Sowing the Twisted Rose | By : Tol1as Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Het - Male/Female Views: 92531 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter brand or its characters. I do not profit from this piece of fiction in any way; except mentally. |
Unholy, both gazes met
distorted; their great sin.
Enflamed, their passion grows
restrain proves useless - lacking chagrin.
Two as one, their will is set,
to meld into the Twisted Rose.
He sighed wearily. The office was draped in shadow, a result of the late hour and his rapidly darkening mood. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, a second sigh escaping his lips. The ornate wooden desk was littered with paper – requests for transfer, memos from other departments, executive orders… all of it a bunch of bureaucratic horseshit. A thought entered his mind. What if he burned it all? Surely everyone had made copies in triplicate. He weighed the idea for a moment and before he lost his nerve, flicked the yew wand. Silvery flames burst from the tip, consuming the stacks of paper.
For the first time in weeks, he smiled.
Another wave of the wand and the smoke disappeared. He grinned, imagining the chaos the destroyed paperwork could cause in the department.
A knock on the office’s door interrupted his reverie. He composed himself and hid the wand. Then he called out.
The door opened, admitting a hesitant young witch.
“Sir? It’s over seven thirty… do you need me for anything else?” she said quietly, looking around. The darkened room must have surprised her, he thought.
He studied his assistant for a moment, not answering. She was in her late twenties, with a slim, willowy figure, chestnut hair and rich bodily assets. He had a sneaking suspicion, that for some time, she had wanted to assist him a lot more closely; but that would have been a very bad idea. For all involved.
At last, he responded.
“No, thank you Astrid. You may go. I’m leaving in a few minutes as well.”
She looked vaguely disappointed at his response.
“Don’t forget the budget meeting tomorrow at nine sir. Good night.” she said and turned to leave.
“I won’t. Goodnight to you too.”
She closed the door, once again throwing the office in darkness. He sat still for a moment then sprung to his feet.
“This job is eating my soul.” he said aloud. And now he was talking to himself. He pulled the yew wand with a grimace, and spelled the office sealed. Then he fished a small plastic toy from his robe pocket. He smiled at the sight; it had been a gift from his daughter, when she was five, to protect him from ‘bad people’. With a tap of his wand the device was active. With a muttered word he disappeared.
The portkey deposited him in a spacious bedroom. From a dark room to a dark room – home sweet home, he thought. He took the official robes off, throwing them on the bed, then trekked to the antique liquor cabinet. Pulling a glass, he filled it with aged malt whiskey. The glass went down in its entirety, before being refilled. Somewhat revitalized by the alcohol, he fell on the bed, breathing deeply. He felt better already, just by being at this house.
“Master is home! Does master wish for anything? Dinner perhaps? Master should not be drinking without eating first!” a high voice sounded suddenly.
Startled, he sat up. A young house elf, dressed in a black maid’s uniform, was looking at him excitedly.
“Thank you Iris, I’m fine. Did anyone call?” he responded.
“Mister Neville Longbottom is firecalling and asking of Master. He is saying Master should not be ignoring his friend’s invitation to the Longbottom manor, if Master wants to keep all his teeth. Iris is telling him that Master will turn nasty Longbottom into a fish if he attempts to harm Master!” the house elf babbled.
He grinned widely, imagining the conversation; then his mood turned somber.
“Did Ginny call? Or send a letter?” he asked.
“Mistress is not calling or letter-sending for five weeks now, Master. Iris is thinking Mistress should not be behaving so badly!” she said emphatically.
“Fine. You may go Iris.” he finished. The elf gave a bow, before retreating.
He drank the second glass, then exhaled wearily. This was what his marriage had degenerated into – long touring and training sessions for his wife, silence for him. He wondered what the point was any more.
The bathroom was opulent, with marble facilities and crystal lights. He turned the golden faucet and started washing his face and arms thoroughly. The water ran as he gazed in the mirror.
Harry Potter. Aged thirty seven, six feet tall, athletic physique. Father of three, husband to Ginny, brother to Kalia, son of Lily and James. Deputy chief of the Aurors. Bane of Voldemort.
All of it felt meaningless right now. His house was muted, his job was draining his will; friends and family all occupied with their own concerns. For the past few months an idea had been tantalizing his mind: to flee, leave all of his problems behind. See the world, perhaps.
If not for his children, he thought he would have probably done it.
Impulsively, he reentered the bedroom and wore an overcoat, grabbing the whiskey bottle. With a twist of his wand, he disapparated.
Harry reappeared next to a cottage, overlooking a small lake. He smiled, in memory. They had spent a lot of time here, the entire family – swimming in the lake, exploring the nearby forest. The children had loved it, as had he – though Ginny had merely tolerated it, along with so many other things.
He moved to the yard and sat next to the sturdy wooden table, admiring the rose garden. Here, he could think without interruptions. He was having rapid mood swings, he slowly realized. One moment he would be laughing – the next, despair had crept into his thoughts. All of it came back to Ginny and his job, he was sure. He could have handled one or the other, but both had combined to take him off balance.
He thought some more of his wife. The long absences, the deliberate lack of communication – the meaning had finally become clear; she didn’t care for him anymore. When you loved someone you wanted to be with them, in every way. Most probably she was cheating on him, the Harpies not lacking male fans of any age or build.
Surprisingly, Harry didn’t feel much at the thought. He examined himself pensively; what he missed wasn’t Ginny exactly, but a woman. A woman that was his.
He drank straight from the bottle now. It hurt, being rejected by his wife and the realization he had been unable to keep her interested in him. Fifteen years of marriage, along with three children and careers for both spouses could strain any married couple’s relationship – still, a failure was always a failure.
He searched his memories, for signs that this had been coming. The first was glaring; they hadn’t had sex in almost a year. Even at the rare times they had slept in the same bed, there had been no spark between them – just talks of the children, their careers, social obligations.
If Harry was to be honest with himself – and he had to be – he was as much at fault. He hadn’t pressed the situation, hadn’t tried to find what made Ginny act like that. He hadn’t cared enough – certainly not as much as he cared for his work.
So absorbed in his thoughts he was, the first trickle of water made him jump in surprise.
He took a final sip of whiskey and stood. Long minutes passed as the rain pressed stronger, the water mixing with sudden tears. Is this purification? he wondered.
Finally, he turned to go into the house.
He felt calmer; more focused.
With a wave of his wand his clothes were dried, walking to collapse on the couch. Grim determination filled him; I can do this, Harry thought. I can soldier on and not give into melancholy.
It was then that he noticed the fire.
The fireplace was lit, the crackling flames spreading light and warmth through the room. Contently, he spread his arms towards the fire. Someone was there, he surmised. Iris wouldn’t follow him, Harry was certain. Maybe James or Al sneaking out of school, he thought, grinning. He didn’t worry, as the cottage had protections spelled onto it, cast by both him and his mother. Very few magic-users on earth could breach a warding spell cast by the Chairwitch of the Committee of Experimental Charms.
After he was sufficiently warmed, he walked towards the master bedroom. A bath was what he needed now, to calm him even further, so that he could think more clearly on this situation. Close to the door was when he first heard it; a lengthy moan followed by a sigh and giggle.
Harry felt his blood run cold. If Ginny had brought a lover in here, in their family cottage, there would be no mercy – for either of the two. He pulled the yew wand and began casting; disillusionment charms were layered with silencing spells, as he drew an enchantment designed to shield the caster from perimeter guarding spells. Satisfied, he walked to the door and silenced it, before gently pulling it open.
Nothing could have ever prepared him for what he saw.
Laying on the king sized bed, on her back, naked as the day she was born, her legs opened, was his thirteen year old daughter, Lily Luna.
Next to her, fingers stroking the child’s vaginal folds, was his fifty eight year old mother, Lily Evans Potter.
Harry gaped at the sight. Candles burned around the room, setting the atmosphere. The young girl was moaning in pleasure, grabbing and releasing the sheets, as her grandmother masturbated her. He stood, paralyzed for minutes, as his daughter’s movements became frantic. The girl was shaking, until, with a shout, she orgasmed. Her grandmother continued to fondle her gently, as the girl’s orgasm continued. At last, she calmed down, Lily placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Thanks grandma. I love you so much!” the girl chirped, a wide, pleased grin on her face.
“I love you too, my sweet.” her grandmother replied, nuzzling the girl.
Harry, at last, broke through his paralysis. He realized two things. Firstly, this was not the first time this was happening, as his mother touched the girl with familiarity – and secondly, he felt in equal parts revolted and hard.
His daughter had fallen asleep, her grandmother ready to follow her example; both were painted with the afterglow of lovemaking.
Harry acted instictively. With a wave of his wand, he disabled all of his spells and stood in the doorway, waiting to be noticed. It took a minute, until his mother’s gaze fell on him, just on the verge of sleep.
For a moment nothing was said; then Lily scrambled to the nightstand, going for her wand. Harry felt like laughing at the surreal situation. He summoned her wand before she reached it; then fired a gentle sleep inducing spell at his daughter.
“Never let it be said you haven’t adapted to pureblood culture, mum.” he said dryly. Crossing his arms, he waited for a reaction.
Lily unthinkingly sat on the floor, taking the look of a deer caught in highlights.
“Harry, please. D-don’t send me to Azkaban, I beg you!” she pleaded, jerkily pulling a sheet around her nude body.
Harry stared at her. The sheet didn’t leave much to the imagination. Despite being in her late fifties, she looked like Aphrodite, her body glistening with sweat, her full breasts pushing against the white fabric, dark red tresses framing around her face. Witches aged slowly, yet Lily Potter would compare favorably to a woman thirty years her junior.
“Talk to me Harry, please. What are you thinking?” she asked anxiously.
Harry’s face remained expressionless, although his thoughts were slowly filled by a turmoil of desire.
How long has it been since I last saw a naked woman?
“I’m thinking you went for your wand, mum. What was the plan? Obliviate me? Kill me? What?!” he shouted, if only to focus on something different than her body.
“I thought you were going to curse me, Harry, that’s why I went for my wand. And what do you mean kill you? As if I’d kill my firstborn!” she shouted, indignant.
“You don’t deny obliviation, I notice. And stop taking that tone, or I will curse you.” he replied. Lily gulped and nodded, lowering her gaze to the floor.
Harry had very little idea of what to do. Hunting dark wizards seemed so much easier than dealing with this crap. Taking his eyes off her, his gaze fell on his slumbering daughter, still naked and with a smile on her face only an orgasm could bring. Unthinking, he moved to grab a blanket and carefully covered her, then reached to stroke her hair.
He felt the spell generate on the other side of the room. Paralysis hex, he thought. In an instant, he disapparated and reappeared next to her. A chain binding left his wand, wrapping around Lily’s hands and feet. He summoned the second wand, securing it in his pocket.
“Unregistered wands carry a three year prison sentence, mum.” he remarked clinically. “Though, evidently, you don’t seem to hold the law in very high esteem.” he added, pointedly looking at his daughter.
Lily looked ready to collapse. The fight seemed to have left her, leaving her exhausted and trembling.
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t… this isn’t..” she tried to say.
“This isn’t what? You were molesting her and clearly it’s not the first time.”
She nodded shamefully, burying her head in her hands. She started rocking back and forth, a soft sob escaping her.
Harry felt the stirrings of pity in his heart, then squashed them. Women, he thought. Even when they’re at fault, they can make you feel like the guilty party.
“Stop that. You’re only sorry you were caught.”
Lily continued sobbing, though silently. He placed both of his mother’s wands in the dragonhide holster, enchanted to allow touch only by him. A wave of the yew wand vanished the chain bindings; he then placed his own wand into the holster.
She didn’t move. Gently, Harry leaned to help her get up.
Her sudden punch missed his groin by an inch. She tried, again and again. Harry was almost amused by the effort. Until she jumped to her feet and tried to claw his face.
Their eyes met, emerald to emerald. Hers were ready to spit fire, she was glaring at him so.
She lunged again, trying to get to the wand holster, nimbly avoiding Harry’s grasp. He toyed with the idea of letting her – a few people had spent a long time in St Mungo’s, having tried to draw from it – then changed his mind.
At her next lunge, he grabbed her right arm. She tried to break free, to no avail, while the sheet covering her fell to the floor. Her insistent struggle, coupled with the events of the day, fueled his anger.
He backhanded her harsly, once, twice, three times. Her left hand slowly cupped her cheek, as shock painted her features – Harry imagined it had been decades since someone had dared to raise a hand against Lily Potter.
Overcoming her shock, she tried to attack him a final time. Harry’s mind was consumed in equal parts by anger and desire. He grabbed and immobilized both of Lily’s hands; then, driven by something he did not quite understand, kissed her harshly.
It was a forceful kiss, fueled by their raging emotions. After a few seconds, she pushed him away roughly.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” she cried out.
Harry gazed at her, his eyes darkened by craving, mind filled with rage. Her nakedness fueled his lust. He grabbed her again and as she struggled, threw her on the king sized bed. Before she tried to get away, he was on top of her, kissing her neck, his hands roaming over her body. She gave a mighty lurch to push him away, yet Harry would not, could not be deterred.
She hit him in the ear with all her strength, momentarily dazing him. Harry’s stare fell on his daughter suddenly, seeing her peaceful sleeping form next to them.
It was not unlike being doused with ice-cold water. Here Harry was, trying to force himself on his own mother. With his daughter on the bed. What the fuck is wrong with me? he thought with revulsion It took all of his mediocre skill in Occlumency, but he finally wrestled control of his mind. Lifelessly he fell between his mother and Lily Luna, his eyes closed. This is a clusterfuck of epic proportions, he thought grimly.
Lily, adrenaline coursing through her body, searched his features. He looked to be in agony.
“Harry? What’s wrong? B-beyond what you saw I mean…” she inquired timidly.
“Beyond the fact that my mother is molesting my daughter, work is deteriorating, my marriage is collapsing and I just tried to rape you, absolutely nothing is wrong.” he replied with weariness. He turned towards Lily Luna and closed his eyes again.
“Just go away.” he mumbled weakly, laying still.
Lily heard the pain in his voice and her heart twisted. No sane mother ever wanted to see her children unhappy.
“Harry? Please, what did you mean that your marriage is collapsing? What’s wrong?” she asked gently. “And I don’t blame you for what just happened. You were furious, rightly so. Shock makes people act strangely... The important thing is that you stopped.” she added.
For some long seconds, he didn’t answer. “Well, thank Morgaine you don’t blame me. It really ranks high on my list of priorities.” he replied sarcastically. “As for my marriage, I’m starting to think it’s been over for a long time. Ginny and I have barely spoken in months and we haven’t had sex in a year. I suspect she’s cheating on me.” he concluded.
Lily grimaced at his words. A ruined marriage was always painful – for everyone involved, she thought.
“Have you tried to talk to her? Get down to the bottom of this?” she asked.
Harry was beginning to get annoyed at her insistent questions, then stopped. It could do him some good to talk to someone about this, even if it was her.
“Numerous times. Sent letters, cards, gifts. Apparated to most of her matches. She was never available – always got her teammates to provide an excuse. I stopped trying after a while; I had serious things to deal with at work, instead of chasing a redheaded bitch!” he growled.
Lily replied by punching him in the shoulder, “Hey! Don’t insult redheads!”, trying to make light of their talk. It didn’t work; Harry ignored her.
She cautiously embraced her son from behind, then tightened her hold. “I’m sorry.” she whispered. “I wish it hadn’t happened to you. I know how a crumbling marriage twists, like a knife through the heart…”
Harry barely listened to her comforting words; her large breasts were starting to push against his back and her legs were tangling with his own. He starting feeling a heat that had nothing to do with the room temperature, his cock hardening yet again. What the hell is she doing?! he wondered.
A few more seconds passed and Harry couldn’t bear inaction anymore; he turned towards her and stared; her full lips were parted and a haze seemed to cloud her eyes.
They gazed upon one another for an endless moment. Then, Lily spoke.
“I have indeed adapted to pureblooded culture.” she said, voice low and sensual and inviting.
Harry lost all semblance of rational thought. Growling, he threw himself on top of her and attacked her mouth. She responded to the kiss, her hands stroking his hair and back. His hands finally, finally cupped her breasts. A cloud of pleasure settled on his mind, so strong it took his breath away. Or perhaps he forgot how to breath.
They separated with a moan. Lily brought her hand to his crotch, palming it.
“Well. Seems like someone is happy to be here.” she remarked, smirking devilishly.
Harry’s hands flew, he disrobed so quickly. Lily helped him, until he stood above her, clad only in his black boxers.
“What are you waiting for?” she asked.
He took them off, and finally, both were naked. Lily gazed on him for a moment, a hungry look in her eyes. Slowly, her hand rose and wrapped around his length.
“You feel hard as rock. Did I do this to you?” she teased.
Enough, Harry thought. “Open your legs.” he commanded, tone booking no argument.
Slowly, half-closed eyes looking to his own, she did.
He gazed at the triangle of pink flesh, surrounded by trimmed red hair, two lips on either side. This is the irresistible force that moves the world, he thought, before scrambling on top of his mother, taking her by surprise.
“Guide me.” he ordered.
Glancing at him, she wrapped both hands around his cock; then brought it to the entrance of her pussy.
“My guidance is complete.” she told him, a slight grin on her lips.
He positioned himself and with a shove, buried his cock inside her.
Lily gasped in surprise. Her son felt huge inside her – if she hadn’t already been wet, he would have injured her. Somehow, she doubted he cared about that at this moment.
Harry started fucking her with slow movements; steadily he accelerated, enjoying the act after over a year of celibacy. Always his hands teased her breasts, his mouth sucking on her neck.
Lily was becoming lost in a maelstrom of sensation. She hadn’t been fucked like this in years – or perhaps never. She crossed her legs behind her son’s back, giving him even more access to her core, as both her hands stroked his back. Her pussy was being set on fire, juices already leaking on the bed as he impaled her. Her breath came short, as Harry reached places inside her no one had ever found. Not his father and certainly not the few affairs she’d had.
Harry felt like death had taken him and he was reborn, over and over again. At this minute the world could burn and he wouldn’t have noticed. This felt better than cocaine, which he used occasionally, better than Black Lotus, the strongest of euphoric potions, the he had tried only once. At that moment he was his cock, squeezed by the exquisite, motherly pussy. He fucked her even harder, until he heard her gasp, in agony or bliss, until he felt himself reach her deepest depth. Then he abruptly slowed.
Lily felt him slow down and opened her eyes. His body was raised until only the tip of his cock rubbed against her clit. He teased her for a while and as their eyes met, he smirked slowly. Using his weight he dropped on her. She screamed in pain and pleasure, as he penetrated her fully.
“Pound me, please!” she whispered, breathless.
He had no trouble obeying. Her hands, on their accord, locked behind his neck, pulling him closer still.
Lily felt as if she was getting close to – something, something wonderful and terrible at once.
Harry barely had the strength to blink anymore, all his energy devoted to the act.
This was primal, above and beyond them, before and after them.
As mother and son danced to their end, Lily’s hand snaked towards his arse. Opening the cheeks, her middle finger started rubbing his asshole. Harry increased his speed again.
He was burning up, blood pressure and heart rate through the roof.
Lily was close, so fucking close –
unthinking, she slapped his bum with her full strength – causing his cock to rub against her womb.
Harry howled in ecstasy.
With a final, mighty lurch, he started cumming inside her. Burst after burst of hot sperm was spilled in her womb, filling her as nothing had filled her before.
It was enough to send Lily over the edge. He’s spilling his seed insidememyownson myfleshandblood - never in her life had she felt so decadent, so perverted.
Her orgasm started low in her belly, from where he had seeded her. It slowly, but surely, spread to every part of her body; it felt as if she was wrapped in a blanket of pleasure.
Harry collapsed on top of her, still making small jerking motions, the aftereffects of his climax almost as strong as his moment of orgasm.
Lily writhed under him. Their sweat almost fused their bodies together. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, feeling possessive.
Oedipus and Jocasta, this is who we are, she thought feverishly. What a tragedy we have weaved.
They laid entwined for a long time, not one of them speaking.
Just as Lily thought he had fallen asleep, Harry dislodged himself carefully and collapsed next to her. She thought his face blank, untill she realized he looked peaceful – not to mention satisfied.
Tenderly, she stroked her pussy. It was overflowing, both from Harry’s sperm and her own juices. She let out a small laugh at the thought of the mixture as a cocktail.
Harry looked after a few moment, his eyes closed and breathing even. Gingerly, she got up from the bed, their combined fluids running down her legs to the thick carpet. Surprised, she realized she didn’t give a damn. She cared for very few things at the moment, most of them centered on her son – maybe her grandchildren. Everything else – work, husband, friends looked to be an ocean away.
“It’s as if I’m drugged.” she unknowingly said aloud.
“You are what?” his quiet voice answered.
“Nothing. I’m sorry, did I wake you?” she replied, turning to look at him. The emerald eyes looked brilliant in the candlelight, as his strong physique lay sprawled on the bed.
“I wasn’t asleep.” he told her. “Sleep is the last thing in my mind.” he added.
Lily smirked at that. It seemed her son had inherited her illustrious ability of being energized by sex.
She carefully walked to the bathroom, body still tender, then turned to face him.
“Get some rest, love. I’m going to take a shower.” she informed, “or join me, if you like…” she added, half-joking.
Harry didn’t reply for some time. She resumed her walk, until his voice stopped her.
“I rather think I will.”
In one move, he jumped from the bed and took her hand. “This is so unfair.” she said. “I can barely move and you’re jumping like a buffoon!” Harry laughed at her comment as he guided her to the large bathroom. “Maybe you need some exercise?” he commented. “Are you saying I’ve gained weight?!” she exclaimed, indignant. Harry raised his hands in a placating gesture; “There’s not way in Tartarus I’m answering that question.”
A muttered Hmpf was the only reply she gave.
They entered the shower, Lily starting the cascade of hot water. For a few moments they relished in it, the warm liquid relaxing their muscles, the steam clouding the air.
Leisurely they cleaned themselves, not looking at each other, a hint of hesitant awkwardness entering the moist atmosphere.
Fuck that, Harry thought.
He gathered a plentiful quantity of lather in his hands and gently started to soap her body. She bit her lip, then copied his gesture.
He started with her chest, the bountiful mounds reigniting his need to have her. He cupped her breasts and played with the large, dark nipples. Her arms moved across his body, wanting to touch him everywhere at once. As their passion rose, their eyes met. Without speaking they moved closer, until their lips met in a kiss. Unlike their previous savage ones, this was slow, sensual and hot. Their tongues danced together, an expression of their shared carnal desire.
As they kissed, his hands moved to her velvety arse. He kneaded and stroked the supple flesh, eliciting a low moan from his mother. Lily’s hands had not been idle, moving from his chest to the small of his back.
After long minutes, they finally broke the kiss, both of them panting. She leaned toward him and asked in a breathless voice; “How did you become such a good kisser?”. Harry grinned smugly; “Took hard work and dedication.”
The flame was rekindled and the incestuous couple grew more adventurous. She drew him again in a searing French kiss, as her hand moved to fondle his cock. He returned the favor by moving his palm between her legs, earnestly soaping her wet cunt.
Harry couldn’t get enough of her, of this. As she slowly wanked his cock, he found her clit and started teasing it with his finger. A moan of discomfort escaped Lily; he looked at her with concern.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“It’s nothing – just, overstimulation…” she replied.
Harry smiled reassuringly and, instead, inserted his middle finger in her pussy. This time, the moan was one of pleasure, as she sought his lips again. He finger-fucked her for a time, inserting a second and then third finger, eliciting low groans of pleasure. Lily started looking like a wildcat in heat, ready to collapse from an overdose of sexual relish.
“If you keep doing that, I won’t be able to reciprocate.” she breathed.
Harry smirked and replied “So, finally, the key to making you stop is discovered”.
She went to hit him, though with his fingers still inside her she could barely stand. He pulled his fingers from her pussy and brought them to his mouth; then licked them.
“Delicious.” he offered.
Lily’s head felt as if filled with cobwebs of pleasure. What is he doing to me?! she wondered I’ve never felt like this before…
Harry enjoyed the sight of her trembling form for a moment; then he pushed her, gently, against the wall.
He didn’t reply; instead kneeling in front of her, enjoying the sight of her wet womanhood.
Here, I find myself on the entrance of the temple of knowledge.
His hands pushed her trembling knees apart, her pussy lazily opening, like a blooming flower.
“Harryyyyy – I can’t take much more of this torture…” she complained.
“Shhhh…” he murmured.
He lowered his head and took a deep breath of her core; her musky scent flustered him. He couldn’t resist any more… he had to taste her.
His tongue dragged along her cunt’s length, licking her outer lips, fleetingly touching her clit. His mother spasmed above him, as if electricity had shocked her.
He increased his pace, starting to lick her in earnest. Her hands grabbed the back of his scalp and mashed his face against her pussy. Harry, lost in an avalanche of taste and smell, lapped. Her flesh pulsated around his mouth, as his tongue danced across her cunt.
Lily shook.
He changed tactics, and hardening his tongue, entered her hole. He raised his left hand to touch her breast, as his right cupped her arse. He opened the soft cheeks, fingers seeking her asshole. He fingered the anus, then slowly inserted his digit, as he continued to lap her cunt.
Lily trembled.
He looked upwards, their eyes meeting. “Please…” she half moaned, half whispered. In response, he smiled; then his mouth opened wide as he placed it against the top of her pussy. His left hand returned to her cunt, inserting three fingers at once.
Harry finger-fucked her pussy and ass powerfully and with all his might sucked her cunt, his tongue assaulting her clit.
Lily screamed and screamed.
He paid no heed to her shouts, completely focused on his task. She lost all cohesion of movement, body parts moving in sporadic bursts. Only her hands held a vice grip on his head.
Harry sensed she was nearly there. He gave a last, strong lick at her vulva then gently bit her clit.
It was the final straw for his mother. With a lengthy grunt she started cumming. A torrent of juices began flowing from her cunt and he drank her nectar greedily.
For an eternity she climaxed, body spasming, mind lost in a sea of nirvana. Harry continued to fondle her gently, wanting to prolong her pleasure as much as possible.
As her orgasm started to subside, Lily could withstand the assault on her senses no longer. With a weak, breathless sob, her limbs collapsed against him, eyes rolling to the back of her head.
Harry felt a twinge of surprise as he kneeled on the shower floor, her wet body sprawled in his arms, hot water trickling. Worried, he checked her pulse and breath. A wave of relief filled him when he realized she was breathing.
He breathed deeply , leaning to sit against the wall, trying to calm his raging heartbeat. Lily showed no signs of awakening.
For long moments he sat, unthinking – unseeing. I have achieved a state of Zen he thought with dark humor.
His aching legs and thighs brought him back to reality. She was still unconscious – or sleeping, on his lap. Harry laid her against the wall and with effort, stood up. He stopped the water flow and flexed his sleeping muscles. Seeing her naked form on the floor brought a twinge of desire in his groin.
What are you doing to me?
He leaned down and picked her up with no difficulty. Despite his earlier joking, she felt light as a feather in his arms – an alluring, seductive feather.
He carried her, like a groom carries his bride, to the marble pool in the bathroom’s corner. He focused on his magic, calling it to heat the cool liquid.
When he felt it pleasantly warm he entered the pool, gently laying her on the water; then he slowly sat on the magically cushioned marble seat.
Leaning back, he stretched his legs. He felt almost completely relaxed, the room’s atmosphere enveloping him - dark and warm and humid. Lily floated on the pool’s surface, her hair a spreading mane of red.
He closed his eyes without realizing. Unbidden, an image entered his mind; one of his earliest lessons with Dumbledore.
“Water often acts as a purifying agent, a staple ingredient in many rituals of Light Magic. It’s fluid nature, along with the ability to adapt to any temperature, amplify a specific resonance of energies, to be used in the shaping of desired magical effects. The following rituals are of particular interest to our studies…”
His thoughts accelerated steadily. Thinking of Dumbledore lead to memories of his school years: Hogwarts, a majestic fortress of learning. His teachers, always suspicious, equal parts mystified and proud by his displays of magical skill. Practicing complex magic in abandoned rooms, until his wand arm felt ready to drop.
More memories raced, of sneaking around during the night, trying to discover the castle’s secrets. Meeting Alicia Spinnet in the guest suites for dueling instruction. Smuggling alcohol from Hogsmeade, then getting wasted with Blaise and Neville. Fighting with Malfoy. Hexing those who insulted his family.
A smile tugged on his lips. These had been some of his best years, despite the haunting shadow of Voldemort.
A sudden noise, followed be a gasp, interrupted his reverie. She was awake.
He watched as Lily splashed haphazardly for a moment, trying to understand where she was. When her gaze fell on him, she calmed visibly.
She lazily swam until she stood by his side. They didn’t speak for a while.
“I had the most amazing dream. I was floating above a sea of protoplasm, malleable by my will. My every thought, every wish and fear, took shape and form by the waves. It was unbelievable.” she exclaimed suddenly, voice filled with wonder.
“Did you take any drugs today?” he asked, teasing.
She gave him a look, then a sunny grin. “I have no need of narcotics, not after the way you made me feel.”
His smile widened. Communicating only with eyes, their lips met in a chaste kiss.
After they separated, Harry alarmingly noticed she looked hungry, again.
“Sit on the pool’s edge, my boy. I wish to repay some debts.”
He complied, rising and sitting on the marble floor, his legs dangling in the pool; wondering what her devious mind had cooked up.
With a wicked look, she took his cock in her hand. She stroked it unhurriedly, her nails tracing its length, as she watched him harden.
“Always prepared for action I see…” she remarked with forced casualness.
“Duty of an Auror.” he groaned in reply.
She leaned down, then placed his cock between her generous bosom. Grabbing her teats, she squeezed tightly, eliciting another groan. Calmly she started moving up and down, fucking his cock with her breasts.
“Yesss…” he murmured.
She quickened her pace, every now and then using her tongue to tease the large organ’s glans. Precum started leaking from his cock, her lips lowering to lap it. Lily kept at it, until she felt him become fully erect; then she stopped.
“What,” he protested.
She didn’t let him continue. Leaning further down she took him in her mouth. She sucked and swallowed, enveloping his cock. His grunt of pleasure were music to her ears.
Her mouth bobbed on his shaft, her hand reaching to stroke his ballsack. Harry jerked involuntarily when he felt her touch.
His hands moved to her hair, ensuring her focus.
Lily went faster and faster, intent on draining him. Simultaneously she sucked as hard as she could, used a bit of teeth and tightly grabbed his balls.
Responding, Harry grabbed his mother’s head and, unthinking, fucked her face. His cock invaded the back of her mouth. To his delighted surprise, she swallowed further, taking his bulging cockhead to the end of her throat. It felt unbelievable – hot and wet and so very tight. Harry couldn’t take it any more. He lurched once, twice and with a final mighty shove, came.
Lily felt her throat flooding with sperm and gently pulled him out. As he continued to cum, she sucked again, teasing his spurting cockhead with tongue and lips.
He came for what felt like hours, head thrown back, lost in throes of orgasm.
Her mouth had filled to the brim, as he finally stopped pulling her head.
Only his labored breath sounded in the room.
At last, she pulled his softening cock out of her mouth and, stroking it gently, sought his gaze.
Harry’s look held a mix of amazement and content satisfaction.
Lily gave a small smile; then, in one audible gulp, swallowed all of his cum.
He shuddered with pleasure. “That is so hot…”
She licked her teeth, a tiny smirk spreading through her features. “Delicious!” she commented.
Harry groaned at her words and bonelessly dropped in the pool. As he sat, she perched herself next to him.
The room again grew quiet as mother and son tried to regain their breath, side by side. Fleeting, feathery touches were exchanged, as if to reassure this was happening, it was real.
She leaned her head on his shoulder, tired yet happy.
It is a rare blessing, she thought, to find a lover you can grow silent with.
“What are you thinking?” she asked at length, quietly.
“I’m thinking that I can’t think.” he joked. “You scrambled my brain.”
“Only gave you what was deserved. An eye for an eye, my darling.” she breathed smugly, leaning back on the pool seat.
Harry gazed at her slowly stretching, catlike form. Her breasts heaved, her hair was wetly plastered around her head; little water droplets shone on her upper body.
He was certain some biological law was violated when he felt himself grow aroused, yet again.
Without thought or warning, he grabbed her and forcefully pulled her to his lap, facing him. Her legs opened involuntarily, knees coming to rest next to his thighs. In the water, her cunt settled against his firming cock.
“You’re taking the piss! I bloody drained you dry, not five minutes ago!” she exclaimed incredulously.
“I’ll show you an eye for an eye. I’ll show you a fucking host of eyes.” he retorted hotly.
He leaned to kiss her neck, persistent; his hands started to roam on and caress her back.
Lily sighed with abandon, running her fingers through his hair. “You’re insatiable Harry.” she remarked with playful resignation.
He replied against her shoulder, hands never ceasing to fondle her.
“Must have inherited it from my mum’s side of the family.”
Experienced woman that she was, Lily began to gyrated her body slowly, rubbing his cock with the entire length of her pussy. She felt his length grow in the water and grinned in satisfaction.
Still got it, after all these years.
Harry turned his attention to her lovely breasts. After fifteen years of Ginny’s flat chest, her large globes felt heavenly. He groped and squeezed without hurry; his thumbs lightly flicked the areolas, eliciting a choked gasp. Her nipples swelled under his touch, taking a rosy red color. He placed both between thumb and forefinger and gave a slight pinch. Her moan grew more insistent. He continued to tease and stroke for a long time, giving no sign of stopping.
“I – oh- can’t –ah- believe this –aaaah-“ she moaned. “Youllgetmeoffjustbyplayingwiththem" she added in one quick breath.
This time, we go slow, he decided.
His left hand rose to stroke her cheek, as his mouth lowered towards her right breast. Her mouth twisted open, tongue snaking to lick his finger.
“You play dirty, mum.” he murmured.
His mouth closed around her tit; he began to suckle, as if he was a babe, tongue sweeping her cherry-like nipple with powerful licks.
Her body shuddered by his touch; Lily’s arms closed behind his neck, pulling him even closer.
It took the entirety of Harry’s self control not to ravish her there and then. He channeled all of his arousal to pleasuring her. He switched to her other breast, while his right hand moved to the curve of her buttocks.
He bit her nipple lightly, fondling her behind. His hand slowly opened the soft cheeks, finding and stroking her back opening.
Lily cried out in response, sucking and biting his fingers.
He started suckling again and pushed his finger inside her. He fingered her decisively, his tongue and mouth not stopping their caress.
She trembled, breathing in short gasps. Using her weight she mashed his cock with her cunt, hopping to unbalance him, as he had her. Between her legs, he felt amazingly hard and long.
Their passion rose slowly rose to unbearable levels. He inserted a second finger in her bum, finger-fucking her faster. His tongue moved to trace her sternum, head flanked by her breasts.
Lily felt ready to explode, equal parts frustrated and aroused. Her hands spontaneously moved to the front of his neck, squeezing with all her might.
He urgently turned to meet her stare, panicked from lack of oxygen. Her expression looked thunderous, green eyes lit by emotion.
“Enough!” she shrieked. “You. Will. Shag. Me. RIGHT. NOW!!!”
Harry roughly pushed her hands away. “Let’s not kill our only son here!” he protested.
She looked ready to cry – or maybe angry enough to really murder him.
His hands palmed her bottom, gently lifting her. She quickly took hold of his cock, lining the head with her slit.
With a wavering sigh of relief she lowered her body, taking him fully inside her; then collapsed against his chest.
The warm water, along with their previous frolicking reduced the need for desperation or urgency. Their breathing, long drawn and heavy, resonated through the room.
“I’m sorry. For the whole almost choking you to death thing.” she whispered at length. “Though, I don’t remember raising you to be so cruel…”.
Small movements of her torso and legs, ensured, that this time, she was fucking him. His body jerked every time she moved.
“Err, right.” Harry answered hesitantly. “I didn’t hear any complaints at the time...”. At her responding look he hastily added: “However, to show my remorse in practice, feel free to set the pace!” , tone a bit higher than normal.
Lily laughed as he leaned back, apparently surrendering all control. His hands lazily ran along her thighs, as hers rose to her breasts.
On and on she rode him, sluggishly using her inner muscles to squeeze his raging manhood; outside, the falling rain complimented their incestuous union.
Long minutes passed, their speed unchanged. Harry’s mind moved in hazy circles, slowly losing every thought but being sheathed inside her.
Time stood still, as for the first time, they made love. Hands only moved to draw each other closer, as everything but them disappeared from their minds. Low moans now accompanied the water’s ripples as they coupled.
Agonizingly slow, each felt the end approaching. Their arms encircled each other, eyes closing, as the moment aproached. They felt as if they dropping in an abyss of pleasure, the sensation unending. Even the instinct to breathe faded as their minds were filled with a growing state of non-existence.
Lily’s eyes fluttered open, her mind uncomprehending of her senses’ feedback; except for an impression of blissful numbness, emanating from between her legs. Trying to move felt unwise and so she remained draped over his body, eyes closed, head resting on his shoulder.
Harry’s breath came evenly. Her attempt to stroke his hair resulting in his eye opening. She noted with some satisfaction that he looked as bewildered as her, when she had regained consciousness.
“What happened?” he asked faintly.
“Exactly.” she responded.
A small grin showed in his mouth, her own unconsciously mirroring it.
For a long time they sat joined, content to just be.
“Harry…?” she asked in a whisper.
He didn’t reply, but for a soft “Mmmm”.
“About Lily Luna… I need to tell you some things, try to explain what happened… please?”
His expression blanked. “No.”
“How do you mean no?” she demanded.
He hated himself at that moment, and despised her even more. This is their way, he thought bitterly.
“You would do this now!?” he accused. With a decisive grip, he lifted her of his lap and pushed her on the water. Rising quickly, he trekked to the door.
Lily looked lost, shock painted through her features. She exited the pool, swiftly approaching him.
“Harry please! I’m sorry?” she half stated, half asked.
He paused, briefly. A jumble of emotions coursed through him; anger, confusion, indignation, lust.
I cannot believe this.
“What are you apologizing for?” he asked, tone clipped, back still turned to her.
“Erm. Bringing that up while, you know…” she stumbled, trying to explain.
He turned, features carved in stone. “It’s not your fault, I suppose. That’s how your kind achieves things, since the beginning of time. Get a man to his most vulnerable state, then get what you want. Just - instinct.”
The resounding crack of her slap echoed through the room.
“I’ll thank you not to speak to me again.” she stated acidly. Grabbing a bathrobe, she went to leave the room.
His hand grabbed her arm; holding it in a vice grip, he pulled her back.
“We’re not finished.” he spat.
“Go ahead, my son. You’ve become quite adept at using force, haven’t you?” she mocked. “Another duty of the Auror?”
He grabbed her throat, holding none of his strength back.
“Be very careful mother... those who fan the flames should be wary of getting burned.”
As her eyes widened fearfully, he released her. She coughed, stroking her sore neck. Harry moved closer, cutting her escape.
“Adept at using force, am I?” he murmured. “You went for your wand twice; then attempted to claw my face off.”
“After which, you forced yourself on me!” she returned hotly.
“The important thing is that that you stopped.” he whispered, mocking her earlier words.
She grew furious, balled fists going to hit him. He grabbed both of her hands, pinning her to the wall.
“And when I stopped,” he continued harshly, “you lost no time seducing me. Your mind is certainly quick – you failed to obliviate me – what went through your head? Fuck him and he’ll forget I molested his daughter?!”
“Oh no, love. I only did it - because I felt sorry for you!” she countered viciously.
Bile rose to his mouth, as a wave of horror filled him. Being hit with the Tormenta curse had hurt less than her words. He stumbled towards the door, hastily leaving the room.
The holster flew to his hand, the yew wand being pulled. Dressing haphazardly, he felt, rather than heard, her enter.
“Harry…” she cried out in misery.
He pulled both of her wands from the holster and threw them at her feet.
“There you go, have at it. I’m surprised you even need a wand, your words are so effective.” he remarked without expression; with a twist of his body, he was gone.
He reappeared on a bank of the great lake, ancient forest trees looming behind him. He felt almost surprised – he hadn’t focused on a destination, just on the need to get away. In the distance the regal castle stood, glowing with magical light. He collapsed on the damp ground, weary beyond imagination.
“Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts, teach us something please…” he sung loudly, mind falling in paroxysm. He fell backwards snorting; he giggled hysterically, until his laughter turned to tears; for minutes he sobbed, not even knowing why.
Slowly his sobs quietened until, physically,emotionally and mentally drained, he stopped. He lay breathing against the cool soil for a long time, his brain finally, blissfully silent.
I could end it right now, he realized.
The thought flew through his mind, seductively owning his attention. End it, be finally rid of all this shit; bathe in peace, tranquility, unexistance…
Death… be my salvation.
All it would take was one spell.
Do it, a cultured, soothing voice whispered from nowhere.
Unthinking, the yew wand rose to his temple. He smiled in anticipation; freedom was tangible, soclosehecoultasteit…
“Avada ked-“
The yew wand was ripped from his hand, flying to his assailant.
“Noo!” he moaned in desperation.
“You utter fucking idiot!” she screamed, “Retusum percusserit!”
A spell mimicking an attack made with blunt force; resulting strength varies, depending on the caster’s will, he clinically observed, mind detached from his body.
She cast again and again, raining blows on his head and torso. The pain felt distant, as bruises formed on his face and chest; his mental state weaved in fractures, unable to fully process what was happening. Gingerly, he turned to look at her.
Showered by starlight, Lily looked the part of an avenging angel - dressed in white robes, her wand shaking, gaze a thunderstorm of outrage. For a moment she stopped hexing him.
“You would abandon everything – end your life, just for a selfish desire to escape? Your loved ones? Your children?!” she demanded, voice sharp as a blade.
He turned to contemplate her form for a long minute, hands coming to restbehind his head.
“You look radiant. Like an astral daeva.” he sighed dreamily.
Lily grew alarmed at his response. Is he going mad? “What, – I look like what?” she asked with some hesitation.
“An astral daeva. They are the messengers and highest servants of the Entities of Light, existing beyond this mortal plane.” he reminisced, as if reciting from a book.
“I performed the Summoning of one, eighteen years ago.” he continued, “She was responsible for burning Malfoy’s house to the ground!” he finished, giggling dementedly.
Lily gaped at him and unthinking, dropped to sit on the ground. She clearly remembered the destruction of Malfoy Manor; it had been widely regarded as the turning point in the battle against Voldemort. Officially, twenty five of his supporters had been reported to have perished in the flames. Privately, the number rose to over eighty. Identifying charms performed very poorly in the scorched remains.
“It was beautiful and horrendous and terrifying at once. Blessed fire flew from her glowing sword, consuming all it met. She summarily judged and executed – all of them.” he paused, taking a breath; “No mercy shall be spared for the servants of the Dark! , she told me…”
His words grew mumbling as he remembered. She had no idea what to do or say.
This is a night of revelations it seems.
“Did Albus know of this?” she softly questioned at length.
Hearing that name brought a drastic change in him, putting it mildly. He jumped to his feet, face animated by happiness; the emerald in his eyes seemed to dance in the tune of maddened lights.
“Dumbly-Bumbly-Dumbledore!” Harry shouted, then excitedly grabbed her hand “Let us go and piss on his grave! A celebratory offering, for the worst headmaster, IN A FUCKING MILLENIUM!!!”
She felt ready to tear her hair out from sheer frustration.
You were never content having normal problems, were you my boy, she considered.
He was still jumping on the balls of his feet, trying to drag her. A decision formed in her mind.
She incancted a Stupefy silently; face a mask of surprise, her son started to collapse. With some effort, she caught him and gently laid him to the ground. She searched her pockets, finally pulling a worn handkerchief. Stellar. Let’s break some more ministry regulations, she thought warily.
Her focus sharpened, energies gathering from her arm to the willow wand. Her concentration unwavering, she crafted the spell mentally; a final, clearly intoned Portus completed the spell.
With a weak whisper of Home, the portkey activated. She couldn’t stop either her tears or her mind from chanting; Stupid, stupid boy. Foolish, foolish woman.
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