48 hours | By : cbhwilson Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 13956 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter fandom, nor do I make any money from writing anything using HP |
Hermione rounded the corner and stopped dead in her tracks. Hannah Abbott was begging Malfoy “Just once, I want to feel you” Hermione felt sick. Draco had his back against the wall and it was Hannah who seemed to be the aggressor.
Hermione found her voice “Hannah what are you doing?” Her friend looked at her and smiled dreamily. “He’s so beautiful” Hermione felt nauseous. Was she hexed? As far as she could tell Hannah eyes weren’t glazed over. In fact they seemed to be alive with emotion.
Hermione couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Hannah dismissed Hermione’s presence and turned her attention back to the wizard. “Please…” She begged and Draco held her at arms length. A smirk turning into a smug smile “Now, now Hannah, what about your boyfriend?” Hannah was adamant “He doesn’t feel like you and…” the young witch cooed “…he doesn’t have to know”
Hermione couldn’t take it anymore. She grabbed Hannah and pulled her away “What are you doing?” She hissed, “Neville loves you, and I thought…” Hannah eyes became wild and sneered “Well that shows how clever you are!” Hermione recoiled and let her go.
Hannah was acting like someone on heat. Hannah ran to Draco who shook his head. He raised his hands in a feigned surrender. Hermione looked like she was going to faint when Hannah dropped to her knees in front of him “I can please you”
Hermione was incensed “Stop it Draco” He looked smugly at her. “I’m not doing that much to her Granger. Can I help it…” The noise of his fly being undone caused him to look down. He grabbed Hannah’s hands. “You’ve done it now Abbott” Hermione noticed his arousal and gulped. “Damn it Draco what do you want?”
His answer stunned her “You instead of Hannah, or Hannah. You know” he become thoughtful, “We should go outside to the glasshouse Abbott and” Hermione put her hand on her forehead “Please don’t do this to him” Draco smirked “Well that’s not up to me is it?”
He took Hannah by the hand. They were at the base of the heads’ dorm. “Let’s go” Hermione grabbed him. “No wait. I’ll…” Draco smiled slightly. “Well Granger, you’ll give me 48 hours on oath. Would you witness it for me Hannah?” Hermione cringed at the response “Anything for you, Draco” He uttered the password. “After you Granger”
Hermione was shaking as she ascended the stairs. She turned around and tried one last time to plead with her friend “Hannah?…” Draco stopped Hermione with a sudden kiss. It had happened so quickly that it took a moment to register his grip on the base of her skull. Her hair entwined in his fingers. Steel grey eyes blazed into hers. “You agreed” Hermione closed her own eyes and nodded. She felt him grab her hand. He literally pulled her up the stairs.
All of a sudden Hannah started crying. Hermione’s hopefulness of a reprieve however was short lived. “Draco take me” Hannah begged and Draco smirked “No Hannah, just want a witness” Hannah shot Hermione a venomous look...” but she doesn’t even want you.” Draco still had hold of Hermione’s hand, and he pulled her into his body. Wrapping his other arm around her waist, locking her into position. “Oh yes she does”
Hermione was shaking “No, I can’t possibly….” She bit her bottom lip and Draco couldn’t hide his pleasure. That lip thing always meant she was thinking. She did it whenever she was in a predicament. “Now Hannah you have less that an hour to catch the HogWarts Express. So how about you do me a favour and let’s get this done”
Hannah nodded. He kissed Hermione gently on the neck and sniggered when she near buckled. Hermione’s eyes widened in shock and Draco breathed into her ear “Good to see I have no effect Granger”
He gently released her and stood back. Only then did Hermione seem to regain some composure. It took a second or two for her to steady her breathing and when she spoke it was a near whisper. “I’ve never had to give an oath” He smirked “Just followed my lead” The next few moments were a blur, although she remembered stating it would be just the two of them. “Oh, Granger you won’t need any more than me, and I have no intention of sharing”.
He led Hermione to the couch and she sat shell-shocked. Hermione watched him lead Hannah down the stairs. She drew a breath as she heard the tell tale “obliviate”. Hermione was frowning when he returned in to the Head common room. He knelt before her, eyes searching hers.
To his surprise she spoke. “Why did you do that for Neville?” Draco lifted her chin and gave her a feathery kiss on the lips. He smiled “Did you like that?” He watched her confusion and a pained expression seemed to flash across his face. He stood up quickly and started to pace. “Don’t fight this Granger” Hermione visibly cringed. “I was only asking. It just seemed…”
“Nice?” Draco answered for her and Hermione nodded. He knelt before her again and kissed her “Such passion should not be wasted.” he whispered into her lips. “Besides why shouldn’t Neville get a memorable Christmas present?” His hands held her head into position. His eyes were triumphant “I know I am” She fought tears and in an almost inaudible voice said. “There’s no way out”
Draco groaned and kissed her with such force she fell back into the cushions. He spread her legs, still kissing her hard and placed him self between her thighs. He grabbed both knees and scooped her legs up over his shoulders. He placed himself hard up against her womanhood and leant forward. Pinning her shoulders with his arms he held her head with his hands.
He kept her in that position for a minute or two and they held each other’s gaze. Suddenly he relented a little. Then just as unexpectedly slammed his pelvis into hers. Hermione felt like he was going to snap her in half. Everything about him brokered no argument.
“Now Granger this can happen in one of two ways. I don’t care if I wreck you, but I’d prefer not. I know I’m not your first so it’s up to you. Mean or nice, I will enjoy myself” Hermione spoke softly “I don’t want to be wrecked”. Draco got up and smiled.
Hermione didn’t have any time to compose herself as Draco had grabbed her hand. She found herself being led to ‘Slytherinn Sex God’s’ bedroom. She had heard stories and hoped for the life of her they weren’t true. Hermione’s nerves weren’t helped when he led her to the foot of his bed.
The bed was unnaturally big. “That’s not the only thing that is” Hermione jumped, the bastard was using his skills as a Legilimus. Draco smiled. “How did you think I know you want me Granger? All those dreams…” Hermione paled.
He gave her a surprisingly tender embrace. He smiled as he released her. His tone though, was anything but friendly “As I said Granger, enjoy it, I know I will” His smile turned to a sneer “… and I know you want to”
Hermione nodded, feeling well and truly beaten when Draco produced a blindfold. She couldn’t hide her shock. “What..?” he stopped her with a glare. “You agreed” As the blindfold went on Hermione felt herself shudder. She felt his lips on hers and he whispered. “Take off your cloak and drop it to the ground” Hermione’s hands shook as she conformed.
Draco took a couple of steps back to enjoy the show. He was grateful he had thought of using the blindfold. He knew he was grinning like a madman. Finally, she was his. He was so hard, he had to take a deep breath before he spoke again.
“Well Granger keep going like a good girl” His sarcastic tone caused Hermione to jump slightly and Draco watched the Gryffindor Princess reveal herself. “Stop at your panties and bras”
She stood there before him and looked like a goddess. He didn’t say a word and watched her embarrassment with amusement. Her choice of burgundy lace had been a spur of the moment choice and Hermione’s skin colour currently matched her lingerie.
Draco slowly covered the distance between them. She knew he was close. She could feel his heat. Lips softly kissed hers. He wasn’t touching her in any other way and she felt her body melt. She cursed its treacherous response. She was so wet.
He kissed her neck and she heard the fly of his trousers being opened . “On your knees.” Hermione wanted to protest but she knew better. She couldn’t stop a whimper from escaping as she knelt before him.
The noise angered him “No Granger. No mercy. I won’t tell you again. Either you play nice or pay the price” He grabbed the back of her head with one hand and his manhood with the other. “Hold still”
Hermione felt something on her lips and Draco left her no doubt what was expected “Now Granger just do as I say and I’ll only use two instead of three holes” Hermione nodded. “Now lick the top like an ice-cream” She licked and was surprised when she encountered a sticky substance. “It’s called pre come Granger, lick it up”
Hermione felt herself starting to burn. She was on fire and craved the feel of him. She began the blowjob without prompting and Draco groaned “Good girl Granger…” His passion became too much and he pulled her head away, an involuntary protest escaping.
She heard him chuckle “Patience” Suddenly he was kissing her and she realised he must of knelt. “Now finish what you started” He guided her head back onto his penis and she almost instantly had him back to the throws of passion.
“Granger, you’re fucking unbelievable….” He shuddered violently “ swallow” He held his manhood and after the initial release was able to stem the flow enough so it was more manageable.
“Well Done, you didn’t waste much” Draco asked just as Hermione felt his lips on hers. She cried out as he bit her lip “How many of them have you done?” Hermione shook and even though she wanted to yell it, her voice came out as a squeak “None”
Grabbing her upper arm, he stood, forcing her to her feet. He pushed her to side of the bed and roughly shoved her on it. “Don’t lie to me!” He hissed and Hermione pleaded her innocence “I’m not. I don’t know what’s wrong with me”
She was trembling and Draco suddenly seemed incredulous. “You burning for me aren’t you? and I’ve barely touched you…yet” she felt his weight beside her on the bed. She nodded and she knew tears were forming in her eyes.
She couldn’t believe it herself but at the moment she was grateful to the blindfold. Draco rolled atop of her and kissed her in the middle of her forehead. “ Hermione Granger you give one hell of a blow job. Sit up. I want another.”
She complied and within minutes Draco cursed her. He had come too quickly. “Damn it Granger” He grabbed her head and pulled her up so they were face to face. “ Put your arms around me” They were both sitting on the bed, on their knees, facing each other. Draco had spread Hermione knees with his and he moaned at the sight.
He kissed her deeply and used one of his hands to pull the panties across her exposing the lips surrounding her womanhood. He felt himself harden at the thought of it and resisted the urge to look. He needed to slow himself down, so he placed that hand on her thigh. She would beg for it and he had plenty of time.
With his other hand he traced her spine with his finger unclasping her bra as he went. His mouth had been feathering her body with kisses. Every shudder he evoked made him harder and by the time he got to focus on her womanhood he felt he was going to burst. He groaned as his two fingers slipped in easily “You’re so wet Granger…”
He rubbed her clit and broke off the kiss. Using his mouth he feathered her face with kisses. He smiled deviously as he lowered his head still working her womanhood. Hermione couldn’t focus on anything other than his two fingers inside her.
She was oblivious to all else until she felt her bra straps being lowered one by one. He hungrily claimed her nipple and she tightened her grip both around his shoulders and his fingers. When he pinched her other nipple she arched her back and cried out.
“Now Granger” his voice husky from emotion “Tell me you don’t want it” He kept one hand pleasuring her womanhood but relented on her aroused nipples. Using the arm that had just been busy with her breasts, he snaked it up her spine gripping the nape of her neck. He pulled her to him and once again claimed her lips. The intensity of Hermione’s building orgasm had her clasping her muscles around his fingers and he waited for her release.
“Tell me Hermione” he used breath to torment her nipples and she shuddered violently. “Do you want me?” He kissed her shoulder “Yes” He barely heard her but that smile was back on his face “Louder and say it in a sentence” Hermione took a deep breath as he kept up the rhythmic assault with his fingers. He kissed her left nipple and he felt her whole body respond. His voice relayed his impatience “Well say it!”
Hermione Granger breathlessly uttered a sentence that would change her life forever “Yes I want you …I want you inside me…Please Draco” He removed his fingers. She hadn’t been satisfied and she found her eyes pleading as the blindfold was unexpectedly removed. His smirk was justified. She was raw with passion. “Don’t worry Granger there’s more. But since you asked so sweetly. Let’s do this properly”
Draco looked at her and sadly smiled at her confusion “Come on Hermione” He got off the bed and scooped her in his arms. He kissed her lips gently as he placed her onto the pillows.
He stood back from the bed and removed his cloak “I got to watch you, now you watch me” It was said light heartedly enough, but Hermione sensed the danger. There were no in betweens. Playing nice would mean not turning her gaze from him.
She watched as he stripped down and he was everything she had thought and more. To say he was athletic didn’t do him justice. He was breathtaking and he knew it. He smiled at her obvious approval.
Silent approval wasn’t enough, he wanted her to tell him what was written all over her features. “Come on Granger” He removed his shoes with a flick of his wand and stood completely naked in front of her. “Tell me what you think”
Hermione’s mouth suddenly felt dry. “You’re as good looking as you think you are” was all she could manage and Draco joined her on the bed. “Now that’s impossible.” He run his finger down her cheek “No-one’s that good looking” She smiled despite herself. He kissed her pushing her head back on the pillows.
He lay down beside her and she groaned as she felt his hand between her legs. He smirked as he ripped her panties off. She watched his eyes; they were smouldering so much they reminded her of liquid metal. He kissed her lips breaking eye contact. A devious smile appeared as lips as he looked down the length of her body.
“Time to return the favour” she shuddered as he kissed each breast. Her heart was pounding when he reached her stomach. Kissing her belly button and inner thighs she groaned quietly as he spread her legs. Placing himself between them he gently licked her opening and stopped suddenly.
Hermione frowned and he reassured her “Don’t worry my love. It’s just you taste..” he groaned “exquisite..” He plunged his tongue deep inside her and spread her opening with his fingers. Using his breath he teased her clit and Hermione arched her back. He threw one arm around her stomach and pinned her hips to the bed. He moaned “You’re so wet and …” He kissed her thigh the gave it a little nip.
Suddenly he was fervently kissing her lips. He held her gaze and whispered as she writhed in desire underneath him “Tell me again Granger” He cupped her right buttock and she felt his erection on her stomach. The touch of it seemed different but, she was so far gone, she didn’t care at the moment. She was on fire and her voice trembled “Please Draco I want you”
She barely registered his entry as his mouth clamped onto her shoulder and he bit her. She cried out in shock and quivered. It hurt. A lot. Somewhere in the back of her mind she realised what this meant. Then he expanded inside her and his organ began pulsating. The trembling inside her intensified and Hermione found herself engulfed in both pleasure and pain. Draco released her shoulder and began slowly thrusting in and out of her.
Watching the way his body was vibrating in hers he was completely consumed with passion. He was shaking all over. The experience was like no other he’d ever encountered. His thrusts gathered momentum and they simultaneously screamed in release. He collapsed on top of her. Both were shivering.
It took a while for their breathing to calm down. He lifted his weight off her and gently kissed her shoulder. He went to speak but she placed her finger on his mouth “I know, Veela right?” He nodded and turned over pulling her on top of him. They slept and somewhere in her head she heard him say “Only 45 hours to go then it’s my turn”
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