Nobody Tell | By : GryffindorToy Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 20220 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
*Standard disclaimer applies* I DON’T OWN IT!
A/N: Yay Inspiration! The newest installment in this fic! I’d really like some more reviews, but regardless of that I will continue to write, because even though I don’t have as many reviews as I’d like, I know you guys still read it and enjoy it. It is evident in the number of people who have this story on their alerts and in their favorites! ^_^ Thank you for not losing hope! Enjoy!
Chapter 11
“Father,” Draco said, his face falling into his impassive mask. He noticed the way Ron tensed up as soon as he saw the elder Malfoy and inwardly sighed. ‘Please don’t let him do anything stupid!’ he prayed.
“It appears that what Mr. Potter said at this evenings meeting was true,” Lucius said, looking at his son with disdain, “You two really are- friends.”
Draco felt fear and panic rising in his stomach and he fought to keep it down. “Harry was at the meeting?”
“Oh, yes,” the man sneered, a sadistic glint in his eyes, “It was especially- festive- with him there to entertain us…”
“What did you do to him?” Hermione said, her voice dangerously low.
“I, personally, did nothing but watch. Although we did learn some interesting facts about the boy…” Lucius smirked, “Regarding his uncle.”
“Leave. Now,” Hermione growled.
“Miss Granger, I never would have expected such manners from an upstanding young witch like yourself,” Lucius said, “Besides, you have no reason to be so hostile with me. I couldn’t very well jump to his rescue, could I?”
“Pardon?” Draco said, “Why would you jump to his rescue to begin with?”
“I don’t particularly care for- those types of activities, for one,” Lucius stated, “And for another thing, I do not wish for my only hope for freedom to be killed.”
“What types of activities?” Hermione asked, her voice shaking.
“Would you like me to draw you a picture, Miss Granger?” Lucius sneered, “Thankfully, the boy had just enough power to retrieve his wand and apparate out of there.”
“Lucius?” Severus said, drawing their attention back to him, “Does this mean that you have deflected?”
“It means neither this, nor that,” Lucius said, “I merely wish to look out for me and my family.”
Severus raised an eyebrow at him.
“Don’t even try Legilimency on me, Severus, you know that my mind is too strong for you to penetrate. Do you still not trust me?” Lucius said.
“No,” Draco said, surprising them all, “I know that you’re up to something, father, and I mean to find out exactly what it is.”
“Draco…” Harry said, sitting up stiffly. They all turned to him and Hermione rushed to his side to help him sit more comfortably. “Everybody deserves a second chance.”
“Do you see that, Draco?” Lucius said smugly.
Draco scowled at his father before turning back to Harry. “I know my father, Harry, and he is a very good actor. We can’t trust him.”
Harry smiled warmly. “I said the same thing about you and Severus, remember?”
“That’s different,” Draco insisted.
“How?” he asked, “Draco, give your father a chance. He may have actually changed.”
Draco sighed, realizing that he was fighting a losing battle. “Very well. However, I still don’t trust him.”
“Will you be staying long, Mr. Malfoy?” Harry asked.
“Just until the end of the week. I persuaded Minerva to let me stay and catch up with Draco on the condition that I don’t get in the way of his studies,” Lucius said.
“So, how did you get out this time, Father?” Draco asked.
“Of course, the ministry realized that they had made a mistake and released me of their own accord,” Lucius said.
“But… you were at the meeting tonight,” Draco said, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
“Draco, I only continue to attend the meetings in order to ensure that you come to no harm,” Lucius said, finally allowing some concern to show in his expression, “If I suddenly stopped showing up, the Dark Lord would surely come for you to lure me back to his inner-circle. And I will not have the last of my family placed in danger because of my own cowardice. I assure that when the time comes for the final battle, I will not be fighting alongside the Death Eaters.”
Draco was taken aback by his father’s show of emotion and could only nod slowly.
Harry smiled. “I’m glad to hear it.”
“I’m sure you have some things to discuss, so I believe I will retire,” Lucius said, “Draco, would you please join me for breakfast tomorrow? Feel free to bring Mr. Potter if you wish.”
“Sure…” Draco said uncertainly, “But… where are your quarters?”
“Right next to Severus’,” Lucius said, “Good evening.”
They said their goodbyes and Lucius left, shutting the door softly on his way out.
Harry grinned at Draco.
“Shut up, Potter,” he said, “I still don’t trust him.”
Harry sighed, still smiling, and shook his head at the stubborn blonde.
In the next moment, Dobby appeared with a tray full of food, positively beaming. The elves in the kitchen had indeed piled all of Harry’s favorite foods onto the tray. Roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob, raspberry tea, and strawberry tart. His mouth watered as Dobby handed the tray to Hermione.
“Thank you so much, Dobby. I hadn’t realized how hungry I am until just now,” Harry said.
“We is remembering your favorites, Harry Potter, sir?” Dobby asked.
Harry nodded, smiling.
“The others will be most happy when Dobby tells them!” the little elf squeaked, disappearing again with a large grin.
“Harry, I want you to eat as much of that as you can and then you need to take these potions,” Severus said, setting three vials on the bedside table, “The green will heal any bruises and lacerations, the purple will heal the hairline fracture in your left leg- yes, I already performed the scan, while you were speaking with Lucius- and the light blue is a dreamless sleep.”
“It’s never looked that way before,” Harry said, eyeing the light blue concoction suspiciously.
“Yes, well I added some mint leaves to make it taste better,” Severus said, feigning indifference.
Harry smiled. “Thank you.”
Draco grinned knowingly. He’d only seen the stony hearted Potions Master add flavors to the potions he gave to Draco. Obviously, the man had grown a soft spot for the Golden Boy…
“Wipe that smirk off your face, Mr. Malfoy, before I do it for you,” Severus snapped.
“Whatever are you talking about, Sev?” Draco asked innocently.
Severus rolled his eyes. “If you’ll excuse me, I believe I, too, will retire.”
“Goodnight, Sev,” Draco called as the door slammed shut.
“What was that all about?” Hermione asked.
“Denial. He doesn’t want to admit it, but he’s gotten soft on Harry,” Draco replied, chuckling.
Harry would have commented on how absurd that sounded, but he was rather preoccupied with his strawberry tart.
“Ron?” Hermione said, noticing that the red-head hadn’t moved since Lucius Malfoy had entered the room, “Are you okay?”
“Fine,” he retorted, and then turned to them quickly, glaring, “How could you just forgive him, Harry? After everything he’s done… trying to get Dumbledore fired repeatedly, getting Hagrid thrown into Azkaban, the way he treated Dobby, almost killing Ginny! Have you forgotten about all that?!”
“People can change, Ron,” Harry said, finishing his tea and setting the tray aside, “Just look at Draco and Severus. You managed to get over your hatred of them.”
“Neither of them tried to kill you! They may have been slimy gits, but… Lucius Malfoy is- he’s just evil, Harry,” Ron said, “I’m with Malfoy. I don’t trust him.”
Harry sighed. “You guys can believe whatever you want. I won’t try to convince you otherwise. However, I’m going to give him a chance. He seemed really sincere.”
Draco shook his head. ‘Harry… after everything you’ve been through, how can still be so- naïve… so damned innocent,’ he thought, smiling softly, ‘But I guess that’s part of your charm…’
“You guys should go, now,” Harry said, picking up the first two vials of potion and downing them, “I’m just going to sleep, so… I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Alright, Harry,” Hermione said, leaning over and kissing his forehead, “Goodnight.”
“See you tomorrow, mate,” Ron said, grinning as he followed Hermione to her room.
Draco made to leave, but Harry stayed him with a hand on his arm. “I didn’t mean you. It’s your room, you know,” he said, blushing.
“I was going to go sleep on the sofa in the Slytherin common room… or make Blaise give me his bed,” Draco said.
Harry’s blush deepened. “That’s stupid. We can share the bed.”
“Are you sure?” Draco asked.
“Yeah… it’s just sleeping,” he replied, taking the light blue potion and grinning, “It really tastes a lot better this way.”
“No kidding…” Draco said, helping the boy get more comfortable.
“Goodnight, Draco,” he whispered, before falling into slumber.
Draco pulled a chair next to the bed and sat down, watching Harry sleep. While he was awake, he almost always seemed to be troubled. However, while sleeping, he looked so peaceful. He brushed his fingers over the infamous lightning bolt shaped scar, feeling a chill run down his spine as he thought about how that scar came to be. Harry had lost both of his parents before he ever had a chance to know them, and when the same curse had been turned on him, rather than die, he was left with two scars. The one on his forehead, and one on his heart, that ran much deeper. Because of that one night, Harry would never know what it was to have a family.
No… that was wrong. Harry had a family. The Weasleys were his family, and Hermione and Lupin. He hoped with all his heart that one day he, too, would be a part of Harry’s family. However, at the moment he was content to just be with the small, raven haired boy. He smiled and gently removed the glasses that Harry had forgotten about, before dressing for bed. ‘Tomorrow is going to be a long day…’
Harry woke feeling more rested and content than he had in a very, very long time. He tried to sit up, but was held down by something heavy lying across his chest. He panicked, his mind going to the previous night, when he had been held down by Death Eaters. He fought the unknown appendage, only succeeding in getting his feet tangled in the sheets, as well. He cried out, struggling even harder to free himself.
Draco woke to find Harry flailing about frantically, his eyes wide in fear and silent tears leaking from the corners of his eyes. He instantly sat up and pulled him into his arms, ignoring the boy’s struggles.
“Harry, calm down,” he whispered soothingly, “It’s Draco. We’re at Hogwarts… nobody is going to hurt you, Harry, I promise.”
Harry calmed down slightly and looked up at Draco as if seeing him for the first time. “Draco…?”
“I’m here. It’s okay,” he said, rubbing circles on his back, remembering what Hermione said the previous night.
“Oh… Gods…” Harry breathed, collapsing into the comforting embrace, “I woke up and- I couldn’t move… I thought… last night- it was the same… I was so- scared.”
“I know. I’m sorry,” Draco said, “I should have gone to the common room…”
“No! It wasn’t your fault. I’m fine,” Harry said unconvincingly.
Draco sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It was my fault, Harry. I should have known better. I shouldn’t have listened to you.”
“I’ll be fine,” Harry stated, “Really. I need to get over this, and that’s never going to happen if I don’t face it. And if I have to face it, I’d rather face it with you than anybody else…”
Draco smiled. “Do you want to get up, now?”
Harry shook his head. “I think I’d rather just stay here all day.”
“All day?” Draco asked, chuckling, “We have things to do, you know.”
“Just a little bit longer, then,” Harry replied, “I don’t know why you’re so different…”
“Different how?” Draco asked.
Harry blushed. “I dunno… you hold me and I- I feel safe and warm, but- when other people brush against me in the hall… it sends little shots of fear into my heart… and the thought of- er… kissing anybody else… it’s just disgusting…” He hid his face in Draco’s shoulder, embarrassed at having finally voiced his thoughts.
Draco grinned. “That’s good, because I don’t want anybody else kissing or holding you.”
“Shut up!” Harry said, his voice muffled by Draco’s shirt, “You better be okay with Hermione holding me, you know. She wouldn’t take kindly to being cut off from mothering me to death.”
Draco laughed, the sound rumbling through his chest and making Harry smile. “I’m fine with your family comforting you, Harry. That’s what families do.”
Harry looked up at him, grinning. “So… does that make you family, now?”
“I’m your boyfriend, remember?” Draco said, winking at him.
He hid his face again, blushing. “Idiot…” he muttered.
“We should probably be getting out of bed soon,” Draco said.
“Don’t want to…” Harry retorted, trying to get closer to Draco’s warmth.
Draco placed a soft kiss on top of his head. “Alright, then… we do this the hard way.”
He pulled Harry off of the bed and carried him into the bathroom. With a wave of his wand, the tub was filled, and he promptly dumped his struggling bundle into the warm, perfumed water. Harry emerged, laughing and sputtering.
“What the hell?” he exclaimed through his laughter, “I don’t have any clothes here, you git!”
“That’s fine, you can use some of mine,” Draco replied.
“In case you haven’t noticed, you’re a fair bit bigger than me,” Harry stated.
Draco sighed, rolling his eyes. “There’s a simple spell to fix that. Now who’s the git? Have a good bath!” Draco called, shutting the door and narrowly avoiding the bar of soap that was flung at him.
Harry quickly shucked the pajamas and bathed. When he stepped out and dried himself, he noticed that an outfit had magically appeared on the counter. He slipped into the black pants and silk, emerald button-up, and walked into the room, where Draco was involved in a book.
He cleared his throat. “The spell, maybe? I feel like I’m drowning, here.”
Draco laughed. Harry looked like he was drowning in the fabric. He cast the spell and the clothes immediately shrank to fit Harry’s slim, lithe figure. Draco transfigured his sneakers into black dress shoes and handed them to Harry.
:”Why are you dressing me up?” Harry asked.
“We’re having breakfast with my father,” Draco replied.
“Who’s this we that you speak of? I don’t remember agreeing to accompany you,” he said snidely.
“Yes, just keep that tone until breakfast is done with and you’ll fit right in,” Draco said.
Harry rolled his eyes. “Go take your four hour shower that I’m sure you take!”
“I take offense to that remark!” Draco sniffed, “I’ll have you know, it’s only three.”
“Whatever!” Harry said, “Just go, so we can get this over with.”
Draco chuckled, walking into the bathroom with his clothes in hand. To Harry’s surprise, he only took about forty-five minutes in the bathroom before he came out, looking perfect, as usual.
He groaned. “Why can’t I look like that in the morning?”
“Because, it’s a hereditary trait,” Draco said, smirking, “Besides, you look perfect the way you are. If you looked any different… well, it would be a tragedy.”
Harry could only blink in response. Out of all the words he would have thought to describe his appearance, ‘perfect’ was not one of them. He shrugged, following Draco out of the room. ‘Today is going to be a long day…’
I don’t know why, but that seemed like a good place to stop. Hmm. Another nice length chapter. Not as long as the last one, but still a good length. I’m rather proud of myself. Next one will be longer as it contains both the breakfast with (ick) Lucius and the G.A.S. meeting. Bwah hahahahahahaha! Yes, GAS will make quite a few more appearances! YAY! Until next time… A bientot!
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