head on
Harry’s’ chest. Harry slowly drew his fingers up and down his lovers back,
feather touches that sent shivers up Draco’s spine. Harry’s chest rose and
fell, lulling him into pseudo sleep. He almost jumped when his lover inhaled
deeply (but didn’t, Malfoys don’t jump) before speaking.
“What if I come back and you don’t like who I’ve become?”
He knew it was a childish thing to say. But the fear was
real. He didn’t want to think about what could happen when he came back. They
had been apart on missions before, but this was different. Such close contact
with his future parents was bound to be the catalyst for change- to what, Harry
didn’t know.
Draco blinked awake, lashes tickling Harry’s chest.
Internally, he was afraid that Harry would change, though not because he
was afraid he wouldn’t like what Harry would become. He was afraid Harry would
realize what a mistake he’d made and leave him. The thought of it made
his heart skip a beat. He looked up at his lover.
“You will always be Harry to me.”
At the time, he had wished he were sure of that. Looking
into the cold mirror, Harry suddenly wished he knew who exactly Harry was.
I’m so glad to have you
And I’m getting worse
I’m so mad to love you
And your evil curse
I’ve a plan to save you
From my misery
I’m a man too brave
To follow history
~Blindfold, Morcheeba
A/N: Everyone hates these authors notes, I know. But bear with me;
I’ll make it short. This is my contribution to both the Harry/Draco fandom as
well as my rendition of the Harry-Goes-Back-To-The-Past fics- though hopefully
it’s done fairly realistically (or at least semi-realistically.) If you like,
please review, even if it’s just a “Hi.” It’s great to know that people are
actually reading!!!
Revised Version: Thank you so much to my wonderful beta, Beth, aka bandgeek2006. you're such a life saver!!
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