Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Pain, again.
Anger, yelling.Fists striking him, hitting flesh with a dull, thudding sound.Harry had burned the bacon.Harry curled in on himself, his thin, frail body trying desperately to stave off the blows. His magic was roiling within him, straining as he tried to prevent it from exploding through his body and ripping the house—and his relatives—to shreds.He could feel the urge his magic held to destroy whatever was hurting him so badly, but he knew that if he were to do magic, he’d be expelled, and his uncle would finally feel that it was safe to kill him, without the ‘freaks’ watching him.So Harry held it in, and waited, enduring the yelling and the blows laid by thick, meaty fists against his head and shoulders and arms. He wrapped his arms protectively around his midsection and tried to protect his organs from Vernon’s fury.His last thought before he blacked out was ‘at least I didn’t burn the eggs, too.’*****Harry woke to a pounding head and a painfully empty stomach. He groaned and sat up in bed, realizing it was evening. He got out of bed, barely managing to stand and get to the loose floorboard that concealed his things before he collapsed to the floor again.He removed the floorboard with some difficulty. ‘I must have been out for a while that time.’ He noted absently. ‘I’ve gotten weak from not eating for too long.’When he finally got the floorboard removed, he took out the sandwiches that Molly Weasley had made for him, and the bottle of cold pumpkin juice she had sent with them. He got sandwiches from her each week, with preservation charms on them so that he could keep them as long as needed before he ate them. He would get more juice whenever he sent the empty bottle back via Hedwig for a refill.He ate two sandwiches, and then lay down on his bed, sighing listlessly. Now, he had a whole night in which he knew already that he wouldn’t be able to sleep at all. Moreover, he had lost count of the days.The beating had taken place July twentieth. How many days had he been unconscious for?‘It is July thirty-first, seven PM.’Harry started at the voice in his mind, then jumped when he felt a sensation like strong arms wrapping around his shoulders and a warm body pressing comfortingly into his back, though he knew the bed was already there.‘I am here now. You will not be alone again.’ The voice told him.“Who ARE you?” Harry whispered.‘Shiloe.’ The voice replied, and then was silent.Harry felt the sensation of touch dissipate and shivered. That was too weird.“SHEE-low-ay?” Harry tested the word, finding that it sounded familiar, but he couldn’t place it at all.He got up and got a piece of parchment and quickly wrote a letter to Dumbledore.*****Dumbledore read the letter from Harry, then sighed heavily and read it once more, slowly.“Professor Dumbledore, I just had the strangest experience ever, and I wanted to ask if you knew anything more about it. I was sleeping just now, and I woke up, and I was a little disoriented, and wondering what time it was when a voice in my head told me that it was seven PM. Then, I felt arms wrap around my shoulders and someone leaning against my back, but I was lying down in bed at the time. I asked the voice who it was, and it said Sheeloway. Then it left, and the feeling of someone else left too. Sir, if you can tell me anything about this Sheeloway person, if there is one, please let me know. I’m very confused, and a little scared that Voldemort could be doing this, if he is getting strong enough. Hope you are doing well, Harry”Dumbledore set the letter down on his desk and called for a house-elf.Dobby appeared. “How can Dobby help you, Headmaster Dumbledore Sir?” Dobby asked brightly.Dumbledore smiled benevolently at the diminutive creature. “Hello, Dobby. It’s so nice to see you this morning. Could you get me some tea?” He asked.Dobby eagerly agreed and retrieved the requested beverage. Dumbledore thanked him, before leaning back in his chair as he pondered his next move.So, the boy had manifested a Shiloe. This could either be a good thing, or a bad one.One thing, however, was certain: The boy had to be removed from his Aunt and Uncle’s house. A Witch or Wizard only manifested a Shiloe as a defence mechanism when faced with periodic bouts of harsh physical abuse.How badly was he being treated for Harry to manifest one at fourteen years of age? Dumbledore wasn’t sure how he was going to handle the delicate matter, as Shiloe anchorships were always sexual in nature, and he was pretty certain that Harry had never even lost his virginity. But first, he had to retrieve Harry.Perhaps he should ask Professor McGonagall to accompany him.*****Dumbledore rapped on the door of the pristine little house, his irritation seeming to translate even through his knock.When Vernon Dursley opened the door, he took one look at Dumbledore and puffed up in rage.“I will not have any of that FREAK’S friends here! Leave at once!”Dumbledore drew his wand, pointing it at the man. “I am coming in. Professor McGonagall will be joining me. We will be taking Harry with us. Now, step aside.” The words were spoken softly, but Dumbledore’s voice had become deadly serious and it was clear that any attempt to impede his progress would be met with lethal force.Dumbledore flicked his wand, sending the man flying into a wall, then stepped into the house, followed by Minerva.“Albus!” McGonagall gasped, finally seeing Vernon’s form.Dumbledore turned to her, his blue eyes spitting fire. “They made him manifest a SHILOE, Minerva!” He shouted, after slamming the door behind them.McGonagall’s eyes softened a bit. “I know, Albus, but we cannot take justice into our own hands. Justice is the Ministry’s to dole out.” She reminded him. “Let’s just get the boy and get back to Hogwarts.”Dumbledore sighed and cast a spell, finding life in an upstairs bedroom. He went up the stairs, then into the hall where he found a door with a cat-flap on it and various locks adorning it. His stomach clenched painfully.Harry’s bedroom.Dumbledore walked up to it and knocked once, gently.*****Harry heard knocking on the front door of the house and thanked every deity he knew of that he had been ignored and left in his room today. Whoever was at the door knocked like they were ready to fight.He heard Uncle Vernon shouting about always having Harry’s friends show up, and Harry wondered who was at the door. He heard silence for a few moments, then a large crash was heard from the entryway.Harry froze in fear. What if death eaters had found him and were going to sacrifice him to bring Voldemort back to life? Because that’s how it was done, right? They catch you, then they kill you, then they used your body in a ritual to revive their leader in your young, energetic body. He’d peeked in on enough of Dudley’s superhero movies to know that much.After a few more shouts, in a voice that sounded familiar, Harry heard steps on the stairs. He huddled back into a corner of his room where he couldn’t be seen from the doorway and waited.He heard one tentative knock on the door, and then it slowly began to open. Harry tensed.The door eased open and a head appeared, peering around the door.Harry relaxed, but not completely. “Headmaster?” He questioned cautiously.Dumbledore smiled benignly at him. “If you are uncertain about someone’s identity, you can always ask me a question that only I would know the answer to.” He suggested.Harry nodded, thinking. Then, he smirked. “What flavour was the Bertie Bott’s bean you ate in the hospital wing my first year?”Dumbledore sighed. “Earwax.” He answered correctly.Harry heard a smothered laugh from behind him, and frowned. “Who else is here, Sir?” He asked.“I have brought Minerva with me. We will be collecting you and your things and taking you to Hogwarts with us. You will not be returning here.” Dumbledore answered gravely.Harry smiled. “Really?” He asked excitedly.His enthusiasm at escaping his family’s house brought a bittersweet smile to Dumbledore’s lips. “Truly. Pack your things. Minerva, could you help him? I need to have a word with Petunia.” He said, his voice taking on that steel edge again.“Of course, Albus.” She said crisply, turning to Harry. “All right, Mr. Potter, what are we taking?” She asked as Dumbledore left the room, heading downstairs.Harry got the things out from under the loose floorboard and put them in his trunk, then locked it up and grabbed Hedwig’s cage. “This is it.” He said simply, shrugging.McGonagall’s lips tightened, but she merely nodded. “Let’s head downstairs, then.”Harry followed her obediently, smiling at her back thankfully when she cast a featherweight charm over her shoulder at his trunk.As they approached the entryway, Harry could hear Dumbledore’s voice coming from the kitchen. It sounded cold and furious, angrier than Harry had thought the placid man could even get.“…would have thought that you’d have the sense to treat the only child of your dead sister with the decency he deserved! I’ll bet you didn’t know this, but Harry’s father was a wealthy man, and he left his vast fortune to his only son. Harry now has more money than he could ever spend in his life, and if you had been kind to him, I’m sure he would have gladly shared it with you. He is quite generous, after all. But, since you didn’t have the humanity in you to love an innocent child, you won’t see a single Knut of it. You will be getting correspondence from the Ministry of Magic soon. In our world, child abuse is a serious offence, as it leaves lifelong results.” The man finished forebodingly, then swept out of the room, leading Harry and McGonagall swiftly out the front door.Harry shivered before following him. When Dumbledore was angry, he was much scarier than Snape!Not a word was said as they Apparated, Harry side-along, and walked the rest of the way to Hogwarts. Dumbledore lead Harry to the Hospital wing and had him sit on a bed as Professor McGonagall headed to put his things in the room he would be using.Dumbledore called Madame Pomfrey over and whispered something to her. Her eyes widened before she nodded and turned to Harry.“I hear you had a late-night visitor last night. Care to tell me about it?” She asked conversationally.Harry shrugged. “Sure, but there really isn’t much to tell. I woke up on my birthday at seven PM and was wondering what time it was. I heard a voice in my head tell me the time. Then, felt it wrap its arms around me and lean against my back, but I was lying in bed. It told me I wouldn’t be alone anymore. I asked it for a name, and it said ‘Sheeloway’ and then was gone.”Madam Pomfrey shook her head with a sigh. “Oh, dear. Well, Mr. Potter, the strange and startling always seems to occur whenever you’re involved, does it not? Of course, this means that you will need your own rooms, not only for the trust issues and sexual aspect, but also for the rather unfortunate inability of your psyche to access Shiloe’s abilities to control your new power. There have been students who have woken their dorm mates with an indoor sprinkling of snow. Others have created blizzards in their sleep. And of course, there is one other matter of great importance. Mr. Potter, I will need your honesty in this matter. Have you begun having sexual intercourse or other sexual encounters?” She asked clinically.Harry felt his face flame.He felt Sheeloway (he still had no idea how it was spelled) stir within him, almost as if he had been asleep. ‘Why does she want to know?’ The voice asked sharply.Harry parroted the question, and then hung his head. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that. No, I haven’t.”Dumbledore smiled at him. “Is Shiloe talking to you right now?” He asked.Harry heard the voice snarl. ‘Tell him no.’ the voice ordered.“No.” Harry replied with a straight face. “I’m just really agitated.”Dumbledore gave him a searching look, but seemed to accept the explanation. “Well, Harry, there is a lot you will need to know before he begins putting in appearances. I will show you to your room today, and I also have four books I want you to get from the library. You will need a note from me for Madam Pince, which I will provide you with. Show her the note, and she will retrieve the books for you. You may keep them as long as you need, up until graduation, unless another student shows need of them. Should that happen, you will be told of each other’s condition and asked to share the materials. Hopefully, you’d be able to discover a confidant as well.” The headmaster said cheerfully, twinkling at Harry merrily.‘Fuck you, Old Man.’ Shiloe snarled at the possibility that another Shiloe would be told about him if need be.Harry heard the mental voice sigh and felt a hand begin massaging the base of his neck. He realized that Shiloe was touching him again, but kept his body from showing any sign of his inner activity.Harry smiled back, attempting to share Dumbledore’s enthusiasm for the idea with Shiloe’s disapproval running through him. “Brilliant.” He lied smoothly.‘What’s brilliant is the ease you can lie with now. I’ll make a Slytherin out of you, yet.’ Shiloe purred approvingly to Harry.Madam Pomfrey sighed. “Albus, you know what needs to be done.” She said firmly. “The Shiloe will be appearing in only a few months’ time, perhaps sooner.”Dumbledore sighed. “Too right you are.” He reluctantly agreed.Madam Pomfrey steeled herself for the task of forcing a fourteen-year-old boy to analyse his sexual identity and plan the loss of his virginity like it were a business arrangement, rather than an act of love and joy. “Harry.” She spoke clearly. “Are you attracted to females or males?”Harry blushed. “Um, I like girls.” He said softly.The Mediwitch nodded and continued. “The Shiloe is a very sexual creature, Mr. Potter. You will need to think hard about who you can trust with the gift of your virginity, and you must let them take it soon. I would suggest, due to your young age and the romanticism of girls your age, choosing a sensible, older girl to carry out the task. One with experience could lead you, and give you the knowledge to have sexual relationships of your own, in the future. We are going to make the process easier for you, Harry. On the first night back, we will take aside all the females in Gryffindor of years five and up, and they will be told that due to the threat of Voldemort you need to free your latent powers by losing your virginity. We will tell them that you will be approaching one of them soon and giving that person the honour. All you have to do is decide who you want and ask her if she will. Most of them will have had sex already, and will be more than willing to lead you gently into it.”Harry and Shiloe shared an inward wince at the turn this conversation was taking.
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