An Unexpected Planet | By : chkokt Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Ron/Lavendar Views: 8946 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Harry Potter: An Unexpected Planet
Chapter 1: Class clown
As usual, Professor Sybill Trelawney, was once again irritated by the boy students in her Divination class. Their constant snickering, bustling and simply being; were just too much. But that irritation was the price she accepted, in trade; to teach the beautiful, future seers that came to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Even if the seasoned teacher had to put up with all the boy dullards along the way.
Sybill once again found she had to separate the hopeless Longbottom boy, from that boisterous grinning Finnigan boy. Moving Longbottom over near a group of girls, by her precious teacup cabinet, while putting Finnigan over near Dean Thomas by the exit trapdoor. Both choices a risk but they were the lesser of two evils.
Looking out past the two girls always seated directly in front of her by the roaring fire. Sybill scanned all of her students as she sat, looking for any more signs of boy mischief. Sinking back in to her large, familiar wingback chair, relieved at finding nothing for now. Sybill tried hard to ignore them, to continue teaching her class. But today Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas's laughter cut threw her, like fingernails on a chalkboard. Trelawney mentally put them on her ever growing, list of obnoxious boys. A list which included the sad Potter boy; and as always a Weasley kid.
Weasleys' were always a problem in Sybill's classes; even perfect prefect Percy was a bit of a pain in the arse; with his constant questions of skepticism. His mad adherence to logic and structure, blocked her lessons at every turn. And Percy was the best of the lot. Still Ronald Bilius Weasley, Sybill noted, seemed to have taken up the reins of skepticism left by his little bushy haired friend, that Granger girl, as a major thorn in her class. Sybill was relieved when Hermione abruptly dropped out of her class during her third year. Yet almost instantly the Weasley boy seemed to rise up to fill Hermione's clouded void of doubts. Trelawney felt as if Ron was exacting a bit of rebellious revenge on behalf of his little crush.
Trelawney never got along with boys; going way back to when she was a kid in her small village of Bilbury. It was famous for two things muggle weaving and mystical 'seers'. Not even the little boys of the neighborhood wanted to be her friend when she was growing up; innocent, a free spirit; and as a few feared, a possible squib. Even-though her Mother and Aunties assured her they knew she wasn't a squib, a witch born with no wizardly ability; they knew she would grow up to make a prophecy so great it would shake the entire foundation of the wizarding world!
At first Sybill believed her mentors, beamed when they would praise every little thing she did. Even now when the real world came knocking Sybill was reminded that she was not as adept as her loved ones had led her to believe all those years ago. So young Sybill secretly doubted she had the gift, and was too afraid to tell her great familial supporters how wrong they were. So she pretended she did.
The villagers, both muggle and magical folk, were so afraid of Sybill's Mother and Aunties; fearful of the collective depth of their family's legendary powers as prophets. Collectively, they were all famous seers, descendants of a long unbroken chain of diviners; dating back to a time before Merlin and Arthur. Seers' that never shied away from telling people things they wanted to know. And more often times, telling people things they didn't!
Sharing unsolicited future events didn't sit to well with some of the non-magical families; nor with a few of the magical ones around the village either. Collectively, a mixture of their muggle and magical kids let Sybill; the little wide eyed witch, with long dark bushy hair know she wasn't as special as her family pretended her to be. As nice and accepting as Sybill was she always felt alone; an outcast inside and outside of her home.
It wasn't until she was accepted by Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, did the now bespectacled Sybill find the comfort in the warm touch of another girl, a friend. She smiled as she fondly remembered her first couple of years at wizarding school. Then, like now, eventually that too became ruined by pesky young boys; hitting puberty and all their untimely changes. Puberty which also infused the girls around her with changes of their own, not to mention their newly discovered wanton desires for the attention of boys.
As all the others, boys and girls included, blossomed into the timely change; a flowering that seemed to have skipped right over Sybill. Somehow, year after year, her blossoming season never came. Not until she finally graduated Hogwarts to a life all her own did Sybill finally bud. Although Sybill's budding, blossoming and final flowering was late in life; her shyness didn't abandon her upon graduation, nor had her quirkiness translated well on into her adult life. Defeated, Sybill Patricia Trelawney returned to the only place she ever truly felt accepted, Hogwarts; this time as a teacher of the future seekers and seers.
Today though, Trelawney had 'wanton' desires of her own to control. Finding it particularly hard in this ensconced environment. The squeals of two of her desires captured the professor's attention, pulling it away from the constant distraction the boys presented; as well as freeing her from her own prurient memories.
Trelawney slowly stood up and walked past the two students in front of her, Lavender and Pavarti. Once pass them Sybill turned, taking in the spectacle of the two giddy, wiggling, girls seated on the poufs; pouring over their respective starcharts and tables. Their regular positions, near her personal wingback chair and the fire place; a constant comfort, reassurance that this place was where Sybill felt she should be.
Sybill raised her arms in an ephemeral fashion, causing her oversized sleeves and lace shawl to gather up about her elbows. Her beads and bangles rattling calling all the students to attention. Before she crossed her arms, then bowed to inspect what the girls, her two favorite students had unlocked. As Trelawney leaned in closer, looking over the girl's shoulders at their parchment of work; their combined scents became intoxicating.
Like the girls, Trelawney's head became giddy with the mingled fragrances coming off the students seated below her. Adjusting her oversized glasses the divination professor cleared her head of those forbidden thoughts; she felt she really needed a drink. Sybill made a quick mental note, to remember not to use as much of her 'special incense' in future classes. Like everything she bought, Trelawney got them on the cheap at a candle shop down Knockturn Alley.
Establishing the ambiance of a proper clairvoyant realm was essential. The special incense's fragrances were very helpful in ensconcing the room in that etherial continence; a mood in which the divination professor preferred for her students. Just the erotic, impulsive nature of their side effects were in fact, starting to have an adverse affect on their teacher as well.
Trelawney was in a haze as she responded to Lavender Brown question about which "unaspected planet" she had located on her starchart. Lavender was one of her brightest student, along with her best friend, Pavarti Patil who always sat beside her. They were a delight to teach. It was easy giving them the added attention they deserved. The pair, both worked so diligently to learn the mystic arts. Trelawney appreciated being taken seriously if only by a few students. Sybill was well aware that her fellow teachers and colleagues hadn't done so. Only Dumbledore ever gave Trelawley her measure of respect for her arts. Still some times she even doubted if that was true either.
"It is Uranus, my dear." Sybill said. Peering down at the twin planets of Neptune and Uranus on Lavenders parchment, Sybill was amazed at the intricate amount of work the young witch had put into her starchart. Pavarti's start chart was just as well wrought, but it lacked Lavender's elegance and grace. Trelawney was proud of their progress; especially in a class with so precious few successes.
Both girls squeed at Professor Trelawney's attention to their work. Her returned admiration put them both on cloud nine.
"Can I have a look at 'Your-Anus' too, Lavender." The crass voice boomed.
That did it! Trelawney made no pretense, she heard Ron Weasley plain as day. I don't know if it was the fact that it was an old joke; that it was said so blatantly aloud in her class; or if it was the unfortunate fact that Ron had overly annunciated the syllables of the word "Uranus" as to tip his hand. But whatever the reason the meaning to Trelawney was shockingly clear.
'BOYS! Enough is enough!' She thought. Sybill's anger was immediate. She turned and glared menacingly at the young red headed trouble maker.
Ron's pun had an instant effect on the entire class as well. Like their teacher the whole divination classroom became deathly silent, for the half a beat it took for what Ron said to sink in all over.
Leave it to Seamus being the ever present loudmouth he was, took a bad situation and made it a million times worse. In his heavy accent the little irish wizard said: " 'ave at 'er Weasley!"
Just like an exploding snap the crowd of boys all boomed with laughter, banging on table tops, hooting and cat calling out. Cheering Seamus' and Ron's cheek.
While a bit subdued but just as animated; their chattering, buzzing sounding like a hive of angry bees. The girls of Trelawney's divination class filled the rest of the room with their sounds as they too giggled titillated, whispering about the boys' pluck, gossiped about Lavender's extra curvy nature, and their own feinted affront at the nerve of Ron Weasley .
Mortified! Lavender heard everything. She couldn't face Trelawney it was too embarrassing. Lavender pushed her face closer into her star charts and calculations, trying to hide her full on blush at being singled out so lecherously in front of everyone. Her best friend, Pavarti who moved over to sit beside her on her friend's cushioned pouf, hugged her for moral support; while at the same time was staring daggers at Ron and his crowd of hooligans. Both girls were fierce with emotions, emotions that didn't escape the notice of their greatest defender.
The cocky smile was etched deep into Ron's pale face; flushed red with unexpected pride. Ron and Seamus devoured the accolade like a box of chocolate frogs. Just like chocolate frogs, the pleasure was fleeting lasting only a second, just like when one of the precious chocolates hopped away from you, the boy wizards' hopes were dashed once they saw the face of their owl eyed teacher.
Standing bolt up right, Professor Trelawney's back arched, rigid with indignation. Boys! Sybill had, had enough with the lot of them. Especially these, these red headed Weasley types!
"Ronald Bilius Weasley!" Professor Trelawney admonished! All pretenses of her other worldliness evaporated. The class fell into its second dead silence. None of them, not one of them had ever seen the airy-fairy teacher really get mad. Professor Trelawney's outburst today changed that!
Trelawney glared at Ron with her oversized owl rimmed glasses, and he was curred! A beat puppy. Ron was scared. Even going so far as accidentally letting a small whimper escape. Which only Harry Potter was close enough to hear.
Kids, in classrooms all over the world, had one response when one of their ranks went too far; and got in real trouble with an adult; they all abandoned Ron. Even Seamus. The rest of the class instantly poured themselves into their parchments' with a new found monk like devotion and vow of silence. A silence so stilling it gave the Professor's next words an added tone of sternness. Not that her words need any help at all. 'They might not be afraid of me, but I know who these mongrel boys do heel to!' she thought.
"I will be having a word with your head of class, Professor McGonagall, Mr Weasley! We'll see if this is what Minerva considers acceptable, Gryffindor behavior!" Sybill had a sneaking suspicion that Hogwart's transfiguration teacher was behind, the lack of faith, the students displayed in the art of divination. Oh, Trelawney was going to give Minerva an ear full, thats for sure!
Sybill didn't take her glassy orbs off of Ron, not for one hot second! Her voice returned, in a quick and eerie fashion, back to its soft, airy, breathy state. "Ms Brown. Ms Patil. May I speak with you, for a moment please."
Like a crack of thunder, and as lightning fast Trelawney's tone was back to the menace of before: "As for the rest of the class I expect all of your star chart are in order? As I'll be collecting your charts and a foot of parchment detailing your calculations at the end of the class especially your's, Mr Finnigan and Mr Thomas! "
Seamus didn't look up, guilty, he kept his head down; Dean Thomas wasn't so quick on the up take.
"What did I do?" Dean Thomas pleaded silently appealing to the softer side of the divination teacher. Dean never knew he had made it to her list. One look from Trelawney and Dean Thomas was quelled. Putting his head down, Dean rededicated himself to his devout studies; his charts were a mess and class was nearly over.
Lavender and Pavarti rose from their pouf, stepped over to Trelawney's wingback chair; standing on either side as they awaited her return. Like retainers in Trelawney's royal court, two fierce guards. Satisfied, having regained control of her class, Sybill stepped back up and sat in her chair, signaled the guardian girls to lean in. Trelawney spoke in careful whispers so only they could hear. The girls leaned in intently. Though it really didn't matter. Seeing as the entire remaining class was a flurry of quills, parchments and rustling charts. The entire room scrambled to finish their star charts before Trelawney lived out her threat and came to collect them.
Sybill finished with the two girls; as they returned to their seats, satisfied smile on their faces, the professor rose up to live out her earlier promise. Trelawney was still miffed at the boys when collected the sealed scrolls of parchment and charts; even after she collected everyone's work, Right before she ended the class, Trelawney gave them all so much homework that it was sure to ruin their weekend. It wasn't fair; but who said teachers' were always fair. Sybill just knew the boys deserved it.
Sybill keeping the rest of the class in their seats; letting Lavender and Pavarti leave a bit earlier, before releasing the other students. It wasn't until she watched the last few students make their way to the circular trapdoor exit; did the thought of her unfairness to her other girls. Guilt made Sybill wish she had been a bit more restrained, less impulsive.
'Definitely need to tone down on the special incense.' Sybill wistfully thought alone in her class as she went about collecting the dirty teacups. Taking a big whiff before snuffing out the offending burning sticks. Her mind already fixed on the bottle of sherry she needed to calm her nerves, and release her fantasies.
A/N Thanks BAFan for the reviews and the comments I fixed our little buddies accent, and tweeked a few things hoping to make the read easier. And If you want to hit me up with a grammer lesson I am so down with it be as ruthless as you want to be. I need to learn! LOL Thanks To all others reading the story please point out anything that can make the story better or what you really enjoyed. Peace Chkokt.
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