Family Means More Than Blood | By : WingsofaDream Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 59852 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 7 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and its associated characters are property of J K Rowling, not me. This story is not being written for profit, just for the lols. |
31st October 1989: Evening
Harry sighed to himself gently as he silently made his way to his father's quarters in order to spend some time with the man. What with lessons getting in the way the majority of the time, the boy had very few chances to talk to the Potions professor outside of class and he was starting to miss him (and in classes themselves, the man usually ignored him on the whole which was understandable; be too harsh and it would cause problems between them, be too soft and it would be blatant favouritism). At least when he attended Saint Gwenifwar's, they would write to each other. Now that he was at Hogwarts, they just had very little contact. It was the same situation with Draco too and he was already making plans to find the blond later, after dinner, to invite him to possibly spend some time with both him and his father.
Turning a corner, Harry froze in his tracks as he suddenly realised exactly where he was. It was THE corridor, the very corridor that, two years ago, he had been caught by Peter Pettigrew and hauled outside to Voldemort. He shivered involuntarily and continued on much more slowly, unable to stop himself from being a little wary now. This had been the first time since that Hallowe'en that he had been back in this corridor. Severus had made very sure that he did not go anywhere near it when he was in the dungeons. The fact that this was the anniversary of the event made things no better.
Harry turned another corner and his eyes were instantly drawn to a door a small way away from him, behind which was the room where he had heard Pettigrew talking to Voldemort. Driven my some strange urge, be it morbid nostalgia or a desire to face his fears, he made his way over to the door and, upon reaching it, took hold of its handle. For several minutes he simply stared down at where his hand was clutching the dusty brass handle, asking himself silently what in Merlin's name he was doing while at the same time assuring himself that nothing was going to happen this time. Eventually, he plucked up the courage to push the door open.
A loud creak sounded as the door swung forward slowly and the room behind was revealed. Everything in the room was covered in a fine layer of dust; the room had obviously not been used for a few years before the Pettigrew incident which had simply ensured that it would never be used again. It was completely void of furniture as well as rather dark inside, the only light struggling to come through the dusty window at the side which was enchanted to show a view of outside, and it was horribly silent. Never the less, Harry stepped inside cautiously, heading straight over to the only thing of interest in the room; the fire place.
The low sound of his feet on the floorboards filled the room for a few seconds before he came to a stop, his eyes fixed on the soot-filled fire place. Harry stared down at the pile of soot in the middle of the alcove, his only thought that the face of Voldemort had once been right where he was staring. The more he looked down at the soot, the more he was sure that Voldemort's face was still there. With a shudder, he lifted his right foot and kicked the pile of soot so that its arrangement was totally ruined and it no longer looked so much like Voldemort in his eyes. However, once the soot settled once again, Harry realised that he had uncovered something which had been underneath; something golden and glittery.
Harry frowned lightly and intended to crouch down to move the soot away with his hand in order to get a better look at whatever it was he had just found. Suddenly though, a large hand from behind came to rest on his shoulder, scaring him to the point of screaming out loud while his hands flew up to cover the lower half of his face, backing away as he turned to look to see who it was. His heart began to slow considerably upon seeing that it was only his father now standing with him, obviously not in the least surprised by his son's reaction, or if he was surprised he hid it very well.
"I didn't hear you come in." Harry said slightly breathlessly, his hands leaving his face to either drop to his side or to cover his chest in an unconscious gesture of self-protection.
"Obviously." Severus said in a toneless voice. "You shouldn't be in here, Haryon."
"I know, I'm sorry. I was just trying...I just wanted to...I-I don't know what I thought I was doing. I'm sorry; I didn't mean to cause you any trouble."
When he felt his father cup his cheek though, Harry lifted his head once again to see the man was now kneeling to his height, a look of concern on his face. "You haven't caused me any trouble, Haryon, though you did give the Fifth Year prefect who saw that the door was open quite a scare." He assured gently, his tone becoming slightly amused at the end of his sentence. "Did you come down here for the sole purpose of coming in here?"
"No, I was coming down to see you. It-it's been so long since we saw each other properly and I-I just wanted to spend some time with you before dinner tonight." Harry explained somewhat shyly, still concerned that he had put his father out. The smile that bloomed on the usually stern man's face was reassuring however and he felt his confidence return a little at the sight.
"Then let's go back to my quarters, hmm? And you can prattle on about everything and anything to your heart's content." His father promised and although the words were not exactly kind, his tone more than made up for it as it was soft and gentle and kind.
Harry smiled to himself as Severus stood and he immediately latched onto the man's hand. He missed the slightly surprised look on his father's face at the action and pressed himself close to his side, beyond happy that they were able to spend some time together again. He was well aware that boys his age were supposed to be starting to draw away from their parents, getting to the age where they were embarrassing more than anything, but Harry could not bring himself to feel that way. His father meant the world to him and he wanted to spend time with him, to be seen with him, to be close to him both physically and emotionally and he did not think that would ever change.
Talking between themselves quietly, the father and son left the room, the glint of gold underneath the soot in the fire place completely forgotten.
10th November 1989: Midday
It was a mild, rather sunny late-Autumn lunch time when a student at Hogwarts would be able to find the Gryffindor Quidditch team practising hard for their match against Slytheirn which was coming up in a few days. Down on the ground, sitting with his back resting against one of the House stands with some homework on his knees, Harry sat on his own, occasionally looking up at the practising teenagers before returning to his assignment for his father's Potions class. He had agreed that morning to join the twins in watching the team practise but had obviously arrived early as there were still no twins in sight. That was why he was doing homework; it was necessary to get it out of the way when Fred and George were not there to distract him.
With a frown, Harry crossed out the line he had just written upon realising that it made absolutely no sense what so ever. He rewrote it underneath and gave a sigh, still not liking how he had phrased it but not knowing how else to put it and he was reluctant to try it again. He did not want a foot of parchment covered with crossing outs and he could not be bothered to write it all out again once it was finished.
"Harry! There you are!" George's voice suddenly called to him excitedly.
Harry looked up to see that the ginger haired boy and his twin brother were dashing towards him, looking far more enthusiastic and hyper than usual.
"We've been searching for you for ages!" Fred gasped out upon reaching him.
"Look what we've got!" George said as he fell to his knees beside Harry and thrust something straight into the dark haired boy's personal space.
"...It's a bare piece of parchment..." Harry said, his body leaning back slightly as he warily looked at the object that George had practically shoved in his face, unsure of anything the twins were so enthusiastic about.
"It's not just any bare piece of parchment." George corrected his friend excitedly as he shifted into a more comfortable position which also moved him closer to Harry.
"It's a bare piece of parchment that we nicked from the confiscated items box in Filch's office." Fred told him, moving around to sit beside his brother and the other boy.
"Okay...So what does it do?" Harry enquired carefully, still wary of the paper which was still uncomfortably close to him in his opinion.
"We're not sure yet..."
"...But it's gotta be something good!"
"Why does it?"
"Because it was in the confiscated box Filch's office!" George insisted.
"He's hardly gonna have something as pointless as a bare bit of parchment in his confiscated box if there wasn't more to it." Fred elaborated on his brother's point, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"But even if it is something more, how do you make whatever it is happen?" Harry pointed out reasonably as he leaned over slightly to have a closer look at it.
"That's the bit we're still trying to find out." George admitted, the enthusiasm in his voice fading somewhat with that confession.
"We'll figure it out though." Fred said confidently.
"Course we will; won't be too hard." His twin agreed, his tone cheering once again.
"And you just know it's gonna be worth the effort."
"Yeah, like it has the passwords to every place in Hogwarts."
Although Fred continued the list of possible things that piece of parchment might show, his voice faded into the background as something behind George's head caught Harry's eye and held his attention. Flashes of gold every so often glinted by the ginger boy's right ear. It was distracting to say the least and Harry had a pretty good idea of what it was. So, without really thinking about it, he reached forward quickly, appearing at first to be simply lunging at his friend.
"Woah! Hey, what on Earth...!" George cried in surprise as he quickly fell onto his side to avoid Harry's hand just as it closed around whatever it was that had caught his eye.
"This was zipping around behind your head; it was getting on my nerves." Harry told him, holding his hand up to show where he had the snitch the team was practising with caged in his hand, the wings fluttering and calming as they watched.
"You...You just reached out..." Fred gasped in disbelief.
"...And you just grabbed it..." George continued, his voice exactly the same as his twin's.
Harry merely looked at the two boys without comprehension, not understanding what the big deal was. So he caught the snitch, that was hardly anything special. After all, you just had to watch any random Quidditch match and the odds were that one of the Seekers would catch the snitch eventually.
"Charlie, over here!" Fred suddenly called excitedly, leaping onto his feet and ushering his older brother over like a mad man. "Harry's got it; he caught the snitch!"
That loud declaration seemed to reach every member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team because they all stopped what they were doing and stared in the First Years in shock. "Harry caught the snitch?" Charlie repeated upon reaching them and touching down on the ground. "I mean, he actually caught the snitch?"
"Yes, he actually caught the snitch." Fred insisted as the older Weasley joined them.
"It was right next to my head and he just reached out..." George began.
"...And grabbed it before either of us even knew what he was doing." Fred finished, upon which the twins turned to look at their friend who looked like he just wanted the ground to split open and swallow him whole.
"Tell him, Harry!" The two red-heads insisted together.
Harry cringed a little at the looks he was getting from everywhere, whether they were disbelieving, skeptical or, in the case of Fred and George, filled with awe and excitement. "Yeah," he said to Charlie somewhat weakly. "I, uh, caught the snitch."
"Wow, that's amazing for a kid your age who's never played a proper game of Quidditch before. You haven't played a proper game before, right?" Charlie checked, almost as an after thought.
"No, only ever one on ones with Draco." Harry confirmed, dropping the tamed snitch into Charlie's hand when the older boy held it out.
"Very impressive. No doubt someday you'll make the team yourself."
"Oh, I don't know about that. I've always just liked playing it for fun; I'm not sure I'd still enjoy it if I felt I had to win."
"Oh well, think about it at least. After all, several players are gonna be leaving after this year so there'll be plenty of opportunities to get on and with talent like yours, Harry, I'm sure whoever replaces me as captain will snap you up in a second."
"Hey, what time is it?" Fred asked suddenly, glancing over to his older brother.
"Half past one." Charlie answered, glancing down at the special wrist-watch he had been gifted with on his seventeenth birthday to mark his coming of age.
"Bloody Hell!" The twins swore together as they stood up abruptly.
"We were supposed to be in detention with your dad ten minutes ago!" George cried as the two boys scrambled off of the stand.
"We'll see you back in the common room later." Fred called behind them as he and his brother sprinted away.
"Well that was sudden." Charlie noted, amused. He leaned on his broom lazily and smiled down at Harry. "Are you off now too? You have a lesson with that Elvish guy soon don't you?"
"Mmhmm, but not for another few hours. I've nothing else to do so I'll just stay here, as long as that's okay?"
"Course it's okay, you don't even have to ask." The older boy assured before lifting his broom and straddling it before kicking off the ground and rising in the air again, going to start up another practice match with the team.
Several minutes passed in which Harry managed to finish his homework and then settled back to watch the teenagers above him zipping around effortlessly in any given direction. It was almost impossible to actually follow what it was they were doing exactly but Harry was hardly in the mood to concentrate. From where he was, he could make out enough to stop him from getting bored but not enough to get him interested enough to make him want to sit up and give the game his undivided attention.
Abruptly, the figures above him disappeared as did everything else. Sound was silenced and the green, blue and light around him faded into pure black, the only thing not being sucked into the void being Charlie Weasley, up in the sky on his broom. Harry looked around himself in complete confusion and was about to get to his feet and call to the teenager above to ask if he knew what was going on. However, before he could move a muscle, he froze in shock when he saw a bludger come shooting out of no where and collide roughly with the middle of Chalie's back. The young man's face contorted in pain and he seemed to let out a cry but everything remained silent. Harry watched in mute horror as the red head over-balanced from the impact and went flying over the head of his broom, dropping towards the never ending darkness below...
A gasp wrenched its way out of Harry's throat as the sights and sounds around returned to him in a rush. It took him less than a second to realise what had happened and, more importantly, what was about to happen. It was most likely for the best that he was already sitting down otherwise he probably would have collapsed. Despite that however, he still began to struggle to his feet, his eyes fixed to the form of Charlie above and the bludger which was already hurtling towards him.
"Charlie, watch out!" Harry called quickly, actually managing to stand up despite the fact that he was rather unsteady and could quite easily crumble at a moment's notice.
His call was too late however and Harry's hands flew to his face when he saw the bludger crack right into the middle of Charlie's back, sending him tumbling over the front his broom.
10th November 1989: Evening
Harry sighed tiredly as he closed the book which was open in front of him and rubbed his eyes while he shuffled his chair back, preparing to rise.
That afternoon, after he had made sure that Charlie was going to be all right (a massive bruise on his back and a few other bruises where he landed was luckily the worst he suffered) he had headed off to his lesson with High Priest Sephiran. Despite the fact it was on an interesting subject Harry had found it very hard to concentrate as his mind had been filled with the thought of how he had seen Charlie's accident before it actually happened.
True, he had seen stuff happen before they had actually happened but he had always dreamt it. The only other time he had seen something while he was awake was that Hallowe'en when Voldemort came to Hogwarts for him. That had been years ago and the reappearance of his "talent" was unsettling to say the least, for several reasons. For instance, he had almost passed out when he had seen the...Whatever it was, and last time he had actually passed out. So, what would happen if he had one again and people were actually paying attention to him at the time? He would cause a huge fuss and probably scare several people half to death, just as he had last time. That was the last thing he wanted to happen; he had caused far too much trouble for everyone in the Wizarding world before.
He had not asked the High Priest about the...Thing, but once the man had left, Harry almost instantly wished he had. So, without anyone he felt comfortable enough to ask about his "situation", he turned to books. He had immediately dashed off to the library and grabbed as many books on Divination that he could. And that, reading books, was what he had just finished doing for the day. It was dark outside now and he had a headache; it was time to call it quits.
Harry stood before scooping up the three books on the table into his arms. After he wandered back to the bookshelf he originally got them from and returned them to their proper places, he headed out of the library. The trip back to Gryffindor Tower was predictably uneventful and Harry stepped through the portrait hole to find an almost empty common room, its only inhabitants being Fred and George. They were sitting by a small, circular table, opposite each other, over by a wall, the bare piece of parchment resting in between them.
"Are you still obsessing over that piece of parchment?" Harry chuckled lightly as he moved further into the room, coming to a stop when he was standing behind one of them; he was unsure which, it was hard to tell when they were not speaking.
"It has to be something!" George, the twin Harry was not standing behind, insisted loudly, his hands flying up in a gesture of exasperation. "Why else would it have been in Filch's office?"
"He's hardly going to confiscate a blank piece of parchment from someone." Fred added reasonably, angling his head back so he could look up at Harry.
"Let me have a look." Harry sighed as he held his hand out, knowing that the twins were going to try and wheedle help out of him anyway. The other two boys grinned in triumph and George passed the parchment to Fred who then held it out for Harry. The dark haired boy reached out for it with his right hand. Then, the moment the pads of his fingers touched the worn-soft parchment, his vision clouded and a very clear voice came:
"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good...Mischief managed."
When he next became aware of his surroundings, Harry found himself being clutched by both of the twins and he could tell by the shaky feeling in his legs that they were the only thing holding him up at that moment. Both boys were repeating his name over and over until Harry sounded a grunt to alert them of his consciousness and also made an effort to stand on his own two feet, though that was largely unsuccessful.
"Harry? Are you alright?" One twin, was hard to tell which as they had moved and he was semi-lucid, asked almost instantly.
"Should we go and get Madam Pomfrey? Of your dad?" The other asked straight after.
"No, don't." Harry insisted. "There's no need to worry him or Madam Pomfrey either. I just need to sit down for a bit and then I'll be fine."
"You're lucky we were able to catch you, ain't he, George?" Fred spoke to Harry and then to his brother as they led the weak boy over to one of the chairs by the fireplace.
"Yeah, almost didn't make it to you in time." George revealed as they reached the seat and helped Harry to lower himself into it.
"What happened just now anyway?"
"One minute you were standing there..."
"...Talking to us, and then the next..."
"...Your eyes had gone blank and you lurched forward."
"I-I'm not sure what it was...But..." Harry said slowly, lifting his head and looking at the piece of parchment still in Fred's hand. "Show me that." He said, his tone asking rather than demanding.
"Are you sure?" Fred asked unsurely, glancing to his brother for support.
"Maybe we should just give it back..." George suggested, sounding disappointed but obviously worried about what had happened to their friend.
"No, no, just give it here." Harry insisted a little more firmly, holding his hand out for it.
The twins exchanged glances before Fred reluctantly held the parchment out for Harry. A tense moment passed as they all waited to see if touching the golden paper would have the same affect on Harry again. Then, when he took a hold of it and remained very much conscious, the tense atmosphere vanished in an instant and was replaced with curiosity instead as the seated boy pulled out his wand from his robes after unfolding the parchment.
With a small frown of concentration, Harry pointed the tip of his wand to the parchment and said in a very slow, clear voice: "I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." Slowly, very slowly, ink began to seep through the parchment, creating the outlines of things which became clearer as more crimson ink became visible. When no more ink continued to appear, the three boys leaned in closer to the parchment as Harry read the words which were now visible: "Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map."
"Who d'ya reckon they are?" Fred pondered out loud.
"People who got detention with Filch a lot." George grinned in reply as Harry unfolded the rest of the parchment to reveal what was inside.
"Hey, wait a minute, this is Hogwarts!" He gasped in surprise. "And is that...No way..."
"That's Dumbledore!" Fred practically yelled in his disbelief, pointing to the two feet which constantly moved in a circle with the name of Dumbledore above it.
"What's he doing?"
"Looks like he's pacing." George replied, looking at the map intently. "Hey look, there we are." He pointed out, holding out a finger to the position where their names were gathered in a small cluster. "Does this mean that this map shows the exact position of everyone in the school?"
After that question was spoken and he had finished looking at themselves on the map as well, Fred stood up straight and walked around to the other side of the chair so that he stood on the same side as his twin. George and Harry watched the parchment as he did so and were amazed when their theory was confirmed; when Fred was moving, the footprints on the parchment moved as well.
"Do you have any idea what this means?" George asked, obviously barely containing his excitement.
"We know exactly where everyone in Hogwarts is..." Fred said slowly, his voice disbelieving.
"...Every moment..."
"...Of every day."
"Think of everything we can do with this!"
"The pranks!"
"The jokes!"
"Just as long as you don't pick on me." Harry joked, leaning back in the chair he was sitting in comfortably now feeling that he could relax and give into his sudden fatigue somewhat since the mystery was now solved.
"Of course not!" George agreed sincerely.
"Be a bit ungrateful of us..." Fred continued.
"...If we went and tortured you..."
"...When you were the one who figured out how to work the thing."
"How'd you do that anyway?" They both asked together.
"When I touched it, I heard a voice saying it in my head. I figured it was probably talking about the parchment since that's what triggered it." Harry explained, hoping the other two boys would not make a fuss over this ability it appeared he had.
"Handy trick that is." Fred commented playfully, obviously not in the least bothered or worried.
"Does it happen often?" George queried curiously, seeming to hold the same opinion as his twin brother.
"No, usually I have dreams rather than...Things, when I'm awake." Harry told them a little awkwardly, nervously smoothing out the parchment on his lap. "It did happen earlier though. After you went off to detention, I had a...Thing where I saw Charlie get hit by the bludger..."
"That's so wicked..." Fred breathed in awe, already aware of what had happened to the second oldest Weasley son that afternoon.
"Does this mean you're a Seer?" George wondered.
"I, uh, I'm not really sure."
Was it actually a possibility that he was a Seer? He still found it hard to believe that he was the sort of person to be blessed with such a gift but that seemed to be the direction everything was pointing in. He would just have to see how everything unfolded as time went on; no matter what, he was sure his Great Lady would be at his side, guiding him suitably.
11th November 1989: Evening
Harry gave Miss Pince a small smile as he left the library quietly, a couple of thick books held to his chest loosely. He had just finished spending another evening in the library, still researching his "things". With everything he had found out by looking in various books, ranging from theories and actual history, he was pretty sure that his "things", be they dreams or sudden things he had when he was awake, were types of visions. He was still reluctant to call them that though so he continued to refer to the them as his "things" for lack of anything better.
Hurrying down a dark corridor, back on his way to Gryffindor Tower, Harry had to pass the DADA classroom which always gave him the creeps. Partly, the memories he had of Peter Pettigrew were what made him nervous when around that room but it was also because the room just felt wrong. There was something about it that put him on edge, that made him incredibly suspicious. It was not the teacher this time; the new DADA teacher was actually a really nice old woman called Professor Belsey, a Muggle-born who was well on the way to retirement no doubt. It was definitely the classroom that made him feel like something bad was going to happen and he dreaded starting Second Year when he would have to start taking Defense Against the Dark Arts.
He kept his head down as he passed the classroom door, holding the books in his arms a little closer to his chest in an unconscious gesture of self-defense. When he had just passed the door, Harry became aware of the sound of footsteps ahead. So, mostly to make sure he did not accidently bump into whoever it was and to also see who it was, he lifted his head, only to have his gaze come to rest on the figure of Draco a few mere feet away from him.
Both boys stopped upon seeing each other, neither sure what to do or how to act. They had not spoken properly for weeks. They usually greeted each other if they passed in the corridors or in classes but it had gone no further than that. It was hard for them to spend time together being in such opposite Houses and each having other friends who were closer at hand. They rarely got to see each other one on one anymore, both with their respective groups of friends and, although Fred and George had nothing against Draco, the blond Slytherin's friends were less than enthusiastic about Harry. All of this considered and the fact that neither Harry or Draco were sure how the other boy felt about the situation, it was unsurprising that there was now a nervous atmosphere between them.
It was Harry who was the first one to pluck up the courage to move forward again, closing the gap between him and the boy who he still considered to be his best friend. He gave Draco a kind, encouraging smile when he reached him, coming to a stop half a foot away from him, which the blond nervously returned. "Hi."
"Hi." Draco returned nervously. "How are you?"
"I'm good." Harry assured, his smile continuing and he hoped that it was helping to relax the other boy. It did not seem to work however as a few long moments of silence passed then, not exactly awkward but hardly what could be described as comfortable either. Harry was just about to try and strike up a conversation again when Draco bowed his head and mumbled something quietly. "Sorry, what was that?" He asked gently, ducking down a little to try and look Draco in the face.
"Can I have a hug?" The blond asked quietly but it was hearable thing time, continuing to look down at his feet as a faint blush covered his cheeks.
Harry smiled lightly and wordlessly set his books down on the floor before he stepped right up to his best friend so he could curl his arms around the other boy. Draco reacted instantly, his own arms coming around Harry tightly, moulding their bodies together. The warmth of the blond's body made the dark haired boy practically melt into the embrace. "I've missed you." Draco whispered against Harry's pale cheek.
"Same here. I'm sorry I haven't tried to spend some time with you."
"It's been as much my fault as yours; I haven't exactly been chasing you around with offers." The blond drew back, but kept his arms around the other boy, and looked his face over somewhat sadly. "I didn't realise just how hard being in different Houses was going to make spending time with you."
"It's understandable though and there'll always be Christmas and the summer holidays. I'll be hanging around you for so long then that you'll get sick of me." Harry joked lightly, giving the side of his best friend's stomach a small squeeze causing him to flinch away from the tickling sensation. Draco glared at Harry for that but the dark haired boy only laughed in amusement before pulling himself closer again. "How are things in Slytherin anyway?"
"Just what I expected."
Harry understood the reason for his vague answer and took no offence from it; he knew exactly what it was Draco had expected anyway. The Gryffindor felt his friend's jaw open and heard an intake of breath as though he was about to say something but still the new silence continued.
Just when he was about to ask if there was something wrong, Draco finally managed to speak: "I'm glad you didn't make Slytherin; you wouldn't be safe there."
Harry's eyes widened slightly, surprised by his best friend's words. Although Severus had said that he thought it was best he was not in Slytherin, he had said nothing about him being in danger if he had been Sorted there. Had his father just been reluctant to worry him? Or were there things that went on among the Slytherin students that not even their Head of House knew about? That thought was disturbing to say the least and made Harry feel incredibly uncomfortable. He said nothing though, instead choosing to keep this reunion between him and Draco pleasant rather than start a hypothetical conversation about all the troubles which might await in the future.
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