Torment *Completed* | By : Kvarta Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 31892 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, no money is being made from it. |
A/N: Still not beta edited and running only on Grammarly so...
Hermione directed all her focus to correct wand movement, it wasn’t particularly difficult spell but the wand movement was complicated. She squealed dropping her wand, a spell half cast bounced against the walls forcing everyone in the classroom to duck and scramble for cover. She blinked at the ethereal form in front of her.
“What is the meaning of this?” asked her new Transfiguration professor.
“Granger, whatever you do, drop it! Father told him, he knows. We are lucky the home is still in one piece.” Draco’s voice echoed before patronus dissolved.
Sheer panic clouded her mind.
She picked up her wand and dashed towards the door, the calls from her professor and murmur of students following her. In her mad dash, she headed straight to Headmistress’ office. Halfway through she remembered- she didn’t know the password.
Matron, she would know, she can help!
Pivoting she collided with someone, not even apologising she continued to the Hospital wing.
This school is bloody huge.
She never noticed that before, never gave it a moment of thought, but it was, unreasonably so.
Hermione barged into the infirmary, huffing like Hogwarts Express, the words came out as a series of unarticulated wheezes.
“Calm down, girl, what is the problem?” she heard Matron’ strict voice.
“Severus...I...go there at once…” she squeezed out. Very eloquent Hermione.
“Child, go to the Headmistress, not to me.” Huffed Matron
“I-I know, but I don’t know how to….” she stopped. Would Matron help? “I have to go there…”
“You will stay in school, Miss Granger.” Minerva's voice interfered.
“But…” Hermione turned her head sharply ready to argue her way to the Manor if need be.
“I will not tolerate students misbehaving, running off willy-nilly in the middle of the class, running into people with little as stopping, and going in and out of school as they see fit. No matter who that student is. There are rules to be followed.” Minerva’ sharp words matched her tight expression.
“But….” she tried again, desperation grabbing her gut.
“No ‘but’, Miss Granger. I also do not appreciate being asked to play an owl to a student, no less.” Minerva pressed her lips tight in displeasure.
Hermione blinked, confused.
“I had a floo call from Severus this morning, he told me to keep you here in the school, you may expect his letter with instructions during a day today.” Minerva continued. “Now, if that is settled. I can’t deduct points, because technically you have no house, however, I can and am giving you a detention. You are to report to Madam Hooch this afternoon, for next four days you will serve detention with her.”
“Y-Yes Headmistress.” she croaked.
Desperation turning into fear and displeasure, of all the things she could handle flying wasn’t one of those. Hermione frowned.
She can hit you where it hurts the most. How I didn’t notice that before?
“Do not worry, Miss Granger.” Minerva’ voice softened, same as her features. “I will visit Severus today in the afternoon and I’ll let you know how is he faring. If I see he needs your assistance, I will grant you the time of leave.”
Hermione felt like a huge boulder rolled off her back, she nodded, her cheeks heating. “Thank you, Headmistress,” she whispered.
“I’ll relieve you from classes for today. You may go to your room, reflect on your behaviour and wait for the news. Of you go now.”
“Thank you, Headmistress. Matron…” she nodded and hurried to reach her room. A few long hours later, when she almost beat herself in the ground from worrying and anger, a tapping sound finally snapped her out of the thoughts.
Hades lingered on the window till.
Hermione jumped from the bed and let the bird in, placing a handful of treats on the table. Hades allowed her to remove the scroll from his leg before he turned to the treats, crooning quietly as he ate.
She unfolded the letter, her eyes darting over the familiar script.
Don’t you dare abandon school to come here! I have no use of an apprentice with no N.E.W.T. and I expect only the top scores from you. Fail, and our deal is broken.
As your preparation for an upcoming apprenticeship, I expect you to make good use of the Hogwarts library. At the bottom of the letter, you will find an enclosed list of suggested literature, I will talk to Minerva to grant you access to all enlisted books.
There is a matter of your dishonesty, for which I am most displeased with you. I can understand why you didn’t want to divulge the information, however, dishonesty is something I won’t tolerate. I expect you to send me an essay on dishonesty- how a person can be dishonest without telling the actual lie, and why is it bad, what are repercussions. And what did you learn from this essay! Two rolls of parchment or more, by the end of the next week.
Consider it as your application essay for the apprenticeships.
I will deal with Draco in my way.
During the next holiday season, you will come here to the Manor, and we will commence with preparations to move into the Rosebush.
Do not disappoint me again.
Below his signature was a list containing maybe 20 titles. She glanced at the Hades who was still feasting.
“How is he?” She whispered to the bird. Hades raised his head and screeched ruffling his feathers. “Would you be willing to wait for a reply?”
Hades rotated his head to the side and continued to peck the treats, not rushing. Hermione took ink well, a quill and a parchment and started to write.
~ S ~ S ~ S ~
Minerva stepped from the fireplace, stomping the sod from her shoes on a designated surface. Narcissa waited patiently, and Minerva carefully hid her thoughts behind the neutral mask. In her opinion Narcissa looked exhausted, her eyes gave away the person overwhelmed with worry, concealed under the thin veil of polite indifference.
“It is nice to see you, Headmistress, thank you for coming to visit him.” Narcissa’ voice measured and polite.
“I have known Severus for far too long not to come,” Minerva replied. “How is he?”
“He’s... Physically he is good, his mind is also healing…” Narcissa replied carefully.
Minerva nodded, understanding the need to tell and to stay loyal. She brushed the remaining sot from her robes.
“Well then, we will talk a bit later Madam Malfoy, but I would like to see him. I have a student ready to bolt from school.” she smiled her tight smile at Narcissa.
“Please, follow me,” Narcissa said, a soft smile brightening her features at the mention of Hermione. “He needs company, a friendly face, more than I do.”
Narcissa led her through the hallway, up the stairs to a familiar door. And with a polite excuse, she left her. Minerva watched Narcissa's retreating form, tension obvious in regal stance. As soon as Minerva opened the door she was greeted with a stern reprimand.
“I told you not to bother me.”
“And I thought I was expected,” Minerva said.
She watched as Severus spring to his feet and glared at her. His eyes had dark bags, he looked worse for the wear, troubled. She frowned, he needed company, but a few stern words wouldn’t go amiss either. He had a stubborn frown, one he wore as a student.
“Minerva.” he motioned to her to join him.
She walked to her seat. Finally sitting down, she cleared her throat.
“Now, Severus, I do not appreciate being used as an owl. I have a very distraught student that at the moment planning how to run away from my school and care. I have Mediwitch in a half-murderous mood and terrified portraits all over the school. What do you have to say in your defence?”
“My defence?” Severus’ head spun in her direction, voice brittle, eyes narrowed, anger radiating from him. But this was a different kind of anger, one she didn’t see in him for a long time, hot and live- not calculated.
“Did you know?” Severus asked.
“Know what?” she won’t fumble with explanations.
“That the Prince family portrait followed Miss Granger around the school?” Severus barked the words.
“Not at first, but after the incident… Yes, I knew of the family connection,” she replied calmly. So that’s the problem.
Minerva hid her own anger, she will have a word with Malfoys later on. It wasn’t about what they did but more how they did it. Their actions inconvenienced her, forcing the student to act, to defend itself.
“And you approve?” there was a tingle of anger and disbelief in his voice.
“I have nothing to approve or disapprove,” she raised an eyebrow at Severus. “It is an old custom, and I have no say in it, regardless of my feelings on the matter. I do, however, strongly opposed to the disruption it caused.”
Severus thinned his eyes in a line, barking a laugh. “Oh, this is rich. Don’t tell me you will sacrifice one of your cubs, the Gryffindor Princess no less, to the altar of old customs.”
Minerva tilted her head. Is he asking for my permission or assistance? “Miss Granger is of age, and I have no authority over her decisions.”
Severus gazed at her, she could see the pain deep in his eyes, poorly hidden, it moved like a caged animal behind his eyes. She sipped her tea, giving him time to compose himself, not letting him know how much his control was slipping. Finally, Severus nodded, he leaned back.
“I need your help, Minerva,” he said.
Minerva blinked, words so foreign on Severus’ lips took her by surprise. “Regarding what?”
“I need you to- encourage Miss Granger, to find some decent young man.” Severus breathed out.
“There is no way I can influence her in either direction, Severus, and you know it. But tell me, do you- care for the girl?” She asked something didn’t sound right in his words.
“I want her out of my hair...” He replied sharply.
“And yet, you offered her apprenticeship,” she smiled at him.
“It is my duty as a teacher to provide her with the best education available. There are but a few of those who would do justice to her mind.” He leaned forward, agitated.
“I see. Are you opposed to your family’s plans?” She asked, aware how dangerous the question is, but she has to know was there a need to protect him or her student.
“Are you daft, woman?” He exploded, jumping out of the chair and turning his back to her, leaning on the window frame one hand balled in a fist. “Do I honestly look to you like an old lecher?”
“No. Then again, you are not old,” she replied.
“I’m over forty.” Severus hissed.
“And you have at least a hundred and more years in front of you. You barely stepped out of the adolescence. My question stands, are you opposed?” Minerva refused to budge. He protests too much.
“Of course I am opposed. I am her former teacher, I’m twice her age, I’m…” he kept on listing.
Minerva observed him. His back rigid, the fist poised above his head pressing at the window frame, twitching like he is squeezing it. The cup nearly dropped from her hand when the realisation hit her. He wasn’t asking for her help for the girl; he needed help. He got attached and…
“Honestly Severus, I could never imagine Miss Granger being with a man her age. I always envisioned her with someone older, contrary to the pool in the teachers' room.” She smiled, testing her theory. “Does the girl knows?”
His hand tightened hard, she could see bluish veins filling with blood, drawing a map over his skin.
“She knows. She already showed at least shred of sanity and refused.” Severus said roughly, his fist twitched.
“Then I do not see the problem.” Minerva felt confused.
“The girl refused only because she believes she is doing what she thinks I want. Her sanity stops there.” He spat, veins on his hand more prominent now.
Minerva tightened the grip on her cup. Does he realise how much he slipped just now? Or is this one of his veiled warnings? “I do not understand?” she tried to sound naïve, to jar a response from him.
“The child is not at her best reasoning, Minerva. In her confused emotional state, she convinced herself that she is in love with me.” The words sounded bitter.
“You cannot know that.” Minerva protested, she finally begun to grasp the situation and reason behind his request.
“Oh, yes, I can. I can because she told me as much.” He growled.
“If you think it is a simple infatuation, then it will pass on its own.” She shrugged.
“And what am I supposed to do in the meantime?” Severus turned to glare at her, anger vibrating in his voice. “She is your cub, you know her as well as I. She already did plenty...”
“Come now, Severus, it can’t be all that bad,” Minerva tilted her head.
“Bollocks and you know it. She already almost raped me.” He hissed, spilling his desperation like poison.
The cup clanged as it hit the floor. “Severus what-when…?”
“It happened a while ago, I was still not mobile then, she had that misguided idea…” he waved his hand dismissively. “I won’t press charges, but I do not want to take any chances. I need her- otherwise occupied- if she is to be my apprentice.”
Minerva blinked, in front of her wasn’t the spy who lived through two wars, it was a boy she once taught. Insecure and desperate. She blinked again. Miss Granger’s actions terrified her in the same measure as Severus denial did. Now she recognised that intangible shift in him, he was the weak one and he needed someone to stop him.
Poppy warned her that therapy will influence him. He needed someone to control the situation he saw problematic until he could regain his old levels of control. Minerva wondered wouldn’t be better to push him in the girl's direction instead of helping him to get away from her.
They are quite fitting for each other. “If you are sure, Severus. You know that no one would be against the match, regardless of the position or age difference.” She said softly.
His shoulders slouched, all flight leaving him. He walked back to his chair and sat, burying his face in his hands.
“My miscalculation, Minerva. I was counting on your support in this matter. I won’t allow to lose the only grain of good left in me. I won’t taint something pure for the sake of old customs.” he said in a tired voice, not lifting his head.
“My late husband was twelve years my senior and my superior in the Ministry.” She whispered. “He was also my match, and not at first but I developed a deep love for him. He wasn’t my first love, and when I met him, my heart was already broken, shattered by a Muggle who refused me, on account of being a witch.”
Severus raised his head to glance at her, expression of utter confusion on his face.
“If you have a desire to ignore your chance of happiness, there is not a thing I can do or say to stop you. I won’t encourage but also not discourage Miss Granger. But I know that magic has its way of dealing with the matters of the heart. So I will urge you to use that brain of yours and consider what you are giving up before you make a definite decision. Do not make it in haste or anger, do not make it on the back of what others might think.” She stood up, flattening unexisting wrinkles in her robe. “I have to go now, do you have any messages for the girl? Merlin knows she will be in my office as soon as I’m back in school.”
“Let her use the library to the full extent,” he said, voice barely audible. “I gave her the list of books to prepare herself for the apprenticeship, she might look for reference books as well.”
“That can be arranged.” she nodded. “I’ll come and visit you again if the need arises.”
Her heart shrunk from sadness, it was painful to see him like this. Vulnerable. She had forgotten how that looked like; he was a pillar of malice and strength for years.
Exiting to the hallway she exhaled. How much did we wrong him? How alone he is. I hope he finds happiness and peace at least.
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