Pansy's Volcano | By : Bluemidget57 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 206858 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
JKR and George Lucas. Not me
Chapter Twelve
Of course, there had been some mutterings and questions when Hermione explained the new arrangement for attendance on Saturday; she was subjected to some very searching glances when she was compelled to admit that she was having to partner Malfoy, who was not present at this meeting due to a Quidditch scheduling conflict. She was painfully aware of Pansy’s eyes boring into her back like knives, even though no one else seemed to think there was more to their partnership than appeared on the surface; obedience to the Headmaster.
Otherwise, it had been surprisingly painless hooking up the prefects with each other. Ginny had agreed to go with Justin from Hufflepuff while Harry took his girlfriend Juliet, a Ravenclaw in Ginny’s year who was also not a prefect; they were all friendly beforehand anyway and seemed to agree with the need for House unity, so there was hardly any resentment. Although later many of the prefects came and expressed privately to Hermione that they thought their three Houses were already nicely integrated, and that it was only Slytherin which needed bringing into line.
Hermione had to agree, albeit silently, and so it seemed that she and Draco really would have to try harder to set a good example, although she despaired privately of ever managing to break through the decades of prejudice ingrained in the likes of Pansy and her acolytes.
She wondered if Malfoy was aware that Slytherin was so alienated from the rest of the school. Maybe their isolation from the other houses was what made them the way they were? Was it possible their aloofness was a form of defense against feeling ostracized by their peers? It was an interesting theory, and unfortunately the only way to explore it was to spend more time with the Head Boy. It seemed that if they were to fulfill Dumbledore’s directive, that was the course she would have to take.
Luna had readily agreed to accompany Ron, and Hermione who happened to be nearby when he asked, watched her reactions closely. Luna’s expression rarely changed from the usual dreamy, self absorbed imperturbability, but the alacrity with which she accepted Ron’s casually tossed, ‘Hey, Luna, you going to come with me then?’ and his confidence that she would, made Hermione wonder if underneath her insouciant demeanor, Luna was carrying a torch for Ron. Thinking back, Hermione could pinpoint numerous occasions when Luna’s abstracted behaviour around the red head might point towards a deeper affection for Ron than she admitted to. Hermione was back to her musings of the night before as to whether Luna had been a major contributor to Ron’s skills last year, but she simply had no idea when Ron would have had the opportunity.
Luna had replied with her usual abstracted expression, ‘What? This Saturday? That would be nice, Ronald.’ She always called him by his full name, and Hermione found it annoying, but Ron didn’t seem to mind at all. Luna’s large eyes had stayed fixed onto him for the rest of the meeting, and she seemed to Hermione to be deep in thought.
However, these reflections did not engender in Hermione’s heart any twinge of jealousy at all, which of course immediately increased her guilt quota because her next thought suggested that she secretly wanted to be Malfoy’s date, and this lack of concern about a girl whom she truly believed fancied her boyfriend was a result of her own mental infidelity. Surely she should be more concerned that Ron’s date for the evening was a girl who seemed to have a past with him and may even be hoping for a future?
She decided to think about it later. There was a locked room in her mind which was getting awfully overcrowded with things she was going to think about later; she just hoped the door would stay closed under the force of all the unwanted thoughts bursting to get out and be dealt with. If she could just keep everything locked away until next June, she would never have to set eyes on him again; surely there was no way their paths would ever cross after graduation, and then the insanity would evaporate.
And that brought them here, to Saturday itself, the day of the Feast. After breakfast was cleared away, the prefects remained in the Great Hall and consulted the task lists they had been given. Professor DiBona remained behind also, and Draco immediately approached her, carrying a large box which they began unpacking.
This proved to contain various electrical items which Hermione would have thought could not be operated within Hogwarts. Of course, Draco had already presented the showing of Star Wars on a small tv/vcr combo in the prefects office, and she had been silently impressed that he had managed to make that work, but what he and Professor DiBona were unpacking now looked more like an actual cinema projector complete with tape reels and a fully outfitted movie screen.
Despite her curiosity, Hermione refused to go straight over to Draco and watch him work; she forced herself to spend the first couple of hours assisting the other prefects with various transfiguration tasks, until the Hall was beginning to look eerily like deepest Outer Space; this was nothing like the twinkling stars which had comprised the magnificent ceiling of the Great Hall on Hermione’s Sorting night as a first year.
This was something darker and more vast even than that. Above the main doors, and directly opposite the staff table, the Ravenclaw boys were painstakingly recreating a model of the Death Star, which was beginning to look so real it almost scared Hermione. The Gryffindors were transfiguring some small plastic child’s airplanes (obtained from someone’s muggle younger brother) into replicas of the fighter planes from the end of the movie. These had been charmed to fly around the ceiling and randomly fire at each other before exploding and then reanimating. The Hufflepuffs were casting glamours over the suits of armour in the Hall to make it appear that there were Storm Troopers patrolling the walls. Without exception, Hermione knew, the rest of the school would be awestruck.
However, eventually she found that her feet had taken her subconsciously over to where Draco and Professor DiBona were erecting their movie theatre.
‘Ah, Hermione,’ Professor DiBona greeted her, for she had been facing in Hermione’s direction and had seen her approach. Draco tensed momentarily and if Hermione’s traitorous eyes had not been resting on his body she would have missed it the motion was so small. ‘Come and give us your expert Muggle opinion on this.’
Draco straightened from his position on the floor, causing his trousers to tighten across his backside and Hermione felt the back of her neck begin to sweat. He had tossed his school robes over a chair and rolled his shirt sleeves up to the elbows. His forearms were one of the parts Hermione found most erotic on a man, so of course Draco’s had to be perfect; just the right play of muscles against a light covering of golden hair. Hermione could feel an unwelcome flush of arousal starting deep within her stomach and spreading along all of her nerve endings. This was ridiculous; she didn’t get this turned on when she was making out with her boyfriend. How could this be happening to her just because Draco Malfoy had rolled his sleeves up? It was sick.
Hermione tried to stare deeply into Professor DiBona’s eyes so that her own would not stray against her will to his arms or his arse, even while she shifted uncomfortably, trying to ease the ache building up between her legs.
‘Yes, Granger,’ Draco agreed silkily, not turning to look at her. ‘Do give us your opinion as to whether this would pass on the High Street?’
‘It looks very good,’ Hermione managed to stammer, focusing hard on the Muggle Studies teacher. ‘I am sure that both the Muggle-borns and those who have had absolutely no exposure to Muggle culture will be very impressed.’
Professor DiBona beamed at Hermione. ‘I thought so. Draco has really done a splendid job. I’ve hardly had to help him at all; just a few contacts to assist him with obtaining the equipment. I think this will turn out to be the definitive Muggle Studies project for all future 7th year students.’
Well, that finally made a dent in Hermione’s hormones. This wasn’t a homework project, and Draco was not the only person involved in its execution! How could the Professor be thinking of giving him academic credit for something which was a team effort. Great Merlin’s socks! Professor DiBona was smiling at Draco in the same manner that all the other teachers - Snape excluded - smiled at her. The fact that this was their Muggle Studies teacher showering delighted praise over Mudblood hating, purebred Slytherin snob, Draco Malfoy, was verging on the surreal. Hermione could barely believe that he had managed to overcome his prejudice for long enough to actually take the class, let alone become its star pupil!
He must be plotting something; he had to be. She just had to get over this insane hormonal attraction to him, and then she would be able to see the bigger picture; concentrate on his intentions, not his muscles. Forget about the way he smells standing so close to you, in the heat of the busy Great Hall, a hint of exotic spice and citrus…… Stop that, this minute, Hermione! Get a grip on yourself!
He turned suddenly and she was jerked back to the present. ‘Well Granger, if we are going to be on show for the whole school tonight, I suppose we better make it good. I’ll wait for you in the study at 6.00 and we can walk to dinner together and make a grand entrance for Dumbledore.’
‘What - but -’ Hermione began. It was quite dreadful how she couldn’t seem to string together whole sentences when she was around the Head Boy these days.
‘That’s an excellent idea,’ the Professor interjected. ‘I think it would be splendid if we could make room at the faculty table for you both. How inspiring for the rest of the school to see you both sitting there, all dressed up! I must talk to the Headmaster about it.’ She swept away, apparently on a mission to find Professor Dumbledore, and present her idea to him, leaving Hermione staring aghast at Draco.
He gave her a blindingly false smile which nonetheless managed to eradicate all conscious thought from her scrambled brain, and turned his back to her again sweeping away with a smug reminder. ‘6.00 then Granger. It’s a date!’
‘What have you done to me?’ Hermione wailed. She was staring in horror into the mirror in Ginny’s dormitory and patting the coiled knots of hair currently perched over each of her ears.
‘What?’ Ginny replied in confusion. ‘I thought that was what her hair was supposed to look like. It’s exactly like the picture.’
‘I know,’ Hermione moaned, ‘But I didn’t think anyone could make my hair do that!’
Ginny sniggered. ‘Oh, very sneaky, Miss Head Girl. Are you telling me you only agreed to dress like this because you thought you wouldn’t have to wear the whole costume?’ Hermione cast her a shamed look which spoke volumes. ‘Well, I’m pleased to say that I am very good at glamour charms,’ Ginny continued. ‘You may be right, your hair may be a bit too wild to cooperate on its own, but I have the basic style there, and just small glamour to give the illusion, and voila, May I present Princess Hermione!’
‘Her name is Leia,’ Hermione growled, poking a finger into the center of one of the coils and twisting it around a bit. She knew she had loosened several of the hairs; she could even feel them tickling the side of her neck, but the reflection in the mirror remained unchanged. ‘How did you do this, Gin?’ she asked.
‘Ah, ah! Not telling. It will wear off at 2.00 am, but until then only I know the incantation to remove it!’ Ginny giggled. ‘Don’t be a grouch, Mione. You look really good. Try and remember that the Prefects and the Heads are allowed to have fun tonight as well as being monitors. Just dump Malfoy after dinner, and everything will be fine!’
‘I look like an idiot wearing a couple of doughnuts on her head,’ Hermione grumbled, ‘and this dress is almost see-though. Heaven help me if it gets cold tonight. Ugh. I have to go back to my room. Draco thinks we should go into dinner together, and Professor DiBona was going to arrange for us to sit at the staff table. I am so not looking forward to this.’
‘Draco?’ Ginny asked surprised, and Hermione rolled her eyes as she exited the bedroom, not seeming to realise that Ginny was questioning her use of his first name and not her reporting of his unreasonable demands.
She emerged through the portrait into her bedroom to hear knocking on the study door, and Malfoy’s voice calling out, ‘You ready yet, Granger? Dumbledore just flooed us to say he’s made room at the staff table, so we need to get moving now.’
Hermione sighed and took a last critical appraisal of herself in her own mirror, which giggled and made a comment about her new hairstyle not being much of an improvement on her old one. ‘Oh, be quiet,’ she snapped at the looking glass. ‘Seven years of bad luck would be an improvement on my mood right now, so don’t push me!’
She opened her bedroom door and stepped out into the study to join Draco. It was the first time she had been in that room with him since the evening they initially discussed tonight’s event, and he proposed the idea which had ended up with her standing here at this moment, in a slinky dress and wearing pastries on her head.
In the usual spirit of unfairness, Malfoy looked absolutely gorgeous in his outfit, and he had used some type of glamour also, to darken his hair so that it was the correct brownish colour of his character. The tight tunic, black pants, knee boots and gun holster only emphasized all those Quidditch muscles, and Hermione could feel her insides begin squirming just at the sight of him waiting there, restlessly slapping one thigh with his transfigured blaster as he waited for her to appear.
‘Bugger,’ she thought to herself. She didn’t stand a chance; there he stood looking every inch the image of her favourite movie character, wrapped around the most desirable boy in the school. At least she didn’t have to worry about getting cold anymore. She thought she might just spontaneously combust from the sight of him. What obnoxious twist of fate had led him to choose this movie, and this character out of the millions that had ever been made in Hollywood? She almost wondered if he had been reading her mind; she had tried so hard to ignore the significance of his selection ever since he made it, but standing here now, in front of him dressed as he was, she felt sure he had chosen on purpose and that it was part of an elaborate scheme to drive her insane, which she just couldn’t quite figure out yet.
‘Come on,’ he said now, putting his gun back into its holster and reaching out for her hand. ‘Let’s get moving.’ Shocks and tingles ran up and down her arms originating from the area his fingers held hers, and she felt her heartbeat speed up; her nostrils flared as she caught the drift of his exotic cologne.
She was so befuddled by his proximity that she almost missed the taunting quality of his next sly comment, ‘Cold, Granger?’ he asked, and gave her a lewd wink when she gasped as she finally realised what he meant, and cast an uncontrollable glance to the front of her dress only to be mortified at the sight of her pebble-stiff nipples lovingly defined by the clinging silky material of her white dress. She turned her back on him and cast a quick flattening spell over her chest until she was content that everything was smooth again.
‘Yes, I am rather,’ she hissed as she marched towards the doors and the security of other people. Lots of other people. ‘It is nearly winter, after all.’
Draco stared at her retreating back. She couldn’t possibly expect him to believe that she was cold, could she? Merlin, he was so bloody hot he was just about to melt into a puddle of goo at the sight of her in that slinky outfit; he had been as hard as nails from the moment she opened her bedroom door, and he could only thank the Gods that he had known he would have this reaction and had cast the localized concealing spell that he was now having to use as part of his daily wardrobe, before he even left his own room. The brief touch of her hand as he tried to take it to lead her down to dinner had used up most of his remaining control, and the sight of her erect nipples against the white silk had caused his aching penis to start leaking into his underwear. He was going to be in Hell before this evening was over. He knew it.
Dinner was agony; they sat next to each other at the centre of the faculty table flanked by Professor Snape on one side and Professor McGonagall on the other, as their Heads of House. The Headmaster was sitting way down at the end beside Professor DiBona, and talking animatedly to her; presumably about what to expect when the charms concealing the decorations were lifted at the start of the actual Ball itself. Hermione felt like an exhibit in a Muggle zoo, and Malfoy’s overwhelming proximity wasn’t helping her hormones at all. His leg seemed to brush against hers every time he moved, and everything he wanted to eat seemed to be situated the other side of where she was sitting, necessitating his reaching across her every few minutes to serve himself. He of course was happily oblivious of the effect he was having on her, chatting away to McGonagall as if he hadn’t a care in the world.
Hermione couldn’t bring herself to think of a single topic of conversation to broach with Professor Snape, as all her energies were taken up by fighting the unwanted arousal she was feeling, and denying that there were aches in parts of her body that she had seriously begun to believe didn’t function as the other girls in her year told her they should. No question about whether they had been wrong now, then. Everything worked beautifully. Just for the wrong person. She sent a helpless glance towards the Gryffindor table only to find that Luna was sitting with Ron, Harry, Ginny, Juliet and Justin in the spirit of inter-house cooperation that Dumbledore had wanted. Ron turned briefly, seeming to feel her eyes on him, and sent her a sympathetic grimace, but Luna soon drew his attention back to her, and Hermione was left with nothing but her awareness of the Head Boy for company.
After what seemed like at least several excruciating hours, Professor Dumbledore stood and announced the beginning of the Ball. The students all stood and stepped back from the tables as they cleared of the debris of the meal, and then with a flick of his wrist, the Headmaster transfigured the four long house tables into small round occasional tables along the edge of the walls, for the students to sit and rest at in between dances.
A small cheer went up, and Dumbledore cast a sonorous charm, before announcing ‘Ladies and gentlemen, students and faculty of Hogwarts, I am very pleased to welcome you to this year’s Halloween Feast, which I am sure you all know by now, is going to be very different from previous years. Without further delay, may I introduce to you this year’s Head Boy and Girl whose hard work and dedication have made this event possible, Miss Hermione Granger and Mr Draco Malfoy.’ A smattering of cheers was heard, but most students, Hermione and Draco included weren’t sure what to make of this impromptu speech. They certainly hadn’t been warned that the Headmaster was planning to make such a speech, and simply stood where they had risen from their seats smiling and waiting for him to finish.
Dumbledore continued, ‘Momentarily, Mr Malfoy and Miss Granger will lift the charm which has concealed the decorations from you during the meal, and the celebrating will commence. But first, in the spirit of unilateral cooperation which I hope to see spreading throughout all the houses in the school this year, I would like to ask our exemplary Head Students to lead all the house prefects in an opening dance.’ The Headmaster waved his wand again, and the strains of a waltz began playing in the air around the room. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the great Houses of Gryffindor and Slytherin!’
The sly old fox, Draco thought nervously as he turned to Hermione and held out his hand to her. He knew how to waltz; he was a pureblood from one of the oldest families in the world, he had been taught such things in the nursery. He didn’t know if Granger could dance, but he expected she would be able to follow his lead even if she didn’t. His real problem was that his heart seemed to have jumped loose from its correct position and lodged itself somewhere at the back of his throat. It was quite one thing to have cast a concealing charm over his disobedient cock, but that only protected him visually. This close, he had no doubt Hermione would be able to feel what she was doing to him, and having her in his arms, breathing in the delicious honeysuckle scent of her skin, touching that skin was not going to help his terrible arousal in the least.
Hermione was sweating as she walked down from the staff table to join Draco in the centre of the now empty floor. Her parents enjoyed ballroom dancing and had several medals for competing; she and her Dad often danced in the evenings during school holidays, so she had no fears for her skills. She was instead worried that Draco would be able to tell how unacceptably aroused she was by his presence. Thank Merlin the flattening charm was still working over her nipples even though she could still feel the dull throbbing ache, at least she was alone in the knowledge.
Suddenly she caught sight of Ron and the unhappy expression on his face gave her the courage to step up to Draco and allow him to turn her into the first steps. Think about Ron, don’t look at Malfoy, she kept repeating the mantra in her head until shortly the other prefects joined them on the dance floor, although none seemed as graceful and at ease with the steps as did the Head Boy and Girl.
At last the tortuous dance came to an end and with audible relief Hermione and Draco leapt away from each other; neither sure how much longer they could have kept up the pretense of distaste for the other. Standing separated by three feet of distance and six years of prejudice, they waited where they stopped in the middle of the dance floor and at a signal from the Headmaster spoke the words which dropped the concealing charm, and the Great Hall became the set of Star Wars.
The accompanying gasps and exclamations made it easy for Hermione and Draco to retreat in confusion to opposite ends of the room. Draco went immediately to find Professor DiBona and commence projection of the movie; there was already a throng of eager students around the screening area, mostly curious wizards and witches with no previous exposure to any Muggle culture who had heard the rumours which were running rife around the school for the past month, and couldn’t wait to see this amazing Muggle invention called cinema.
Hermione gratefully escaped his overwhelming presence, glad that she did not have to pretend any enthusiasm for the novelty it posed here. She slipped gratefully up beside Ron, Harry and their dates, but given her status and costume she was not allowed to be anonymous for long.
In deference to the complexity of Draco’s theme for the night, a live music band had not been hired to perform. Charmed dance music from both wizarding and Muggle bands was playing over the chatter and movement of the students not currently watching the movie in the cinema corner.
Hermione knew that Dumbledore expected she and Draco to spend more time together than merely the first dance, but she needed time to rebuild her defenses against him, and she hoped to have a chance to do this whilst Draco was setting up the equipment with Professor DiBona. She pulled Ron away from Luna and out onto the dance floor, resting her head against his shoulder, and letting her heart beat slow down. It was such a relief to be away from the Head Boy’s arousing presence, and in Ron’s calming embrace, that it didn’t occur to her until much later just how utterly backwards and wrong that whole scenario was.
She danced briefly with Harry, Justin and a couple of younger boys, trying to be scrupulously fair in picking partners from all houses; however, she was pleasantly surprised when invited to dance by a couple of 4th year Slytherin boys, who behaved very well and made polite conversation without a hint of prejudice.
She caught sight of Draco dancing with Pansy, and despaired of the plunging feeling which occurred deep in the pit of her stomach on seeing the girl laying her cheek against Draco’s tunic, and watching her hand play around with the false gun belt strapped to his thigh. Dear Merlin, she had to get over this - this fixation she had developed in her head for Draco Malfoy, before it began to ruin the good things which were happening in her life.
Draco couldn’t bear the feel of Pansy touching him, but he knew it was strategically unavoidable that he dance with her, if only to throw the scent off his feelings for Hermione. His flesh crawled as she stroked his chest and thighs, and he only managed to finish the dance without pushing her away by closing his eyes and imagining that it was the Head Girl caressing him. Merlin, what she did to him in that dress; he probably should have been committed for this insane idea.
He had watched her dancing with boy after boy since they opened up the Ball; he couldn’t blame them, for how could they resist the sight of her in the white silk - but none hurt as much as Ron Weasley. She had flowed straight into the red head’s arms the second she left him on the dance floor. Even through his setting up of the projector he had watched her dance blissfully with her so-called boyfriend, snuggling against his chest with her eyes dreamily closed. He was a fool, to be fantasizing about her when he was with Pansy for she was certainly not thinking about him while she was with the Weasel.
He untangled Pansy’s roving hands from his person and set her at arm’s length. ‘I have to get on with circulating; the Headmaster expects it,’ he told her, gritting his teeth to maintain his pleasant façade. ‘Go mingle yourself, like a good little prefect, Pans.’ He pushed her none too gently towards a group of 6th year Hufflepuffs and stalked off before she could protest.
Pansy scowled at his retreating back, absolutely livid; she had set her hopes high on being able to recapture his interest tonight, and that meddling old fool Dumbledore had ruined all of her plans. She ignored the Hufflepuffs and marched across to where her friends Mary and Millie were sitting at a table with her current beau Blaise Zabini, and Draco’s two moronic associates, Vince Crabbe and Greg Goyle.
She dropped into a chair beside Blaise and ignored him as he rubbed her back, leaning forward instead and hissing to Mary and Millie, ‘I’m going to get that rotten little Mudblood, Granger! She’s ruined all of my plans, and she had the nerve to blow me off when I asked for a favour! Look at her now, hanging all over that dirt-poor Weasley boy! And they all say she’s the brains of this school!’
Blaise, who had been rolling his eyes at Greg and Vince behind her back, pricked his ears up at this snippet of information. He would have to find out what favour Granger had refused to do for Pansy. It might prove useful to the right person.
‘What are you going to do?’ Millie asked in a whisper, and Pansy shook her head angrily.
‘I don’t know yet, but I’ll think of something. Not right now anyway - nearer the end of school so we won’t get in too much trouble if we’re caught. And it needs to look like an accident!’
Mary and Millie looked at her in consternation, and Mary squeaked ‘We?’ in abject terror. Blaise sniggered to himself. Who could have expected 7th year would turn out to be so much fun?
Hello dear readers, ‘Tis I Blue, again.
So, stuff looks like it might be happening soon. In the next chapter Hermione will ask Ron a Question, and seems like our Draco might be interested in the answer, too! Also the Headmaster may be up to something.
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