Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
Okay, thanks for your wonderful reviews and all the votes!!!!! I reached ten reviews for the last chapter and it made me feel bad for not having the time to upload earlier.
Someone asked me if I have a special posting schedule. No I don't have one as I work in very long shifts and don't have a regular working week like others. For me weekends and holidays have no meaning. So I upload when I have the energy and motivation to do so and when I get a lot of reviews I even upload when I don't feel like it. So I'm sorry that I can't tell you a fix day were I will always upload.
Special warning for Circe: As you can see by the warning this chapter is what you feared. I'm sorry. You can stop at the part were it starts to get sexual.
I hope there are still people out there who will like this chapter.
Characters:Ages, Hermione
Sexual interactions:Ages/Hermione
Warnings: het;anal; spanking
Chapter 12 – Head Alpha
“Then I think it is time for our talk, pup,” Ages said and eyed her seriously.
Hermione bit her bottom lip nervously. This was what she had dreaded all the morning.
“Come on, it will be over soon,” Ages said and offered his hand to her.
Gulping nervously, she took it and let him pull her up. Then he was guiding her out of the lounge and down the stairs to the second floor where Ages and Roland had their pack quarters and into his flat.
Hermione swallowed again, closing her eyes briefly as she stepped over the threshold of Age’s domain.
She was sitting nervously on Ages' lap while he lectured her about the cruel words she’d said about Tara.
“She is the only female close to your age. She is only five years older than you and that is nothing in werewolf years. Maybe it would be worth it to get to know her and not judge her by things you have heard about her from others.”
Hermione nodded. She would try, even though she was sure she wouldn't ever become friends with the girl. Tara was too focused on the dominants around her to even consider talking to or striking up a friendship with Hermione. At least, that was what Hermione was thinking.
“Still, I need to punish you. Even though you didn't know what you were doing, you unbalanced the whole clan for an entire day. The dominants were avoiding Tara to please you until I called a stop to it. Until then, Tara was in tears. I told her not to be mad at you and not to hold that against you, so she promised not to. I know your mates have already spanked you, so you know what you have to expect. Nevertheless, I need to speak to you about some other things before I administer the punishment.”
He expected her to speak with him, answer questions, while she knew that he would be spanking her soon? Her fear of the spanking was paralyzing her brain and she wouldn't be able to talk at all. The dominants didn't take it easy on her and the head alpha surely wasn't an exception.
“Has Fenrir spoken with you about the changing tomorrow?”
Hermione bit her bottom lip. Fenrir hadn't spoken with her about it at all, but obviously he should have. Would he be in trouble if she told the head alpha the truth?
“So he didn't. I thought so. Then I'll do it. You already have chosen three mates. They—”
“Three?” Hermione asked, puzzled. She had had sex with Fenrir, Morgan, Yorik, Severus and Calan. Draco didn't count.
“Has that changed?” Ages asked and sniffed her.
Hermione looked puzzled and waited until he had finished sniffing her.
“I still smell three mates on you.”
“I don't understand this at all. I have had sex with Fenrir, Yorik, Morgan—”
“I need to have a serious word with Fenrir if he hasn't even explained this to you,” Ages said and looked seriously at Hermione. “Your mates are those you feel totally safe with and to which you feel connected very deeply. Sex is not what makes the dominant your mate, pup. You will choose to have sex with a lot of dominants. Some only one time, some from time to time, some even very often because they can satisfy you a lot, but still they don't have to become your mates. They will just be your random chosen lucky ones.” Ages smiled at her confused look.
“So my mates are Fenrir, Yorik and Severus?”
Ages chuckled. “I had hoped you would be certain of it.”
“I'm just confused. I feel very connected to Morgan, too. Not Calan, but Morgan.”
“Do you feel totally safe around him? Do you have the feeling that he can protect you?”
“No,” Hermione said sadly.
“That's why he can't be your mate and I would bet you will never try to have sex with him again as well, pup. Morgan is not someone you would feel attracted to. You feel connected to him because he is part of your pack. Fenrir's pack is very small and you really feel like a small family. It's normal that you like Morgan.”
“Okay.” Things started to finally seem clearer.
“Tomorrow, your mates will be with you for your first changing. They will help you and take care of you afterward, but I need to warn you; the moment you are able to stand on your feet they will start fighting over you and enforce a ranking. The winner will mate with you first, than it depends on you as to what will happen next. If you are strong enough and not too scared by the first wolf mating, you can choose the next one who will be able to mount you. If you are too weak or scared, they will fight it out and the stronger one will have the right to mate you.”
“Rape me,” Hermione whispered miserably.
Ages was silent for a while, but then he said, “Yes, it could end like that, pup. I won't lie to you. On the full moon, the wolf in us takes over and he isn't as kind and worried about your pleasure as our human side. It is possible for you to enjoy sex in your werewolf form, but you need to stay calm and relaxed and let them dominate you completely. That's the only way. Werewolves lock themselves inside of their partner when they climax. You aren't able to get pregnant until you are around forty years of age. Then your body will be ready for carrying a child, but you can still control it. Only when you really wish to have a child with one of your mates would it actually happen. Normally, pups don't feel like that. But the wolves in us don't know that and so they lock themselves into you. You should stay very calm during the mating. Any move will hurt you and your mate. Try to relax and wait.”
Hermione looked fearfully at Ages. She had not thought much about her first changing, but now it sounded very painful. Over all the fear she didn't even register Ages’ words completely, and even if they had made sense to her right now, it wouldn't have been important as she didn't feel like having children anytime soon.
“I don't want to do this.”
“You don't want to live here with your mates?”
Hermione screwed her face. That was unfair. Of course she wanted to live with them, and she also wanted to be with Neville and Draco.
“That's the only way, pup. You will survive it. The calmer you stay, the calmer your mates will be, knowing that you won't try to run.”
That was, at least, a bit of hope.
“Your temperature is still a bit high. We don't know why it is so, but the Eldest say we don't have to worry and they are the smartest of us all. So we try not to worry.” Ages looked severe and Hermione knew why Fenrir and Severus seemed to become more and more tense. They feared Neville and she wouldn't make it.
“Will you take care of Fenrir if I...”
“You will survive, pup. You have three very strong mates. Neville will be close to you so Severus and I can take care of him while your mating happens. He is luckier in this than you. He doesn't need to mate, but there will still be a lot of horny wolves that would love to have a go at him, as he is new. Normally, male subs are not attractive to male wolves, but we have a few female wolves as well. We need to be careful. If you don't have any questions, we should start with your punishment.”
Hermione quickly tried to think of a question to ask to avoid being spanked, but Ages chuckled and moved her over his lap. He lifted her skirt and torn knickers, petting her smooth, white globes. “Six swats, pup. Then it will be over.”
She whimpered before the first swat hit her bum and at the third she was a mess, begging shamelessly for him to stop. At the forth, she tried to cover her bum because she couldn't take it any longer.
“That's one swat in addition for trying to cover yourself, pup. Now remove it or I will add another one.”
“I can't! Please!”
“That's my last warning, pup.”
Reluctantly, she removed her hand and cried out loud when his palm collided with her bum again. The next swats were applied fast and hard, and when Ages stopped, Hermione was sobbing and crying, her bum red and burning from the hurt.
Ages lay his hand on her bum to soothe the burning and then he stroked softly over her globes. First she whimpered and struggled, but then she relaxed and enjoyed the soothing effect. From time to time Ages met her center accidentally, and to Hermione's horror, she wished him to place his hands there more often. She felt his strength and power and wanted him more than anything else at the moment. Forgotten was the spanking and the fear about her first changing. She bit her lip so she would not moan when he came close to her sex again. She felt her wetness drip down and her face burned in embarrassment. It became even worse when she heard Ages sniff the air. He must have smelled her arousal because his member started to swell against her stomach.
“Your wolf is calling me, pup. I know your human mind is disgusted by my appearance and age, but your wolf is realizing my power and can look past the old body.” He let his hand wander between her legs.
“Pup, I can't resist the calling of your wolf. I'm sorry. I promise to make it good.” He sounded as if he really felt sorry for being unattractive to her, and as if he really tried to fight the urge to touch her.
“Not disgusted,” she said while she tried to bite down a moan because one of his fingers had slipped into her. She wasn't lying. Ages was very similar to Albus Dumbledore going by looks and behavior, but still she felt attracted to him. He had long white hair which ended over his shoulders and he was wearing a full beard, but a trimmed one.
Ages moaned at hearing her words, letting his finger dip deeper into her wetness. “You can't imagine what you do to me.” He curled his fingers into her and she screamed in pleasure. He was playing her like an instrument and she could come just with his fingers inside of her. His thumb started to move slow circles over her back entrance and from time to time prodded it until she moaned wantonly and tried to push back to impale herself. Of course he didn't let her. “My pace, pup!”
Hermione groaned, frustrated. His power over her was intoxicating, even a bit scary. When his thumb finally slid into her, she moaned shamelessly. “Oh, please, please, please.”
Ages chuckled and held her down while he pumped his fingers in and out. It seemed like hours of being brought to the edge and then denied orgasm, until Ages finally placed her on the bed on her stomach. She was almost limp in his hands, so he arranged her legs like he wanted them. Her knees were angled while her upper body was pressed into the bed. Without any more preparation, he placed the tip of his erection at her entrance. He had made certain that she wasn't able to see his member and now she was very exhausted realizing what she was getting into.
Hermione felt a very big erection press against her entrance, but at first she thought her mind was playing tricks on her. Then the pain started as Ages pressed into her. She was loosened up well, so she shouldn't have felt any pain. Not even with Fenrir's thick erection inside of her had she been in pain. This couldn't be real. She tried to sit up and look behind her, but Ages pressed her hips down.
“Ah, ah, ah, pup. Stay down and relax.”
“It doesn't fit.”
“Of course it will. It will just take a bit more time and relaxing from you.” Ages never pulled out, and even slid in further while he spoke. She whimpered and tried to escape him, but he knew it wouldn't help to pull out. She would adjust. “Relax, pup.”
“Can't!” she said miserably.
“You can; you will see. It will feel good.”
Hermione doubted it. When would that big head finally be in? With a pop, the pressure became less when the head was in.
“Worst part is over, pup.”
Hermione imagined his member, a big monstrous erection with a head like a tennis ball. Before she could think too much, he found a better angle to push in and it wasn't painful any longer, but very strange. Hermione felt very, very full and slowly she got scared again because it seemed there was no end. The erection had felt big when she felt it poke against her hip after the spanking but that was just impossible. Ages must be thicker than Fenrir and as long as Severus.
“Oh, Merlin,” Hermione whimpered. She felt a bit sick and was starting to get really scared that he would hit her end with that monster.
“Don't fight me, pup. I know that Severus has deep penetrated you and that you enjoyed it. Just relax.”
Hermione shook her head and whimpered again. Severus had a long, but thin, cock. It was one thing she remembered, this helpless feeling of being at his mercy. She had felt so scared when he had pushed his erection against her cervix.
“Relax, pup, I'm almost there.” He took one of his hands away from her back and placed it under her arm and around her shoulder to be able to pull her closer to him, if necessary. When he felt the end coming closer, he quickly grabbed her under the other shoulder as well before she could try to escape him. Then he pulled her deeper on his member until the tip of his penis met her cervix.
Hermione moaned and screamed, wanting him to stop. The pleasure was overwhelming like it had been with Severus, but even worse. Severus had room to move in circles over her cervix, but Ages was so thick that his head just fit in her end perfectly. The tip that was pressed against her cervix was jerking in and Ages added a bit more pressure with each jerk.
Hermione wriggled and screamed and begged, but coherent words out of her mouth were an impossibility at this point. She felt like she was being drowned in pleasure. Ages jerked his hips one more time and went even deeper, stretching her cervix. Hermione screamed and saw dots dance around her while she came hard and long. Ages just held her, impaled on his member, not letting her go. Only when she had calmed down did he draw out a bit and start fucking her in a moderate rhythm until she started to moan under him.
Now the sex was amazing and Hermione couldn't remember why she had first thought it was impossible. Something was definitely totally different than all the other times she had had sex. After a while she realized that it was that she only was able to concentrate on her own pleasure. With all the others she had felt desperate to pleasure them. With Ages, she didn't feel that urge. Later, the old werewolf explained to her that it was because she had already pleasured him so much by offering herself to him as a mate.
For some time Hermione enjoyed the gentle thrusting, almost like a massage. Only when he started to prepare her bum did something in the back of her head try to make her alert. She couldn't just lay there and mewl. When he pulled her hole apart with both his thumbs and pressed two fingers of each hand in beside the thumbs, her mind finally started to work again and realized what he was preparing her for. Before she was able to protest, he had put all fingers of one hand together and placed them on her hole and pressed in.
She stiffened and pushed against his fingers.
“Let my fingers in, pup. I need to stretch you.”
She whimpered and shook her head.
“I promised you the sex would be good when you were afraid before I entered your vagina. Now I promise that the other entrance will be as satisfied as the first.”
“Please don’t. Even Fenrir's didn’t go in without a lot of pain.”
His fingers went in deeper even during their discussion, and Hermione groaned in discomfort. It was not pain, but the idea of his monster entering her there that was too much for her to relax or feel pleasure.
“You are thinking too much, pup. Relax. You can take it.”
With his fingers and thumb in to the last knuckle, he started to pound into her center with harsh thrusts. She screamed and moaned in pleasure and couldn't think straight. At one point, she realized he had pushed his hand in deeper. She felt incredibly full. Her orgasm came closer and closer, than he pushed her over the peak with one well angled thrust.
Hermione was too lost in her pleasure while wave after wave of orgasm ran over her to notice that Ages had pulled his hand out of her and held her entrance open with his thumbs. Then she felt the big head being pushed into her arse, and only the waves of pleasure from her orgasm washing over her exhausted body made it possible for her to breathe. The cock felt even bigger now and she feared it would tear her. To her relief, Ages didn't press deeper and just placed his head into the loosened ring of muscle. Then he came with huge spurts into her gaping hole.
To Hermione's surprise, she felt new desire hit her and she couldn't stop herself from pleading for more and for him to go in deeper.
Still shooting load after load into Hermione, Ages started to push in deeper. He had hoped his seed would encourage her to want more. The seed of a head alpha was powerful and could turn any sub crazy. Ages had no experience with pups, so this was new territory for him. He just hoped she would react like most of the other subs. The sperm would help her to relax and soothe the pain if she would feel any. He was curious how far he could go in. His greatest wish had already been granted by being able to deeply penetrate her. Tara let him do it as well, but she didn't like it and so Ages didn't like it as much. Hermione was different. She was enjoying it. The moment he heard Severus talk about it with Fenrir, he was hoping she would show any sign of attraction to him. That even her human mind would find him attractive was too much for him to even hope for, but she even granted him this. So no matter how far he would be able to go in her bum, he would be happy and satisfied with all she’d granted him up to this point.
He was halfway in when Hermione became impatient. He was too slow. She wanted to feel that wonderful pressure deeper. So she took him by surprise by pushing up. A scream of pain escaped her and she stilled immediately, cursing herself.
“That wasn't a smart move, pup.” He pulled out a bit to lessen the burning. “Breathe calmly.”
She heard him sniff loudly.
“No tearing, but that was a close call. Don't do that again. I know exactly how fast I can go in, pup.” He kissed her shoulder to soothe her pain and make her relax again. “Do you want to go on or does it hurt too much? Shall I pull out?”
“I... I want to feel you inside, but it stings a lot and it feels as if something is torn.” Hermione was torn between wanting to go on and the fear of more pain. Why had she been so stupid?
“There is nothing torn, pup. I would be able to smell it otherwise. How about I just go in slowly and you tell me if it hurts too much and I will stop or pull out, whatever you want.”
Damn! He was speaking as if he hadn't buried his member deep into her submissive body. Hermione instead had to fight hard to breathe and form coherent sentences. This time she just nodded.
He rewarded her with kisses all over her shoulders and back as he slid in further.
The stinging wasn't leaving but it was overpowered by the same urge to push up again. The pleasure of feeling so full was much bigger than the stinging and Hermione moaned and whimpered because the pace was agonizing. Ages didn't take any risks this time and held her hips in a death grip. He couldn’t believe his luck that the wonderful pup under him was taking him in fully. In pure domination he knelt over her and started to rock his thick monster erection in her. He didn't dare to move out much, but the small thrusts made them both moan in ecstasy.
The pleasure was coiling up in her, and she never wanted him to pull his member out of her. All attempts to hold back were useless and she came, screaming loudly and clamping her entrance over his erection. He groaned and released the rest of the seed he still could provide after already coming a few minutes ago.
The cute pup had passed out under him and he arranged the bed clothes over her, smiling. His member was flaccid, and he hadn't felt so manly, so powerful and so satisfied like he felt now for a very, very long time. This pup had brought more power and strength to the Ages clan, and they would even become more powerful than they already were.
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