Nobody Tell | By : GryffindorToy Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 20220 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Disclaimer: I don’t own it… Gods, I hate these things…
A/N: OMFG! I am SOOO sorry it’s been so long. BUT! I have good reasons… ^_^ heh… Yeah, so I kind of lost ALL inspiration for any story except this one idea that was running through my head so I had to write all that down and on top of that, I recently moved and all of my stuff was on my mom’s computer and I’ve been having a hell of a time getting it all transferred… but now I’m back and in action and I hope you all can forgive me and still enjoy the story!
Chapter 10 (finally)
“What the bloody hell is that?” Ron exclaimed.
“Er… a kiss?” Harry said, blushing furiously.
“Well, obviously, but… but…” Ron stuttered, not even sure of what he was trying to say.
“Didn’t we already discuss this?” Hermione said, arching an eyebrow at her boyfriend.
Ron flushed. “Yeah, but… still… after what happened, Harry? You still feel like doing- stuff? You’re not completely turned off of guys forever?”
Harry blushed deeper. “It was just a kiss… we’re not- shagging- y’know? It’s not like I’ve just suddenly bounced back… and- he’s- er… I mean- Draco’s not him…”
Draco tightened his arms around him. “See what you’ve done? You’ve made him uncomfortable.”
“Ron!” Hermione said, “I can’t believe you would bring that up! He was so happy just before you came into the room.”
“I’m sorry, Harry,” Ron said quickly, “I really didn’t mean to upset you, I’m just- worried about you… I don’t want you to be pushed into anything.”
Harry gave him a watery smile. “Thanks, Ron. Honestly, though, this is something I want. Draco knows his boundaries…”
“Of course I do!” Draco sniffed, “I’m perfect, remember?”
Harry rolled his eyes, elbowing the blonde in the side. “Enough of that, already!”
Hermione giggled and Ron smiled at the affectionate display.
Harry slipped out of Draco’s arms and headed for the door. “I’m going to go change before dinner. I’ll see you all in the Great Hall.”
Before anybody could protest he shut the door behind him and ran to the Gryffindor Tower. He changed into a pair of baggy dark blue pair of jeans that hung loosely on his hips, a semi-tight black t-shirt, and a pair of black Docs. Grinning at his reflection, he walked back into the common room and stopped for a moment to talk to Seamus and Dean, who were cuddling adorably on the sofa. He finally made his way down to the Great Hall with Seamus and Dean accompanying him to find his friends already waiting for him.
He smiled at them, taking a seat between Hermione and Draco. “Hey guys…”
Draco grinned. “You got some mail.”
“Isn’t it a bit late for the post?” Harry asked.
“Yeah, but you got it anyway,” Draco replied.
He was handed a package and a letter. The package was about a foot tall and five inches wide. He smirked when he saw the handwriting on the envelope and tore it open.
Hey kid! I sent you your bloody pack. I bet you’re dying without them. I got a little something else, as well. Something that you may find useful. Feel free to share! After all, the more the merrier, right? Tell Draco I say hi and that he better be taking good care of you. I still have those painfully large rods if he ever screws up too badly. Things are boring around here without you, and I fully expect a visit over the hols. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself. I’d hate to have to show up unexpectedly at every meal and force feed you in front of all of your friends. Don’t let yourself get too down, okay? Everything will turn out just fine, as long as you’ve got the support of those who love you. Remember, that includes me! Hope Hogwarts is treating you well.
Much Love,
He smiled. She always knew exactly what to say, even when she wasn’t around. He stowed the letter in his pocket and decided to save the package for later. He didn’t think his friends or the professors would take too well to his smoking or a strange woman sending him liquor.
“What’s so entertaining?” Ron asked.
“Yes, do share,” Draco added.
“Oh, nothing,” he replied, “Just… I have the perfect thing for the first meeting of the school year, tomorrow.”
“Oh really,” Draco said, arching an eyebrow at him, “I look forward to it.”
His thoughts wandered back to how relaxed Seamus and Dean had looked in the common room. His face fell when he thought about just how long it would take him to be comfortable enough to do simple things like cuddle with Draco. He was just barely comfortable with Draco holding him and light, chaste kisses. If he was completely honest with himself, thought, he was more comfortable with Draco than he’d like to admit. He didn’t even know why he felt so different with Draco than other people, but he figured it had something to do with the way he offered everything he had, all of his comfort and support, without asking for anything in return.
He sighed. ‘I feel really selfish,’ he thought, glancing at Draco, who smiled warmly at him, ‘He’s been giving me everything I need… even space… and I haven’t given him anything except one measly kiss. I wish I could give him more, but… I just can’t. Not yet…’
He excused himself, not even sparing a glance at the food on the table, and walked out of the Great Hall. He walked out of the castle and headed toward the large white tomb that rested near the lake. He stopped just a foot short of it and sighed, placing a hand against the cool surface.
“Hey…” he said softly, “I’m sure you already know about- everything. Old codger… you knew everything, didn’t you?” He blinked back tears, turning his gaze skyward. “I don’t understand anything anymore. I can’t believe that you would have begged for death. You were so strong. Without you here, I just- I don’t know what to do. Sometimes, I feel like… there’s no hope…” The tears fell of their own accord and he smiled ruefully. “Damn it. Everything is so confusing. I’m in a relationship with Draco Malfoy and I think I may be getting soft on your killer. Can nothing in my life be simple?” He scoffed. “That was a stupid question, huh?”
He stood in silence for a few more moments before turning to go back inside. However, before he could take two steps, he felt several stunning spells hit him from behind with no warning. He fell to the ground, unconscious.
When he came to, the first thing he realized was that he was bound to something hard, and the second was that he was not alone. Once his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he looked around himself. He gasped when he saw the graves. He was back in the cemetery… one place he’d hoped he would never have to return to.
He turned his gaze to the people surrounding him. Death Eaters. ‘Perfect…’ he thought, rolling his eyes, ‘Wonder where Tom is… can’t have a party without him.’
As if on cue, he heard the crack of apparation and he looked to the right to see the bane of his existence striding toward him. He chuckled slightly at the arrogant way in which the man carried himself. The cocky little smirk that was a trademark of all Slytherins firmly in place, even when he spoke to his followers.
“I see you have brought me what I wished. I am greatly pleased,” he sneered, “Your constant failure to apprehend the boy was beginning to worry me. Tell me… where did you find him?”
“Visiting the tomb of his dead mentor,” an eerily familiar aristocratic drawl stated.
“Dumbledore, eh? Pity the old fool had to go in such a way… betrayed by somebody he trusted,” Tom said.
“As much as I enjoy listening to the sound of your voice, Tom,” Harry said, “Is there a reason you wanted to see me?”
“Ah, Harry! Can’t forget about you, can we?” Tom scowled, “As a matter of fact, I just wanted to talk.”
“Then would you mind releasing me? My arms are beginning to feel awfully stiff,” he said dramatically.
“Of course.” With a wave of his wand, Tom released Harry, who rolled his shoulders gratefully.
“We’ll have to keep this short, I’m afraid,” he said, “Draco will be worried if I’m away for too long.”
Several Death Eaters gasped, making Harry smirk in satisfaction.
“Are you very special to him?” Tom asked.
“With all due respect, my Lord, I know my son, and he would never stoop so low as to consort with Harry Potter,” Lucius said, spitting his name out as though it were some incurable disease.
“Silence! I don’t believe I was addressing you,” Tom snapped.
“We’re friends… maybe more, maybe less,” Harry said, shrugging as though it were of no importance to him.
“I see…” Tom said thoughtfully.
“I really should be getting back,” Harry said, knowing that it wouldn’t be that easy.
“Oh no, Harry,” Tom said, “I’m afraid we’re not done here.”
“Really? Was there something more you wished to discuss?” he asked, all the while moving slowly away from the man.
“Yes, there is,” Tom replied, “Something that I recall reading this summer. Something about you murdering your own uncle?”
Harry froze in mid-step.
“I see I’ve struck a chord. So, tell me, Harry… did you do it in cold blood, or was it self defense, as I believe it was,” Tom asked.
He remained silent, nearly shaking in fear. No… this couldn’t be happening. He wasn’t supposed to bring that up. He was supposed to shoot a curse at his back… demand a duel… anything but that.
‘Why can’t I move? I can’t freeze up… MOVE, HARRY!’ his mind screamed at him. He finally turned to face the snake-like man, his eyes flashing pure hatred.
“I don’t believe I want to continue this topic of conversation,” he said softly.
“Oh, but we’re all rather curious,” Tom said, scowling, “What did he do, Harry?”
“Shut up,” he growled.
“Tell us what the filthy muggle did, Harry,” Tom said, “They’re all like that, you know. Filthy, dirty, perverted people….”
His eyes widened. He knew? How could he… ‘Legilimency… damn! I never should have quit Occlumency lessons.’
Tom walked up to Harry until he was mere inches away and looked down into the boy’s large green eyes. “We can destroy him together, Harry. We can destroy all of them. They’re disgusting… polluting our world with their demented ways. The way they treat their own family…” He smirked. “Well, it’s just not right, is it?”
He remained silent. He wouldn’t become a murderer. Not ever. He shook his head.
“What, Harry? Speak up, what is it you want to say?” Tom snapped.
“I won’t- be a… murderer,” he said, “I’m not like you.”
“Not like me, eh? Tsk… too bad,” Tom said, turning to his Death Eaters, “Do you want to know what that filthy muggle did to his own nephew? His own family? The infamous Boy-Who-Lived… subjected to such horrors at the tender age of seventeen…”
A chorus of laughs went up through the crowd. He could feel them leering at him and it made his skin crawl. He heard the words coming out of Tom’s mouth and he felt his long suppressed rage begin to bubble to the surface. He wouldn’t let him tell his secret! He couldn’t! He had no wand, so he went with his first instinct. He lunged at the shell of a man, tackling him to the ground and landing several punches on his misshapen face.
Once the Death Eaters got over their initial shock at seeing the boy resort to physical violence, they pulled him off of their Lord. They pushed him to the ground, though only after a rather brutal fight, and Harry felt his head strike several stones, sending pain shooting through his skull. Two of the stronger Death Eaters kept him pinned while the others moved back a bit to watch the scene unfold from a safe distance.
“Well, well, well…” Tom said, standing and wiping the trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth, “Resorting to muggle methods? Tsk… I thought you were better than that.”
“Shut the fuck up, you bloody bastard!” Harry screamed.
“Crucio!” He screamed in agony as the Unforgivable hit him squarely in the chest, filling every fiber of his being with searing, white hot pain. It went on for what felt like eternity before Tom lifted the curse and shook his head at the boy.
“Such language… perhaps your uncle did not teach you anything after all,” Tom sneered, “Maybe my faithful Death Eaters would do a better job?”
“You wouldn’t dare…” he hissed, narrowing his eyes.
“Wouldn’t I?” Tom said casually, “I’m sure more than a few of these men would thoroughly enjoy you.”
Several Death Eaters chuckled lecherously, making Harry wince.
“After all… we should at least get some use out of you before I kill you,” Tom said, smirking.
Harry gasped, remembering the same words coming out of his uncle’s mouth. “Let me go…” he said, struggling against his captors, “Let me go!”
“Oh, come now, Harry,” Tom said, “No need to get so flustered. After all, you’re hardly a virgin anymore…”
He stilled, looking up at him in fear.
“Do it, Maxwell,” Tom said, waving his hand.
Harry watched one of the Death Eaters come forward and began his struggle anew. With a whispered spell his arms were bound over his head and his captors began to remove his clothing. He kicked and flailed, making it nearly impossible for them to get them off properly, so they shredded his shirt instead.
He panicked when Maxwell began to unbutton his trousers and kicked him in the stomach viciously. The man growled, holding his stomach with one hand and using the other to slap Harry across the face with such force that he left behind a long gash that bled profusely.
His trousers were pulled down around his ankles, effectively binding his legs together, and he was turned onto his stomach, his face pressed into the dirt and stones. When he felt the cool night air hit his bare bottom and the tip of the Death Eaters member press into him, he screamed. Without warning, his wand flew into his hand and he apparated away with a loud crack.
Thankfully, he landed just outside of the gates to Hogwarts. He wasted no time in yanking his pants up and walking back toward the castle. The tears came unbidden when he realized how close he’d been to a repeat of his uncle… He broke into a sprint, needing to see Ron and Hermione and…
“Draco…” The name came as a whisper as he sped up, ignoring the pain his left leg, which he was sure was injured in the scuffle with the Death Eaters.
He figured nobody was at dinner as he had been gone for at least an hour, so he headed instead for the ‘Heads’ Rooms’. He ignored the stares and questions that were directed at him as he ran through the halls. He even chose to ignore the professors and their instructions for him to “walk in the halls”. One professor, in particular, did not like being ignored, and stalked after the blur of a boy.
He finally reached the portrait of Salazar Slytherin and came to a halt, panting for breath.
“Lemon drop,” he said quickly.
The portrait swung open and he hurried up to the rooms. Even before he reached them he could hear the screaming.
“Calm down? Ronald Weasley! How can tell me to calm down when Harry’s been missing for almost four hours!?” Hermione shrieked.
“I’m just saying that he’s probably- fine…” Ron said, though the slight hitch in his voice betrayed his true thoughts.
“You all can stop shouting now… I’m here,” Harry said, leaning on the wall for support.
“Harry!” they exclaimed, turning to gape at him.
“Oh my- what happened?” Hermione asked, taking his dirty, bloody, bruised appearance, ripped clothes, and the tears mingling with the blood and dirt on his face.
“Would you believe me if I said I fell?” he asked.
Draco rushed forward to catch him as his legs collapsed underneath him. “What really happened?”
He smiled weakly. “Voldemort… happened…” He felt so tired… his body was impossibly sore and felt much too heavy. Of course, after being beaten to a pulp by a group of Death Eaters, subjected to the Cruciatus Curse, beaten some more, nearly raped- again-, using the last of his magical strength to summon his wand and apparate away, and then running to the rooms on pure adrenaline… well, it was a wonder he hadn’t passed out yet. ‘That sounds like a wonderful idea…’ he thought, and then promptly lost consciousness.
“Would somebody care to explain to me what is going on here?” Severus Snape said from the doorway.
“Actually, Professor… we don’t know either,” Hermione said.
“All we know,” Ron added, “Is that Harry has been missing since dinner and he just showed up, looking seven kinds of beat up.”
“I see…” Severus said, “Draco, you should get him into a bath. Those cuts need to be cleaned and it would probably serve to replenish his energy. After that, I want him to eat something and get plenty of rest. I’ll be back in a bit with some potions and to perform some tests for broken bones.” With that, he swept from the room, leaving Hermione and Ron shocked.
“Why wouldn’t he get Madame Pomfrey?” Hermione asked.
“Sev’s a strange guy. He probably realizes that taking Harry to Pomfrey would only cause a load of attention, which we all know is not something Harry enjoys,” Draco said, already carrying Harry to the bathroom, “Hermione, could you possibly…?”
She smiled at him. “Of course.”
“What? Could she what?” Ron asked.
She rolled her eyes, sighing. “Honestly, Ron… he wants me to help with Harry.”
“Why can’t he do it himself?” Ron said.
“For Merlin’s sake!” she exclaimed, “I’ll explain later!”
She followed Draco into the bathroom and together they managed to get Harry undressed- though that was done mostly by Hermione while Draco turned away- and into the large bathtub. They transfigured their clothes into swimming suits and jumped into the water with him just as he began to wake.
“Where am I?” he asked, putting a hand to his throbbing temple.
“Bath,” Draco answered simply, “How do you feel?”
“Weak and in pain,” he replied, “Why am I in the bath?”
“Because you’re filthy,” Hermione said, taking off his glasses and running a soapy wash cloth over his face.
He sighed in contentment, sinking lower into the steamy water. “Okay, so why am I in the bath with you two?”
“Do you honestly think you could wash yourself?” Draco asked, sitting next to Harry on the ledge.
“No… but Hermione seems to be doing all of the work. What’s your purpose?” he retorted, smiling as the soap was massaged into his shoulders and arms.
“Moral support?” Draco said with a grin.
Harry chuckled. “Hermione… you’re really good at this. You should be a nurse or a masseuse or something.”
She giggled. “Thank you, Harry, but I think I’d rather not. Now be quiet and let us pamper you.”
“Yes, Mum,” he said, leaning against Draco and mumbling, “Don’t know why I’m so bloody tired…”
Draco smiled fondly at the mop of raven hair, aware of Hermione’s knowing smirk.
When she had worked her way to Harry’s legs she turned to Draco. “Make yourself useful and wash his hair, would you?”
Draco smirked and somehow maneuvered Harry into his lap so that he could pour water over his head and begin to work the shampoo into the boy’s hair and scalp.
“What’re you doing?” Harry asked sleepily.
“Washing your hair. Shut up,” Draco said softly.
“Mm-hmm…” Harry murmured, enjoying the feel of Draco’s strong hands massaging the plum scented shampoo into his aching head. He relaxed under his and Hermione’s ministrations, feeling some of the pain fade away. The shampoo was rinsed out and replaced with the matching conditioner. When they were finally done, they pulled him out of the bath and Hermione made Draco fetch some of his pajamas for her to dress Harry in. They were a few sizes too big, but they would have to do.
Draco carried him back into the room and laid him carefully on the bed, smiling when he immediately latched onto one of his pillows. He sighed in disappointment that it still didn’t smell like Draco, but reveled in the fact that he was once again in the blonde’s bed. He smiled and hugged the pillow tighter.
“What a kid…” Hermione said affectionately, sitting on the edge of the bed and stroking his hair gently.
“You really are like his mum,” Draco said, rolling his eyes.
“Or a big sister…” Ron added.
“Of course I am,” she said defensively, “Somebody has to take care of him. Of all you boys.”
Draco chuckled. “She does have a point.”
Ron scowled at him. “Traitor…”
Hermione laughed. “Thank you, Draco.” She pulled the covers up over Harry when he began to shiver and smiled again. “So, which one of you wants to go and get him something to eat?”
“Why don’t we just call a house elf?” Draco asked.
“Don’t get her started,” Ron whispered, “I’ll do it.”
“But it really would be much easier and faster to just call a house elf,” Draco said, snapping his fingers.
Dobby appeared immediately. “What can I do for you… Mr. Malfoy…?”
“Hello, Dobby,” Draco said, smiling, “It’s nice to see you.”
“Really?” the little elf said, hope shining in his eyes.
“Of course! Now, I want you to bring us a tray of Mr. Potter’s favorite foods, please,” he said.
“Harry Potter is here?” Dobby said in shock.
“Please hurry, Dobby, it’s important that he eat as soon as he can,” he said warmly.
“Of course! Anything for Harry Potter, sir!” Dobby squeaked, popping away.
Hermione looked at Draco reproachfully. “I suppose you were brought up that way… at least you were nice to him…”
“Of course I was nice to him. I’m not my father,” Draco said.
Hermione seemed to accept this and smiled, going back to stroking Harry’s hair and back soothingly.
“Why do you do that, even after he’s fallen asleep?” Draco asked.
“Contact like this keeps his nightmares at bay,” she replied, “Right now I want him to get a good, restful sleep, and for that he needs to know that he’s not alone and he’s safe.”
“Nightmares?” Draco said, raising an eyebrow.
“Harry’s witnessed a lot of death in his life, and a lot of sorrow,” she said sadly, “It’s only natural for him to have nightmares. I’d be worried if he didn’t.”
Draco was about to reply, but was cut off when the door opened rather loudly and Severus walked in.
“What’s wrong, Sev?” Draco asked.
“You’ll never guess who I just got a visit from,” he said, scowling.
“Who?” Draco asked.
“Hello, son…”
Okay! The length of this one is to make up for the last couple of chapters, which were pathetically short and boring. I hope that this was makes up for all that… I spent the last two nights doing nothing but writing as I was suddenly struck with this giant wave of inspiration. It seems that my muses have returned to me and all of my inspiration is suddenly back tenfold! I’m rather excited and hope to continue updating at a steady pace! Until next time (which hopefully won’t take as long ^_^) A bientot!
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