The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
A theory expanded
Harry was confused by what had just occurred. He'd only come in to discuss his work schedule but realised that he'd deserved to incur Severus' wrath for being so dismissive of Hermione. There was a time when Ron would have stuck up for her like that, but not since the end of the war. Harry doubted that he would ever have stuck up for her with such raw passion as Severus had.
It was this that caused Harry to consider the friendships he shared with Hermione and Ron. Most of what Severus had said was true. He'd drifted into friendship with Ron, grateful for someone to talk to on that first trip to Hogwarts. He was new to the wonders and excitement of the world that he'd entered on that day in 1991 and Ron had become his new-found companion and guide. And of course, friendship with Ron had led to him to the love of his life. He couldn't imagine being without Ginny now.
However, with Hermione, their friendship was not automatic. Their friendship had been worked at and earned. Yes, Harry had to admit that there had been times when he could have easily jumped into bed with her, but she was one of his best friends. He considered her his big sister, and it would have ruined everything―unfortunately. But the proof of that was Ron and Hermione.
Harry couldn't believe that Ron had lied about bedding Hermione or the other lies that he'd told. He couldn't understand what was going through his red-haired friend's mind. It seemed so unlike him, but the war and the death of his brother had apparently affected him more than anyone had realised. The green-eyed wizard would always try to be there for Ron―he still valued him as a friend―but deep down, he knew that some friends come and go, but he could never replace Hermione.
But Harry could still not believe the raw passion in Severus' eyes when he gave him his dressing down. He'd faced his former Potions professor on numerous occasions over the years―the man was nothing short of intimidating―but Harry had never seen anything like this from him. He also noted that Severus hadn't treated him like a pain in the arse student, which was quite disconcerting in itself.
The man who stood before Harry today was still snarky, but the coldness had gone from his eyes, and it was mesmerising. Dumbledore's blue eyes had always seemed so friendly―so mischievous―when Harry was younger, but looking back, he realised that he was too young to see how calculating they were. Professor Snape's black eyes had always hidden so much, but now he could see the true depth of his emotions in them. It was obvious that the headmaster was not a man to be trifled with when it came to Hermione.
It should have come as a complete shock to discover that Hermione was seeing Snape, but strangely, he felt himself to be quite accepting. Perhaps the headmaster's defence of his friend before he'd revealed their relationship had helped soften the blow. It was apparent that he adored her, and Harry had to concede that Hermione needed someone like that.
However, Severus' words had stung Harry, as he hadn't realised how much he'd taken Hermione for granted. However, Severus was right and he had to admit that it was unfair that she'd not been recognised for her efforts. She was the reason that he and Ron made it to that fateful day, and he owed it to her to stand up for her in any way that he could from now on―which would be quite hard, considering his future brother-in-law was the cause of most of the problems.
After the castle had finished shaking, Harry's senses had been on alert and his wand arm twitched. He was surprised by how Severus had seemed to take the incident in his stride, but had worn a pained expression at Dumbledore's greeting.
Turning to say hello to his old mentor, the elderly wizard in the portrait put his hand up to stop him.
"Harry, my dear boy. As thrilled as I am to see you, I have an urgent situation to discuss with the headmaster. Severus, would you prefer Harry to stay or leave?"
Severus gave Harry a disdainful sideways glance before returning his attention to the painting. "Mr Potter can stay, provided he holds his tongue," he grumbled.
Dumbledore could find amusement in the strangest places and he couldn't help but chuckle as Severus glared at him when he said, "Why Severus, I thought Hermione might have softened you up."
"Get on with it, old man," Severus growled, "Unlike you, I don't have all day."
"Of course, my boy. I am not unaware of the obligations of your office. Now, I have spoken with many of the past incumbents of your position. We have concluded that this bond is preordained because of your growing feelings for each other over the last few years," Dumbledore began with an annoying level of cheerfulness.
"Oh, how insightful," Severus quipped. "I could have taken a wild stab in the dark at that myself."
Harry looked confused. "Hang on, you two weren't together before the final battle, were you? Is that why she saved you?"
"I thought that the main condition for you staying, Mr Potter, was that you were silent. However, to answer your question, no, it was unrequited, you might say, on both sides. Fear not: I didn't corrupt her," he assured with feigned concern for Harry's sensibilities.
Harry thought for a moment and then a question flitted into his mind. "Is that why she was always defending you?" Harry asked hesitantly.
Sighing impatiently, Severus rolled his eyes. "Quite possibly. Now, may we continue?"
Unsatisfied with that response, Harry ignored Severus' question and enquired, "Sorry, sir, but what is this all about?"
"That is what we are trying to ascertain, so I would wholeheartedly recommend that you shut up before I hex you," Severus ground out through gritted teeth.
It was Dumbledore who began to provide an explanation. "Harry, it appears that there is a bond linking Severus and Hermione which seems determined to keep them together. Not that it needs to, because I think it is fairly obvious that they were in love before the bond came into being―"
"―Not to me," Harry protested.
"Nor me," Severus groused, but their comments were batted away by the man in the portrait.
"Be that as it may, it is possible that because they were in love, the source of the bond recognised this, selected them and ensured that they stayed together," Dumbledore continued.
An exasperated sigh proceeded Severus' response. "Again, any first-year Hufflepuff could have told us that. The question is: what is the source of the bond?"
"Given that the ethereal form of Lily began speaking with four distinct voices―"
"―Lily? As in my mum?" Harry interrupted, his expression incredulous. However, Dumbledore ignored him and carried on.
"―Two female and two male―one of which was distorted―it is entirely possible that the bond has been instigated by the spirits of the Founders themselves―Hogwarts if you will."
Severus' eyes narrowed menacingly. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" he ground out.
"And what has all this got to do with my Mum?" Harry asked again, ignoring the current headmaster's snarl.
"Harry, my dear boy," Dumbledore calmly intoned, "whilst we are not sure why the entity has taken the form of your mother, it would be logical to assume that it was a way to get Severus to take notice." Turning his attention back to Severus, he urged. "Think, Severus. You were on the verge of death, on these very grounds―"
"―I was in the Shrieking Shack. That isn't even on the―"
"―No, but it can be accessed by way of the Whomping Willow," Dumbledore interrupted, his voice impassioned he began to expound on the theory further. "Technically, any building in Hogsmeade which is attached to the castle and its grounds is afforded the same protection. This is elemental magic, Severus. Hogwarts needed you alive so that you and Hermione could be together. Therefore, it is logical that she would be the one to save you."
Severus closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead. "I fail to see how it was logical. Explain how those potions ended up in her pocket," he retorted, his patience rapidly disappearing.
"The Room of Requirement," Harry uttered quietly. Slowly, Severus turned to look at the Boy-Who-Survived-Despite-The-Odds. "What?"
"We were in the Room of Requirement before you were attacked..." Harry trailed off, the guilt of leaving Severus in the Shrieking Shack sneaking up on him. "We... we were looking for Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem," Harry explained. "I'd just said something about how I couldn't believe that you'd run like that and wondered where you'd gone. I know why now but at the time... well it looked like you were a..."
Severus gave him a warning look.
"Well, Ron said he hoped you were dying a painful death somewhere and if he found you, he'd leave you to die..."
"Which he did," Severus muttered under his breath.
"Hermione lost her temper and started sticking up for you as she always did," Harry continued. "But then she looked in her bag and said that no one was leaving anyone to die and she wished that she had enough of the right healing potions with her. I thought the way she said it was strange, but then everything was strange that day and I thought she was talking generally. I mean, there were so many bodies...all dead or dying because of..."
Harry's voice trailed off again, his gaze falling to the floor.
An uncharacteristic pang of sympathy hit Severus. He knew what it was to feel the weight of another's death on his shoulders, and he felt himself more culpable than Harry should. "Nobody died because of you. They died for the cause, Potter. They died to defeat Voldemort. We were all instruments in this war. We all played our parts, Harry."
Dumbledore's eyes smiled as Harry looked at Severus in disbelief at the use of his given name.
However, just as quickly as his sympathy came it went and Severus continued in his usual thick drawl. "Are you seriously suggesting that Hogwarts provided Hermione with the potions?"
Severus' brain had gone into overdrive. The pieces were beginning to fit, but at the same time the whole suggestion that this bond had been formed by the Founders seemed so ridiculous. What was the purpose?
"By her own admission, she did not have them with her until the moment she needed them most," Dumbledore pointed out. "They were specifically tailored to keep you alive, because let's face it, without you Severus, why else would she be here?"
Severus shuddered. The bond's behaviour was too close for comfort. "She would have returned here without me if the opportunity had been given."
"And who gave her the opportunity?" Dumbledore countered. "Would the Board have invited back the fifth and seventh years if you had not recommended that they do so? They were prepared to just offer honorary grades."
Feeling uncomfortable, Severus began pacing the floor in front of his desk. "Of course, Minerva would have invited them back."
"Actually, Professor," Harry interjected quietly, "Hermione wasn't going to come back. We thought she would ask to come back―you know what she's like when it comes to her studies―but she announced one morning that was going to go travelling and look for her parents. The next morning, she read in The Prophet that you had been reinstated and when we asked her about her travel plans, she was quite vague. The following day, our invitations to return to complete our NEWTS arrived and I've never seen her grab a pen so quickly."
"Pity she didn't feel the need to respond to my invitation to be Head Girl or the offer of an apprenticeship with such alacrity," Severus dead-panned, containing his amusement admirably.
Harry was ready to jump to Hermione's defence when he noted a strange glint in Severus' eye. "Yeah, well, I've no idea why she waited to tell you she wanted to be Head Girl, but I do know why she hesitated about the apprenticeship. Ron had a fit at her when she told us."
Mention of Ronald Weasley made Severus bristle. "Oh?"
Harry took this as his cue to carry on. "Well, she said that the only way she would do an apprenticeship was if you were her Master, especially as the whole point was for her to take over from Slughorn. She said that whilst she respected Professor Slughorn, she didn't feel that he was capable of stretching her like you could. And she didn't want you to have a substandard Potions professor, because it would be an insult to the subject and you."
Severus' mind has entered an entirely filthy realm at the mention of stretching Hermione, but he managed to compose himself to chuckle deeply. "That's my girl."
Dumbledore had been sparkling away in his portrait, watching Severus Snape and Harry Potter conversing with the minimum of animosity. It was a sight that he wished could have been encouraged over the last few years and as much as he was enjoying this turn of events, there were still recent events to discuss.
"Severus, when did you inform the board that Hermione would study under your tutelage, should she accept?" Dumbledore asked distractedly.
"Two weeks ago," Severus told him as a realisation began to dawn, "but she only confirmed that she would take the position on Monday."
Ignoring this, Dumbledore continued. "And Harry, when did Hermione tell you that she was going to accept the apprenticeship?"
Harry thought for a moment. "About two weeks ago, I think. She'd come back from Malfoy Manor with a big grin on her face. For a moment, it crossed my mind that she'd slept with Draco, but then she started babbling about how Mr Malfoy had managed to persuade you to take her on as your apprentice."
Severus looked perplexed. "So why didn't she say anything until Monday?"
Harry shrugged.
Turning his attention back to the headmaster, Dumbledore asked, "When did her rooms appear on the plans, dear boy?"
"Two weeks ago," Severus replied, looking up incredulously at the blue-eyed wizard. He began to shake his head as if he didn't want to believe that this was more than a stack of coincidences.
"And finally, Severus, when did you actually start to feel drawn to Miss Granger? When did Hermione begin to consume your thoughts?" Dumbledore asked gently.
Severus hung his head. "Two weeks ago," came his abashed response before his usual snarky demeanour returned. "So, two weeks ago, I set the trap, she falls into it, and―"
"That's a little melodramatic, Severus," Dumbledore chided. "I believe it would be better to say that the stage was set for everything―whatever 'everything' is―to begin coming together. I think it is safe to say that the Founders need you―that Hogwarts needs you. As for the unfortunate incident yesterday, I think that the castle is reacting to your relationship. You have what it perceives to be a falling out, or you make a decision which may threaten your relationship and you are punished. You proceed to a new understanding in your relationship and the castle rejoices. The orbs seem to be your bond's guardians. All we need to do now is discover the purpose of the bond."
"This is utterly ridiculous," Snape ranted, his hands gesturing dramatically. "I... we need to know what they want from us."
Calmly, Dumbledore continued. "My colleagues have all confirmed that they have heard rumour of prophecy regarding the 'Youngest Headmaster.' However, the more we discover, the more it seems likely that it actually centred around Hermione. After all, the rooms assigned to her were called 'The Private Chambers of the Headmaster's Wife.'"
Severus' agitation came rushing to the fore. "I don't give a flying fuck about the possibility of some bloody prophecy existing. At the moment, there is no prophecy, so we have to deal with this fucking bond."
Harry had been listening, trying to take everything in, but he found himself befuddled. When the headmaster growled in frustration, he nervously chimed in. "Headmaster. Professor Dumbledore. If I might?"
Severus' head whipped round, his piercing gaze almost rendering his new Defence professor speechless. "Sir, I am completely lost by all this, and I can only go on what I know about my own prophecy, but certain conditions had to be met before the prophecy could be spoken. So, if this suspected prophecy hasn't been spoken yet, could it be because you and Hermione aren't married?"
"That is partly right, Harry," Dumbledore confirmed as Severus' jaw and fists clenched. "You see―"
"―Oh, so why don't I just get down on one knee now, marry her tomorrow and then all will become clear," Severus snarled, walking over to his desk. "There's nothing like feeling that you're not in control of your own future. And anyway, why should I fucking bother trying to be my own man now? I've spent the last twenty years being pulled between you and Voldemort. Why don't I continue to allow my miserable existence be controlled by some sodding bond and be done with it? It's not as if I can think straight at the moment, so I may as well let something else manipulate me again."
With his rant complete, Severus collapsed into his chair, raking his fingers through his hair.
"Severus, calm down," Albus said sharply. "Where is Hermione?"
"In Hogsmeade with Minerva and Miss Weasley. Why?" Severus groaned, rubbing the back of his neck.
Dumbledore snorted softly. "I thought she must be away from the castle."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Severus' patience was now at breaking point.
"Nothing, dear boy, but when I saw Hermione's orb sat quietly on the ceiling looking rather subdued, I assumed that she must be missing you. I expect if you were to ask her what your orb is doing, it would be very agitated," Dumbledore commented matter-of-factly.
Are you alright? came Hermione's voice in his head.
No. Albus thinks this bond is to do with the Founders.
What? his witch screeched.
Shuddering imperceptibly at the assault on his mind, Severus groused, Fuck, that hurt! However, my sentiments exactly. I confess myself uptight. I feel as if I want to swing for someone, and as the only living thing worth hitting in this room is Potter, if Miss Weasley values his life, you might want to get your arses back here soon.
Has Obs buggered off then? Hermione giggled.
Severus chuckle was mirthless as he eyed his owl. No, but he's sat on a beam where I can't reach him.
Sensible bird! Hermione teased, realising that Severus was on the verge of either becoming melancholy or losing his temper. Wishing that she could wrap her arms around him, when she spoke in his head again, she ensured that her tone was as soothing as possible. Anyway, we're nearly done here, so I'll be home soon, I promise.
Severus' lips twitched as soon as he heard her say that she would be 'home' soon. It wouldn't have mattered how she'd said it, those words were comfort enough.
"I trust Hermione is well," Dumbledore enquired, noting how Severus had relaxed for a moment and guessed―quite correctly―that he had been communicating with his witch.
Knowing that there was no point in denying that he had, indeed, been speaking to Hermione, Severus stated, "She is well. They will be returning to the castle."
"Excellent!" both Dumbledore and Harry exclaimed together.
"You have to admit, Severus, that the bond has bestowed upon you a great gift," Dumbledore began nonchalantly. "The ability to converse in each other's minds is a boon which even Legilimency cannot afford you."
Severus merely nodded, resting his elbows on his desk and burying his head in his hands. He knew his feelings for Hermione were genuine and although he was not accustomed to being in a relationship even he recognised that the bond's interference was frustrating. He wondered if he would ever be able to live a life without manipulation.
It seemed that when it came to the bond, his lioness was the strong one. She wanted to confront the entity, but Severus was always far more respectful of his fears. Whilst he tried to outwit them, Hermione went toe to toe with many of hers, glaring at them defiantly. Fear often blinked first.
"Severus," Dumbledore bellowed, having tried―unsuccessfully―to gain his attention.
Still lost in his thoughts, all the headmaster could manage was a weak, "Hmmm?"
"Severus, it is imperative that we discover the details of this prophecy as soon as possible," Dumbledore pressed.
Dumbledore once again had Severus' full attention. Slamming his hand down onto the desk, Severus snarled, "I refuse to marry her before the time is right for both of us."
Exasperated by Severus' display, Dumbledore sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "And no one is asking you to, dear boy."
"No? Well, please, do tell, what exactly are you suggesting?"
Harry could tell by Severus' snide response that his anger was now bubbling away under the surface, and looked to Dumbledore with concern.
"Severus, listen to me carefully and answer my questions truthfully," Dumbledore commanded.
"Go on," Severus drawled, sitting back in his chair with an air of defiance.
Dumbledore steadied himself. "Do you love Hermione?"
"Do you want to marry her and father her children?"
Albus' mouth opened to carry on but paused. "Really? You and babies?"
Severus was ready to snap back, but instead found himself responding quietly with only a hint of annoyance. "Yes."
"I am glad to hear it," the former professor beamed. "Are you planning on proposing soon?"
"None of your business," Severus stated before adding, "possibly."
"You see, your engagement would be a precursor to the prophecy, I believe," Dumbledore continued, urgency evident in his tone.
"Still not a good reason to be pushed into it," Severus retorted, finally allowing his guard to drop.
Looking down at his successor, Dumbledore wanted to reach out and give his shoulder an encouraging squeeze. "I know, dear boy, I know."
Severus sat back in his chair and gave an exasperated chuckle. He suddenly seemed calmer, if not slightly resigned to the situation.
"What I don't understand, Albus, is why Hermione? Forgetting how much I love her, why did this... whatever it is... choose her? What does it want with her? If I were already married to someone else―"
Pointing out the obvious, Dumbledore stated, "―Ah, but you were not."
"There were others after Lily, but none that I wanted to commit to until Hermione," Severus quietly admitted. "I still can't believe this is happening to me―I don't deserve her."
"Which is precisely why you do, Severus," Albus said looking at Harry who could not believe it when a single tear rolled down Severus' cheek.
"Albus," Severus asked looking down at his hands "a thought occurred to me this morning: Hermione said something completely innocuous about feeling as if we'd been together for years, and it occurred to me that I felt the same. Could we be soulmates?
"It is possible," Dumbledore mused, "but you know there is only one way to be sure."
Severus tried to avoid the knowing look that Albus cast his way, but found himself unable to ignore his next question.
"Tell me: since you started to have feelings for Hermione, have you had sexual relations with anyone during that time?"
"That's none of your..."
Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, tilting his head to one side.
"No," Severus conceded.
"As you know, Severus, a soul bond is not laid in stone," Dumbledore continued. "You don't have to marry a soul mate. You may never meet your soul mate, but once you do, your magic is drawn to each other either upon first meeting or when the youngest reaches consensual maturity. In Hermione's case, due to her time turner usage that was―"
"―Around the time of the Yule Ball," Severus said, almost resigned to the answer.
"Precisely. Once you meet your soul mate, you don't have to stay together, but you won't be truly satisfied with another. You've been drawn together and as far as we can tell, Hogwarts is determined to see you stay together. However, you two don't need its interference for that. To the trained eye, Severus, the aura between yourself and Hermione is blinding."
Dumbledore looked down at Severus and smiled, again cursing the confines of his painted prison for prohibiting him from physically comforting his most trusted companion.
"So what do we do?" Severus asked, leaning on the arm of his chair and resting his cheek in his hand.
"We either wait, or we seek further questions from the ethereal form, should it choose to present itself again. If it has been instigated by the Founders, then I do not believe the bond to be evil. It merely has an issue expressing itself. It is, as you keep being told, working for the greater good. But what we don't know is what this 'greater good' is or what it trying to achieve," Dumbledore stated solemnly.
"You know how damaged our world is, Severus. You, yourself, want to help heal it for future generations and there is no better place to start than with the children. And Hermione is an impassioned campaigner. Whatever their reasoning, I believe the Founders want to use the two of you to help heal the rifts. And if I may say so, they have chosen well: the bravest of all Slytherins and the most cunning of all Gryffindors."
Severus snorted at Dumbledore's last comment, but the rest of his comments made sense, although he wouldn't give Albus the satisfaction of knowing that.
"But as a little experiment, Severus, allow Hermione to make a decision about the renovation of the castle. If my suspicions are correct, the results will be interesting."
Studying Severus' face carefully, Dumbledore recognised that his considerable brain was ticking and decided he needed to distract him before the self-deprecating commenced.
"And how are you and Hermione? Have you encountered the entity recently?"
"Everything's fine," came Severus' distracted response. "Actually, it's better than fine, and we haven't had an encounter since..." Severus trailed off. He wasn't going to admit they were sharing a bed even if everyone suspected it.
"Since? Have you made any more declarations?"
Albus' eyes twinkled, noting that whilst Severus had been very uncomfortable a moment ago, now that he was talking about his relationship with Hermione, he had begun to relax and looked far more content.
"We've made the third," Severus informed him, his lip twitching as his gaze fell to the floor.
"Such a beautiful declaration," Dumbledore stated whimsically, entering his own world of romantic fluff.
Harry's brow furrowed, unsure what the two headmasters were talking about. "Declarations?"
"Why am I not surprised that you've never heard of them?" Severus retorted, somewhat annoyed by Harry's ignorance of wizarding traditions.
"It is not Harry's fault, Severus," Dumbledore admonished. "We simply do not teach the niceties enough, and it is a shame that they are not observed as much in this day and age, but there it is.
"Now, Harry, The Declarations of Intent are part of our traditional courting rituals. For centuries, the wizarding world has been less concerned about sex before marriage and, thankfully, same-sex partners than Muggles have. Power and bloodlines have always been more important to us than who beds whom and when, and arranged marriages, until recently, were commonplace.
"As such, these declarations have been used by many witches and wizards to show that their partner and their relationship is above that of any other and that they wish to become fully intimate. Many who find themselves in arranged, loveless marriages make these declarations with their lovers, and many successful marriages have also begun with them.
"These are made in the lead up to the first time the couple make love and can be made in stages or all in one go. They are not binding, like the some of the Declarations of Engagement or once a marriage has been consummated, but they are a beautiful way of expressing your desires and commitment."
"So if they're not binding, you could just say them to get a quickie," Harry joked, but the smirk was soon wiped off his face.
"You don't bother with them for that," Severus hissed. "A shag is a shag, Mr Potter. Making love to the woman with whom you wish to spend the rest of your life with is―well, it's entirely different," he said hurriedly.
"Indeed, the wording of the third declaration is 'I am yours and I will worship your body with my own'," Dumbledore informed Harry, going dreamy-eyed.
As Severus rolled his eyes over the former headmaster's sentimentality, a sense of sadness came over Harry.
"I wish I'd known about them before Ginny and I..." Harry blushed profusely before continuing. "But it was the night of Voldemort's defeat, and... do you think Ginny would have preferred it if we'd..."
Harry's expression made Severus say something that he knew Lily would say to her son. "First of all, you didn't know about them, and secondly, you needed each other. We all do things in war that we would do differently in peace time. You love Ginevra, and that is all that matters."
Harry looked up at Severus, giving him a small smile. "Thank you, sir."
"Severus. You're staff, Harry, you may call me Severus," the headmaster informed him, sensing the wards to his office move. He felt a sense of calm wash over him as Hermione and Ginny strolled into his office.
"It's nice to see that you two haven't killed each other," Hermione teased, walking up to Severus and pulling him down for the kiss that she knew he needed.
Beaming as he witnessed Severus taking comfort in Hermione's tender kiss, Dumbledore stood quietly and moved out of his portrait.
Furtive glances and smiles passed between the other couple in the room as Severus' arm snaked around Hermione's waist, pulling her closer. It seemed strange to see the fearsome Headmaster of Hogwarts being so gentle and content, but they couldn't help but feel pleased for their curly-haired friend.
Interrupting the moment, Ginny held out her hand, waving it to show off her engagement ring. "Has Harry or Hermione told you, Headmaster?"
Severus reluctantly pulled back from Hermione's embrace and stood up straight, his lip twitching at the young redhead's exuberance. He took her hand to examine the ring that Ginny was so proudly displaying. It had been a long time since he had seen Lily's engagement ring, but despite a pang of sadness, he had to admit that it suited Harry's intended very well.
Bringing a blushing Ginny's hand to his lips, Severus gallantly kissed the back of it. "My congratulations to you both. I suppose we will need to discuss your living arrangements, at some point?"
Ginny was still reeling from the kiss to her hand, but was snapped out of her reverie when Severus added, "But not before you have told your parents the news."
That was the last thing they wanted to do, but Ginny put a brave face on it and asked cheekily, "Yes, can we have Hermione's rooms when she moves in with you?"
"Absolutely not," Severus responded abruptly. "I'm not giving up that bathroom for anything. However, when the time comes, and given the castle's newfound love for creating new rooms, I'm sure that suitable chambers will be found for you. I will leave it to Hermione to arrange that for you once you have your parents' blessing."
Whilst Ginny and Severus continued talking, Harry sidled up to Hermione, putting his arm around her shoulders. "I'm so sorry about Ron, love. Ginny and the family are furious. If you need me to do anything just let me know," he offered, squeezing her slightly.
Hermione kissed Harry on the cheek. "At least I still have you," she told him before her eyes sought out Severus.
"And you've got him, too," Harry chuckled before whispering in her ear, "I'm not going to lie, I'm shocked, but I'm really happy for you. I mean, I still don't want to get on the wrong side of him, but he's great man."
"He is," Hermione agreed before walking over to her wizard and threading her arm through his.
Harry couldn't help but smile as Severus leaned down and kissed the top of Hermione's head. The man who had been so devoted to his mother was now as dedicated to his best friend. The war had left a gaping hole in the world but if this kind of love could come out of it, then, it made the suffering much easier to bear.
Dinner in the Great Hall proved to be very interesting that evening.
The staff had been slowly drifting back for the start of term so that they could carry out various tasks and acquaint themselves with the renovations and changes to the castle. In an attempt to manage the reaction to Severus and Hermione's relationship, Minerva visited each of her colleagues to forewarn them that the headmaster had a girlfriend. Sworn to secrecy until the Ministry Ball, each of the professors ruminated privately about the identity of the unfortunate female, but none of them guessed correctly. There were a few near heart attacks when Severus walked into the Great Hall and greeted them all with Hermione Granger's hand in his whilst accompanied by Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley.
Hagrid was the first to utter his shock, and stood to protest, but Hermione gently put her hand on his arm.
"I love him, Hagrid," she told him with such sincerity that the half giant's words were arrested and his eyes and expression softened into a gentle smile.
"I forget how much yer've all grown up. I remember when you first arrived 'ere and now look at you. All grown up and 'olding 'ands with the 'eadmaster." Bending down, he whispered in her ear, "If he gives you any trouble, I'll sort 'im out for yer."
Hermione smirked as Hagrid gave her a knowing look and wink before going to sit down and talk to Harry.
Continuing to speak with Professor Sprout, Severus chuckled inside Hermione's head, And I am quaking in my boots. Can you tell?
Stifling a giggle, Hermione sat down next to Severus and took the opportunity to look around the room that had served as meeting place, dining room and study hall for all her years in Hogwarts. She was shocked to see how much work was still required especially as the new term was starting in just over three weeks.
The familiar structure had finally been restored after a certain amount of reluctance from the castle. Various attempts to rebuild the right-hand wall had failed and as a last resort, Severus had ordered its complete demolition two weeks ago. Work had been completed within a week. Now all that was left to be done were replacing the windows and finalising the interior. Hermione had a few ideas that she would mention to Severus later.
Meanwhile, high above her, the enchanted ceiling which had confounded the headmaster and Professors Flitwick and McGonagall with its recent immobility, sprang into life. Clouds swirled menacingly and the assembled staff looked up in panic as thunder rumbled overhead. Severus was on his feet, wand drawn to ward off impending catastrophe when the unsettled scene dispersed, giving way to bright blue sky peppered with fluffy white clouds.
Retaking his seat, he looked up, his eyes narrowing as a beam of sunlight seemed to light up both Hermione and himself. He chanced a glance at his young lady and one thought crossed his mind: Maybe the old bastard is right about the Founders.
Later, Hermione and Severus were curled up on the sofa together reading when they received a Floo call from Ginny.
"Only me," Ginny's voice rung out cheerfully. "Are you two free next Tuesday evening?"
Severus' brow furrowed, but as Hermione's elbow dug into his ribs, he rolled his eyes and Summoned his schedule with a lazy wave of his hand. In an overly dramatic display, he glanced over it and reluctantly nodded
"Yeah, we're free," Hermione confirmed, narrowing her eyes at Severus playfully. "Why?"
Nervously, the younger witch announced, "Harry and I would like you both to come over for dinner."
Hermione looked at Severus, whose head thumped back against the sofa as he groaned imperceptibly. However, not wishing to upset his witch, he nodded reluctantly.
"We'd love to. Do you want us to bring anything?" Hermione asked sweetly whilst glaring at Severus, who was grumbling under his breath.
Ginny had been worried that now Hermione was with Severus that they would hardly see their friend, and was relieved but apprehensive now that they had accepted their dinner invitation.
"Bring dessert?"
"Oh, I know someone who can sort that out. Chocolate cake alright?" Hermione responded, smiling as she brushed Severus' hair from his face.
Severus groaned. As if I have time to make a chocolate cake, he rumbled in Hermione's mind. The look on Hermione's face left him in no doubt that he would need to make time.
"Fab!" Ginny exclaimed, realising that she didn't really know what to say next. "Well, if I don't speak to you before, we'll see you on Tuesday. Have a nice evening and don't do anything I wouldn't do," she added teasingly.
Hermione had just bidden her friend goodbye when a pair of arms encircled her, and she could feel Severus' breath at her ear.
"And what exactly does Miss Weasley think we might be doing?" he purred.
Hermione gasped as his voice dripped over her, making every inch of skin tingle. Swallowing hard to regain her composure, she twisted on the sofa so that her body was turned into his slightly. "I really can't imagine," she informed him innocently whilst pulling his shirt out of his trousers.
As Hermione's small, warm hand slid over his stomach, Severus put down his book and taking hers, threw it over his shoulder before claiming her lips and pushing her backwards onto the sofa.
"I wonder if she meant something like this?" he mumbled as he nipped along her collarbone.
Gasping as he started to undo her shirt, she managed to squeak out, "Quite possibly."
Severus growled as Hermione arched her body to meet his growing erection and ground her hips against him provocatively.
Saturday can't come quick enough, he thought, not caring if she heard him or not.
Next morning, Hermione awoke feeling gloriously relaxed in Severus' bed. All seemed right with the world as she revelled in the warmth of his body behind her.
She'd slept soundly for most of the night, but as dawn began to creep into the sky, Severus' nightmare had disturbed her. Waking quickly, she'd managed to comfort him and return him to a deep sleep just half an hour later.
She smiled at the feeling of something hard pressed against her bum and a hand cupping her breast. Slowly flexing her muscles and limbs, she considered turning over and giving her still sleeping a wizard a pleasurable wake up call. However, she knew he had a breakfast meeting with senior board members and there was no time. So instead, she turned over and let her eyes drink him in.
Since they had begun sharing a bed, Hermione had started to appreciate quite a few more things about Severus Snape. She realised that the man she'd begun to fall for all those years ago was but a shadow of the man who lay beside her now. She'd always felt that there was more to Professor Snape than met the eye. His snarky, aloof demeanour, his anger and sarcasm hid melancholy and loneliness which sometimes the young Gryffindor imagined only she could see. As it turned out, she'd been right, even if he didn't realise that his mask slipped momentarily when he looked at her.
Of course, since the end of the war, everyone claimed to see what only Hermione could. They knew of his bravery and selflessness, romanticising and reducing his loyalty to honouring the memory of Lily Potter, but they still had no idea about the real depth of the man.
Hermione had witnessed his loyalty and devotion first hand. She had felt his deep and unwavering ability to love and his unquestionable honour, but she had also seen his vulnerability and fragility.
His self-deprecation was both his most annoying and endearing quality. The fact that this publicly arrogant man could ask, 'What do I have to offer you?' brought tears to her eyes because the answer was so simple: everything. And if people accused her of wanting him because he was an incredibly powerful, influential and wealthy wizard, they couldn't be more wrong. None of that mattered to Hermione.
What really interested her was his spectacular mind, his calm, logical approach to life and an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of all things magical and Muggle. The conversations that they'd had in the last few days had excited her beyond any other. Intellectually, he inspired her, and when they weren't debating or physically enjoying each other's company, their companionable silence seemed as natural as breathing.
It had never really occurred to Hermione that Severus had a sense of humour, but he did. It was razor sharp and very dark, but his laugh was one of the most pleasant sounds that she'd ever heard. He laughed and he cried, was affectionate and protective and was everything that she needed when she needed it. But most of all, he loved her and she loved him. It didn't matter that they'd not been together long. Deep down―as she always had done―she knew that she could trust him. Whenever he asked her if she did, her confirmation was one of the greatest gifts that she could ever give him.
And she certainly found herself very appreciative that Severus was most definitely a man. He made her feel safe in his strong arms, and she had to admit that he had a beautiful body. He wasn't overly muscled, but he was toned and his pale, scarred skin added to her current fascination with his form. She wanted to memorise where every single one was, especially as some were so sensitive that they'd inadvertently become pleasure points, something which they both took great delight in discovering.
He had the perfect expanse of chest to lay her head against. Of course, the delicious trail of hair that led from his belly button down to his impressive manhood certainly grabbed her attention, as did his well sculpted backside. She loved feel of him pressed against her.
His face, with its distinctive features, fascinated her. She wasn't naïve; he wasn't pretty like Lucius, but he was handsome in a distinguished, regal way. He was far from perfect, except for his eyes. They were far more expressive now that he wasn't Occluding all the time, and he seemed to be more comfortable when he smiled. His lips were surprisingly soft, but when he kissed her, they were full of fire. Overall, he looked less careworn and more like his thirty-eight years when he was relaxed, and it was one of Hermione's sincerest wishes that she could help him find this level of peace all the time.
But for all of that, Hermione was in love with his hands. She could watch them for hours as they performed great acts of magic or his long, elegant digits completed intricate tasks. The way he threaded his fingers through her hair or wrapped a curl around them was almost as intimate as when they pleasured her. She wasn't experienced when it came to men, but she couldn't imagine any man making her feel the way Severus did when he touched her.
He didn't just caress her with his hands, though, he caressed her with his voice. What came out of his mouth tantalised her as much as its touch and its taste. Yet, it had a strangely comforting and reassuring quality that she loved to listen to―she always had. However, since she had been with him, she'd discovered facets to his voice to which only she was privy. It could have a filthy, depraved timbre that made her shiver whilst he purred out exactly what he was going to do to her. But it wasn't just his tone, it was his diction and his ability to make a word last which added to the thrill she felt. He could whisper in her ear and the vibrations seemed to trickle down her spine to between her legs.
Another thing of which Hermione had always been aware―even before they'd become a couple―was how strangely comforting she found Severus' scent. She'd considered herself to have a good sense of smell, ever since a family holiday to India when she was six where they'd visited a spice market. The plethora of fragrances intoxicated her senses and Severus' scent was just as complex. She was sure it was because he was such an intense potioneer. Slughorn, despite being in the same profession, didn't seem to have herbs and spices pervading his very being. However, when Severus brewed, he would remain in his lab for hours on end, making meticulous notes, compensating for subtle changes in pursuit of perfection.
Even when he'd brewed her contraceptive, she'd lost him for three hours. Of course, that might have been because he needed to provide a sample of himself to provide effective immunity against pregnancy. She had wondered what he'd thought about as he secured the sample. He assured her that he'd been thinking about her.
She'd actually been surprised by Severus' thoughtfulness over her potion. She'd heard some of the girls say that the contraceptive potions provided by Madam Pomfrey, which, of course, had been brewed by Professor Snape, tasted awful. However, as he placed the phials in her bathroom cabinet last night, he told her that he'd added a peppermint vapour to make it more palatable to her. She also noticed that there were two types of potion: eleven light and eleven dark blue.
When she'd asked what the difference was, he'd replied matter-of-factly, "You can't take a monthly dose until your next cycle starts. Therefore, I have brewed eleven daily ones for you."
Hermione looked confused. They hadn't talked about anything like this and she was curious to know how he knew. "But how did you know that I would need eleven?"
"Ginevra, although I will admit that she is unaware that she provided the information. A few weeks ago, I was having a drink with Lucius and Pius in the Leaky Cauldron. She burst in, accompanied by Potter whilst berating her imbecilic brother for being 'such a man,' and not understanding what it was like to have period pains. She also reminded him that he'd known you for seven years and that this was not an unusual occurrence; it happens every twenty-eight days.
"Once they'd passed us, Lucius informed us―with great amusement―that you'd had Draco running around after you earlier that day, performing warming charms and feeding you chocolate."
Hermione gasped. "Oh great! So everyone knows my cycle," she huffed, crossing her arms in annoyance.
"Well, not everyone, sweetheart," Severus told her, trying to comfort her without laughing.
"Lucius, Pius, Ginny―but she doesn't count because she's a girl―Harry, Dickhead and...and the whole of the Leaky know," she growled not knowing whether to laugh, cry and continue ranting.
"I feel that that may be a slight exaggeration. Remember, I do have a terrible habit of overhearing conversations and I doubt that anyone of consequence will have either heard or remembered."
Hermione looked at him dubiously but then chuckled, tracing her finger over his chest. "I suppose it's a good thing that you know, though, so that you can be prepared for when I turn into an evil bitch."
"I have already made the elves aware of the additional requirement for chocolate," Severus chuckled, pushing her gently up against the wall before devouring her neck.
"I think I love you, Headmaster," Hermione breathed teasingly. All of a sudden, she heard the bath taps turn, and water started running into the deep marble bath.
"Only think? How disappointing. Well, in that case, I'd better convince you, hadn't I?" he purred against her lips as he began to undress her.
Watching the still sleeping wizard, Hermione gently brushed his hair out of his eyes. Contrary to popular belief, Severus' hair was not greasy and the first time she touched it, she'd been surprised by soft and silky it was.
She smiled as she recalled their conversation yesterday morning. She was sat on the edge of her bed, whilst Severus was still sprawled out―his modesty barely covered by rumpled sheets―and asked him what he used to get his hair in that condition.
Severus had just laughed. "I suppose I must be lucky. It's just inconvenient being a Potions Master, because it's usually ruined by ten o'clock," he told her, flicking his head to get the hair out of his eyes. It took Hermione a few minutes to stop laughing after he did that.
"Why don't you run your fingers through your hair like everyone else, you diva?" She finally managed to blurt out before dashing into the living room to escape Severus when she saw his shocked expression at being called a diva slowly turn mischievous. She soon found herself being grabbed from behind, wrestled onto her sofa and begging for mercy as she was tickled mercilessly. The more she wriggled, the more he tickled.
After deciding that Hermione had been tortured enough, Severus purred in her ear, "I am not a diva and the simple answer to your question is that it's a potion master's habit. You never know what delights you have on your fingers. You, of course, will be able to tie your hair back, but my hair isn't quite long enough. I apologise if the answer is not diva enough for you."
Hermione had been slightly disappointed by his prosaic answer, but she couldn't stop herself from blushing as she recalled how he added, "Of course, there is one substance that will regularly end up on my fingers and I won't mind if that ends up in my hair. Please allow me to demonstrate."
Sighing as she remembered how he'd then proceeded to put his fingers and tongue to good use, Hermione kissed Severus' nose just as Missy, the headmaster's personal house elf, appeared in the room.
Severus began to stir and opening an eye, gave Hermione a sleepy smile.
As the headmaster had his back to her, and thinking that he was still asleep, Missy addressed Hermione instead.
"Excuse me for disturbing you, Mistress Snape, but Mistress McGonagall asked me to give you and Master the newspaper immediately."
Hermione's eyes widened for two reasons: she was surprised that Missy had called her Mistress Snape and Severus was running his hand up her thigh.
"Missy, it's Mistress Granger or Hermione. I'm not Mistress Snape," Hermione informed her biting back a moan.
The solicitous House Elf blushed and gave Hermione an embarrassed smile whilst handing her the newspaper. "But you are, Mistress. We all calls you that because Master is so happy."
"Mistress Granger is correct, Missy," Severus' sleep-infused drawl filled the room. "I may be happy but that doesn't mean you can disrespect Miss Granger in such a way. However, on this occasion," he said, kissing Hermione's forehead and pushing her hair over her shoulder, "I will let it pass."
"Yes, Master," Missy acknowledged with a sneaky grin. "Apologies, Mistress Granger. All of Hogwarts is so happy for Master." And with that, the headmaster's personal House Elf was gone.
Severus huffed. "Hogwarts can fu..."
"The fucking bastard!" Hermione exclaimed, slamming The Daily Prophet down onto the bed in disgust.
Turning it around to read the headline, Severus' eyes narrowed menacingly.
Why is Hermione Granger staying at Malfoy Manor? Wronged boyfriend and Quidditch ace Ronald Weasley reveals all.
"He really does have a death wish, doesn't he?" Severus growled, tossing the offending paper onto the floor.
It appeared that Ron was now accusing Hermione of having an affair with Lucius as payback for being hexed by the older wizard.
"Not content with fucking us off, he's dragging Lucius into this. Our meeting this morning is going to be joyous," Severus sneered.
"I'm going to have a shower," he grumbled, getting out of bed without a second thought and striding, naked, towards the bathroom. However, as he reached the door, he turned to his witch, jerking his head towards it. "Coming?"
Hermione didn't need to be asked twice.
A/N: Would love to hear your feed my muse's soul...
A/N 2: This chapter was edited and uploaded on 02/02/15. If you see any errors, please do not hesitate to let me know.
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