Mudbloods at Hogwarts | By : Gandalfs-Beard Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Harry/Hermione Views: 290991 -:- Recommendations : 10 -:- Currently Reading : 17 |
Disclaimer: All rights to Harry Potter belong to Rowling and the relevant corporations--though I doubt they want anything to do with this one. I make no money from the publication of this work. |
I Just Know It
Her neck still really hurt from where Snape had gripped it in his iron clutch, and leaning against metal bars wasn’t helping it any. But the pain was the least of her discomforts at the moment.
Hermione hoped that Dumbledore’s spell would somehow simply make the gallons and gallons of pee and sperm in her belly gradually dissipate magically, because there was no way she was strong enough to haul herself to her feet and crouch over their own bucket to pee it all out - especially not without the use of her hands and with a bloody rat living inside her vagina who was determined to keep her weak at the knees.
Then there was the stink of it all over her... Hermione presumed there was probably some sort of spell to keep the smell confined to their cage so as not to spoil the appetites of those eating in the Great Hall. That would explain why her and Harriet’s pee bucket and litter box weren’t considered particularly irksome.
Then her thoughts turned to Harriet.
Despite having been terrified out of her wits that she would be drowned in a bucket of piss, and feeling as gross, disgusting, and humiliated as Hermione felt, she felt even sorrier for Harriet than she did for herself.
Harriet seemed far more subdued than usual; Harriet, who was always determined to fight, to never give in to the misery heaped upon them both, seemed utterly defeated and hadn’t said a word since being brought back to their cage.
Hermione reckoned that being brutally buggered by Snape and all the boys in potions had simply taken the fight out of Harriet, especially given that they had then all raped Harriet’s throat with the penises which had just been inside her bottom.
Hermione supposed having one’s entire face and much of one’s hair hidden under a congealed mass of semen alone might be enough to leave most people feeling crushed. On top of the rest of the abuse which Harriet had just faced - well, anyone would be feeling broken after all of that.
Harriet didn’t even seem to react to when Dumbledore announced that Snape had been severely injured in a plumbing accident. Hermione took a small measure of satisfaction though, and even though she didn’t believe in such things, it felt almost as if some cosmic spirit had seen fit to mete out a bit of justice.
As the Great Hall gradually began to empty of students, Hermione spied Lavender and Parvati approaching with Parvati’s sister and Penelope Clearwater, the Ravenclaw prefect. Despite looking much happier, Lavender’s and Parvati’s cheeks were still streaked with tears, and as they drew closer, their faces fell again.
“Hi,” said Hermione, smiling wanly, “well, that’s something isn’t it? ... Snape getting a bit of comeuppance, eh?”
“You don’t know the half of it,” said Parvati, her somber features suddenly breaking into a grin.
“And it wasn’t divine intervention, either,” Lavender whispered, looking around to make sure no one was listening.
“Wh-what do you mean?” asked Hermione, perplexed.
“She means it was us,” Parvati said quietly, “well, mostly Penelope...”
“But if it weren’t for these two, it wouldn’t have happened,” Penelope chimed in, smiling wryly. “You and Harriet have good friends, Hermione. They told us everything. ... So some of the Ravenclaw girls and I threw together a little revenge package.
“It might have been my spellwork which did the damage, but it took everyone’s effort to make sure we weren’t found out, and it was just a bit of luck that it all went off at the end of lunch rather than this evening...”
“S-so what happened?” Harriet asked, sitting up a little straighter, the mask of congealed semen cracking around her lips. Hermione brightened up to hear Harriet finally talking again.
“Penelope used some sort of spell to make all the poo in the sewer system explode out of Snape’s toilet when he sat on it,” said Padma, beaming proudly at the Prefect. “The toilet blew up too.”
“That’s brilliant!” Harriet exclaimed, grinning, a still quite oozy piece of her cum mask peeling away from her lower cheeks and lips. “I hope that bastard got an arseful of toilet slivers!”
“I expect he did,” said Penelope. “I used a Disillusionment Charm - it’s sort of an invisibility spell - and followed Dumbledore and McGonagall down to the dungeons to take a peek. Snape was buried under a heaping pile of crap and he screamed when he tried to move.”
“Good!” said Hermione, her eyes blazing fiercely, wishing she could have seen it...
“It was Potter!” Snape snarled from the clinical table where he was lying on his front while Madam Pomfrey used her wand to remove each shard of porcelain one at a time from his bare backside; then he winced.
Snape had been dosed massively with pain potions after McGonagall had used a cleaning spell on him and Professor Dumbledore had levitated him to the hospital wing, and his broken bones were all numbed for the moment, but it was still a painful and bloody process having every single sliver and jagged fragment pulled out of his flesh.
If Snape didn’t know better, he would have thought that Pomfrey was trying to make it as painful as possible, and it was taking forever.
“Please keep still, Severus,” said Pomfrey sharply. “You’re just making this take longer!”
“It was Potter!” Snape hissed again. “I just know it!”
“Don’t be ridiculous!” McGonagall snapped. “How could she possibly be behind this? She’s been in that cage ever since your little thug threw her in there.”
“Minerva is quite correct, Severus,” said Dumbledore calmly, “Your prejudice is blinding you...”
McGonagall gave Dumbledore a strained sort of look.
“Really Albus? How you can talk about Severus’s prejudice without a whit of irony is beyond me...”
“Now, now, Minerva,” said Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling. “You know it is all for the Greater Good. And I know you well enough to know that you have grown to greatly appreciate the entertainment that Receptacles provide us.”
McGonagall flushed. “Yes, well... being entertained is one thing, but surely you can admit that your and Severus’s treatment of those girls is a bit over-the-top!”
“You wound me, Minerva,” said Dumbledore, sounding nothing of the sort. “Why, it is my very magnanimity which has prevented them from coming to any real harm...”
Pomfrey coughed. Minerva shook her head and stalked out of the hospital wing.
“In any case, back to you Severus,” Dumbledore continued. “As best as our inspection of the sewer systems has determined thus far, this was a naught but an accident - a blockage in the pipes and the rapid expansion of gasses which...”
“Which just happened to burst through my toilet?” Snape growled through gritted teeth. “I highly doubt it! I’m telling you, Potter had something to do with it - if not directly then perhaps through some of her friends...”
“Severus,” the headmaster sighed, “there is no evidence of anything but a random mishap. And you know as well as I that neither Harry nor Miss Granger have any real friends but each other.”
“What about Brown and Patil? They often seem unduly distraught when witnessing the perfectly appropriate and to be expected treatment of the Receptacles...”
“A pair of first years? Nonsense, Severus - even if they do have more than a passing relationship with Potter and Granger... Neither one would have the know-how. Only a highly skilled adult witch or wizard with knowledge of the castle’s sewer systems would have been able to pull off such a thing without leaving a trace of evidence.”
“Potter is very devious and conniving - if anyone could have tricked someone into doing her bidding...”
“Then Harry would no doubt have escaped by now,” Dumbledore sighed. “But I can see that you will not let this go until you believe that Potter has received some sort of quite undeserved punishment...”
“Perhaps a three day session with Filch?” said Snape hopefully. “A good genital whipping can do wonders for the recalcitrant...”
“Aaaaargh!” Snape suddenly yelled when Pomfrey dug a particularly large piece of porcelain from his rump. “How about a bit of bloody warning next time?”
“My apologies Severus,” said Pomfrey, sounding not at all apologetic. “Perhaps another pain potion?”
“You’ve already given me six!” Snape snapped.
“Yes, well, if you would try to relax instead of getting all wound up and exerting yourself the potions would be far more effective!” Pomfrey retorted curtly.
Dumbledore watched the exchange serenely before responding.
“I would have to have a very good reason to allow for such a thing, Severus, and as I have already explained, there is none! But I believe I have a solution. It would be of some benefit to Harry to be more prepared for the rather... vigorous and lengthy mating habits of the Shokushu next weekend, being an all day Marathon.
“Perhaps if all of the male house-elves were to help Harry practice on Saturday - and they would no doubt enjoy such a rare treat. On Sunday Harry could train with the centaurs - they are always eager to enjoy our Receptacles - and on Monday, I daresay the Giant Squid would be a good stand-in for the Shokushu - and perhaps on Tuesday Sprout’s new Devil’s Snare hybrid. Would that satisfy your needs Severus?”
“I suppose,” said Snape stiffly. “I shall want to see pictures of course, as I will be stuck in here until next weekend...”
“Of course!” said Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling.
“Gaaaaaaaaah!” Snape howled as Pomfrey extracted another jagged shard - which had barely missed his balls - from a particularly sensitive region.
“And however long you’re planning to have Potter ‘trained’ each day, double it!” Snape snarled when he caught his breath.
Dumbledore sighed, considering Severus’s request. It was excessive, but Harry would certainly come to no great physical harm, and what were Receptacles for if not to provide an outlet for pent up feelings, whether lust or misdirected vengeance.
“Very well, Severus!” he said after a moment had passed. “If it will make you feel better, it shall be done...”
By the time the staff and students began arriving for dinner Hermione was exceedingly grateful that she had been correct - the magic of Dumbledore’s spell had allowed most of the revolting “potion” in her immensely bloated stomach to gradually dissipate without having to pass it through her own bladder.
Hermione’s belly had slowly returned to nearly normal size, and only about a gallon was left inside her before the spell left it up to her body to handle the rest. Now having a strong urge to pee, with the weight of all that fluid gone, Hermione managed to clamber to her feet, though she nearly peed as she stood up when Scabbers decided that now was a good time to start nipping at the inner walls of her vagina again. Hermione shuffled over to the pail with wobbly knees, desperately trying to hold it in.
Harriet was feeling much better for the most part, the soreness in her behind having gradually ebbed, and a fair portion of the semen mask on her face had dried enough to begin flaking off. She was able to open her eyelids finally without having to worry about the gooey gobs on her eyelashes getting in her eyes...
The thinnest Black Irish Wolfhound that one had ever seen furtively roamed the streets and alleys of Inverness after dark, snatching scraps of food from rubbish bins behind restaurants, looking for a wizard pub. Finally he spied a likely prospect - The Frog on the Lily Pad - when several people wearing long cloaks entered while most people in more standard muggle clothing seemed to pass right by without noticing it.
He sat down behind a bin in a side alley from where he had a good view of the front door. As several more people came and went, the dog’s sharp ears picked up drunken complaints about Ministry regulations, manly talk about certain witches who could use a good rogering, and most conclusively, mentions of muggles.
But it was a particular snatch of alcohol soaked conversation which caught the dog’s attention and raised its hackles.
“...heard from me son - ‘e’s a fourth year at Hogwarts - says there’s gonna be some sorta show next weekend - somethin’ t’do with the girl-oo-lived an’ a monster brought in special from Japan fer the occasion - s’posed t’be pretty randy from what I hear. Gotta be on the school-board or the Wizengamot t’be invited t’watch though...” the drunken voice sighed.
“Ar... never ye mind,” the other sauced voice chuckled. “The Prophet’ll prob’ly have front page pictures o’ that. I wanked myself silly fer three days straight when tha’ all came out a few weeks agoo.”
“Yeah - you’n’ me both, mate,” the first voice sniggered. “But then me wife caught me at it an’ after havin’ a good long look at them photos fer herself she got turned on somethin’ fierce. She’s had me bangin’ her all o’er the hoose an’ bin makin’ me call ‘er ‘Harriet’ n’ the ‘girl-oo-lived’ every night since - even lets me chain her to the bed and blow me load all o’er her face after porkin’ her throat...”
“Blimey! You lucky sod! ... My missus would’na never le’ me hear the end o’ it if she caught me at it...”
“Well, tha’s why she left ye, ain’ it? ... lookin’ at one lass too many, fer her likin’...?”
“Too true mate! Too true!”
There was much uproarious laughter and back-slapping after that before the two staggering drunk wizards parted company and headed for their respective homes. The Irish Wolfhound slunk out of the alley and followed the one who apparently no longer had a “missus” at home, staying to the shadows.
Despite his size, the shaggy black dog trotted along, easily keeping pace without being seen. After about a mile and a number of twists and turns, the Wolfhound saw the wizard fumbling for his keys at the door of a rundown bungalow at the end of a street at the edge of town by the moors. The dog almost gave itself away with a snort of laughter when the pissing drunk wizard dropped his keys.
“Gah... Bugger me!” the wizard groused, woozily reaching down for his keys.
The Wolfhound nearly pounced from the shadows, thinking that now was as good a time as any to knock the wizard down and run off with his wand. But before he even had a chance, the wizard slumped and keeled over, passing out on his own doorstep. The dog stared for a moment, then stood up on its hind legs as it turned into man.
Sirius Black strolled over to the prone man drooling onto his doormat and shook his head, grinning.
“Well, that’s convenient,” Black chuckled to himself.
He glanced back up the dark street again, but all was silent and still. Then Black searched through the man’s cloak and found his wand. Brandishing the wand, Sirius Black’s eyebrows raised, even in the darkness recognising the telltale feel of Cedar in his hand - the wood of the wand which had chosen him at eleven.
“Even more convenient!”
Then Black sighed as he stood over the unconscious wizard. It was bad enough that he was stealing his wand, he couldn’t just leave him there. He picked up the man’s keys and unlocked the front door, then lifted him under his arms and dragged him inside. Black shut the door and turned on the entryway light.
Peering around, he spotted what looked like the living room through an open doorway. Grunting, Black hefted the man again and hauled him over to the sofa. Satisfied that the wizard looked as comfortable as he could make him on the sofa, Black turned to leave, then halted.
“Sorry about this,” he said to the now snoring wizard, “Looks like I’ll be imposing on your hospitality a bit more.”
Black strolled back through the doorway and spied the kitchen straight ahead of him. He rummaged through the refrigerator, pleased to see that despite living alone, the drunk wizard hadn’t yet fallen on the bad habits of many a bachelor. The fridge was well stocked with far more than beer and mouldy take-out leftovers.
Sirius Black made several sandwiches, wrapped up some cheese and a slab of corned beef in cellophane, grabbed a loaf of bread and a few apples, and two beers for good measure, and chucked the lot in a grocery bag he had found dangling on a hook. Then he had a hopeful peek in the cupboards and was pleased to find bags of crisps. He tossed a few of those in the bag as well.
Black took one last look at the wizard sleeping it off in the living room, feeling more than a bit guilty.
“G’night mate! If I get a chance, I’ll make this up to you - that’s a promise!”
Black shut the door behind him and considered his options for traveling to Remus Lupin’s last known address. He was still too weak to apparate without likely splinching himself, and now that he had a bagful of food, he couldn’t really turn back into a dog, not to mention he was bloody exhausted after the long trek to Inverness from the rocky shores of the northernmost reaches of Scotland. Even running at a fairly rapid clip as a dog it had taken him all day.
Black sighed and disillusioned himself, then cast an Invisibility Charm on the bag and began heading back into town to find an empty warehouse or abandoned building to kip for the night...
Exhausted, Harriet had fallen asleep leaning against Hermione even before dinner had finished, as they had both been given the evening off from milking the students’ penises.
She was woken the following morning by a tugging feeling on her scalp, pressure on her breasts, something rather slimy inside her mouth and hot liquid squirting down her throat.
Gargling on what could only be urine, Harriet’s eyes shot wide open to see Midge’s belly pressed against her face. She had no choice but to continue slurping down the piss, wondering how much she had swallowed while still slumbering.
“Oh goody, Harry Potter is finally being awake. Midge is giving master Harry his morning tea before his feeding.”
It seemed to go on for several more minutes before Midge’s “tea” slowed to a trickle. Midge pulled his floppy cock from Harriet’s mouth and shook off the last few drops on her face.
“Bloody hell!” Harriet gasped in outrage, “You couldn’t even wait till I was awake before you started peeing in my mouth?”
“Oh, no Harry Potter, sir,” said Midge, beaming gleefully and ignoring Harriet’s distress, having grown used to her occasional outbursts. “We is beginning early! Master Harry is having a long day ahead training...”
“Training? What are you on about?”
“Training for Shokushu next weekend. Headmaster says Shokushu mates for many, many hours - in all holes - and is being very strong! Harry Potter must be prepared sir, so all boy house-elfs will be helping Harry Potter train.”
Harriet frowned, her consternation and bewilderment growing deeper by the minute..
“All boy house-elves?” she squeaked loudly. “Just how many are there then?”
Hermione stirred, hearing a commotion and Harriet’s voice rising. There was a wriggling in her vagina and then a sharp bite to her clitoris woke her right up. She squealed, mentally cursing Scabbers. Apparently the noise had woken Scabbers up too.
“Missy Granger, is you being alright?” asked Midge, sounding very concerned. Harriet turned her head.
“It’s that bloody rat in my, er... my vagina,” Hermione moaned. “He bit my... er, he bit me hard,” she said, blushing with embarrassment.
“Oh yes, Scabbers! House-elfs is knowing about Scabbers. We is feeding him today when we feed you breakfast, because you is being in cage all day with Harry Potter, even at mealtimes.”
“Wait... what’s going on then?” asked Hermione, very puzzled.
“Training!” Harriet muttered furiously. “For next weekend apparently. So all the male house-elves’ll be having their way with me today.”
“Really?” said Hermione, “So how many house-elves are there then?”
“That’s what I was just asking Midge!” said Harriet.
“There is being three hundred and twenty six,” Midge answered. “Not so many wizard families is needing so many house-elfs now that they is having Receptacles and other muggleborn servants to do work.”
“Th-th-three hundred and twenty six?” Harriet’s eyes widened in horror. “Three hundred and twenty six?” she repeated.
“Harry Potter must not be worrying,” said Midge quickly. “Not all house-elfs is boys - only two hundred and three is being boys.”
“Master Harry must not be getting upset!” Midge pleaded. “We is making it quick - house-elfs will only have ten minutes each to help you train. And Harry Potter must not forget - we is training all holes at once!”
Hermione did some quick calculations in her head.
“Quick? ... How is that quick?” Hermione said shrilly. “That’s over eleven hours, not counting breaks.”
“Er...” Midge looked very apologetic. “Please, Hermione Granger, miss - you must not be getting cross too. Boy house-elfs is usually going very long time when we is mating with girl house-elfs - at least an hour. Tis asking much of a boy house-elf to be climaxing in ten minutes.”
“Climax?” Harriet whined miserably, resigning herself as much as possible to her fate. “Why do they all have to climax?”
“Tis being very painful for boys to be mating without climaxing! It is not same for human boys?”
Harriet flushed, not certain how she felt anymore.
“I wouldn’t know,” she said with some heat.
“I’m not a boy anymore!” Harriet added vehemently, feeling more and more glad each day that she wasn’t - she had some seriously mixed feelings now about ever having been a boy. She was gradually getting used to being a girl and at the moment she was thinking that on the whole, they seemed by far nicer than most boys (Finch-Fletchly being the only one to not even touch her, and Diggory being the most gentle), even though she still couldn’t help thinking of herself as a boy much of the time.
“And even though I’d been thinking a lot about girls since at least last year,” Harriet went on, “it’s not like I ever really had a real chance to wank at the Dursleys while living in a cupboard where anyone could hear me. ... And then I came to Hogwarts and I never really got a chance, did I? ... Snape turned me into a girl before I’d even been here a whole week.”
“Oh!” said Midge, looking surprised. “Midge is forgetting.”
“Of course you are!” snapped Hermione. “Because Dumbledore ordered you to keep talking to Harriet like she’s still a boy!”
Midge turned a bit pink. “Tis part of a house-elf’s enslavement. We is bound to be doing our Master’s bidding - and if Master is good Master we is very happy to do his bidding. Headmaster Dumbledore is very good Master to house-elfs...”
“Wait, you mean you’re magically enslaved? Like our compulsion collars?” asked Hermione.
“Yes - excepting we has no collars.”
“Oh!” said Harriet.
“Anyway - we is talking too much - now is time for beginning training,” said Midge. “Missy Granger will be helping.”
“I will?” said Hermione, puzzled. She would do anything to lessen the burden on Harriet, but she had a feeling that wasn’t what Midge meant. “What am I...”
“Talking time is over,” said Midge dismissively, “Other house-elfs will show you.”
There were a number of loud cracks and pops which echoed in the Great Hall, and at least thirty house-elves appeared, some inside the cage and some without.
Harriet’s chain rattled and clinked as it shortened, winding around the iron bar from which it was dangling and yanking Harriet to her feet by her collar and shackled wrists. Then it unfurled again and Harriet felt a magical pressure surrounding her which forced her to her knees and pressing her rear close to the marble floor, but leaving just enough room under her abdomen for a house-elf to fit. The chain halted when Harriet’s face was about one and a half feet from the ground.
Then without warning, Harriet felt a house-elf leaping onto her rear-end and another gripping her waist and sliding underneath her belly. Another appeared right in front of her face, its eight or nine inch erection all ready to go. The three slimy house-elf cocks forcefully penetrated each entrance, filling all three of her orifices all at once.
Harriet let out a muffled squeal around the penis in throat as her sphincter and vagina stretched widely around the two cocks burrowing deep inside both lower passages. It wasn’t quite as violent as the day before when her throat and bottom-hole had been raped simultaneously by Hagrid sized penises, but it was still pretty rough going having all three fairly big dicks pumping away rapidly inside her wet, warm channels all at the same time.
The sensation of being fucked in her pussy and rectum was a bit painful and yet almost weirdly pleasurable at first, little tingles shooting through her as she could feel the pressure of both large fleshy members rubbing against each other through the slick inner-walls of both passages.
Hermione watched in horrified fascination for a moment, the suddenness of the triple-assault on Harriet taking her by surprise. Her abdomen flinched as Scabbers wriggled down her vagina from his nest and pushed his head out through her slit again to have a look.
But Hermione barely had time to register everything which was going on as two house-elves were suddenly on either side of her, grasping and squeezing her breasts. She felt her breasts swelling, and was stunned to see them growing bigger as the house-elves’ hands continued palpating her fleshier boobs as if kneading dough.
“Wh-what are you doing?” she squealed, her pink peaks elongating and stiffening as the house-elves pinched and tugged on them.
Hermione was shocked when the house-elves merely responded by wrapping their lips around her tender nipples and began to suck them vigorously and wetly. After about a minute, Hermione was even more stunned when she felt a warm fluid squirting out of her nipples into the house-elves’ mouths.
“Oh my God!” she whimpered, her cheeks growing hotter. “I’m lactating - they’re milking me.”
And if that weren’t humiliating enough, Hermione felt a tingly surge of pleasure rushing through her veins as her heart began racing. Scabbers was apparently taking note of her quickening breath and pink cheeks, because he began licking and nibbling her clit. Moments later, Hermione squealed and shuddered, biting her lip as an orgasm ripped through her body from head to toe.
Harriet was suddenly aware that more than three house-elves were violating her; there were two more under her chest, clutching and mauling her boobs - her bigger than usual boobs - sucking away at her nipples like there was no tomorrow. As Harriet slurped on the cock pistoning in and out of her throat, her eyes widened with alarm when she felt liquid squirting from the tips into their humid mouths.
Bloody hell! That didn’t mean she was pregnant for real did it? No way! No bloody way! There was no way she could handle being pregnant, let alone with Ron’s or Dean’s or Seamus’s or Neville’s baby - especially Ron’s.
Then the equally horrifying thought occurred to Harriet that she might be having a litter of puppies. Fang had cum inside her; he had inundated her womb with his dog-sperm. Harriet knew that it would normally be impossible for a human to have puppies, but this was the wizard world after all.
Then all three house-elves plundering her orifices stiffened, their cocks buried to their roots. Harriet’s eyes rolled back, feeling their penises twitching and convulsing, releasing torrents of their boiling semen into her innermost regions, pumping their sticky seed into her throat, rectum, and womb. Lost in a wave of dizziness, in the back of her mind, Harriet wondered if she could get pregnant from house-elves.
The crowd of house-elves inside the cage didn’t even give Harriet a chance to recover. The one in her throat spurted his last load onto her face and then the next house-elf dick was already in her mouth, sliding over her tongue, thrusting deeper, past her tonsils as her already mildly sore, flinching sphincter and pussy were filled with new cocks.
Harriet had already been fucked silly by eighteen house-elves by the time the Great Hall opened for breakfast; her three passages were already inflamed, salved only by the swimming vats of cum inside each one, strings of semen dangling from each entrance. She was delirious from the constant ache of the repeated plundering of her vessels and the several orgasms she’d had from the friction of the dual-pumping penises squeezing the barrier of flesh betwixt both of her southernmost channels.
The house-elves had even changed Harriet’s position in that time. She was now on her back, dangling from the ceiling of the cage from the chain attached to her collar and wrist shackles, and a chain appearing from nowhere attached to the three foot spreader bar shackled to her ankles, lifting her bum off the floor, and she was angled in such a way as to provide a clear view of all three holes being simultaneously pillaged by house-elves.
Students gawked at the spectacle of so many house-elves, and of Harriet’s tight anal ring and tight entrance of her cunt clinging to the house-elf cocks - indenting, then stretching outwards as the house-elves pumped away at a rapid clip. Likewise, Harriet’s lips stretched tightly around the lance plunging into her throat. Two more house-elves were hungrily slurping on Harriet’s nipples and Harriet was already drenched with copious amounts of house-elf semen.
Ron and Seamus, and Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle all sniggered loudly as they pressed their faces against the bars of the cage for a close up viewing of Harriet’s disgrace.
When they first arrived, the students were also treated to the delightful sight of Hermione in the throes of a multitude of cascading orgasms, her hands still cuffed behind her back, writhing and squealing ecstatically as house-elves took turns sucking on her nipples while Scabbers kept nipping away at her delicate little nubbin.
Then Hermione’s squealing was muffled as house-elves leapt one after the other onto her upper chest just above her now ample globes and shoving their cocks in her throat to provide her breakfast and morning “tea.”
The audience of hundreds of students chortled and giggled while they watched the show as they ate breakfast - excepting the scowlers who were surreptitiously supporting Harriet and Hermione.
Even when breakfast was finished, many stayed to ogle the nonstop plundering of Harriet’s vessels, and the train of house-elves playing with Hermione’s breasts as they voraciously continued sucking her nipples. House-elf Semen and pee dribbled from Hermione’s lips once they had finished feeding her.
On and on it went, hour after hour throughout the day and well into the evening without respite. Apparently Dumbledore had ordered the house-elves to forgo any breaks, supposedly in training for the marathon session with the Shokushu. Harriet’s belly grew more and more swollen, bloated as it filled with gallons of house-elf semen.
There had been no more orgasms to alleviate some of the strain for Harriet since early that morning, just a chafing, burning sensation which eventually gave way to numbness.
As the house-elves had begun shagging Harriet about six A.M., Harriet and Hermione had both expected it to end between five and six in the late afternoon. But the house-elves were relentless, having been given the go ahead by Dumbledore to go back for seconds just as the last male house-elves were cumming inside Harriet, much to Hermione’s fury.
Harriet was far too oblivious to everything except her unceasing ravishment to be angry - not even registering the headmaster’s visit - and eventually she passed out from exhaustion somewhere around midnight. But that didn’t stop the house-elf onslaught until all two hundred and three male house-elves had claimed their promised seconds, fucking Harriet’s limp body while she was unconscious as Hermione looked on in dismay, unable and unwilling to sleep.
Finally, it all came to an end shortly after five A.M. Sunday morning, and Harriet was left lying in a puddle of glutinous semen so vast that it spread across the cage, her belly almost as distended as Hermione’s had been after being forced to drink that horrible “potion,” spunk gradually spilling out of her vagina.
Hermione slumped back against the bars miserably, sitting in the midst of the sea of sticky sperm, her nipples blazing red, swollen, and sore, her arms and shoulders aching from the strain of being handcuffed behind her back for coming up on forty eight hours straight.
But that was nothing compared to the ache in Hermione’s heart for poor Harriet. She was surprised when Harriet began stirring just after six A.M., groaning. Harriet coughed and sputtered on the sperm pooled inside her mouth and throat.
“Is... is it really over, or am I just dreaming?” Harriet muttered weakly, cum still oozing from her lips, unable to see again, her entire head blanketed with a fresh mask of gooey semen many times thicker than the last one, like a cake with far too much frosting.
“Yes, it’s really over,” Hermione said glumly.
“Wh-what happened? What time is it?” Harriet asked.
Hermione swallowed, tears welling in her eyes, not wanting to tell Harriet that Dumbledore had ordered the house-elves to keep at it while Harriet been oblivious and delirious.
“It... it’s ab-b-bout six o’clock S-S-Sunday m-morning,” she stammered. “Dumbledore told Th-the house-elves they could k-k-keep on going - that they could all have a second turn at you. They kept at it for hours after you passed out - they only just finished really - almost an hour ago.”
“What? Are you bloody serious? I thought I passed out sometime in the afternoon!”
“No. It was after midnight. You were completely out of it by yesterday afternoon. You lost count and all track of time.”
“Crap!” Harriet moaned. “No wonder I feel so bloody sore inside, erm... everything. And I can’t even move - it feels like my belly has about a ton of sperm inside....”
“I’m guessing probably somewhere in the vicinity of ten gallons,” Hermione muttered. “It looks about as big as mine did on Friday.”
There was a pause, then Harriet spoke again.
“Hermione? Erm... d-do you think I might be... erm, pregnant? It’s just... er, my boobs - they had milk in them. I could feel it when the house-elves were sucking my nipples - which are just as bloody sore as all of my... you know!”
“No!” said Hermione, sighing. “The same thing happened to my breasts. I think it was some sort of magic - house-elf magic. And the more I think about, I’m fairly certain that Dumbledore cast a permanent or semi-permanent spell on us to prevent pregnancy.”
Harriet breathed a huge sigh of relief. There was another pause. Harriet appeared to be thinking about something.
“It was Snape!” said Harriet, anger in her voice.“I just know it!”
“This is all because of Snape! I know it is! ... He’s angry about what happened to him on Friday and he’s taking it out on me. I bet he asked Dumbledore to do this to me!”
“You really think so?” said Hermione dubiously.
“Yeah, I do! I’m a hundred percent positive! ... As rotten as Dumbledore is, I don’t think even he would have made me be raped by house-elves for twenty four hours straight.”
Hermione thought about it, and had to concede that excessiveness was a hallmark of Professor Kettleburn and Professor Snape - and Snape was the most likely candidate given the circumstances.
“I think you’re probably right, Harriet,” she sighed. “And I wouldn’t be surprised if Dumbledore has much more planned for you to placate Snape...”
AN: Been watching way too much Hentai and Hentai video-games lately. Lol! ... :D
Recommended, YT captures of Project X Love Potion Disaster gameplay on Tails exe Youtube channel.
AN 2: Just thought I should mention that this chapter is requiring much more editing after posting than usual (probably due to sleep deprivation). If you're reading this chapter for the first time in the 24 hour period after posting, it is gradually improving every few hours or so as I keep reading through it and catching things with a fine-tooth comb, editing typos, cleaning up clunky sentences, and adding snippets of narrative for clarity
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