Run To You | By : SpeedyTomato Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Sirius Views: 7213 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and make no money off this fic. |
Run To You
By Speedy Tomato
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and make no money off this fic.
Summary: The war is over and Harry has the life everyone saw him as leading. And he's miserable from it. The one secret he's hidden from everyone but the one he shares it with is what he wants more than anything.
Beta'd by the most amazing Tenchi and Lynn. Love you both.
AN—This is a oneshot. It won't be continued. Also, it's rather AU with much of canon not taking place. Just putting that out there as most of it won't be explained and you don't need it.
This has NO SEX IN IT! If you skip that warning and bitch, not my issue and you're review gets deleted. You've been warned!
When it gets too much
I need to feel your touch
I'm gonna run to you
I'm gonna run to you
Cause when the feelin's right I'm gonna run all night
I'm gonna run to you
-Run To You
-Bryan Adams
Looking up when the door opened, Sirius grinned when Harry came in. He was off work finally so they could spend some time together. Sirius had gotten back from spending a month or so in Greece the day before and they hadn't had much time to talk because of how late he came in. However, when he saw the look on his godson's face, the smile dimmed. Something was wrong. He would get him to talk it out, of course, then he would feel better and they could press on to have some fun like they always did when he came home. “Rough day?” He asked as Harry hung his over-robe, the one that designated him an Auror, up.
“Just another day,” Harry sighed. “Let me get changed.”“Sure,” Sirius nodded. “We can talk a bit then. Be mindful that my stuff is all crammed in the bedroom, so don't kill yourself tripping over it.”They were in Remus' small cottage. After the war ended, he traded his old friend Grimmauld Place for the cabin. First and foremost, the main reason was that he hated the fucking house. All there was to it. He didn't care what he did to it, it would still be the same awful, vile place he grew up in and the memories would always remain.Second, Remus needed somewhere better than this to raise Teddy in. As Tonks was Andromeda's kid, it was only right it went to her as she was considered a Black, so they worked out the trade. He was quite happy with it, actually. As the nightmare finished and the great evil git was dead, Harry had moved in with him once he made the trade. He lived here all the time now and Sirius considered this place as Harry's with him just a visitor when he was back. As he was gone, off traveling most of the time, Harry had plenty of room. It was just when he was 'home' it was a tad cramped. They'd deal as they always did.Watching Harry go, seeing how his shoulders slumped and the look on his face, Sirius' brow furrowed. Something was really wrong. He hoped it wasn't trouble at work or him dealing with some evil arses that were giving them fits. “Want a beer?” He shouted at the now closed door to the bedroom.“A butterbeer,” Harry shouted back.Summoning Harry's beverage of choice, he sat it down on the coffee table then waited. Harry still wasn't one to talk about much that was personal, that old habit not having changed over the years, but he would get it out of him eventually. He always did. Once Harry talked, they would work out whatever it was together, just as they had done since Harry moved in. Then they would press on. As he planned to stick around for longer than normal this time, he wanted to have some fun with his godson. That and sort out what was going on. The last few letters from Harry had been odd. Very odd, containing what could only be called some darker themes to some of them. That disturbed him slightly. Remus told him that no one thought anything was off. The only noticeable thing was Harry didn't go out as much as he used to. It was something he chalked up to his job and how tired it made him. Though Sirius could see that, he didn't think it was the cause. Which meant that he would have to figure it out.Looking up when the bedroom door opened, he relaxed back, crossing his legs and taking a sip of his beer. The only odd thing was Harry had the same expression on his face. Normally when he was around, he might have a weary one when coming home, but would be more chipper when he got rid of the clothes from his job. This time it didn't happen. All that meant was he had to work to get to the bottom of it, nothing more. He could handle that.Waiting until Harry took a seat, he began the normal small talk, planning to draw this out until after supper when he would be more relaxed, thus likely to talk.
Shifting around with a groan, Sirius chuckled, “I ate too much! Though I like the food in various places, it doesn't match the good ol' British food.” They had just finished supper and were planning to sit down to talk for a while. Harry was a tad more relaxed with his expression closer to normal, something the couple of beers he had probably helped with, but there was still enough there that it was troubling him. His godson might be 21 now, but he still felt the need to help all he could. That held true for this. Besides, he wanted to just spend time with him, not worry. Settling back, he crossed his legs and groaned. “I'm sticking around longer than normal this time. Probably a month or so. We'll see. Maybe longer.”
“Good,” Harry said with a grin, sipping on his third beer of the night. This would have to be his last if he didn't want to wake up groggy for work the following day. “I miss you when you're gone, though I'm glad you're enjoying yourself.” That was true, both parts.He knew that Sirius loved to travel. As his godfather had plenty of money and wasn't wanted anymore, he could do that, staying gone for months on end to various parts of the world. For the first year he lived here, while going through Auror training, Sirius had stuck around. He adored that and coming home to his godfather. Once he was settled in and working, out of training, Sirius began to take short trips that lasted a couple of days. Then they became longer until they were what he did now. Over the last year, he missed him all the more. There was a good reason for that.About his second year living here, both of them had a couple drinks together. One thing led to another and, well, they became lovers. It wasn't a serious commitment thing, just lovers when Sirius was around. He adored that and it was something he looked forward to when Sirius was home. Now more than he ever did. He wouldn't say anything, though, as it was Sirius' right to do what he wanted and travel. Besides, it wasn't anything but sex, though it deepened the relationship that was there already. Lately though—no, he wouldn't think about that.Glancing at Harry, who was sprawled on the settee holding his beer, Sirius asked, gently, deciding it was time to jump in, “Work bugging you? You seem unhappy and not yourself.”“It's bothering me,” Harry admitted honestly. And that was the truth, just—he didn't go into why that was.“What's going on? Tough cases?” Sirius asked, trying to prod him gently.“No more than normal,” Harry sighed, shaking his head.Looking at his godson, brow furrowing again, Sirius thought that over. The short answers were enough to tell him that not only wasn't it going to be easy to get the reason out of his godson, but that it wasn't cases that were bugging him. “Harry? What's going on? Something is really bugging you. That's obvious. Hell, it was obvious from your letters with some of what was there.” He said, keeping a soft tone.“Nothing to worry about and I have to sort it out myself,” Harry told him, sipping at his beer.Typical Harry; he was going to make it as tough as he could. That was fine. Sirius was up to the challenge and could manage. He always did. Sitting his beer down on the table by the chair, he leaned over, though not rising from his seat, and grabbed Harry's wrist then gave a tug. “Come here,” he said, softly. As this was normal, he didn't expect a problem or for Harry to fight him.Holding tightly to his beer, Harry rose then slid over to Sirius. Straddling his legs, kneeling on the chair, facing him, Harry sat his beer down beside his godfather's then looked at him. It felt good to just sit like this anyway as Sirius always touched him in ways that made him feel wonderful.Reaching up and rubbing the side of Harry's head, Sirius smiled at him then asked, “What's going on? I'm a tad worried about you.”Giving a shrug, Harry sighed, “Same crap as always.”“And that tells me nothing and you know it,” Sirius chuckled, grinning a bit. Serious expression sliding back onto his face, he asked, “Tell me what's wrong. As always, it stays between us and we'll talk it out so you can find a solution to it. I know what its like to be an Auror and the stress that comes along with it, so I'll understand.”Shaking his head, looking down, Harry told him softly, “It's nothing like that. And you can't help.”“What is it then?” Sirius asked, now starting to worry a little more. Cases he got as those could make you completely mental and did on a regular basis. If it wasn't that, he didn't have a clue.Giving a halfhearted shrug, Harry said nothing.“Talk to me, Harry,” Sirius told him, tone firming up slightly. This went beyond the normal resistance to talking. Usually after the normal reassurances, Harry would give some up. “I don't like seeing you like this. You look completely miserable.”“Because I am,” Harry admitted with a sigh. Glancing up at Sirius, he added, “There's nothing you can do. I made my mistake and I now get to live with it.”Not liking the sound of that, Sirius groaned. “Talk, Harry,” Sirius told him, tone harder. “What the hell is going on? Is it someone on the job, memories of what it brings up, dealing with shite, what?”“It's the job and the whole damned Ministry,” Harry sighed, giving up the barest bones of what was going on.Now getting somewhere, Sirius pressed on. “What about them? The Ministry is always a problem, but it's getting better.”“No, it's not,” Harry told him, shaking his head and lowering his eyes. “It's the same crap as before the war with all the stupidity. Kingsley is trying, but he's only getting some done. It's just—bull. The same head in the sand bit, the same idiots doing what they always did, the same people gossiping, the same hand wringing over change, all of it. It's just taking new forms, nothing more than that.”“It takes time to really make big changes,” Sirius told him gently. “What's happening is big.”“Some of these shouldn't be hard, Sirius,” Harry snapped. “It's crap Umbridge put into place and no one wants to overturn it. We're expected to follow it because it's the law. Remus still can't get a job because of laws she wrote and pushed through. The same with others. That needed to go and it hasn't. The Wizengamot doesn't seem to want to push it either. Nothing Kingsley is doing is budging them. It's the same crap as before. Nothing's changed. They are even talking about getting the Dementors back for Azkaban. They swear it's only for the most dangerous, but we all know better. Once they are there and make the job easier, it'll be the same as it was before then only a matter of time before they do what they did with Voldemort.”“I didn't know any of that,” Sirius told him softly, rubbing the side of Harry's head. “It—let me look into a few things while I'm home. We might be able to do something.”“Don't bother, they aren't listening to anyone,” Harry told him wearily. “You'll just end up angry and swearing at people again. That won't get it anywhere.”“I'll talk to Kingsley to see what he says,” Sirius assured him. “He might know something that can help. If not, we can slap some people and get them moving.”“Plenty have and they don't budge,” Harry told him. “It's just the same crap all over. Now that Voldemort is gone, they want to forget it happened and anything learned from it.”“We can make sure they don't,” Sirius assured him. As Harry was just going to refute everything he said, Sirius decided to table that and press on to the other bit mentioned, making a mental note to check in with Kingsley. “What about the job is making you mental and causing problems? It's a hard one, we all get that, and can get you there easily.”Head dropping, Harry slumped then said, “I hate it. All of it. That's all there is to it. I thought I would get over it, but I haven't.”“It gets to you at times and you can't stand it, but it gets better. Give it time and you'll get over the slump,” Sirius coached softly, wrapping one arm around him and giving him a squeeze. “There were times I couldn't stand it either, but the good you did outweighed the bad times. That's probably the case here.”“No, it's not,” Harry told him with a shake of his head. “I hate it, Sirius, with every ounce of my being and always have. I thought I would get over it after training. That's not happened. It was—it was just a compromise with myself and I realize I made a mistake. Now I'm stuck with it.”“It's what you wanted to do, Harry,” Sirius reminded him, completely confused. That made no sense to him and he couldn't understand what Harry meant by it.“No, it's not. It's the only thing that stuck out because you and Dad were Aurors. It's not what I wanted to do. It was just—I chose it because it was the adult thing and a steady income. I knew I hated it the first week of training. Now I hate it worse.” Sighing, Harry then added, “I tried to quit the first week because I knew it wasn't what I wanted to do. Kingsley talked me out of it. At the time, I'm sure he thought it was just nerves, I was still feeling a bit raw from the war or whatever. It wasn't, but I let him do it, thinking it was something I would grow to love. That didn't happen. In fact, I hate every minute of it.”“What did you want to do?” Sirius asked, completely confused as the only thing he ever heard was Harry wanted to go into Auror training. He hadn't even heard mention of anything else.“Play Quidditch,” Harry told him softly, looking down. “It's the only thing I really loved. It was just—you know. That and I couldn't because Umbridge put that lifetime ban on me for it. That damned thing is still in effect, so it was out of my hands.”“Bloody hell,” Sirius breathed, leaning his head back and looking up at the ceiling. “I didn't know any of that. Especially about the ban. Have you said anything to Kingsley about that?”“What's the point?” Harry shrugged, not looking up. “There isn't one. I won't get the chance to play, so it doesn't mean anything. It's still in effect for Fred and George as well. We can fly, but we can't play.”“Say something to him, Harry, or I will. It just takes him signing off to cancel that for it to go into effect,” Sirius told him. It had to bug even more as Ginny played Quidditch professionally. To know the person you were with was getting to live the dream you had would hurt.“There is no point,” Harry told him with another shrug. “Just more paperwork for him that's worthless.”“You can try, Harry,” Sirius told him gently.“It's pointless. I've not even flown since losing my Firebolt. I haven't even bothered to buy a new one. I'm so out of practice that it wouldn't matter,” Harry sighed.“We can fix that over the weekend,” Sirius told him, planning to buy his godson another broom and make sure he got in the air.“Don't bother,” Harry sighed, leaning against Sirius and putting his forehead on his shoulder. “It's—I've moved on and accept this.”That Sirius didn't like. Groaning, he said, “We'll get one. I'm sure Ginny will fly with you so you can get into practice and help.”“I don't want to ask her,” Harry told him, not lifting his head.“She's your fiancé and loves you, Harry. She would probably love to fly with you,” Sirius told him.Head coming up, Harry said, looking at him, “She's not my fiancé! Where did you hear that?”“Everywhere,” Sirius told him honestly, completely confused and taken aback. There wasn't anger there, at least that he could hear, but vehemence of some kind. And he didn't understand it. Harry and Ginny had been together since after the war. Well, before actually, despite the hiatus from the relationship for that one year. It was normal that it was headed towards marriage. Despite the sex between them, he expected it to happen sometime soon.“Bloody wonderful,” Harry groaned, shaking his head and looking down again, slumping slightly. “She's not my fiancé and I never asked her to marry me, Sirius.”“She seems to think she is, Harry,” Sirius told him softly, completely bewildered. “In fact, she's told everyone that and Molly is already planning for your wedding. Not fully, of course, until you have a date set, but preparing. Everyone has heard that.”“Just great,” Harry said, slumping more, crossing his arms over his chest. “I don't need this.”“What is going on, Harry? As far as I knew everything was set in stone long ago and everyone is just waiting for the two of you to set the date or officially announce it.”“It's not happening. I've been trying to back away from her since right after I completed training.” Harry groaned, wondering how in the hell to stop this before it grew worse. He needed no more to make him completely mental!“Harry—you need to start explaining.” Sirius sighed, shaking his head. “Even I thought that's what it was. You love her. So, why not get engaged or married?”“I do love her,” Harry admitted with a shrug. Then he added, “Like a sister, not the other way. I've tried ending it gently. Either she ignored it or didn't get it. Since then, I've been distancing myself. It's been to the point of making every excuse I can think of for the last couple of years so we don't go out. In the past six months or so, we haven't, period. The only time we see each other is if I go to the Weasleys or she's somewhere I am. That's all. I won't even answer her owls. It's not what I want, Sirius, and I knew that long ago. Over the last couple of years, that's been firmed up and I realize it couldn't ever work.” Groaning, head going back, he added, “Which means I have to get blunt then the fight will start. Not only with her, but Ron as well. Bloody wonderful. This is not something I need!”Staring at Harry, Sirius didn't know what to say. In fact, he was rather blindsided. No, they didn't talk about that end of things when he was around, something he assumed was his godson just wanting to spend time with him. Hell, he did the same thing! Work and Ginny weren't something they talked about much. There were other things they discussed and just wanted to have some fun together. Thinking that over, he began to notice in the quick memories that surfaced that whenever he did bring Ginny up, Harry changed the topic. He hadn't noticed at the time, of course, but it might be there now. Then there began a dawning of what might be behind part of it. Quietly, he asked, “Is it what's between us that ended it?” He didn't think that was all of it, but it might be part. Harry just made it clear that it was ending before the sex started, but he wanted to know.“It was done before then, Sirius. I was just trying to get it stopped,” Harry told him with a shrug. “Why do you think I never went to any of her games? I mean, when you were around we were busy and it wouldn't have happened, as we talked about. It didn't when you weren't either. Even old Rita has mentioned in her columns that I never attended. Ginny's poked me to attend, but I wouldn't. It's just—not what I want.”“What do you want? It sounds like there is something, or someone, from the way you phrase it. Is there? If there is, no one ever heard about them,” Sirius inquired, genuinely curious, wondering who it could be.“There isn't anyone besides what we do,” Harry told him, completely ignoring the first question, hoping Sirius would drop it.Nodding at that, pleased he wasn't gone enough or so completely fucking oblivious to more that he missed it, Sirius looked at Harry. Now he was getting why his godson looked so miserable and why his letters sounded off. Hell, this was enough to make anyone completely mental. “What is it you want, Harry?” Sirius asked again, really wanting an answer. If he knew, he might be able to help. That he wanted to do, desperately. Harry had led such a hard life and had so much taken from him for so long that he wanted to ensure he had some happiness if he could at all help it. That and he damned well planned to help with the job and Ginny bit.Groaning, Harry shook his head. He didn't want to answer that and wanted Sirius to drop it, now. “Don't,” he muttered. “Leave that one, yeah? I don't want to talk about it, Sirius. This is enough shite for one night, we don't need more piled on.”Oh, Sirius sure as hell wasn't going to leave it! He wanted to know. “Just tell me. It doesn't matter, Harry. Maybe I can help,” Sirius coaxed gently.“No,” Harry snapped, head coming up. “Leave it!” He very rarely got vehement with Sirius about anything, but wanted this left alone. All he was dealing with was hard enough that he didn't need it made worse.Putting a hand on the back of Harry's head, Sirius completely ignored the tone. Gazing at him, he said, softly, “Just tell me. We'll go from there and work on whatever it is. It doesn't matter who it is, Harry. You know that. If they will make you happy, that's all that matters.”“Don't do this to me,” Harry groaned, not having the energy to snap again. “I just want it left alone, Sirius. Let me deal with it my own way.”“Yeah, that's a good idea, Harry. You can keep right on being miserable that way and tear yourself apart. Just keep piling on more to the mess you're dealing with,” Sirius shot back sarcastically. “Just talk. Who is she?”“It's not a she,” Harry mumbled, looking down. “Just drop it, for tonight anyway.” It was his hope that if he could back Sirius off for the night, he could keep on doing it until he left. That and distract him so he didn't have to handle it again.“And that matters?” Sirius grinned, shaking his head. “So it's a guy, big deal!” Sobering up, thinking it over, he asked, slightly confused, “You said you weren't interested in guys other than what we do.”“Let's just leave it until tomorrow, alright?” Harry sighed, not even trying to answer.“Oh, that is not going to work, Harry,” Sirius chuckled. “I know you too well to let you pull that one.” Sobering up, he asked again, tone as gentle as he could make it, “Who is it and what's going on, Harry? Just talk to me. You know you can talk to me about anything.”Moaning in mental agony, Harry shook his head. Now he knew Sirius wouldn't give it up. He'd done this with him before and knew what was coming if he kept on refusing. “Please,” he muttered, knowing Sirius would understand what he meant by that one word.Staring at Harry, the pieces finally slid into place with a loud click. Keeping his voice down, as though he were afraid someone would hear, he asked, “It's me, isn't it?” It seemed to fit. Harry wouldn't have a problem telling him about anyone else, unless it was someone that they both had issues with. As he knew that wasn't the case, he thought this might be it.Groaning in agony, Harry just nodded, unwilling to lie to his godfather. With that, his gut clenched. Sirius wasn't interested in anything steady with anyone and had made that very clear over the last few years.Staring at Harry, Sirius grinned just a little. “I wish you had said something sooner. I've not because I thought it was serious with Ginny and didn't want to interfere!” Rubbing Harry's head, he told him, “Why would you think that I wouldn't want more if we already took the step of having sex? Shite, Harry, if there's one person in this world that I wouldn't use for sex, it's you.”Head coming up, Harry looked at him, eyes wide. He couldn't believe what he was hearing! It was something he had wanted for so long, that he was almost sure that it was just wishful thinking and he misunderstood.“Which means, since it's out there, we can press on with what we both want,” Sirius told him with a smile. After pulling Harry down into a soft kiss and breaking it off, he said, “I want you to tell me honestly what you want, Harry. That way we can work on it.”Looking at Sirius, heart hammering, body tingling, Harry told him, voice a tad uneven, “To just leave with you and do what it is you are. I've wanted that for a long time. All I want is to just chuck everything here and travel with you, nothing more.”“We can easily arrange that,” Sirius told him with a big grin. “In fact, I think I'm going to cut my stay short and we'll take off tomorrow. What do you think?”Grinning hugely, Harry nodded. Then he sobered up and sighed, “I have a ton to take care of, though. I can't just not show up to work and vanish. People would go completely mental and look for me. Then there is taking care of here and everything in it.“Oh, I think we can take care of that,” Sirius grinned. “After all, we have all night. We'll manage. After some fun that is.” With that, he pulled Harry down into a more passionate kiss. Hell yes they were going to have fun! Part of the reason he stayed away so long was because of the attraction and want for Harry. It kept drawing him back, though. He couldn't resist what was between them and how it felt. He tried to stay away, he always did, not wanting to ruin things for Harry and Ginny. It was his thought process that if Ginny found out what they were doing she would completely flip. That he didn't want. Now, well, that was moot and he was going to enjoy it.
Looking around at all the luggage piled everywhere, Sirius nodded, pleased. Perfect. He was sure they were ready to go, but wanted to double check. “Everything is packed? You made sure? We'll lock the wards down, of course, so no one can get in, but we don't want you forgetting anything really important.”
“It's all packed. I triple checked,” the grinning Harry told him. Holding his new Firebolt, his eyes drifting to Sirius', he then chuckled, “I can't believe we're going to fly to Finland!”“You better believe it,” Sirius retorted, grinning himself. “We just have to shrink everything and get it into the bags that go on the brooms, nothing more.”“We're going to freak everyone out,” Harry snorted, unable to stop grinning. Though it was real early, before office hours at the Ministry, they had been to Diagon Alley. First they went to Gringotts to get his vaults put on International status, something that would allow him to draw from them anywhere in the world. Then Sirius had used some influence with the owner of Quality Quidditch Supplies to get in before it opened and buy the brooms. That and they went to the Post Office to mail out two letters. Those would cause the most chaos. “The letters went to the right places, you're sure about that?”“I am,” Sirius assured him. “I made sure that the one sent to Kingsley was labeled top priority. It'll be on his desk before he gets there. It'll also be copied to the head of the DMLE as well. You're covered there. The one to Ginny will be waiting for her when she wakes up. I sent one off last night to Remus telling him I'll explain anything odd he hears when I get to Finland and that you're with me. Nothing at all to worry about, I swear.” Seeing Harry give a relieved nod, he nudged him, “Let's get out of here then. We want on the continent before anyone knows we're gone. Let's get the bags and get moving!”That's what Harry wanted to hear! Drawing his wand, he began to shrink everything, sending it into the bags that would go over the handles of their brooms. With that, his heart was pounding in a way that it hadn't in a very long time. This is what he had dreamed about for so long and it was finally happening. Perfect!
Looking across the table at Sirius and Harry, both of whom were playing with Teddy, Remus chuckled. It had been five years since the two had vanished from the UK. Oh, they had been back since then, of course, but hadn't let most see them. This was the first time they would be here for more than a couple of days. They were back to wait for Tonks to give birth to their next child. As she was due any time now, they were sticking around for it.
Seeing his son's hair go more blue than normal, Remus shook his head, unable to stop smiling. Teddy adored both of them and the two returned the feeling. “Are you two going to go see anyone else or stay hidden this time?” He asked. “What about it coming out that you got married?” The two had blindsided him by showing him their marriage license from Canada, something they had done only a couple of days go. Though he knew they were a couple, he assumed that they wouldn't have taken that step as it might come out.“I think we're back for a month or so,” Sirius told him. “We have some bits to attend to that we can't do by owl. So, we'll pop 'round and see everyone. And it's going to leak out, we know that. The bloke that performed the ceremony knew who Harry was by his scar. It was our thought that we might as well say something before it hits the papers.” Leaning back in his chair, holding Teddy on his lap with one arm, slipping the other around Harry, who leaned against him, he grinned, “We'll just be wary of hexes that might come our way, nothing more. Not worried about the unwashed masses, of course, just the ones we know!”Shaking his head, still smiling, Remus told him, “I wouldn't worry too much, honestly. By now, most have gotten over any anger about it. Ginny is probably the only one that might hold a grudge. Even then, she's moved on. Her and Dean Thomas are engaged. That was in the paper a couple weeks ago. If they are still upset, it's their problem, not yours. I made it quite clear what the reasons behind you both leaving were and explained it the best I could after your letter. If they can't accept that, it's not your problem. Harry was miserable. Even I saw that. Now he isn't. Everyone will see that as well. Besides, it's your life, not theirs.”“Exactly,” Sirius grinned. Sobering up, he said, “We're going to finish out our plans for this year then come back for good I think. We've gotten the wanderlust out of our system, so it's time to settle again.”“I would really like that,” Remus admitted, pleased that his oldest friend would once more be around. “Any plans for what you're going to do? I know both of you have enough money that you don't need to work, but I can't see you just sitting around growing bored.”Grinning himself, Harry said, “Actually, yes. We've already got a letter off to Minerva. From what we heard in letters from Hermione, she needs a new instructor for DADA next term. We're applying for that. We think it's something the two of us would like. Minerva is getting ready to retire, from what we heard, and is trying to get bodies in place to take over so much. Neville is taking over Herbology from what Hermione said and becoming head of Hufflepuff. Snape is going back to Potions and head of Slytherin as Slughorn is done. Filius is taking over as Headmaster. They already have someone for Charms and Ravenclaw head of house. The one for Transfiguration is staying, but Minerva needs DADA and the head for Gryffindor. We thought that between the two of us we could do a passable job for both.”“I'm sure she'll be more than happy to have you both,” Remus told them honestly. Chuckling once more, he added, “Nothing like having two of the biggest troublemakers ever to walk the halls as a head of house, though! That is rather riotous to ponder. Not to mention Severus will be beside himself to realize he has to work with the two of you and pretend to get along.”“We've matured enough that I think we can manage as head of house,” Sirius told him with a bit of a sheepish grin, scratching his chin. “Snape will deal accordingly. We just thought it was something we'd enjoy and give us plenty to do. Plus we'd be together. As we're both ex-Aurors, we can do the job without a problem. Besides, who better than us to run herd on them? They aren't going to pull something we didn't when in school.” Looking down at Teddy, who was gazing up at him, grinning, he added, snickering, “And we can keep an eye on Teddy when he gets there. Nothing like his godfathers watching out for him.”“That could end disastrous,” Remus laughed, shaking his head as his son enthusiastically endorsed that idea. Sobering up once more, he said, the tiniest of smiles on his face, “I would like someone there to keep an eye on him, of course. Provided those two someones don't encourage him into mischief.”“We'll behave,” Harry assured him. “We just want to settle down and have something to do we both like. This sounded great when Hermione mentioned it in the letter. We've tried other bits, like me playing Quidditch professionally while in America and Sirius taking a turn at Curse Breaking in India, but we moved on from those. This was something that sounded better than the rest.”“I think it's something you'll like, honestly,” Remus told them. “I would try again, but with the new child coming and Teddy, not to mention my job in the Ministry in the Magical Creatures section, I won't. Tonks will be going back to work after her leave is over as well, so it's not viable. Besides, I rather like being home every night. You both don't have those obligations.”“Something completely understandable for you,” Sirius nodded. Sighing, he said, “As long as we're together, we'll be fine with whatever we take on. It took us a while to get here and happy, so we want to keep it that way.” Changing topics, he asked about how Tonks was doing, grinning as Teddy moaned about his overly emotional mother.This was something he loved, as did Harry. Their life was great and they loved it now that they were going in the right direction, this would just complete it. They were together how they both wanted, happy and nothing could change that. There was no more quick sex then him moving on again only to be drawn back because of the want that was there. No hiding what was going on from Ginny. Harry not miserable because of a job he hated and a longing unfulfilled. For the first time in their lives, they were happy. That's all that mattered and he planned to keep it that way. If the wanderlust came again, they would indulge. Whatever they did, it would be together. That's all that mattered.
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