To Have and To Keep | By : MontanaDan Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 15302 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Title: To Have and To Keep
Author: Montana Daniels
Sequel to: To Have Not
Pairing: HP/SS, HP/various implied characters
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Series: To Have
Genre: Slash, romance, some humor, some angst and AU as I’ve made up events in their 6th year and am using only selective canon of OoP.
Spoilers: The first five books
Warnings: Mpreg. This story is based on the Universe created in To Have and To Hold in which several aspects of Book Five didn't occur (namely Sirius' death). Book 6, since it wasn't out at the time, is completely ignored.
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter Universe and all its wonderful characters belong to JK Rowling and odd conglomerate companies. No money is being made.
Summary: Free from Lucius and Severus, Harry gets on with his life. Although there are many people who want him, between his curse and his admirerers, can he find fulfillment and love? And what are Severus' chances of regaining what he lost?
Author’s notes: Snape’s (and now Harry's) inner voice was inspired by Diagonalist’s ‘Flawed lines’ and used with permission. If you haven’t read her work, she is the queen of the inner voice and a wonderful author. All of her lovely fics can be found at:
Many thanks and much chocolate to my incomparable betas djin7 and biting_moopie. More unwavering gratitude to my new beta Rakina. Her additional support has been a lifesaver to me and I hope it shows. Any mistakes remaining are mine because one could hardly have mistakes with the compounded advice from the lovely and talented ladies named above.
The Recap of To Have and To Hold and To Have Not was written by djin7 and betad by the rest of us.
To Have and To Keep
For the events that lead up to the beginning of this story, you must read To Have and To Hold and the sequel, To Have Not.
For those who have, here is a brief recap/prologue leading into To Have and To Keep:
Harry Potter, in his last year at Hogwarts, suffers through debilitating visions, rendering him weak against any and all things Voldemort may throw at him.
Professor Severus Snape finds out about these terrible visions, and Harry's attempts at potion-making to ease them, and is consequently instructed by Headmaster Albus Dumbledore to protect and train the Boy-Who-Lived.
He is not prepared for these events to lead to romance and love between him and the young man, but that is what eventually strengthens Harry's resolve and gives him the means to finally defeat the Dark Lord...making him the most powerful wizard alive.
Meanwhile, the Malfoys, Lucius and Draco, switched sides at almost the very last moment, mostly to save their own dignity, and were instrumental in the takedown of the Dark Lord.
Severus Snape becomes concerned that his influence on Harry Potter will make the boy's life a misery, and sets out to sabotage their relationship, so that Harry may move on to a bright new future when he leaves school.
Unfortunately, this future now includes Lucius Malfoy, who sensed an opportunity in Harry's heartbroken state to revitalize his family's image in the eyes of the Wizarding world.
Severus stands by and watches helplessly as Lucius maneuvers Harry into a marriage contract. He is also very concerned about some painful after-effects of a possible curse that Harry may have suffered in his final confrontation with the Dark Lord, and is secretly aiding Harry's good friends, Hermione, Ron, and even Draco, in trying to find a cure.
Meanwhile, Harry is valiantly trying to overcome the heartbreak he suffered at Severus' hands and make a new life with Lucius Malfoy. He is looking forward to the future and his possible training in curse breaking, and hopes to leave his painful past behind.
However, this becomes impossible when Lucius goes overboard in order to ensure his full ownership of Harry by trying to trick him into a male pregnancy. Severus finds out about it, and rushes to stop Lucius from ruining Harry's life forever, finally accepting his need and love for Harry and telling him the truth of his deception when he severed the relationship with the younger man.
When we last left off, Harry had walked away from both men and their Slytherin machinations, to try to build a life of his own, hesitantly allowing them both to vie for his affections. He is still in love with Severus, but at the same time he misses some of the comfort and protection Lucius Malfoy can afford him.
Harry Potter still has many enemies. As he will soon come to realize.
Starts immediately after the end of To Have Not.
Chapter 1
Harry checked his glamour before leaving his bedroom. He had a full day ahead of him. A trip back to 'Gregor's Fine Furnishings for the Family' to purchase that desk he had neglected to buy. A meeting with Neville who assured him that he'd found the perfect shop for Harry to invest in. He also had to finish arranging his furniture -
And ward the flat.
Harry couldn't help smirking. Severus had seen right through Harry's lie, even though Harry could lie as well as Severus himself at times. But yes, he didn't want to disappoint Severus who no doubt would have something to say about the lack of wards on Harry's home.
And then there was the date.
And the sex.
Well, Harry could hope anyway. But he couldn't help wondering where Severus would take him. Not that it mattered. As long as he was with Severus-
Why is that?
Harry mentally berated himself. He was not going to fall into that trap. A date or two with Severus would be just fine as long as he didn't become emotionally dependant on him. Again.
Sexually dependant, then?
Resolved, he collected his bag of money and tucked it into a robe pocket before casting a quick ward on the door. Turning to do the same to the Floo, he startled as it flared to life.
Dumbledore's head sat amid the green flame, looking as comfortable as if he were relaxing in his comfy chair in his office.
"Professor?" Harry returned.
"Oh my, that's very clever disguise." The man's eyes twinkled as he grinned.
Harry flushed a bit. "I have some shopping to do," he explained, hoping he didn't have to elaborate.
"I understand completely," Dumbledore said. "Since you're on your way out, I will be brief." At Harry's nod, he continued, "I wondered if you could come by the castle tonight after dinner. I have something I wish to discuss with you."
"I'm afraid I can't tonight, Professor. I-"
"Harry, after everything, I do believe you've earned the right to address me by my given name."
Which one?
Harry suppressed his snort. "Er."
Oh, let's call him Wulfric.
"It is Albus," Dumbledore added as if he had read Harry's thoughts. "Do you have plans?"
"Um, yes," Harry said, a little thrown by the change of subject. "I have a date," he admitted with a smile, which wouldn't be repressed.
The Headmaster smiled fondly. "Ah, youth." He sighed reflectively. "Is it anyone I know?"
"Er." Harry was pretty sure he didn't want to discuss his love life with Albus Dumbledore, but he also knew that it was impossible to hide the truth from the man. "Yeah, it is."
The man's eyes lost some of their sparkle but he continued to smile. "I see," he said. "Well, I won't pry. Perhaps tomorrow?"
Harry jumped on the chance to get out of the conversation. "Yes, tomorrow evening is good," he said.
"Good," Dumbledore declared. "I will see you then; around eight. The password is Rhubarb Crumble."
Harry nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow night then."
"Enjoy your day, my boy," Dumbledore said and vanished from the flames.
Harry took a breath as he stared at the empty flames. Sometimes talking to Dumbledore was a bit like riding a roller coaster - you were disoriented for a moment when it ended.
With a sigh, he stood up and smoothed his robes. Not that they were wrinkled. Fritz would be appalled if Harry were to be seen in public with robes that didn't have an anti-wrinkle charm on them. Harry smiled fondly, recalling the fussy man who Lucius had hired to provide Harry's wardrobe.
Again the hearth flared green as another call came through.
Too slow with your wards, you are.
Harry's godfather's head sat in the center of his fire and Harry grinned.
"Hello, Sirius."
Sirius stared at him a moment, then returned the smile. "Nice disguise," he said.
Harry wondered just how incognito he'd manage to be if people kept seeing through his glamour. "I'm on my way out," Harry explained.
"Good, good," Sirius said proudly. He turned his head, "I told you he was fine." Turning back he flashed Harry an indulgent look. "Remus insisted I check in on you. Ouch. Don't kick me, Moony!"
Harry sighed. "I'm okay," he said. "In fact, I have a date tonight."
Sirius looked thrilled. "That's great, Harry. I knew it wouldn't take long before you were back on your feet."
Harry nodded, hoping Sirius would ramble and forget to ask who it was.
"I was telling Remus that you were made of sterner stuff than he thought. James' boy and all. Not to mention that you've got Lily's stubbornness."
"I thought I got that from you," Harry teased.
Sirius gave a hoot of laughter that sent a few embers flying. Harry settled them with a wave of his hand, and Sirius went on, "Well, exposure to me aside, I told him - Remus that is - that you wouldn't let a couple of rocky romances keep you down."
Eager to change the subject, Harry said, "I start cursebreaker lessons tomorrow too."
"Now see," Sirius said, "that's the spirit: new flat, new beau, new career. You will invite us over to see this new home of yours, won't you?"
"Of course," Harry said. "I really should be going though."
"Right then. Just checking in. I'm still your godfather, you know."
Harry smiled. "I know, Sirius."
"Well, give me a call after your lessons," Sirius added. "I'll be interested to hear all about it."
"Okay. I'll talk to you then."
"Take care, kid," Sirius said with a grin. "What? Don't bloody shout, Moony." He looked back up at Harry. "Remus wants to know who the new beau is."
"It's just a date, Sirius," Harry said. "Look, I'm running late. I have to meet Neville later. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Oh, come on, Harry. You know how Remus is. Just a name-"
"Bye." With a wave of Harry's hand, Sirius was pushed out of his fire and Harry quickly cast the ward on the Floo.
You'll have to tell him sometime.
Harry ignored his inner voice and Apparated to Diagon Alley. Mr. Gregor remembered him and after being shown every type of desk there was (and wishing Severus was there to help him pick one out), he decided on a large, plain desk in a wood tone that would match his other living room furnishings.
Storing his shrunken purchase, he followed the Apparating directions to an Alley in London. He cast a quick concealment charm on his robes and walked the remaining blocks to the store where he was meeting Neville.
Neville's directions were worthy of Hermione and Harry found the antique shop easily enough. Grinning at the soft tinkle of bells that sounded when he opened the door, he stepped into the establishment. Magic pulsed at him from around the room. It wasn't overwhelming, but it was enough to tell Harry that there were magical items scattered throughout the store.
"Ah, there he is." Harry looked across the store and spotted Neville at the counter with an elderly man. "Have a look around," Neville called.
Harry waved and nodded, and then began to browse, noting the attributes of the store. Shelves upon shelves of books lined the walls and lace-covered tables filled the room; each table covered with statues, clocks and other heirlooms. One corner was devoted to paintings randomly arranged. Most leaned against each other as if waiting to be hung, which surprised Harry as some of them had rather elaborate frames.
There was an extensive jewelry collection encased in glass as well as a section allotted to furniture and bric-a-brac. Harry picked up several items that had definite magical qualities and although not all the magic was Dark, he did find some that had indeed been cursed.
Glancing around again, he had to say that the store looked a bit neglected but it definitely had potential. He approached Neville and the older man and Neville introduced them.
"Mr. Winston Nash, this is Harry Carlson." Neville used Harry's alias without hesitation.
Harry shook Mr. Nash's hand and listened as the man recounted the shop's history. Apparently, the business had been in his wife's family for years and she had managed the store for most of her life. Mrs. Nash had died several months ago and, retired now, the man couldn't keep up with the work needed to maintain the shop.
They had three very qualified and enthusiastic part-time employees, but no one to manage the shop even if the man wanted to keep it.
Mr. Nash looked around the room reflectively and swallowed. "It's just too much of a reminder," he said softly. Then he turned a resolved expression to Harry. "I won't sell to anyone who's just going to strip it down and turn it into some trendy coffee shop either, you hear?"
"I assure you, Mr. Nash," Harry said, glancing around. "I like it just the way it is. Although I may reorganize it a bit."
The man laughed. "Good luck to you then, lad," he muttered. "My Olivia tried herself, God lover her. Never did a bit of good. Always ended up looking - well, just like this." He gestured around the room helplessly.
A bit like your hair.
Harry had to smile. The shop was probably charmed or carried an old family curse without the owner's knowledge. Instantly, Harry knew he wanted to buy it.
He turned to the old man. "I'd very much like to buy it, Mr. Nash," Harry said.
Mr. Nash gave him a relieved smile in return. "I'd very much like you to have it."
Harry nodded and told Neville to draw up the papers. Expecting a couple of days' wait, Harry was very surprised when Neville drew his wand and conjured a roll of parchment.
It turned out that Mrs. Nash had been a witch. Mr. Nash then told him that the part time help both knew about magic as well - one was a squib who claimed to be a "seer", and the other one was a Muggleborn witch. Both were older women who liked to embroider on slow days and would be more than thrilled to have Harry Potter as a boss. Mr. Nash also assured him that although the women loved to gossip, they were quite capable of being discreet if it was Harry's wish. And more than likely, they'd enjoy keeping such a secret.
The third employee was a local boy named Gareth who came by a couple of days a week after school to run errands for Mrs. Nash. Mr. Nash said he was a nice boy and a hard worker and they paid him by the task.
Harry left the shop feeling proud and excited. Neville assured him that he'd take care of all the legal details required and even offered to take care of the books for him. It seemed Mr. Longbottom's side business was a full service operation. Harry had the former employees' contact information and would get in touch with them about meeting to see if they wished to resume their jobs under his management.
Harry bid goodbye to Neville, who Apparated away, and he heard a familiar voice.
"Hello, Harry."
Lucius' voice purred in his ear. In fact, it was so close to his ear that Harry startled and swung around, drawing his wand. Lucius must have been expecting it because he grabbed Harry's wrist and jerked it into the air. The freezing hex cast uselessly straight up.
"Damn it, Lucius," Harry said, breathing hard. "Don't do that."
Lucius chuckled. "My apologies."
"I could've killed you, you know," Harry said angrily. He still rather liked Lucius and he would have felt terrible if he had hexed him.
Lucius' brows lifted as he glanced fleetingly at Harry's wand, still in Harry's hand, which was still locked in Lucius' firm grip.
Irritated, Harry yanked his hand out of Lucius' and pocketed his wand. He mumbled about sneaky Slytherins and their stealthy habits.
Lucius laughed softly. "I miss you, Harry," he said sincerely. "Have lunch with me."
Harry was about to decline, still annoyed, but his stomach liked the idea and growled in response.
"Come now," Lucius coaxed. "You have to eat, and I know a charming little Italian place just around the corner."
"How did you know it was me?" Harry asked.
Lucius ran a finger gently down the side of his face. "Your coloring may be different, but your exquisite features are quite unique."
Harry pulled his face away. "How did you find me?" he asked suspiciously.
Lucius shrugged, drawing Harry's attention to the fine sports jacket he was wearing. In fact, Lucius was adorned in complete Muggle attire: trousers, shoes, crisp white-collared shirt and a tie. "I'm stalking you, don't you know?" he replied casually.
Harry's jaw went slack. "You're what?"
Lucius chuckled again. "Harry, the Apparition point for this area is around the block," he explained. "I have a two o'clock appointment with Draco's apprentice master." Lucius pointed to a large building with Victorian architecture. "There are a number of wizard run stores and companies in this area."
Harry thought that the building did look out of place, sandwiched between two modern buildings. It also explained the antique shop and its employee's' knowledge of magic. "So, only wizards can see it?" he asked of the building where Draco apparently apprenticed. He wasn't quite sure how he felt about its proximity to Harry's own new store.
"Of course," Lucius replied. "Muggles see a blocked-off alley." He offered Harry an arm. "Come, Harry," he bade. "Have lunch with me. I did plan on eating and I hate to dine alone."
Harry didn't take his arm but sighed as they fell into step together and proceeded down the block. Lucius escorted him into a small restaurant and as the crowd was light, they were immediately shown to a table.
Their meal progressed pleasantly as they discussed a variety of topics; Harry's training, Harry's headaches, Draco's apprenticeship, and, surprisingly, Lucius' job hunting. Apparently, Lucius had decided that the boredom was too much for him and he was looking for an appropriate position.
Maybe there's another Dark Lord looking for minions to assist in world domination.
Lucius was also intrigued about Draco's new girlfriend as he had yet to meet her.
I'll bet it's Hermione.
Harry was surprised that he'd just thought that. Although it was true that they'd become more cordial to each other as they were both trying to help Harry with his headaches, and Harry couldn't help remembering just how 'cozy' they'd seemed the night that they'd gone clubbing. Still, it seemed crazy. Hermione would have said something...wouldn't she?
Harry decided not to mention his lame-brained theory, and instead he told Lucius about the new shop. Lucius was enthusiastic on Harry's behalf. He even told Harry that if he wanted someone to manage it for him, Lucius would be happy to step in, citing his boredom again. Harry was sure he didn't want Lucius to help. Even now he could feel the blonde's hungry eyes on him.
You're saving yourself for Severus.
Harry certainly didn't want to discuss Severus with Lucius but Lucius' next question destroyed that hope.
"So, have you heard from Severus?" Lucius asked casually enough, but his expression was suspicious.
Harry looked up from his pasta. "Actually, yes," Harry admitted. "He helped me buy a few things for my flat yesterday and we're having dinner together tonight."
Lucius sighed dramatically. "He's going to hurt you again, Harry."
Harry scowled. "I won't let him."
"Look," Harry interrupted, putting down his fork. "Neither one of you deserves a second chance, but I'm here with you now, aren't I?" Lucius nodded and Harry continued, "And later I'll be with Severus."
Lucius actually smirked. "So, it's to be that way, is it?"
Confused, Harry said, "What do you mean?"
Lucius considered him in a way that made Harry think he was trying to figure out how to phrase it. "You wish us to court you," he said. "So you may choose for yourself who is the best for you."
Harry blinked. "No, that really wasn't what I had in mind," he admitted.
"Why not?" Lucius argued. "It is a wise way to proceed."
Two of the Wizarding world's most powerful wizards fighting over you?
That had been what Ron had said, but Harry certainly didn't want to give either of the men that much hope.
"Actually, I'm playing the field, so to speak," Harry said. "Dating when I can - getting on with my life."
Lucius smiled, but it looked kind of-
Knowing. As if it pleased him.
"That is an excellent decision, Harry," Lucius said, raising his wineglass. He swirled the red liquid a bit before catching Harry's gaze. "Very normal."
It was normal, Harry realized. It was exactly what most men did fresh out of school to start their adult life. He smiled.
Too bad there's nothing normal about being Harry Potter.
A wave of Harry's wand restored the room to its neatness. He had tried on at least five different outfits and had pulled ten shirts out of his wardrobe in his efforts to look nice for his date. The bed had fresh linen and would be ready as well.
Just in case.
He was just about to ward the flat when the fire flared to life. Harry fell to his knees on his new rug in front of the green flames.
"Hello, Severus," Harry said with a smile that he couldn't suppress.
Severus smiled back, looking happy to see Harry. It sent a thrill over Harry's skin.
"I'm so sorry, Harry," Severus said. "I'm going to have to postpone our dinner."
Harry frowned. "Why?" he asked, sounding crestfallen even to himself.
"I have a staff meeting," Severus said with a long-suffering sigh.
Harry stared at him a moment before anger filled him.
Severus saw disappointment in Harry's eyes before they rounded slightly then narrowed. The anger that flashed over Harry's beautiful features was chilling but soon one of his masks slammed down over his face, making his expression unreadable again.
Harry crossed his arms. "I see," he said simply. "You know, Snape, you could have told me the truth."
Severus flinched at the usage of his name. "What-"
"If you didn't want to see me again, you could have said so," he continued. "After our last break up, I'd have thought you'd have realized that I can take it."
"Harry, what are you talking about?"
"Dumbledore asked me to come to the castle tonight to meet with him," he said with a sneer. "Why would he do that if he had a staff meeting?"
Severus could only blink. "He did?"
"Yes, he did. So enjoy whatever you really do have planned for tonight," Harry said coldly. "And do give me a call the next time you need a good fuck."
With a wave of Harry's hand, Severus was expelled from the hearth and tossed back into his rooms at Hogwarts. He was stung. How could Harry think that he'd make up an excuse like that? That he'd use Harry for sex?
Um, let's think, shall we? Shall I enumerate?
Severus ignored his bloody inner voice. This was definitely a setback - more than a setback. It was a damnable dilemma. Curse Albus and his last minute meeting. He probably only called the meeting because Harry wasn't available.
What if he did do just that?
Severus suddenly wondered if Albus had known what Harry's plans were that prevented him from visiting. Or more precisely, with whom those plans were. Could the Headmaster still be angry with Severus for hurting Harry and want to prevent it from happening again?
Meddling old fool.
It was unacceptable. He would have to take measures now to ensure Harry knew what was going on.
Oh yes. Reinforce the fact that you're the one that keeps him informed. Harry liked that.
And he would have to reassure Harry of his intentions.
Harry felt like hitting something. How could this have happened again? One broken date and Harry's chest felt like it had a hole in it. How could one day of shopping and one night of sex…
Very good sex.
…have meant so much to him that Severus' canceling one date would upset him to such an extent?
Perhaps he really does have a staff meeting?
But why would Dumbledore do that? Ask Harry to the castle when he had a meeting?
Well, he is getting rather old.
Harry pulled at his hair, surprised that he didn't have a headache by now. He really didn't want to deal with any of this. Why the hell was his life so complicated, anyway? What had he done to deserve such heartache? All he wanted was a simple little life with a nice job and someone to love. How hard was that?
Calm down and have a drink.
Yes, a drink. Looking around the flat, he realized he had nothing suitable. He quickly changed into simple Muggle attire (jeans and a dress shirt) and reapplied his glamour. Surely there was a pub down the block where he could have a drink, and occupy the time he was supposed to be with Severus.
Maybe they had scotch. Harry remembered how much he had liked scotch.
Unfortunately, he wasn't remembering about what had actually happened the last time he had indulged.
"Hello, Harry."
Harry looked over his shoulder and found Grant Montgomery standing over him. "So you do know it's me."
Grant nodded with a shrug. "It isn't really that hard to recognize you once you know you."
"Maybe I should work on my glamour skills then," Harry grumbled.
"I wouldn't worry about it. It suits your purpose."
"Meaning the public in general doesn't know it's you," Grant pointed out. "People who know you may be able to recognize you, but they aren't going to jeopardize your secret, are they? I mean, you can walk the streets without being mobbed and still run into friends and talk to them."
Harry considered the point. It was true. Severus had known him; so had Lucius and now Grant. It almost felt like being normal. He smiled. "That's true." He indicated the seat between them. "Have a drink?"
Grant slid onto the barstool next to him. "Don't mind if I do."
Harry couldn't remember exactly how many corners he had turned or how many bars he had passed by until he found this quiet little hole in the wall. It, like the glamour, suited his needs and he felt comfortable just sitting at the bar sipping his scotch. Even Grant's company didn't bother him as much as he thought it might.
Three whiskies and twelve obscure conversations later, Grant asked him what he was drinking to forget.
"Oh, nothing. I had a date but the bastard broke it."
"I have news for you, Harry. It's not all that uncommon to break a date. Shite happens."
Harry scowled. "Well, I know that. It's just that I knew he was lying."
"Bastard? So it's a he, is it?"
Scowl forgotten, Harry grinned. "Yeah, well, I sort of lean that way."
Grant butted shoulders with him. "Yeah, me too." He picked up his drink, swirling the liquid in his glass. "Screw him," he muttered.
Harry knocked his glass against Grant's and downed what was left. Then he hailed the barman. After ordering another round, Harry asked Grant what he did with himself.
It turned out that Grant did potions work for a company that brewed, bottled and sold various household potions. Thus began another obscure conversation, this time about the addictive nature of flobberworms.
"'M fine, really."
Grant caught Harry under the shoulder and wrapped an arm around his waist. "Yeah, sure," he mumbled. "We're both completely pissed so don't try to deny it."
Harry snorted as they staggered away from the bar. "A'right."
"Here now, you boys ain't driving, are you?"
"No worries, mate," Grant called to the barman. "We're walkin'."
The man nodded, picking up the hefty tip that they'd left on the bar. "Do come again."
Grant steered Harry outside the pub and they ambled down the street a bit. "Damn, everything's a bit bleary," Harry murmured, looking around. "I'll just Ap'rate to my flat from here."
"Oh, no. Friends don't let friends Apparate in your condition."
"N'sense. I can Ap'rate just fine. Just gotta determine my desternation an' um, something."
Grant laughed. "Come on. You can sleep it off at my house. It's not too far."
"Can't. Don't like to sleep with nobody."
"That wasn't a proposition, Harry. Although another time I wouldn't mind. I don't think either of us could get it up right now."
Harry snorted. "Speak for yourself. I'm always ready."
"You'll have to show me some time."
They made it to Grant's flat, which was nearby and stumbled through the front door. Grant quickly closed several doors with his wand, then took care of the curtains as he dragged Harry over to the sofa.
Harry fell face first into the cushions.
"This is much better," he mumbled into the upholstery.
Grant leaned over Harry's prone form and pushed the hair off his forehead. Traces of the lightning bolt scar could be seen through the smudged Muggle make up. The startling green eyes fluttered a few minutes before closing in alcohol induced sleep.
He shouldn't be so fucking beautiful. And now he was finding Harry Potter to be a good sort of bloke as well.
Why couldn't he let go of his obsession?
He sucked in a deep breath as he stood up and almost fell backwards. Merlin, he was so pissed.
Harry Potter had to pay. But not tonight.
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