Torment *Completed* | By : Kvarta Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 31892 -:- Recommendations : 3 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction. Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, no money is being made from it. |
A/N: Thank you all for your support, kudos, comments and klicks.
I know this chapter is beyond late, and I can't promise that the next one will be any better. But, by the end of September I should have all my exams cleared out and my master thesis defended. After that I can return to my normal posting schedule, not only for this story but for all my WIPs.
Being so late, I decided not to wait for my beta (I hope she doesn't kill me before edit what I sent her), I'll re-post edited chapter after she finish editing. So, all mistakes are mine as always.
Hermione had a distinct impression that soon she'll hex someone or try to rip her own skin off. She'll be on her way to school come tomorrow.
And all be lost.
This- whatever this between Severus and her was, that fragile connection- it may crumble under the pressure of distance. For the first time in her life, Hermione didn't have a desire to go back to school.
These days were like a dream come through and her worst nightmare blended in one. He-they maintained the image they had for the past two years in front of everyone, in public. Privately, at night, she’d spend the nights in his bed, in his embrace.
It isn’t much, but at least it is something.
That dual play weighed on her, and Hermione often wondered how he’d do it? How he managed to keep his sanity for all these years, playing a double role? She felt as if she was crushed by the pressure, becoming irritated and snappy.
She wanted to leave for him a perfect home, sometimes scared at the ease with which she chose the changes to his absolute liking, without even consulting him.
It elated her.
It scared her.
He was always so correct and polite, distant while they were in the Rosebush. But he hexed the paint of his great uncle’s portrait when ruddy thing called her Mudblood.
And then, there was that afternoon in the greenhouse, behind the bushes of lavender and rosemary, on the bed of cloves. Far from prying eyes, just two of them…
Was he just responded to my needs, or did he act on his own?
And that was the crux of it, without the connection she couldn’t tell. It would be difficult even with the connection, but he might have dreamt of it, had a glimpse of memory to give her insight.
Hermione huffed at the sound, swirling, wand in her hand. She was in no mood for idle chit-chat. She was in no mood, period. Her eyes meet Draco’s figure, his hand raised in mock surrender.
“You know my mother won’t take it kindly if you blast her garden.” he grinned.
“How would she take it if I blast you?” Hermione snapped back.
Draco lowered his hands and shook his head. “Come, Granger, I have something to show you.”
“I prefer to be left alone.” Hermione raised her chin.
“And miss what I have to show you? I don’t think so.” Draco raise one eyebrow.
“Fine, but it’s better to be…” She started, annoyed.
She never managed to finish. Ancient looking elf appeared and snapped his fingers, in a blink of an eye they were in what looked like a hangar. Hermione blinked.
“What is this? Where is this?” she asked, more curious than frightened.
The room reminded her at the Room of Requirement during the DA times.
“We are in the practice room, below the library and next to the pool room.” Draco smiled. “You would benefit from blasting that nervousness of yours- safely. The dummies are self-repairing, like wizarding chess figurines.”
“Since when did you became so insightful?” She tilted her head.
“I’m reading books on Muggle psychology, interesting reading...” Draco’s smile turned to grin. “Set the attack mode for dummies and blast something that won’t cause you trouble.”
Hermione frowned. He had a point. Begrudgingly, Hermione nodded casting a standard spell. With the corner of her eye she saw Draco scrambling to move out of the line of fire when dummies came to life. First attack was too easy, she managed to blast the dummies in only a few moves. The second one wasn’t any better. She stopped, feeling frustrated more than before.
“Try this.” Draco took out his wand and swirled in the air.
This time the dummies attacked differently, more unpredictably. They moved with swift precision, even casting a mild stinging hex. Hermione grinned happily. This was the workout she needed. All her worries, all her insecurities she poured into the parry and attack. One of the dummies, was particularly hard to overcome.
She dodged one hex and blocked the other. But it was all she could do, to defend herself, it appeared she had no chance of defeating the dummy. Suddenly, dummy froze stopped in a mid-motion. She leaned hands on her thighs, breathing heavily, not even questioning who or what stopped the incantation.
“If that was a real opponent, you, Miss Granger, would be dead.” slow drawl forced her to straighten. “How on Merlin's name, your side managed to defeat the Dark Lord is beyond me. Your fighting skills are abysmal.”
She frowned as Lucius Malfoy hobbled towards her, expression of smug superiority on his face. He positioned himself behind her, taking a grip of her wand hand. Hermione snatched her hand free, glancing to see angry expression on rather unstable Lucius.
“Stand still, you arrogant little hussy.” Lucius hissed at her, grabbing her hand again, pressing a middle finger at her wand. “Draco, if you will…”
The dummy came to life.
Hermione’s first instinct was to doge, something she found impossible now with Malfoy senior blocking her way, holding her hand, he forced her wand to move and on an impulse she casted a shield charm. Malfoy twirled her wrist hissing.
“Cast bombarda, now.”
She obeyed.
The dummy blew up in a million pieces.
Malfoy released her, stepping away. “That is a basic protect and attack move. Something any thirteen-year-old should know,” his voice full of disgust. “At least a Pureblood one.”
She glared at him, a scratching remark on her tongue.
He did just show me the move.
“Can you…” she stopped.
Lucius raised an eyebrow.
“That dummy is a tough one to beat.” she said. “And we never learned that move in school.”
“No? I suppose you did not.” He smirked at her. “If you find that dummy hard to beat, how’d you fair against the real thing?”
“The real thing?” she echoed.
“Yes, Severus. And the dummy fights at the skill level he had at his final year of Hogwarts. Tsk,” Lucius clucked his tongue moving away slowly. “Again, Draco.”
Dummies repaired themselves and attacked again. Hermione tried to mimic what was shown to her, block and blast.
“Any combination of spells would do. Honestly, the-brightest-witch-of-her-age.” Lucius sounded side.
She continued to dodge, parry and attack. This time with more success. Once she managed to defeat all dummies she went to the edge of the room, tired, breaths labored in a sharp hiss from her mouth. Draco grinned at her and went to inspect the damage on dummied. Hermione glanced at Lucius.
“Thank you.”
“I have no idea what you are about, Miss Granger. But your gratitude to my presence is welcomed.” Lucius drawled, leaning heavily on his cane.
Hermione noticed the shadow of the pain in his eyes.
“I was meaning to talk to you, Mr. Malfoy.” She forced herself to say. And it would be a whole lot easier if you are not such a prick all the time.
“Oh?” Lucius raised an eyebrow.
“You know Severus much better than I do, well- longer in any case… What would it take for him to forgive you?” Hermione gave her best to sound neutral.
Lucius gazed at her, honest surprise on his face.
“Short of a miracle- nothing comes to mind.” Lucius raised his chin. “Worry not, Miss Granger, you will be blissfully free of my presence during your Apprenticeship.” A shadow of deep and honest sorrow passed over his face, but it was there she saw it.
Severus isn’t the only one who lost a friend… No, you won’t feel sorry for him.
Hermione tilted her head, idea forming in her mind as they stood there. Finally, she scrunched her nose, it was time to go, this small reprieve didn’t alleviate her worries. The nervous void remained, tempered only so.
“I wonder… Shame, I almost looked forward to you coming to Rosebush and wondering should you drink your tea or not, wondering if I laced it with something.” She gave him a tight smile and briskly walked away. Amused chuckle followed her on her way out.
No, he didn’t just approve of what I said to him.
~ S ~ S ~ S ~
Severus resisted temptation to roll his eyes, it was such childish move and he won’t allow himself to stoop to that level. No matter how much situation demanded. From his point of view- the situation almost pressed the notion.
He watched as Hermione nervously huffed, re-packing her things.
The way she behaves, one would think she’s going to her trial not back at school.
The girl changed her mood from inexplicably sad to frantic to this huffing in the past hour.
Five days flew by. They spent their days in the Rosebush, and nights sharing his bed. Hermione proved to be a genuine slave driver, for as much as she tried to spare the elves, she drove workers insane. It would be an understatement to say that no one was happy at the end.
The Manor, on the other hand shone in a new light. She didn’t really change much of anything, but the gloomy house was somehow full of light. Small details here and there, brightened the place considerably.
He was content to re-assemble and bring to functionality the old Potions laboratory and the greenhouse. And Draco took seemingly permanent residence in the library, which was good considering that he and Hermione kept on bickering.
It is a good thing she is going back to Hogwarts tomorrow.
Severus frowned. Something painfully heavy pressed at the edge of his ribs, and he pointedly ignored it. This, whatever this was between them, was only a borrowed time. They already signed the contract, and the next time he sees her she will be his apprentice and out of his reach.
Four years, plenty of time for her to see the error in her ways and change her mind.
He didn’t want to dwell on that thought.
“You do realize that Hogwarts has a fully equipped library?” Severus drawled. He resisted a temptation to notify her that school trunk refused to accept books forbidden for students. The last thing he wanted was to argue with her.
She turned to him with a frown. “They don’t have these books.”
“As a matter of fact- they do. You just weren’t privy to them as a student.” He replied calmly, as calmly as possible considering that her behavior draw him mad.
“And how’s that helping me? I am still a student.” she huffed.
“I asked Minerva to grant you access to the professor's library as part of your Apprentice preparations.” He growled. “Now, would you stop that and settle down?”
“Yes, fine… Not like I’ll manage to pack all these books anyway.” Hermione sounded sad again.
Oh, for the love of…
Her mood swings started to affect him as well. She, begrudgingly, finalized her packing by taking out the books from the trunk. Finally, she settled down.
“You or Draco will have to deal with that bloody portrait. I placed the Mufilato on it, but other portraits are rather aggressive towards him.” She sighed.
“I’ll have him placed in my grandfather’s room. He won’t bother anyone there.” Severus nodded.
He didn’t want to talk about that. Then again, he had no idea what he wanted. Something crawled under his skin in a most unpleasant way. Occlumency or not, he became quite adept at ignoring unwanted thoughts and feelings, and he applied that newfound skill generously at the moment.
She sighed and he growled again. Hermione’s head sharply twitched up.
“Look, I know… I’ll be out of your hair tomorrow, I want you to know that I am grateful--” her voice broke, tears threatening to spill.
“I was under the impression that you want to finish your education. You’ll be in my hair, as you put it so eloquently, in a month's time again. I fail to see the reason for tears and this…” he waved his hand at her direction. “As for you being grateful, I can’t even begin to fathom- what for.”
He wasn’t dismissive or cruel, even if her expression told him differently. Severus truly failed to see what he did to earn her gratitude. If nothing, he should be grateful to her. As wrong as it might sound, he cherished every moment she spent in his arms.
“For sacrificing once more- for me. For showing me how…” her face scrunched.
“I am no stranger to sacrificing, so rest assured- that this is far from what I’m used to.” Severus tilted his head. Liar.
This wasn’t a sacrifice on his part, no matter how much he wished it to be. This was selfish indulgence, purely self-serving. She opened an entirely new world to him, while all he ever gave her was a bad reputation.
“Well, I’m grateful all the same.” Hermione sounded sad.
“It is late, we might as well go to sleep.” Severus sighed; it was much safer option than what he had an urge to do.
He won’t turn into one of those sappy buggers and hug her. He won’t reaffirm his neediness for her. He won’t stoop so low to use her state of mind for his selfish needs. He won’t…
“Ough…” he huffed as a weeping witch cannonballed in his lap, squeezing the air out of him, choking him with her hair.
His arms closed around her, it felt almost natural to do so. Her warmth stirred something in him, something he didn’t want to name or dwell upon. He was losing the battle.
“So where do you want to sleep?” Severus whispered.
“I have a choice?” Hermione sniffed, straightening.
“You always have a choice, we all do. Question is- do you know how to choose wisely?” He tried to avoid the answer.
“And you wouldn’t mind if I choose one more night with you?” She blinked at him.
“And apparently you do not. I have no qual…. Mmmm…” his words were cut off by her lips.
Severus tried to stay focused, his mind racing. This was the first time she acted this way since- then. They did share the bed, and more than satisfying carnal pleasures, but she always held herself back. She would reach for him, but always pulled back, waiting for him to encourage her or take charge.
He liked her initiative.
She wasn’t as passive as she forced herself to be.
I am an idiot!
Still attached to her lips, he picked her up in his arms, rising from the chair. His hand muscles screamed, still not fully strong enough to support her weight. He can withstand it, however, if he puts his mind to it.
Severus made a step.
“Oww…” Hermione grunted when they both ended up in a heap, thankfully, on the bed.
Bloody moron, that’s what I am.
His knee pulsed with pain, he collided it with the edge of the bed frame. His hands could be willed into obedience. His legs, apparently, were another matter altogether.
Well, so much for me and that romantic drivel.
She whizzed, and he lowered his gaze. Was she hurt? He should probably move, but Severus had to detangle himself first. Hermione started to shake, and he hastily rolled over, pulling her hair in the process. She issued one “ouch” still shaking- from laughter.
“I am glad that our predicament amuses you.” Severus grumbled.
Her laughter stopped abruptly, face from radiant turned to a mask of fear.
“Severus, I-I’m sorry, I should have asked you…” Hermione stuttered.
“Ask me what? Should I fall on you?” He sat hissing at pain in his knee.
“No, to- kiss you.” Hermione bowed her head.
“As I recall, you asked me to- show you, you wanted to know, and I agreed to this. Constant waiting for my approval is tedious.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “But for tonight, I am certain that you will have to take charge or give up on the idea altogether. This unfortunate incident incapacitated me.”
Hermione widened her eyes, plucking the wand from her sleeve and banishing his clothes. She nudged him back, towards pillows and ran her fingers over him. There was nothing seductive or amorous in her deft search of his body.
She could benefit from a few instructions on seduction.
Reaching the banged knee, she gently probed at the angry reddish mark, before casting a charm. The whoosh of cold air felt sublime. But he finally understood that this wasn’t her attempt at seduction, but rather a healing.
“Well, what will it be?” Severus asked.
It wasn’t like he could fake indifference, not while she could clearly see his arousal.
“Are you still… Yes, stupid question…” She started to stutter, blush tinting her cheeks, her eyes darting to his crotch area.
“I hate repeating myself, furthermore, I expect you not to need constant repetition. I am sure I’d be fine, as long as you do not require of me to- be active.” Severus could kick himself, a few chosen words would have much greater effect, but he’d be damned if he says them to her.
And this is how I always cook-up things.
Surely the moment was gone, and whatever remnants of romance were in the room, now fled from cover. The more he felt pressed to say something utterly ridiculous, like to profess his feelings- the more idiotic things came out of his mouth. He wished she’d jump on him again and save him from what he might say next.
Five days, five bloody days.
It was all it took to turn him to complete idiot, a despicable old lecher. His brain shut down the moment her lips descended on his once more. The feel of her silky skin against his.
When did she lost her clothes?
It wasn’t like it mattered at this moment. She is a witch after all, his brain slowly detached from the reason. His hands tightened around her, pulling her closer and on top of him.
She stiffened.
Severus lightly separate their lips, sneaking one hand up to brush finger over her cheekbone.
“What’s the matter?” He asked, knowing well what troubled her.
“I’m not… It didn’t work quite well last time…” Hermione stammered, her eyes getting cloudy.
“There is a world of difference between willing and unwilling partner.” Severus whispered, still caressing her cheek. “Why don’t we just go about it and see how it goes? Purge the bad memories with the better ones. Eh?”
Of all the wrong things I could say...
She nodded, hiding her face in a crock of his neck, her hair attacking his airways again. Her lips moved over his skin and he forced himself to stay passive and quiet, to keep his eyes open. He will hate himself tomorrow, but for now he wanted to soak up every move, every touch, even the smallest of details. He wanted to feel desired- loved. To be needed for himself if only once in his life.
She trailed her kisses, mapping his skin with her lips, nipping at his collarbones. Severus focused on staying still while fire roared in his blood. Her shy lips and clumsy hands forced a grunt out of his throat. Her hair tickled his neck and chest, to the point he wanted nothing more than to roll them over and bury himself in her.
Hermione raised, her face flushed, eyes glittering. She straddled him, mindful of his injured leg- and groped for her wand, floating one pillow, setting it under his banged knee. A million scenarios passed through his head, he wouldn’t mind playing a patient to her- not being one but… Gasp escaped him, his back arched and eyes briefly fluttered close when her hand reached behind her to coup his sack. Sparks of light dancing behind his closed lids.
When he opened his eyes, Severus faced her breasts, they danced in front of his face and he licked his lips. His hand, quite detached from his brain, reached gently massaging enticing flesh and she moaned. Finding a purchase on his chest, she centered herself and begun slow descent. If he had any sanity left in him, she separated him from it now. Her heat slicking over his cock, maddeningly piecemeal.
More than his own feelings and sensations, he was mesmerized with the shift of emotions and sensations so clear on her face, the tentative focus morphed into a wonder, lust and settled on pure pleasure. She moaned above him, her inner muscles twitching, pressing…
A groan escaped him.
Her eyes narrowed, observing him, muscles repeated the squeeze and he groaned again. His hand, still attached to her boob synchronized with the twitching of her quim, fingers blindly seeking to tweak her nipple.
Her eyes widened with a glimmer of understanding.
She rolled her hips, still manipulating her muscles to clench. His other hand surged up to tweak at the other nipple, a sound between moan and keening whooshed out of his lungs. His eyes locked on hers. She started to move, at first slowly but then faster, experimenting with angles and movement until she settled for a grinding motion, pressing hard on his chest.
Who needs air anyway? If I die today, I won’t have to live with myself tomorrow. What a sweet death this might be…
She was in control, setting the rhythm, and for once in his life he didn’t mind. It was so easy to surrender, to just- be, carried on a wave of pleasure. Her hips gained in speed, mewls escaping her with fast breaths. Her eyes unguarded, locked on his.
He was lost in them.
His constant need to be in control, melting under that heated gaze, full of love and belonging.
Her body tightened, breaths labored now, but a small frown began to appear as her hip lost their rhythm. He abandoned her nipples to grab her hips, lifting them slightly and anchoring them in the air above him- still connected.
Hermione cried out, a slight desperation twisting her face.
Biting on his lower lip, to still the words that bubbled in his chest, Severus anchored his healthy leg on the bed and thrust up.
Hermione moaned, her eyes now wide and shiny, hips jerking.
“Still down, let me show you…” Severus purred.
He trusted up again. Her head fell back, hands seeking and finding purchase on his inner thighs, digging the nails in a soft flesh. Her back arching.
He continued trusting, watching her, listening to her. His own need shoved aside; he found the tempo she needed. This time was different, different from all previous…
It was more emotional.
It was desperate.
It was magnificent.
Her muscles, barreled around him, twitching madly before she arched her back and froze, red-faced, with a shout. With feeling of loss, he forced himself to pull back, out of her body. His own release following, ripped from him along with an embarrassingly high-pitched yelp.
Hermione collapsed on him, breathing heavily.
Severus gently rolled her beside him, cradling her in his arms, next to his heart that tattooed her name against the ribcage. She smiled at him, tiredly.
“Infinitely different,” she slurred, snuggling closer.
Before he knew, she was sound asleep, tucked next to him, breathing in his skin. Severus pressed his lips at the roots of her curls, salt from her damp forehead coating his lips.
There will be no sleep for him tonight.
If this is all he can have-- No, tonight he won’t sleep…
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