Draco Malfoy & the House of Seraphim | By : KaliDiah Category: Harry Potter Crossovers > General - Misc Views: 20513 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy, Angel, or Harry Potter or their associated characters, settings, or concepts. They belong to their various creators & distributing agencies, and have only been borrowed for entertainment purposes with no intent to profit. |
AUTHOR'S NOTE 02-21-05 -- Special thanks to Adoxerella for emailing me and bringing it to my attention that half of this chapter was freakin' MISSING!!! As of now, it is fixed. Thank you, Adoxerella. I owe you one.
Draco listened intently as Giles told about his school days. He rarely got the chance to hear about Hogwarts in the past, and it never ceased to amaze him that Potter wasn't' the first one to have big adventures there. Well, not this generation Potter, anyway. From what he heard, which was admittedly very little, James Potter was quite the mischief-maker.
Suddenly, he heard a fwoosh, and turned in time to see the fire in the fireplace jump to emerald green. He figured it must be Snape returning from the school. He was quite correct, however he didn't expect the Potions Master to come barreling in as he did.
"I need to speak with you, Angel. Now!" he barked as he steadied himself.
"Can this wait, Severus? We do have ..." Angel began.
Giles stood and stared at the professor in disbelief. "Severus?"
Snape regarded the older man for a moment, and his eyes grew wide. "Rupert?"
"You know each other?" Spike asked.
Giles allowed a small smile. "We were ... friends ... in school."
Snape had friends?! How was it that Draco was never aware of that? He knew that Snape had only associated with his father out of fear. It had never had anything to do with friendship. Draco had had several private conversations with Snape, as the man was like an uncle to him, but even then, the professor had never mentioned Rupert Giles.
"He was two years ahead of me," Snape said softly, trying to school his features. "Rupert was ... well ..." He trailed off, seeming as if he didn't want to go down that particular Memory Lane. He took a deep breath and waved a hand in dismissal. "That's really neither here nor there. Besides, I really do need to speak with you, Angel. It's incredibly urgent."
Angel just nodded slowly and stood, Snape following him into the kitchen. "No eavesdropping," Angel commanded as he went. Draco looked to see Spike pout, and couldn't blame him. When Snape said something was important, it was bloody well important. Which meant Draco really wanted to know what it was.
Instead, he regarded Giles. The man had regained his seat, but his face bore conflicting emotions. He seemed thrilled, angry, and hurt, all at once. Now Draco couldn't decide what he wanted to listen in on more -- the conversation in the kitchen, or the thoughts running through Giles' head. He suddenly vaguely remembered something about curiosity and cats, but as the whole of it escaped him, he brushed it aside.
Any other internal musings that might have taken place were abruptly halted as Angel's voice boomed from the kitchen.
"WHAT?! How dare you! You, of all people ..."
"I understand your ... skepticism," Snape said, raising his own voice, "but I saw it with my own two eyes! What reason have I to lie to you?"
"You tell me!" Angel demanded.
"No reason at all!" Snape returned. "I always knew something was ... off, about his treatment of the boy. But never in my wildest nightmares did I ever think it went this far."
Boy? Draco thought. What boy? They're talking about me, aren't they?
"You're wrong!" Angel bellowed. "I refuse to believe this!"
"It was his handwriting, Angel! He called her a liability and said she was expendable!"
She? Okay, so they're not talking about me.
"Are you sure?" Angel asked, finally lowering his voice.
"Yes. And I wish I could prove it. But, that was one of his hidden files. If it were to go missing ..."
"Right, right. I still want proof though."
Giles then stood and went into the dining room. "Pardon me," he called into the kitchen. "Perhaps I can be of some assistance? I don't know what you're talking about, but wouldn't the Consummatus Exemplaris charm work?" Draco thought for a few moments, but couldn't recall ever hearing of such a spell, and he was right up there with Hermione in regards to knowing such things.
Draco heard an exasperated sigh come from Snape as he entered the dining room. "It completely slipped my mind. I was in such shock. Even so, these trunks are heavily enchanted."
"Then perhaps it's a two-wizard job?" Giles asked with a smirk.
As Snape contemplated the apparent offer, Draco could tell that he was conflicted. "Very well," he said at last. "This will take careful planning, though."
Giles' smirk didn't fade. "Since when has my planning been anything but careful?"
"I seem to remember something about an abandoned factory, a can of gasoline, and an ex-Watcher bent on vengeance ..." Xander offered.
Giles turned to glare at the young man, but said nothing.
"Rupert Giles, bent on vengeance? That's new," Snape said, slight amusement lacing his words.
"Let's not go there," Angel said, seemingly embarrassed.
"Vengeance against you?" Snape asked with surprise.
"I was evil at the time!" Angel cried in his defense.
"Very well," Snape sighed. "Alright, let's get this sorted out. If we're discovered, who knows what could happen."
"Well, first I suggest you tell me what's going on," Giles said.
Angel returned to the living room and surveyed the remainder of the group. "All right. Gunn, how about you take Andrew and Xander to your place, get them settled. Faith, Dawn, you can go with Fred. Wes, Rupert can stay with you."
"Of course. I have some things to do at the office, so he can just call when he's ready."
Angel nodded. "Okay. Spike, Draco, keep yourselves entertained, but no listening in."
"Well," Fred offered, "maybe they can come with us girls and go shopping or something?"
"What? Do you think that just 'cause I'm Mated to the Pouf that I am one?"
"WHAT?!" Giles cried. He rushed back into the living room. "That's why you were so ... cuddly? You're ... but ..." Giles swallowed hard, then glared at Angel. Pointing an accusing finger, he said, "I want explanations."
"You'll get them. Later though, please? This is ... very important. The lives of children are at stake."
A stunned silence settled over the house. Children? Draco thought. Important, indeed.
Giles' expression softened as he realized the full weight of the situation. "Of course. Let's get to work, then."
As everyone parted ways, Draco couldn't help but wonder if he actually wanted to go back to school come September.
A few hours later, Snape, Giles, and Angel appeared in Snape's private quarters. Rummaging through a trunk, Snape produced two silvery cloaks.
"Invisibility cloaks," Giles said, a bit amused. "How I do miss mine." He took one and draped in around himself.
Angel squawked in surprise as the ex-Watcher disappeared before his eyes. He looked uneasily at the cloak Snape was now offering him.
Snape rolled his eyes in annoyance. "It won't bloody hurt you. Just put it on!"
Angel took it and covered himself. "This is weird."
"Yes, yes, yes. Can we go now?" the Potions Master snapped.
Snape then led the way to Filch's office. The door was closed, and they weren't sure whether the caretaker was inside or not. To solve that problem, Angel invisibly crept to the door and put his ear to it, listening intently as the other two hung in the shadows. After a few moments, he returned to them with a sigh. "Two heartbeats. One human, the other one lighter and faster."
"Mrs. Norris, his cat," Snape provided. "We'll need a distraction."
"Can't you just ask to see the files?" Giles asked.
"I've already done so, and even then, he hovered over me. The only thing that made him leave was ..."
Giles smirked. "Peeves?"
"Peeves?" Angel asked.
"Poltergeist," the Englishmen answered in unison.
"Oh. Joy."
"Stay here," Snape commanded. "I'll be back as quickly as I can." Without waiting for a response, Snape swept away toward the dungeons.
After a few moment's silence, Giles asked the question that had been burning in his mind since he had arrived at the house in Los Angeles. "Angel, may I ask, how on Earth did you get involved with all this?" Giles asked.
With a great sigh, Angel delved into the story. It took a good while, and when he had finally finished, Snape still hadn't returned.
"Oh, my," Giles said. "That's ... I find it odd."
Angel waited for him to continue, but he didn't. So, instead, the vampire asked, "What's odd?"
"Well, all of these seeming coincidences. You knowing the headmaster, Spike being distantly related to the boy, me knowing Severus, me knowing you, Voldemort being a Senior Partner ... It's all so ..."
"Something along those lines, yes."
"I know. That's why Spike and I have decided to teach here. We were pulled into this for several reasons it seems, so we may as well go all the way."
Giles nodded. "Have you figured out what you're going to teach, and how?"
Angel shrugged. "Vaguely. So much has been going on, we've been really busy."
Giles smirked. "Marriage will do that to a person."
Angel rolled his eyes. "Anyway, once we get these files, we'll be able to figure it all out."
Giles nodded. Silence again settled over them. Giles was beginning to wonder where his old friend was when Angel broke the silence.
"You know, I'm sure you could teach these kids a thing or fifteen. Heck, even Xander could."
Giles looked at him in surprise. He had hoped that Angel would give him and his surrogate children a place to fit in, but nothing like this. "Well, I ... I don't know ..."
"Oh, come on!" Angel cried. "You have traveled in so many different circles, all of which will only help. And you've already taught Dawn and Willow and Buffy and everyone else who crossed your path, so I know you'd make an excellent teacher."
Giles allowed himself a small smile. "I suppose I would. And the others, they all have their specialties too, you know."
"Not to mention, if Buffy and Willow decide to come looking for you, they wouldn't be able to find you here."
"This is very true."
"I think it's a good idea," Snape said, appearing almost from thin air.
"Wow, and I thought I was good at skulking," Angel quipped with a grin.
"I do not skulk," Snape retorted indignantly. "I lurk. Surely you know the difference. Now, if you two are finished talking so loudly that even the giant squid knows you're here, I suggest you get ready. I was able to convince the Bloody Baron to convince Peeves to cause a ruckus elsewhere."
"There's a giant squid?" Angel whispered to Giles.
"Shhh!" Snape hissed.
So, quietly they waited in the shadows. It was only moments when they heard a large crash down the hall. Filch wasted no time rushing down the corridor, his cat hot on his heels. Once he was out of sight, the three crept into the office. Giles inspected the two trunks they were going to duplicate.
"Heavily enchanted indeed," he murmured. "Some of these can be removed but it would be best to worry about that later. Severus," he asked, presenting his wand, "are you ready?"
Snape, his own wand in hand, nodded. "Student files first."
Giles agreed and stood on the left side of the trunk, Snape on the right. They pointed their wands at the chest, and with a look they intoned the incantation in unison. "Consummatus Exemplaris." The trunk became surrounded by a blue light. After a few moments, both wizards moved their wands to point at an empty spot on the floor. As they did, the light was drawn off the chest and flowed to where they were pointing. There it solidified into a carbon copy of the original.
Snape knelt beside the new creation, placed his hand on one section of the lid, and again said Hermione Granger's name. He opened it, noticing one of the pieces of parchment was slightly askew. He drew it out and skimmed it. Then he nodded. "Perfect," he murmured. After replacing the record and closing the lid, he went back to the original and called up her file again, careful to rearrange it so it would look undisturbed. Once done, he and Giles moved to the faculty's trunk, and repeated the spell.
"Good," Giles said. "Now, anything that is added to the originals will be added to ours."
"What if we add something to ours?" Angel asked.
Snape shook his head. "It doesn't work in reverse." He cast a lightening charm on one of the trunks, directing Giles to carry it with him under his cloak. Angel hefted the other one, and the two returned to Snape's quarters while the professor replaced the concealing charm on the student's chest.
He joined the other two in his living room, and the three Flooed back to Los Angeles, trunks in tow.
Angel and his crew had been called to the office while Giles' children (along with Spike and Draco) were enjoying a shopping expedition. This left Snape and Giles by themselves in the dining room with the files. So far, they had compiled a list of twenty students that would benefit most from specialized training. Most were members of Dumbledore's Army that had been created by Hermione, Ron, and Harry the previous year, in order to teach magickal defense. Three Slytherins -- Blaise Zabini, Millicent Bulstrode, and Chandelle Lumineux (a shy fifth-year) -- were suggested by Draco.
The only students below fifth year were a set of triplets: Donovan, Gavin, and Weylin King. Their mother, Bonnie, was one of the few new American Watchers who had sided with Giles. Their father, Nathan, was a wizard who had attended the Salem Institute of Magic. Upon being accepted into the Watchers' Council (before Buffy went crazy), they had moved to England, and the boys were enrolled at Hogwarts.
With the list sorted, Giles went about organizing the program that he suddenly found himself a part of. What had started out as Angel and Spike teaching a few students some extracurricular lessons was now a full-blown Supplemental Studies Program. After a short discussion, it was agreed that Faith, Xander, Dawn, and Andrew should take part as well. Angel was quite sure that if Buffy and Willow continued down the path they were headed, they would no doubt come looking for the group. Hiding them away at Hogwarts would be their best bet, until something could be done about the wayward Slayer and her witch companion.
So, it was now up to the ex-Watcher to determine what their strengths were to figure out what they were best suited to teach. Angel was already taking care of Alternative Magick, and Giles was not surprised at his choice of subject. Giles had always known that Angel was a magickal powerhouse ... when he wanted to be. The vampire knew at least a dozen human languages, several that were considered dead. He knew even more demonic languages, including several dialects of Parseltongue. He was well-versed in several magickal systems, if his various book collections had ever been any indication. If anyone could help those children break free of their own paradigm, it was Angel.
Spike was covering Physical Defense, which was also no surprise. The blonde, though ferocious at times, was an exceptional fighter, and undoubtedly held high ranks in several different martial arts forms. He was also a weapons expert, and could wield almost anything you put in his hands as if he'd been doing so for decades. And it was clear he was an excellent judge of his opponents' strengths and weaknesses. All of this would prove invaluable to the students should they ever be faced with a physical fight. Not to mention, Voldemort's forces would hardly be expecting a bunch of kids to start throwing punches at them.
If Giles remembered his own time at the school correctly, he knew that the old traditions of the Wizarding world were largely glossed over. So, he decided that he could teach Wizarding Tradition, which would include Wizarding law and ancestral magick, even for those who were Muggle-born. He knew that many would consider such a class a waste of time, as many traditions were now thought obsolete. He also knew that in order to understand what they were truly capable of, the students would have to be aware of what came before them. As a self-proclaimed historian, he had studied the old Wizarding traditions extensively, and knew that some of them would prove useful.
He also remembered how lacking his Muggle Studies class had been, especially since it was taught from a Wizarding standpoint. He could think of no one better to supplement that than Dawn. Though she was young, she had all the makings of a good teacher. And if Fred truly was able to combine technology and magick, the students could possibly get some good hands-on experience.
When he found out that Voldemort was a Senior Partner, it became clear that demons would eventually play a part in this war. Despite his outward geekiness, Andrew was a whiz when it came to demonology and mythology, so that was where Giles placed him. After the destruction of Sunnydale and the Hellmouth, Andrew completely immersed himself in whatever material Giles directed at him. He learned quickly, and retained every bit of information he took in. His exuberance was sure to rub off on the students, which would surely catch their attention enough to learn.
It was also clear that many of the young witches and wizards of the world wouldn't know what to do if stranded on their own, especially in the Muggle world. If anyone could teach them how to survive in any given situation, it would be Faith. She had been through so much, and she always came out the victor. He imagined her classes would entail many forays into the Forbidden Forest, and perhaps even Muggle London. This, of course, would suit her best, as she was extremely active, and being stuck in a classroom would rub against her nerves.
That left Xander. Giles had to admit that when he thought of teaching, Xander didn't even enter his mind. Even so, he knew the boy had much to offer. Many years ago, while under an enchantment one Halloween, Xander took on the memories and personality of a soldier. Even after the spell ended, he had retained all that knowledge, and there had been a few times since that it had proved useful. He was a great strategist, when allowed, and could take command of a situation easily ... again, if allowed. Buffy rarely allowed him to do anything. But, Buffy wasn't there, so it was time for Xander to show what he was really made of.
With the basic structure completed, Giles stood and stretched. He figured details could be filled in when everyone else returned. He glanced to the other end of the table, where Snape sat hunched over the files of one of the chosen students. The only sound coming from the professor was the occasional squeak of the green highlighter he was using. Snape had been in awe of the marker at first, but took to it quickly, and began marking important sections of the files.
The current silence was anything but comfortable, Giles realized with a sad smile. Never, in all of his travels and adventures, did he think he would see Severus Snape again. Giles had been a third-year in Ravenclaw when Snape started school. He didn't like the way the boy was being treated by nearly everyone, especially James Potter and Sirius Black. Giles took pity on the boy, and ended up befriending him. Unfortunately, Giles was not the only one who took an interest in the Potions Master-to-be. Lucius Malfoy vied for his attention, and despite Giles' protests, Snape began down a very dark path. Even so, Giles did not give up, and remained Snape's friend until he himself graduated. As they left the Hogwarts Express at the end of Giles' final year, Giles promised to keep in touch with Snape.
However, Giles' father had other plans. Though he was allowed additional schooling and an internship at St. Mungo's to complete his medi-wizard training, his father forbade him from contacting anyone he knew from Hogwarts, even the professors. Of course, Snape didn't realize that. It was only after the death of his father that Giles had found boxes full of letters from the young man, asking what had happened. Why hadn't he written? Why didn't he respond? Was he angry at him? Finally, the letters turned bitter and hateful, and it was clear that Snape wanted nothing more to do with him. By the time Giles had found the letters, he figured it was far too late to try to reestablish any kind of link. That was, if he could even find Snape.
Apparently, someone had different ideas, for here he was, in the same room with his former friend. Though he could tell the professor was still angered by the apparent abandonment and betrayal he felt, he had his priorities straight enough to realize the importance of the surrounding circumstances. He knew that, despite what he was feeling, Snape would not act hostile toward him unless provoked. Giles resolved to make sure he wasn't provoked.
He sighed heavily and began to pace. He wasn't trying to capture Snape's attention, but he apparently succeeded anyway, for he asked, "I was always under the impression that Ravenclaws kept their promises."
Giles stopped. Okay, so maybe Snape wasn't as above letting his emotions affect him as Giles had thought. "Severus, it was ... complicated."
"Oh, yes, of course," Snape said, his tone conversational. He didn't look up from his work, and made no indication that he was going to continue.
Giles knew this had to be addressed if they were going to be working together, and he thought it best to do it now, while no one else was about. "Sev, please. I had every intention of keeping in touch. But my father ... you know how controlling he was." Snape only snorted, still highlighting parchment. "He wouldn't even let me contact the professors. And after he died, I found out that anything that anyone sent me, he kept."
Snape stopped what he was doing. He replaced the cap on the marker and finally looked up at the ex-Watcher. There was something in his coal-black eyes that Giles couldn't discern, but he could tell it was not a frequent occurrence. "Did you read ...?"
"Yes, I did. All of them. By the time I was able to though, so many years had passed. And you made it clear in your last letter that it was done. I figured ..." He trailed off.
Snape nodded. "That is understandable." It was clear to Giles that Snape was doing everything he could to remain composed. "So, you had no intention of ... abandoning me?" When Snape looked at him again, every ounce of hurt and loss was in those eyes.
Giles returned to the table, taking the seat next to the professor. "No! You were my best friend, and I was planning on keeping in touch regularly, maybe even visiting. But Father would never allow it."
Snape studied him for a moment, before smirking. "Your father always was a bloody git, wasn't he?"
Giles grinned and chuckled. "That he was."
"Is that why you delved into the Dark Arts?"
The question seemed nonchalant, but it threw Giles for a loop. "How did you know ...?"
The smirk widened. "Takes one to know one." Then, like lightning, Snape grabbed Giles's arm, pushing up the sleeve. There on the inside of his arm, was a mark. "Eyghon?" he breathed, his eyes growing wide. "What the blazes were you thinking?!" he cried.
"I ... wasn't?"
"I'd say not! What happened to always having a plan?" Snape demanded, but he didn't wait for an answer. "I deal in some very dark circles, Rupert, but nothing would ever drive me to give myself over to voluntary possession by such an insidious demon!"
Giles was at a loss. He was a bit confused as how the conversation had progressed from quiet accusations to loud admonishments. "I ... it was ..."
"What everyone else was doing? Really, I never thought you would become a mindless sheep."
"I am not!" Giles boomed, standing quickly. "I was tired of living under my father's thumb. Always doing what he wanted me to do, without any regard to my wishes, or what would be best for me! I was his little clay poppet, molding me to be a carbon copy of himself. He wanted me to be logical, and responsible, so I did just the opposite! I was stupid, Sev, I admit it. I was a moron! But I learned, and I paid the price for it. I lost a chance at love, and nearly caused someone I once considered a daughter to die because of it! Of the group of us, Ethan and I ..."
"Ethan? Oh, dear Merlin, don't tell me you got messed up with Ethan Rayne."
"Says the man who followed Lucius Malfoy's every command."
It was Snape's turn to stand. "I didn't have much choice! I would have never survived otherwise. Even you couldn't protect me all the time, especially not from Malfoy. You were one of the best, Rupert, I will give you that, but Malfoy could turn you to ashes in a heartbeat. But Ethan? Slytherin he may be, but not even You Know Who wanted him! He was too unpredictable. He was a destroyer, that is all he ever craved."
"Still does."
"And you willingly invoked Eyghon right along side him. What the hell happened to bring that on? It had to be more than your father."
Giles sat down again, defeated. Snape was right. He was an idiot to get involved with Ethan, and even more so to invoke Eyghon. With a sigh, he looked up at the professor. "I lost my best friend," he said quietly. "As much as I hate to admit it, I was born to be a Watcher. I was born to guide and help. For five years, you were my focus. Then suddenly, you were gone. I had no direction. I was lost, and Ethan took advantage of that. He was so close to convincing me to turn away from becoming a Watcher completely. But I realized that being a Watcher was the only thing I could do. So, I left him by the wayside, and joined the Council. I had focus again, and did everything I could to put that dark part of my life behind me."
"You can run ..." Snape began, regaining his own seat.
"And I did. All the way to California. But it found me. Eyghon went through the entire group, trying to find a host to reproduce through. Killed everyone but Ethan and I. The only reason Ethan escaped was because he put the tattoo on my Slayer, and burned his off with acid. It's the mark that Eyghon is attracted to. In the meantime, Eyghon possessed the woman I loved. She escaped physically unharmed -- it was Angel who saved us -- but emotionally ... she distanced herself from me then. I lost a great deal of my Slayer's trust, as well.
"But, Eyghon is gone now, thanks to Angel, and I've come to accept that part of my life."
"All because you couldn't talk to me?"
Giles chuckled. "Seems it, yes."
Snape nodded. "Happened to me, too." He gingerly pulled up the sleeve of his left arm, displaying the skull and snake.
Giles gasped. "So, you did it?"
"Yes, but like you, I realized what a fool I was. I couldn't run away like you did, but I did go to Dumbledore. I then became his spy."
Giles knew what a risk this was, but was not about to admonish his old friend. "Friendship truly is important, isn't it?" he asked.
Again, Snape smirked. "Seems it, yes. I think it would be best to put that behind us, if only for the sake of these students. We will have to work together, therefore we should at the least be civil."
"Of course," Giles agreed, though he hoped that they could again become friends, as they once had been. He then stood abruptly. "I ... I think I'll go out back, see what they've got by way of that garden." Snape only nodded, returning to his work.
As Giles made his way to the kitchen to go out the back door, he hear the professor softly say, "I've missed you, old friend."
Giles smiled. "I missed you, too." With that, he went outside.
TP: You think THIS is intriguing? Wait till they get back to school! This is how I saw Buffy and Willow progressing, too, and it just seems to make sense. I mean, Buffy was ALWAYS self-absorbed, and Willow had become power-hungry, and Kennedy (li'l wench) wasn't helping any. You will have to wait a while to see their arses get kicked, but I assure you, THEY WILL. The whole Eebbil Dumbledore is all Aimee's fault, so blame her if yer scared. :D
Amanda: Thanks for the review, and here's your next hit ... ah ... dose ... umm, CHAPTER! Yeah, chapter!
Warconq: Ack! No Draco/Dawn! Cute as it would be, that would belong in a different story. But, she WILL be getting some abilities ... I always hated that, too. Poor girl kept getting pushed aside. I mean, she translated an ENTIRE SPELL from Turkish by herself, and no one gave her any props. That's just NOT COOL. Harmony will be Re-Sired, dear, and it won't be too much longer.
Shamanogler: The cliffie is ANOTHER thing you can blame on Aimee. She is Eebbil, I tell you!!! :)
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