The Taming of the Shrew - Wizard Style - COMPLETE | By : LaBibliographe Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Lucius/Hermione Views: 97201 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
The ‘L’ was in a large, sloping, heavy script that intimidated her just by its thick, black snakey curves. What did all that mean? He would have treated any other woman the same? Would he have made them wear a collar? Had Narcissa worn a collar? Was it why she divorced him? Hermione shivered in her warm, cozy room, the green pieces vengefully making their master’s will known as they lay strewn on the carpet.
Hermione paced her room, back and forth, until it was a mere ten minutes before she had to appear at her husband’s door wearing the hateful green garments defiling her bedroom floor. She had severely underestimated her husband’s behavior, relegating him to ineffectual because he had been so pompously courteous and formal in the face of her finest efforts at scurrilous commentary.
Those offensive items on the floor weren’t formal. They weren’t even normal. They were nothing short of vulgar and bizarre and Hermione began to be afraid of the man she realized she should have feared from the outset.
Now scared for her well-being, Hermione tried to calm down and decide if she should flout her husband’s command or play along. She approached the peculiar trio and lifted up the floaty robe first. She could easily see her hand through the thin, slinky material. She threw it and the thong on the bed. Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt just to try them on.
Shuddering with what she told herself was fear, Hermione slipped out of her own clothing, ran a quick, thorough cleaning spell over herself, picked up the little thong before she could change her mind and stepped into it. A perfect fit, if a good fit meant something that barely covered her pudendum and slid between her butt cheeks causing a strange sensation down the middle of her privates.
Hermione felt embarrassed and strangely decadent at the same time. She quickly donned the little robe, trying to cover up what couldn’t be covered. Her wand she tucked into the band of her thong, the robe belt being too slippery. There wasn’t any other place for her to wear her wand and she wasn’t going into Lucius’ bedroom unarmed if he was angry with her.
Last, she approached the circle of green leather lying malevolently on the floor. Bending down, she threaded a finger through one of the metal circles and raised it to look more closely at the horrible object, which was about the width of her thumb. Dare she refuse to wear this and hope wearing the other two parts would be enough?
As she pondered the extent of her bravado, the clock on the desk chimed the hour and Hermione squeaked in alarm, panicked at the time. She quickly unbuckled the band, slipped it around her throat and rebuckled the leather. She felt the leather catch magically and realized she probably couldn’t get it off herself, but she was now late. Running for her door, she skittered across her sitting room, ran through his and knocked on the door to his bedroom.
Before she had time to retreat in terror, the door swung open.
“You are one minute late,” her husband said.
Hermione barely heard him – she was staring at a stranger. Where was the elegant, well-dressed man she had always known? Where was the naked one? This man whose height always made her feel like a garden gnome, was dressed almost as bizarrely as she. Hermione looked down and saw his feet were bare and somehow that comforted her where the rest of his outfit brought out cold goose bumps on her skin.
He was wearing thin leggings of dark green leather slung low on his hips and molded to those long, masculine legs she had massaged, but there the similarities ended. Those tightly molded leather leggings, designed to leave little to the imagination, signaled the exact proportions of his member at rest and the soft sac below. This was what he wore for other women? Lucius certainly wasn’t wasting any Galleons on underwear. Neither was he looking forward to her presence in his bedroom if his slumbering sex was any indication.
As he turned to allow Hermione entrance to his bedroom, the back of him came into view displaying those beautifully curved, masculine buttocks she remembered so fondly that matched the intriguingly large, if flaccid bulges of the front. That part she didn’t remember quite as fondly.
Hermione forgot about her own scanty attire as she cataloged the male attributes in that green leather. She didn’t know whether to flee or find out what exactly all that green leather was a symbol for, but Lucius’ strange apparel didn’t end there.
Twin, ten-centimeter long, green leather wristguards wrapped his wrists and part of his forearms, just like the black ones he had worn before, but these had small rings attached. He had two sets of wristguards? He wasn’t wearing any type of shirt at all.
Hermione tossed her husband a sullen pout and entered his bedroom. On top of all the other emotions roiling in her, she was disgusted to know that the damned thong wasn’t sopping up any of her sudden reaction to that virile male body. She clutched her useless robe to her chest trying to minimize the view of her breasts, but Lucius hadn’t seemed interested in her outfit, anyway. Why had he made her wear the stupid gear if he wasn’t responsive to its effect? She glumly concluded she wasn’t even attractive to him in this outré collection of oddities he’d given her to wear.
That capped Hermione’s gloomy mood and she stood disconsolately waiting for whatever Lucius had in mind for the evening. Well, who cares! she decided. She hadn’t wanted his regard anyway. All he really wanted was a Gryffindor heroine’s financial entree into the Ministry profits that were eluding him, a bed warmer, and babies. That freaked her out enough without wanting to explore any more intimate venues with the tall, blond sorcerer. She shuddered at the future she had been thrust into – a Malfoy child calling her mother. In a thousand years she could never have come up with that scenario for her life.
As Lucius moved around her into the room, Hermione belatedly saw what she had missed before. It had been obscured under the curtain of his hair and she hadn’t been looking at his face in any case. Lucius was wearing the same type of collar as hers.
A spark of curiosity lightened her spirit as she perked up a bit. Curiosity was her guiding light and besetting sin and it wasn’t any different that night as she stood in the bedroom of the man who was her husband and who would soon be reacquainting himself with her, inside and out.
Lucius drew in a contented breath. Oh, how good it felt to be wearing his play clothes again, not that there was much to them. And with a witch who made him feel perfectly happy to work her over. She wasn’t interested in him, took every opportunity to make him feel undesirable and ancient and hadn’t once expressed any gratitude for all the things she had been given as his wife. Her future was set and it was time for her to quit sulking. If she continued pouting he was going to give her something to pout about. Tonight she would be paying something down on her overdue account.
To give her some credit she hadn’t been at all greedy, except with the Malfoy library tomes he had owned literally forever and which hadn’t cost him a Knut to purchase for her. But give her time, he thought. She would come to the realization that all his lovely money was now at her disposal and her tune would change. She would just be making a small advance payment tonight for her slander and her future hand in his pocket. Lucius grinned inside, careful to keep his face neutral for the morose little witch. Perhaps she’d have her hand on a bit more than his wallet this evening. She had touched him voluntarily once before and he was hoping she would repeat her success.
He watched her venture timidly into his bedroom, as well she should, he gloated. If she had any but the vaguest inkling of his plans she’d be slamming out of his room posthaste. Poor naïve little Gryffindor up against a Slytherin master. At least she had given some homage to his body – he didn’t think there was a square centimeter of it she’d missed in her perusal. Except possibly his face.
It had been troublesome trying to keep his own eyes from the delights of what her robe and thong were auspiciously failing to hide and it was definitely a good thing he had done a glamour on the front of his leggings to appear flaccid. It was far from reality and Lucius inwardly winced, both in pain and irritation. He didn’t like having such a strong, stiff effort trying to break its way out of the front of his binding green leather because of her. The damned thing was getting strangled in his groin. Had he gained a little weight since he had worn these pants before? Impossible. So it must be the little witch doing it to him.
“Tonight,” he began, drawing his wife’s attention belatedly to his face, “we will entertain each other in bed, and I fully intend to make it so, however, first I wish to address your lack of respect for me as your husband.”
Lucius wanted to proceed carefully in order to keep the control in his hands. It wouldn’t do at all with this witch to show even a modicum of interest in her physical attributes and she really did have a lovely shape. He wished she would quit clutching her robe so tightly so he could see her breasts. Ah, well, all in good time.
“Perhaps in the Muggle households wives routinely denigrate their husbands for fun,” his features and stance sent a shiver of fear lancing down Hermione’s spine; he was so severe. The angelic smile he’d gifted her with the week before was definitely missing tonight. “That behavior will not be tolerated here.” Lucius pinned her with his icy eyes and gave her his best Big, Bad Death Eater impression. They could have had a good time with this, but tonight it had to be about balancing the scales of power between them – she couldn’t flout his authority and show disrespect with impunity.
“I have decided on a punishment for your demeaning behavior toward me all week which I will administer before we move on to our union.” He reached for her wand and slipped it out from beneath the band of her thong before she could get over her shock at his announcement.
Hermione heard that oily, supercilious voice he used when he was dissatisfied with her and she snapped out of her funk in a hurry, “Punishment? You’re not allowed to administer any punishment. I’m your wife, not your house elf.” She muttered, “although at least they don’t have to sleep with you.”
Lucius gazed frigidly at his fuming mate, “Another malicious barb, madam? Perhaps you should remain silent before your punishment escalates beyond what you can stand. Or you may in truth find yourself standing for the next few days.” He stood over her, letting her feel his greater strength and height and pointed toward a cozy nook at the side of his bedroom, “Lie over the arm of my reading chair facedown with your forehead on the cushion. Place your hands at the small of your back.”
Hermione looked over at the comfortable overstuffed chair and was at a loss. She hadn’t ever entertained any thought of Lucius enforcing any corporeal punishment. She had been sniping at him continually, angry with his formal remoteness and disinterest if she were honest, while being angry at herself for caring one way or the other. She had enjoyed baiting him while he stoically weathered her parade of disparaging comments with nothing more than sharp looks and pursed lips and those hard-won “be stills”. She thought he hadn’t truly cared at all.
Now she understood she had pushed him over his invisible edge of courtesy and pride. She was scared spitless, but oddly rather proud of herself for getting him to react to her even if it meant he was going to get even with her. Was that better than the cold courtesy and lack of attention she’d been subjected to for the last week? How was he going to hurt her? Maybe it would only be some sort of humiliation. He couldn’t be doing what it looked like…
It soon proved to be more than a bit of humiliation as Hermione slowly shuffled to the comfy reading chair in the corner and bent over the padded arm. She placed her forehead on the cushion leaving her face off the material so she could breathe. She could see Lucius moving toward her from the corner of her eye.
“Your hands at the small of your back, Hermione,” he growled, his lower tones scaring her more than the smooth, remote voice she disliked. “I won’t repeat my instructions again.” Lucius walked to the chair and waited until her slim hands settled at the small of her back, then he quickly loosened and removed her robe’s belt, wrapped it around both her wrists and attached an end of it up to the collar at the back of her neck and the other at the back of her thong effectively limiting her ability to move her hands anywhere. It was partially for her protection so she didn’t put her hands in the way of her punishment. But also partially to give Lucius free access for his business.
“What are you going to do, Lucius? I have a right to know that. If you hurt me I’m going straight to the Ministry.” Hermione’s voice was a little muffled by the cushion so her adamant rebuttal was a little washed out.
“And tell them what? That you have been cruel and petty, giving me the rough side of your tongue day after day, never saying thank you for anything, behaving as though you’re living with an unregenerate ogre whom you avoid at all costs? Please, when we are finished tonight, let me give you the parchment and an owl and you may write whatever your heart desires.”
Hermione sniffed at the wizard’s unflattering description of what had been to her a miserable week of feeling lonesome and out of place - as though she were a particularly unpleasant piece of flotsam that had floated in on some backed up sewage. He was complaining about her snide remarks when he hadn’t made her feel welcome at all beyond sporting his upscale manners that kept her apart even more – he was acting high society to her Muggleborn trash.
The worst were her vague feelings of loss whenever he left her alone. That made her almost hate herself, but she couldn’t stem the tiny downswing of her mood each time he quit a room. She wanted it to be her loneliness speaking – any other reason made her terribly depressed and her situation was already distressing enough.
His constant corrections on etiquette made her feel she was barely tolerated. Her defense at her hurt feelings had been to hurt him in return, but she hadn’t thought he’d been touched at all. She still didn’t think anything but his pride had been affected. Now he was bullying her for hitting out with her tongue. After their initial night of sex, she had felt like some Knockturn Alley tramp for all the attention he had given her since. She had felt used and discarded, waiting miserably until the next time he wanted a piece of Mudblood tail.
“The Ministry will only inform you that I have the right to chastise my wife in any way I choose. In most wizarding households that isn’t necessary. Unfortunately, with you, it is.”
Lucius stood off to her side and behind her, nearly deranged with the lovely picture of submission she made – totally deceptive, of course. She had effectively bludgeoned him with her words all week. He pinched a small piece of the slippery robe and flipped it up over her hands, leaving her bare, thong-split bottom unveiled for his use.
Hermione felt the swish of silky material move up and over her hands and she began to straighten up. Immediately a strong hand pushed her back into position and held her there. “For this initial disciplinary action, I will go lightly and only give you twenty strokes. If you fight or get up, two more strikes will be added each time. Vituperation receives the same. When I am finished I expect you to apologize to me for your poor behavior.”
Before Hermione could answer her face was pushed into the cushion by the first of Lucius’ penalizing smacks. CRACK! The spanking commenced with measured, forceful, painful swats on the fast-reddening globes of the little witch’s derriere. Lucius counted the strokes aloud so Hermione would know where she was in her beating. As he counted he let each hit sink in for a couple of seconds for the pain to bloom before sending the next strike onto her bum.
At the first swat, Hermione was so outraged she attempted to stand up again and heard her husband intone, “Two extra,” before pushing her back into the cushion and sending another stroke onto her vulnerable skin. She screamed invective, she called him all the names she knew would most inflame him, she tried twisting on the chair arm, but he held her still and didn’t miss a single measured smack, only intoning ‘two more’ several times.
After he got to sixteen Hermione crumpled and started crying. It was all too much, his punishing her for being trapped into a scary, unwanted marriage with only an unending future of embarrassed social inequity and his whey-faced brats to look forward to – he expected her to be all sweetness and light and happily try to awkwardly fit into a social stratum that she basically despised and thought unnatural.
She hated him, his snobby world, and his posh attitude. This latest excess was only the icing on the cake of her ire. He thought he had the right to exact physical punishment whenever he felt slighted? What kind of marriage was that? Did she have the right to punish him for making her feel worthless and barely human in this rarified mausoleum he called a home?
Lucius laid on with a strong hand, never stopping until he reached the thirty-eight spanks his wife had finally earned with her obstreperous attitude. It wasn’t how he had envisioned introducing her to one of his favored brands of sex play, but she had been infuriating him for the entire week and he had to have some of his own back to feel like he was master in his own house.
Her verbal whittling of his manhood degree by degree plus her marked lack of respect for his place as her husband and his superior status as a Pureblood had slowly built his temper until it was either spank her or whip her and he knew with his current emotional maelstrom he could damage her with a whip. She wouldn’t agree but she was lucky to get off with a spanking.
Hermione was quietly sobbing by the time he landed his last smack, which was as hard as the first. He looked down at his hand, ruefully acknowledging it probably hurt as much as her butt. He was out of practice and his palm was red and throbbing. He should have used his hairbrush, but he had been lured by her pretty porcelain butt cheeks into using his bare hand instead. Stupid and horny.
Now he had the delightful duty of bedding his wife. She was going to try to claw him to death, but it had to be done. He had promised it would happen tonight. Lucius needed to try to win her with sexual attraction or they would never get past this miserable start to their marriage. He wanted them to try for something good and lasting together, but she had already shown he couldn’t win her favor with courtesy or guidance in her new position. All he had left was his charisma. Lucius shook his head – his marriage was doomed.
Dr. Seuss must be turning over in his grave. (Beg pardon, but I couldn't resist the 'adapted' title for this chapter. It popped into my head and I couldn't get rid of it. Now we all can suffer together.) 8-)
Don’t forget to check out the pics for this chapter at:
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