Torment *Completed* | By : Kvarta Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 31892 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, no money is being made from it. |
A/N: Still not beta edited and running only on Grammarly so...
Severus frowned, Draco took precautions to avoid him after that dinner. As it turned out the boy was adapted at misdirection and slithering out before he could pull him to the side and ask him what is he playing at?
The image in the mirror nodded approvingly, and he frowned at it. Narcissa’ choice of robes was impeccable as always. The material was rich and followed his line perfectly, and yet not too tight giving him freedom of movement. The finest wool, soft and black was done with rich embroidery done in black silk. The effect was amazing, and only when he moved the patterns revealed in a slight shine, creating almost an illusion.
A deep growl escaped him, he argued that his old robes will suffice; he argued for days. But stubborn as he is, Narcissa finally won. Tonight is his first public appearance since the war, and Narcissa insisted that he has to look the part.
I wonder if she will insist for me to assume my grandfather's role as a resident tyrant as well?
“Sev, will you get out from behind that screen so I can see you? I am sure it doesn’t look half as bad as you make it sound.” Narcissa called.
With a deep sigh, he stepped to her view. Her eyes shined and a bright smile spread across Narcissa’ face, she tilted her head.
“Fantastic! You look amazing, a true Lord.” she whispered.
“You do not have to congratulate yourself, Cissa.” he said, frowning at her.
“Just one more detail and I won’t bother you anymore. But for the last living member of one of the oldest families, your appearance is as royal as it can get.” she nodded, pacing to him. “Please, sit down.”
“What sort of torture you plan for me?” Severus growled but sat down.
He could argue, but he knew, the battle would be lost before it even starts. Narcissa, for all her looks, was as tough as they come. Stubborn to the core. No one could stop her if she wanted something.
Now, apparently, she wanted to tinker with his hair. She summoned one of her elves and she gave it an instruction. With a little luck, I would end up with one of the elaborate hair pieces she likes to wear.
“Stop frowning, Severus.” Narcissa said.
“Have you grown eyes on the wall?” he smirked.
“No, and I don’t need to. I know you all too well.” she replied, a tone of amusement in her voice.
The elf tugged on his hair and he hissed in warning. He hated it. But the elf ignored him. She pulled his hair back and tied it with a silken ribbon, a tingle of magic told him that the ribbon will hold no matter what.
“Now, Lucius and I may be mistaken for a pair of unhappy siblings.” He grumbled.
“You act like it. Merlin, you two give me more trouble than all the children in this home.” the sharpness in Narcissa’ voice warned him that he is now testing her patience. “Hermione, do you need help with your robes?”
“Ummmm... No…” came an uncertain answer from behind the bathroom door.
“What did you get her?” he turned to Narcissa with a smirk, finding small comfort in the fact that he isn’t the only one unsatisfied with Narcissa’ choice of attire.
“Draco and Astoria chose her robes, I didn’t even see it. I hope that they didn’t choose something ghastly or he will attend the Ball with his head clean-shaven, both will.” threatening cold in Narcissa’ voice made him smirk.
Severus could envision Draco and Astoria head-shaven already. Salazar knew the boy did deserve it. Especially after the last night. What was he thinking, pushing Hermione to become my apprentice?
He wanted the girl to slowly separate and drift away from him. That was his plan. Mostly, he wanted her gone but in time. However, if he could convince her to at least reconsider that proposal, whoever the family was, that could be a neat solution to his problems.
The girl was, after all, meticulous, knowledgeable and quite competent brewer. And he could use an assistant. She would never be an inventor, but she could be one of the best brewers in the country. and, if she is to be married, she would stop pestering him, she would work and at the end of the day go to pester someone else.
The door clicked and opened, Hermione stepped into the room, her steps slow and uncertain like she was entering the cage with Nundu. He wanted to say something, anything that would make him sound like his old self, but he couldn’t. His heart lurched into his throat and stayed there logged. The best he could do is to keep the sombre look on his face.
“You look stunning, Hermione.” Narcissa smiled warmly, stepping to the girl and making her turn in a circle.
Deep, forest green, brocade silk trimmed with leaves in the colour of the old gold shimmering with her every move. The cut of the robes is modern, leaving a wide breadth of skin and just enough of cleavage to let you know it’s there. The upper part snug and a golden band running under her chest put a nice focus on that part of her body. From that ribbon the robe is widening falling in rich folds and still revealing her shape, making the body more pronounced and visible.
Her hair was once more piled up in an artistically messy nest with only a few curls falling down her neck and over her shoulders towards cleavage.
Hades flapped his wings squawking with appreciation. He turned to glare at the bird, giving himself time to get the rein over the expression of shock that threatened to emerge. He turned to the girl again, narrowing his eyes and tilting his head.
“Yes, passable. That will do.” he managed through the clenched throat.
Last year she looked lovely but this year- she transformed. In front of him was a young woman, with everything she had to offer displayed in a tasteful package.
Maybe Draco joined in on Lucius’ insane idea. He did after all wanted to push the idea… Nonsense, Draco is, and always was a self-absorbed little weasel. He wanted to redirect his father's ire.
Hermione blushed at his words, and Narcissa frowned.
“You, Severus, are incorrigible. Well, I say, prepare to fight for the company of your escort this evening.” Narcissa said. “Hermione we will see each other down in ballroom later. Now I have to help my husband before he does make a mess.”
“Hmh.” it was all that Severus replied.
Once they were alone, he forced a frown. “Hermione, I expect you to act in the capacity you are employed. Do not forget that you are still my Secretary and as such you are here to ensure that the protocol is followed.”
“Of course.” Hermione nodded, her face flushed but serious.
“As you were not only my secretary but my escort for the evening, I expect of you to spare me of various vultures who would try to dance with me. I believe you will dance with your friends…”
“Oh, no. I won’t leave my duty…” Hermione interrupted him and he glared at her.
“Yes, you will. Contrary to your rose coloured opinion of the goodness of the wizarding world, tonight all eyes will be not only on you and me but also Malfoys.” His voice was a tad too sharp, but that was good. “You will behave in a manner you would behave in this situation normally.”
“But…” she tried again.
“Hermione, the last thing I want is for you to leave the impression that you are Impiroed or a prisoner. You will act according to the event and to your role as my Secretary.” he hissed.
“Fine.” She finally nodded. “And what about the press?”
“I do not wish to talk with them.”
She nodded again, one sharp motion of the head that send tremors through her hair, loose curls rolling over the exposed part of her collarbone. He watched her as she stood there, uncertain and confused.
Misty popped up, holding a few boxes in her hands. “Lady Narcissa sends Misty with these. Madam say Missy big mouth need jewellery.”
“Oh, thank you Misty, but there is really no need…” Hermione tried but elf ignored her.
“Madam say Master took it from family home.” Misty confirmed the statement with a wobble of her head and extended the boxes to him.
He took them, doing his best not to hex the elf, after all, Narcissa was the one who deserved the hex. All boxes had the Prince family crest on them. This is all Lucius doing.
He opened the biggest square box, his frown deepening. Stiffening the growl he took a necklace from the silky bed and gave a sharp instruction.
“Turn around, Hermione.”
“But…” she wanted to protest, her entire stance recoiled in protest. Privately he agreed with her, this was not the jewellery she would wear as his secretary, but Narcissa always matched the trinkets with the dress and looks of women more than with propriety.
“It is your duty as my Secretary not to bring shame to my house. Now. Turn. Around.” he hissed.
“Fine.” Hermione frowned and turned. “But that is too expensive for a mere Secretary to wear.”
“You may thank Narcissa for it later.” he allowed poison he felt at that moment to sip in his voice.
The necklace made of white gold, the branches with small leaves woven with delicacy supported four brown diamonds around green opal. Magic tingled on the tips of his fingers as he fastened the clasp doing his best not to make any contact with her skin.
From the smaller box, he took the bracelet, a matching set to the necklace clasp it around her wrist. Finally, he took two teardrop-like earrings made of green opal and handed to Hermione to put them on.
“I expect of you to take good care of my family’s heritage...” he grumbled.
An hour later, Severus was ready to hex left and right. He was never one for social gatherings. Hermione was standing next to him, doing her part well. He was leaning on the cane, more to do something with fingers that itch to fold around the wand than out of necessity. He listened idly as Hermione chatted with Potter and Longbottom.
Severus nearly jumped at the light touch of her hand. “Ummm, sorry for startling you, but the people starting to talk. You need to dance at least one dance, is there any lady…”
“I dislike dancing, and I wouldn’t set foot on that floor with any of the hens gathered here tonight.” he hissed. “You will have to do.”
Placing his cane in Potter's hands, he tugged Hermione to the floor. They left Potter and Longbottom gaping like trouts behind them. With a smirk and not so gentle tug he positioned still stunned Hermione for the slow waltz that just started to play.
“Do not step on my toes.” he growled at her.
“I know how to dance.” She said, blush licking up her neck. “And I have to admit, you were right.”
“Indeed, the question is about what?” he squeezed the words out, focusing on keeping a distance.
“About Harry, and how he is treated. Even he noticed, but he says it is the only way for him to achieve anything. He also advised me against politics.” she admitted, her eyes lowering.
“As much as things change, politics will always stay the same.” he nodded.
He could feel the heat of her sipping through his hand and material of her robes.
“So would you?” her eyes turned to his, two huge brown orbs with yellow flakes.
“Would I what?”
“Reconsider to take me as an apprentice?” she gulped. “Now there is a cure for post-cruciatus. And I know I’m not the most imaginative one, but… If I take anything else I’ll be forced to stay there, in that castle. And, Hogwarts isn’t home anymore.”
“My ability or inability to brew, Hermione, has nothing to do with my ability to teach.” He growled. “I could lose both hands and still be able to teach even Longbottom how to brew. Albeit, him I could teach only how to brew tea without disaster.”
“So, will you? I could pay you, I have the money from the reward, and I’ll receive revenue from the patent. Draco insisted that we share profit 50:50 even if his name is first on the paper…”
“First of all, I have no use from your Galleons, I have more than enough of my own- now.” He frowned. “Second, this is not the time nor the place for such conversation.”
The melody stopped. Draco tapped him on the shoulder offering him his cane.
“Father sent me to dance with Bucktooth, he says it is good for our public image. He also says to lean on your cane like you are tired or in pain.” Draco winked.
“I believe I’m the one you should ask not Severus.” Hermione turned to Draco.
“Hermione, you have to dance with one of the hosts, and I advise you to accept Draco’s offer. Or wait for Lucius to lose his patience.” he smirked at her glare, placing her hand on Draco’.
Faking a heavy lean on the cane he retreated to the corner and watched Draco and Hermione dancing, undoubtedly exchanging barbs and insults over fake smiles.
He was now in predicament. His heart soared at the thought of keeping her as his apprentice. That was a danger, the one he had to stifle at its bud. I have to look at that offer she is pursued with. Alone she is a threat, engaged or married she is safe to handle.
He knew enough about Imagic index compatibility to know that even if it wasn’t a bond or soulmate thing, it was the best way to match couples. Most of the time it happened naturally, magic sought its counterpart, its best match. With regret, he remembered when Poppy told him that she couldn’t find his match. He ignored when she told him that he and Lily were not one for each other. Then he was so angry at Lily, he was the living proof that Compatibility never had any reign over the matters of the heart.
Yes, it would be best to push her in that direction. I could arrange for her to meet that unfortunate boy out of the context of the offer and just let things develop naturally.
~ S ~ S ~ S ~
“So you and Snape dancing, huh.” Draco wiggled his eyebrows at her.
“It is an obligation, just like my dancing with you.” Hermione hissed, angry and flustered.
Her palm still vibrated from Severus’ touch. Her bask still tingled where his hand was. She purposely missed the step, leaning more than necessary of her weight on Draco’ toes.
“No need to mangle me, Bucktooth.” Draco flashed her with a fake smile.
“You deserved it.” she gave him one glare, focusing on keeping the smile on her face.
“For?” Draco asked.
“This dress-robes, for one.” she growled quietly.
“You look like royalty. Learn how to be a human, Granger. You do…” Draco stopped mid-sentence. A faint tingle of magic buzzed up against her back. “Sorry Bucktooth, I have to go.”
Draco stopped their dance abruptly and lead her hastily to Severus. He bowed slightly and dashes to Astoria, whispering something and moving to the door.
The weasel is up to something.
Severus was talking but she didn’t listen, she will find out what was Draco up to.
“Are you listening, Miss Granger?” Severus’ sharp voice reached her, he was glaring at her, eyes narrowed.
“No, sorry. I-I have to go, leave you for a while. I’ll be right back.” she rushed the words and moved.
Hermione could hear Severus hissing her name but she hurried to follow Draco. He didn’t go far, staying on the ground floor but meandering through corridors. Casting a Cushioning charm on her soles and Muffliato she waited until Draco disappeared behind one door.
Hermione waited for a few moments hidden behind the corner. Where is an extendable ear when you need one?
She crept down the hallway. Grinn spill over her lips when she noticed that the door was ajar. Heart pounding in her chest like a hammer she snuck to the door to listen.
“I told you not to do anything, to let me handle the things.” Hermione could hear Draco hissing.
“I had to check the girl.” replied female voice.
“You said that her blood status is irrelevant to your plan.” replied Draco.
“It is, I couldn’t care less about her blood status, as long as she can give strong heirs to my family.” hissed woman.
Hermione felt anger rising, so Draco knew the family that was stalking her. Draco was working with them. I’m going to turn that little rat into a pile of ashes.
“And I told you that she is a less of a problem than he is. Keep on like this and you can kiss your family line goodbye...” growled Draco, irritation and hurry clear in his voice.
“I did what you told me, I released the hold of his magic. I even allowed that quack of a Muggle doctor to be his healer. Until I can talk to him, and tell him what is expected of him, the girl is the only one I can check on.”
Maybe it isn’t about me… severus, they are talking about Severus.
“He will fall into a trap, but you have to stop meddling.” Draco sounded angry.
“I’m growing tired of your games, boy. He has an obligation to the Prince family line and…”
Hermione pulled her wand, her heart throbbing painfully. She charged in the room, ready to hex Draco and the woman. And she was faced with angry looking Draco glaring at the portrait.
The woman at the portrait bore unmistakable traits of the family line, the resemblance was striking.
“Granger!” Dracko exclaimed, startled with her entrance.
She ignored him, want in her hand she attacked the portrait. “Obligation? What obligation? You meddlesome peace of canvas! What is he obliged to you and your family?”
“Ah, Miss Granger I presume. Well, girl, he is a Prince after all and…” started a woman, her black eyes piercing and cold.
“He wasn’t Prince when your family disowned his mother. He wasn’t a prince when his father beat them both, unprotected by her family. He wasn’t a Prince when he suffered for over 20 years as a spy. But now, after he is finally pardoned, he is a Prince.” she hissed, her wand hand trembling. “What obligation he has to you?”
“The continuation of the family line. He did accept…”
“He was tricked into it by Lucius Malfoy, you relic.” Hermione hissed, her hand raising more, she was ready to use a Fiendfyre if necessary to burn this portrait.
“Before you try anything girl, all my family portraits are impervious to fire. And I am no fool like Hellena was, you won’t even manage to singe this portrait.”
“Granger…” Draco tried again.
“You, it was you who ordered the portrait to follow me around.” her voice dropped to a whisper.
Her heart climbed to her throat. One moment of insane hope filled her, Severus, he was her match. But that was only the moment. As fast as hope filled her, her heart plummeted down.
“I did, the boy convinced me that you won’t oppose.” the woman raised her chin. “Was he mistaken?”
“He was, and I do oppose!” she growled. “Not only to you meddling with me but to messing with him.”
“The boy assured me that you love him.” the woman replied.
“I respect him. Respect him enough that I won’t force him into anything against his will. Not anymore. Respect him enough that I will protect him, even from you.” Hermione said, sparks crackling on the tip of her wand.
“Hmmm.” hummed woman. “I had my doubts about you girl, but now I see that they are unfounded. Very well, well done, boy. I am satisfied.” the woman nodded and left the portrait.
Hermione turned to Draco. “You snake, how could you…”
“Oh, shut your yapper Bucktooth.” Draco waved his hand dismissively. “I’m not blind nor daft, you know. I can see that you are in love with the old grump.”
“What I am or not, is no concern of yours. The only thing that matters are Severus’ desires. I could pull you off as my substitute, return you to the Ministry for this.”
“That’s rich,” Draco smirked. “You are the one to talk about his desires.”
“What is that suppose to mean? I always only had the best intentions for him.” she directed her wand at Draco now.
He moved fast, struggling with her to take the wand from her hand, hissing. “Did you now? And what about your mind-bond?”
“I released him of that yesterday.” she hissed back, struggling, managing to kick Draco in the knee.
He sucked the air but kept on fighting and hissing back. “Mhm, is that why you found the way to play nasty with him, against his will?”
She stopped fighting, the wand falling out of her hand, cold sweat covering her. “You, you know that that was…”
Draco picked up her wand and pressed it at her hand. “Do not act all high and mighty, Bucktooth. All I want is to see him happy, you are just a good opportunity for that to happen.”
“She placed the wand back in the holster. “Is that why your family accepted me here? Because of that? Her?”
“Why else? My father thought that proximity will do the trick and that no coercion would be necessary.” Draco smirked. “Are you so naive to think that we would play hosts for a Mudblood like you without any ulterior reason?”
“No, I am not daft either, I just thought that you really cared about Severus. And what if I tell him about your family’s little plot?” She made a few paces back and turned to Draco, anger still itching beneath her skin.
“You do that and see what happens. Do you honestly believe that Severus is well enough to move out of the Manor? To live alone?” Draco kept smirking at her and she had the desire to smack that smirk off his face.
Voices could be heard from the hallway, Draco pulled a box from his pocket. “You may thank me later, Granger. Or not at all. You may tell him or not, let us see how much do you really care for Severus.”
The door opened and Lucius glared with them, followed by thunderously looking Severus and worried Narcissa.
“What are you two doing in here?” Lucius hissed, his eyes darting to the empty portrait frame, Hermione noticed that his shoulders slacked a bit.
“You deserted your position, Hermione. I see that obligation is tightly connected to the convenience in your case.” drawled Severus, by the tightness of his voice she could see that he was mad at her.
“It is my fault.” Draco smiled brightly. “Granger just disagreed with my idea and wanted to stop me.” he extended the hand with the box.
“Is that my family ring?” Narcissa asked from behind.
“Yes, I wanted to surprise all and propose Astoria tonight, I took the ring and Granger here claimed that it is still theft if I don’t ask you for permission.”
“Family heirloom belongs to the successor, Granger.” hissed Lucius.
“Still, it would be polite to ask.” Narcissa cut in. “But now that we know what are you up to, you have our blessing.”
“And I appreciate if you two stop trespassing, this are my private quarters.” Lucius growled.
Draco turned to look at her, taunting her to say something, before walking out with his parents. Severus stayed behind to close the room and wait for her.
“I told you not to meddle into Malfoy affairs.” he hissed at her, frown etched over his face.
“Yes, a family that is unfamiliar with meddling in people lives.” she grumbled, still angry at Draco, his words ringing in her head.
“It is not your business.”
“I thought that Draco may know who is after me.” she sighed, it was the truth of a kind.
“And, does he?” Severus raised one eyebrow.
“I don’t know, I think he does. He’s avoiding the answer.” she sighed, half-truth again, Draco didn’t tell her anything, after all.
“I still think that you at least should accept to meet with them, meet the boy,...” Severus started carefully as if that subject interested him more than anger he was about to spill on her hand. Hermione sighed, the flicker of panic grabbing her.
“I told you, I have no interest in…” she started.
“You may find out that you are mistaken,” Severus said.
“I am not. And I have the feeling that you wouldn’t be agreeable with the choice either.” she snapped.
“Hermione, I couldn’t care less who the unlucky sod is.” He growled and turned to walk towards the noise of the Ball.
Oh, you would, and you wouldn’t like it one bit.
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