The Box of Toys | By : faithwood Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 20259 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
In retrospect, Harry thought he had made a mistake. Not that he regretted his not-quite-moral actions
— well, he did regret Draco finding out about them, but that was another story — what Harry
regretted the most was agreeing to this ... punishment.
The punishment itself could have been worse, obviously. Draco could have left him, or at least pouted
for a long time and deny Harry much desired sex. This option had seemed simpler when Draco
suggested it, but now Harry was having second thoughts.
Draco looked positively feral when, with a grin, he reached for the box of toys. Which was Harry's
biggest problem. The fact that Draco had a box of toys.
A box. Of toys.
Harry hadn't anticipated that. There was still time to change his mind upon seeing the box but Harry
couldn't bring himself to do that.
Draco instructed him to take his clothes off and kneel beside the foot of Harry's — no, their
— four-poster bed. That thought was a bit distracting. It was all still so new — Draco and Harry
sharing a bed. Harry knew that if he refused this, he would have to sleep on the sofa. And Harry didn't
like the sofa. Not that there was anything wrong with it. It was perfectly comfortable and rather
appropriate for having someone bent over it and shagging them silly, for example, but it wouldn't
have Draco on it and therefore couldn't possibly be as satisfying to sleep on as a piece of furniture
that did have Draco on it.
Right. Anyway, Harry could have refused this when he saw that Draco had equipment and
was not afraid to use it.
But, the problem was, the box was closed.
And Harry really wanted to know what was inside. Especially because just taking out the box and
placing it on the bed made Draco look less angry and more ... feral. Yes, he’d used that word
already, but it was a good word. Appropriate, even.
So Harry took off his clothes, his fingers shaking just a little, not from fear exactly, but from
anticipation. Because it wasn't about well-deserved punishment anymore, but the burning desire to
know what Draco wanted to do to him. With unknown toys. In the box.
Draco stood by the bed and opened the mysterious box just as Harry took off his boxers. But Harry’s
view of the contents was obstructed by the lid. Stupid lid.
Harry scowled, forgetting all about kneeling down, and just stared. And then gulped as Draco
approached him with an item. It was metal and circular, with a hole in the middle, and when
Harry figured out what it was, his balls tightened immediately.
"Hey, wait ..." Draco murmured, grabbing Harry's cock rudely, which was actually a very nice feeling.
"Don't get excited too soon." Draco grinned with a predator-like gleam of his teeth and Harry’s
excitement grew. Even more so when Draco slid the cock ring over Harry's balls and cock, pressing it
snugly to Harry's body. That was a slightly weird sensation, but then —
Draco grinned. "Like that?"
Harry did like it. Apparently the end of the ring, which was shaped like a tear, pressed against his
perineum, and that was really nice, and now Harry was really getting excited.
"Kneel down, palms on the floor, a little away from the bed."
It was so unfair. Draco's voice was so low and scratchy that Harry could not help obeying. He walked
to the bed and knelt down, the cool metal of the cock ring pressing him pleasurably as he moved. He
placed his palms flat on the floor as instructed, feeling a bit embarrassed about kneeling there naked.
Well, a lot embarrassed. But he forgot all about it when Draco moved to the box again.
Draco rummaged for a bit — on purpose, Harry was sure — and then a clicking sound reached Harry's
ears. When Draco took out what he had been looking for, Harry bit his lip. Draco was now holding
pretty, but somewhat intimidating and heavy-looking chains. This was the point where Harry could
have still backed out, but that would have been much more embarrassing than kneeling on the floor
naked so Harry didn't say a word. Draco locked the chains around his wrists and the cold, unyielding
metal made Harry shiver. The other ends of the chains were soon wrapped around the bed's legs so
that they didn't stretch Harry uncomfortably. They were just there; making sure that Harry
couldn't stand up and leave.
The next toy made Harry blush and his arse clench. Because damn. That was one big
butt-plug. Harry squirmed, spreading his legs helpfully, and tried hard not to look too eager. He heard
Draco chuckle, but he couldn't see his face since Draco had moved behind him. Harry waited with
bated breath, forcing himself to relax. The tip of the slicked toy touched his opening and Harry
concentrated on letting the thing breach him. It pushed inside slowly, burning and stretching as it
went, but Harry knew it would be worth it so he took it without complaint.
"Good?" Draco asked when the cool end pressed against Harry's arse.
"Mmm ..." Harry murmured, wriggling and then circling his hips on pure instinct. The combined
sensation of the cock ring rubbing the sweet spot behind Harry's balls, stimulating his prostate from
the outside, and the butt-toy nudging the spot from within, made Harry forget everything else.
"Stop." Draco's warm hand pressed against the small of Harry's back. Harry groaned, displeased with
that order but he stopped anyway, opening his eyes and breathing heavily. Harry would have
complained but Draco stepped over Harry's hand and stood in the small space between Harry and the
Draco was gloriously naked, and looking smug about it. Well, he was probably smug-looking because
Harry was probably staring with his mouth open. Not that Draco looked any different from usual, but
Harry's linguistic abilities always escaped him when Draco was naked.
Draco's fingers entwined into Harry's hair and pulled on Harry’s head a little, making him lift up, until
Harry’s hands were stretched almost painfully. Harry realized that they’d been tied too low on
"Suck," Draco instructed.
Harry shivered, before he realized that that was a bit of a problem actually, because Draco's cock was
just slightly out of Harry's reach. He had to stretch his hands even more in order to swirl his tongue
over the head of Draco’s cock and then wrap his lips around its throbbing length. Draco held Harry’s
head and pushed firmly forward into his mouth.
So this was a don't-move-just-hold-still type of situation, Harry concluded. And that was a good thing
really because Harry didn't think he could move his head. Draco's cock filled his mouth, not
too deeply, for which Harry was thankful because he was sure that he would choke otherwise.
Harry sucked eagerly; his hips twitching and moving the toy inside him. He couldn't stop thrusting
into empty air because the sensations were too good and Harry hummed with pleasure, knowing that
the resulting vibrations would make Draco happy. Harry hoped Draco would forget his earlier
instructions to Harry to stop moving, and he probably had, because he seemed much too focused on
watching Harry's lips and tongue.
Draco didn't move his gaze from Harry, his eyes darkening with each second that went by. The small
sound that Draco made, alerted Harry that he was approaching his climax, so Harry doubled his
efforts sucking harder, but Draco pulled out suddenly. Surprised for a moment, Harry drew a sharp
breath when Draco pulled Harry's hair sharply, tipping his head further back. Realizing what Draco
wanted, Harry shivered as he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, closing his eyes just in case
Draco's aim was bad. Draco finished himself off, with a couple of jerks of his hand, his other hand
holding Harry firmly in place. A small Oh was Harry's only warning as hot liquid spurted in
his mouth and over his lips, tongue and chin. Even though he felt embarrassed, knowing he looked
messy and debauched, covered with Draco's come, Harry’s cock twitched, apparently pleased with this
Aware that his cheeks were red, but determinedly ignoring it, Harry opened his eyes and waited for
Draco to look at him before he swallowed audibly. Harry’s embarrassment evaporated as Draco
shivered and made an odd choking sound as his gaze followed Harry's tongue as it licked the come
from Harry's bottom lip. Entranced, Draco brought one shivering finger to Harry's chin, scooping a bit
of come and offering it to Harry so he could lick it off. Harry did so eagerly, unable to stop himself
from grinning at Draco's increasing flusteredness. Apparently Draco liked the show very much and
Harry was enjoying his sudden control.
"Merlin, you're so ..." Draco murmured, but didn't finish the thought. Instead, he tried to free his
finger, though Harry didn't let it go easily and instead bit down on the digit. "Rabid!" Draco
concluded, pulled his finger away and moved somewhat unsteadily to take some more items from the
He returned with renewed composure and a leather strap, instructing Harry to open his mouth and bite
down on it. Harry did so without a word, and Draco tied the ends together on the back of Harry's
head. Next up was the silk blind, which would have made Harry complain, had he been able to, but he
couldn't talk, just perhaps growl a little. So of course he did growl his displeasure, but received only a
chuckle in return.
The world turned black, and suddenly more intimidating, especially after Draco brushed Harry's lips
with his and whispered, "Time for your punishment."
Harry took a deep breath, his whole body stiffening. He knew what the punishment was. He had
agreed to it ... for some reason. Draco had told him that since he was bad he should get,
well, Harry blushed just remembering the tone of Draco's voice as he said it. 'I believe I have no
other choice than to spank you, Harry,' Draco had proclaimed. Harry wanted to refuse, naturally,
but the word alone made him breathe a little harder. In a good way.
Harry lowered his hands back to the floor, waiting and listening to Draco's soft footsteps that moved
from the box to somewhere behind Harry.
"Well then," Draco said in a sharp business-like tone that almost made Harry laugh, but he reckoned
that would be a bad idea. "You'll get five for being a devious little bastard. Five more for failing to
hide the fact that you are a devious little bastard — really, Harry, that's just embarrassing. And five
more because I'm sure you'll earn them soon enough."
Harry frowned. Fifteen didn't sound very dangerous — he almost felt disappointed. Not that
he wanted to be hurt. Well, maybe a little, but how painful could spanking be?
"Oh!" Harry gasped. The sharp whooshing sound was his only warning before stinging pain
spread through his arse. "Mmm?" he asked, worried. That stung and it wasn't Draco's hand.
He had expected Draco's hand!
"Oh, this is a riding crop," Draco informed him patiently. "I'm rather fond of it and I'm so pleased that
you two have finally met."
Harry made a series of unarticulated and indignant sounds. Really, this was cheating. Draco said
nothing about riding crops.
"Was that, 'Oh no, don't use that!' or 'Oh good, that's exactly what I wanted!'?" Draco asked sweetly.
Harry didn't dignify that with a response. Or to be more precise — since he couldn't respond — he
didn't dignify that with gurgling.
"Well, I'll suppose it was the latter," Draco said contemplatively, before the crop hit Harry's buttocks
again. Harry gritted his teeth, refusing to cry out, but he winced at every lash that hit his arse and the
sensitive skin on the top of his thighs. But wincing made the toy inside him jostle, so each lash
brought both pain and pleasure and that was beginning to confuse Harry immensely. By the tenth
vicious stroke he was moaning in pleasure instead of crying out in pain.
Draco stopped and then his hand was on Harry's abused arse cheeks, caressing soothingly. "Five
more," Draco said before slapping Harry again, but his time with his palm.
Harry winced then moaned. This was different and even better. It was still stinging and
painful, but this was Draco's hand that caressed him tenderly after each stroke. It felt so
intimate and almost nice that it made Harry whimper with need. He could feel his
cock throbbing and if it wasn't for the cock ring, Harry was sure that he would have already lost it.
When Draco counted off five slaps, Harry tried to say Draco's name and moan a plea for release, but it
came out like a long purr.
"In a minute," Draco answered Harry's unasked question.
The butt-plug was gently removed but Harry could hear Draco stand and move away. He hoped Draco
had gone to get the lube, so he spread his legs wider and lowered his head, waiting impatiently. His
whole body, especially his arse, felt like it was on fire.
A pop and a bubbling sound reached Harry's ears and he cocked his head, listening in puzzlement.
Was it possible that Draco had a lube that made sounds like that? That was odd.
But Harry stopped wondering soon enough; he was too busy screaming in shock.
Cold, freezing liquid poured over his back, his neck and even over his hair. The blind protected his
eyes from what Harry realized was champagne as it dribbled over his neck and jaw to his mouth. He
squirmed and tried to get away from the onslaught of cold, bubbly liquid but he was forced to stay
put and take the unwanted shower. The feeling was indescribably uncomfortable especially when the
liquid was poured over the tender and abused skin of his arse. Harry yelped and managed to say
Fuck quite clearly.
"I said in a minute. Right now I'm thirsty," Draco said, sounding amused, but Harry barely registered
his words. He was shivering from the cold and the unnerving feeling of sticky wetness covering his
entire body. However, he did register Draco's tongue as it began lapping the champagne from the
small of Harry's back. Harry arched into the touch, his discomfort forgotten or rather embraced, since
it meant that he now served as Draco's drinking cup. And really, there were worst fates than being
Draco's drinking cup.
The soothing touch of the tongue moved lower as Draco began to lick the burning skin of Harry's
buttocks. Even the painful bites of Draco's merciless teeth felt good as they were soothed with gentle
sucking. Draco's hands spread Harry's arse cheeks and his skilful tongue dipped in the crease. It
wriggled inside Harry's hole, prompting Harry to make pathetic keening sounds as he pushed back on
Draco's face, wanting the tongue to go deeper.
He managed to moan out something that sounded like rrraco, which made Draco laugh and
stop his ministrations.
Harry meant to complain but then Draco murmured Relashio, and the chains around Harry's
writs unlocked and edged away. Not knowing what to do with his newfound freedom, Harry kept his
position until he felt the head of Draco's cock on his entrance, pushing in, and Draco's hands on his
hips, pulling him upwards.
Moaning, Harry sat up slowly, impaling himself until Draco was fully inside him. He struggled to
adjust to the wide length that filled him as Draco removed the leather strap from his mouth and the
blind from his eyes.
Wrapping his hands around Harry's waist, Draco pulled him flush against his chest, which felt much
too warm but that was probably because Harry's skin had been recently so cruelly chilled. Harry
tipped his head back, ridiculously pleased when he met Draco's eyes.
He opened his mouth to say something, probably sappy and inane, instead of indignant and
reproachful as he originally planned to, but Draco captured his lips into a slow kiss. Harry forgot
everything else and responded, turning the kiss more passionate as he circled his hips, making the
cock inside him rub against his prostate.
Their position was awkward, but Harry didn't want to stop the kiss and he couldn't stop his
hips. But soon it didn't matter because Draco wrapped one hand around Harry's aching cock and
stroked him, first slowly and then much faster, making Harry's pleasure build in no time. Harry's hips
and arse moved quicker, as his hands stroked Draco's thighs, though he was hardly aware of it, and
he panted hotly into Draco's mouth. He gave a muffled scream as his orgasm was wrenched out of
him and he came in shuddering waves — the cock ring adding to his pleasure.
Harry tore his mouth from Draco's to take a couple of big gulps of air, because he seemed to have
forgotten to breathe.
"Are you all right?" Draco asked, his tone edgy and voice quivering, making Harry realize that Draco
was still hard and probably barely stopping himself from moving. Harry didn't answer, but instead
gathered his strength and lifted up a little, only to slam back down. Draco growled and responded
instantly by thrusting upwards with all of his might.
Harry lost control over their pace as Draco grabbed his hips firmly and began pounding inside Harry at
a frantic pace. Harry could do little but gasp each time his prostate was jabbed, as Draco sought his
own pleasure.
Almost crushing Harry's hips, Draco came, biting Harry's neck to stop himself from screaming as Harry
clenched his inner muscles and massaged Draco's pulsing cock to prolong his orgasm.
Draco licked and kissed the sore spot on Harry's neck in apology, but Harry was hardly concerned
about it. He was much more concerned with the fact that he couldn't speak due to breathing too
"Wow," he managed after a while.
Draco pulled Harry back towards him, pressing him against his chest again, and wrapped his arms
around Harry's waist. Harry smiled at him dazedly. "So. Why the champagne?"
Draco grinned, his eyes twinkling wickedly. "Well, you were much too stoic during the spanking. I
just wanted to have you shocked and yelping." Draco considered, "And I was thirsty."
"Git," Harry accused, still smiling.
"Learned your lesson?" Draco asked, arching one pale eyebrow.
Harry grinned wider and licked his lips. "Being devious pays off either way?" he said cheekily.
Draco looked displeased. Clearly this wasn't the conclusion that he’d wanted Harry to draw. He pursed
his lips and pouted. "I have more toys, you know."
Harry cocked his head, and reached out to grab the back of Draco's head to pull him in for a kiss. "I
was hoping you'd say that."
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