Learning to Love a Veela | By : razldazzl72 Category: Harry Potter > General > General Views: 25627 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 3 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
A/N: Thanks Myk for Beta reading this!!! I hope you guys are happy!!! This is a LONG chapter and you know what?? the next ones even LONGER!!! lol. Before myk is done it is 3488 words!! I am so proud of myself!!
Chapter 12
When Harry left, he had every intention of getting up to his rooms to shower before going out flying to throw and hit things for some massive stress releaving. He was halfway there when a spell hit him. The next thing he knew, he was being stripped and shoved roughly into an empty classroom. Going by the musty smell and the cold humid air, he pretty much knew he was in the dungeons. He also noticed that his captors bound him at some point when he was being man handled. His hands were bound up over his head, held magically, leaving him no possibility of getting free on his own. He then finally noticed his captors. Noticing that there were two of them, Harry was dismayed when he noticed their size. They were big, and although he couldn't see their faces for the masks that they wore, Harry had a really good idea that his two lumbering attackers were none other than Crabbe and Goyle.
The two masked men never said a word to Harry, opting for silence, which was a rather intelligent decision for the two. They just started mumbling curse after hex and hex after curse, leaving Harry with no time between any of the pain. Harry was able to cast a small shield with wandless magic, but that didn't last very long under the barrage of spells they were flinging at him. Harry had no idea how much time had passed before they had finally finished that part of the torture. The spells that were cast on him were painful, leaving him panting in pain already. After they were done with the spells, they went after him with a whip as well. Harry lost count after the twentieth lash of the whip, listening only to the silent whistling sound the whip made as it soared through the air before connecting with his tender flesh. When they had finished with that, he was set loose and left there lying on the floor, raw and naked, blood pooling around him in startling amounts. He could only thank every God out there that they had not raped him; he didn't think that he could handle that type of indignity being thrust upon him. This had been bad enough.
Harry laid there on the cold, hard floor for who knew how long, begging for the sweet and tender mercies of a release into oblivion. He knew he needed to get help, but he was too weak. Between the spells and the intense whipping, as well as the wandless magic he'd used, he had no energy left to do anything. So he lay on the floor, cold and bleeding, and concentrated on his breathing. He went into a semi-meditative state so he wouldn't think about the pain. When he heard the door open, he prayed against all odds that it wouldn't be the masked men again. He saw a glimpse of shocking blonde hair, and he knew that it was Draco. Harry smiled as best he could, quite sure that it had came out more as a grimace of pain, before he passed out; he'd be ok now.
When Draco saw and confirmed it was Harry lying on the floor broken and bleeding, he let out a shrill, ear-splitting scream that pulled at Sirius' heart. Draco gathered Harry into his arms carefully, looking around the room for Harry's clothes. He found them in the corner still intact. When he approached them, he saw a piece of parchment laying on top of the clothes. Calling Sirius over, Draco allowed Sirius to pick up the paper. He read it out loud to the distraught boy.
"Dear Veela,
Your chosen will pay again for the crimes he committed against our lord and master. We are sorry that you too shall pay for the error of his ways, but that is the price you pay when you consort with the enemy."
Draco shook in quiet rage. Had he been a full-blooded Veela, the world would be in grave trouble; as it was, he's only a part-Veela, but whomever had done this to his chosen would pay and pay dearly. Draco gently laid Harry down amongst his robes, very carefully sniffing him over for any distinguishing smells that could atest to what had happened. He smelt no other on him other then Remus and Sirius. That was a good thing; that meant that Harry wasn't raped, only humiliated by being naked during the attack, and it had left him more vulnerable to the physical attacks. Draco looked up at Sirius, sighing out in relief to the man.
"We need to get him to Madam Pomfrey. I know he hasn't been raped, but we need to get his other wounds tended too and quickly." Draco, without hesitation, wrapped Harry in his robes and again, very carefully as too not aggravate any of his injuries even more, made his way quickly to the Hospital Wing. Halfway there, Draco called out to Sirius to find Remus and to get Dumbledore; he'd answer for this. Oh yes, Dumbledore had better have some good answers for this.
Draco stood steadfastly by Harry's bed until Poppy was through healing Harry, casting all the counter curses to all the magically inflicted injuries the boy had suffered. They were now simply waiting for Harry to wake up. Draco was running his fingers lovingly through Harry's hair, speaking softly to him, encouraging him to wake up.
"Come on, Harry; open those beautiful green eyes. I want to see them; I need to know your ok. Please, Harry, for me; I won't let anything happen to you again. I'll never let you out of my sight again. I promise you that. Come on, Harry; I know you're in there. For me, please? Sirius and Remus are here too." Draco couldn't stop the pleading tone that had entered his voice, tears jumping unbidden to his steel-gray eyes. Angrily wiping them away, it was all Draco could do to stop from turning away from his beautiful mate.
Sirius stepped up from the end of the bed, grabbing Harry's hand, he held it firmly in his own. "Come on, Bambi; wake up. I got a great prank to play on that greasy bastard; I want you to see what I have planned for him. Please, sweetheart," Sirius begged, "open your pretty green eyes; lets see them." Sirius was now rubbing circles on the back of Harry's hand with his thumb, completely unknown to him because of his constant worrying about his godson.
Harry groaned softly; he still ached, but he could tell he wasn't in pain otherwise. Sirius and Draco both gripped his hands more tightly, almost to the point of pain. Harry grimaced at the pressure on his hands causing Draco to gasp, quickly asking him what was wrong. Harry cracked open his eyes, looking up at the two men he cared for most in life, he croaked out, "I want to keep my hands attached, thanks." Draco and Sirius both smiled sheepishly at Harry, apologizing profusely, but only Draco dropped one of his hands. Harry looked over at Draco, trying to reassure the blone, he said, "I know I was naked, Draco, but they never physically touched me. I wasn't..." Harry looked down shyly trying to voice that he hadn't been raped. Draco grabbed his chin gently, forcing him to look into his eyes, and spoke softly to Harry. "I know, Harry. They didn't rape you. For that, I am happy; you still have your innocence in tact." Draco looked lovingly into Harry's eyes causing Harry to let a small smile play on his lips.
"I'm glad for that too. I'm sorry I worried you. I was coming to our rooms, honest, and I was halfway there when I guess I got hit by a spell from behind. Where did they take me anyway?" Sending a confused look towards the blonde, Harry quickly started talking again when he noticed the enraged look that was slowly taking over Draco's face. "And before you ask, I don't know who they were, but I can guess that they were Crabbe and Goyle. They were both REALLY big, but also wore masks, and when I woke up I was naked. They threw curses and hexes, and then the next thing I knew I saw you. You looked like an angel coming to my rescue." Harry's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he gazed at the other boy. "You were a vision to me back there, Draco; thank you!" Harry reached his arms out to hug his boyfriend, but Sirius was reluctant to let go of Harry's hand. Harry settled for giving Draco a one-armed hug.
"They had you down in the dungeons, Harry." Draco whispered into Harry's ear as he held his chosen mate close to him, inhaling the scent of his chosen. It was intoxicating to him to hold Harry so close when he had carried him up to the Hospital Wing just a couple of hours earlier. He slowly let go of Harry, but on his way away from him, captured his lips in a passionate kiss. Harry responded immediately to the kiss, suddenly having a vivid flashback of the war, he pulled away viciously from his boyfriend. Harry immediately tried fleeing from both men, not just Sirius, but Draco as well. Concern filled eyes watched as Harry pulled away, curling into a tight ball, and Harry then started rocking back and forth. They heard some murmurs, but couldn't make them out until they leaned in to him to listen.
"Not happening, it's over. It's gone. He's gone. They all are. They can't hurt me. He can't hurt me again. He's gone. He's gone. He can't touch me ever again." Upon hearing this, both Draco and Sirius gasped. They never knew what had happened to Harry shortly before the destruction of Voldemort. Harry never talked about what had happened, and no one dared try to ask except Dumbledore. Draco vowed he would find out, but for now he'd try to get Harry to at least talk to him again. Slowly creeping up toward the overly skittish Harry, attempting not to make him even more frightened than he already was, Draco made eye contact with the boy.
"Harry," he started softly. "Come on, Harry, talk to me; look at me, please, Harry." Draco's voice was pleading and desperate by this point. Harry had stopped mumbling and started humming, his eyes screwed tightly shut as he ignored Draco. Looking over to Sirius, Draco was exasperated to see the man only had a shrug to offer up as help. Fat lot of help he is. Sirius had briefly thought of the notion to get Albus to help, but then thought about what had happened that morning, deciding that that wasn't so smart, and that he was still mad with no idea how Harry would handle the old fool at the moment. Sirius decided against calling for the proverbial back-up.
Harry peaked out through his fringe of bangs, looking at Draco. In a whisper that sounded as if it was coming from a broken man, Harry said, "You're not him. You won't hurt me." Then, like a child, crawled up into Draco's lap and sobbed. "I'm sorry I'm weak. I'm so sorry." Draco knew nothing of what to do for his mate. Nothing at all. So he just comforted the young man on his lap and looked desperately toward Sirius who was just as clueless as to what to do.
"Harry, sweetie, are you going to be all right?" The concern dripping out of his mouth caused Harry to further snuggle into Draco's lap. Slowly nodding that he would in fact be all right, Harry slowly looked at the other man that was in the room before shyly speaking to him.
"It's just everything came back, Siri," Harry whispered after his sobbing subsided. "He hurt me, Sirius. They did the same things he did to me. There was one thing they didn't do though; they didn't make me kiss them, not like he did," Harry spat getting angry. "He made me kiss him. It was vile. Then he cursed me again and said things to me. Gods, Siri, the things he said to me." Harry shuddered from the mere memory of the act and the words he'd heard.
"Shhhh, it's all right Harry; he isn't here anymore. He never will be here again. It's all over," Draco whispered into Harry's ear. Rubbing Harry's back still, he continued to speak to him in gentle tones. "Harry, are you sure your going to be all right?" Draco asked, once again making sure his boyfriend thought he'd be okay. He felt a nod on his chest.
"Just give me a little time, Draco. What I went through today brought up a lot of memories. Memories I've been hiding from. Hiding from both myself and others. I know I need to deal with them, but they are very painful. I'm sorry." Harry finished in such a dejected voice; it shocked both Sirius and Draco.
"Harry, what on earth are you sorry for?" Sirius asked, wondering about his godson's mental health if he felt the need to apologize.
"I'm sorry that I worry everyone," Harry spat, truly mad with himself. "I'm sorry I'm so weak I couldn't, and can't, deal with what happened to me over Christmas, and today." Harry's voice was laced with pure venom for himself. Draco and Sirius both looked at each other concern evident in their eyes.
"Harry," Sirius cooed, "those are not things you should be sorry for, not at all. You were not in control of either situation. We both understand this is a very difficult thing for you to go through. Yes, we were very worried when you disappeared like you did, but it's not your fault, Bambi. You have to believe that. You know I would never lie to you. I am not about to start now. You were upset with what I told you this morning; that's totally understandable." Sirius pulled Harry out of Draco's embrace and was holding his shoulders an arms length away from himself to make sure Harry kept his eyes locked with his own. "You were not on your guard, and it's understandable. What Dumbledore and Snape both did was unforgivable, and to keep that kind of information from you was wrong. I can understand how upset you were. I was livid and it wasn't me they lied to; it was you." Sirius pulled Harry into a hug and rubbed his hair. " I love you, Bambi; you know I'd do anything for you. I'm sorry for telling you without Draco being there to walk with you. I knew you'd be upset. If you want to play the blame game, I am just as much to blame as you are for today." Sirius had tears in his eyes and was losing wind as he went on with his ramble. He believed everything he was saying to the battered young man in front of him.
"Sirius, there was no way you could have known they'd come after me like they did." Harry protested quite strongly.
"That was the whole point of that, Harry. He couldn't know, just as you couldn't know either. There is no apology you need to give to anyone but yourself really. And that is only for the memories of Christmas that you haven't dealt with." Draco spoke softly, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist from behind. Harry was sandwiched in between both Draco and Sirius, and for the first time since his parents had died all those years ago, Harry felt safe and secure in the fact that people loved him. "Sirius and I will help you Harry. We will be there with you every step of the way. We will be there when you yell and scream; we will also be there when you cry. You will get through this, and we will help you." Draco laid his cheek down on the top of Harry's head. Sirius stood about three inches taller then Draco, so he laid his cheek atop Draco's head. That was the sight the headmaster walked in on.
Albus Dumbledore couldn't hold back the sad smile that played upon his lips. Harry had been through so much in his short life, and then he and Severus had indeed withheld information that Harry would have loved to know. Severus was his second cousin on his father's side, and Albus himself was a distant uncle of sorts. His reasoning though for keeping this from Harry would never be a good enough reason for Harry; he knew this. He'd actually been embarrassed of his sister. Even though he had loved her, she was a squib, the only one of his siblings that wasn't magical. Outside of his family he never mentioned her; she was an outcast from society due to her condition. She had, in turn; actually married another squib. They had one child, and that child married a muggle. And so on went down the line until Lily Evans had been born. She then, of course, married another powerful wizard, and they had Harry who, in his own rights, was extremely powerful.
Severus and James had never liked each other. James' aunt on his father's side was Severus' mother. The two siblings had different ideals, and therefore caused a rift between them and therefore, their children. Harry only reminded Severus' of what his 'goodie two-shoes' cousin had and he didn't. James and Lily had a love of a lifetime. That love in turn created Harry. Severus was jealous of Harry. He'd believed that Lily's sister would spoil him rotten. Even after he found out otherwise, he was still jealous of all the attention Harry got because of what had happened that fateful Halloween night so many years ago. Severus always believed that Lily should have gotten the credit for it, not Harry. To say he was shocked when he found out Harry felt the same way was an understatement. Still after everything, Severus had a grudging respect for Harry. It only grew after what had happened during the Christmas Hols when Voldemort was defeated. Severus still didn't tell Harry they were related though. He figured Harry would wonder why he never tried to get him away from the awful muggles, or that the boy would reject him due to how he use to treat him. Albus had also suggested he not tell Harry; he never did explain his reasoning to Severus though.
Albus approached the trio that clung to each other, drawing strength from each other.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have some business I need to attend to with Sirius. He won't be gone long. In fact, he'll just be over in that corner with me. Is that all right?" Albus looked at Harry who was glaring at him. Harry then looked up at Sirius who nodded. Harry pulled away from Sirius and leaned heavily into Draco. Turning his head to nuzzle into Draco's neck, Harry wrapped his hands around Draco's forearms. Sirius smiled at the couple as Draco backed up to the bed to get on with Harry still leaning against him, whispering endearments into his ear. A small smile played on Harry's lips.
Sirius and Albus went to the corner of the wing were Albus cast a silencing spell.
"I did some tests on the parchment you gave me earlier. Harry was right; it was at least Mr. Crabbe as it was his handwriting, and Severus even verified this information. I am sorry I can't give you more information then that. I assume your going to at least tell Draco?" Albus looked over the top of his spectacles at Sirius. Sirius nodded, and Albus returned the nod and released the spell. Sirius went back over to Harry and Draco. He whispered what he'd found out into Draco's ear, watching as fury flashed in Draco's eyes. Draco gently pulled himself away from Harry; although, he'd like nothing better than to stay with Harry just like this for all eternity. Bidding his goodbye to Sirius, Draco made sure Harry was safely ensconced in Sirius' arms before he left. Draco would now never leave Harry alone knowingly, not after what happened this morning. He noticed it was getting on to be about lunchtime, which also meant that Pansy would be returning back shortly.
Draco walked out of the Hospital Wing and was on his way to the dungeons, when he just so happened to meet up with Pansy when he was halfway to his destination.
"Draco, there you are. So tell me, who is your mate?" Pansy said in a sickeningly sweet voice full of hope.
"Hello, Pansy," Draco ground out to the girl that stood in his way. "My mate is none of your concern at the moment, and I have a debt to settle, so if you'll excuse me." Draco turned on his heel, leaving a mystified Pansy to follow after him.
End Chappie 12!! See, Harry wasn't raped only humiliated, hope you can handle that!! Chappie 13 teaser--Pansy learns and Crabbe and Goyle pay!!
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