Somnium Memor | By : marieriddle20 Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 41582 -:- Recommendations : 7 -:- Currently Reading : 6 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter, I know I had fun with this dream! I would still love a beta, my previous beta just stopped contacting me. I still have about 10 chapters left. Email me at
Harry woke up, and saw Hermione had laid back down next to him. Her deep breathing told him she was out. He carefully got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take his shower. As he stepped out of the shower, he noticed something on the ground by the trash can. He leaned down to pick it up. He was confused at first by the empty potion vial, it couldn’t have been there long or one of the house elves would have picked it up. Then he saw the label, “Sleeping Potion.” He tossed the bottle onto the counter, snapped his fingers and his clothes appeared on and ran back into the bedroom. He looked at Hermione, she seemed to just be sleeping.Was she allowed to take the sleeping potion with her dream potion? The dream potion was supposed to make her tired anyways, then to top it with a sleeping potion. He ran over next to her.‘Hermione….Hermione!’ he began to say softly, but quickly raised his voice, trying to shake her awake.She didn’t respond. He needed Draco, now.He ran downstairs and quickly flooed to Malfoy Manor. He stood there for a moment, listening so he knew what direction to go it. He heard lots of voices toward the dining room, and figured they were having breakfast. He took a moment to calm his breathing, he knew his children were in there and he didn’t want to worry them more than he knew they already were.Harry walked into the dining room, the first ones to see him were his three sons.‘Dad!’ that said in unison.Draco looked up from his plate to look at the three boys thinking they were talking to them. He noticed they were all getting up, looking behind him. Draco and Rose both turned and saw Harry. Draco panicked, though he covered it well. He could not think of a good reason for Harry to be here.‘Daddy Harry!’ Rose yelled and raced over.Harry kneeled down to hug his children, he couldn’t help but smile when all four of his children were around him, so happy to see him‘Is mum okay? Daddy Draco said you were taking care of her,’ Scorpius asked.Draco walked over to his husband and children, he looked down at Harry, who still had his arms wrapped around Rose, who wasn’t letting go. His eyes connected with Harry’s and he could see panic in his husband’s eyes.‘She’s okay, she’s at home sleeping. I just need help with her potions. You guys know how I bad I am with potions.’ Harry explained.‘Daddy Draco is the best potion master ever!’ Rose said.‘Exactly, so why don’t you guys finish breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa, and Daddy Draco can come with me to explain the potion again.’ Harry said to them.They all nodded and went back to their seats. Draco reached a hand out to Harry, to help him off the ground. Once Harry was standing he held Draco’s hand, and squeezed tightly.‘We will owl you guys later,’ Harry said to Narcissa and Lucius, who could both tell something is wrong.They nodded and they all said their goodbyes quickly.Once Harry and Draco were out of the room, Draco stopped them and turned to look at Harry.‘What happened?’‘Hermione took a sleeping potion.’‘What!? Why?!’‘I don’t know. We had already gotten up, we talked about her dream, she went to take a shower, and I fell back asleep. I realized what she had done after I woke up. I tried to wake her, but she didn’t respond, but she had taken a sleeping potion. I thought of you first, should I have taken her to St. Mungos?’‘Let me check on her, she shouldn't have taken it so soon after being in a coma.’They went back to Potter Manor.‘She’s in our room,’ Harry told Draco, and they both headed up. Hermione was still sleeping, breathing steadily.Draco pulled out his wand and did a few vital checks. He ran down to his potion lab, leaving Harry with Hermione. He quickly was back in the room, with a potion. He gently lifted her head and poured some of the potion in her mouth. He rubbed her throat to force her to swallow and she did.Everything seemed alright, but he was worried how long it would take for her to wake up. He sat on the edge of the bed.‘I think she will be fine, she will probably be out for a while. That potion should counteract the sleeping potion. Do you have any idea why she would do this? It’s not like her to not ask about it first or do some research if she could mix them.’Harry sat next to Draco.‘She was acting a little weird about her dream, but I figured it’s because it was when we broke up.’‘Harry, that’s when me and her started,’ Draco said, hopefully.‘I know, I thought the same thing, but she had jumped awake earlier, and I asked her what happened. She said I had slammed the door shut when I left the tower, so she woke right before you would have been there.’‘Oh, well depending on if she will dream now with the Sleeping Potion, she’ll know about me and her.’‘How do we explain that? Do we tell her the truth then?’‘Let’s wait and see where she is at. I want her to know, but I don’t want to push her memories on her too fast, which I am worried that is what this will do, but we won’t know until she wakes up.’‘She said her dream was longer and more detailed last night. Is that because it was your potion?’ Harry asked, taking Draco’s hand in his.‘I believe so, I had another dream last night, and it was past the 24 hour mark that the potion is supposed to work. The fresher ingredients made it stronger.’‘What was you dream about?’ Harry asked, smiling at Draco.‘When you finally confronted me about kissing you, and everything that followed.’ Draco said, smirking at Harry.‘That would be a fun memory to relive.’‘It was, it was so real, I woke up expecting to be in my dorm, took a second to realize that it had happened 15 years ago instead of 15 minutes.’‘Do you think I can try the potion? It won’t hurt me right?’ Harry asked, thinking it would be entertaining to see the past.‘You can, but I can’t guarantee you will get a memory of us, or you and Hermione. It takes you to a place that led you to where you are today. For you, that can mean any of your battles with Voldemort, but if you want to, go take one.’‘You mean right now?’‘Sure, it will make you tired. Hermione isn’t waking anytime soon. I’ll watch over you two.’‘Okay, I’ll try it. Let me talk to Ginny first though, obviously Hermione won’t be able to talk to her for lunch.’‘I’ll take care of that. Take the potion, then once you're asleep I’ll send an owl to my parents so they aren’t worried and I’ll talk to Ginny, I’ll see if she can come for Dinner instead.’‘Alright,’ Harry said.He kissed Draco then went to the bathroom to take one of Hermione’s potion. He came back into the room and laid next to Hermione.‘Did she let you sleep in here with her last night?’ Draco asked.‘Yes, I wasn’t planning on it, but she asked me to stay,’ he said, yawning.‘That’s a good sign. Sweet dreams.’ Draco said, as Harry closed his eyes.Draco left his husband and wife to sleep, while he went to contact his parents and Ginny.~*~Harry’s Dream(The beginning of this dream is mostly from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Chapter 15: The Unbreakable Vow pages 320-324)
Draco was being dragged into Slughorn’s Christmas party by Filch. What was he doing here? Harry had seen Draco a few times in the last few weeks, and they had done some things that had Harry questioning his sexuality, though Draco had informed him that the wizarding world didn’t look at sexuality like the muggle world did. ‘I’m his Head of House and I shall decide how hard, or otherwise, to be,’ said Snape curtly. ‘Follow me, Draco.’Harry watch as Draco left with Snape, and decided he should follow.‘I’ll be back in a bit, Luna--er--bathroom.’ Harry said as he left. He put on his invisibility cloak and began to search which classroom they had gone in. Harry listened to Snape accusing Draco of being the one who cursed Katie and Draco deny it. Harry was glad that Draco was good at Occlumency, made it less likely anyone would find out about them. It was at this moment he realized how much danger Draco was in for being with him. Hermione would be used against Harry, but Draco and his entire family would probably be killed if anyone was to find out. Unless this was part of Draco’s plan, to get close to him to give him to Voldemort. When Snape mentioned the Unbreakable Vow, he decided he would have to ask Ron if he knew what that was.Then Harry heard Draco say it, say the thing that broke his heart, he didn’t realize how much he cared for Draco until Draco admitted this.‘It’s my job, he gave it to me and I’m doing it, I’ve got a plan and it’s going to work, it’s just taking a bit longer than I thought it would!’Voldemort had given Draco the task to get closer to him. Obviously, Snape didn’t know what the mission was, only that there was one. Malfoy was definitely working on it, Harry couldn’t believe he was so stupid, of course Malfoy had no real interest in him.Harry had a second’s warning; he heard Snape’s footsteps on the other side of the door and flung himself out of the way just as it burst open. Snape headed back to the party. Harry quickly got up and walked into the open classroom. Draco was sitting on the front desk with his head in his hands. Harry couldn’t help but tell how stressed he was, but his anger got the best of him. He swung his hand and the door slammed shut, from Harry’s wandless magic that only seemed to show when his emotions were high. Draco jumped up, staring at the door with his wand drawn. Harry silently put a silencing spell and locking spell on the room. ‘Who’s there?!’ Draco said to the seemingly empty room, with his wand still up. Harry removed his invisibility cloak, throwing it to the side. He didn’t pull out his wand, he knew he didn’t need it.‘Harry, it’s just you,’ Draco said, lowering his wand and taking a step closer to Harry, until he noticed the anger on Harry’s face.‘You used me!’ Harry yelled at him.‘What heard me and Snape?’‘Yes, so what was the plan? Gain my trust and put me in a trap for Voldemort?’ Harry spit out.Draco showed his wand to Harry as he put it down on the desk, so Harry would see he was unarmed. Harry knew Draco had noticed his wandless magic, so Draco would know Harry was never unarmed. Draco walked closer to Harry and looked him directly in the eyes.‘Harry, I promise that was not part of the plan. There is a mission he has given me, but I have not been working on it. I can’t tell you what it is, there is a curse on me that makes it where I cannot tell you, but I swear I do not follow the mad man. You have seen my arm, and I know you looked the first time you removed my shirt, I do not have the mark.’‘We’ve never made sense. We have always hated each other, then suddenly you want to “let off some steam” with me? I can’t believe I didn’t question this before, if I had been so distracted this year...’‘Yes, we have always fought. You know what they say, it’s a fine line between love and hate and I have picked what side of the line I want to be on. I love you Harry James Potter and I will do anything to prove it to you. You want to stop hiding us? Fine! Let’s go into that party right now and snog in front of everyone. My parents would be dead within the hour, but then they shouldn’t be following a madman. I don’t want to lose you!’Harry stared at Draco. He believed him, there was something that was pushing him towards Draco. He had felt it many times before, but the force had never been this strong. Harry closed the gap between them, Draco had his eyes closed, as if worried was going to hit him. Harry put his arms around Draco’s neck and kissed him. Draco gasped in shock, and Harry used that gasp to slide his tongue over Draco’s. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry’s waist pulling them closer together. Harry pushed against Draco, leading him towards the desk that was behind Draco. Harry and Draco began removing each other’s clothes, pausing periodically to kiss again. Harry stopped them for a moment, Draco looked at him, worried. Harry kissed him softly, then looked him in the eyes.‘I love you too, Draco,’ Harry said, gently. Draco grabbed Harry’s head and pulled him close to kiss him. They continued to rid themselves of clothes. Once their clothes laid on the ground, Harry kissed Draco as Draco sat on the desk. Harry stood between his legs and Draco wrapped his legs around Harry’s waist so their erections were rubbing against each other. They both moans at the initial contact. Draco wrapped his hand around both them, and began to move his hand up and down. Harry kissed him again, and their tongues battled for dominance as Draco continued to move his hand.‘Draco...close….’Harry moaned against Draco’s lips. Draco slowed his movement, before he responded.‘You want...try something... new?’ Draco whispered. Harry went wide eye looking into eyes, knowing what he was asking. As Harry nodded, Draco let go of them both. They both had to catch their breath before they spoke.‘How you want to do this?’ Harry asked, nervous about being in either position.‘I have done this before, and I know you haven't so this time you can take me. Your first time would be better if we had bed.’Harry nodded, he wondered who he had done it with before, but he was too excited and nervous to ask. Draco grabbed his wand and muttered a spell every teenage boy knew, and lube appeared in his hand. He reached for Harry’s erection and clasp it into his hand, making sure it was generously covered. Harry gasped at the sudden contact, he didn't think he would ever get use to Draco’s talented hand. Draco let go of Harry and stood up and took a step away from the desk.‘Let me see you hand,’ Draco said to Harry. Harry put his hand out, and Draco did the same spell into Harry’s hand. Draco put his wand back down. ‘Prepare me.’Draco turned around and leaned over the desk. Harry looked down at Draco, and couldn’t believe he was in such a vulnerable position in front of him. Harry made sure his fingers were slick and ran one finger between Draco’s cheeks. ‘Tease,’ Draco hissed.Harry loved watching Draco squirmed. He slowly pressed one finger into Draco. ‘Merlin...Harry...’Encouraged that he was doing it right, he began to pump his finger in and out of Draco.‘Morrrre’Harry listened, he added a second finger, starting to stretch Draco. Draco pushes back against Harry’s hand, making him go farther inside. Harry bent his fingers, hitting Draco’s prostate. Draco was panting now. ‘Third finger….’Harry grinned, less worried about hurting Draco now. He quickly added a third, pumping in and out of him. Draco felt relaxed enough.‘Ready?’ Harry asked.‘Fuck yes...’Harry removed his fingers, and guided himself to Draco’s entrance. He very slowly breeched Draco’s entrance, and slowly slide inside. He was so tight. This was tighter than when he took Hermione’s virginity. He knew he wouldn’t last long, and by the sound of it, Draco wouldn’t either. ‘Please...Harry...tease...please’ Draco moaned, pushing back so Harry would enter him faster.Harry was enjoying Draco begging, so he didn’t speed up. He continued to move into him slowly, until he was balls deep. ‘ tight,’ Harry said, not moving. He clutched onto Draco’s hips.‘Please...Merlin...move...’ Draco begged, moving his hips.Harry finally began to pull out then push back in. He started picking up speed, Draco moved with Harry. They found a pace that worked for them, and way too soon Draco clenched down on Harry as he began to orgasm. The extra pressure led to Harry also reaching completion.Harry collapsed onto of Draco after he was spent. They both were breathing heavily. Draco didn’t seem to have an issue with Harry putting weight on him so Harry didn’t move. Harry kissed Draco’s back.Now that their breathing was returning to normal, Harry slowly pulled out of Draco. Draco gasped, and shuddered at the feeling of Harry moving inside him, then removing himself. Harry leaned against the desk his legs feeling like jelly. Draco just rolled over so he was looking up at Harry. Harry leaned down and kissed Draco. ~*~Review Response:Pickles: Thanks for reviewing! I know Harry and Draco don’t want her sleeping too long.
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