Dark Desires | By : TheCrowCollective Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 294 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter Series or any related stories, if you recognize it, I do not own it and do not make money from it. |
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, I don’t own it.
Hello! I hope you like this one. I imagine this as a series, so let me know if you’re interested in reading more of this story. I have many other stories with these two in the works, so let me know what you’re interested in.
Please R&R!
She knew the library like the back of her hand, so it shouldn’t be that hard to find what she was looking for. In fact, Hermione Granger had been claimed to know the library better than anyone in the school, besides the librarian of course. She spent as much time as she could going up and down the aisles, scanning the shelves looking for books that complimented her classes and helped her stay on track. In truth, she wasn’t a good student before coming to Hogwarts, and she wanted to do well, so she didn’t get left behind. Of course, the love of the mysterious and magical that all muggle children had kept her interested in class.
Hermione sighed as she set another book on the stack she planned to reshelve. They might not even have what she was looking for. How is it possible that vampires are only mentioned in Defense Against the Dark Arts books? Surely they weren’t all that different from humans, and well… in her opinion it didn’t seem all that bad to be bitten by one. Since they had been assigned the paper by Professor Snape, Hermione had started to think she would rather enjoy being bit by a vampire. She shifted in her seat. Even the thought of it was enough to be distracting.
Hermione grabbed another book she had yet to flip through. This was one of the very last that she would even guess mentioned vampires. According to the catalog, there should be more books on the topic, but she just couldn’t seem to find them.
Opening to the first page of the book, she read the title, “Habitats of Semi-intelligent Woodland Species.” Hermione wrinkled her nose–
“Miss Granger?” The librarian’s voice cut through her thoughts, making her jump. “I’m surprised to see you at this time, was Professor Snape not feeling well?”
Hermione’s eyes widened and she quickly cast Tempus. It was nearly twenty minutes into class!
“There was an accident with the first years earlier,” Hermione replied uncertainly. “We are starting a little late today.” It wasn’t true, but not an unbelievable lie. There were often issues with the younger students in potions.
The librarian nodded, a frown crossing her face. The old woman didn’t suffer fools well, with teenagers often using her abandoned aisles for all sorts of activities. Luckily, Hermione was a fairly good liar from her parents' questioning her lackadaisical school efforts before coming to Hogwarts, and Madam Pince didn’t expect much trouble from the girl.
Hermione rolled her eyes as the woman walked away. Honestly, it’s ridiculous that more of the staff didn’t know about the Time Turner.
Hermione looked down at the book. Should she stay here and go to class in an hour or so, since she already needs to use the turner, or should she just go now?
Then she thought about watching Professor Snape work on his potions… The way his hands would use the different tools and the delicacy he’d use to handle the ingredients…
She slammed the book shut, and shook herself. She wasn’t going to stay here, and she honestly didn’t care if she did find vampires in that book. To think of these beings –or any others that should be equal to humans– as “Semi-Intelligent” was purely offensive. Regardless, Professor Snape might be able to help her find more information anyways.
Hermione scooped up her books and quickly sent them to the reshelve cart. She usually put them away herself, but Madam Pince could deal with them today.
She pulled the Time Turner out from under her shirt and gave it only a half turn. Thirty minutes would do. She didn’t need much time to make it to potions without being late, and mere minutes later she was stepping through the door into the relative dimness of the potions master’s classroom.
Snape was working in the front of the room, adding ingredients to a potion he was bent over. His hair was pulled back in a low ponytail. The potion’s professor rarely ever pulled it back, usually causing it to get greasy from the fumes of the potions, but today it was still clean and shiny.
Professor Snape looked up at Hermione as she took her seat, an odd look on his face. It was very similar to the look she assumed she would have gotten if she had walked in late. She met his gaze for a moment before he looked away.
The professor checked his watch, before turning and retreating into the lab behind his classroom. There he kept all sorts of ingredients and supplies for his personal brewing and the potions he made for Madame Pomphrey for the infirmary. He returned moments later with a clump of leaves and a clean knife.
Hermione was so preoccupied with watching her professor work that she was delayed in preparing her workstation and didn’t even notice him start the class.
She jolted out of her daze when Harry waved his hand in front of her face to get her attention, and asked if she was all right. Hermione blinked for a moment, rubbing her eyes, and told him she was fine, just tired, which wasn’t even a lie. She was tired. She had used the Time Turner so much this year, taking extra classes and reading in the library, that she had aged nearly a year and a half, and had grown quite a bit because of it. She had filled in, not being as thin and lanky looking as she had at the beginning of the year. Recently she had done the math and realized that she had aged to just past 15 years old.
Hermione zoned back into class, and found Professor Snape demonstrating technique for properly squeezing one of the ingredients without it sipping between your fingers and flinging across the room. The edge on his tone suggested he had been hit by one of them more than once. His eyes landed on hers for a moment as he scanned the room. Hermione’s cheeks heated as his piercing gaze met hers, and she thought she saw the barest change in his expression. She looked down quickly. Certainly he couldn’t tell what was going through her head?
Some of the Slytherins in the back were snickering to themselves and she didn’t want to imagine what they were talking about. Over the years mockery of all sorts had circled the halls, from his greasy hair and oversized nose, to his dungeon bat nature and snarky remarks. Honestly, in her opinion, none of it was true. He over-worked himself, so he was in the dungeon most of the day, usually in his lab working on things, or supposedly in his office grading, and the fact she had gotten away with telling Madam Pince that a first year had exploded something shows the man dealt with enough on a daily basis to be excused of some snarky comments. The other two arguments weren’t even intelligent enough to warrant dwelling on.
Although… Hermione looked at Professor Snape as he leaned over Neville’s cauldron, a frown on his face. He was handsome. It was easier to see when his hair was pulled back like today, but it was there normally nonetheless. He had aristocratic high cheekbones, and beautiful eyes. They were actually a deep black color, like freshly fractured obsidian, not the dark muddy brown most people with ‘black’ eyes had. Severus Snape really was handsome. Hermione wondered how well he took care of himself when he had more time to do so.
“You have five minutes left in class to finish your potions.” Despite being the subject of her distracted thoughts, Professor Snape’s voice didn’t register in her head. “Those who have chosen to dilly-dally all class will need to get to work.” The professor drew out those last few words, staring in Hermione’s direction. Harry elbowed her. Hermione blushed for what felt like the millionth time that class period and returned to stirring her potion. All her daydreaming in the library earlier had not done her any good.
As most of the students were finishing their potions and leaving, Professor Snape disappeared into his lab. Hermione shook her head to clear it. Despite her inattention, her potion was the correct color, and seemed to be boiling at the right intensity. She added the last ingredient, a small amount of the carefully sliced leaves she had seen Professor Snape prepare earlier.
Hermione was finished with her potion, but focused on cleaning up her workstation. She still wanted to ask Professor Snape about those books, and pretending to be running behind was easier than explaining to Harry that she wanted to talk to the professor he and Ron hated the most.
When Harry asked if she was ready to go, she motioned for him and Ron to go on without her. By the time she was setting her potion on Professor Snape’s desk to be graded, the last of her class were trickling out the door.
Professor Snape reappeared from his lab, and looked somewhat surprised Hermione was still there. “Do you need something?” He asked snarkily. Hermione watched as he moved to his desk and started sorting through the cluster of student flasks on his desk.
“Well, I was in the library looking for some books on magical creatures, so that I could read more about some of the stuff we learned about in Defense Against the Dark Arts, but I couldn’t find anything. I thought maybe you would be able to help me find some books on the subject,” Hermione said in a rush.
“Is this what you were so preoccupied about in class? You couldn’t pay attention because you were so worried about finding books to read in your free time?” Snape asked. His words were clipped and oozed impatience, in a well faked semblance of how they always sounded in class, but she could hear the amusement behind his words. There’s no way he could have known what she was thinking about… but certainly he didn’t find her interest in books amusing. That means he had to know something.
“Well I just figured…” Hermione trailed off for a moment. She felt exposed under his scrutinizing gaze. She knew her lies wouldn’t hold any weight. “Well I just figured since you assigned that essay for Professor Lupin’s class, you’d know where I could find more information about vampires.”
He looked at her for a moment, seemingly deciding if he was going to go along with her story. The classroom was eerily quiet. The lack of students in the dungeon, and the surprising lack of the sounds of boiling coming from the lab, left the two of them waist deep in thick silence.
As each of the silences between them matured to full term Hermione was starting to regret staying after class. Certainly she could just buy a couple books on her next trip to Hogsmeade?
Professor Snape moved to start cleaning the classroom. If she knew the schedules correctly, there wasn’t another potions class that afternoon. “Were you not able to find the material needed for the essay in your Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook?” He asked.
Hermione breathed a sigh of relief as he moved away, taking his eyes off her and releasing the tension somewhat. “Well I read everything on them in the DADA textbooks for all the years, but all of them referred to vampires as creatures, or less than human.” Hermione supposed “human” was the wrong word.
Professor Snape stopped and turned towards her. He had a handful of plant cuttings and other trash he had gathered from the student desks. “Vampire’s aren’t human,” he put simply.
“Yes, but they are people.” Hermione responded. “They deserve to have rights like the rest of us, and if I understand correctly, they can survive just fine without hurting people, if they have a willing donor.”
When she paused, she looked at her professor. He was standing there, in the middle of his classroom staring at her, having stopped what he was doing once again. This time he was next to the waste bin in the front of the room. After a moment, he shook himself and moved to begin wiping down the student stations. Hermione had to hide her smile at the motion. It wasn’t very often students got to see the potions professor act so much like everyone else.
Professor Snape was manually wiping down the desks with a towel and muggle cleaner. Wand magic didn’t always mix well with potions, and although this particular potion would have been fine if brewed correctly, Hermione didn’t blame her professor’s lack of trust in her peers. “It is not always easy for vampires to actually find a donor,” he stated. “That’s why so many of them have to ‘hunt’ even if they don’t want to. It is much more dangerous for a vampire to not eat at all than to feed every once and a while, when considering their self-control.”
“I can help you.” The words burst out of her without her realizing she was going to say them. How could she be so stupid? Was she really just going to ask her professor to fulfill one of her fantasies? How had she gotten from asking for books to offering this?
The professor shot a look in her direction, but continued drying the water flasks from class. “With what?” Professor Snape said with a scoff. Third year students didn’t often feel they had the ability to help him.
Hermione rolled her eyes. “You can bite me,” she said as if it was the only thing she could have possibly meant. Snape stood stock still staring at her. He had an empty glass gripped in one hand and a towel draped over the other. He almost looked scared.
Then he looked pissed. “You need to leave,” he said. When she didn’t move, he started moving around his room in a renewed vigor, like if couldn’t force her to leave, he would as soon as he was done.
“But professor….” His glare made her trail off. “The books.” She finished meekly. Snape sent another snarky look in her direction. She couldn’t recognize the emotion crossing his face. It wasn’t one she had seen on him before. “Professor! I’ve figured you were a vampire ever since you assigned the essay.” She exclaimed in frustration. He threw down a dish towel onto his desk.
“How do you know you aren’t mistaking things about my nature and assuming I’m a vampire?” He asked. He didn’t walk away to continue his work, but picked up the towel and resumed drying the glass in his hands. “Certainly I am a vampire because I spend all my time in the dark dungeons and don’t ever see sunlight.” There was amusement in his voice, mixed with a certain amount of something she couldn’t quite place. There was something self-deprecating about what he said.
Hermione rolled her eyes again. He stopped and stared at her in disbelief. Why did he have to be so dramatic? Sure the man was clearly about as goth as you can get, but did he need to be so edgy? “Vampire’s are not adverse to sunlight,” she said, “they are nocturnal, which is why, I assume, that you are so tired and cranky when teaching us. You also don’t really ever eat when you’re in the hall for meals, usually just soup I assume. At least it’s always things you eat with a spoon. Liquids.
You also are very good at potions, which doesn’t seem related, but a lot of ingredients are toxic, especially for the more high level potions you brew for the school, but you never seem affected by them. In the textbooks it always says that vampires are resistant to poison so it wasn’t a good way to deter them, even if you ingest those substances. It mentions that there are different kinds of vampires, and that some are undead while others are truly alive, but I don’t know many more specifics about that, especially considering you seem to be an alive-type vampire.” Hermione rattled off the facts like she was reciting them for an exam, and paused to catch her breath when she was done. “Thus… you can bite me.” She repeated.
This time Severus Snape wrenched himself away from the spot she had previously had him rooted, and turned his back to her. Hermione stared at his back perplexed. Had she upset him? Was he scared she’d tell everyone?
“I don’t plan to tell anyone,” Hermione stated.
“I told you to leave.” Professor Snape said. This time he seemed more defeated than angry.
Professor Snape did not move. Hermione wasn’t even sure he was breathing, (and based on her research, he did need to breathe).
“Professor… I just figured you probably don’t get to feed that often, considering you live here, and there aren't any students going missing.”
Before she could breathe another breath to continue, Snape had moved quicker than she had ever expected, and pushed her up against the edge of his desk, next to his chair.
Hermione’s breath caught in her throat. Severus Snape had pinned her to his desk. Hermione looked up at her professor. He had his eyes closed, and seemed to be wrestling with himself. She was suddenly uncertain. She wanted to help him, but not necessarily without his consent. She didn’t want to tempt him this much… Hermione hadn’t expected him to act without thinking.
Hermione took a breath. She hadn’t ever expected to be behind his desk, but had wandered there while talking to him. She also never expected to be pushed up against said desk, but who was counting? She laughed to herself.
Hermione jumped when he moved and spoke quietly. “It seems to me that you don’t think vampires are very dangerous,” Professor Snape said, his voice strained. He was breathing faster, and gripping the edge of the desk next to her leg so tightly his knuckles were white.
“That, or I don’t care if they are,” Hermione said boldly. She wasn’t sure where the confidence was coming from and the surprise seemed to be mutual, based on Snape’s raised eyebrow. He wasn’t calmer, but all of the anger that he had exhibited was gone. He might think she was an idiot, but he didn’t seem to think her knowledge was a threat.
He laughed darkly. “Don’t be fooled, witch. Vampire’s are very dangerous to humans. Try not to forget that. You shouldn’t trust us.” A small smile crossed Hermione’s face despite herself. He had finally admitted it.
“I trust you,” Hermione said, tilting her head. That got his attention. He pushed away from the desk roughly, leaving her leaning there, and walked straight backwards, until his back was against the wall of his classroom, his eyes closed.
“I see that.” He took another deep breath. “You really should leave.”
“Professor, can you at least help me find a book?” Hermione asked. “I find the subject interesting and would like to do some more research on it.”
Snape raised his eyebrows at her. “You find vampires interesting?”
‘I find you interesting,’ Hermione thought to herself. “Yes,” She replied.
“Because I have seen how well you take care of books…” Snape said, “and because my notes in them can’t tell you much that you don’t already know, you can borrow a few of mine.”
Hermoine was shocked. He was going to trust her with his personal books? “I would appreciate it.”
“It’s the least I can do, considering the reason you can’t find the books in the library is due to the fact I have them all in my office,” he said with a laugh. “I won’t give you those, however.”
“Why?” Hermione asked. “Why would you trust me with your books more than library books?”
“Considering the fact you’ll now be comparing everything you read to me, in my opinion it’s generally a better idea to get you books that are actually mostly accurate. Professor Snape turned and disappeared into his lab.
After a moment half-stepped back into the classroom. “Follow me.”
Hermione hurried after him, following him through his lab (while marveling at how organized he kept it) and into his office.
Professor Snape pulled out a box, and set it on his desk. He moved to his bookshelf and started looking through them, leaving the two of them in silence again. He pulled a few off the shelf and placed them in the box.
“What all are you looking for?” Professor Snape asked. “I pulled out a few general ones on vampires.”
“Anything you have that is general works fine,” Hermione said. “If it doesn't bother you I can come back with questions, or looking for more specific things.”
Snape nodded.
“Do you have a donor?” Hermione asked randomly. If he was going to keep dodging her questions, she would just have to start making them harder to dodge.
“You seem to be too smart of a girl to not have noticed that I wanted you to drop that particular subject,” Snape stated.
Hermione rolled her eyes. Way for him to call her a know it all one more time. “I am still curious though.” Snape raised an eyebrow at her.
“So in your opinion, everyone should divulge their personal information simply because you are curious?” Snape asked. He dropped four more books into the box.
“I hardly think asking about your dinner is personal information.”
“That’s a little grotesque, don’t you think?” Snape said, frowning at her. Hermione shrugged. It probably was.
Snape paused before continuing. Something dark danced behind his eyes. “Do you really want the answer to that question?”
Hermione nodded.
Snapped moved around the desk.
Hermione barely had the chance to take one step backwards in surprise before Snape’s mouth was on her neck. Hermione hadn’t noticed his fangs extend, let alone them actually pierce her skin. If her mind wasn’t so clouded by the feel of Snape’s surprisingly soft lips on her neck and the gentle sucking pressure robbing her of her blood, she would have been amazed by how quickly his fangs could extend and retract.
Suddenly he was in front of her, guiding her backwards until she was pinned against his desk. He shifted and stepped closer to her, weaving his fingers into her hair and pulling her head farther to the side. His lips moved over her skin as he swallowed her blood, making heat run through her body and settle at her core. He brought his other hand up to rest on her hip. Hermione was right, she did rather like being bitten by a vampire. In fact, this was one of the most erotic things that had ever happened to her.
What was wrong with her? Why did she get turned on by this?
Snape pulled his mouth away from her skin, and licked up the length of her neck, running the tip of his tongue across the puncture wounds. She gasped at the action, letting out a breathy moan. “Severus…” She wasn’t sure what she had planned on asking for. The only thing that Hermione knew was that she was glad she was sitting on the edge of the desk or she would have fallen over.
He raised an eyebrow at that. “Severus is it?” Hermione’s blush was hidden in her already flushed cheeks. Running a hand over her neck, Hermione was surprised to find the wounds already healed. “How often have you thought of this? Should I be concerned that you had this planned?” Snape studied her, making note of her blush. He ran his fingers across her cheek, feeling the warmth there.
His skilled fingers across her skin felt even better than she had expected.
Hermione blinked up at him stupidly for a moment. “Would you undo what I did if I had?” She asked. She had come to the conclusion that this man must have driven her insane, and that was the source of her boldness.
“Not even I can undo the past,” He responded quietly. He had yet to move his hands, and it was in the brief moment of silence after he spoke those words that Hermione realized Severus was just about as unaffected by the bite as she was. His hard length was pressed into her hip bone.
Her eyes flicked back to his. His eyes were dilated, making them seem even darker than they already were. It was hard to ignore his thick swallow as he stared at her.
Severus’ eyes darted to her lips and back, giving Hermione confidence. He seemed to want this just as much as she did. Had he thought about this as much as she had?
When she pulled at his shirt to get him to kiss her, he resisted at first. Severus seemed to hesitate a moment longer. After that moment, he met her halfway.
Their lips met with a mutual need Hermione couldn’t have previously imagined. His lips were somehow softer than they had felt on her neck.
Severus pushed his tongue against her teeth, asking her to open her mouth. Hermione didn’t even think to disobey. Their tongues slid against each other. The slick movement was intoxicating. Hermione couldn’t even begin to think what it would feel like if he used his tongue elsewhere.
Severus moved one of his hands up to cup her breast. The pressure of his hand against her combined with the slight metallic flavor of his tongue in her mouth was making the heat between her thighs unbearable. Hermione needed more.
He seemed to read her mind again. She really needed to remember to ask him if vampires had any sort of telepathic powers.
Severus waved his hand, and the buttons of her shirt were undone. He pulled it off her, and ran his hands over her breast before removing her bra.
Severus’ mouth closed around her nipple, his tongue flicking over the sensitive peak before sucking it between his lips. The warmth of his mouth sent a sharp pulse of pleasure through her, but it was the unmistakable scrape of something sharper—his fangs, just beginning to extend against her skin—that made her gasp.
A low, rumbling sound vibrated in his chest, somewhere between a groan and a growl, as if instinct had taken hold. He stilled for half a second, his breath hot against her breast, as though fighting the twin urges of hunger and desire.
Then, his lips sealed around her again, this time with more intent, his tongue soothing where the sharp edges had grazed her, a silent promise of both restraint and temptation.
He moved away from her suddenly, moving just out of arm's reach. An embarrassingly desperate sound left her mouth.
Severus grabbed Hermione’s hands and pulled her to her feet. Fingers hooked into the front of her pants and dark eyes met her gaze. His stare was as intense as always, but she could see the emotion in it. The amusement on his face was clearer now. He seemed happier now. Hermione wondered how long he had gone without a meal.
She nodded her permission. Gods she wanted him to continue with whatever he was going to do next.
Severus pulled off his outer robes, and threw them over the box of books on the floor. Hermione hadn’t noticed he had moved the box. How much of this had he been anticipating before she asked her question?
He picked her up and set her down on the edge of his desk, before unzipping her pants and pulling them off of her in one motion. They hit the floor on the other side of the office.
Severus kissed her again, making her arch into him, before he dropped to his knees in front of his desk, keeping his eyes on her. She leaned back on her elbows, and he moved towards her, putting one of her knees over his shoulder. Her expression showed her anticipation as he paused to look at her.
“I can smell you, you know.” His voice was low and rough. Obsidian eyes roamed her face.
Severus’ breath hitched before he continued. “When you’re sitting in my classroom, fantasizing instead of paying attention.” A pause. He smirked up at her.
“I can smell your wetness…” He ran his tongue up her center suddenly, making her breath hitch and her eyes flutter shut, “and your blood when it pools in your cheeks.” He nipped gently at her inner thighs, kissing the skin there, and continuing to tease her.
“Both smells are quite distracting when I am trying to teach.” Because she had already felt him against her, his tongue along her folds, his next pause was even more tantalizing. “Now I know both taste better than they smell.”
His lips were everywhere. Kissing. Licking. Nipping. The vampire between her legs even boarded on biting her thighs. His lips were everywhere but where she needed him.
Hermione whined as he continuously dodged the place she wanted him the most. “I’m not the only one that thinks you’re hot, you know.” Hermione blushed at the admission. “How would you know it was me?” Severus looked up at her.
“You’re different. You stand out,” He responded, as if that answered all of her questions. Hermione looked down at him questioningly. “Your blood type… it’s AB- the most rare of them.” Who knew words were most impactful spoken against the most private parts of her? “Only 1 in 167 people have it.” Hermione raised her eyebrows at him. He smirked up at her. “It’s my favorite flavor.” Hermione’s mouth dropped open in incredulity at that final comment, making Severus laugh against her. The vibration felt amazing, making her moan.
It was then that he brought his mouth back to her core. Severus ran his tongue up the length of her, swirling around her clit. A cry wrenched itself from Hermione’s lips. She shouldn’t have ever wasted her time with younger men closer to her age. They had no idea what they were doing.
His lips brushed against her skin, slow and deliberate, as if savoring the taste of her, as if she were something exquisite, something forbidden. Perhaps she was.
She had one of her hands tangled in his hair, pulling his ponytail loose, and the other wrapped his wrist where he held her thighs apart.
This tortured pleasure continued until she was about to cum. Abruptly, he stood and pulled her to him to kiss her.
“Why?” She asked as she tried to pull one of his hands between her legs. How had he known?
He resisted her and leaned away from her to pull the tie out of his hair. Dark silky hair fell around his face. “Your heart gives you away.” Severus slipped two fingers into her. It seemed he was intent on keeping her surprised. Not too surprised, she decided. Hermione certainly did not miss the way his jaw clenched in an effort to suppress the small gasp that escaped him. He was not as unaffected as he wanted her to believe.
“Professor!” Hermione cried out. His free hand grabbed her thigh.
“Back to ‘Professor’ now?” Severus said.
“You can’t have it,” Hermione gasped as he did something with his fingers that felt better than anything she had felt before, “both ways.”
He hummed low in throat as he pushed his fingers back into her, and leaned forward to put open mouthed kisses on her neck. “I never said I was complaining. You can call me whatever version of my name you want to.” Hermione let out a breathy moan when he breathed those words into her ear. This whole situation was intoxicating. The feel of his mouth on her neck where he had pierced her skin was electric, and the pressure of his erection against her where her thigh was pressed between his legs was setting her skin on fire. She wanted him— needed him so much. More than she had ever needed something in her life before. Sure, Hermione Granger wasn’t a virgin, but he was still fully clothed, and this was incomparable to anything she had had before.
“Although…” Severus continued against her lips, “if you call me professor too often when I have my fingers inside you, it might make answering your questions in class much more difficult.” The end of his sentence was emphasized by his fingers curling inot her G-spot. Hermione gasped at the combination, making him smirk against her lips.
He was still fully clothed. She pushed his hand away from here and pushed him back so she could stand in front of him. He was being incredibly unfair.
“You’re still dressed,” Hermione said, her words just as languidly seductive as they were accusing. Her mind began undressing him. His dark hair falling upon pale shoulders. The muscles he must have from moving cauldrons and dealing with ingredients.
“Who’s fault is that?” Severus asked, bringing his hand to brush across her stomach under her uniform button-down.
Silence surrounded them again. Hermione did not respond. Instead, without moving her gaze from his eyes, she reached to unbutton his shirt.
His shirt loosened one quiet pop at a time. Sure, she could have used magic, but that could be reserved for later, when they were in a rush. Like she was guaranteed a second time. A girl could hope.
It was a fight to keep his gaze. As more of his skin was exposed, black shapes and patterns were revealed where she expected pale skin. She didn’t want to look away from him though. Hermione did not want to miss the way his breath caught every time her fingers brushed his skin.
Well… his skin was pale, but the tattoos that covered almost every inch of his chest and arms were not. No wonder he always wore high collared long sleeve shirts.
Severus raised his eyebrows at her, a smirk on his lips. His confidence was unmatchable.
When the last button was undone, his shirt easily fell from his shoulders. It was impossible not to stare at his tattoos. There were too many to take in at the moment. Now she really hoped there was a second time. A snake curled around the shoulder opposite his Dark Mark. Every other tattoo was either a plant or a type of fungi.
Vines wrapped around his biceps, leaves with more detail than Hermione thought possible were laid out against his stomach and mushrooms seemed to sprout from between his ribs.
“They’re beautiful.” Hermione hesitated. The more she looked, the more she noticed. Small mushrooms with caps the size of her pinky finger’s nail were nestled along his collarbones. Moonflowers peaked out of the waistband of his pants. “Did something specific inspire them?”
Another smirk. “I don’t usually make a habit of bringing my mother up during sex.” Hermione took a deep breath. She really was having sex with a professor, wasn’t she. “My mother loved plants, and would take me foraging in the woods when I was young, before…” He trailed off. “Well that doesn’t matter. I got my love for plants and skill with natural remedies from her. It was only natural that I would be good with potions.”
As the silence bloomed around them Hermione couldn’t help but note how handsome he was under his tattoos. He was just as strong as she had suspected. His skin looked soft despite the occasional scar, and he had much less hair than she had expected. Not that she was complaining.
She was pleasantly surprised to note that the silences were just as frequent, but no longer awkward. They seemed much more comfortable in each other's presence.
When he failed to continue speaking, Hermione moved to his pants, unbuckling his belt, and pulling it free of its loops. His pants came undone just as quickly. As she dragged the zipper down, she could feel the heat of his erection through the fabric. She took her time, hoping he could feel every bump of the zipper’s teeth in his cock.
She could feel his thigh muscles jump against her arms. His sharp, needy exhales did not fall upon deaf ears in the silence of his office.
The bump of the zipper against the stopper seemed to snap him out of his daze. For a moment, neither of them moved. His eyes flickered over her face, as though committing the sight of her to memory. Then, with one sharp motion, he pushed his pants down, baring himself completely. The air between them thickened, the final barrier between them gone.
Severus wrapped his hand around his cock as he stepped out his pants, a small sound escaping his lips. Hermione watched his breath hitch in his chest as he stood in front of her fully naked for the first time.
This is why all of the stories said vampires were beautiful.
“Is this what you imagined when you stayed after class today, Miss Granger?” He asked mockingly. In that moment she realized he sounded like he did in class, and that he hadn’t used that tone all afternoon. “Was your goal to strip your professor?”
Hermione reached for his erection. A deep groan ripped itself from his lips, and when her eyes shot up to his face, the slight color on his cheeks betrayed how unintended the sound had been.
“You feel it, don’t you?” He said coolly. “How much I want you?”
Hermione’s mouth opened in a silent gasp at his words. She reached out to replace his hand around his erection. It pulsed under her fingers.
She fell to her knees, intent on taking him into her mouth, but his hand shot out, grabbing under her chin to keep her from moving. His grip tightened when he felt her pulse beneath his fingers. “Not today. You’ve already made my control slip often enough today, and we have danced around enough, I think.”
Severus’ breath became quicker as he adjusted his stance. His fingers loosened on her chin, but he did not let go. She watched as he fought for control. Severus let out a low growl as his body trembled with restrained need.
“You’re not making this easier, Hermione.” He closed his eyes. “I can feel your need in the speed of your heart.”
Hermione swallowed. Her chin was freed and she rushed to stand.
Severus guided her onto the desk, leaning down over her to kiss her, his forearms framing her head. Hermione’s senses overloaded. She could taste herself on his lips. The head of his cock nudged against her opening.
When she broke their kiss, her gasp was matched with a sharp exhale.
Onyx met Amber. The pleading was palpable.
“Please,” Hermione breathed.
The moment his cock finally entered her, Severus’ eyes shut and he let out a low moan. The unrestrained sound made her clench around him. All of his control from the afternoon shattered as Hermione tightened around him. He thrust his hips instinctively, pushing her across the desk slightly.
“Merlin,” he cursed as he pulled out slightly, only to slam back into her. He pulled out again immediately and didn’t stop moving. Worry knitted his forehead as he looked down at her.
“I can’t stop,” he gasped, as his body moved against hers, his hands tightening, marking her with every forceful thrust.
“It’s ok,” Hermione breathed. “I wasn’t only attracted to your control.” A smirk crossed her face for a moment, and something flashed behind his eyes at the expression. It melted when Serverus thrust into her G-spot, making her gasp and moan.
The feel of her was nearly too much, too overwhelming, and he couldn't hold back any longer. His body surged forward, thrusting deep and fast, each movement erratic, instinctual.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” he growled, the words slipping from his mouth before he could stop them. His body betrayed him with every desperate movement. “So perfect.”
He was going to destroy her with his words.
Heroine’s body arched to meet his, the force of their movements pulling both of them towards the edge. Severus’ breath came in harsh bursts, his voice rough as he spoke again.
“I’ve wanted this… for so long,” he groaned. His hand moved to her throat, gently squeezing, a finger on her pulse. It was as though he couldn’t help himself. “Longer than I should admit.”
The slight loosening and tightening of his grip on her neck as he thrust into her sent jolts of pleasure through her body.
The tension coiled inside her fast—faster than she expected, faster than she could stop. Every roll of his hips, every rough drag of him inside her sent her spiraling closer.
She clenched around him, and the guttural sound he made sent fire through her. "You feel too good," he muttered, his voice fraying at the edges. His fingers slipped between them, pressing against her clit, insistent, precise. "Come for me, Hermione."
The command was her undoing. She shattered around him, her release crashing over her. Her nails dug into his shoulders, her body tightening, pulling him deeper.
As Severus came, it was almost violent. The speed and intensity with which he thrust into her only increased before he buried himself completely, a deep groan escaping his chest. His release came in thick waves, and he shuddered against her, his body going completely rigid as he emptied inside her.
Severus collapsed against her, his forehead against the desk next to her head. For a moment, neither of them moved, their breath mingling, the weight of what had just happened settling between them.
Hermione stared up at the ceiling of Severus’ office. She was laying on her back on his desk, with the professor draped over her. If only she could have imagined this morning how her afternoon would go. She smiled to herself. Hermione had never felt this happy before.
“Now I’ll think of this every time I sit here marking papers,” he said, a smirk audible on his lips, making Hermione laugh. Had that really just happened?
Severus straightened, pulling out of her, and offering her a hand. He met her gaze. “If my grading turnaround slows, you’ll know why.”
Hermione took his hand, her legs still unsteady as helped her sit upright on the desk. She could still feel the aftershocks of her orgasm humming in her limbs. The absence of him between her thighs made her shudder.
She watched and Severus moved around his office. He picked up his wand from the pile of clothes first, flicking it over the both of them. Hermione felt it remove the sweat from her skin and the wetness from between her thighs. She would need to learn that charm.
Severus rescued his pants next, pulling them on and rethreading his belt. As he ran his hands through his hair, his fingers caught about halfway through. He left out a snort of laughter, making a grin spread across her face.
Hermione was surprised when he pulled a muggle hairbrush from a desk drawer and started pulling it through his hair. She never expected to see him do something so mundane.
As she caught her breath, a thought pushed through the haze of satisfaction. “Wait—” she blinked up at him, her fingers brushing her stomach. “Did you—?”
Severus let out a soft huff, amused at her delayed concern. “I took a contraceptive potion after you kept insisting that I bite you.” He passed her the hair brush, and returned to dressing himself. “I had a feeling… this might eventually happen. Vampires are dangerous after all,” he finished, winking at her.
Hermione’s mouth dropped open. Had Severus Snape just winked at her?
Hermione flushed, but she wasn’t entirely surprised. He was always prepared.
She rolled her shoulders, suddenly aware of how thoroughly wrecked she felt. A glance at the clock over the fireplace made her stomach drop.
“Shit—I need to get to dinner.”
Severus smirked, stepping back and reaching for his wand. With a lazy flick, her clothes reassembled themselves—though she could still feel the ghost of his touch where her robes clung to her skin.
“Wouldn’t want anyone wondering why their star pupil is absent,” he murmured, though his voice was quieter now, more measured.
Hermione slid off the desk, smoothing her shirt, still feeling too raw, too exposed. She hesitated before looking at him. He was fully dressed again, including his outer robes and his ponytail. “This… won’t be the last time, will it?”
“I guess you’ll have to find out,” Professor Snape said.
Hermione bit her lip, suppressing a grin.
She didn’t trust herself to say more, so instead, she turned toward the door, stealing one last glance over her shoulder before slipping out of his office, through his lab, and into the hallway outside his classroom.
As it clicked shut behind her, she swore she could still feel his stare on her back.
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