No Obvious Truths | By : Danyealle Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 64502 -:- Recommendations : 8 -:- Currently Reading : 32 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and make no money off this work of fiction. |
Chapter 10
Beta'd by the amazing Tenchi. Thanks, woman! You're the BEST!
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The following morning, Harry was a little more out of it than normal. Groggy and slightly fuzzy, he was listless as he ate. Along with that, he was a little uptight about the explanation he had been promised. Draco was sitting by him at the table, talking as they both consumed their breakfast, but kept shooting worried glances at Harry then over to Severus and his parents. Though everyone smiled at him and nodded, seeming to indicate that there was nothing to be worried about, he still couldn't help it. After all, he really liked Harry so he was worried about him.
After they finished and the Healer had done some more scans then ordered up a new potion, he left saying to contact him as needed. Severus, of course, had a great deal of brewing to do and the rest had signs of things to watch for, but all was going according to what they wanted.
After he left, everyone pulled a chair up to the table. When Tom and Lucius seated themselves on either side of the young man, putting a hand on him somewhere to help, Narcissa and Severus seated themselves across the table with Draco in between them. Rubbing the young man's shoulder, Tom looked down at Harry then said, “We want to talk to you about what you saw last night and what it means. Like I said then, it's nothing to worry about and you saw nothing inappropriate at all. Since this is going to take some time, we were wondering if you think you can do without the pain killer for an hour or so. Once we're done, you'll get it, we promise, we just want you to be alert for this so you can understand and ask questions if you're confused.”
As he wasn't feeling that much pain right now, and even when the potions they gave him started to wear off it wasn't anything like the pain he felt at the hospital, Harry thought he could deal with it. Plus, he wanted to know what was going on. It was something that had him really curious so he nodded, “I can wait a while.”
“Good,” Tom nodded. Looking around, he then started, “Some of this is going to be really confusing so if you don't understand, ask and we'll explain it the best we can. In this instance, though, with some of it, it's something that's confusing even to adults so it's not easy. We'll try to explain it the best we can to you. Draco doesn't know part of it so he'll be learning something as well, though he does know other pieces.”
“As you were raised with Muggles, we know you don't know a lot about magic yet. To explain part of this simply, I'll start by saying each person, though magical, has a magic that is slightly different than everyone else. All of us have different things we're better at than others, be it like Severus when it comes to Potions, Narcissa when it comes to Charms, myself and Lucius at Defense, we all have something we excel at. However, once in a while, you find someone whose magic is identical to yours in such a way that they are a match. It's very rare to find that being. Though some say that there is a direct match out there for everyone, finding them is hard if that's true. Lucius is my direct match with magic. When you meet the person that is your match a sort of bond is formed. Once that happens, the two of you feel 'right' together and you never want to be separated.” Stopping, he looked at Harry then asked, “Do you understand so far?”
“I think so,” Harry said, brow slightly furrowed. It was confusing and he didn't understand all of it. What he did get was something that raised questions. He was going to wait on that though.
“Alright. I'll explain the other part now--” stopping, he tried to think how to word this. For Draco, because he had grown up in this world, never having to deal in the Muggle one, it was easy for him to understand. Harry wasn't that way. Instead, he had to walk him through all of it using terms that Harry would know. “I'm sure you studied plenty of history when you were in school, right?” Seeing the young man nod, he pressed on, “In history, they talked about arranged marriages to further things like family lines, especially in the royal family.” Seeing the young man give a firm nod at that, he kept going. “With Wizards the Purebloods, some of them, have something similar; they arranged marriages to continue a Pureblood line. Lucius and Narcissa fell into that. So, their marriage was arranged by their families. In school they were best friends so that was never a problem.” Stopping again, Tom rubbed his eyes and wasn't sure how to explain the next part. He was well aware how Muggles could see such things and wasn't sure what Harry had been told about it.
Looking at Tom, Narcissa deduced what was coming next and understood how hard it could be to explain. As Draco had grown up with it, he understood. Harry, though, she wasn't sure about it. Jumping in, she asked, gently, “Do you know about things like same-sex partnerships?”
Looking at Narcissa, Harry gave a tentative nod. “I've heard about it. It's kinda' a big thing being talked about with giving them the same rights as everyone else. I don't understand much of it, really. All I know is Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia didn't like it.”
“So you have the basics,” she said with a smile. “Our world is different on that. They already have the same rights and no one thinks anything of it. It's normal and no one cares. Love is love and that's all that matters to us.”
That was something Harry understood and smiled at, nodding.
“Lucius always liked men. I knew that,” Narcissa told him softly. “When we got married I knew that. Draco is very much our son but we went about it a little bit differently is all. He and Tom were already seeing each other when we got married. I knew that and accepted it. They had already felt the bond part and sealed it. There was no problem on my end. Now Lucius lives here with Tom most of the time. I'm actually living with Severus,” she told the young man gently, smiling, reaching out and taking the Potion Master's hand. “He and I share a bed every night as well. So, what you saw last night was normal. There is nothing to worry about nor is there anything to get upset over. Lucius and I are still married, yes, and love each other very much, but more like brother and sister than a couple. We are still married, more for show than anything else. What it means for both you and Draco is that you have, basically, two sets of parents. Both sets will always care about you both. It might seem strange to you, but it works. Ask Draco.”
“It's great,” Draco said with a grin, chiming in for the first time. “We have two houses to live in and like four parents. It's a lot of fun! We just can't talk about it to others is all.”
“That is true,” Lucius said, patting Harry on the shoulder. “We need to keep it a secret for many reasons. We don't want to force you to lie to anyone, so we just don't talk about it, but we have to keep it a secret.”
Figuring that had to do with the marriage bit and not wanting people to find out, Harry nodded. After all, he had heard Aunt Petunia go on and on about who was cheating with who all kinds of times. He supposed that no one wanted that to happen. Looking around, he had tons of questions to ask, but wasn't sure if he should or not or even where to start.
Moving his hand down, Lucius put it on Harry's leg and gave it a squeeze then said, keeping his tone soft, “Severus and Narcissa, when it finally comes time for us to get divorced, will probably get married. Right now, we just can't get divorced for various reasons. There are many reasons for that and they are complicated. We won't go into that right now. Over the next few weeks we have a lot to explain to you about this as it's very involved. We just don't want to overwhelm you right now with all the information as you're just starting to learn about our world anyway. However, keep in mind that all of us will care about you and there is nothing wrong with what you see. Tom and I stay here while Severus and Narcissa stay at Malfoy Manor. That's somewhere you're going to get to see in a few days when we think you won't get sick by traveling there. What we want to do is get you stabilized before we try that. There you're going to have your own room like you do here.” Stopping, he smirked slightly then said, tone somewhat smug, “It's somewhere even bigger than here. You'll have plenty to do there. Draco will be right next door to you. Tom and I also have our own rooms there so we'll all be together like we are here. It's just another home to live in is all.”
Taking that in, Harry nodded, slightly wide-eyed at the thought. It was strange but it sounded like it worked. The only thing was it was really confusing right now. He assumed that he would understand it more as time went on though. After all, if they all had it worked out and things were going fine, there wouldn't be a problem.
For the first time, Severus jumped in. Keeping his voice calm, he said, “There is one other thing we want to cover right now, Harry, and that is Tom. For now, you can't talk to anyone about him besides us. It's a very complicated situation and his presence needs to be kept a secret.”
Brow furrowing, Harry looked around then glanced at Tom, confused. “Why?” He asked.
Sighing, Tom looked down at the young man then tried to explain. “Because there is someone out there pretending to be me and they are not a nice being. In fact, people think we're the same person. We aren't, but I would have a very hard time proving it.” Reaching up, he ran a finger over the lightning bolt on Harry's forehead then smiled at the young man before saying, “Though you don't remember it, we've met before, Harry. I'm the one that accidentally gave you that scar.”
Eyes widening, Harry looked up at him then asked, “How? When was this?”
“It was the night your parents died,” Tom told him softly. “The person that is pretending to be me is the one that killed them. He calls himself Lord Voldemort or the Dark Lord. Those are names I use as well, but we're not the same being. I heard what was going to happen that night from Severus and went to try to stop it. I got there too late to save your parents, but in enough time to save you. We fought and my wand was thrown off, giving you that scar. It wasn't intentional, of course, but it happened. He didn't die though, despite what some people now claim. I do believe he's still around and is planning something.” Stopping, he looked down at the young man who appeared quite confused. Looking across the table, he saw a wide-eyed look from Draco. As Draco only knew parts of the story, not this chunk, he was hearing it for the first time as well. Glancing at the other adults, he gave a sigh then said, “How about I explain a little better? I won't go into the whole thing as it's very complicated, but I can give the basics.” Seeing the two boys nod, he decided to press on.
“Back in school, I decided to leave early, after I got my OWLS. I was doing quite well learning on my own and could study what I wanted so I decided not to stay at Hogwarts. Besides that, I didn't like having to go to the orphanage during the summer months or use the other choice of staying at Hogwarts over the break. Albus Dumbledore was teaching at the time, not headmaster like he is now. I didn't like the man and he didn't seem to like me, so I didn't want to be around. So, I took off to travel all over Europe to learn what I could. Different schools teach things in different ways so I was able to learn all kinds of magic that wasn't taught at Hogwarts. It wasn't until I came back many years later, after traveling all over the world, that I learned there was someone, though I don't know who, that showed up the year after I left saying he was 'me'. From what I gather, he looked the same way and acted similar, but he wasn’t me. The one that did that was someone that pursued a different path than I did, following things that we would all define as evil.”
“When I came back and contacted old friends I knew in school, like Lucius' father, I found out what this being had done. They were fooled enough that they thought he was me and were following him. That is something that bothered me a great deal, more than I care to admit. Lucius' father, Abraxas, was smart enough to realize that someone hoodwinked him then pulled away, siding with me as I tried to figure out what was going on and fix it, clearing my name. It wasn't working though. By that time, the one we refer to as the fake Dark Lord had plenty of followers and was doing horrendous things. Whoever this being is, he is clearly insane. The things he and his followers did were disgusting, not something I would ever do. What we gather is he took some basic ideals I had about how to change our world and twisted them, professing to want to kill Muggle-borns then rid our world of them because they are tainted.”
Looking at Tom, Harry asked, because he was confused, “What's a Muggle-born? You've mentioned it, but I don't understand the term.”
Quickly, Tom walked him through the terminology for that, Pureblood and Half-blood. When he was done, he said, “You're a Half-blood. Your father was a Pureblood and your mother a Muggle-born. I'm a Half-blood as is Severus. So, it would be rather stupid of me to want to go kill off or not teach the beings that helped bring us into this world, wouldn't it?”
Understanding that, Harry nodded.
“Unlike what you might hear from some, I don't hate Muggle-borns, not at all. What I want to do is change the way many things in our world are done when it comes to them. I also firmly believe they deserve the same kind of education as the rest get, though maybe more so that they can understand the world they are coming into. If that was in place, we wouldn't have to explain so much to you,” he told Harry with a smile.
Grinning, Harry nodded, “I think that would be good!”
“We all do, Harry, all of us sitting here. Though we have to try to fit in to what people expect of us to keep up appearances, we feel the exact same way,” Lucius told him firmly. “If we didn't, Narcissa wouldn't be with Severus or me with Tom. We'll explain that more later on, though. Not today.”
Seeing Harry nod, Tom pressed on. “What came next is what they call the war. It was with the fake Dark Lord, not me. He wanted to take over. By then almost everyone, especially Albus Dumbledore, was convinced that was me so I had to hide while trying to figure out not only who this was but to stop what he was doing. The war, as you will hear later on, especially at school, was bad. Many beings died during it. The fake Dark Lord is the one that caused all of it. We were trying to stop it as was the rest of the Wizarding World, but it was so bad no one could. Your parents were just two of many people that died during it. We tried to stop it, Harry, we really did, but we couldn't. Severus was, and will be again, a spy in the other Dark Lord's camp. He's the one that told me what was going to happen so I could get there to stop it. He even went to the fake Dark Lord and tried everything he could to make sure your parents were spared. It just didn't work. Now, well, though most think he's dead and you survived a Killing Curse from him, something that didn't happen, we can all tell you he's not. He's not dead and will be back.”
“What's the Killing Curse?” Harry asked, bewildered.
“It's something that will get you thrown into our prison for life. It's just what it sounds like; a curse that kills someone instantly,” Tom explained gently. “People see you as a hero because you survived it.”
“A hero? For surviving something I can't even remember?” Harry asked, completely befuddled. “That's barmy!”
Giving a snort of amusement, Severus said, tone slightly dry, “Many tend to agree with you there, Harry. I do believe the line of thought tends to be that you have some kind of special miracle powers that saved you. We can't tell them otherwise, of course, but that does seem to be the mindset and you will probably hear about it once you start meeting others.”
“Part of it is that what happened ended the nightmare that had gone on for so long,” Narcissa explained. “It was a horrible time to live through for so many and there was so much fear over it. The relief that it was over caused many to overreact and label you a hero.”
Shaking his head, Harry told her, “It's weird. I'm no hero.”
“You have to understand that most don't know what really happened,” Lucius explained. “We can't tell them. So, they go on like they are. That part will be tough on all of us, especially once people find out you are Narcissa and my foster son.”
“Why?” Harry asked, brow furrowed.
“People think that Lucius followed the other Dark Lord in the last war, that he was part of what happened,” Tom explained. “We let them think that when he wasn't. He was with me and trying to stop it. Severus, as I said, was a spy in his camp. So, there are going to be raised eyebrows. However, never fear, it's not that way. Despite what some might say in the future, you are safe and none of us will ever try to use or hurt you. We will do everything in our power to protect you.”
“Exactly,” Narcissa said with a firm nod. “You will be the same with us as Draco; our son. No matter what anyone tries to tell you, remember that! If you get confused by anything someone says, come to us and we'll explain.”
“Narcissa is right,” Severus told him firmly. “If someone says something you don't understand, come to us and we'll explain. I promise we will.”
“As time goes on, we'll give you more details than what we have today,” Tom told him. “Right now, we don't want to overload you. It's quite enough for one day, honestly.”
Nodding, Harry grinned, “Yeah, it is! It's a little confusing but I think I get it. I have one question about it, though.”
“What's that? We'll answer to the best of our ability,” Tom told him.
“You said everyone thinks he's dead, the other one. The way you talked, it doesn't sound like he is,” Harry asked, looking around.
“He's not, Harry.” Tom told him honestly. “Most think he is, but he isn't. Something happened when we dueled and it looked like he died, but he didn't. Where he is we don't know, but he's not gone. And we're sure he'll be back. When we don't know, but he will be. We don't want you worrying about that, though, because we'll protect you and the others he might try to hurt the best we can. The four of us sitting here are more than a match for a being like him. However, we don't want you or Draco to worry about this. You are both safe and it's nothing to concern yourselves with right now. When the time comes we think you need to be cautious, we'll tell you. For now, you need to just worry about getting better and Draco about enjoying his life, nothing more.”
“He's right,” Narcissa nodded. “Right now we don't need to worry about that. No one or nothing can hurt you while you're at either house. The only thing we need to worry about is you getting better, nothing more. Well, plus making sure you and Draco don't get into too much trouble together,” she told him, smiling.
Grinning, Harry glanced at Draco who was as well. “Alright.”
Rubbing the young man's leg, Lucius said, “I think that's the basics that you need to understand. As you get used to things we'll explain more. There is so much involved in both topics that we can't do it all today without confusing everyone. Just rest assured that if you have any questions about anything said, either of you, ask and we'll explain it.” Seeing both boys nod, he then told Harry, “I think that's enough for now. Let's give Harry his medicine then you two can hop onto the bed and play some cards. How does that sound?”
Though he knew Harry probably wouldn't stay awake long after taking the potion for pain, Draco nodded and grinned, “I'll get the cards and we can play Exploding Snap!”
“Alright,”Harry said, smiling. They had played that a little the day before and he liked it so he wanted to play again.
About an hour later while Harry was sleeping and Draco was ensconced in Harry's room reading, the four adults were gathered down in Tom's office, talking.
Looking around, Severus said, “We're going to have to explain the whole situation more to both of them before school starts.”
“I know,” Tom sighed. “Harry didn't ask many questions today but the look in his eyes said he wanted to. The bond alone is going to have to be explained to him as he's going to wonder. The rest-- we know what's coming. It might not be this year as Harry won't be in school, but it will once he’s there.”
“We also need to ensure that he stays away from Albus. That man is going to try to draw him into something. He knows the other one isn't gone and is planning to return. I'm certain that Harry is involved in the plans he's making,” Lucius said, looking around.
Rubbing her eyes, Narcissa shook her head, “He has so much to deal with anyway, this doesn't need to be added.”
“I know,” Severus nodded, “but it's going to come. Hopefully, since he won't be attending this term we can spoon feed it to him over the year and be prepared. Or, at the very least, let him know what to expect. First, he needs to be cured before anyone starts with trying to manipulate him into whatever plans they have.”
“We'll just have to keep him away from those that might try,” Tom said firmly. “As Severus said; curing him comes first. That should be the line of attack used. It's also the excuse you will need to stave off whatever Albus is planning for him. As it's not a contrived one, it's perfect. Draco, though, is going to have to be walked through what he can and can't say. Then to be careful around some beings.”
“We'll handle that,” Narcissa told Tom firmly with a nod.
“I'll ensure that I keep an eye on him at school and put a stop to any foolishness that leans that direction,” Severus told him, voice taking on a determined tone.
“For now, the best plan of attack is to let Tom and I deal with whatever may be looming from the direction of the opposition. You two focus on the boys and what they need. Severus won't be called into anything until the other makes a reappearance so he can focus that way. Nor will it look odd as it's already been shown he's involved in this case. Once the term starts he can worry about Albus and what he may be planning or other things as they arise,” Lucius said, looking around.
“Yes, that's the way to go,” Severus nodded. “Harry's health is the most pressing concern at this juncture. That's where the focus needs to be for us. Any worries about what may come you two can deal with.”
“Alright, we're in agreement. Let's move on and work as it crops up. Now, what are we doing this afternoon?” Tom asked, looking around.
“I have more potions to brew and will need an assist,” Severus said.
“I'll give a hand,” Narcissa said. Looking at Lucius and Tom, she told them, “You two keep an eye on the boys.”
Standing, Tom nodded, “That works. Let's get to it.”
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