Twice in a Blue Moon | By : UnseenLibrarian Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Hermione/Bill Views: 19764 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 5 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters from it. I make no money from this story. |
Early evening, Friday, March 9, 2001
Moon phase: Full
Kill him!
Bill roared and chased after Greyback, his eyes wild. His hair flew behind him as anger and frustration sped him down the steps in the wake of the werewolf.
He's getting away!
With another howl, Bill reached the broken window and leaned out into the rapidly-darkening Alley. Hackles raised, he felt his skin crawling with the need to avenge his mate. "She's mine, Grrrreybaaaack! Mine!" he shouted at the roiling sky.
He had begun to climb out the window when hands grabbed him from behind. He whirled, snarling and spitting, ready to kill—then saw that it was Harry. Aurors were pouring in the doors of the bank, assessing the scene and taking control of the situation. Harry's lips were moving, he was saying something, but Bill couldn't understand him. All he wanted, all he needed, was to get that son of a bitch, to protect his mate…
My mate!
Harry's garbled words slowly became clear as Bill struggled to refocus himself.
"Www…whzt…ere is she, Bill? Where's Hermione?" Harry was asking urgently, still gripping Bill's arm. Bill's gaze zeroed in on the stairs, at the top landing, and took in the sight of others bent over the huddled form of his sweet life-mate.
"Hermione…" he grated, his voice rough and broken. "No!" He broke away from Harry and sprinted across the lobby to the stairs, which he took two at a time in order to reach his love.
Don't let them touch her!
As soon as he was within reach, Bill pushed his way through the gathered group of Curse Breakers. "Get off, you prick!" he snarled as he shoved Theodore Nott away from where he'd been kneeling next to Hermione, holding her hand, and fell heavily to his own knees beside her.
She was unconscious. Apparently she had fainted soon after Bill had torn down the stairs after the bastard werewolf. He held one of her wrists with his fingers, feeling for a pulse. At the same time he bent over her prone body, shielding her from view, and cradled the side of her head with one large hand. She reeked of blood; her hands and torso were covered in it. There were crimson splashes across her cheeks and her hair was sticky and matted. From the smell, none of the blood seemed to be hers. He snarled at the others, warning them away. Hermione stirred, her eyes fluttering open.
"Sweetness, talk to me. Are you all right? Are you injured?" He stared intensely into her face as he ran his hands up and down over her arms and her throat, trying to wipe Greyback's blood and spittle from her skin. Hermione whimpered at his touch but said nothing, her eyes closing again. "Oh dear God, stay with me, love."
His wolf was panicking. She's going into shock or something, whatever the hell it's called. Fuck. Fuck!
He leaned over her, breathing in her scent, guarding her with his body. He took deep, heavy sniffs of her skin and his lip was curled against the stench of the evil werewolf. His frantic, bloodstained hands slid over the gentle swell of her belly. As they did so, she winced. He whined softly, noting her discomfort, and his wolf echoed him.
He kissed her, silently begging her to react, and her lips moved under his in response. His inner wolf radiated huge relief, as did he, when his mate stirred. "Are you in pain, Hermione? Sweetness, answer me! Does it hurt when I touch you? Did that fucker bite you?"
Hermione groaned and weakly shook her head. "I… n-no. N-no bites," she said. Her teeth began to chatter and she started shivering. Slowly, her eyes opened again and she raised her hand to stare at the gore-covered wand still clutched tightly in her bloody fist. "I, I stabbed him." she whispered. She looked up at Bill and began to cry.
Bill cursed and immediately engulfed her in his arms, rocking her gently as he held her close. He buried his face against her neck, murmuring soothing words and growling, rubbing her cheek with his and surrounding her with his love. He rubbed her back with his hands as he rocked her. She burrowed against his chest, sobbing, and inhaled deep cleansing breaths, filling her nose with his scent.
Sweet little mate, so brave, so strong!
"Hermione... Hermione... You fought him and won. Well done, sweetness. You did so well," he whispered. "You're safe now."
She didn't speak, just hid her face and clung to him, her sobs filling the air.
A warm hand closed over his shoulder. Bill startled and turned, snarling, but Harry's voice cut through the crying and the chattering voices that surrounded them, calming the ginger-haired man a bit with his matter-of-fact tone. "She needs to be examined by a Healer, Bill."
Bill glared, his icy blue eyes flashing amber as they met Harry's green gaze. "No one touches her but me," he growled.
Harry nodded, his expression grim. "I understand, but she needs medical attention. We'll take her to St. Mungo's. You carry her, I'll go with you for protection." He squeezed the older man's shoulder hard when Bill made to protest. "This is not up for negotiation. It's the way it's going to happen."
Who does he think he is, this puny human? Telling you what to do with your mate—
He's right, wolf. We have to take Hermione to a Healer.
Bill continued to glare at Harry for a moment, warring with his wolfish side, but then he gave a curt nod and stood, lifting the still-weeping Hermione in his arms as easily as if she were an infant. Not waiting for the younger man, he strode away down the hall towards the Employee Floo Room.
He heard quick mutterings behind him as he walked, probably Harry giving instructions to the other Aurors. He didn't bother to look back, but just as he reached the Floo Room fireplace, Harry appeared at his side. He took a pinch of Floo Powder and tossed it into the grate for Bill, whose hands were full of Hermione. With another terse nod, Bill stepped across the hearth and into the maw of the fireplace, where he growled out, "St. Mungo's" and disappeared in a whirl of green flame.
St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
First Floor - Creature-Induced Injuries
Bill stood next to where Hermione lay asleep on an exam table, breathing softly. He was crouched over her, still feeling the need to protect. His wand was at the ready. His hackles were up, his nostrils were flared, and his non-blinking gaze never left the Healer, who had just come into the room and was preparing to examine his patient. Healer Augustus Pye moved cautiously under the intense scrutiny and started to put on some rubber gloves. Bill's inner wolf was restless.
Let him put one toe out of line. Just one toe—
You sound like my mother.
Do I? She's a smart woman, your mum.
Yes, she is. Now shut up, you're making it hard for me to concentrate.
Minutes ago, Bill and Hermione had arrived at St. Mungo's. Harry had been close on their heels. The receptionist on the ground floor had tried to do her usual, long and drawn-out song-and-dance routine. Refusing to put up with any hippogriff shite, a snarling Bill started to lean over the desk, teeth bared and ready to tear her throat out, when Harry smoothly intervened. Flashing his Auror badge at the witch, he stated firmly that they had an urgent creature-induced injury and were going upstairs immediately. All incoming Aurors were to be sent upstairs to report to him as soon as they arrived. If an exam room wasn't waiting for Hermione the instant they got upstairs, the Minister for Magic would hear about it.
The receptionist had nodded vigorously, and by the time they'd climbed the stairs (Bill practically running), a trainee Healer was standing there and had quickly ushered them into a private examination room, explaining that the Healer on duty would be with them in half a tic.
Once Hermione had been settled in the room, Harry had waited at the door for the Healer and back-up Aurors to arrive. Neither took long. The two Aurors, Dawlish and Neville, took up positions just outside in the hallway, wands in hand and determination on their faces. Harry had then followed Healer Pye into the room, and he currently stood near the door.
What's Potter doing in here? She's not his mate! The wolf was not amused.
He's here to make sure I don't rip the Healer's arm off.
Bill grimaced toothily at Pye as he stepped up to the table. "Carrrrefulll, Healerrrr," he growled.
He could hear the man's heart racing, but to his credit, Healer Pye displayed no outward sign of fear. "Of course, Mr. Weasley. May I call you Bill? You remember me, don't you? I was in Hufflepuff, the same year as you at Hogwarts. We partnered together in our N.E.W.T. Herbology class."
Bill stared at Pye for a moment, then began to relax as his school memories came back to him.
"Ye…esss, I rrrrememberrr you. You'rrre Augustus. Augie Pye." Bill straightened up and gave Healer Pye a small smile, his humanity reasserting itself. "You always were good with the medicinal herbs."
Pye nodded, relief flooding his face. "Yes, that's right. I was one of the Healers who attended to your father after he was bitten by that snake a few years ago."
You know this guy?
I do. He's an old classmate. He did help Dad. He's a good Healer. Bill's eyes went to Pye's gloved hands. A thick gold wedding band could be seen through the rubber covering his left ring finger. He's okay. He's mated. He's smart. We can trust him.
"May I examine your mate's injuries, Bill?" asked the Healer. Bill nodded.
Harry coughed and jerked a thumb over his shoulder. "Since things seem well in hand here, I'll wait outside. I'm expecting witness reports any minute now." He left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.
Hunh. I guess Potter trusts us now, hmm?
It seems so. Let's not give him any reason to regret it, yeah?
As long as he doesn't get all hands-y, the Healer is safe.
Bill watched as Pye activated a Quick-Quotes Quill for note-taking. Then he carefully lifted Hermione's free hand and took her pulse. At his word, the Quill scribbled down the results. He looked up at Bill.
"She's badly scratched and bruised. What happened to her?"
Bill's expression became pained and he swallowed, hard. "It was that arsehole, Greyback."
Pye's gaze immediately jumped to the scars on Bill's face, the bite mark low on his neck. "I'm so sorry, Bill. Was he transformed? Is there any chance she bitten?"
Bill shook his head, but then stopped and shrugged. "Well, she… before she passed out, she said she wasn't, but I can smell him all over her." He glowered, and smoothed Hermione's gore-streaked hair back out of her face.
"There is a lot of blood," remarked Pye, as he first carefully checked Hermione's arms, shoulders, and throat, and then moved his hands to her head, feeling her scalp for wounds. "But it doesn't seem to be hers." The Quill continued to jot things down. Pye used his wand to cast Tergeo and started siphoning away the still-damp, clotted blood that covered her.
"No, it's Grrreyback's." Bill's voice was harsh, feral, and full of pride. "She wounded him. Gouged his eye out with herrr wand."
Pye raised an eyebrow and looked at Hermione with great respect. He moved to the bottom of the bed and reached for the hem of Hermione's work robe. He stopped when a warning growl reached his ears, and said, slowly, "I need to visibly check her legs for wounds, Bill. That's all I'll be doing, and it will be over in a moment."
He waited, not touching Hermione until Bill gave his okay with a stiff nod. The Healer lifted her robe just to her knees, made a quick examination of her lower legs, and brought the robe back down. He dictated more notes to the Quill.
"I have good news. There is nothing even close to resembling a bite, except for your mating mark," he said, indicating the scar on Hermione's throat. "I've found only bruises, scrapes, and scratches. There are a lot of those, especially on her knees. She probably fell and landed on them."
"Fell?" asked Bill, his gut clenching. "She was on the bank's marble stairs when I finally got to her."
The pup! What about the pup?
"Augie, Hermione's pregnant." Bill's face was fearful. "Is, is the baby all right?"
"I need to run some diagnostics before we know for sure, but judging from evidence so far, I'd hazard a guess that everything is fine," Pye said, taking out his wand and casting an unfamiliar spell. A golden glow emitted from the tip, and he began to run it slowly over Hermione, starting with her feet. The glow flickered and dimmed slightly over each bruise or cut, then strengthened again over healthy areas. As he scanned, he asked, "Will she wake for you, Bill? I'd rather not use Ennervate, and I'd like to talk to her, if I can."
Bill tore his eyes away from the diagnostic spell and whispered in Hermione's ear, kissing the lobe softly. "Wake up, sweetness. We're in St. Mungo's. We're with a Healer. Wake up, love, please."
Hermione stirred and tilted her head towards her mate's voice before finally opening her eyes. She looked puzzled for a moment, and then her face cleared as she mentally processed what Bill had said. "Bill! We're safe?" He nodded and tears filled her eyes. She gripped his hand tightly and looked at the Healer. Pye smiled at her.
"This is Augie Pye, sweetness." Bill introduced him. "He was in my year at Hogwarts, and was one of the Healers who cared for Dad after Nagini attacked him."
"Hello, Augie," Hermione said with a shaky laugh, wiping at her tear-streaked face with her free hand. "So what's the verdict?"
Pye paused in his examination. "So far, so good, Hermione. You have cuts and bruises, but nothing worse than that. No broken bones that I've found so far. I'm just running an internal diagnostic check now. If you can, would you please tell me about the attack? Did you fall, for instance? Did Greyback punch or hit you?"
She drew a deep breath, tightening her hold on Bill as she steeled herself. "I was in the lobby at Gringotts when Greyback burst in through a window." She turned pale. "He… he attacked some guards, and in the chaos I started towards the stairs. I thought I could get to a Floo before he noticed me." She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I was wrong."
Bill growled and wrapped his arm around Hermione's shoulders. She leaned into him. "He chased after me, so I started running up the stairs. I almost made it to the top but I tripped on my damned robe and fell flat on my face. It knocked the wind out of me, and then Greyback was on me." Her hand clutched her stomach in memory. "Ow!" She looked down at her belly, horror on her face. "Oh Merlin! He could smell the baby, Bill! He grabbed at my stomach and dug in his nails—"
That fucking arsehole!
Bill snarled, closed his hands over Hermione's, and together, ignoring the protesting Healer, they frantically pulled open her work robe.
On the white blouse she wore beneath, there were five bloody holes in a circular pattern directly around her navel. Bill spread out his hand and was able to just match a fingertip to each spot. Hermione wordlessly pulled up her blouse. Her skin was marred by five red and angry-looking puncture wounds.
"That bastard," growled Bill, but before he could say anything further, Healer Pye had stepped forward.
"Move your hands, both of you, and let me finish my exam, please," he said firmly. Reluctantly, Bill pulled his hand away, and Hermione let hers fall to her sides. Pye ran his wand up from her knees to her midriff, muttering his findings to the Quill, and then he paused. Now hovering over Hermione's slightly-swollen abdomen, his wand's glow changed from the soft golden hue it had been to a strong, bright silvery-blue.
At the sight of it, Healer Pye laughed, delightedly. Bill and Hermione both looked at him incredulously. "You have nothing at all to fear, you two!" he said, smiling at the pair of them. "Your baby is fine. He's three months along and healthy as a hippogriff. Greyback may have caused you some bruising and abrasions, Hermione, but you are otherwise physically unharmed."
Hermione started to cry, this time in relief, and Bill hugged her fiercely before suddenly freezing and glancing at Pye. "He…? You said 'he's three months along'? Are you just saying that, or are we having a son?"
What did he say? A boy? Is that what he said?
A flash of guilt ran across Pye's face. "Whoops. Oh dear, did you mean to wait on finding out the sex? I'm sorr—" His apology was cut off when Bill swept him into a bear hug with a loud whoop, squeezing him tightly and thanking him, over and over.
The door crashed open and Harry came bounding in, wand raised, ready for trouble, only to be greeted by the ludicrously heartwarming sight of Bill kissing the Healer on the cheek while Hermione, crying and laughing simultaneously, cradled her stomach with her hands and smiled radiantly.
All was well with the newest Weasley couple.
For now.
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