Deception | By : valkyrie136 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 41851 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter characters or related franchises. I do not make any money from these stories. |
‘This is where I am afraid you and I part ways.’
Hermione tried to give him a smile, but by the look on Mr. Weasley's face she knew she failed miserably. But in return he smiled encouragingly,and Hermione continued onwards, towards the Department of Inquisition. Just thinking it gave her a bad sensing of foreboding. It reminded her of the Inquisitorial Squad, hunting down 'blood traitors, mudbloods, and detractors'. Although the Department of Inquisition purportedly did the exact opposite, it was ironically led by the same person.
Draco Malfoy. He was the last person she wanted to seek out for assistance. But there was really no other avenue.
In retrospect, she was pleased that her parents had managed to send for assistance, but out of all the people who responded, she found Mr. Weasley to be the most unlikely respondent.
But who else would they contact? Arthur Weasley was most aware of muggle customs and ‘rituals’ as he liked to call it, despite all his misunderstandings, for instance, the purpose of a television remote control.
Hermione suspected that he came because he missed Ginny, and in many ways Hermione reminded him of his daughter.
After recounting the encounter—leaving out the details of her sexual assault because she simply could not tell him such things; in fact she wondered if she could tell anyone such things—she agreed to file a report.
If Hermione knew what that entailed, she would have slammed the door on his body when he managed to throw it in front of her bedroom door.
She could leave. Pretend that she did this. But she would feel so guilty. In order to protect her family she would exhaust all possible outlets for aid, even if it meant biting her tongue and speaking to Draco Malfoy.
Of course, this was the compassionate, worried Hermione Granger who made that conclusion.
The moment she entered the little room, with only a desk, two chairs, and a smug Malfoy, intelligent Hermione emerged. And it said clearly and loudly: You are an idiot to think that this is going to work Hermione.
She sat down, across from him, and began to explain what happened. She let out as much information as she could regarding the sexual nature of the attack--which was surprisingly easy--and kept her voice carefully free of emotion--a task that was not at all easy when her audience was Malfoy.
‘Let me understand this, Granger. A creature with—‘ he glanced down at the piece of parchment in front of him, ‘a creature with long pale blond hair and wings burst into your home with the intent of harming you?’
She sat ramrod straight—because she had the good fortune of having the High Inquisitor himself take her statement—and dug her nails into her thighs. It took every ounce of her control not to flee the room, because as much as she loathed Draco Malfoy, she could not erase the image of her attacker—or overlook the extreme similarities between Malfoy and the creature.
Any minute she expected him to drag her out of her chair and continue where he left off.
He carefully circled her, appearing to be in deep thought as if he found her case to be important, but inside she knew it was all a show. Malfoy was incapable of empathy, and with their shared history it was unlikely he would even feign the emotion since he never once pretended to be on good terms with her. No, he was going to do something wicked.
She took a deep breath. ‘It’s pupils changed a lot. And…’ she hesitated, ‘It seemed to know who I was.’
He finished his circuit and stopped in front of her. And he smiled. Gently. Kindly.
Instinctively she leaned away even though he made no moves to strike out at her.
Silly reaction, since Maloy's best attacks were not the physical ones but the psychologically and emotionally abusive ones. And he always delivered.
She felt her stomach twist in dread. Malfoy never smiled unless he was about to do something very, very cruel.
‘Are you out of your fucking mind?’
She expected this response, but to hear it made her want to hang her head and cry. Each second she remained only proved how absolutely stupid she had been in agreeing to come here.
Worse, even she knew it sounded unbelievable. Worse, she hadn’t even reached the most unbelievable part.
When his long legs came into view she slowly looked up. He now sat on the edge of the table, his hands gripping the edge.
What a strange pair they must look.
Malfoy, always stylish, always able to come out on top no matter how despicable he was or how impossible the situation.
And she, looking like an unkempt mess. When was the last time she had even bathed? Their situations clearly proved that no matter how committed you were to doing the right thing, it was always the cunning, spineless bastards who came out on top. What did that make her then?
The distance between them was never more great. She inexplicably felt that this was a cruel game, and she had somehow lost. All it required was that she flee from him again, proving that he was the better person for overcoming all that happened while she merely faded into obscurity.
‘Miss Granger, you appear before me with no evidence. You cannot even identify this mysterious being, and I am expected to do something about it? Come, tell me, if our positions were reversed, would you do something about it.’
She bit her lower lip in frustration. No, she would be skeptical as well. But she would at least consider it. And she certainly would not treat him like he were less than dirt, even though he was.
‘There were witnesses.’ Her voice was quiet, barely audible.
This time he threw his head back and released a sharp laugh, before arching his body away and standing upright so that he could continue to circle her like a beast circling its prey.
‘Yes, your parents. Even if I overlooked the fact that they are muggles—and by default incapable of forming a single intelligent thought—which I would never do—your witnesses are unreliable.’
She glared at him, ‘My parents are—‘
‘ Animals, Miss Granger. No different then the beasts that oaf Hagrid cares for. They have no intelligent thoughts, fuck indiscriminately, and just happen to produce offspring that look humanoid. Violent, unreliable, and altogether filthy things that would undoubtedly prefer a roll in the mud to making a clear and convincing statement.’
She almost rose from her chair and pummeled him, the only thing stopping her was the knowledge that he could use an attack to make the situation even worse. She took a deep breath. And tried to appear calm.
‘Assuming…’ he slowly walked around her, ‘…assuming for one moment that they were worthy and capable of intelligent conversation, you informed me that they were rendered senseless. Perhaps... they hallucinated everything? Perhaps you are simply a silly girl, looking for attention now that you are no longer the center of attention.’ He gripped either side of her chair and leaned close, smiling as the emotions of shock, pain, and humiliation played across her face.
This time she did rise up, and spun around, knocking her chair to the floor. It was difficult to get the words out because she was angry, but somehow she managed,'You and I both know that I outperformed every student in our class! I am not a conniving Slytherin, I actually care about doing the right things and that thing came into my house and tried to have se-‘
Malfoy’s eyes widened, turning almost silver, and she swallowed bile that threatened to spill.
He took a step closer, seizing upon that last statement.
‘Go on, finish what you were about to say, Miss Granger.’
She was frozen, and her heart began to pound wildly. Even if he was the last man on the planet she would have tried to carry this last part of the story to her grave. Because he would somehow use it to hurt her, and Hermione highly doubted she could sustain another attack.
‘I am going to leave. Obviously you do not believe me—‘
His hand lashed out, jerking her backwards when she would have fled the room, dignity in tact.
Hermione had never been this close to Malfoy. She knew logically there was no way he could be the creature that attacked her—it was about as ridiculous of someone saying that Lord Voldemort’s mission in life was to promote the treatment and equality of house elf’s—it was absolutely ridiculous. The creature was clearly attracted to her, when Malfoy treated her like a disease.
Despite what her mind knew, her body locked up. It was like the previous night, as if her body was telling her that something bad was going to happen it.
‘….Finish your story, Miss Granger,’ his lips were so close to her ear that they almost brushed against them, his breath was warm and filled her tummy with dread.
She felt something like a tremor pass up his body, and her mind went blank as fear took over.
‘Please, Malfoy, if you have any kindness in you, please just let me go home.’ Reduced to begging. Because she thought Malfoy was going to throw her down and hurt her in the worse possible way.
There was a pause, as if he were considering her words, and then he cruelly replied, ‘Granger if I were to overlook even the smallest opportunity to increase your share of pain and misery then I believe I would need to be committed.’
Hermione would not cry. Not in front him.
But she was not capable of ignoring her emotions (if he even had them) like him.
She felt her eyes begin to water even as shame and humiliation took root in her.
‘It spoke to me in French, but at that time I did not understand it because it’s accent and voice was unlike any sound I knew. I-It threw me to the ground…’
Malfoy’s body was pressed against her back, and she felt his breath hot against her ear, ‘Continue.’
That is not an erection pressing against you Hermione. Even if it is, it only shows how sick he is.
‘It tried to have sex with me. Rape me.’
He released her, and she frantically moved away, nearly falling over. She did not realize that he had been supporting her.
He returned to the front of the table and again leaned back, resting his hips against the edge. There was no sign of an erection. She quickly averted her eyes, hopinghe had not noticed. Maybe he was right and she was crazy. She had been hearing voices after all. Maybe this was the next step before she landed in St. Mungo's.
Miserable, Hermione stared at her feet.
‘Before I even address the matter of anything, human or otherwise, wishing to have intercourse with something like you, please, explain to me how you came to this conclusion. I know you enjoy providing answers.’
I hate him so much.
I truly, truly hate him.
And up until that moment, Hermione never realized just how much she hated him. She did not really feel anything. It was more like coming to a realization, and making a statement. Like stating that the grass was green. Hermione Granger hated Draco Malfoy.
‘It ripped my shirt off. It spent a lot of time touching my breasts.’
And this time she looked up at his bland, amused expression, ‘Then it addressed me as Granger and insisted that I wanted to be its ‘whore’. In fact, Malfoy, it sounded a lot like you and looked a great deal like you.’
In admitting this, she hoped to provoke him. Or make him angry.
Instead, all it seemed to do was add to his amusement.
‘Miss Granger, you spin the most interesting stories. I knew your kind are untrustworthy as a whole, but you truly confirm that even those rare few possessing the ability to infiltrate the higher classes and pose as witches—yes you give the perfect example the skills your kind are able to employ to connive and deceive others, to the point of believing that you are deserving to stand as the equal to any pureblood.’
Hermione was unable to disguise her offense, any more than she could pretend that she was invulnerable.
He had succeeded in not only manipulating her, in overpowering her with both strength and mind, but at the end still managed to destroy her confidence and kick her when she was down.
The tears fell, and he watched with delight.
‘Granger, you claim that you were attacked by an unidentified possibly magical creature when you are the only witness. Facts regarding your own mental state and ability to give a reliable statement are impacted not by your status as a muggle born but your inability to deal with the deaths of—who were they—Potter? And the idiot…what was his name…’
She was trembling now. She could not believe that this was happening, that he was insulting the memory of her most beloved friends. That he would dare to stand there and lecture her on honesty when he, they both knew, lied so often that it was borderline pathological.
‘Anyways, that does not matter. Many individuals will attest to your emotional problems.'
'My emotional problems?' She laughed under her breath, 'Is that what they are? Tell me, Malffoy, when every single person you care about is taken from you, please, come back to me and tell me how you feel.' And she looked at him, 'Oh that's right. I forgot. You won't ever be in that situation because you don't have anybody.'
His hand lashed out, faster than she could move, and slapped her so hard that she went stumbling backwards into the wall.
She continued on, having completely given up on trying to persuade him. 'Why are you angry? Is it because I laughed?'
She knew she should stop. She really should. But she wanted to make hurt him. It was impossible, but it made her feel better. Funny, when had Hermione Granger resorted to cheap tactics, when had she abandoned wisdom to fight a losing battle?
Malfoy's voice dropped to a sickeningly sweet croon,
'I couldn't help but notice your suggestion that I was the imaginary attacker when I know I was home, with my family, the night these events occurred. But probably the most outlandish element of your fable is that something desired to have intercourse you.' His voice dropped, almost inaudible, ''A mere glance at you only proves that no man, animal, or creature would ever stoop so low to fuck you.’
Hermione leaned forward and nastily replied, 'Clearly whatever attacked me had opposing opinions. Maybe you two can chat and have a discussion about it--
He looked her up and down, 'Granger only someone incapable of getting laid would want you--case in point Weasley.'
She released a quiet sob. 'Don't you dare say his name.'
He crossed his arms and cocked his head forward, again pretending concern, 'Why? Is it because...he's dead?'
'STOP IT!' She screamed, surprising them both. Then she repeated it again, in a more normal voice, 'Stop it'
He leaned back, and gently asked, 'And who was it who killed him, Granger? Let me rephrase, whose fault was it?''
'You've done enough today. I'm leaving.' She tried to stand but he pushed her back down, adding insult to injury.
So you're going to force me to sit and listen to your cruelty, 'Bastard,'
Still leaning against the desk, he reached out and placed his hands on her shoulders. Hermione turned her head, refusing to look at him'.
He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. His grip was not gentle, and she immediately tried to pull away, 'Are you freaking crazy Malfoy?! Let me go! I am leaving. I should never have come, should have left the moment you started to insult me.'
Again she tried to rise, and again he would not let her.
And that was when Hermione started to become really afraid.
Malfoy gently touched her chin and turned her face up to his, ‘But I can clearly see you want me to be that person. In your fantasies, you said I touched you here...?' He lightly caressed her breasts, 'But I doubt it ended there. I must have touched your pussy too.'
What…? 'Malfoy when I leave this office I am going to to tell the world how you treated me just now. Sure, you can sue me for slander but they aren't stupid.' She was pulling at anything to now, just to get him to release her because things were becoming weird, 'You crazy git!'
Malfoy ignored her threats, and then shocked her by sliding his hands down her body, and cupping the V between her legs. What disturbed her the most, aside from his handling of her body, was the extreme calm. As if this were truly acceptable.
'No one will disturb us, Granger. Why don't I give you what you want, and then maybe next time you won't appear before me with such silly stories.'
Her jaw dropped. 'Are you out of your MIND? Did you drink something before coming here? Malfoy, let me go!'
She managed to kick him hard, giving her a few seconds to escape. Heart pounding, she made a run for the door. It wasn't very far away.
But he tackled her to the floor, pinned her arms above her head, and looked down at her.
Hermione's heart froze.
His pupils were dilated. Iris's almost black.
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