The Conflict of Hermione Granger | By : TheLadyRed Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Lucius/Hermione Views: 18205 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Harry Potter and all recognizable characters and situations are property of JK Rowling. I make no money off of this fanfiction. |
Chapter 13
The Ending
"Father?" Draco entered the study to find his patron staring blankly into the fire, "Father?" he asked again.
"Yes, son?" Lucius blinked twice and finally looked at Draco.
"I'm taking one of the Ministry portkeys to the Granger-Weasley engagement party this afternoon right after I leave the office. Are you going to travel with me, or will we be meeting there?" he asked briskly.
"I'm not going to that sham!" Lucius snapped, eyes angry.
"Oh, I'm sorry, that was my mistake. I thought you were, well, no matter, I'll represent the Malfoys, and I'll be home tomorrow then." Draco responded, heading towards the door.
"You may represent yourself at this event," disgust dripping from Lucius' voice over the word, "but you do not speak for our family and you'd do well to remember that." he finished icily.
Draco felt that the comment needed no answer and paused after closing the door on the angry wizard to think. He knew something had been going on between his father and his friend; he had seen the banter between the two at Bonfire night, caught the heated gazes, the pathetic excuses, had seen them disappear at the Gala, and had heard muffled noises coming from the study, but he had thought they were just fucking around with each other. Hermione had grown into a quite a catch, and he had often thought she was too good for mediocre Ron. Hell, he'd have pursued Granger himself if she hadn't been with Weasley! But was it more? Did his father and Hermione have actual feelings for each other? Or was it just his one sided on his father's part?
Merlin, that's too much to consider at this time of the morning, he thought, shaking his head and heading for work.
Hermione woke up in the massive bed and again marveled at her beautiful surroundings. The Delacours Riviera villa was a sight to behold! The party set to take place that evening would be nothing short of spectacular, the perfect announcement of the fairytale love story of two of the Wizarding World's Golden Trio.
Hermione slowly walked through the mansion, enjoying both the gorgeous interior and the silence. One of the biggest marvels of the magical world to a Muggleborn witch was the fact that caterers and event planners needed only moments before a party to set up, so Hermione had the morning in the villa by herself to look forward to, then the party that evening. Ron would join her at the villa that afternoon, and the two planned to stay the following week after the party as a much needed vacation, and Hermione sincerely hoped that the time would serve to rejuvenate their relationship.
Thinking of Ron brought her argument with Lucius to the forefront of her mind, and she began fuming again at his words. Just who did he think he was? He was a mistake, but at least it was done. Out of her system, meaningless, nothing more than a mistake. Her and Ron's party that evening would be a fresh start, and she would look at her dalliance with Lucius as the one youthful indiscretion that she had allowed herself.
With that reassuring thought, she decided to return to bed with coffee and pain au chocolat, as a long morning lie-in was a rare treat and luxury that she didn't often get.
Just after 11, Hermione was debating sinking into a scented bath in the enormous ensuite bath when she heard a familar voice calling her name.
"'Mione? 'Mione? Where are you?"
"I'm up here Ron!" she called back, sighing inside and then catching herself. What kind of person sighs at their fiance showing up early? she thought.
Slowly walking down the stairs, she looked around for Ron before heading into the kitchen. She found him half in the fridge, levitating the ingredients for a massive sandwich out onto the counter.
"Hullo love!" he greeted her cheerfully. "I'm starving! Will you make me a sandwich?"
Grumbling internally, Hermione waved him to the table in the sunny corner of the eat-in kitchen and made Ron a sandwich fit for a king. Pouring two glasses of tea, she levitated the plates and cups along with a bag of crisps to the table and took the seat across from Ron, watching him attack his food with gusto. One of the best things about Ron and food was that one didn't have to contribute much in conversation and Hermione sat in relatively companionable silence as Ron devoured his lunch.
He suddenly broke the silence, and Hermione looked up as Ron started around a mouthful of food, "'I wanted to save this for the party, but I'm so excited, I just have to tell you," he paused to swallow, "I've bought us a house!"
"You did what?" she asked increduously.
"A house! I bought one! You know, places almost never become available in Ottery St. Catchpole, but one went on the market two weeks ago, and I put it an offer and found out this morning, it's ours! It's in between the Burrow and the Lovegoods, Mum's thrilled that we'll be so close!" he exclaimed, obviously elated.
"Ron, that's, well, that's unexpected! But it's great, brilliant, really, thank you, Ron!" she finished, trying to sound enthusiastic.
"We take the keys just after the New Year, but it won't be move in ready for a while," he explained. "There's a lot of remodeling, the last family who lived there was nearly as nuts about muggle stuff as Dad so there's lots to fix up," he laughed, "but I figure that'll be a perfect project for you after the wedding!" he said happily.
"Ron, I'm not sure I'll have time for projects after the wedding, especially if I take a fortnight off for our honeymoon, there'll be a mountain of work to get back to. Lots of long hours, you know," she ended lamely.
"'Mione, I had figured you'd be cutting back at the Ministry after the wedding," Ron replied with an air of confusion.
"Cutting back?! Why would I cut back?" Hermione asked, truly puzzled.
"I thought you'd go part time after the wedding until we had a baby, and then you'd be home after that," he explained.
"Why wouldn't I work while married, or pregnant, or with a baby? There are plenty of working mums out there!" she exclaimed indigantly, upset at Ron's ass-backwards ideas about women.
"Maybe in the Muggle world, love, but in the Wizarding World, mums are at home! Don't you want our children to grow up like I did? Don't you want to be like Mum?" he queried.
Something inside of Hermione went off, and she realized that Ron's last comment had drove the last nail into the coffin of their relationship.
"Ron, this – between us – isn't working. We can't get married," she said quietly.
"'Mione, okay, okay, I'm sorry. Is this about the working thing? You can work if you want!" he responded apologetically.
"Ron, it's not about working, it's about the fact that I've changed, and I don't think we are meant to be together in this way, not married. As friends who love each other, but not as husband and wife." she returned, her voice growing stronger as her mind made itself up.
"Are you kidding me?! All these years together and you suddenly change your mind? You owe me, Hermione! Our bloody engagement party is TONIGHT! Half the effing Wizarding World is going to be here! Are you trying to embarrass me?!" he roared back at her.
'I'm sorry, I truly am. And I understand why you are so upset, and maybe I should have realized before now, but isn't it better to be honest now, before we really are too far gone?" she pleaded.
"I guess..." he trailed off, before bursting out, "Just, Merlin! Hermione, why? What happened? Did I do something? How can I fix it?"
"It's not about you, I promise. It's me," she said seriously.
Ron's eyes suddenly grew cold and he spat out, "Are you seeing someone else?"
"It's not about anyone else, Ron - -" she stammered, feeling a flush rising in her face.
"You are! Who the hell is he?! I'll kill him!" he raged, pacing the room like a wild animal.
"It was nothing, Ron. I promise you, and it has nothing to do with this, with us!" she implored, raising her outstretched palms at him.
"You spreading your legs for some other bloke has nothing to do with us? Like hell it does!" he ranted, suddenly turning, "It's Malfoy, isn't it?"
Hermione didn't answer, just sat growing redder and redder, honestly shocked at Ron's insight, giving him all the answer he needed.
"I can't believe I trusted that tosser! Pretending to be my friend, acting like my mate, saying he had been keeping an eye on you for me! Once a Slytherin, always a Slytherin! Like he had changed in the three years since Hogwarts!"
Hermione grew confused at Ron's description of Lucius as a friend, until comprehension dawned on her and she realized Ron had blamed the wrong Malfoy.
She looked up, and saw Ron heading for the door, and got up to chase after him, grabbing his arm just outside the door.
He turned, angrier than Hermione had ever seen him and spat out, "Don't touch me, you slag! You have ruined my life, you heartless bitch!" and with that, he apparated with a crack, leaving Hermione sobbing, heartbroken, and alone.
A/N: So that's that for Ron and Hermione. There are two more chapters left for our duo. I'll see you back here on Thursday! :)
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