The call of Justice | By : KusanoSaku Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 4966 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter franchise, so obviously I'm broke since I don't make a dime. If I did, Ginny would have died instead of Fred. Since I don't, I'm going to have fun and write AU HP. |
Title: The call of Justice
Pairings: Implied parental pairings
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Harry, his elder sister Cora, his friends and his yearmates grew up with the reality of abuse. Some of them like Harry, Dudley Black-Tonks and Sally Smith were rescued from abusive situations; Harry and Sally from the Orphanage from hell and Dudley from his magic-phobic birth parents. Together these children grow up all the stronger for the bonds they share and set out to worthy of the world that their parents have forged.
A/N: For Staar... Sequel to A Godfather's Duty!
Chapter 9
Harry and Cora were informed that they were to present themselves to their papa after breakfast.
Cora swallowed, if she wasn’t certain that they’d probably saved Sally’s life, then she would feel guiltier about their having disobeyed.
Harry ate more like a bird then he usually did, he had resumed wringing his hands to her silent concern.
Cora added his favourite strawberries to his plate from hers hoping to entice him to eat more than just toast.
Cora was willing to accept her punishment without complaint, she was the oldest and should have not let Harry tag along.
Eventually, their dad escorted them to the bedroom he shared with papa leaving Sera, Nemia, Teddy and Fili with strict orders to check their rooms to make sure that they had everything they wanted for the holiday because no elf would be sent to fetch anything forgotten.
Cora swallowed at the faint smell of blood in the air, it wasn’t on their dad which meant that papa had been hurt.
“Your dad informed me that you once again disobeyed a professor.” Severus said sternly.
“Yes papa.”
“Did you not think that after the debacle last time that you would not be punished?”
“No papa.” Harry said quietly.
“Why didn’t you tell a teacher?”
“You were all going to handle the troll. It was supposed to be in the dungeons. We were sure that the bathroom would be safe. We planned to retrieve Sally and return directly to the Great Hall.” Cora sighed. “It might not have been well thought out but Sally is one of us, if Zacharias won’t look at her I… we have to.”
“Are you apologetic?”
“We’re sorry we disobeyed… but Sally could have been badly hurt. Zacharias, Ernie and Ron locked her in with the troll. It was so big and she was scared papa.” Harry blurted out.
“You will not be riding the train today. You will both return to your dormitories immediately. Pack what you will need for the holidays, after you floo home you will do your holiday homework immediately. Cora will be taking over Teddy and Fili’s potions lessons as well as supervising Sera. Harry will be responsible for scrubbing the cauldrons.”
“You’re hurt papa…” Cora said quietly.
Harry turned white.
“That damn troll wasn’t the only monster in Hogwarts. There is a vicious dog in the castle, your dad and I stumbled upon it. Filius was informed and Andromeda treated me. I’m under orders not to walk for a while but I’ll get by…”
Cora worried about papa’s orders, he usually spent a lot of time during the holidays brewing…
“Go pack. We’re leaving in an hour. Best be saying your goodbyes.”
Head hung, Harry let his twin escort him out of their family’s apartment and gently push him into the Slytherin common room before scurrying off to Ravenclaw Tower.
Dudley had been sent straight to bed upon arriving at Grimsby.
Apparently, his mother was at St. Mungos on shift and his dad was not dealing with him until after she returned home.
Being woken up before dawn for a run unless it was the weather was uncooperating, wasn’t unusual.
Being woken up by his mother rather than his dad or a brother was…
“You have five minutes.”
Dudley swallowed.
Okay, she was mad…
He threw on clothes, hardly caring what they were, so he could hurry to the breakfast room after combing his hair.
Dudley wasn’t surprised that neither of his brothers were present, they hadn’t disobeyed the Headmaster. He still felt he was in the right but looking at his mother who was vibrating spine-tingling magic, he didn’t dare voice it.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to solve disagreements with your fists? What is this about disobeying the Headmaster?”
Dudley swallowed, “Did dad tell you why?
“Just because there was a good outcome for the least fortunate,”
“Mother, her own brother locked her in with a mountain troll. Her own brother! He wanted it to hurt her! He was disappointed that we prevented that!” Dudley blurted out.
“You ought to have told a professor! You know that Severus, Charity and Remus would have listened. If you couldn’t get their attention then you should have told Irma! I am not raising you to be like Sirius!” his mother fumed.
While Dudley knew after being her son for going on ten years that she wasn’t going to crucio him for being disobedient, she could make you feel very small for disappointing her. She didn’t use any physical punishments either, but she might ground him from sweets though.
“The professors had the troll to deal with! We were headed for the first-floor girls’ bathroom! The troll was supposed to be in the dungeon. Trolls are stinky and possibly dangerous but not too difficult to handle. Besides, if I hadn’t taken the lead to get Zacharias, Eron and Ron away from the bathroom then we couldn’t have rescued Sally.” Dudley sulked.
“Andromeda while using his fists aren’t exactly laudable, he showed grit. Dudley deduced that Sally might be in danger. He arranged a rescue party, distracted her human tormentors and facilitated a rescue. While I do wish that there was another solution, he showing a mixture of our Houses.”
“Really now…” Andromeda muttered.
“Slytherin’s disregard for the rules as well as Hufflepuff’s dedication to fairness and justice.”
“Fighting is not the way to solve every problem. I want you to write a reflection offering other solutions. You will be grounded from watching the telly for the entire holiday. If you wish to join us in picking out a tree, then you will finish your holiday homework in three days. I am going to bed. I had a long night and an emergency. Ted, you will enforce this?”
“Of course, we will be going to a run first and then breakfast.”
Dudley was upset that he was going to miss out on watching Christmas movies…
While they mostly celebrated solstice because they were magical, Dad had incorporated his Muggle family’s traditions. They typically watched The Nutcracker and A Christmas Carol as well as a James Bond movie, dad was especially fond of In His Majesty’s Secret Service. Although, which movie about Ebenezer Scrooge varied because remaking it was popular.
Another tradition was curling up in blankets with hot drinks and warm biscuits while Sam read them Christmas stories like O. Henry’s Gift of the Magi, The Steadfast Tin Soldier and Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Anderson. Dudley couldn’t remember a time when Sam wasn’t reading to him…
She never struck him or his siblings, she did give them situations where they could prove they had special talents.
Dora helped rescue Harry, Dudley often helped carry their solstice tree because he was very strong and Sam liked to read muggle stories aloud to them, while Ariel was the type to let younger children crawl all over him by and give them rides. Even after starting at Number Four and now at Hogwarts, Sam often spent his holidays flooing over to Number Seven to read to the other children. With Ariel, often coming along as well…
When mother first examined Ariel, he was covered in bruises and had numerous signs of current as well as past broken bones. He also had a few of the other Jersey children that he was hyper protective of, almost like a mother wolf or a lioness. It took some time for anyone to get near the those kids, Ariel would taste their food first and insist they be allowed to sleep together.
They had often, or so he’d heard, been found in a ‘cuddle pile’ under a bed.
Ariel was the last of those children to be adopted. Slowly, their hurts were healed and they learned to trust. It wasn’t until Ariel had no one left that he let them ask him to be part of the family.
Dudley hadn’t been part of the family very long, when Ariel became a part of their family.
Ariel was probably the brother he was closest to, they approached bullying differently but they each loathed it.
Ariel had been his only adopted brother who insisted on a ‘new name’…
Upon his adoption, Ariel became Ariel Tyl Tonks.
His sister Dora had been born Nymphadora Abagail Tonks, Sam had only been known as Sam but he was adopted with the name Samuel Hadir and Dudley himself had been Dudley Basil but was now Dudley Kesîl.
Abagail, Samuel and Ariel were biblical while Hadir and Tyl were celestial. Dudley’s own middle name Kesîl was the Hebrew variant of the constellation of Orion but like Ariel was the name of an angel according to Dudley’s adopted Muggle relatives.
Unfortunately, his grandmother Clara died before Dora had siblings but grandpa James was around for four years.
While they didn’t have grandparents anymore, they were besieged with a ton of honorary aunts, uncles and cousins.
Not that Dudley minded…
He was glared at by his dad to go dress properly to go for a run.
If the weather wouldn’t permit, they had gym in the basement that his dad had taught them to use. Not all equipment required Muggle electricity after all…
It would be a very unpleasant holiday with mother so disappointed.
Sam would be upset that Dudley was in trouble again, while Ariel wouldn’t say it Dudley knew that Ariel would approve of his standing up for a bullied schoolmate.
Hermione had slept ill.
She disliked disobeying teachers, but especially the Headmaster.
It didn’t help that Cora didn’t return to the Tower…
She nearly bolted out of bed, when Cora finally entered their dormitory.
She pushed back her blue silk curtains that immediately were tied back with large bronze satin ribbons. Her bronze duvet lay atop blue sheets tossed towards the end of Hermione’s bed.
“Are you alright? How much trouble did you get into? Are you grounded?” the Muggleborn witch blurted out.
“I’m to do my holiday homework first thing after returning home by floo instead of the train. Plus, I have to handle my younger siblings’ potions lessons. Sera will be relatively easy, if I can keep her from brewing potions that shouldn’t be attempted until she’s a student here. Nemia and Fili aren’t as keen on potions but they’ll do the work. As for Teddy…” Cora groaned, “It will probably take Sera and I to keep him from blowing up a cauldron because he just doesn’t care…”
“What about Harry?”
“Mostly the same; he has to pack up, floo home and do his holiday homework. Unfortunately, he’ll be scrubbing the cauldrons…”
“Is that bad?”
Cora shrugged, “Think about it like having to do the dishes, sometimes they rinse easy and sometimes you really have to scrub.”
Hermione nodded. “Ah.”
“Well I better get this over with…Dad’s disappointed and papa’s furious.” Cora sighed.
“Well we did disobey. I can’t imagine my parents being any happier…” Hermione groaned.
The two Ravenclaws began packing up.
Hermione would probably nap on the train, it would be a bit lonely without Coraline but it wasn’t as if she didn’t have other friends. Cora was just her best friend…
Honestly, one of these days or rather nights either Blaise or Theo was going to hex him.
Prince or not, Draco’s obsession with Harry being in their Dungeon dormitory every night was getting to be rather irritating.
Having parents who were professors, it was entirely reasonable for Harry or even Cora to spend the night. Especially with siblings who missed them…
After last night when they disobeyed Headmaster Filius, it was reasonable that Harry and Cora would be turned over to their parents for punishment.
Theo was Professor Prince’s cousin, their mothers were sisters and he knew if he put on toe out of line or failed to get perfect marks on a potion, that his mother would likely be immediately informed. Theo was pretty sure that he was doing well on marks; although Cora and Hermione were likely tied for top marks with Draco a close second. Theo was rather annoyed that he usually scored lower than his rival Dean Thomas, where Harry fell Marks wise, Theo wasn’t sure but it was probable that Harry had tied with either of them.
Harry seemed depressed when he finally arrived in their dormitory.
“Harry!” Draco said anxiously before hugging the tiny teen.
Harry seemed to relax ever so slightly.
“How much trouble were you in?” Blaise asked.
“I’m not allowed to ride the train. I’m supposed to pack what I need for the holiday like my school things and Accalia.” Harry sulked. “I have to finish my holiday homework right away and scrub the cauldrons left from Cora’s lessons. She has to teach Nemia, Teddy and Fili as well as monitoring Sera’s brewing.”
“Wow… that’s strict. I can’t imagine if I had to babysit Ned and Gracie brewing…” Theo whistled.
Theo knew that ‘Uncle’ Severus was disdainful of politics so his mother served as his proxy and held both the Prince and the Nott vote in the Wizengamot. His mother was currently one of the proctors for the Potions Master exams as well. He hadn’t announced it but potions was the one subject thus far that he was passionate about. That might change Third Year when he was given the chance to take electives but for now it was potions.
After all, he and Draco regularly battled it out for top marks every lesson. Despite having mothers who were the best in their year, neither Harry nor Dudley really seemed to put much effort in.
Harry sullenly went to dig out his things out that he was taking.
Theo wasn’t exactly looking forward to going home either.
Sure, a certain disregard for rules and conventions was a Slytherin trait but he wasn’t so sure that his mother would accept his putting himself in possible danger to rescue a Muggleborn but blood adopted Hufflepuff.
It was cruel to think that Blaise had it lucky because he didn’t have any parents to disappoint. Theo wondered if Draco was going to be in trouble when he made it to the Manor…
Greg on the other hand was likely to get in more trouble for protecting a Hufflepuff than getting into a fight. From his father, any way but his mother Horatia despised when he fought at all.
Vince was going to continue sulking about not being involved in their ‘little adventure’.
He hadn’t taken the story well and had shut himself in his bed behind his curtains. He was still sulking about Greg being a Gryffindor and abandoning him…
Blaise was probably going to have the easier holiday…
After all, he wasn’t involved in the fight and didn’t actively face the troll. All he had done was help pull Theo and Sally out of the bathroom…
He barely disobeyed…
This would be a very interesting holiday…
What do you think? Outstanding? Exceeds expectations? Acceptable? Poor? Dreadful? Troll?
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