A Marriage of Convenience | By : NinaSweets Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 159377 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 45 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters and places all belong to JK Rowling this is a not for profit story. |
Got something a little different for you guys today, read on!
Chapter Eleven
Severus woke slowly. He had grown accustomed to the dead weight of Harry Potter sprawled on top of him. He would usually shove the boy off him to go take his morning shower but as today was Saturday he was content to remain where he was.
December had quickly given way to a frosty January and classes were back on so Severus was enjoying his rare morning off. He had a few NEWT students to see this afternoon about their chosen projects but other than that he was free to enjoy a bit of a sleep in.
He glanced down at Harry whose messy black head was resting on his chest. He snuffled in his sleep like a puppy and Severus petted his head gently soothing him back into a deeper sleep.
Harry was dangerous.
He was addictive.
He was corruptibly innocent.
The boy was inspiration and distraction.
Madness and completion.
Everything he was missing and everything he could do without.
He was Harry Potter. Son of James and Lily Potter and wasn’t that just crazy to be thinking about. Thinking of the woman you once loved and the man you hated while you kissed their child, slept beside him and fantasised about fucking him, making sweet love long into the night.
He was everything he hated about James, the arrogance, the stupidity, the blatant disregard for all rules and authorities, that heroic sense of duty.
He was everything he loved about Lily, so kind, so sweet, so loving, so loyal, so righteous, so fierce, so protective.
He wasn’t anything like Severus had thought.
Never judge a book by its cover, a voice chided gently.
The voice sounded suspiciously like Albus.
He’d loved Lily. Loved her so much that upon hearing of her death he had screamed and cried and raged and ached for days, months... years...
He had given up his life, all of it, over one stupid mistake. He had given every part of him he had to give to try and rectify it. He had vowed to protect any piece of Lily left.
Then he’d seen the boy. Stumbling into the Great Hall, messy haired and bug eyed staring around in wonder and his heart burned. His body raged. All he could see was the man that had taken her away from him. James bloody Potter.
He had to destroy it. Squash the arrogance right out of him. Destroy his life like James had destroyed his. If he hadn’t come along Severus and Lily would be happily married with a few children of their own. Severus wouldn’t be stuck teaching ungrateful little snotty children, his classmate’s spoilt offspring.
He raged he swore, he kicked things and yelled at Dumbledore. Hating that another Potter was here ruining what was a barely tolerable job and making it excruciating.
Dumbledore had watched him destroy his office with that annoying twinkle in his eyes, already knowing what had taken Severus’ a few good years to realise.
He wasn’t quite sure when it happened. Perhaps it was over night. Maybe it was so gradual he barely even noticed.
Suddenly he wasn’t James incarnate.
He wasn’t a horrible guilty reminder of Lily’s tragic fate.
He was a very scared little boy. A little boy constantly thrust forward into a world of adults. Situations he didn’t understand, circumstances he couldn’t change. An unfortunate cross that he alone had to bare. He shouldered the burden alone. He wouldn’t dare wish that upon anyone else because that wasn’t the sort of boy Harry Potter was. And he was, after all, exactly that, Harry Potter. Not Lily, not James, not the Boy-Who-Lived or the Saviour either. He was Harry, just Harry.
It had hit him over the head like a ton of bricks. Harry was a simple boy who just wanted to be like everyone else, he was an average student, good at sports and a nice person. That’s how he wanted to be seen.
Perhaps it had been the first time those big green eyes had caught his in the Great Hall the boys very first night here.
It might have been when he was running down those stone steps, slipping on the ashes of his former colleague only to stop suddenly beside Dumbledore to stare down at the eleven year old boy clutching the Philosophers Stone in his hand, blood pouring freely from that lightning bolt scar. Seeing something so helpless but so powerful.
Perhaps it had been watching the boy reunite with his formerly petrified class mate Granger courtesy of that bloody Basilisk in the Great Hall. Not caring that he’d just killed a thousand year old monster or saved the entire school, he was just so happy to see his friend walking around and talking again.
Had it been watching the boy fend off more than a hundred Dementors with a single Patronus charm? He hadn’t been able to see clearly, the charm had nearly blinded him; it was so powerful in driving the Dementors away. He’d been in time to watch the boy faint on top of his bloody dogfather.
It might have been watching the boy plead his case begging for just one thing to go his way in his crazy out of control life, their marriage.
Whenever it had happened it had happened. It started something. Something Severus was very unsure of. He had never felt such fear before. Loving Lily had been almost easy compared to this. It hadn’t felt like this before... everything was electrified intensely.
However, loving Lily Evans was never going to be the same as loving Harry Potter was it?
“Mmm... morning,” Harry murmured raising his head to look up at Severus.
“Good morning,” Severus replied.
“Have you been up long?”
“No,” Severus said. He wasn’t all too sure when he’d woken up. Time seemed to slow down when Harry was around.
Harry sat up a little and crawled up so that he could kiss him good morning. The simply kiss quickly escalated into a much deeper one.
“No detentions?” Harry gasped in between kisses.
“Filch took them, eagerly,” Severus replied.
“No chance of being interrupted?”
“Whoever dares surely wants to die a painful death.”
“Hmm,” Harry sighed happily.
He was laying half on half off the man, Severus’ large hands resting lightly on his hips moving occasionally up his back or to squeeze his arse.
“Are you sure this all right?” Harry muttered against Severus’ lips. He could feel the answering smirk and he had to press forward to kiss it. When he pulled back Severus was ready to answer.
“Yes. This is fine,”
“You’re not getting bored?” Harry asked quietly.
Severus responded to that with his favourite way of shutting him up, sticking his tongue in the boy’s mouth. Harry let out a moan of surprise and wrapped his arms tighter around Severus’ neck.
Who on earth would get bored of this?
Severus was startled awake, a burning pain in his left arm. It had been happening more and more often lately especially as the second task drew closer. It was now February, January had faded fast and the second task was little over two weeks away.
Severus sighed quietly.
The Dark Lord was angry again. He switched on the light in the bedroom and looked down at his left hand. His forearm was burning; the skull and snake tattoo a dark angry black, almost pulsing with magic. Severus cursed.
He turned to find Harry, crying in his sleep, his scar bleeding profusely. He got up heading into the bathroom to grab the healing salve for the boys face.
He walked back into the room to find Harry sitting up in bed staring at him with those hopeless green eyes of his. Unfortunately they were both so used to the routine now Harry simply sat, trying not to bleed all over the bedclothes.
“Sorry,” Harry whispered and Severus glared at him. “I’ll start sleeping on the couch if you want me to.”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” Severus spat and let out an angry sigh.
Harry lowered his head, clearly hurt by Severus’ angry outburst. The boy wore his heart on his sleeve; he was too easy to read. It was good for Severus’ who had trouble understanding other people’s emotions but it wasn’t good for Harry. The connection with the Dark Lord made all these emotions much stronger, more dangerous for him, being so open was letting the dark wizard in far too easily.
“I just don’t understand it,” Harry said, “It’s never been this bad, I can feel myself rattling around in his head. I don’t think he’s noticed yet but what if he does?”
“A problem for tomorrow Potter, for now try and get some more rest,” Severus said and Harry sighed but nodded.
Severus sat, carefully watching as Harry fell back asleep. He sat awake the rest of the night making sure Harry didn’t have another dream.
He left the boy with a kiss on his angry red scar early the next morning. It wasn’t exactly a decent hour to be visiting but Severus’ had a feeling the man he wanted to see was already up.
When he entered Albus’ office his assumption was proved correct. Albus Dumbledore was sitting at his desk fully dressed for the day ahead even though it was five thirty in the morning.
“Good morning Severus,”
“Good morning Albus,” Severus greeted.
“Tea?” Albus offered Severus shook his head, “Coffee?”
“I’m fine,” Severus said and sat down in the chair in front of the man’s desk.
“Not that I am unhappy with the company but it is an unusual hour to be calling,” Albus said and Severus sighed.
“The connection is growing stronger,” Severus said cutting right to the point. “It’s happening nearly every night now,”
“Oh dear,” Albus said and Severus nodded.
“He said he’s actually in the Dark Lords mind, he’s convinced he hasn’t been noticed but I feel it’s only a matter of time. I think we both know what will happen should that connection be discovered,”
Albus tilted his head slightly to the side as if listening to something that only he could hear.
“I had hoped for more time. Another year at least,” Albus said quietly.
“You know what it is?” Severus asked
“Yes,” Albus, “However, for now they are only theories, theories I’m not quite ready to share just yet,”
“Do you know how to stop it?”
“I don’t think you will like it very much,” Albus said and Severus stared at him, waiting for him to continue.
“The connection between them has been growing stronger every year. The connection feeds off magic, Harry’s magic for a time and then when he got here it was drawing strength from everything around him. Now that connection has found another path to Voldemort through you it has nearly doubled in a few short months.”
“I’m doing this to him?”
“Don’t be too hard on yourself, it was going to happen either way all you have done is accelerated the process,” Albus said.
Severus slumped back in his chair and put a hand over his eyes. He didn’t want to look at those twinkling blue eyes anymore. They knew too much without Severus’ ever having to say a word. They read his soul as if he was a Gryffindor with his heart on his sleeve.
“You know how this ends Severus,” Albus said and the man looked up sharply.
Of course he did. So long as it wasn’t mentioned it could be put off as a distant possibility.
“How long?” he asked quietly, he didn’t want to know but he had to.
“Too soon, it will always be too soon,” Albus said, “Don’t do what I know you’re thinking. You cannot do that to him, you must remember your promise. The one you made to me and the one you made to him,”
Severus nodded curtly.
“Occlumency will help for now,” Albus said and Severus stood silently, he didn’t trust himself to talk right now.
“You may borrow my Pensieve.”
Severus was already out the door before the older man had even finished his sentence.
He hurried through the school. It was a brisk walk at first, then a jog, then a full on sprint. What the students would think seeing their Potions Master running through the school as if the hounds of hell were on his heels? He didn’t quite care at the moment.
He just had to run, oh what he wouldn’t give to be able to run right out those doors, across the grounds and off to freedom. He’d take Harry with him and they would just run. It would be perfect for a time but they couldn’t spend their lives running.
It was so stupid and idealistic Severus’ couldn’t believe he’d even thought of it for even a second. The boy was changing him. He was being a fool. He couldn’t think properly.
He entered his rooms to find the boy sitting on the couch already dressed in his uniform, just finishing tying up his shoe laces.
He looked up and smiled at Severus.
Those bright green eyes, so happy and bright. The colour was almost the same as the curse that would end his young life so quickly. A split second, that was all it would take to end the life of Harry Potter, Severus had seen it a few too many times, been the cause of it more times then he’d care to admit.
It probably wouldn’t be today or tomorrow even but it would be soon. Too soon.
So Severus couldn’t run away forever, he felt he was entitled to a day though.
He walked forward, pressed a kiss to Harry’s forehead then headed across to his personal lab and disappeared inside. He warded the door with every locking and silencing spell he knew, a few of the charms being his own personal inventions. Albus would be able to get through them eventually but Severus somehow knew the man wouldn’t come looking.
When the charms were completed Severus slumped against the door and cried for the first time in thirteen years.
Harry sat on the couch staring at the closed door in concern. He’d knocked a few times but Snape was either ignoring him or spelled the door so it was silent. He was worried, in his four years at Hogwarts Snape had never missed a class.
The door to the rooms opened and Professor Dumbledore walked in. Harry stood up to greet him but the words died on his tongue.
“You don’t want to miss your classes do you?” Dumbledore asked and Harry glanced at his watch. Breakfast was just finishing, if he ran, very fast, he could make it to Herbology.
“But what about Professor Snape?” Harry asked quietly.
“I think everyone has their off days,” Dumbledore replied with a kind smile, “I feel they would also very much appreciate if we didn’t make an event of it,”
Harry nodded in understanding and picked up his book bag, he glanced at the door once more before making his way out of the room. He paused in the hallway and turned to Dumbledore.
“You’ll make sure he’s okay right?” Harry asked in a small voice. Dumbledore smiled and gave a reassuring nod. Harry nodded in return and headed off to class.
Harry tried to sneak into the class unnoticed but Professor Sprout was smarter than that and he lost five house points for tardiness. Neville easily earned them back after successfully answering all the questions about the Pridar Plant they were working on.
Care of Magical Creatures was actually a great lesson, instead of bringing out some dangerous creature as Hagrid was won’t to do they got to pet some unicorn foals. Harry couldn’t really enjoy it though; his mind was back in the dungeons with Snape.
“Are you all right Harry? You seem distracted,” Hermione said gently at lunch. Harry sighed and shrugged.
“Does it have anything to do with Snape missing from breakfast and lunch?” Ron guessed.
“Professor Snape,” Hermione corrected.
“Fred and George said they had Dumbledore for Potions this morning. Is he sick or something mate?” Ron asked.
“Or something,” Harry muttered and Hermione and Ron shared a look.
“People get sick Harry it’s nothing to worry about” Hermione reassured him gently.
Harry simply nodded appreciating the effort his two friends were making in cheering him up.
Harry glanced up at the head table noting Snape’s empty chair. He glanced back at his food but not before catching Cedrics eyes. He was staring at Harry from across the hall.
He’d been doing that a lot since the dance and Harry had been hoping if he ignored it long enough the problem would go away. He wasn’t having any luck so far but he was determined.
“What is that about?” Hermione asked and Harry shook his head.
“If I didn’t know better I’d say he has a crush,” Ron said and Harry raised his eyebrows.
“Really?” Harry asked
“Well, its how Ginny acts around you,” Ron said carelessly.
Harry was startled by this news and turned to Hermione for confirmation. Ginny had had a little a crush on him her first year, he had assumed she’d grown out of it. Apparently not.
“Ron!” Hermione scolded.
“I don’t think Ginny would appreciate you spreading her secrets everywhere,”
“Oh come on everyone knows how she feels about him, even Harry’s not that blind,” Ron said and turned to find Harry staring blankly.
“Oh...” Ron said awkwardly. Hermione rolled her eyes.
“It doesn’t matter, what does matter is Potions,” Harry said and Hermione and Ron both frowned at him.
“Not really but come on,” Harry said.
“Harry,” Hermione chided and Harry simply smiled and stood. Hermione sighed and followed along with Ron who was eating a piece of toast as they walked.
“What do you think the second task will be?” Hermione asked to change the subject as they made their way down to the dungeons.
“Dunno,” Harry said
“Maybe it’ll be dragons again. The champions will definitely be surprised,” Ron said with a grin.
“I’m sure it’ll be something much more creative than that,” Hermione replied.
“What like the tasks to the Philosophers stone?” Harry asked and Hermione shrugged.
“Something like mind puzzles, challenge them in a different way,” Hermione said.
“Definitely glad I’m not competing then, I can’t do those sorts of things and I don’t think they’d let me drag you into the arena with me,” Harry said and Hermione shook her head in amusement.
“The egg is a clue to the next task so it must be something you want to be a little prepared for,” Hermione said.
“How do you know what the egg does?” Ron asked sharply.
“Viktor told me,” Hermione replied.
“Viktor? Since when has he been Viktor?”
“Quite a while but you were too busy mooning over Fleur Delacour to notice,” Hermione said and hurried on ahead of them.
“I wasn’t mooning over her,” Ron muttered defensively.
“I know. They met in the library; he thought she had nice hair, she told him to bugger off because she was studying,” Harry said with a grin.
“That’s romantic,” Ron said dryly and Harry laughed.
“It’s perfect for Hermione. Don’t ruin it with jealousy,”
“Jealousy? I’m not jealous! Why would I be jealous?” Ron asked.
“No reason at all,” Harry said immediately placating him. Ron nodded and they continued on to Potions in silence.
Potions class was odd with Dumbledore. It was certainly more fun but it made Harry worry more.
He wasn’t concentrating at all which was a good thing because Hermione was his partner so he didn’t have to pay a lot of attention because she was doing everything so well on her own.
“Mr Malfoy!” Dumbledore called joyfully and the class froze to look at Draco Malfoy who looked up at the headmaster politely.
“Let’s make this class a little more interesting. Switch places with Miss Granger,”
“But sir I’ve nearly finished my potion with Vincent, I’d have to start again with Potter,” Malfoy said.
“Her potion should be perfectly fine, unless, of course, there’s something in there that shouldn’t be?” Dumbledore asked staring at Malfoy, those twinkling blue eyes watching him carefully.
Harry knew exactly how it felt to have those eyes boring into you, it was almost impossible to lie when facing them and Malfoy was not immune.
“I put something in her potion,” Malfoy confessed.
“Did he?” Hermione whispered to Harry.
Harry shrugged; he didn’t have a clue he was too busy thinking about Snape.
“Well then it’s only fair that you get the zero she would have received for her failed Potion and she can have the marks you’ll get for the perfect potion you will turn in. Miss Granger, Mr Potter there’s no time to start again so you two may clean up and get a little head start on your homework,” Dumbledore said with a smile.
Hermione looked a little disheartened about not being able to finish their potion but a head start on homework more than made up for it in her eyes. Together they cleaned up their ingredients and packed up their cauldron, Harry taking it over to the sink to be cleaned and returned to them later.
Harry settled back at his desk with Hermione who helped him work on his Charms essay until the bell rang.
Dinner was quiet with Harry merely playing with his food. Hermione and Ron tried to talk to him but after a few monosyllable answers they both gave up and talked amongst themselves.
When dinner was over he eagerly headed down to his rooms hoping Snape was free from his lab. He walked in and found them empty. With a heavy sigh he headed over to the door and knocked.
“Snape?” he called.
The door was pulled open and Snape simply stared at him.
“Uh... are you feeling better?” Harry asked hesitantly.
“Yes,” Snape replied and Harry blinked at him not sure whether to press further. He took the risk,
“What... I mean... are you all right? Did you want to talk about it?”
“No,” Snape said abruptly and Harry nodded in understanding, “You know I sort through my thoughts every night,”
“You sort through them and put them away you said,” Harry remembered.
“These thoughts took a little longer to put away. I am fine now though,” Snape said.
“Oh good,” Harry said feeling immensely relieved.
“I am going to be teaching you to do the same” Snape said stepping out of his lab forcing Harry to back up out of the way. He closed the door behind him and locked it carefully before turning back to Harry.
“You’re going to teach me to put my thoughts away?” Harry asked.
“Yes, you’re connection with the Dark Lord is growing stronger. You need to learn to keep him out and if he does get in you’ll need to protect your thoughts” Snape replied.
“Oh... does it hurt?”
“No but it is very exhausting,” Snape said and took his hand leading him over to the couch. He sat them down and released Harry’s hand.
“We’ll go slowly,” Snape said and Harry frowned.
“We’re starting now?” Harry asked nervously.
“Yes, unless you would like another horrible dream tonight?” Snape asked and Harry sighed.
“Okay,” he said.
“All right first relax, get comfortable,”
“Well that’s easy; I’m always relaxed with you,” Harry said with a smile.
“Close your eyes,” Snape said softly.
Harry lent back on the couch and closed his eyes settling down.
“Concentrate on your breathing,”
“Are you going to put me to sleep?”
“No, to be able to protect your mind you have to know what it feels like first,” Snape said quietly. His voice was soft, soothing washing over and Harry relaxing him further.
He concentrated on Snape’s voice, directing him to breathe in and out.
“Now try and think about your mind. An odd thing I know, try thinking about today’s events just flick through them idly,” Snape directing. “Just keep going back and forth over today. What I’m going to do is invade your mind, you are going to try and keep me focused on today. I will be rifling around wherever I please so try and pull me back here,”
Harry nodded in confirmation.
“Legilimens,” Snape said
Harry gasped, as his memories were flashing by him quickly. His very first Quidditch match where he nearly fell off the broom. The celebrations in Gryffindor tower after their win.
“Today Harry, concentrate,” Snape ordered. His voice seemed to echo in Harry’s head.
Harry shook it to clear it, trying to focus on today but it was so difficult.
He was screaming banging on the door of his cupboard, begging to be let out.
He was sprinting through the Forbidden Forest, dozens of Acromantula chasing after him.
He was standing beside Hermione as she carefully twisted the time turner in her hands.
Draco Malfoy was taunting him about having to stay at school for the holidays because his family didn’t want him.
“Focus,” Snape said
He was gasping the Devil’s Snare tightening around his panicked form.
Hermione was lying petrified in the Hospital Wing, her eyes frozen in fear.
He was hugging Sirius goodbye then watching him fly off into the night on Buckbeak the Hippogriff.
Suddenly it all stopped and Harry blinked his eyes open. He turned to Snape who was frowning.
“You’re not trying,” Snape said
“Did you see all that?” Harry asked.
“Parts of it,” Snape said and Harry frowned at him.
“What parts?”
“It doesn’t matter, focus. Drag me into today. Make me see your classes today, or whatever Granger is up to.”
“How? It’s really hard!”
“I know but you must try,” Snape said and Harry sighed, “Try again, relax and think about today,”
Harry settled back on the couch, closing his eyes again and thinking about the day he’d had.
Snape was there almost immediately dragging things out randomly.
Harry was sprinting along the Chamber of Secrets, Ginny Weasley’s body sprawled at the statue of Slytherin’s feet.
He was in the Burrow for the very first time, looking around Ron’s childhood home thinking how perfect it would be to live here.
He was climbing up a tree to get away from Aunt Marge’s nasty Rottweiler Ripper. It was after full dark when she finally called the stupid thing off.
Gryffindor had won the House Cup, Harry wanted to run over to Malfoy and rub it in his face.
He was dancing with Ron and Hermione at the ball, screaming along to a song he didn’t know.
“Potter!” Snape said.
Harry tried to focus on today. It was only a split second but he was petting the unicorns in Care of Magical Creatures
“Stay with it,” Snape encouraged but it was gone.
Harry was screaming along with a woman, the Dementor was getting closer. His mother was screaming all Harry could do was scream right along with her as the creature drew nearer.
Harry was sitting in front of the Mirror of Erised; seeing his parents for the very first time. There were no photos of them at the Dursley’s. His mother was so pretty and he finally understood why everyone kept saying he looked like his dad. They both smiled at him. He turned hoping they’d really be standing behind him but they weren’t. He turned back and the mirror images of his parents looked so very sad. Lily held out her hand and Harry reached out, resting his fingers against the glass.
Her screams were echoing around in his head again. Dementors. He turned left, then right, he was falling through the air, he’d fallen off his broom. Right in the middle of a match as well, the Snitch! He passed out.
He was running up the stairs, away from Professor Quirrell but the man practically flew across the room. He landed on Harry his hands immediately going around Harry’s neck. He screamed and pulled away looking at his blistered hands.
Harry tried to pull Snape back to today but he couldn’t there was a flash of Potions but it was gone and he was lost falling through his memories.
He was flying through the air, Hermione clutching at his waist as Buckbeak flew them higher and higher.
He was running through the castle, he was late for class again. Why didn’t Ron wake him up?
It was his very first Potions class and the teacher already hated him, great... perhaps magic school wasn’t going to be as great as he thought it would be.
Harry let Snape slide the ring on his finger and then did the same to him. The gold ribbon tightened around their wrists and then grew warm before disappearing into their skin.
Professor Lupin was transforming before their eyes, Hermione grabbed his arm tightly and let out a whimper of fear. Wormtail smirked at them then transformed into a rat. No! Harry thought but Lupin the werewolf was snapping at them.
Snape pulled back and Harry slid down on the couch in exhaustion.
“Enough for now I think,” Snape said and Harry nodded holding up a hand to his pounding head.
Snape helped him up and led him into the bedroom. He helped Harry change; Harry was feeling a little clumsy and boneless. The man laid him in bed and sat beside next to him until the boy fell asleep.
The rest of the week continued on this way leaving Harry exhausted. Snape made it seem so easy but Harry was struggling. He was happy when the weekend arrived and he could enjoy a sleep in. When he finally woke it was nearly midday. He didn’t have anything to do today and Snape was busy with his NEWT students for the day so he was left to his own devices.
He wasn’t really the type of person to roll around in bed so he figured he’d read for a little while before getting started on his homework.
He shuffled out into the living room rubbing his eyes tiredly his glasses in his hands not bothering to put them on yet.
He heard gasps. He froze.
Slowly putting his glasses on, he came face to face with group of seventh year students standing around the coffee table. Snape was standing in the middle easily towering over the students who, although almost fully grown, had no hope of reaching his impressive height of 6’2.
He was tending to a gold cauldron filled with sparkling green liquid carefully set up above blue flames which didn’t appear to be burning their coffee table at all.
“You weren’t listening to me last night at all were you?” Snape asked his professor voice on in front of the students.
“No, sorry,” Harry muttered.
“I told you I was going to be with the NEWT students today,”
“Well you didn’t say it’d be here,” Harry replied quietly.
“Perhaps you should put some pants on,” was all Snape said.
Harry glanced down, he was wearing one of Snape’s sleep shirts and though it was very long on him and covered all the important bits, his lower legs were very much on display. Well that was definitely giving every student there the wrong impression. Oh well they would make their own assumptions regardless of whether Harry had walked out buck naked or fully clothed.
“How long will you be?” Harry asked. Snape glared at him.
“As long as I need to be,” he said testily.
“Okay, but just remember that while you’re in here, I’ll be in there... alone...” Harry said coyly and then slipped back into the bedroom.
That’ll give the students something to talk about.
Harry listened against the door wondering if they would dare say anything in Snape’s presence. It wasn’t the students talking though, it was Snape.
“It needs to sit for ten days, we’ll continue in class now get out!” Snape ordered rapidly.
“I wish Potter interrupted Potions more often,” one boy said quietly but Snape heard and Harry couldn’t help his snort of amusement.
“I heard that Owens!” Snape snapped, “Ten points from Hufflepuff!”
The students hurried out the door after that, the last one left shutting the door behind them with a snap.
Harry scrambled away from the door when he heard Snape approaching it. He wasn’t quite fast enough and only just managed to throw himself onto the bed when the man walked in.
“What was that about?” Snape asked.
“I was bored,” Harry said with a shrug.
“Bored? Potter these are peoples futures you’re ruining you know,”
“Owens didn’t seem to care,”
“Yes I believe most of his classmates are under the same impression that I need to ‘get some’,” Snape said.
“Well if you want ‘some’ you’re welcome to it,” Harry said with a cheeky grin.
“Go and irritate your friends I have to preserve the potion and move it from the middle of my living room,”
“Good plan, I’d probably knock it over,”
“Yes and as that cauldron and the ingredients it is holding is well over four hundred galleons I would be very upset,” Snape said.
“Whoa! What are you brewing money or something?”
“No, just a very rare very expensive healing potion. The Soter Potion is an extremely temperamental and expensive potion to brew. I only ever make one cauldron full as a demonstration,” Snape said, “It requires mastery in Potions to make. This is only to show those students interested in acquiring one just how difficult it will be,”
“But you have one?”
“Yes and I studied very long and hard to get it,”
“How long did it take?”
“Eight years, I was teaching at the same time so it took me longer than most. On average you would complete it in six,”
“Are there lots of Potions Masters around?”
“No, it is dying out quickly. No one of your generation quite understands the subtle and beautiful art of potions. If you can’t appreciate it you won’t make it to Master,”
“So the Soter Potion is a healing potion? Why is it so pricey?”
“It acts almost in the same way as phoenix tears do. It is literally a life saver, naturally a product like that comes with a high price tag and to brew it is equally expensive. It uses very rare ingredients including unicorn tears and the venom of the Glycon and he makes you beg before letting you harvest some,” Snape said and Harry raised his eyebrows.
“How on earth do you make something like that?”
“Years of perfecting your craft,” Snape said smugly.
“Think it’ll be all right left alone for a little while?” Harry asked playfully.
“I should move it first, but hold that thought and stay right where you are,” Snape hurried away to carefully transport the expensive potion into his private lab. He was back in less than a minute and was quickly climbing onto the bed. He stopped above Harry perched on all fours and stayed there waiting for Harry to make the first move. Harry happily reached up wrapping his arms around the man’s neck to pull him down for an eager kiss.
Harry was glad for the second task now, as it was tomorrow the teachers had given the students the night off from homework so they could all go down and support the champions.
Harry was all too happy to be a spectator and enjoy the benefits of a homework free night. He was sitting on the couch curled up against Snape, his head resting on the man’s shoulder after a tiring Occlumency lesson.
“What do you think the task will be tomorrow?” Harry asked and Snape frowned.
“I’m not sure. The teachers are usually just as surprised as the students are,” Snape said.
There was a knock on the door and Harry frowned glancing at Snape, the man was apparently just as confused.
“Enter,” he called.
The door opened and Professor McGonagall walked into the room. She looked rather grim, her lips pressed into a thin line.
“Potter, come with me,” she ordered.
Harry went to stand but Snape held him down.
“Why?” he asked.
“Are you going to let him go?” McGonagall asked and Snape raised an eyebrow.
“Well that, depends where he’s going,” Snape replied.
“I didn’t do anything,” Harry said glancing between the two teachers.
“You’re not in trouble Harry, I don’t have time to waste, just come with me,” she said.
Snape stood and took hold of Harry’s hand helping him stand. McGonagall frowned when she realised she wouldn’t be able to get rid of Snape. She rolled her eyes and turned,
“Come along then, to my office,” she said, and they set off together, Snape holding Harry’s hand tightly the whole way.
It’s a little all over the place, I rewrote it a few times and there were some bits I just loved so they had to stay which kind of stuffs up the flow a little but I don’t think it’s in a very jarring way. I’m happy with it.
Also, I got really excited because I thought I’d beat my record of three chapters in a month but I realised I did that in February, think I can beat it before the 31st? Nah me neither, anyway enjoy guys, Nina
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