Harry Potter and the Footbal Team | By : NeverAiling Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 6437 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Harry Potter and the Football Team
laughed. “Come on Harry, do you want to be part of the team or not?” Harry
forced himself not to look afraid or, -for the love of god-, to blush. “Yeah.” Harry only managed the one word, but at least his
voice didn’t crack. Johnson took Harry’s hand and led him behind the other
The locker room. Harry swallowed down a nagging doubt. He did want to be part of the team. Don’t I?
locker room was a large building on campus. There were thee sections, one for
the offices, one for the cages that held the lockers, and one for the showers.
The office section was the only section with a door.
No light
came out of the hallways. They flickered on only as Rick walked past the
switches, flicking them on. The rows of cages were all dark and the lockers
were all closed now. The showers glistened with water, metal showerheads set in
a ring around the tile walls of the washing area.
The older
boys started to take of their clothes and throw them on the floor as they
approached the showers. “Don’t worry Harry, the coach is gone, so you can just
throw your stuff anywhere and get it later.” Harry nodded and stripped off his
clothes. The boy Harry didn’t know flashed him an approving grin, and Harry
turned away, trying hard not to blush. He was proud that they weren’t making
fun of him, it meant that he wasn’t weak or small. In
truth, he was almost as tall and almost as strong as the second year boy.
followed the boys into the shower. Johnson flicked on the water, and they all started
scrubbing off the mud and grass and blood and sweat of a hard day’s practice.
Harry was glad that he could take a shower before his initiation. He liked
getting dirty but he didn’t want to stay that way for too long. After a few
seconds, the flow of the water intensified, and became very hot.
straightened up and shook out his hair, rolling his shoulders and feels the
strong cords of water push against him and flow down him. The water beat down
on them all, sending up a thick spray, the remaining ropes of the water spilling over the shoulders and faces
of the boys, flowing in stirring currents around their feet and draining away.
Harry finished first. He felt sort of awkward, not really having anything to
do. The room had no door, just a space in the wall to reach the hallway that
all the locker cages were on. The floor was concrete, bare
concrete, and cold. Finally, the other boy’s finished, and the awkward waiting
ended. They started towards Harry.
Fear rose
up at the back of his throat, but he beat down his apprehension. They stood
around him, their wet skin glistening in the yellow light spilling in from the
hallway; their larger, stronger forms easily surrounding him. Rick grabbed
Harry’s arm, and Johnson left the room. When he came back, he was carrying a
single white towel, unlike the raggedy ones that the team usually used. Harry
thought he must have brought it himself. He felt another huge, strong hand
clamp down on his other arm.
raced through his head, thoughts that diverged wildly from the likely. Johnson
reached down towards Harry, and began to dry him off. The other boys joined in,
letting go of him as someone else took his arms, taking turns until they had
all wiped him down and they had all held him.
Then, the
still dripping wet boys led Harry out of the shower, and the locker room.
Harry’s stomach knotted. They were going to leave the locker room, without
putting their clothes back on. Harry was tempted to return to the hallway,
throw on his clothes, and go home, but he couldn’t. If he wasn’t initiated, he
wouldn’t be a part of the team. The other guys wouldn’t accept him. He’d never
make it. He’d get kicked off and have to go home at the end of every day.
Besides, the other guys were naked too. Harry scolded himself for being weak,
and forced himself to remain calm. Then the older boys lead Harry out of the
locker room entirely, as he had feared.
He gulped.
He meekly (Dammit
Harry!) asked where they were going, but the other boys didn’t even turn
around. They crossed through the parking lot at the back of the locker rooms,
over an empty field, and across the football green. Eventually, they ended up
under the bleachers. Harry noticed that someone had dragged a concrete bench
under there.
A shiver
pulsed down his spine. The bleachers were wooden, not metal like the ones on
the larger field, and there were boards beneath every seat and foot path,
making it impossible to see through them from the front. And the sides were
plastered over with poster and banners, making it entirely an invisible world
are you ready to become a part of the team?” Rick’s voice jerked Harry back
into reality. He nodded, trying to look casual.
“Yeah.” The other
boys grinned.
shook his head and laughed. “Alright, then we’re about to show you the secret
of our team. This is what makes us a team, you have to do it or you’re not part of the team, alright? No one else
can know about this. If you tell anyone, you’ll be breaking the team. You do
understand what will happen to you if you do that, don’t you?” Harry forced
himself to nod, unable to speak. Despite every effort, he was still scared.
What were they going to show him? Rick stretched his arms, yawned, and gestured
towards the bench. “Harry, you sit on the bench.”
walked over towards the bench and sat down. And the moment that he did, the
other boys jumped forward. Johnson and the boy that Harry didn’t know grabbed
his legs and pulled them apart, and up, forcing Harry onto his back. Harry’s
eyes opened wide. Butterflies swarmed in his stomach, he felt sick. But he
couldn’t let the other guys see that. He tried to still himself, but his body
wouldn’t stop shaking. Harry had no idea what was going on, he was afraid. Rick’s
voice sent shivers up Harry’s spine. “Lean back.”
Harry did
as he was told. Rick licked his fingers on his right hand, covering them with
spit, and sat on the edge of the bench, between Harry’s legs. Then he put his
left hand between Harry’s legs. Harry’s eyes went wide. And what Rick did next
terrified Harry as much as he had ever been in his life.
slipped his hand between Harry’s legs, and pulled his skin tight. With his
right hand, he touched Harry’s asshole. Harry was shaking, he wanted so much
just to run away, to close his legs, to stop the boys from touching him, but he
couldn’t. He wanted to look away, but he had to watch.
fingers traced his asshole, gently pulling at it, until he had worked a finger
inside. Harry gasped and clenched his teeth. Rick worked his finger around in a
circular pattern until he got a second finger into Harry, and then a third.
Harry looked down at the hand between his legs, praying for Rick to stop. His
hand was so big; Harry was terrified that Rick would try to force his entire
hand into him.
But he
didn’t say anything, he couldn’t turn away either. Rick was letting spit spill
over his lips, and drip onto his dick. Harry felt like vomiting, but he forced
it down. He felt so disgusting, with Rick touching him somewhere where he was
so disgusting, seeing Rick’s dick erect like that. He wanted to run and throw
up, he wanted to take Rick out of him, he wanted to close his legs, he wanted to put his clothes on. Harry wanted to run away. But he couldn’t, Harry couldn’t even look away.
Rick licked his lips to clear away the spit, and grabbed his dick with his left
watched in fear, in apprehension. And then Rick moved forward, and pushed the
tip in-between his fingers as he simultaneously slid them out of Harry. Harry
gasped, and clenched his jaw shut harder, forcing himself to not let them know
how scared he was. But it was so wrong, so disgusting, so painful. Rick closed his eyes and
shuddered, his pupils sliding back into his head, his mouth trembling open, his
hands gripping Harry’s thighs.
shudder and almost wretched. Is Rick
going to piss inside of me? Harry shook his head, shaking more, tensing
more, trying not to think about what it would be like, how it would feel if
Rick pissed inside of his body, or what it might do to him.
But Rick
didn’t. He slid his dick further into Harry. Harry winced, the pain was much
worse as Rick’s dick rubbed against him then when it was just his fingers
pushing against him. Rick moaned. He pushed his dick in as far as it could go.
nearly broke. It hurt so bad. Rick’s cock was so long
that it pushed against something Harry knew didn’t want to be moved from where
it was. He felt like he was being stretched and torn and tangled inside. Rick
began to jerk back and forth, wildly, thrusting in and out, somehow making his
dick jerk up against Harry’s insides, rubbing against him.
closed his eyes and tried not to cry. It hurt so bad.
Rick’s dick slammed against him, jarred him, sending a surge of dull, powerful
pain through him; Rick pulled his dick almost entirely out, and Harry’s asshole
narrowed, and then he forced it back in, forcing Harry open, sending sharp
jolts of screaming pain into him. Rick began to jerk more and more wildly,
thrusting harder and coming almost completely out. He was breathing hard,
panting and grunting and clenching Harry’s skin so hard that his fingers tore
Harry’s skin.
shook violently and forced himself not to cry. And then Rick jerked so hard that Harry yelped, Rick paused.
Harry was
shocked, it stopped so abruptly. Rick groaned deep and rough, his body
trembled, every muscle seemed to strain beneath his skin, drawn tight, and his
dick was tugging incredibly hard, and would have slipped out of Harry on its
own if Rick hadn’t been pressed so hard against Harry. A second passed, and
then Rick’s body jerked a second time, almost as hard, and something warm
exploded into Harry. Harry gasped again as the warm, think something surged
deep into him, washing over a space he had never been aware of before.
opened his eyes, and watched as Rick pulled his dick out of Harry. He looked
almost dazed. For the first time, Harry noticed that the other boys were
touching themselves, stroking their hard dicks and rubbing their balls. Harry
almost cried then. It wasn’t over.
flung himself onto the bench, and shoved his fingers into his mouth, then
shoved his longest finger into Harry. The pain made Harry’s eyes water.
watched this time, knowing that if he closed his eyes he would try to close his
legs and that if he tried to fight, he would lose, he would break, and he would
didn’t immediately slip in another finger. Instead, he stroked Harry’s inside
with his middle finger. Harry just wanted him to get it over with, he wanted to
get away, he didn’t want to keep waiting, it was too much,
too long. But Johnson had a smile on his face. He just continued to reach
around inside of Harry.
looked away. Johnson paused and then laughed deeply. He reached deeper and
pressed his finger into a single spot in Harry, pushing against it rhythmically.
Harry’s back arched and he gasped loudly, pulling his arms against his chest.
Johnson laughed again, and began to push harder, stroking and pushing, teasing
a growing, hardening knot in Harry’s body. Harry clenched his eyes shut. He
felt some awful swelling in his stomach, like he needed to pee really badly.
But he knew he didn’t. It was something else. He saw an image of Rick’s penis
coming out of his body, glistening with something thick and white.
He saw
the other boys standing there, drops of something clear and thick and wet
dripping from the tips of their heads. Harry remembered the same thing coming
for his own. It was strange, he had never thought about it, but somehow the
welling in him resonated with those images, as if invoked by or attached to
them and the things, the boys, the drops around him. His body was connecting to
them. He felt his dick grow so hard, as hard as he had ever been, so stiff that
it hurt. He felt something seeping up through his cock, felt it sllip out of his head, and slide down the underside of his
dick. Johnson licked the tip of Harry’s dick.
Harry yelped, his whole body still as he tensed. Johnson used two
fingers to pry open Harry’s asshole and he thrust himself inside. Harry covered
his eyes with his hands. The pain was so much worse. Johnson’s dick wasn’t as
long as Rick’s, so it didn’t tear against the back wall of Harry’s insides, but
it was thicker, and it tore the edges of his asshole. Johnson bucked harder
than Rick, slower, and more controlled, but each thrust was hard. Harry was
terrified that Jonson’s would jerk his dick upward like Rick did, and it would
tear him open because it was so much thicker. But he didn’t. Instead, he ground
into the spot in Harry. Harry felt tears under his eyelids. He was so ashamed
and so scared.
was so painful and so wrong. Johnson grunted and panted and groaned, and ground
into that spot. His left hand was on Harry’s chest, his fingers playing with
Harry’s nipple as it tightened. But his right was on Harry’s dick, squeezing
and tugging on it in time with his strokes against the spot.
shook his head and tried not to think about it, tried to force the feeling out
of him, but he could not. It felt so bad. He felt full and his body tried to
empty itself, but it couldn’t. His dick felt full, too. When Johnson stroked
the inside of him and pushed against it and squeezed Harry’s dick, Harry’s
stomach and dick felt full. It felt wrong.
And Harry couldn’t stand it, it was intoxicating, oppressing, filling him,
washing over him, and he was doing everything he could to not let it touch him,
but it did. It filled him, penetrated him, saturated
every inch of him, inside and out.
Then he
realized that Johnson was slowing. He had already let something warm and thick
into Harry. But the sensation had become something else for Harry, and he
hadn’t realized that Johnson had signaled the end. He hadn’t realized that he
had as well. Johnson’s lips were pressed around the head of Harry’s cock, and
the something warm had flowed into his mouth, and been swallowed away. Harry
felt dazed, felt weak, felt so bad he didn’t know what
he was feeling.
Rick got
up and placed a hand on the unknown boy’s shoulder, the boy was looking at
Johnson, his mouth twitching, his face betraying disgust. Rick was completely
oblivious to this. “Beat him where it doesn’t show, and make sure he never,
ever speaks of this to anyone.”
smiled at him and the other boy let go of Harry’s legs. Rick had already left.
The other boy turned and left as well, looking tense and disappointed. And now
Harry was alone with Johnson, whose dick was still plowed firmly into Harry.
smiled at Harry again, and wrapped his arms around him. He lifted Harry off of
the bench, standing and holding Harry against him. Harry was so ashamed. He
knew that the other boy had seen all his held back tears, all his weakness. And
he was so scared of him. He didn’t want the boy to be in him, didn’t want him
to touch him like that. Even when his legs closed, Johnson’s dick held them open.
laughed and Harry felt it in his chest. He hated all of the things that hurt,
the Johnson’s hard dick that scraped and tore and tugged at him. The strange, wrong, painful things inside of him. The
feelings that made no sense, that Harry couldn’t understand.
held Harry by the arms, his hands gripping his shoulders, as he straightened
his back, angling his hips down and back, gently sliding his dick out of Harry.
Harry felt it spurt inside of him as it left. He felt empty, and the warm fluid
only made that more apparent. He wanted to die, he didn’t understand anything,
but he forced his feet under him.
Harry had stopped swaying, and felt more solid, Johnson let go of the boy and
stepped back. Harry straightened his back, but tears still slipped down his
face. “Are you mad at us?’ Harry tried to say something, but it came out as a
strangled cry, and he sank to the ground.
It was
more than he could take; he never thought that they would ask him to talk to
them. He thought it was over. He couldn’t speak. He didn’t have any strength
left, he couldn’t stand this, couldn’t take anymore. He felt so dirty and used
and weak and violated and wrong. He was so tired. Harry just wanted to die.
sat down beside him in the dust. Harry was curled up on the ground, one arm
against his chest, another flung back, his left hand holding his asshole, where
blood and something milky white were spilling out.
knew how he felt. He knew how much Harry was terrified that he couldn’t stop it
from spilling out, how much the sight and smell of blood scared him. How bad it
lay down, and tried to pull Harry’s hand back, but Harry locked his arm.
Johnson sighed, as he sat up. Then Johnson socked Harry hard in the stubborn
arm, right on the tensed bulge of the muscle. Harry whimpered and let Johnson
pull his hand away. Johnson look down at the wounded
Harry lay
limp in the dust. His breath came in short, ragged bouts, panting and trying to
get control, pausing, then starting anew. His dark locks
spilled out of him, his tired muscles sagged away from his bones, his strong
frame bent at the shoulders and curved in across the length of his spine. That
is what it means to curl up in the dust. To twist one’s frame, to reach down
into the earth’s pull. To surrender.
green eyes surrendered, spilling tears as they darted from nothing to nothing,
tracking no material thing, only signaling the fight against what was inside.
sighed again, and lay back down, pressing his lips against Harry around his
asshole. The older boy sucked gently until Harry opened to him, and he licked
out the milky fluid, moaning slightly. Then Johnson gently bit around the edges
of Harry’s asshole and slowly pushed his tongue into the younger boy’s body,
tensing and rolling it so as not to rub against the delicate sides. The he pulsed his tongue smoothly and softly, letting the warmth
and pressure sooth the tired, injured muscles.
eventually relaxed. It was less of an invasion. Even stranger and more wrong, more
terrible maybe then anything else that had happened, but it was a softer
sensation, and Harry was too tired to resist.
Harry was still, and he had stopped crying, Johnson began to stroke Harry’s
face. Johnson opened Harry’s legs further and licked just behind his balls,
then bit softly, sucking gently. Harry shuddered again but didn’t tense. Then
Johnson began to lick at Harry’s balls as he sat up between the boy’s legs,
letting Harry open them without having to think about it. Without worrying or fearing
what might happen.
The older
boy took Harry’s ball into his mouth and began to suck on it gently. Then Harry’s head, then his entire dick. He resisted the
urge to bring the boy’s penis down into his throat, afraid that the sensation
might remind him of his own recent pain and scare him. The boy’s ass was still
tense; he didn’t want to be entered.
Johnson sucked harder, and bit gently deep at the base of Harry’s dick. Harry
shivered, and he tensed, and when he relaxed again, he wasn’t tense anywhere.
gently lifted Harry, making a show of pulling the boy’s crotch into his face,
as he positioned Harry over his dick. Then, as he began to suck harder and
stroke the boy’s dick with his tongue, pushing hard just beneath the tip, he
pulled open his ass and slowly lowered Harry onto his dick. The boy panicked,
but Johnson remained calm and slow. When it was in, he pushed his head against
the spot in Harry’s body, but didn’t buck.
A few
minutes later, the exhausted Harry finally cummed in
Johnson’s mouth, and he sucked the younger boy’s dick until it went completely
soft, and straightened up.
Now came
the hard part. Slowly, very slowly,
Johnson turned Harry around, until he was lying on his stomach, and laid down on top of him.
They lay
like that for several minutes, until the older boy’s dick went soft. He held
Harry like that for a few more minutes, until Harry relaxed again, and then
rolled onto his back, holding Harry against his chest.
Almost an
hour later, the boy went to sleep. While he was sleeping, Johnson worked his
cock out of Harry’s asshole, taking several minutes. A few
seconds after he was out. Harry woke, but he quickly went back to sleep.
Johnson held Harry, and let the boy turn to face him, burying his face in
Johnson’s neck, and sleeping on. Harry pushed himself into Johnson’s warmth,
surrendering himself, allowing someone else to take care of him, and forgetting
about everything.
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