Just Submit | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Hermione/Fenrir Views: 88424 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
I’m not a native speaker of English.
Thanks a lot to my betas, mrequecky, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
I didn't plan to upload today but then I got a review from Citten. To answer your question, yes I know about that anatomy fact and it will be mentioned in one of the later chapters. To be exact in chapter 30. I have already written 33 chapters and momentary have a break from the story. Of course I will finish it, but until now there is no end to see and I take it easy. So, Citten, you won't be disappointed but need to be patient. :) I also want to thank all my reviewers. I was really worried about the category problem. I'm glad there are still some of you liking it. You made my day! I hope this chapter will make you happy again because it has a lot of Hermione.
Characters: Hermione, Fenrir, Draco, Neville, Yorik, Amaris, Severus
Sexual interactions: FG/HG, Yorik/Hermione
Warnings: spanking, D/s, cuddling,
Characters: Hermione, Fenrir, Draco, Neville, Yorik, Amaris, Severus
Pairings: FG/HG, Yorik/Hermione
Warnings: spanking, D/s, cuddling,
Chapter 10 - Punishment
Hermione was still in shock when they all were seated at the big table. Not even Neville's waving at her could make her smile. He hadn't seen what she had. He had arrived at the scene when Yorik was already carrying an ashamed Morgan to the examination room. Severus had quickly ushered him into the big dining room opposite to the lounge. He was sitting far away from her, together with Draco and Severus. First Draco had sat beside Ages but a lot of whining later, he was allowed to sit down beside Neville. Hermione wished she was allowed to sit with them. Neville looked much more relaxed, and he seemed to like Draco's presence.
“Eat, pup,” Fenrir commanded. He was still tense from the situation in the hall. Morgan and Yorik hadn't come back until now. Hermione and the rest of Fenrir's pack were sitting at the right end of the big U-shaped table. Ages and his pack were sitting in the middle of the U and two tables were lined up directly from Ages table. So the U was in reality an E, but the middle row was two tables thick, so the warriors and hunters could sit ahead of each other. The other end of the U was reserved for Roland's pack. Half of it was missing, obviously taking care of their beaten alpha. Hermione was happy that the warriors were blocking her view on Roland's pack. She already disliked them.
“I said eat!” Fenrir growled beside her.
“I'm not hungry,” Hermione whined.
“What did I tell you?” Amaris said to stop her alpha from bellowing at Hermione in front of the whole clan. “You need to eat to survive. Come on, try it. Morgan is okay.”
Hermione let her head sink. “We should have helped him.”
That made Fenrir turn abruptly.”You will never interfere if something like that happens again,” he said warningly. “You will stay with a dominant of our pack or with someone we trust with you. If you ever try to interfere and get yourself in danger, I will punish you!” Fenrir was staring dangerously at Hermione.
“I will not look away,” Hermione said, standing her ground.
Fenrir's silverware made a loud contact with his plate, and he stood up.
“Fenrir please,” Amaris tried to stop her alpha, but Fenrir ignored her.
He grabbed Hermione's arm and pulled her out of her chair. Pushing aside Amaris, he left the room while dragging Hermione behind him. He pushed another door open in the hall. It was a restroom. Several urinals were lined up at the left side and four toilette cabins were on the right side. Opposite the door were three sinks. Fenrir pressed Hermione against the closed door. “You will never speak back at me in front of the whole clan. I promised to be lenient, but if you do it again, I will punish you in front of the whole clan.” He looked dangerous, and Hermione tried to melt into the door. “I will tell you again one of the most important rules that I'll give you. If something like this happens again, you will hold yourself out of it and seek out the member of our pack that is closest to you, to protect you. You are our number one worry. Morgan needs to learn to open his mouth, and we will take care of those who dare to hurt him, but you will stay out. If you interfere I will not only punish you, but Morgan and the rest of our pack as well. Their first priority is your safety. A tumult like that opens a way for people to get close to you, who you don't want to. If you push yourself into a battle or a rape, you will most likely get hurt. You have no chance against anyone here!”
“But he was hurt. Amaris should have helped him. She could have gone to get you.”
“And leave you alone? No! Don't you listen? We are not always alone here. Sometimes there are people from other packs who we can't assess. I wouldn't vouch for some young warriors or some dominants of Roland's pack to not use a situation like this to get you alone. I cannot protect you when I don't know where you are. I can't smell you in the house because all the smells are too similar and overpower your smell when you are more than a few feet away from me.” He still had a death-grip on Hermione's arm and that brought tears in her eyes.
“You are hurting me,” Hermione said miserably.
He lessened his grip lightly. “So will you follow this rule?”
Hermione wished to yell in his face that this was all wrong. She would never stand beside and watch Morgan being raped. It seemed Fenrir didn't like her silence because he pulled her ruggedly over to one of the cabins, sat down on the closed seat and pulled Hermione over his lap.
She was shocked and yelped loud when Fenrir's hand came down on her clothed bum for the first time. It hurt a lot. Fenrir was using a lot of strength. Hermione hoped it would be over soon. After five spanks, she started to cry and plead with him to stop, but he was already placing three more on her sore bum.
“Will you follow the rule?”
“Yes, I will!” she screamed. She would say anything to make him stop. Her bum was on fire.
Fenrir hauled her up and grabbed her arms to force her to face him. “I will not let anyone hurt you!”
Hermione wanted to say: 'You are hurting me!' but she knew he wouldn't like it and she definitely didn't want another round on his lap. Inwardly, she knew that there was truth in Fenrir's words. It would definitely hurt more to fall into the hands of someone who would want to force her to have sex with him than being spanked by Fenrir. Not that she wanted a repeat of the last one.
“You need to follow my rules, pup. They are for your protection.” His expression changed, and he laid a hand on her cheek and brushed the tears away.
Then something happened, Hermione couldn't explain it; she threw herself at Fenrir. While she was sobbing uncontrolled in his shoulder he pulled her on his lap, making sure her sore bum was placed between his slightly spread legs.
“I'm worried about you. Why can't you just accept that I know life here better. You need to follow the rules that make sure that you stay safe. Morgan wouldn't want it any other way.” He gently stroked her hair. If anyone dared to come in at that moment and saw him cuddle with his pup, he would kill them.
When Hermione and Fenrir came back into the dining hall all eyes were on them. Fenrir pulled her over to the table by her hand. Hermione didn't dare to look up, but she realized that they passed Yorik and Morgan. When she sat down, she winced and finally dared to look sidewards. Yorik was sitting beside her and Morgan sat at the end of the table beside Amaris. Morgan looked apologetically at her. Yorik was a different kettle of fish. His jaw was clenched together that hard that his muscles were visible. He stared at Hermione seriously and pointed at her still full plate. Hermione looked down and then grabbed her fork. She didn't want to be in trouble with Yorik as well.
After supper, Hermione was surprised that Fenrir offered she could meet with Neville and Draco in the lounge for half an hour. She gladly accepted, and Yorik was announced as her bodyguard. Morgan followed his alpha with a hanging head and an awkward walk. At least Amaris was with him and petted his back affectionately.
Hermione looked uncertainly at Yorik when they were alone.
After Yorik had studied her for some time, he said, “We will wait for your friends in the lounge.” He stood up and looked expectingly at Hermione. She got the clue and followed him. Yorik made some signs in Severus' direction and the former spy nodded.
In the lounge Yorik sat down at one of the many couches. When Hermione wanted to sit down beside him, he pulled her on his lap. First Hermione panicked because she thought he wanted to spank her as well, but he made her sit on his lap. She winced and wriggled around.
“Keep still. You deserve what you got. I heard from Amaris that you threatened to interfere if something like this will happen again. You will not do it or I will spank you twice as hard as Fenrir when he is through with you.”
Hermione looked shocked at her beta. She didn't think she would dare to interfere after Fenrir's explanation and his threat of punishment, but just imagining to get two spankings was too frightening.
“Behave and that won't be necessary, pup.” Yorik's hand wandered lightly over Hermione's leg and stopped at her short skirt. Then it wandered back down to her knees. “I will kill anyone who dares to hurt you.”
“Would you have killed the man who hurt Morgan if Fenrir hadn't stopped you?”
“Yes!” Yorik said seriously. “But I wouldn't have been able to because Ages would have interfered before.” He made a face that made clear he wasn't liking that fact.
“Then he would stop you from killing someone that hurt me as well.”
Yorik's hand on her leg tightened. “No damn alpha would be able to stop me from killing someone who would have raped you! I would even attack Ages if he would try to stop me from my rights.”
“You have the right to kill someone who raped me?” Hermione was shocked. To her surprise she wasn't only shocked about this rule, but also about feeling safer by knowing it.
“You are our pup. Anyone who hurts you declares war against our pack. We are responsible for you and it is our right to eliminate all dangers to you.”
Again Hermione's body reacted before her mind could stop it, and she leaned against Yorik's chest and let her head rest on his big shoulder.
His hand stopped. He was too surprised by her reaction. Then the hands started to wander again. This time it slipped under her skirt to caress her inner thigh shortly below her knickers. After a few strokes, his fingertips made contact with her knickers, and Hermione stiffened. “Please don't.” She took his hand to still it. To her surprise Yorik drew his hand back. When he started his caresses again, he always stopped directly at the hem of her skirt. “Thank you.” She whispered in his ear.
“You are killing me, pup,” he whispered back.
After a few minutes, voices pulled Hermione out of her relaxed state. She looked up and saw some members of the clan flood into the room and take seats on other couches and armchairs, at the tables, the small bar or in front of the TV. Some children were amongst them. They looked shortly over to Yorik, and when he waved his hand in the direction of the TV, they smiled and went over to it.
“Time to meet your little friends,” Yorik said when he saw Neville and Draco enter the lounge. “I will be over at the bar with the head beta.” He gently placed her on the couch and kissed her forehead. “Be good!”
Draco had grabbed Neville's arm when the boy wanted to storm over to Hermione and Yorik. “We need to wait for her beta's permission.” Puzzled, Neville looked from Draco to Yorik and back.
“He is sitting with her intimately. That means we have to wait for his permission or dismissal. We subs are allowed to be in the room when a dominant is intimate with a sub or other dominate, but we need to get a permission to step closer. The kids need to wait for a permission to stay in the room when they see two people intimate. When the dominants don't intend to go any further then cuddling they let the kids stay.”
“That's all really weird,” Neville stated.
Draco laughed. “Do you want the kids to be around when some of the dominants fuck you?”
Neville's face blushed deeply.
“I thought so.” Then Draco nudged Neville. “Look, he is giving us permission to come over.”
Neville was quick enough to see Yorik wave them over.
When they finally were alone, Neville hugged Hermione. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, and you? You look fine.”
Neville smiled. “Yes, I am. It's nice with Severus, and Draco here has changed a lot. He is a good friend and has explained a lot to me. He promised to watch out for me and tell me which people are safe and with which I need to be careful around. Maybe he can help you as well.” Neville looked eagerly over at Draco, but the boy was looking down.
“I thought you had changed. Why don't you want to help Hermione?” Neville was shocked.
“I'm sorry, but I can't help her. She is a pup.” Draco looked apologetically at Hermione.
“Why is that different? You can tell her which people are safe and which are not, right?”
“They will react differently to her. I have no experiences with pups. There has never been one since I've been here.” He turned to Hermione. “Almost everyone would want to advance to you Hermione. The ones you are going to choose will be very powerful and will have a lot of influence. Lower dominants will try to get a higher status by getting the chance to pleasure you. Higher dominants will try to proof their status by being able to be intimate with you. I don't know much about it. I'm sorry.”
“It's okay, Draco. I just hope that we can have a bit of a normal life. I need someone to talk to; someone who doesn't want to overpower me all the time.”
“I know. I would love to be your friend. I think we three could have a great time if you two surv—” He looked down again. “Sorry.”
“I know that it isn't clear if we survive, Draco. You don't need to beat around the bush.”
“I really hope you two will make it. You can't imagine how boring it was with just Tara. She is only thinking about sex. To only have the kids to play around with is frustrating. They always act strange and a bit scared around me. They always fear they will get in trouble if I get hurt while playing, and the older ones try to touch me all the time. As if I'm stupid and wouldn't notice that it is intentional.”
“How comes you are here, Draco?” Hermione asked. This question had burned in her chest for a long time.
“The same way as you two. The Dark Lord found out that Severus and I were on your side and he threatened to throw us into the arena. Fenrir convinced him to give Severus to him. Severus fought like hell to rescue me, but they beat him up very badly. Only Fenrir's interfering saved his life. I thought I would never see Severus again, when Fenrir carried his bloody body away. He never stays when the Dark Lords holds these arena executions. He says they are barbaric and beyond any werewolf. The pack that is performing in them, is not allowed to come close to our territory. Fenrir is a very hard and sometimes cruel fellow, but he is a great leader and he always takes care of his pack and the subs and the whole clan if necessary.”
“Why did he rescue Severus? And why aren't the werewolves form the arena taking those who survive their attack?”
“Fenrir admired Severus' skills in potions and healing. He knew that he would be a great addition to the clan. As for the other werewolves. They are only a weapon for the Dark Lord. He doesn't really need them. Fenrir is much more important to him, even now after he has won. Fenrir is the most feared warrior in Europe. All the other powerful alphas follow him.”
“Why isn't he head alpha then?” Neville asked, puzzled.
“Because he doesn't want to. To be head alpha means to be involved in a lot of politics. Fenrir hates politics. He is more the type of Give-me-what-I-want-or-I-beat-you-bloody.”
“What are you doing here all the time?” Hermione asked curiously.
“Most of the time I'm with a dominant. I enjoy their attention. You have not embraced your wolf yet, so you won't understand it. Sometimes I just feel like having fun or doing something else beside sex to power myself out. You have already seen the big swimming pool. It's a lot of fun, and we always have the right to go swimming there. We even can send the kids away.” Draco grinned. He obviously liked to have the power to command someone around. “Then there is the library, and many older dominants love to read for us or tell us stories. It's like a second childhood. Ages says our brains change through the werewolf virus. We will think and feel like teenagers for a long time. We only age every twenty years visibly one year. The others age in a ten year rhythm compared to humans. So we will stay like we are now for a long time.”
“And when are we going to die?” Hermione asked.
“When we are old. We will most likely end like the Eldest. They have all been submissives. We get much older than normal dominants. Only the alphas and betas get close to our age. It depends on how long they keep the position.”
The Eldest, the most powerful wolves in the pack, were submissives? That was very interesting in Hermione's opinion.
When it is warmer outside, we are allowed to spend some time in the yard or the forest. We even are allowed to enter the forest alone. It is full of guards who will step in when we are in danger. There is a little lake a few minutes away and an old cave with bats and other mysterious animals. It's real fun. If you like the women will take you with them to gather berries and mushrooms. Some old people love to give you tours through the forest and show you all kind of berries, plants, animals and magical creatures. Here in the house we can watch TV or play video games.” Draco gestured at the two places in the lounge. “Or we can play cards and games over there.” He pointed at a wall with a big shelf with all kind of board games and card decks on it. There is a training room at the end of the hall, but they don't like when we use it. They don't want us to become muscular. Ages claims that we won't even be able to get more muscles, but look.” He lifted his shirt, and Hermione felt as if the world around her went still. She could feel hundreds of eyes turn in their direction. Draco's stomach was flat, but she could see the muscles under it. He really looked attractive and his attitude had change a lot since she last saw him.
When Draco realized he was drawing too much attention, he lowered his shirt again and tried not to look at any dominant in order to not encourage them. He wanted to use the time Severus and Fenrir gave them to speak alone with Hermione and Neville.
“So you don't have a problem with sleeping with all those people?” Hermione asked disbelievingly.
“I don't sleep with all of them. Some don't want me and some I don't like. It's not very hard to keep them away because Tara is spreading her legs for anyone and some dominants let other dominants fuck them as well. Like your Mor—” He again stopped and looked down. “I mean he sometimes lets others fuck him. Some of his own pack, not what alpha Roland did. I really like Morgan. He is very kind. It would be much easier for him if he had been a submissive.”
Before Hermione could say something to this, Yorik and Severus came over to them. “Enough talking for today. We need to go back to our flat, pup,” Yorik said and held his hand out for her to take it.
“Any problems with your feet or anything else, Hermione?” Severus asked when Hermione had taken Yorik's hand and stood up. To her surprise Yorik didn't let go of her hand.
“No, I'm fine. My feet are just a little itchy.”
“Don't scratch, Hermione. I will have a look at them tomorrow, and if necessary, I will apply a salve that will help against the itch.”
Hermione nodded and let Yorik guide her outside and to their flat.
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