Mudbloods at Hogwarts | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 291248 -:- Recommendations : 10 -:- Currently Reading : 17 |
Disclaimer: All rights to Harry Potter belong to Rowling and the relevant corporations--though I doubt they want anything to do with this one. I make no money from the publication of this work. |
AN: Okay, this chapter features some crazy hentai shit! For those of you familiar with what you find browsing hentai porn images and clips online, you'll know it when you see it! The rest of you, hold onto your hats.
Planning for the Future
Hours passed; Hermione had finally managed to manoeuvre herself into her sitting position. Every so often her belly flinched, and she arched her back and moaned or yelped no matter how hard she tried to control herself. It was almost impossible for Hermione to maintain her composure with a furry rat squirming inside her vagina.
It almost seemed like Scabbers was deliberately trying - and succeeding - to cause her discomfort, especially when she felt his little teeth nipping at her delicate interior. And sometimes it seemed like he was deliberately trying - and succeeding - to bring her to orgasm when she felt his whiskers tickling and his little tongue licking her.
More than once Hermione felt him rubbing his little furry belly against her fleshy inner walls and little bursts of sticky fluid trickling inside her. And to make matters even worse, every so often Scabbers would scurry from her depths and poke his little head out of her entrance to see what was going on.
Her face burned with shame whenever passing students laughed uproariously and pointed at Scabbers’ little head peeking out and his pink nose and whiskers twitching. Several students even brought cameras and took pictures.
Hermione knew Scabbers was deliberately trying to humiliate her as much as possible on those occasions when he wriggled out just a bit further, just enough for him to reach her clitoris and alternate between licking it and nipping it with his sharp little teeth, though he never seemed to break her skin no matter how hard he bit her little pearl.
That was when Hermione realised that Dumbledore’s Stretchy-Impervius Charm must still be working on her, and she took a small amount of solace that no matter how much the horrid rodent painfully clawed his way up and down her slick passage, at least he couldn’t damage her. That solace quickly evaporated though when it finally sank in that he could do anything he liked inside her.
Ron returned earlier than she had expected. He beckoned Hermione to the front of the cage and compelled her to lie on her back, bottom pressed against the base, her legs up and leaning against the bars.
She looked between her legs and was puzzled when she saw in one of Ron’s hands a fairly large pile of straw clippings, bits of coarse twine, and what suspiciously looked like dirty matted horse hair - perhaps from tufts of Unicorn or Centaur tails which had caught on branches in the Forbidden Forest.
“Wh-what are you doing?” she dared to ask Ron, trembling slightly when Scabbers poked his head out of the entrance of her pussy.
Ron grinned as Scabbers took a mouthful of the detritus and burrowed back inside.
“Just giving Scabbers some nesting material, of course. I want him to be as comfortable as possible seeing as he’s going to be living in your cunt for a while.”
Hermione’s eyes widened in horror.
“W-wait! What? ... P-please - Ron - no! Isn’t it enough to violate me with a... a rat?”
“Oi - watch it! He’s not just any rat... he’s Scabbers and he deserves the best!”
“And no,” Ron added with a smirk, “it really isn’t enough! ... Anyway, quit complaining - I don’t want to hear any words from you... but feel free to make any other noises as long as they’re not too loud.”
Hermione heard Harriet growling, “You’re a fucking sick bastard, Ron! You know that don’t you?”
“Yeah, maybe I am,” Ron retorted smugly. “But you know what? I don’t care... it’s fun for me, and you’re just receptacles.”
Hermione grit her teeth, letting out a little hiss, feeling Scabbers pat the first lot of nesting material into place right at the very end of her channel. She squealed and moaned as the rodent scurried back and forth from one end of her vagina to the other, scraping her walls, cramming the entire load of coarse, scratchy stuffing against her cervix.
Then Ron opened his other hand and she groaned. It was full of little seeds, pieces of nut, and grains.
“For between meal snacks,” he said nonchalantly. “I don’t want Scabbers to go hungry, and if he’s thirsty, I’m sure he knows how to make you wet.”
Hermione flushed, mortified, thinking of the number of times Scabbers had already given her unwanted orgasms since that morning. Indeed, his fat furry little body scurrying up and down her vagina was generating more than a little dampness at this very moment.
Ron gleefully watched her squirm and wriggle every time Scabbers’ little head popped out for another load and then burrow back into Hermione’s depths. Finally Ron stood up, leering down at her, his hands empty.
“Just stay like that for a bit,” he commanded, “Give Scabbers enough time to arrange his nest properly so it all stays in place when you get up.”
Hermione squeezed her eyes shut in anger and humiliation as she felt the rat making its nest, rearranging the rough, scratchy stuffing and the gritty rat-food inside her for next hour, knowing that the only reason Ron was doing this was to degrade her - to make her feel filthy and disgusting, and to make her every move as uncomfortable as he possibly could.
She wouldn’t be able to take a single step without feeling the fat rat squirming and scratching, and the coarse, bristly nest grinding inside her. Hermione was filled with as much loathing and hate for Ron as she had for Snape - if not more - thinking of all the most awful, terrible ways for him to die.
“It was going to be Snape first,” Harriet muttered darkly when Ron had gone, “But now it’s Weasley and Scabbers! ... If I get the chance, I’m going to kill them both first!”
He was going to kill that treacherous little bastard Wormtail first, and then string up Dumbledore by his beard and wipe that smug, arrogant look off his face with Snape’s favourite curse, Sectumsempra - the Curse which Snivellus had been so fond of using on James. How long would those stupid twinkles in Dumbledore’s eyes last with a gushing wound where his privates had once been?
It was those Dark thoughts which kept Sirius Black going now, and he knew that when the time came he would have to squash them if he had a hope in hell of escaping. But in the meantime, he needed to get his weight down as much as possible without starving himself to death to slip out between the bars in his dog form.
Sirius reckoned it would take a few weeks to drop enough weight without killing himself. And then he would have to make a swim for it through the icy North Sea and hopefully strike an Orkney island with a few fishermen on it. From there he could steal a boat and make it back to the mainland.
Then he would have to locate some wizards and steal a wand, and build up his strength again, nicking food from muggle supermarkets with magic.
It meant at least another month or so of torment for Harry - Harriet, blast it, Sirius had to keep reminding himself - and that poor girl suffering with her, but only then would he stand a chance of breaking into Hogwarts and rescuing Harriet and the bushy haired girl...
Harriet tried to comfort Hermione as best as she could as the days wore on. Harriet reckoned that she had been right - despite her still growing belly full of squirming baby Burrowing Carrots - Hermione definitely had the worst end of things.
Twice a day Ron would locate Hermione in the Great Hall - if his own dick wasn’t being milked by her at the time - and shove greasy bits of sausage or bacon and a bit of scrambled egg and toast into Hermione’s pussy at breakfast, and bits of roast beef and potato, or meat pie into her pussy at dinner.
Ron would then wait for Scabbers to pop his little head out of Hermione’s vagina and then pat his little head, drawing chortles of laughter from the dining students while Dumbledore looked on, his eyes twinkling merrily.
Going to lessons was a nightmare for Hermione. If walking and sitting in classes with large animated dildos jammed inside her pussy and bunghole had been bad, walking and sitting with a fat rat clinging to the insides of her vagina with his claws while his prickly nest rubbed and scratched the puckered barrier in the depths of Hermione’s moist, fleshy sheath was a hundred times worse.
Scabbers also seemed to take great delight at humiliating Hermione during the most inopportune moments, either making her squirm and squeal by sticking his head out and nipping her swollen clit, or by bringing her to orgasm in the middle of classes. Hermione’s scarlet face burned when she was unfairly told-off more than once by irritated professors for disrupting the lesson while students giggled at her.
Despite their respective “conditions,” Hermione and Harriet still managed to slip away at lunchtime during the week to practice spells with Lavender and Parvati in the clearing in the Forbidden Forest.
Hermione discovered yet another degradation which Scabbers subjected her too, which hadn’t crossed her mind due to feeling so horrible about all the other shameful things he was doing inside her.
That very first night after the Great Hall had cleared out following dinner, Hermione felt the rat’s tail and bottom wriggling near her entrance, then a trickle of runny fluid which dripped out of her and a few tiny pebbly things inside her. It wasn’t until Scabbers back feet kicked out roughly, scraping her flesh, and the little pebbles rolled out of her aperture that Hermione realised what was going on.
“Oh no!” she squealed. “Oh no!”
“What? What’s that bloody rat doing now Hermione?”
“That horrid thing - he’s peeing and pooping inside of me...”
“Blimey!” Harriet spat. “That little vermin won’t even leave your vagina for two seconds to do his business?”
Hermione leaned her bushy head on Harriet’s shoulder, sniffling miserably, her tears dripping onto Harriet’s breast.
As the week drew nearer to a close, on Thursday, the pair of them waddled to the greenhouse for Herbology, and of course it was raining again. And as it was the second week of October, they were pelted by freezing rain mixed with slushy snow. Shivering and drenched, the two nude young witches were glad for the warmth of the greenhouse despite being the centre of attention.
Scabbers took that moment, as he clung painfully to Hermione’s interior, to poke his little head out and bite Hermione’s fleshy nubbin, wrenching a little squeal from her. The students burst out laughing and even Professor Sprout chuckled at Hermione’s distress.
Then Sprout took charge and patted the wooden table with which Harriet was very familiar. Harriet sighed and toddled over to the workbench, desperately hoping that today would be the day.
“Alright then Receptacle 1026, upsy-daisy,” said Sprout kindly as she helped Harriet, heaving her backside onto the table.
Harriet grunted, spreading her legs and pulling her knees back. Sprout pushed two fingers inside Harriet's vagina, pressing a spot which sent a wave of pleasure rippling through her and a gush of wetness flooding Sprout’s hand.
The things in Harriet’s swollen belly thrashed wildly while Sprout wiped her hand on Harriet’s hair, and the rest of the class goggled to see the lumps on Harriet’s distended abdomen wriggling with great intensity. Harriet groaned in discomfort, and felt the saplings in her rectum and lower colon writhing frenziedly as well.
“Well, class, it seems that Receptacle 1026 is about to deliver,” said Sprout, beaming. “Longbottom, Abbott, Finch-Fletchly, bring me six buckets at once. The rest of you, make sure all your pots are ready ... The saplings will need to be replanted in soil as quickly as possible.”
As soon as the three students had the large tin pails at the ready at the edge of the table, Sprout turned back to Harriet, and as she had when cajoling the adult Burrowing Carrots to vacate Harriet’s vagina and rectum, Sprout began to massage and gently squeeze Harriet’s swollen clitoris.
The only difference was that Sprout also began strenuously pushing down on Harriet’s enormously bloated abdomen. Harriet gasped and began to sweat, breathing heavily as the applied pressure induced an even more violent response from the infant burrowing carrots, while the stimulation of her fleshy nubbin relaxed the muscles tightly clenching her vagina.
There was a painfully explosive popping sensation inside Harriet and she squealed loudly. A torrent of liquid rushed out through her canal, and half a dozen slimy orange creatures, about three inches long and half an inch thick, slithered out of her vulva one by one along with the fluid.
Harriet felt the whole lot inside her struggling combatively to exit her womb, pushing their way through the narrow channel which led to her vagina. What seemed like dozens forced their way out, writhing and squirming as they slipped out along with the fluid spilling out of her.
Dizzily, Harriet heard them plopping into the buckets and splashing as her belly flattened, but with the relief of pressure from her abdomen came another desperate feeling of aggressively wriggling creatures inside her lower bowels. Sprout continued to push down hard on Harriet’s belly, her fingers sliding down to massage Harriet’s perineum.
Harriet’s clenching, twitching sphincter finally stretched open with another burst of fluid and slithering baby carrots. Her head spun as she panted, losing all sense of everything except the dozens of magical root vegetables wriggling out through her anus one after the other. It seemed to go on endlessly, but as the pressure finally began to abate, Harriet felt her sphincter closing again, trapping about five or six of the squirmy creatures inside her rectum.
“Come on now dear - just a few more to go,” Harriet heard through the foggy cloud in her brain.
She felt fingers inside her pussy again, rubbing vigorously as the other fingers continued massaging her perineum. Finally Harriet’s contracting anal ring opened again and the last half a dozen popped out one at a time. Harriet was still gasping breathlessly as Sprout’s fingers probed inside her anus, to make sure none were left.
“That’s it then! All done, dear! ... Feeling all better now, aren’t we?”
The greenhouse still spinning, her womb and and rectum still aching, Harriet’s chest still heaving in rapid breaths, “all better now” didn’t really cover it. Sprout seemed to understand, her fingers returning to Harriet’s clitoris. After a few minutes of Sprout’s ministrations, Harriet felt another surge of dizziness, her entire body quivering with an ecstatic burst of pleasure, and she let out a loud moan.
Harriet lay limply on the table in a daze and heard footsteps as Sprout stepped away and began ordering the students to hurry up and be quick about it. Apparently many pupils were a bit too squeamish to reach into the buckets full of Harriet’s amniotic fluid and grasp the slimy baby Burrowing Carrots.
Then Harriet sensed someone leaning over her - someone with a head of tawny curls coming into focus through her blurred vision. She felt a tearful Hermione kissing her lips, apparently unconcerned in that moment that some students might be taking quick looks while they hurriedly potted the magical root vegetables.
“H-how many?” Harriet managed to murmur, her curiosity getting the better of her.
Harriet reckoned Hermione of all people would have kept track, no doubt watching in horrified fascination, and she wasn’t wrong. Hermione bit her lip looking reticent at first, as if not wanting to let Harriet know just how bad she had it. Finally, Hermione’s brain appeared to have stopped whirring and reached a decision.
“It... There were roughly a hundred and thirty,” Hermione squeaked with an almost apologetic look on her face as she squeezed Harriet’s hand. “About eighty in your uterus, and another fifty in your... erm... lower colon.” Hermione’s face screwed up in disgust at that last bit.
Harriet tried to sit up and swing her legs over the edge of the table, preparing to stand, even though she still felt dizzy and a bit sore.
“Are you sure you’re ready Harriet?” Hermione asked dubiously.
“I just want to get out of here,” Harriet muttered. “If Sprout will let us.”
Hermione sighed and helped Harriet off the table to her feet. Harriet nearly collapsed, her legs were so wobbly, fluid still dripping from between her thighs. Sprout was there in an instant, leaving the rest of the class to get on with things.
“There, there, easy now dear,” she said as she gently put an arm around Harriet to hold her up. “Are you sure you don’t want to rest a bit more? I know that took a lot of effort for you.”
“I just want to go,” Harriet squeaked, unable to help tearing up a bit. “If...if you’ll let us.”
“Of course dear,” said Sprout sympathetically. “I understand completely. That was very well done of you, and you deserve a nice rest well away from here if that is what you wish.”
“I do,” Harriet mumbled.
“Right then, but just before you go...”
Sprout waved her wand at Harriet’s abdomen and the aching eased right up; Harriet glanced down, surprised to see that her belly was now perfectly as flat and tight as if it had never been swollen like a gigantic balloon. At another flourish of Sprout’s wand, Harriet felt the familiar sensation of an Enervating Charm.
Then Sprout swished her wand at Harriet and Hermione both. A hot wind seemed to envelop Harriet, and as the wind settled her skin felt warm and glowy. One glance at Hermione’s surprised features suggested that she too felt a warm tingle all over.
“I presumed you’d rather stay out of the castle for as long as possible,” said Sprout, seeing their puzzled expressions. “But you’d freeze in that rain, so I cast Warming Charms on you both. It’s so cold they won’t be as effective as they might be if you were wearing clothes, but nonetheless they should keep you from getting too chilled and will last until dinner time...”
“Dinner time?” said Hermione, looking even more bewildered.
“Yes - I daresay you could both use as much time away from everyone as possible. I’ll make sure the headmaster and Filch knows that I’ve given you permission...”
Sprout reached into the small knapsack she kept strapped around her waist and pulled out four bars of chocolate, pressing two into Harriet’s hands and two into Hermione’s.
“I’m sorry, that’s the best I can do,” Sprout added. “If I could, I’d give you cloaks too, to help keep the rain off - but Receptacles are forbidden by law to wear clothes.”
Harriet nodded to show she understood, then she frowned in puzzlement again.
“Why?” she asked. “I don’t get it - you use me just like everyone else, but then you’re nice to me. I don’t understand why!”
Sprout sighed and gave her another sympathetic look.
“I’m just practical,” Professor Sprout replied reluctantly, with a hint of embarrassment. “Receptacles are very useful, and... and I must admit, I’m sorry to say, that I do get some enjoyment out of it at times. ... But I don’t see any point in being unnecessarily cruel about it all.
“What the headmaster and some of the other professors get up to with you both just seems harsh and gratuitous to me. If I had my way, you’d at least get a room to yourselves, clothes, proper meals. ... And when it comes right down to it, I suppose I could get used to things going back to the way they used to be.”
“Oh!” said Harriet, surprised to have got such an honest answer. Sprout was definitely not on her kill list.
“Now go on you two,” said Sprout, returning to her brisk, matronly manner. “You’ve got a few hours till dinner time. Make the best of it!”
Not waiting to be told twice, Harriet took Hermione by the hand and they hurried past the other students, shooting Ron a vicious glare on their way out of the Greenhouse.
Harriet was glad for the Warming Charm as the icy rain quickly soaked them both again; it was still chilly - but she knew it would be much worse without the charm. She and Hermione scrambled down the grassy hillside looking for the path to the pebbly shore, to find the little clearing in the midst of the oaks and pines where they had spent their free time before.
It was pretty rough going for Hermione, who stopped every so often and moaned, rubbing her wet lower abdomen and dripping mound, trying to alleviate some of the discomfort of Scabbers and his nest jostling around inside her vagina.
It was Harriet’s turn to slip an arm under the crook of Hermione’s shoulder, curling it around her back for support. After clambering through weeds and mud, rain-soaked leaves and twigs crunching under bare feet, they came upon the pebbly shore of the Black Lake.
Carefully they picked their way over the slippery rocks and Hermione almost stumbled when Scabbers thought now was a good time to shimmy down her vagina and poke his head out through her pussy lips for a look. Pelted by the icy rain sluicing between Hermione’s thighs, his head quickly darted back inside and her slit closed again as he scurried back up into her depths.
Finally they came to the tiny clearing under the pines and oaks and sat upon wet leaves and pine needles. They sat as far away from the shore as possible and leaned their backs against the enormous root of an oak-tree. The cover wasn’t as good as before as the wind was driving the icy rain into the clearing.
But Harriet and Hermione didn’t care about the stinging rain against their faces, breasts, and bellies, or the rivulets of rainwater dripping from their hair, or how drenched they got; all that mattered was that they were far away from the castle for several hours.
Shivering slightly despite the Warming Charms, they huddled closely together. Harriet pulled her knees back to her breasts for a bit of extra protection, but then straightened her legs out again when she saw Hermione’s legs splayed apart to reduce her discomfort as much as possible.
Harriet and Hermione each peeled back the wet wrapping from one of the chocolate bars which Sprout had given them and began munching. A few minutes of silence except the thrumming of the rain passed before Hermione broke it.
“Er... H-how do you feel now?” she stammered nervously, peering sympathetically into Harriet’s green eyes. “I mean after... erm... giving b-b-birth to all those horrid things.”
Harriet put a wet arm around Hermione’s wet shoulders and pulled her closer, kissing her not so bushy wet head.
“Not bad at all really,” Harriet replied quietly. “Those spells Sprout cast really helped. And it even... er... passing that lot was actually a lot less worse than I thought it would be. I suppose it wasn’t as bad as actually having a baby would be, because of how small those things were - it wasn’t like my...erm... vagina had to stretch anywhere near as much as when the adult Burrowing Carrots were inside of me.
“It’s just that there were so many, and all the pressure of it. And Sprout actually made things loads easier I think - she really seems to know how to... er... make it as pleasant as possible really.”
“It’s you I’m really more worried about,” Harriet added, looking pointedly at Hermione’s flinching lower abdomen.
“I...I won’t lie,” Hermione sniffled. “It’s really horrible, even when he does make me, er... have orgasm,” she muttered, her cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson.
“That bloody nest,” Hermione squealed, “it feels scrunchy all the time, and he’s always digging his little claws into me, and his fat furry body feels much bigger than one would think - especially when he’s wriggling all around.
“But I suppose it could be worse for me too - at least that Stretchy-Impervius Charm Dumbledore put on me is stopping it from hurting too much, and I know it’s protecting me from any damage from all the scratching and biting... OW!” Hermione finished with a yelp.
Harriet looked down furiously to see Scabbers’ head poking out of Hermione’s vulva again, his little teeth clamped firmly on Hermione’s little pearl.
Harriet almost grabbed the rat, determined to crush him with her bare hands and throw his lifeless body into the lake. But just the thought of it was enough to activate the Compulsion Collar, and her outstretched hand shook, unable to go any further... which was probably for the best she mused, as Ron had been very clear that if anything bad happened to Scabbers, Hermione would suffer some serious retribution.
Scabbers seemed to be giving her a nasty smirk, as if he knew exactly what was going on. He bit Hermione’s clitoris twice more and scurried back inside her vagina - just the whiskery pink nose poking out of her entrance as Hermione squirmed and arched, an agonised grimace on her face, the tree-root digging into her backside.
“Bloody rat!” Harriet hissed, “Sooner or later - he’s done for!”
The tension left Hermione’s body after a few minutes and she wrapped both arms around Harriet, laying her head on Harriet’s shoulder.
“He’s settled down for the moment,” she murmured...
Scabbers chuckled to himself, feeling all cozy, snugly nestled inside Granger’s heated cunt as he peered out through her entrance at the icy rain sweeping across the lake. He picked up the pieces of toast and bacon which he had stashed in his nest earlier that morning and began to nibble, enjoying the view as he ate.
He sighed contentedly, wishing he could just live in Granger’s pussy forever. It was much more fun than hanging out in the red-headed dimwit’s pocket or sleeping in his bed... Eew! Scabbers gave a little shudder of disgust at being forced by circumstances to share a bed with Ronald Weasley.
The few hours of freedom eventually had to come to an end, and Hermione and Harriet made their rounds under the tables during the evening feast, “dining” on the “milk” provided by gleeful donors.
When it was over, shackled again in their cage, faces and hair splattered with cum, Hermione and Harriet both looked up and glowered at Ron Weasley, who had taken great delight in shoving little pieces of roast chicken, a dab of mashed potatoes smeared with gravy, and a few peas for Scabbers into Hermione’s vagina during dinner.
Ron grinned evilly at them both, and then kneeled down, peering directly at Hermione’s slit.
“Oi... Scabbers,” he called out, “Come here a minute, I’ve got some good news for you...”
Hermione grimaced and squirmed, feeling Scabbers scrabbling down her passage from where he had still been eating dinner in his nest. Her pussy lips parted as the rodent poked his little head out again.
“Anyway,” Ron went on, talking to Scabbers’ head and ignoring Hermione entirely, “Dumbledore told me that he didn’t really need Granger for the Shokushu when it gets here in a couple of weeks. It was originally just going to be Potter anyway.
“Anyway, the upshot is Dumbledore said you can live in Granger’s cunt forever if you want...”
Hermione whimpered, her eyes widening in horror. Scabbers pink nose and whiskers quivered with delight.
“He said nobody’ll want to stick their dick in it after you’ve been living in there anyway,” Ron continued nonchalantly, “So he said, and I quote, that you could 'take up permanent residence’ in there ‘cause it, ‘provides a source of great amusement to all.’ ... Dumbledore’s gonna get me a pet owl instead. ... But I’ll still feed you twice a day, alright?”
Scabbers nodded eagerly. Ron grinned again.
“Right then, sleep tight Scabbers.”
Hermione bit her lip, trying her best not to cry again as the ghastly rodent scampered back up her passage to his nest to finish dinner. Forever? She was going to have to live with a nasty rat living inside her vagina forever?
Hermione gave Harriet a look of misery; Harriet opened her mouth to say something to Hermione when the marble floor beneath their bums shook slightly and heavy footfalls echoed in the empty, darkening Great Hall.
Hagrid glanced around furtively to make sure there were no stragglers left. Then he leaned in close to the cage and retrieved an oddly shaped silver device from his pocket.
“I got it,” he whispered. “I told the gargoyle I jus’ needed ter get somethin’ from Dumbledore’s office, an’ he let me right in - I guess ‘cause Dumbledore trusts me so much - anyway, it’s that gadget I was talkin’ abou’ ...”
Hagrid’s beard twitched as he shook the device and then aimed a nozzle at them; he pressed a little button and a fine silvery powder sprayed out as he waved the nozzle from one end of the cage to another to make sure they both got a full blast of the almost misty substance.
Hermione gasped as the silvery powder settled on her skin, feeling a little tingly sensation shooting through her. Harriet’s mouth fell open too.
Hermione peered up at Hagrid, her eyes as round as saucers.
“So, does this mean...?”
“Yer both Trace free now,” Hagrid beamed. “An’ it’s permanent - the Ministry’ll never be able ter pu’ any sort o’ trackin’ spell on yeh now...”
“Blimey!” Harriet gasped. “Thanks Hagrid! I hope you don’t get in trouble...”
“Nah!” Hagrid waved his hand dismissively. “I got it covered Harry. The gargoyle’ll le’ me back in termorrow an’ Dumbledore’ll never know i’ was gone - an’ if he does, I c’n always say I though’ I needed another spray so’s I could take a day-trip an’ do some magic if I wan’ed to. ... Anyway, I’d best be off before... well - night’ you two!”
“Wow!” said Harriet as the half-giant lumbered out of the Great Hall. “Just... Wow!”
Then Harriet leaned over and whispered into Hermione’s ear.
“It’s really happening, Hermione! We’re getting out of here sooner or later... I may not have a chance to kill everyone who deserves it on the way out - but the first chance I get I’m going to yank that rat out of you by his tail and rip his fucking head off...”
Scabbers had eaten his fill, and after, he stashed a leftover pea and a handful - pawful rather - of mashed potato in with the rest of his food store behind the nest, squashed against Granger’s moist wall at the rear of her canal.
Feeling full and satisfied, oblivious to the outside world, Scabber’s rubbed his furry belly and little rat dick against the squishy floor of Granger’s cunt until he spurted, relishing the fact that he was cumming inside her.
Then just for good measure, as a good night reminder that her cunt was his new home, now and forever, he nipped her walls several times and felt her quake, the walls flexing around him, releasing enough of her juices to sate his thirst. Then he rolled around in his nest until it was just right and curled up into a furry ball, his tail flicking as he drifted into a peaceful slumber...
@ ClaireR89: Well, this chapter is a strong reminder of what's inside Harriet. Lol! ... :D the moment she's hosting a shitload of Burrowing Carrot "saplings" which were seeded inside her by the adult Burrowing Carrots.
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