The Domino Effect | By : jameschick Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 28991 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Part 13
Hush little baby, don't say a word. And never mind that noise you heard, It's just the beast under your bed, In your closet, in your head. - Metallica
The Slytherin common room looked the same as it had back in second year. Harry quietly followed Draco to his room, where under the safety of his Invisibility Cloak, he watched the sleeping forms of his targets.
There were three beds on one side of the room and two on the other. Draco's was closest to the door with Crabbe's beside his, and Goyle's - empty for obvious reasons - on the other side of Crabbe's. Zabini and Nott's beds were side by side on the wall opposite.
Harry looked from one side of the room to the other, trying to decide who to start with.
Crabbe had been the muscle, the one to carry out the beating - with Goyle of course -, Nott had tied him down, made disparaging remarks and even taken his turn at operating the broom handle, But Zabini... Zabini had mastermi the the entire thing.
Harry had chosen his first target.
Walking swiftly to the side of his bed, he waved his hand in the air and cast a protective bubble around the area. No one could get in or out, and no one would hear him scream. "Blaise," Harry bent low and whispered in his ear. "Wake up, Blaise; it's time to play."
Draco stood he dhe door and kept watch. He was entranced by the way Potter moved, the way he effortlessly used wandless magic, the dark, malicious smile on his face as he bent down to whisper in Zabini's ear. He knew that he had been lucky, that had things been different, if he hadn't gone off by himself that day, if his own past hadn't made the idea of assaulting someone in such a fashion so abhorrent, he too could be lying in blissful slumber awaiting the fate that was about to be dealt to his roommates.
Instead, he got to watch as they were punished, and, with any luck, he would get to shag the most powerful wizard since Merlin when the night was through.
Blaise was having a wonderful dream; he was standing at the side of his Lord. He looked out into the sea of masked and robed Death Eaters and smiled. He was being rewarded. Given the highest of honour for his flawless take-down of the so called 'Saviour of the Wizarding World'. All those before him were being made to bow to him, to give him the respect and fear he deserved as Voldemort's new second in command. Yes, life was sweet as far as he was concerned. He had power, and no one - save his Lord -ld tld touch him now.
Then a voice invaded his fantasy, a very familiar voice with a decidedly unfamiliar hardness.
"Blaise, wake up, Blaise; it's time to play."
Awake now, and fearing the worst, Blaise slowly opened his eyes and instantly wished he hadn't. For there, hovering over him like the angel of death, was Harry Potter.
"Oh good," Harry smiled, "you're awake. Now we can start."
"S-start what?" was the stuttered reply. In all his years at Hogwarts, Zabini had never seen Potter look like this. This was the look of a powerful wizard, not the shy, easy-going boy he had attacked only days previously. He knew, deep down, that appearances could be deceiving. One only had to look at the old fool of a Headmaster to know that. Dumbledore had obviously schooled his pupil well. Harry Potter, right now, was fucking scary.
"My revenge, of course," Harry answered nonchalantly. "You didn't think I would really let you get away with what you did to me, did you?" At Zabini's confused look, Harry chuckled darkly, "Oh, you did. Well, that just makes this all the sweeter then, doesn't it?" Before Zabini had a chance to reply, Harry was inside his mind, making him relive the events of Harry's assault, only multiplying the pain and humiliation tenfold.
"Scream, Zabini," Harry whispered. "It makes no difference, no one will hear you."
"And he actually said that, that he'd help me?" Pansy asked in stunned disbelief.
"Yeah, I told you Harry was a good guy, Pans. He'll keep you safe, I promise you," Neville whispered and then kissed her softly. "I couldn't stand it if you were forced to marry someone else, anyone else. I love you."
"And I love you, Neville. So much," Pansy replied as Neville's arms wrapped around her. "And Draco? What is his part in all of this?"
Neville chuckled. "He's Harry's lover. I don't know how that happened, or howg itg it's been going on for, but they are definitely together. Harry said he would talk to Draco about how best to deal with things. I'm not worried anymore; Harry has never let me down."
"If you're sure, then I won't worry either. Besides, if Draco and Harry are really together, then I know of at least one person in Slytherin that I can trust now. It takes some of the pressure off."
"Just don't let your guard down, love. I couldn't stand it if you were hurt," Neville said with emotion.
"I'll be careful," Pansy replied, "I promise."
"Good. We better get back to our rooms, it's late," Neville said regretfully.
"I know. Just a few more months and then we'll graduate and never have to sleep apart again," Pansy said before rising up on tiptoe to press a kiss to Neville's lips.
Laying awake in his room, Severus Snape contemplated his fate. As a boy he had been a loner, not always by choice but by circumstance. His desperation to fit in somewhere - anywhere - had eventually led him to Voldemort, and ultimately, his salvation.
Years of repressed anger and hatred had been purged from his system while in service to the Dark Lord. Killing Muggles had been extremely therapeutic at the time, but once the thrill of his seeming power had worn off, he realized that he would never fit in with the other Death Eaters despite their matching tattoos. Hs nos not rich, handsome, and powerful like Lucius, not was he as weak minded and easily awed as Crabbe, Goyle, Knott, McNair and a slew of others. He was just an angry young man who had made a horrendous choice. He immediately sought to rectify it.
Coming to Albus Dumbledore had been a humbling and life-altering experience. The Headmaster of Hogwarts, in his wisdom, saw something in the confused young man that Severus was, and he took him under his wing, and into his protection; he gave Severus not only a job that he enjoyed, but a sense of comradery as well. He had made friends in his new position, and more importantly, he had made a change in himself. He was no longer willing to blindly follow a madman with illusions of grandeur. And all it had taken to make him see the light was the defeat of his Master by an infant wizard of limited capabilities.
Harry Potter. How he hated that boy. And yet, he had dedicated his life to keeping him safe, to teaching him the skills he would need to survive. His life-debt to James Potter had been repaid several times over, and he still continued to train the boy. It was madness. But, on the other hand, Potter was the only hope the world had against Voldemort and his band of AK-happy idiots.
With a sigh, Severus sat up and swung his legs out of bed. He slipped his feet into his slippers and shuffled out to the small kitchen in his quarters to make tea. He would get no sleep tonight; like most nights, he had too many things on his mind for rest to find him.
If the truere ere to be told, Snape knew why he continued to train with Harry Potter. It had nothing to do with James Potter, the Order, the safety of wizards everywhere, or the world at large. It was for entirely selfish reasons. He wanted his freedom, and the only way to get that for for Harry to fulfil his destiny and kill Voldemort.
"If he would only get off his arse and do it already," Severus muttered to himself as he poured a generous dollop of brandy into his tea and sat at the table.
The pain was excruciating. More so than he would have ever believed possible. And the mental anguish was almost worse. These were nos ths thoughts, his feelings; this was not his body being violated in this degrading fashion. But they were his words, his vile, disgusting words that he heard whispered in his ear, his voice that he heard laughing and taunting him throughout this humiliation. And just as the scene ended and the darkness swept in, it started all over again. For the third time. He couldn't stop himself as he cried and begged for mercy that he knew he wouldn't be granted. Mercy he hadn't granted when it had been asked of him.
He'd picked the wrong side. It was obvious to him now. Harry Potter was not the Golden Boy he'd been led to believe him as. No, he was far darker, far scarier and far more powerful than any tale that Blaise had been told. Potter would make good on his promise of vengeance. He would make him suffer and bleed and if he was lucky, when it was all over he'd allow him to die. Because there was one thing Blaise knew for sure. He didn't want to ever go through this again.
In a small bed in the farthest corner of the room, Greg Goyle sat with his knees to his chest, his arms wrapped around his legs and his forehead resting on his knees. He was a girl. Harry Potter had turned him into a girl and Madame Pomfrey didn't know how to fix him.
What good was he going to be as a female? His only saving grace was his brute strength, and now he didn't even have that. His family would surely disown him, and he had nowhere to go, no one to turn to, and no idea of what to do with himself.
He followed orders. He always had. If not his father's, then Crabbe's father's. When he came to Hogwarts, he followed Draco's orders. Now that he was older, he did what was expected of him and joined the Death Eaters; he did everything he was told, no questions asked, and figured that as long as he followed orders and kept his head down, he'd be okay.
But now what? He was a girl. He'd never even known that it was possible to make someone a girl. Potter was obviously sneakier than he thought. Perhaps he'd made a mistake by attacking him. He wondered, for possibly the first time, if he should have questioned his orders, if he should have refused to take the Mark like he'd wanted to instead of simply doing what his father expected.
It really made no difference now. He was of no use to the Dark Lord anymore. Aside from Bellatrix Lestrange, Voldemort didn't allow women to be Death Eaters. He thought them weak.
Unintentionally, Greg realized that Potter may have done him a favour.
It was getting late. It had been over an hour since Harry had sat on the edge of the bed, over an hour that he had kept Blaise locked in a loop of his memories. With each repetition, the pain and mental anguish increased until Harry was pretty sure that if he increased it even the slightest bit more, it would kill Zabini. Not wanting him dead, not yet at least, Harry stopped the mentarturrture and grinned evilly down at his captive.
"You will never speak of this, you can not. I have taken the liberty to ensure a few safety measures to that effect," Harry smirked as Zabini's eyes widened in fear. "If you try to tell anyone what has happened this night, you will lose the ability to speak. If you try to write it down, you will lose all feeling in your hands. If you attempt to let anyone take these thoughts from your head, or try to place them in a pensieve, you will find yourself incapable of any thought what so ever. Trapped in a prison of your own flesh; not even thoughtskeepkeep you company. Do I make myself understood?"
Blaise was too scared to speak. He managed a slight nod and tried not to whimper in fear as Harry leaned into his personal space, that scary-as-fuck grin on his face.
"Good. I think you and I are done... for now. I have plans to discuss things with Crabbe and Nott later, Goyle as you know has already been punished. I would hate for you to do something that messes up my plans," Harry finished off.
Blaise shook his head in fear and then let out a startled shriek and lost control of his bladder as Harry suddenly leaned closer to his face and wrapped his hand around Blaise's throat. "See that you don't."
As Harry took down the ward that he had enclosed them in, he turned back to the bed in disgust. "Oh, and Zabini? Don't even think about pestering the house elves to change your bedding. Do it yourself," Harry said as he walked to Draco, took his hand and led him from the room.
Listening to Parvati and Lavender's soft snores, Hermione lay awake and pondered her one-time best friend, Harry Potter. There were things going on with him that she couldn't explain. Things that went beyond the loss of Sirius, Voldemort's influence, his break up with Oliver Wood - and didn't that throw her for a loop. No, at some point in the past week, something major had happened in Harry's life, something that he wasn't sharing with anyone.
Except, perhaps, Malfoy.
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. If there was ever a less likely couple, it would have to be Ron and Snape. Their animosity if not down right hatred of one another was legendary. But here they were, after almost seven years of hexes, fistfights, pranks, verbal wars, and Quidditch squabbles: a couple. Dating.
Which led Hermione to the conclusion that what ever had happened to Harry, Malfoy had somehow been the one to either help him through it, or pick up the pieces afterwards.
But what was it?
For now, the only facts she had been able to piece together were that Harry wasn't sleeping in his room, that he had been quiet and withdrawn since the last match against Slytherin, and that Professor Snape was somehow aware of what was going on. It was obvious by the way he had ignored Harry in the past few days. Normally, he went out of his way to sneer at, belittle or take points from him every time he saw him.
It was a mystery, but not one she was going to be able to solve laying around in bed. With a soft sigh of frustration, she got out of bed, dressed quietly, and slipped out of the room.
The common room was empty, the fire in the grate burnt down to mere embers. With a silence developed from years of sneaking around the school with Harry and Ron, she left the tower and made her way down the stairs. At the third floor landing, she heard footsteps and quickly hid in the shadow of an old suit of armour.
Harry and Draco passed by, fingers entwined. Just a few feet from where she was standing, holding her breath, Draco pushed Harry up against the wall and kissed him fiercely. Hermione covered her mouth with her hand to hold in her gasp of shock. Knowing they were together was one thing, actually seeing them kiss was totally different.
As the kiss ended, Draco pulled Harry away from the wall and started walking again. "Hurry," he said. "I can't wait to get you alone, Merlin I'm so fucking turned on right now."
Hermione's eyes widened as Harry chuckled darkly before responding with, "Torture does it for you then, Malfoy?"
"So long as it's not mine, hell yeah!"
As the boys moved further dowe hae hall, Hermione came out of the shadows and slowly followed behind them until she saw where they were headed. Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, which could only mean one thing. The Chamber of Secrets.
"Oh, Harry," Hermione whispered as she headed back to her room, "What have you done?"
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