Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190439 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
thank you very much for your reviews! I was happy and relieved that there where people who liked reading the last chapter. :)
This one here is a plot chapter and in the next one you will finally see the changing.
To Citten: I hope you will get well soon!
To MarksPet : No Graphics in this chapter but I promise the next two (which will be about the full moon) will be. ;)
To Emily: I'm very glad about your review! Thank you! No I won't end the story after the changing. It just starts then. ;) At the moment I write on chapter 47 and there is no end to see.
To All the other reviewers: Thank you very, very much. You can't imagine how encouraging your reviews are and how happy they make me.
Characters:Ages, Hermione, Fenrir, Toric, Amaris...
Sexual interactions: -
Warnings: -
Chapter 13 - Panic
The cute pup had passed out under him and he arranged the bed clothes over her, smiling. His member was flaccid, and he hadn't felt so manly, so powerful and so satisfied like he felt now for a very, very long time. This pup had brought more power and strength to the Ages clan, and they would even become more powerful than they already were.
Hermione sat on the big bed in her and Fenrir's bedroom. Fenrir and Severus had been tense for the whole day and seemed to be avoiding her. Even Yorik was behaving like that for the last few hours. There wasn't much time to get rid of the worry in her because they soon would go out to the yard for the changing. When she finally was able to corner Fenrir, she was determined to not let go of him before she could tell him that everything would be okay.
“Fenrir, please stop avoiding me. I know you are worried that I won't survive, but—”
He had tried to escape out of the door when he realized that she was in their room, but then he turned abruptly. He grabbed Hermione's shoulders and leaned down to her. “I'm not worried that you won't survive. You will survive! You are strong enough.”
“But why are you all so tense, then? You, Severus, and now even Yorik are avoiding me and every time I get a glance at you, you all look away with your faces full of worry and sadness. If you aren't worried about my survival, what is it then?”
Fenrir just stood there for some time, looking sadly at her.
“Please tell me!”
He sighed. “I promised to never hurt you, pup.” His face was a grimace of sorrow and disgust. “I fear... I fear today I won't be able to hold to that promise.” The first time in her time there Fenrir wasn't able to look in her eyes. He lowered his gaze and waited for her outburst.
Hermione was scared about what that meant, but still, she felt more sorry for Fenrir than for herself. “I know that, Fenrir.” She took his hands from her shoulders and placed them on her cheeks, her palms on his big hands; those hands that make her feel so safe. “The head alpha told me. You won't be able to control your wolf.”
“I most likely will rape you, pup.” He looked deep into her eyes. She could feel his pain. “I will never be able to make up for that. I will try to control my wolf but if you make one move to run away, I know I will be helpless. My wolf side is strong, pup. I don't accept disobedience. I'm still young for a werewolf, so my control is low. The head alpha has full control and he promised to take care of you. He will fight us if we fall over you all at once.”
Hermione couldn't hide her shock after that comment.
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you that. I promise you pup; we will do everything to prevent it. I just beg you to try to stay calm and not run.” He pressed his forehead against Hermione's.
“I'm scared, Fenrir.”
“I know and it hurts me that I'm one of the reasons for that fear. You changed me, pup. You changed me so much. I'm a much better alpha now and still, I will most likely become a monster in your eyes this night and you will never forget that, never will forgive me for that.”
“I will, Fenrir.” She paused and wondered if she really should say what lay on her tongue. “I love you!” she whispered.
He groaned and pressed her head harder against his. “That makes it all that much worse.”
“No, it doesn't.” It was too much. She couldn't stand his pain. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. “You are a good alpha and you had been one before you met me. Otherwise you wouldn't have taken Morgan in.”
“Maybe I'm not the beast and child killer you were told about but I never was a good alpha, pup. Look at our pack. Amaris is a dominant who can't keep her mouth shut when she meets higher ranks. Before she came to my pack you could hardly see her face because it was permanently swollen because she was beaten black and blue almost every day. A good alpha would teach someone like her respect and not accept her cheek. I took her in because I was fascinated by that behavior. I liked her rebellion and I also liked to show her her place from time to time. Not for teaching her how to behave in the clan, no, just because I liked to dominate her. I liked how she tried to fight me.”
“But she likes being in your pack. I know it, so maybe it is the right thing for her. She still talks back to you. If she was afraid of you, she wouldn't do it.”
“Don't you listen, pup? By dominating her I mean rape and beatings. Before you came here I did it once a week and felt the desire for it even more often. Only now that you are here do I see the wrong in it, and it disgusts me to remember what I did.” He hugged her tighter, not understanding why he had told her that.
“You took Morgan in.”
“As a plaything for Yorik and Amaris. Stop trying to see anything good in my former self, pup. There wasn't.”
“I spoke with Morgan. He says he was glad you took him in. From then on he hadn't needed to fear the other dominants as much as he had before. He found a way to enjoy Yorik's domination and the sex with him, and he likes it. He wouldn't lie to me. I was worried the day Yorik took him upstairs and you later fought with Yorik. After that we talked and he said he liked Yorik a lot.”
“I punished Yorik for being lenient with Morgan and accused him of being weak,” Fenrir said and held her away from him. “I was a hard alpha. An alpha who loved to have a crazy pack and I used their craziness for my pleasure. I enjoyed seeing Morgan's permanent fear of being fucked into the carpet by Yorik. I enjoyed Yorik's and Amaris’ hot-headed behavior because it gave me a reason to dominate and punish them. I wasn't good, pup!”
“Morgan preferred to fear Yorik instead of fearing the whole clan. He knew he was much safer now because he had your protection. Amaris and Yorik also know that they have a much safer life now. They know you, and they know exactly how much they can tease you before you explode. Maybe in your mind they are all scared of you, but they aren't, and I'm sure they weren't before I came here. They know you and they can appraise your behavior. Sometimes you need to let out steam and your pack is there to take care of you as well as you taking care of them. I will remember that as well after tonight.”
Fenrir shook his head sadly. “No, you won't, pup. You will hate me, and with good reason.”
“No, I—”
The door was opened and Yorik peeked in. “The head beta says it is finished. We need to hurry.”
Fenrir nodded. “I'm coming.” He turned back to Hermione to look deep in her eyes. “I love you too, pup. As embarrassing as that is for me.” He leaned down to kiss her and then quickly turned and left.
She was too dazed by his confession to ask the question that was lingering in her mind. She needed around three minutes to be able to think clearly, but then she stormed out of the room. The living room was empty. Throwing all of Fenrir's warnings to the wind, she ran out into the hall. She didn't care that she was bumping into people while she ran along the long hall and down the stairs to the second floor where Severus’ rooms were. She threw the door open without knocking. The bedroom was empty and before she could investigate more, strong arms encircled her from behind and pulled her out into the hall.
“What are you doing outside alone so close to the changing? Are you insane?”
The voice was familiar, but Hermione couldn't link it with a face. She tried to struggle out of his grip and to turn around, but her captor had grabbed her neck. His fingers seem to search for something and then something happened that made Hermione almost wet herself in fear; she went slack. Had he broken her neck? But she hadn't felt pain or heard any kind of cracking noise. Still, she wasn't able to move at all.
Hermione could still sense people around her. Someone stopped close by. She tried to concentrate and then she got her hearing back.
“What happened?” Another familiar voice Hermione had trouble recognizing completely.
“I had to paralyze her. She was fighting me too much. I think she’s in some kind of panic. Maybe someone attacked her. Where are Alpha Fenrir and Yorik?” Hermione's captor asked.
“In the potions lab with the head beta,” the other man replied.
Then Hermione could feel and smell one of her mates and she started to whimper. More smells hit her. The sudden fear and insecurity of her capture, the nervousness of the others around her.
“Give her over to Miller and let him check her, Toric. I hope for your own good that you weren't the one attacking her,” Ages said, growling dangerously.
Toric let go of her neck and immediately Hermione could move. Before she could run away the way her instinct were instructing her to do, she was captured by Miller. “Oh, no, pup. I need to check you over before the changing starts. We don't have time for chasing games.”
Hermione could feel Ages before she saw him lean over her and sniff her. She stiffened, knowing she would make him angry when she moved. She could already smell his anger. When Ages was finished, he lifted Hermione's chin. “You aren't hurt. What made you panic then? And why are you outside in the halls alone?” He looked sternly at her, and she knew she was in trouble. Panicking again, she looked around for an escape.
“Oh, pup, that was the wrong move,” Miller said nervously behind her while he still held her tight against his body. “Head alpha, there is no time to punish her. It wouldn't be good so close before the changing.”
“I know that, healer,” Ages growled. His hand on her chin tightened. “Speak, pup. What did you do outside in the halls?”
“I... I was looking for Fenrir. He left with Yorik. Yorik said something is finished and I wanted to know what. They all looked worried and they all are so tense. I... I don't...” It was all too much, too confusing and she started to cry.
Ages growled again. “A crisis in the most disadvantageous moment. Why couldn't they hold their damn mouths in front of her? Isn't it enough that they even attempted that stupid stunt?” He was raging and pacing and Hermione was scared. She had never seen him like this. Normally, he was the rational and calm person in the clan.
“Ehm... head alpha, you are scaring her. I think we should get her to calm down before we all need to go outside.”
Ages waved him away. “Then take her with you.”
“Yes, you! Who else, healer?” Ages thundered and everyone was stepping backwards.
“Pup?” A female voice called through the crowd around Hermione.
“Amaris!” Hermione screamed, relieved, trying to escape Miller. The moment Amaris was in sight, Miller let go and Hermione could run into Amaris’ open arms.
“Get her down before the changing,” Ages said dangerously, groaning about Hermione's frightened whimpers.
Back in their flat, Amaris placed Hermione on her lap and gently stroked her hair. “Why do you always have to choose the most unfortunate moments to get into trouble, pup? We need to calm you down before your changing or you will have trouble.”
“Fenrir,” Hermione whimpered.
“He cannot come right now, Hermione. I'm sorry. He did something very... He will need a bit of time to be able to come and calm you, pup.”
“What did he and Yorik do?”
“I'm not allowed to tell you, pup. They were worried about you and tried something to make sure you will be okay. Please, if they come back and see you like this, they will worry. They need to be strong to help you through your first changing and worry would weaken them. Please try to calm down.”
“The head alpha, he was... scary. And Toric; he grabbed me and I went all slack and couldn't move a limb.” She could feel Amaris tense under her.
“The head alpha is affected by you as well, pup. You chose him as one of your mates. He feels even more protective over you now than ever before. He doesn't approve what Fenrir, Yorik and the head beta did, and so close before the changing, as he is influenced by his wolf. You don't need to fear him. He will take care of you. The stronger and more dominating an alpha is, the more he can protect you, pup, right?”
Hermione nodded. Yes, she had been afraid of Ages, but still, it had given her a feeling of being safe because he would protect her. Maybe just not from himself.
“About Toric... well, he used a not very accepted trick on you. It's from the old times when subs were just toys and nobody really cared about their feelings. That grip robs you of all kind of defense, so you can't hurt the dominant. These days, it’s only allowed to be used when the sub is a danger to herself or others. If someone would use it to just dominate you or even rape you, he would get a death sentence. There is no excuse for it. Toric just wanted you to calm down. He is one of those simple minded, old fashioned guys. A sub that is struggling too much is unnatural to him and makes him nervous. That happens when you live down on the first floor with only men.”
Hermione could sense Amaris’ smile. It still surprised her, the kinds of skills she had gotten by becoming a werewolf. “I'm happy you came,” Hermione said, hugging Amaris tightly.
Morgan came in and sat down beside them on the couch. Hermione offered her hand to him and he took it, smiling shyly at her.
“Fenrir and Yorik are on their way,” Morgan said.
Hermione felt fear rise up again.
“Shh, pup. Everything will be okay,” Amaris said and drew calming circles on Hermione's back.
Hermione rested her head against Amaris’ shoulder. Why couldn't this awful night already be over?
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