Shake it, Bake it, Brew it | By : Blackkitten23 Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male Views: 70491 -:- Recommendations : 7 -:- Currently Reading : 31 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or make a profit off my stories |
(I’m thinking)
“I’m speaking”
Last Time:
Griphook scowled as he watched the scene from inside the bank. He saw the Malfoy heir being taunted by the second youngest Weasley brat, but that wasn’t the issue. Draco and his parents weren’t paying the brat any mind. It was Harry he was worried about … his client was headed towards the bank and about to cross paths with the one man who could identify him … Remus Lupin …
Harry ran his fingers through his false blonde hair and chuckled as his kneazles have taken a liking to running along the roofs of the shops in Diagon Alley. Thankfully no one took much notice of the large kneazles’ playtime. Soon he was about to enter Gringotts, but just before he could cross the gate he suddenly felt like he hit a solid wall. For some reason the wards around the bank blocked him out!
A note fluttered out of the building as he rubbed his sore nose and landed in his hand going completely unnoticed by everyone except Harry … and apparently Frank who walked over to the young wizard. The note was opened …
‘Harry – stay away from the werewolf going in the bank. He’s a friend of your late father, but is loyal to Dumbles and may know your scent from when you were a baby. Wait until he leaves - Griphook’
Frank snarled as he spotted the only other werewolf in the area “he’s right to warn you. A person’s scent may change slightly over time, but if that guy over there was a friend of your father he could’ve marked you as his cub so he would find you easily” he whispered as they backed away from the bank. He kept a close eye on the only other werewolf present resting for a bit against the gates who would’ve run right into Harry if not for the wards blocking out Harry.
“that’s not good, but he maybe he can be reasoned with then. I mean he did know my father so what would he do if he knew what Dumbledore did?” Harry whispered back hopefully, but then frowned as he got a good look at the werewolf who he hasn’t seen all day “and are you sure you should be running around so soon after the full moon? You look exhausted” Frank looked pale and very tired. It also seems he received a few bruises and scrapes during his transformation the night before.
“I’m fine, trust me I have looked much worse and it helps that you restocked the potions supply for Sanguini so we are healing faster than normal. As far as this Remus guy goes the possibility is there, but lets focus on the potion master first before we take risks. We need those loyalty removing potions. We’ll deal with this guy when those are done, but I’ll go ahead and see if I can hear what he is up to. I may not have a pack, but as an alpha my scent stronger so it will block yours. Stay downwind and avoid moving too much” Frank left the young wizard there as he went into the bank.
In order to cover some of Harry’s old scent from previous visits the Alpha ran ahead to make sure his scent was more noticeable. Of course he didn’t worry too much since Diagon Alley and Gringotts were always busy and all those people going in and out would’ve muddled the scent assuming there was one considering the wizardng bank’s cleansing spells used at the end of each day, but he sniffed the air to be sure. The boy’s scent was covered and the supposed Dumbledore lapdog went to the counter and Frank stood in the lobby pretending to wait for someone as he listened carefully …
“I’m going on a trip to America so I need to withdraw about 700 galleons from my account please” Remus asked weakly.
Clearly he suffered even worse during the full moon last night, which explains why he was moving so slowly. Frank wondered what would make the sickly werewolf run to the bank the next day as he saw the goblin hand over the money. What was so urgent? Hell the werewolf barely stiffened when he ran across Frank’s scent. What has Remus so panicky? America … Harry sent his trackers there not long ago so could that have something to do with it?
Frank glanced at Harry as he walked out of Gringotts and saw him talking with some people. The two exotic kneazles could be seen watching the scene from the roof of a shop so with Harry in safe hands … or paws … the werewolf made up his mind. Frank followed Remus away from the wizarding bank and stayed back enough to not be noticed or smelled as they went down the cobblestone streets.
Remus stopped next to a familiar looking Auror with a magical eye and a fake leg “I’m sorry for taking so long Moody-”
“stop right there, don’t give me any crap about not being able to start looking for Harry sooner! Albus was too worried about the boy to think straight otherwise he would’ve waited until after the full moon to tell us about … the abduction. Werewolves should never travel the day of a full moon. You really shouldn’t start for another day, but since you’re moving lets go get your cub” Moody growled harshly, but low enough so people couldn’t hear … except for one werewolf.
A frown marred Frank’s face as he watched the duo apparate away …
“well … I guess I wait” Harry sighed as he watched Frank disappear into the bank soon followed by the man he now knows as Remus who was moving rather slowly.
“back off Weasley”
“shut it Malfoy, you’re just jealous because Harry Potter chose me as his best mate over you. No surprise though. No one wants a Death Eater freak for a friend”
Those voices … Harry felt his insides freeze as he turned around and saw Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy. Behind the blonde Slytherin were two people who were most likely Draco’s parents … Draco’s dangerously calm parents. Despite the tension he couldn’t help but notice that Draco’s eyes were truly gray. Ever since he realized he was colorblind he was curious.
Harry stepped up behind Ron and taking a moment to examine the major height difference and Ron’s real hair color before noticing the three Malfoys subtly glance at him “really? Harry Potter’s best mate huh? So what’s his favorite color or food?” the subtle sarcasm in his words zipped right over Ron’s head, but the Malfoys easily caught it.
Ron spun around to meet the chest of someone. His eyes traveled upwards to meet the blue eyes of the person some call Cache “I errr …”
The blonde man, who was most likely Draco’s father, gave a smug smirk as Ron spluttered “how very odd … why are you unable to answer such a simple question about a friend?”
“I’m not having trouble! … he errr … likes red and fried chicken” Ron stated confidently, but it was obvious he was just throwing answers out not caring if they were right.
Draco smirked “you need your eyes checked Weasley. As far as I could see Potter never touched anything greasy at school and he switched to wearing a blue tie instead of the red house color after Christmas. In fact he always stayed clear of red and green or did you forget that meltdown you had when he refused to wear the red tie. He compromised after your whining and made one side of the tie blue and one side red. You were screaming in the hall about house pride remember and your prankster brothers were the ones that changed the tie color” Ron turned an ugly shade of red out of anger due to being caught in a lie.
(Damn … Draco’s more observant than I thought. My stomach wasn’t used to eating so rich greasy things just make me sick and I insisted on switching because I nearly mixed up the clothes in the Quidditch locker room where I nearly walked out with a green tie and didn’t want to make that mistake again. Thank Merlin Fred and George didn’t ask questions) Harry thought as he put his hands in the pockets “wow, sounds like you like calling yourself his friend more than being one”
“Fuck You!” Ron snapped and grabbed Harry by the collar. Lucius Malfoy was about to use his wand to break Ron away from the other boy before a dangerous growl could be heard. The growls made everyone freeze and look up, except Harry. On top of the store roof next to them were two large furious kneazles bearing their sharp teeth and claws. Ron dropped Harry’s collar and tried to back away, but the kneazles flew off the roof and ran for the red head who was sent running down the street making a few people scatter to get out of the way. The Malfoys and Harry smirked in amusement as the two kneazles stopped and returned to Harry, but Ron kept running not realizing no one was chasing him anymore.
Harry winced as the fool ran right into a Thestral attached to a carriage carrying a few packages. Some packages must’ve carried chocolate frogs because several escaped into the busy streets making people freak out again “I know some people can’t see Thestrals, but the floating bridals should be a give away” he commented as he watched the red head hit the ground as the poor Thestral stumbled a bit. He knew only people who have seen death can see the enchanting creatures and a fool like Ron most likely hasn’t yet, but Cache has. After all, hospitals like St. Mungo’s aren’t always happy places.
“noticing that, young man, would take more intelligence than a Weasley possesses” the blonde woman next to Draco’s father said … Harry smiled slightly at the woman’s sharp tongue and figured she was, in fact, Draco’s mother.
“although he still could’ve made a more dignified exit” commented Draco’s father before turning to the other blonde “I am Lucius Malfoy and this is my wife Narcissa and son, Draco” Lucius politely introduced while still maintaining the proper pure blood expression mixed with a slight arrogance.
Blue eyes looked at the pureblood family and the kneazles mewed kindly “Cache Devant Vous and my friends are Lyra and Libra, it’s nice to meet you-” Cache flinched as he saw Ron try to get up, but was kicked in the backside. Ron was going to have a hoof shaped bruise on his butt and Harry was just happy he wasn’t working today “I’m glad it’s my day off … I’m sorry” Harry said as he glanced at Draco who simply looked confused as to why he was apologizing “I had two friends who acted like that and hearing that ticked me off … I’d like to think Harry Potter would apologize if he saw a supposed friend act like that, but if not it’s his loss. Good day”
Cache gave a casual wave and walked over to Frank who had just reappeared. However the disguised wizard never noticed the cold pure blood masks slip for a split second revealing a rarely seen set of real smiles “so how’d it go Detective Wolfman?” Harry teased lightly and Frank struck a pose. He noticed that the Malfoys continued into the bank and wondered if they were the ones he was here to help.
Wouldn’t that be a coincidence?!
“yeah and you should hear this-gah!” Frank yelped as something jumped in his face. Harry just rolled his eyes and grabbed the squirming object. The werewolf grinned and took it “cool! Chocolate frog! Must be my lucky day!” the chocolate frog’s head was eaten before Frank continued “as I was saying, Remus was taking money for a trip to America and he’s going with the Auror named Mad Eye Moody. I saw them talking before they left. They seem to think you were abducted” he said quietly as he munched on his sweet frog.
Harry sighed as he remembered finding Dumbledore hanging over the bedridden minister the other day “of course … Dumbledore doesn’t want this to get out and he made it sound I went against my will. I bet they think I’m being controlled somehow so it wouldn’t be safe to just walk up to them … no matter, they won’t find anything. I’m going to Gringotts, see you later” he said. The werewolf found a place to wait and relax as Harry left with Lyra and Libra.
Griphook smirked as he saw his client “you have a werewolf guard I see” he commented as they walked through the hallways of the bank
“he is protective” Harry chuckled.
“yes and I am glad he is. This was not a possibility I considered happening” Griphook admitted as they entered the master goblin’s office for privacy.
“neither did I, but it’s passed for now. I’ll figure something out for when he returns, but until then are there other family friends I should be concerned with” Harry asked as he took a seat.
The goblin nodded “actually yes. I would’ve discussed this with you before, but you had far more pressing matters to deal with first” Harry sighed in understanding. With getting away from abusive muggles and trying to set up a life away from Dumbledore’s plots he was busy “first, your godfather, Sirius Black. The man was another friend of your father, but he is in Azkaban for killing several muggles along with his best friend Peter Pettigrew and betraying your parents to the dark lord since he was their Secret Keeper” explained Griphook.
“he betrayed my parents” Harry muttered as his eyes dimmed seemingly in deep thought before focusing back on the goblin “you don’t seem so sure” he commented.
“I’m not. I don’t know for sure, but I always wondered why Sirius Black never had a trial and Dumbledore’s first act as your guardian was to seal away your parents wills, but nothing can be discovered there until you gain access to your accounts so we won’t know if Black was the Secret Keeper for your parents. The last is a friend of your mother’s who is your godmother, Alice Longbottom, she is with her husband in St. Mungo’s and was declared insane”
(my godmother … I have family) Harry mused. It was heart warming and only made him more interested in getting to testing his theories. He knows kneazle whiskers had a nerve healing factor so he just needed to test it …
A piece of paper fluttered into the room and landed in Griphook’s hand “Razorback has spoken to his clients and they agreed to your terms of an oath, which is more than fair. However we haven’t discussed a payment. Money is no issue with this family”
“honestly I didn’t consider that … I don’t really want a sum for helping with this. Perhaps I could simply ask for a favor in the future” said Harry,
”yes, though I would normally advise a client to take the money this method will prove beneficial in the future in your case. A word of warning they were forced to carry a mark. Granted they aren’t my clients so I can’t say more than that, but you will see. Do you need anything to remove the trackers?” Griphook asked.
Harry shook his head “not for me, but it can be uncomfortable to have it removed and the person can’t move in the middle of it or it may break”
Griphook nodded seriously “that would not be good considering the type of trackers used have a death curse attached. I’ll have a healer meet us with some pain relievers in case they’re needed” the goblin scribbled down a note and sent it fluttering away “now lets go meet them”
“ok” (death curse? Oh yeah, no pressure) Harry thought sarcastically as he and his fluffy magical felines followed the goblin to a different room.
“so Cache was the boy you both saw put Dumbledore in his place” Narcissa stated as they checked into Gringotts.
Lucius nodded with a smirk “yes, the boy is no fool that much is evident and he was wearing a St. Mungo’s ring”
“so he’s a healer? He couldn’t be much older than me” said Draco who was a little shocked.
“he’s probably only in training. If I recall correctly the ring is more for those allowed to brew in the labs, but that alone is an accomplishment. I wonder what Severus would say? He’s always complaining about everyone’s lack of skill in potions, most of all about Potter’s idiocy” said Lucius as Razorback came towards them “is this true?” he asked the goblin.
Razorback snorted at the rude question … as if goblins would offer something without checking thoroughly first “lets discuss this in my office” he said and lead them down a set of halls to his office. Once everyone was seated the goblin began talking “to answer your question yes. This information about an individual having the skill to move trackers without breaking the was confirmed. The only stipulation so far is that you must swear an oath to protect his identity. Besides that no price has been given yet, but that’s is probably negotiable”
Lucius glanced at his wife for a second before looking at the goblin “we agree to give an unbreakable vow if that’s what it takes and we aren’t concerned with price”
“very good. A room was reserved for this meeting. The goblin in charge of this meeting is the one advising the person in question. We can go to the room now and wait” the goblin said and the Malfoys followed Razorback to the circular room decorated in deep jewel tones and had a few plush brow chairs available. They noticed the privacy runes on the ceiling as they sat down. Not long after their goblin sent a message flutter away to say they were ready did they hear voices coming towards the room making them feel more eager than they ever felt before though they revealed nothing.
The second they saw Cache appear Draco’s jaw all but unhinged “IT’S YOU?”
Narcissa tweaked her son’s ear gently “remember your manners Draco” she scolded softly, though normally she wouldn’t scold her son at all, but this person was here to help. Cache just seemed amused as Draco blushed softly and mumbled a nearly unheard sorry. Draco stiffened as the large striped kneazle padded over to him.
“don’t let the way they treated the red head before fool you. These two are quite nice” Cache chuckled as Draco hesitantly reached out to pet Lyra. Of course the Malfoy’s fear was unfounded and it was proven when Lyra nuzzled his hand “their good judges of people too … but they are affectionate so just tell me if you want them to stop … not that I have much control over them” he chuckled as Libra nuzzled Narcissa before pawing gently at Lucius’ knee.
“it’s quite alright, they are not a bother” Narcissa said as she patted Libra’s furry muzzle earning a soft purr. She couldn’t help but notice that Draco was quite happy petting the other kneazle “this saves us from making introductions”
Griphook smirked “so it seems. Cache the healer should be here in a minute”
Razorback’s eyes narrowed “why is a healer required?”
“calm down Razorback, Cache explained that removing trackers can be uncomfortable so I asked for a healer to bring some pain relievers in case your clients would want some” Griphook explained as the medic entered with a set of potions for whatever emergency. Harry immediately recognized the medic as the one who preformed the exam on him for abuse. The medic was told to leave, but to stay on standby in case any issue arises.
Cache smiled “if that’s all we can get started. Who would like to be first after the oaths?”
“I will” Lucius said. The Malfoy family head didn’t want to have his wife or son be the first should anything, but there was one problem … he couldn’t stand up. Libra has made herself comfortable on his feet and wasn’t moving at all much to Draco and Narcissa’s amusement.
The healer in training walked over to him and offered his hand so he didn’t have to fight Libra to get up “she’s not moving any time soon, trust me. Master Griphook, if you’d be so kind” Cache said politely as Lucius took his hand for the oath from his seat.
“of course” Griphook took a sadistic pleasure in seeing the subtle mix of shock ad envy on his fellow goblin’s face. Yes, he had a polite client where no one else did. He hoped this attitude will rub off on others, even the Malfoys who looked a little perplexed at the boy’s manners towards a goblin, but Griphook ignored it a pointed his long finger at Harry and Lucius’s held hands “do you, Lucius Malfoy, swear on your magic to never reveal the identity of the wizard who removes yours and your family’s trackers including not revealing any details that are learned in this room until the wizard in question voluntarily reveals the information on his own? In turn he will not reveal any personal information he learns in this room until you say otherwise”
Lucius raised an eyebrow in surprise at he mutual oath “I do”
“I do” said Cache sealing his end of the deal creating a powerful influx of magic to wrap around their hands making the vow unbreakable. Harry was thanking Griphook for wording the oath the way he did. The goblin managed to brilliantly cover many bases. Even if they somehow learned that he was Harry Potter they couldn’t say anything because the oath refers to the ‘wizard’ who removed the trackers and no matter which name he went by he was still the same wizard. It would also keep any details from escaping as well as allow everyone to talk more freely because neither side can use the information against each other. Hopefully this will make trust easier.
The oath was repeated for Narcissa and Draco before Cache returned to Lucius “where is your tracker?” he was a bit surprised to see the man hesitate, but when Lucius rolled up his left sleeve he understood. There on his left forearm sat the Dark Mark. The mar itself didn’t really concern him, but the creepy snake slithering out of the skull and towards the man’s wrist made Harry suddenly recall the weird incident at the zoo. He was sure he spoke to the large snake, but that can’t be normal. After deciding to talk to Trocar later about it he crouched down and turned his focus on the slight twitching of the man’s fingers … nerve damage from the torture curse … it was too similar to the violent motions of the Longbottoms to not be “do you mind if I hold your wrist down? I don’t want to risk any motion that might break the tracker in the middle of removing it”
“yes that’s acceptable” Lucius said, but he tried to not sound so arrogant. The boy was helping even after seeing that disgusting mark on his arm so he deserved some respect. He was also grateful the young man didn’t comment on the twitching in his fingers.
Cache held his wrist firmly down to the armrest, while subtly placing his thumb over the snake’s head and whispered the incantation to reveal the tracker, which he refreshed his memory on this morning. With the now green glow coming from the skull’s right eye socket Cache paused “I moved a tracker from my body before and it was a bit unpleasant, but that wasn’t the problem. I knew the person who placed it on me would feel the difference if he saw me and couldn’t feel the bond the tracker makes. With that in mind do you have anyone who will notice if it’s gone?”
Lucius saw Narcissa scowl before answering “unfortunately yes, how does that change things?”
“it doesn’t. Just pick something you carry with you, but would have no problem leaving behind in an emergency or if you just want to get away for a while and I’ll transfer the tracker to it” Cache said. Lucius smirked at the sound of the plan and handed Cache his walking stick with a snake carved out of the top without another word.
It was a gift of sorts from Voldemort to his father for joining the Death Eaters. It was a way of mocking them since they didn’t willingly join. Voldemort then forced his father to give it to Lucius. Of course Abraxus Malfoy refused since it was a dark item, but then the deadly trackers were implemented and they had no choice anymore.
He held no love for it and would’ve destroyed it long ago if it wasn’t tied to the Malfoy manor wards, which was another thing the Dark Lord ordered. Until the old and somewhat illegal wards are fixed Lucius must hold the staff for them to get in their home or they will be locked out and due to the nerve damage he needs to use a walking stick. Outside of the manor he uses that stick, but he has another one for in the manor he uses when he can. It was a walking stick his son and wife bought him for his birthday so it was special unlike the one he gave Cache.
The walking stick was propped up against the chair so Cache could grab it quickly and returned to securing Lucius’s wrist to the armrest. With his left hand holding the Malfoy’s wrist in place Cache held his right hand over the glowing tracker and whispered the incantation to remove it. The Malfoy could feel a burning sensation as the boy began wandlessly tugging the cursed tracker away. It felt like needles were stabbing his skin. Granted it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as the torture curse, but he knew Draco would benefit greatly with a pain reliever.
Before anyone knew it the tracker was pulsing in Cache’s hand and he was pressing it into the walking stick. After a few seconds he revealed the tracker with the incantation again and saw it glowing just under the snake’s head “your walking staff Lord Malfoy” Cache said as he twirled the staff in his fingers before handing it over to Lucius.
“thank you, call me Lucius” said the Malfoy family head gratefully. Cache smiled and repeated the process with Narcissa who gave him a hair clip for the tracker. Yet again Harry noticed subtle twitching in the hands, but it wasn’t as bad as her husband’s. The next tracker was moved without trouble and Cache stepped over Lyra tp crouch next to Draco’s chair “hold on one moment Cache, Draco you should take a pain reliever”
Draco pouted even as Lyra nuzzled his hand “why Father? Neither of you took one”
“you’ll want it Draco” said Narcissa soothingly. Draco looked like he wanted to keep arguing, but his parents shot him a look that made him give up. Razorback handed Cache a pain reliever, which confused him for a second before he realized he was to give it to Draco. Cache raised an eyebrow, but said nothing as he uncorked the vial and gave it to Draco.
Cache waited for Draco to drink the pain reliever before saying the incantation to reveal the tracker. It was in the same spot as his parents though like his mother there was no Dark Mark “same spot … talk about creepy symbolism … before I do anything I want to know why a part of Draco’s tracker is glowing yellow not green”
Griphook frown as he came over and inspected the magic “this is a mating curse” both kneazles seemed to sense the tension and moved out of the way.
“what? That wasn’t on him when the tracker was placed on him at birth!” Lucius snapped furiously.
Narcissa’s eyes widened “Bellatrix … she came after torturing the Longbottoms right before he was stopped … she must have bound Draco to the …”
There was no need to finish the sentence. Harry basically understood what happened. This Bellatrix was sent to Azkaban for a slew of crime as a Death Eater including helping to torture the Longbottoms to insanity. Now she apparently giving her nephew to some bastard and considering how pale they looked the bastard was most likely Voldemort. That’s just disturbing …
“you know the incantation is only meant to reveal trackers so it’s possible that this Bellatrix tied the curse to the tracker, which would explain why it started glowing too. I might be able to remove it too with the tracker” said Cache calmly despite not liking this situation Draco is in.
Lucius sighed in frustration “Draco give Cache your item … this better work” Cache knew the man wasn’t threatening him. Lucius was worried about Draco. What parent wouldn’t be? Mating curses force people to bond with one person whether they like it or not and make bonding with anyone else very painful as Trocar mentioned during lessons.
A knut was given to Cache as the item Draco chose and he proceeded to say the incantation. Lucius and Narcissa watched hopefully as Cache frowned. It seems to be harder this time for it took a full minute to get the tracker to release and it must be because of the curse adding power to the tracker, but to their relief Cache started closing his fingers around the now disembodied tracker and the coin.
A smell suddenly caught Lucius’s attention and he shot forward to grab Cache’s arm “let it go” the coin hit the floor and it was revealed that Cache’s hand that held the coin was burned, but before Lucius could say anything else Draco and Narcissa gasped making the Malfoy family head look down. The arm Lucius grabbed was Harry’s left and he accidently rolled up the sleeve revealing some scars …
“I’m alright Lucius. It’s just a minor burn. I guess you can’t handle curses with bare hands” Cache hissed in pain as he casually flicked his wrist to put the sleeve back in place to hide the scars and for a second considered putting sticky charms on his sleeve. He saw Griphook quickly leave to get the medic so he used his good hand to pick up the coin and the incantation. It was shown that both the tracker and the curse were there.
The medic pulled out his wand “dear Merlin that must hurt” he said as took Cache’s burned hand and started healing.
“it’s not that bad. I’ve had worse” Cache shrugged further shocking the Malfoys.
Lucius forced himself to focus “what do we owe you?” the man was willing to pay anything at that point.
Cache blinked as he looked away from the salve being put on his hand “oh, I never did say did I? it’s free, you don’t owe me a single knut” he chuckled as he flipped the coin the air and caught it easily with his good hand then he gave it to Draco “one cursed coin, don’t lose it” with that comment the hand was bandaged and the medic left taking the potions with since Cache declined the offer for a pain reliever.
Narcissa finally hit her breaking point. The boy was so sincere. Cache helped them … he was hurt helping them and he wants nothing as payment! The Lady Malfoy burst into tears and held Cache close ignoring the flinch the boy made because of the sudden contact.
After Narcissa calmed down Lucius looked at Cache “thank you”
“you are very welcome. I was happy to help. Good bye” the kneazles nuzzled each Malfoy in farewell as Cache turned to Griphook and bowed slightly, which was then mimicked by the kneazles “may your gold ever grow Master Griphook, Master Razorback”
Griphook smirked at his stunned colleague and returned Cache’s bow “may your gold ever grow Cache” Razorback scrambled to his senses and returned the bow politely. Cache and his kneazles left and Griphook returned to his office.
Lucius turned to Razorback and tilted his head in a small bow “may your gold ever grow Ra- Master Razorback” Narcissa and Draco bowed slightly too.
The goblin in charge of the Malfoy accounts blinked in shock “may your gold ever grow Lord, Lady and Heir Malfoy” the baffled goblin blinked as he watched his clients leave “they must be in shock” he muttered as he returned to his office in a daze. This was such a weird day …
“don’t you start too!” exclaimed Cache as he entered the potions lab Monday morning and saw Severus’s eyes zero in on his bandaged hand “everyone has been fussing over me all weekend! Trocar, Penny and Mike have gone insane and it’s just a little burn!” he exclaimed as he recalled how his fussy mentor and the two pregnant werewolves reacted to his injury. Hell, even Frank flipped out when Harry left the bank after helping the Malfoys.
That’s right, Mike! A pregnant male! Imagine how shocked Hartry was to find out!
Severus’s eyes narrowed dangerously “all weekend? A little burn should ‘ve been healed with a bit of salve so it was not a simple burn if it’s still healing”
Cache mentally kicked himself for the slip up “ok … it was a 2nd degree burn I got helping someone in Gringotts” he admitted and sighed as Severus gave him a look silently ordering him to let him see his hand “it’s not that bad” he said as he held his hand out.
“I’ll be the judge of that” Severus said as he unwrapped the bandage ignoring the werewolf’s antics as he played with the kneazles “it’s healing, but I’ll apply some burn salve … the person you helped better have left big tip” the potion master muttered as he carefully dabbed some salve on seared skin on the boy’s palm as he wrapped the hand in bandages again he noticed Cache had a faraway look in his eyes “are you ok?”
“yeah … just haven’t been sleeping well … I usually don’t as my birthday gets closer … it has never been a … joyful occasion. This burn hasn’t helped. Even meditating is difficult when I see this … bad reminder I guess” Cache chuckled halfheartedly (that and Petunia, Vernon, Dudley and Ms. Figg are returning soon)
It pained the potion master to hear that, but he didn’t show it “I am good at Occlumency and Legilimens so you just need to ask if you want help calming your mind … is there anything you’d like for your birthday?” he suddenly remembered that Harry Potter’s birthday was coming too, but he just scowled. After all the spoiled Potter brat was no doubt being showered with gifts as Cache suffered horrid nightmares of his abusive birthdays.
Cache had a strange feeling he was being insulted somewhere, but shrugged it off as Severus’s fault and shook his head “I don’t need anything! You’re teaching me potions that’s more than enough!”
Frank snickered “his new friend is already dragging him to Hogsmeade in about a week so that’s covered” Harry twitched as he remembered what happened the day before. Draco sent him a letter thanking him and asking if they could hang out sometime. Of course Harry happily agreed and somewhere in the exchange of letters Harry slipped up and mentioned his birthday was coming … he blamed the pain in his hand. Now Draco insisting on treating him to a trip to Hogsmeade and a visit to Honeydukes for any treats he wanted. Dozens of letters later and it’s clear that there’s no way to talk Draco out of it …
The potion master nodded in approval “I believe there’s special on ice cream cauldron cakes coming so your friend has the right idea. I’ll still get you something”
Harry sighed, he just wasn’t used to this attention “this is kind of weird … I never got a present before- … no, technically that’s not true. My relatives surprised me with a present as a kid. It turned out to be a box of old used clothes. My uncle’s sister gave me a box of dog biscuits right before ordering her dog to attack” Cache pulled his pant leg up revealing a scar on his calf shaped like a dog bite “I climbed up a tree before anything else happened”
Severus felt his fist clench. Those people are horrid! “that won’t be happening ever again … Lets start working on something different today”
As the potion master worked with Cache the werewolf in the back made a few mental notes to himself. No doubt the others will want to find the uncle’s sister now. Frank was sure that there would be a clue in the muggle’s home and once they find it many of the fools who hurt Harry will vanish.
In the late evening three days later a car with four people drove down the street in the light of the sunset …
“ahhh it’s good to be home” said Petunia as they drove up to Ms. Figg’s home “it was lovely spending time with you Arabella”
“you too, that was such a relaxing trip. Do tell me if you need any help covering up” Ms. Figg smirked as she implied about a certain wizard who was most likely dead in a closet.
Vernon chuckled “no worries, we have everything worked out. Oh, let me help with your luggage” the big portly muggle lifted the luggage with a grunt and carried it in the squib’s home. Once Ms. Figg had her things they continued to their own home in the disappearing sunlight. When they got there they saw a girl with long blonde hair in a white dress that had a pink bow. She was going around barefoot.
Petunia got out of the car when it parked in their driveway “who are you?” she asked kindly, but Dudley glared at the girl for not paying attention to him.
The girl giggled cutely and looked at them with her red eyes ‘I’m Maria. You’re the Dursleys right?”
“why yes, what’s up young lady?” asked Vernon.
Maria quickly became eerily serious ”just checking. We’re here to discuss Harry James Potter” suddenly several people appeared out of nowhere surrounding the now scared Dursleys “consider us social services”
The muggles were grabbed before anyone heard or saw anything. Maria went into the bushes and pulled out a ‘FOR SALE’ sign. She put the sign in the Dursleys’ lawn and everyone left …
Ms. Figg picked up a couple of her kitties who strangely were the only ones that came out to meet her “did you miss me- … w-who the hell are you?!”
Sitting at the table dangling a toy mouse in front of a playful cat was a man she never met before “my name is Frank and I’m here to get a friend some closure” he looked up revealing his classic amber eyes making her pale heavily, but as she backed away she something and turned around to see a very tall vampire “his name is Armel and we want to discuss Harry Potter”
The squib opened her mouth to scream, but Armel clapped his hand over her mouth and disappeared with her …
Frank patted the three cats “don’t fret little kitties. We found homes for you just like all the others” the werewolf went outside and placed a ‘FOR SALE’ sign in the yard before going home …
Marge smirked as she looked at her prized dog Ripper “Vernon called this morning. They should be home any moment, but chances are you won’t get to play with your favorite chew toy again” Marge froze as she saw a man on her couch looking at a gold pocket watch “who are you and how did you get in my house?” she growled much like her mutt.
The pocket watch snapped shut “I’m here to discuss that supposed chew toy” he glared at her with frightening red eyes and extended his fangs …
A third ‘FOR SALE’ sign appeared that night …
Harry sighed as he spotted the time and decided to get ready for bed, but just before he was about to turn the lights off someone knocked on his door “hey Greyback what wrong? Penny and Mike ok?” he asked as he looked at the Alpha.
“yes, they’re fine … besides the morning sickness of course, but that’s not why I’m here. Do your relatives have any blood disorders or health issues?” Greyback asked as the sound of insane laughter came from downstairs.
“errr … Petunia spends most of her day high on anti-depressants, Marge makes … special brownies and Vernon pops painkillers like candy when he isn’t pigging out. Dudley is just really unhealthy … why do you want to know?” Harry tried to look down the stairs when he heard a crash, but Greyback stepped in front of him blocking his view.
Greyback chuckled “it’s nothing, you get some rest” the werewolf retreated and Harry shut the door to go to bed.
He never heard Frank say ‘so you’re saying the vampires popped the kegs too soon?’ … however Harry did notice that Trocar and Maria had headaches in the morning and it looked like someone went insane and trashed the living room downstairs, but he didn’t ask questions beyond offering a potion for their headaches …
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