Harry Potter and the Potion of Inhibitions | By : Ollivander Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 112017 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 13 |
Disclaimer: I dont own Harry Potter no matter how much I wish I did so as a result i dont charge you to read my story |
Harry arrived at the burrow just before Mrs. Weasley finished making dinner for everyone. Mrs. Weasley is waiting for them when the Weasley men and harry arrive out of the fireplace in the living room.
“Good to see you Harry. Dinner will be ready shortly. Make yourself comfortable,” She says to him, “You four however need to go get all that dirt off yourself before you put one foot in the dining room,” she tells the Weasley men.
Seeing just how serious she is, they go to the bathrooms to wash up before dinner. Harry seats himself at the dining room table as Mrs. Weasley rejoins Hermione and Ginny, who are helping with dinner preparations. He looks the girls over as they cook and prepare the plates of food for everyone. Ginny was wearing a white nearly see through blouse and a pair of unbelievably tight jeans. Hermione was wearing a loose, low cut top and a mini skirt that was shorter than their normal school uniforms. Ginny hearing someone sit down at the table, looks over her shoulder. Seeing it was harry and that he was looking at her she quickly turned away and in doing so knocks some silverware off the counter. She bends over to collect the silverware off the floor. Harry can’t believe his luck because her ass is tight and round in the jeans. Seeing her bent over has already caused harry to become rock hard and he may be imagining it but it seems that her butt is actually swaying and it is taking a very long time to pick up the few pieces of cutlery that fell. All the commotion from the cutlery has drawn Hermione’s attention from the task of stirring the treacle tart for pudding. She sees harry at the table with a slightly slack jawed expression and instantly knew why. After dinner is complete Hermione bends over to collect a piece of silverware Ginny missed, giving harry a fantastic view down her shirt. Harry can’t believe his luck, she didn’t wear a bra today. She has small breasts but they have the cutest little nipples harry had ever seen. Hermione straightens up and harry looks away quickly. His eyes settle on Ginny’s and he knows that she knows what had his attention. Her smile though confuses harry and after a couple seconds she looks away to see if Mrs. Weasley needs help bringing anything to the table. Hermione brings over the plates and notices that her trainer has come untied so she squats down at just the right angel and distance for harry to have an unobstructed view up her skirt. She has worn panties so all he can really see is a lacy pattern of flowers that keep only the most intimate parts of her pussy covered. She stands up straightening her skirt and grabs more food to carry over to the table. By this time the Weasley men have finished washing the Dursley’s living room off themselves and joins harry and Ginny at the table.
Dinner is a wonderful affair with good conversations about how the Quidditch world cup would go and who their favorite players are. Harry often got the feeling of eyes watching him but whenever he looked around everyone else was deep in conversation with other people. Hermione also provided harry with ample opportunities throughout the evening of views down her shirt. Whenever she reached to get the pumpkin juice or a condiment from the middle of the table she would have to almost stand up and bend over to reach them. After pudding had been consumed and the atmosphere had turned into the gentle sleepy buzz caused by full stomachs Mrs. Weasley ordered all to bed so that they could get up early the next day to get to the Quidditch pitch.
Harry had no need for Ron's dirty mags that night and after Ron had started the slow snore harry had come to associate with his deep sleep state he started his nearly nightly routine of masturbation. Dinner had provided him with so much stimulation that in record time he finished up and after putting his cock away he fell asleep very quickly.
The next morning came far too soon in Harry’s opinion and when Hermione woke him the next morning he thought he was still dreaming about her and attempted to give her a big kiss. Luckily for him Hermione missed his movement as she went to wake Ron. The hike to the portkey area was long and hard but for harry it was very rewarding as he walked behind Hermione and Ginny, both of whom appeared to be swinging their asses rather a lot more than strictly necessary, harry, though was more than happy to watch them, but it took all his will power to not get a hard-on while they walked. Harry again had the opportunity to watch Hermione’s ass swing as he, her and Ron went in search of water to get lunch cooking.
The match was very good and apart from the run in with the Malfoy's quite enjoyable for everyone in the Weasley party. After the match the noise of the Irish celebrating their victory could be heard over the noise created inside the Weasley's tent. At about 12:30am Mr. Weasley called bed for everyone.
Harry lay awake staring up at Ron’s bunk as he snored on. His mind however was full of the game still dissecting the plays and seeing how he could use them against the other seekers at Hogwarts who more than likely had been to the match and had the same ideas. His planning and modifying of the moves was interrupted by a rustling by the tent flaps as someone entered the tent. The padding footsteps get louder as someone approaches his and Ron’s bedroom. The light from the window reveal it to be Ginny and as she bends over harry he smells the strawberry shampoo she uses. “Harry,” she whispers “are you still awake?” “Yes,” he replies. “Good. Hermione needs your help with a summer project she has been working on.” “It can’t wait until tomorrow?” he asks. “No. She says it is imperative that it be done at night when she has privacy like tonight.” “Fine, just let me get my robe on and I’ll meet you in the living room.”
As he exits the tent with Ginny he can see and hear the Irish still celebrating off in the distance. Upon entering the girl's tent it is as if the noise of the outside world has been muted and all he can here is the crackling fire in the grate.
“Would you care for a cup of tea, Harry?”
“Sure. Thanks,” He replies, “Where is Hermione?”
“She will be back shortly she went to get water for breakfast tomorrow” Ginny answers while making tea for them. Harry settles into one of the armchairs near the fire. Ginny brings the tea service into the living room and settles into the other chair to drink her tea.
Harry takes his cup and sips it, “it’s rather sweet, Ginny”
“Yeah it’s to keep you awake while you help Hermione.”
“Oh, how long do you think it will take to complete her homework?”
“I don’t know a couple hours at least,” she replies. Harry is a little annoyed but he did agree to help. Harry and Ginny sip their tea in peace listening to the crackle of the fire in the grate. Once they finished their tea Ginny takes the service back into the kitchen and washes the cups and kettle.
Hermione comes back levitating the bucket of water in front of her. “I thought we weren’t supposed to use magic here,” Harry says to her with a slight grin on his face.
“Oh shut up harry,” she says jokingly. She puts the bucket in the kitchen and grabs her cup of tea from the counter and sits in the chair opposite harry.
“I’m glad that you agreed to help me harry, you wouldn’t believe how hard it has been to work on the project when I was at home. Between the lack of privacy I have in my house and the fact that I can’t use magic I had only about 4 hours a night that I could spare to work on my homework so by the time I got all the rest done the summer was almost over, but anyway after tonight this project will be finished and it will either work or it won’t either way it will be the end of it.” Hermione tells him.
“Alright Hermione what can I do to help?”
“you promise that whatever it is you will help me and not say anything about it to anyone not in this tent?” a little surprised and puzzled at her question harry raises his eyebrows.
“Promise me, Harry. It’s not dangerous, but it is complicated magic that I came up with and I want it to stay here until I have thoroughly tested it to see what its limits are.”
“Alright Hermione I promise.”
“Great so the project is a study of hormones in the body and trying to isolate the hormone related to magic.”
“Ok so how do you do the research?”
“Well… that’s the difficult part. You see the research is a two part piece of magic that involves a potion with the ‘sleeping’ agent and a spell that is used to activate it.”
“That doesn’t sound that bad where is the potion?”
“I imagine that Ginny already gave it to you in your tea.” She said a little sheepishly.
“So basically I was drugged.” He says to her.
“Technically, yes.” She says carefully watching his reaction.
“I have been a bad influence on you, Hermione” harry says with a grin.
“Yes, you have,” Hermione laughs.
“Ok so besides the spell to activate the agent inside of me what else do you need for the research to be complete?”
“Well this is the really tricky part. The levels of the hormones have to be monitored during a highly hormonal state to really make they are visible to the researcher, me.”
“A highly hormonal state?” harry asks.
“Yes like,” she takes a breath, “during a sexual encounter.”
“What was that,” harry asks incredulously.
“Calm down Harry it’s all necessary to get the best possible data.”
Harry sighs “alright I’m in.”
“Whew. Good you are the only one I can trust to complete this research for me. Now the spell has a secondary effect of lowering a person’s inhibitions, so it might be a little weird at first but I promise you will begin to like it,” Hermione says.
“Demitto Locus” she says while pointing her wand at Harry’s chest. The effect of her spell is immediate. Harry feels his resistance to his urges die away and jumps out of his seat and at Hermione. He starts kissing her and running his left hand through her hair while his right hand starts fondling her left breast. Hermione is so startled by his sudden reaction that her mouth is agape. Harry capitalizes on this by putting his tongue in her unresistant mouth. It takes Hermione a minute to recover and once she does she starts to slowly push harry off her. Even though she doesn’t want to, she has to so she can do her research.
Once she gets his tongue out of her mouth she is able to say “Harry I need you to stop please.” He does and sits on the arm of her chair as she talks some more.
“Wow harry I didn’t know you felt that way about me.”
“Why wouldn’t I,” he says “you're beautiful, smart and adventurous. If your breasts were bigger you would be almost every guy’s fantasy. Not me though I like your small tits they are fun to play with.”
“You really think so, harry?”
“Defiantly, Hermione.”
“Wow,” she blushes. Harry starts to move back into position to continue his assault on her tongue and tit when she says, “we need to go to the bedroom, harry”
“Are you sure?” he says as he inches closer to her face.
“Yes because however much I want to continue this now, which is actually a lot, I need to be doing the observations for the research.”
“Ok so who else is helping you?” he asks. “You will see,” she replies as she gets up from the chair. She starts down the hall and harry follows her, watching her ass swing. Not have the inhibitions he did this morning he reaches out and grabs her firm ass.
“Harry,” Hermione gasps in surprise. As he starts squeezing her ass however she starts to moan before she remembers her research.
“Stop, harry. You can do that later.”
“You promise” he asks.
“Yes, just not in front of anyone not in this tent.”
“Ok,” he says as he lets go.
“I just want you to know I really appreciate you helping me out on this harry. Obviously with the nature of the research and how it is conducted it requires privacy to be done correctly,” She says. They reach the door to the bedroom and there on the bed clothed in a very light sheet is Ginny.
End chap 1
AN: this is a concept chapter to see if anyone is interested in this story. I have already started on chap 2 while I wait for my professors to get to class and will have it typed this weekend so by monday (9/16) ill have it up. In case you’re wondering the spell Hermione uses is literally lower inhibitions in Latin. Thx for reading it and if anyone has read the story “a slightly more pervert harry potter reboot” and can send a message to the author please ask if he/she is going to finish it. All reviews are appreciated constructive/suggestion filled reviews are more appreciated. Also the title is a bit lame if you have an idea for a better title put it in your review and I might change it. What do u guys think about adding in some Luna Lovegood via Ginny introducing her to harry before book 5? Again thx for reading can’t wait to hear from u.Author Note Addition: i am working on typing up chapter 2 also i have been told i am not allowed to increase my story's influence by posting it in multipule areas so i am deleteing the one in the 3some area so this is going to be the only area to read it (sorry to the ppl that read and reviewed in the other area hopefully u found this and know y i had to do what i did) also i was told i was being a review demanding hostage holder (not in those words but thats what it amounts to) and i want everyone to know i was not demanding reviews or else i wouldnt post chap 2. i do appreciate reviews and sorry if u read this and thought i was holding chap 2 hostage i simply requested them to make sure ppl wanted to read this b4 i spent all my time typing and reviewing something no one is reading. thx again
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