No one Comes When You cry | By : ccino49 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female Views: 10479 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
I do not own any of the characters or places from the Harry Potter books or films. They all belong to J.K. Rowling. All that is mine is Sky, the houses in the wall and the plot. Oh, and the wand is mine too. I am not making any money from the writing of this story.
No One Comes When You Cry
Thanks to my beta; pit twitch for making this readable.
Chapter 10 The Original
Severus was annoyed. He was grumpy, narked and frustrated.
The students dreaded his classes more then they ever had in the past. The Potions Master would take points and give detention for anything and everything. Someone breathed too loudly, their hair was too long, too short, the wrong colour, their eyebrows were the wrong shape, late for class, early for class. It mattered not to him so long as he could find a reason.
His dreams were getting worse. Now, instead of taking her violently, he was taking her gently, tenderly; kissing her, wanting to satisfy her. All the things he did not wish to do when he was awake.
So he did the only thing he could do, he took it out on the students.
Even the staff avoided him. No one knew what was wrong and dared not ask. Eventually the Headmaster felt things had gone on long enough and called him to his office.
“What is troubling you Severus? And before you try and tell me it is nothing, I know different.”
Severus glared at the old man. ‘How could he tell him he was having the most amazing dreams about a girl he could not stand? How could he admit that his feelings for her were changing when he did not even realise it himself?’ Even if he did realise he would never admit it to anyone. All Severus wanted was to get the girl out of his head.
He hoped after taking the woman Voldemort gave him that these dreams would go away; that his lust would be slaked, but no, that was when the dreams began to change, that night. The night he became aware of her standing beside his bed.
Why had she done it? Why risk getting caught to heal him when she knew well how much he loathed her? Why heal him at all?
It was not as if he was grateful. Yes, he was in agony. But he would have gotten over it in a few days. It was not as if it was the first time. And how did she even know? They were all questions Severus could not answer.
“I do not know Albus. Just things.”
“Things that cause you to take house points because you do not like the way a student breathes or wears their hair?”
“Yes. No. Maybe.” He told him.
The Headmaster tried to pry into the Potion Master’s mind but Severus blocked him.
“Do not do that, Albus. I have nothing to tell you. At least nothing you can help me with. Just leave it at that.”
You know I cannot do that, Severus. Even the staff are afraid of approaching you.”
Bah! As if I care.”
“You may not, but I do. Now sit down and tell me what troubles you.”
With a heavy sigh, Severus took the seat in front of the Headmaster’s desk.
“It’s her. That bloody girl. I cannot close my eyes at night without she’s there. Every bloody night, Albus.”
“Ah. So she disturbs your dreams. In what way?”
“What way do you think? At first it did not bother me. But the dreams began to change. It’s not even as if I like the dammed girl. She was, and will remain, a stupid, useless pain. I loathe her, detest her. So why can I not get her out of my head?”
“Perhaps because you do not dislike her as much as you think you do.”
Severus gave Albus a filthy look but the Headmaster continued. “Maybe you should look deeper inside of yourself, Severus. I think you may be surprised.”
“Well thank you for that Albus. It really helped. I do not think. Can you not understand that I do not like her.”
“And that is why you dream of her constantly, is it? Because you do not like her. Think about it Severus. Think about what you have done for her. Think about what she has done for you. Think about why.”
Severus harrumphed and left the office. ‘Think? All I ever do is think. Think about her. What she did. Why she did it. I do not like her. End of story. Though there were times. Times when I would have liked to have … times he had … Oh what’s the bloody point.’ He thought.
Sky was dreaming. She liked the dream. At least she thought she did. She felt as though fingers were running all over her body, gentle, tender fingers, someone’s warm breath on the back of her neck. She shivered. It felt nice.
When she heard Rowena calling her name, she woke with a start. There was a strange tingly feeling between her legs. She instinctively put her down to feel and discovered she was wet down there. Rowena told her that happens when a woman is stimulated by a man. But she hadn’t been anywhere near a man. There were no men here. After using the bathroom and dressing, she moved through to the living room.
“Hi Rowena. What time is it?”
“Eleven thirty. Did you not see the robe that was left for you to put on?”
“No. What robe?”
“The white robe. Go put it on now. We must go soon.”
Sky turned to this new voice and saw a spin. Sky thought of all the house elves as Spins. She had since the time she first relieved herself on the floor of Sir’s office. “I’m sorry, who are you?”
“I am Shannon. You will do as I say. Go now. Put on the robe and come back in here. Hurry.”
A quick look at Rowena who nodded and she was gone. She hadn’t noticed the robe when she first got out of bed. It was draped across the armchair. Instead, she had just thrown on the clothes she wore during the day. She quickly undressed and put on the white robe. It was thick and warm. It was long and covered her feet, the sleeves were long enough that only her fingertips showed and there was a narrow belt around the middle.
When she went back into the other room Shannon looked displeased. The elf snapped her fingers and Sky’s shoes and socks disappeared. She realised her underwear had gone too.
“Where is your wand? You shall need it.” Shannon told her.
She ran back into the bedroom to collect her wand and wrist sheath. She had no pockets so she would need the sheath.
“Good. Now put it on.” Shannon told her when she went back.
“What’s going on? Are we going somewhere? Why can‘t I have my shoes and under things?”
“You ask too many questions. Just listen and do. Nothing more.” Shannon told her. “Good, you are ready. Now, follow me.”
Sky did as she was told, but she was nervous. This elf was different to the other Spins. She spoke different and she looked vicious and really old. The elves in the school were always scared like Sky. But this one wasn’t and she scared the hell out of Sky.
Shannon led her outside and onto the snow covered hills. The second her bare feet touched the snow, she let out a yelp. Shannon ignored her and carried on. Sky was shivering and blue with cold and her feet were painful by the time they were halfway up the first hill.
“Please Shannon. Can’t I have some shoes?”
“No. You have your wand, use it. You have no need to freeze.”
Sky looked stupidly at Shannon. It hadn’t entered her head to use magic to keep warm. She was too busy trying to follow Shannon. As soon as she removed her wand from its sheath, it turned itself to point at her. She was immediately engulfed by a soft orange brilliance that quickly warmed her from head to toe. Sky replaced her wand back in its sheath but the warmth and the glow stayed with her.
She had to run to catch up with Shannon. The old elf seemed to glide along rather then walk and it was difficult keeping up with her. Eventually, they came to a crest on top of the third hill they had climbed. Shannon did not seem in the least bit fatigued but Sky was.
“On there.” Shannon told her, pointing to what looked to Sky like a large white stone slab.
The slab was clear of snow but Sky knew it would be very cold to the touch. When she pulled herself up to sit on it, she was surprised. The slab was actually warm to the touch, nor did it feel like stone. It seemed to pulse beneath her like a living breathing thing.
“Lie down with your arms by your sides. Do not speak. Do not get up.”
Shannon moved to the bottom of the altar and hopped up. The elf looked up to the skies and raised her claw like hands.
“Voco vester pater copiae.
I call your father forces.
Sky wasn’t sure what was going on but she didn’t like it. Three of the four founders had been giving her occasional lessons in Latin and she remembered enough to understand the Shannon was calling some unseen force.
She wanted to get up and see what was coming but Shannon was standing over her and the elf’s teeth were bared so she stayed as she was.
The wind began to get stronger, snatching at her robe. She tried to hold on to it but she was held fast against the slab and couldn’t move. The wind howled about her head and whistled in her ears. She was glad the warming charm was still working.
Suddenly, Shannon jumped off the slab and Sky had to strain to move her eyes enough to be able to see her. But Shannon moved to the head of the slab and Sky couldn’t see her any more. What she could see was a dark shape looming towards her. Large and deformed, it swooped down and stood at her feet.
She wanted to scream, to cry. Get up and run away but she froze as the thing in front of her stared into her eyes. It too had dark eyes, midnight blue like her own. But Sky couldn’t see that. The moon was behind it, causing it to throw its shadow over her. What she could see was an enormously grotesque phallus. It hung almost to his knees.
“Why have you called me Shannon? Who is this?”
His voice sounded smooth but high pitched. His skin was a dark grey, his teeth longer and sharper then Shannon’s and his fingernails black and pointed. He spoke to Shannon but his eyes bore into Sky’s. Try as she might she could not tear her eyes away from his.
“Look at her. Tell me what you see.”
Sky let out a whimper as the creature leaned over her. It placed a long sharp fingernail at the neck of her gown and drew it slowly down to the hem. Her robe fell open and Sky’s naked body was revealed to him.
A long tongue came from between its thin lips and licked its face as it drooled over her, its eyes now fixed to the place between her legs. Its phallus grew to unbelievable proportions. It stuck out from the creature’s body, aiming at Sky and dripping from the end of the huge head.
“Not her body. Look what she holds. What she wears at her throat.” Shannon told it.
As the creature moved its eyes to Sky’s neck, her wand moved from her wrist into her hand.
This time the creatures eyes widened. “My daughter.” He almost whispered when he spoke.
“Yes. You are the Original, and she is your only descendant. She wears your eyes. She carries your bone. She holds your blood.”
The Original studied the girl on the slab before him.
“She is mine. I shall take her with me.”
“No.” Shannon barked. “She stays. You are here for one purpose .”
He eyed Shannon, his teeth bared viciously. But Shannon bared her own teeth in response.
“Oro tu gratias nam vester filia.”
I pray you give thanks for your daughter.
The Original had no choice but to obey the elf and he lowered himself to his knees. He leaned over Sky, a hand either side of her. Sky struggled, afraid of what he would do. But she was still held fast to the slab. The huge phallus was digging into her belly and he adjusted himself so it was positioned at the apex between her thighs.
“Please Shannon. Don’t let it …”
“Shut up girl.” The elf hissed.
“Bless her Ancient One. Nothing more. She is not yours to take.”
The creature howled in frustration and lowered its head until its lips touched against the stone at Sky’s throat. It kissed the small stone and raised its head to look into her eyes again.
“I bless you with my heart.
I bless you with my soul.
I bless you, child of mine, with everything I am.
With everything I hold within me.
For all that has passed.
For all that is.
For all that is to follow.”
Then he stood and looked over her body one more time and was gone.
“It is time to return.” Shannon told her before turning and walking away.
Sky was stunned for the moment and didn’t move. She hadn’t even realised that she could move yet. Suddenly regaining her senses, she rolled from the slab and ran after Shannon, her torn robes flying behind her. Sky didn’t even realise the warming charm was still in effect. She was terrified that thing would come after her.
She was running the last stretch toward home when a dark shape in the snow ahead of her made her stop in her tracks. Shannon was gone already but there was someone standing between her and the section of wall she needed.
Severus left Albus’ office in a terrible mood. He’d stalked back to his office and gone straight to his drinks cabinet. It was Friday, he had no classes tomorrow and he intended to get pissed out of his skull. If he drank enough, he might not dream about her tonight. Every time he took a drink, he cursed the girl. Every time he cursed her, a bit more blood left his head and made its way to his groin. At a quarter to midnight, he was as hard as rock. His trousers were unbelievably tight. And, the whiskey was not having any effect on him.
Apart from the feeling in his groin, he had developed another feeling too. A feeling he didn’t recognise. But he could not ignore it as it bore into him: her. It was her. He knew it. He did not know how he knew it but he did. She was close. Severus put down his glass and got to his feet. He was expecting to sway at least but he was still stone cold sober after drinking three parts of a bottle of whiskey. Grabbing his warm cloak from the back of the door, he stepped out, warded his rooms and strode from the castle.
Making his way across the grounds and through the gates, he wondered where the hell he was going and why. But she was near, he knew that and followed the wall to the place where she always seemed to disappear.
As soon as he stopped, he saw the footprints, two sets. One looked like elf prints but the other set; they had to be hers. Lighting his wand, he was surprised to find the shape of toes in the snow.
‘Surely she would not go out in her bare feet. Not in the snow. Anyone would have to be mad to do such a thing.’ But something told him she had, and she was not alone. ‘Well if she has gone out, she will have to come back. And I shall be waiting for her when she does.’ He thought evilly. One way or another he would catch her. Severus disillusioned himself and settled back to wait. He did not care how long it took, he would be here when she returned.
After what seemed an age, he saw a figure gliding towards him over the hills. As soon as it was close enough for him to see that it was a house elf, it disappeared.
“Shit.” He muttered and removed the disillusionment. If the elf was gone then the girl probably was too. He was about to turn and head back to the castle when something else caught his eye.
“Bloody Hell.”
It was Sky, a very naked Sky, well almost. She may as well have been. She was running as fast as she could towards him, her robes wide open and flying out behind her. The raging hard on he’d sported earlier had gone with the cold, but it returned now with a vengeance, making him feel dizzy at the sudden drain of blood from his brain. Severus widened his stance so he would not fall and watched as Sky continued her flight.
She seemed to be running from something. Her arms were waving about and she kept looking over her shoulder as if someone were chasing her.
He withdrew his wand ready to strike, expecting someone to come over the rise behind her. Amazingly, no one did. Then she stopped suddenly. He knew she had seen him and he stood, waiting to see what she would do. It was clear she dare not go back the way she came, so that meant she had to come to him. And Severus was ready for her this time.
Sky stood wondering what to do next. No way could she go back the way she had come. Even if the thing had gone it might come back. She needed to get home and the only way to do that was through him. Sir, she knew it was Sir waiting for her down there. Shannon left her as soon as Sky was in sight of the wall. She knew Shannon mustn’t have seen Sir. She wouldn’t have left her if she had. Would she?
“Please go away. Please leave me alone.” She cried quietly to herself as she made her way slowly forward.
But he didn’t go away. He just stood there, arms folded and feet apart as he waited for her. A sob escaped her and she tried to choke it back.
“Rowena, please come? Come get me?” She whispered to herself as she got closer and closer to Sir. The tears fell down her cheeks as she whispered but no one came. She knew they wouldn’t. It was always the same. No one comes when you cry.
She suddenly realised that her robes were wide open and pulled them around herself as best she could. Still he waited for her. She tried to hold her head high but it was getting harder the nearer she got.
Severus could hear her sobs. It was only the second time he’d heard her cry. The first time was when he flung her through the gates and told her to leave. Before then, no matter how hard he hit her, even when he crushed her wrist so hard the bones broke, she did not cry.
Now she was crying again. And, it was because of him. He felt the same pang he felt when she cried and pleaded with him last time. Severus was not one to care when a woman cried. It meant nothing to him. So why did it bother him now? He tried to shrug the feeling off but it persisted and now she was standing in front of him, her head hung down and she was trembling. She was obviously too exhausted to fight anymore.
“Sky. Look at me.”
She just didn’t have the energy to run anymore. She was tired and afraid. There was no one to help her. He was right outside the place she needed to be. So Sky gave up. She couldn’t even look at him. What was the point? Let him do what he wanted and then maybe he would leave her alone. Stop chasing her at every opportunity.
When he spoke, she didn’t answer, just stood and looked at his boots. He wanted her to look at him, but she didn’t want to look at him. He would either hit her or tell her how much he hated her. Sky already knew how much he hated her and did not need reminding. Most of her life had been spent by others telling her how loathsome she was: ugly, useless, disgusting. No matter what the portraits told her, it was always there, inside her.
Then this man, Sir, had pulled her out of that hell hole. Healed her hurts and added his own in their place. He touched her in a way no other had. He called her every name under the sun; taught her to read and write and followed it with a smack around the face. He held her against himself so tenderly, then thrown her to the floor and told her to go to her room. She’d tried so hard to be good, would have done anything he told her to do, anything. He told her she would be sorted, have a family; given her hope for the first time in her life. Hope was something she hadn’t known existed till he came along. Then he took that hope in his hand and crushed it in his fist tightly and destroyed it, just as he had done with her heart.
Then she found the wall. In there, she started to heal on the inside. Not fully, but she had. Now Sir was back and he was ready to crush her again and so she gave up.
Please keep up the reviews.
I need lots and lots an
lots and lots. : )
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