The Headmaster's Wife | By : Mrs_HH Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Snape/Hermione Views: 96914 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 23 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Author's Notes:
I've had to make a few things up...kind of! Thaumaturgical and thaumic levels are one and the same and are not entirely made up but how they are used is. It's a one to ten scale for those who are interested.
This chapter is set on the Friday mainly in the afternoon before Severus goes to the Ministry to discuss the Ron situation with Pius, Lucius, Draco and Harry and in the evening after he returns.
Some non verbal communication in "italics"
Hermione stirred in the early hours as Severus shifted his body underneath her slightly. She knew she'd not been asleep long as they'd gone to bed late. But as she looked up at him she realised he'd not been to sleep at all.
"Having trouble sleeping?" she asked.
"Yes. Today's been least emotionally," he said distractedly.
"You're telling me," Hermione said quietly.
They both lay there remembering the events of the day as Severus twisted her hair around his fingers and Hermione stroked his chest. They both knew they needed to get more or even to sleep but knew it wouldn't come easily.
Earlier that day
Hermione loved the way Severus threw open doors. It used to scare the hell out of her but for a few years now she felt quite aroused by it. He walked over to his desk and summoned a chair for Hermione next to his. He squeezed her hand gently before speaking to Dumbledore.
"Albus we've just returned from the courtyard outside Gryffindor Tower and..."
"I am aware Severus. We portraits do talk you know," Dumbledore said cheekily
"Pardon me for breathing," Severus drawled. "Shall I carry on or are you already aware of my next utterance?"
"A strange occurrence happened when Hermione touched the stone?" Albus ventured.
Severus sighed. "You seem determined to steal my thunder!" Severus said snarkily. Dumbledore just smirked. "Well your theory seems to hold true in some respects," Severus conceded.
"And I proved it by nearly burning my hand off but who cares as long as your theories are proved right," Hermione snapped "Now would either of you like to tell me what the hell is going on?"
"Is your hand alright?" Severus asked her urgently.
"It's a bit sore but not too bad," she said as Severus leaned over to examine her hand.
The next thing she knew Severus had summoned a jar of burn paste with a simple flick of his wrist. Hermione smirked as she remembered his infamous "no foolish wand waving" speech. He only seemed to use his wand to try and hex someone. The only other person she'd ever seen use such discrete displays of magic was Dumbledore himself. She reached for the jar but Severus insisted he apply it whilst Dumbledore continued talking to her. She only knew he'd finished when he planted a gently kiss on her palm.
"The answer is as always complicated Hermione," Dumbledore said. "Could you summon the third book along on the fourth bookshelf of the second bookcase on the right please?" Hermione went to pull out her wand but Dumbledore said nonchalantly "Try it wandlessly and non verbally"
"I...I can't. I've never done non verbal wandless magic before," she stuttered.
"Do so now," Albus said smiling.
Hermione held out her hand, thought of the book, summoned it and it flew into her hand.
"Excellent," Dumbledore brought his hands together joyfully.
She looked at Severus who just smirked and said "Who's a clever girl then?"
"I've never done anything like that before," Hermione said elated before an air of concern hit. "But wandless non verbal spells aren't something you should be able to do unless you're more practiced or unusually gifted," Hermione stated. "Your thaumaturgical level normally needs to be 7 or greater to do this at my age and I've only read of one person who achieved that level... Tom Riddle"
"What makes you think you're not unusually gifted sweetheart?" Severus asked her gently.
"Well I'm not...I'm just me," Hermione said shrugging.
Severus just shook his head and putting his arm around her pulled her towards him so he could kiss the top of her head. "You're annoyingly modest for a know-it-all,” and then whispered, “must be one of the many reasons why I love you"
Hermione blushed and Dumbledore asked quietly, "Do you know what my level was at your age and in my prime? In my prime I was magnificent..."
"Hermione whenever he mentions his prime change the subject immediately. He will tell you sordid tales about a wizard he once knew. Said wizard being himself!" Severus shuddered as he thought what tale could have been regaled.
Hermione looked embarrassed and then said cheekily, "Well I suppose it was 9 and then 10"
"I'm thrilled to see Severus is rubbing off on you...quite literally I hope my dear," Albus said giggling. "No my level was 7 at school and 9 in my prime. But ever since you've known me old age was taking its toll and so it was not as impressive but I learnt a few tricks to maintain the illusion of power. By the time Severus did me a great service I was a 6"
Severus shifted awkwardly in his chair "Do you have to mention that?" he asked uncomfortably.
"Severus my dear boy. Your guilt is neither required nor desired," Dumbledore said firmly. "Severus, although this will be the first he knows of it, was a 7 at your age. Thaumic testing is not common practice for pupils but we tested Severus when his aptitude for the Dark Arts came to the fore and once again when he took the mark. Minerva administered the test. It is most unobtrusive"
"Obviously," Severus snarked, shocked to discover that they had tested him without his knowledge.
"But Professor you were considered one of the most powerful wizards in history," Hermione said to Dumbledore.
"As were Merlin, Grindlewald and Voldemort. As were the Founders. I envisage both Severus and yourself joining our illustrious ranks. Harry will be known as a great wizard but he'll never be as powerful as you," Dumbledore said frankly
"No that's not possible," Hermione protested.
"Why?" Severus exclaimed. "You're the brightest witch of your age and that doesn't just mean your physical age."
"Being powerful doesn't change you as a person. Your personality will always remain true," Dumbledore said. "It doesn't make you invincible. Your parlour tricks are just more impressive. Magic is a gift to be used responsibly"
Hermione felt guilty as she suddenly looked at Severus and thought something she hated herself for. Dumbledore noticed and said "Ah but Hermione as you well know we are all weak and if our weakness is great enough we can be seduced. Severus was seduced by an ideal when he was vulnerable but that is not his true heart and you know it. We failed Severus and that regret I still hold in my heart"
Severus took her hand and kissed it. He sensed her unease at her thoughts but he understood why she had them.
"You have always been powerful Hermione but it is my belief that your power was being suppressed and this bond has begun to release your full potential. You should be tested Hermione" Dumbledore said.
"I don't know," Hermione said shaking her head.
"I will undergo testing again if it makes you feel more comfortable," Severus said quietly. "But I believe Albus' assumption to be correct."
"My dear, surely you haven't forgotten that in order to protect Severus in recent days you have created a force powerful enough to throw people across a room?" Dumbledore said.
Hermione suddenly looked scared and confused and looked pleadingly into Severus' eyes. She nodded her assent. It seemed the most responsible thing to do.
"It'll be fine," Severus said reassuringly.
Then suddenly Hermione blurted out. "If we're both that powerful what effect will it have on our children?
"Nothing darling,” Severus said trying to keep her calm 'fuck she's worried about our children...she wants more than one? She's going to have the most beautiful baby bump...oh for fuck's sake Severus stop thinking like that! But yes she will!'
"My dear all it would mean is your children will have you as parents and as such they'll be quite capable of causing all sorts of mayhem. But as I expect you'll still be teaching here and Severus will still be Headmaster, I'd say that'll be well and truly your problem!" Dumbledore said knowingly. Severus just glared at him whist Hermione just smiled and felt herself blushing.
Severus summoned Missy to fetch Minerva. Twenty seconds later and Minerva came out of the fire place. "What is so important Severus that you have to send a house elf to disturb my afternoon nap?"
"Oh nothing really...I just thought I'd do it for a laugh," Severus said sardonically.
Dumbledore then spoke up. "Minerva, dear, can you test Hermione and Severus' Thaumic levels?"
"Sorry?" Minerva responded shocked at the request. "Why on earth...? There better be a good reason. Oh and by the way Severus, remarkable progress on the Gryffindor Tower this afternoon. We may get there yet!"
Severus looked at Dumbledore, who disconcertingly winked at him and jerked his head towards Hermione.
"That is indeed encouraging news," Severus said looking at Hermione, who now looked as pale as a ghost.
Minerva completed the spell before either Hermione or Severus knew she'd cast it and said simply, "You are level 7 my dear. Severus you are level 8"
"No," Hermione screamed as a sense of panic hit her. She couldn't breathe and she had to get air. She stood up and ran for the door.
"'Mione...," Severus shouted after her but that was all he could say before Hermione was gone.
As he prepared to run after her Dumbledore asked, "would now be a bad time to mention elemental influences?"
"Oh fuck off," Severus spat as he went after her.
He saw her disappear towards the entrance hall. By the time he got there she was out of the castle. He knew where she'd go and ran after her.
He knocked on the door and as it opened he looked up at Hagrid who was protectively restricting access into his newly built hut. "Ah 'eadmaster. 'Mione's a bit upset"
"Yes I know," Severus snapped slightly out of breath. 'I should have bloody flown' he thought
"But as yer not the cause you can come in," Hagrid said cheerfully.
"You're far too kind," Severus said sarcastically.
Hermione was curled up in Hagrid's armchair crying. Without saying a word Severus scooped her into his arms and sitting down pulled her in close. He gently rocked her as he kissed and stroked her hair trying to calm her.
Hagrid looked on awkwardly as one of favourite pupils and someone who he considered a friend lay in the arms of the Headmaster.
As her sobbing subsided she sat up and said quietly, "Eight years ago I got a letter saying I was a witch. Before that I was a freak. I was confused, I had no friends in the muggle world apart from two and I only see one of them these days and I came here desperate to fit in. And I never really did. I was the brainy one. No one wanted me for me apart from Harry, Ginny and Ron and look what he's done to me. Now I'm being told I'm powerful and could be one of the greats. I can't be. I'm muggleborn. I'm..."
"Stop that now," both Severus and Hagrid boomed at her.
Severus tried to contain his annoyance with her. "For your information the majority of powerful witches and wizards are half-blood. Slytherin was pureblood and all this rubbish stems from him. How do you think I felt growing up being a half blood in a pureblood house?" he snarled at her. But then in a more gentle tone he cupped her cheek in his hand he said "I do understand how you feel but listen to me. Just because you're muggleborn doesn't mean you can't be gifted and I'm amazed that after everything you've achieved you feel like that"
"But it's just so much to take in," Hermione said wiping away her tears. "I woke up this morning and I was just me and now..." she said quietly.
"Yer a clever girl 'ermione. You'll get yer 'ead around this" Hagrid said cheerfully.
Severus tilted his head and looked at her "I know it's a lot to take in. But you're still the same person...still the same person who woke up this morning. Although you're not as irritable as you were this morning. Look I don't consider myself powerful. Skilled yes but that's just me. And you're just you. But then I've had 38 years being aware of magic"
"When did you first exhibit?" Hermione asked quietly. She was always nervous asking him about his childhood. She knew he'd been unhappy and that clouded his memories but she was determined to make him remember the good times as well.
"I was two," Severus said looking slightly embarrassed. "You can ask Grandmother about it tomorrow"
"Grandmother?" she asked slightly shocked.
Severus chuckled. "Well her portrait...but I can tell you she wasn't best pleased!"
"Mum said I was about 2 as well. I threw my my spaghetti hoops across the kitchen into the dining room...through the wall. Well I didn't like them," she said blushing.
"I believe I did something similar but with grandmother's cat," Severus said trying not to laugh as Hermione opened her mouth in shock. "I think it is safe to say both occurrences showed a fair amount of power"
"I'm scared Sev," Hermione said quietly.
Severus pulled her in close to his chest again but it was Hagrid that spoke to , "'Mione don't be afraid. You're still you. We all loves yer and we won't let you get outta hand"
Hermione giggled. Hagrid always had a way of making the world seem normal. She relaxed in Severus' arms as Hagrid said "You'll be staying for a brew?" Severus nodded.
"Oh good. I made some cakes earlier" Hagrid said. Severus suddenly said something about feeling far too delicate still to eat anything.
But Hermione said "Oh I've given up cake because Ginny's on a diet and I'm showing her solidarity by not eating cake this week". Severus turned to look at her very slowly, raised an eyebrow and thought to her, "Of all the bullshit you could have come up with that was the best was it?" Hermione just blushed.
Leaving Hagrid's hut, they walked back up the castle talking and holding hands unaware they were being watched. Minerva was looking out of the window beaming as she saw the couple
"They are returning I see" Dumbledore said.
"How did you know?" Minerva asked.
"Because woman you're practically dancing a jig. Now when are you going to admit I was right about those two?" Dumbledore teased.
"When they get married," Minerva said absent mindedly.
"So not long then," Albus stated.
This caused Minerva to turn round. "They've only just got together Albus. Let them enjoy themselves before they rush into marriage. And besides she's still so young"
Dumbledore looked impassive. "She is old enough and besides we need their engagement to trigger the prophecy. It is imperative..."
Professor McGonagall rose to her full height and looked at the portrait coldly. Her dulcet scottish tone became ascerbic. "You have interfered in that poor boy's life enough. You will not manipulate them into getting engaged. I sense myself it won't be too long but I also know Severus has no intention of messing this up. Do not apply pressure where it is not needed"
"No Albus. Severus may not look it but he's still damaged and she has only just begun to heal him. For all his strength he is fragile. Honestly there is no question of how they feel about each other. Yes I'm uncomfortable about Hermione's age but she has demonstrated she can handle Severus with all his complexities. If you'd seen them the other morning there is no doubt they'll find their own way. And probably a lot quicker than if you stick your oar in"
"You really are a stubborn old bag aren't you?" Dumbledore said his eyes glinting.
"It takes one to know one Albus," she said disarmingly.
As Severus and Hermione walked into the entrance hall he said "Do you want to continue the discussion now or shall we leave it until Monday?"
Hermione sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist. He pushed his fingers through her hair and held her head into his chest as he stroked lightly up and down her back. They stayed like this for a moment as Hermione drank in his comfort and protection.
"Let's go," she said and strode off towards his office. Severus stood and observed her for a moment. "You're amazing. You know that don't you?" he thought to her.
"You must be rubbing off on me then," she said giggling as she turned around and gave him a cheeky smile.
He felt the growl start in his chest and he quickly caught up with her, grabbed her wrist and in one fluid movement had her pinned up against the wall. His lips crashed against hers as he undid her jeans and slid his hand into her knickers. Quickly finding her clit he began to tease it letting her moans wash over him. By now Hermione's hands were through his hair and she was gasping for air. The knowledge they were in an open corridor, not even an alcove, was soaking her knickers. As Severus felt how slick she was he nearly lost all control. The thought of fucking her up against the wall was becoming too much to bear. But he managed to steer his thoughts back to his current objective of making her cum all over his hand.
He quickly cast Muffliato but didn't bother to conceal them further. There were no pupils in school, very few teachers were around and he needed this. He needed this spontaneity because frankly he couldn't remember how it felt. He knew in future they would have to behave with much more decorum but that could wait for another day!
He always loved how she trembled during and after an orgasm and her stupid little comments, as she tried to regain her composure, always made him laugh. This time she said, "Your hair's a mess Sev...what have you been doing?"
"Trying my damnedest not to fuck you," he replied as their foreheads pressed together.
"Not long now," she purred in his ear.
"You have no idea how much I want you," he murmured softly.
She reached down and ran her hand along his trapped erection. "I think I do," she whispered as she gave him a quick peck on the lips. They cleaned themselves up and carried on to his office to hear the next part of Dumbledore's theory.
"You must understand this theory has been pulled together by many of your illustrious predecessors Severus", Dumbledore stated. "Unsurprisingly the founders have been 'unavailable' when we've tried to hold discussions. In fact Salazar has gone completely, Godric just winks, Rowena smiles and Helga...well who knows what goes through her head but anyway they seem determined that we should play detective rather than be helpful. Have you heard from the entity recently?"
"No but we stayed with Lucius last night and the night before we slept in my room," Hermione said.
"And where pray tell are you sleeping tonight Severus?" Minerva said snarkily.
"Are you making me an offer Minerva?" Severus said cheekily and giggled as her scottish bluster came into full effect.
"As amusing as Minerva's face is at the moment my dears we have important matters to discuss," Dumbledore interrupted. "Hermione, my dear, tell me of your first magical experience"
"I was just telling Severus and Hagrid about it actually," she said giggling slightly ."I threw spaghetti hoops at the wall but they went through it. I was about two I think but obviously I can't check with my parents," she said regretfully. Severus squeezed her thigh reassuringly. She put her hand on his entwining their fingers.
"Ah the same age as Severus but he threw his poor grandmother's cat through two walls and into a pond...poor animal. It was only trying to lick his hand," Dumbledore said giggling.
"Remind me not to lick your hand," Hermione said cheekily.
Dumbledore gave a lascivious grin "I'm sure he doesn't mind you li..."
"That's enough you old bastard...get on with it," Severus snapped.
Dumbledore knew he was overstepping the mark. "Quite simply Hermione you came onto our...what's the muggle phrase now? Something to do with flying machines?..."
"Radar?" Hermione offered.
"Yes that," Dumbledore said pondering the word. "Yes you came onto our radar from a very young age as did Severus but of course we received regular updates from Lady Prince via spies. But you'll remember Mrs Nelson who lived three doors down from you?"
"Of course I do. She used to talk to me and Mum quite a lot," Hermione said remembering the strange old lady who used to give her comforting smiles when Hermione felt alone in the world.
Dumbledore continued "She was a squib. Much like Harry had Mrs Figg, who incidentally was the breeder your Crookshanks came from. Such a small world we live in don't you think? I was of course sorry to hear of his passing. We spoke often. But again I digress..."
"No shit really," Severus muttered. Hermione just giggled at his snarkiness.
"Hermione we were aware of your power but you must realise your thaumic level doesn't affect your personality. Tom was psychopathic...I saw that when I visited him at the orphanage. But Minerva reminded me of another level 7...Molly Prewett. Incredibly talented witch, a beautifully generous and kind human being who went on to breed a quidditch team but you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her would you?"
"No," Hermione giggled as she remembered all the times they were yelled The Burrow. Her face dropped and her heart suddenly began to ache.
"What I'm trying to say my dear is your thaumatological level is an indicator of power rather than intent. If you have evil intent you can be a level 2 and reek havoc. If you have good intent and are powerful, your ability to do greater things simply comes more easily. But it does not affect what is inside you," Dumbledore said quietly.
Hermione was still distant as she was mourning the potential loss of another family in the Weasleys. She knew Ginny was there for her but Ron made sure it could never be the same again. She had Severus now but the thought that she'd lost her second family upset her greatly.
"Now what do you know of elemental magic Hermione?" Albus asked breaking Hermione from her thoughts.
"Well not much. It forms the basic magical field which witches and wizards are naturally attuned to and there are the four elements Earth, Fire, Water and Air. I've read about pure elemental witches and wizards but they are more than likely extinct and that some witches and wizards have a greater alignment to a particular element and where there are strong elemental fields places like Hogwarts exist," Hermione said providing an almost textbook answer.
"We've taught this girl well haven't we?" Dumbledore beamed at Professors' McGonagall and Snape.
"She is a credit more to herself than to our syllabuses and teaching," Severus said authoritatively as he stole a sideways glance at her.
"Well now Hermione," Dumbledore continued, "One of the things you mentioned was that some witches and wizards have a natural proclivity towards a certain element. This is indeed true and if you are such a witch or wizard the higher your thaumic level the more in tune you are with your element. Now I am sure Severus has already set you a task to examine the nuances of elemental magic?"
Hermione nodded "Are you saying I'm aligned to an element?" she said looking at Severus for reassurance.
"Possibly. Albus suggested elemental magic may play a part in the Founders interest in you. But it really isn't my field of expertise," Severus said wishing he could be more help.
"Determining elemental alignment is complicated," Dumbledore said gently.
"Oh that's tremendous news. I thought we might have this solved in the next five minutes and then we can get on with our lives," Severus snapped.
"Sev you're not helping," Hermione said almost whispering as she looked at the floor. Severus gave her a concerned look. This was affecting her more than she was letting on and he was frustrated at the whole situation.
"If I might make a suggestion," Minerva said placing her hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Albus if you know or even suspect Hermione's alignment please tell her. She and Severus can then investigate from there if necessary. But for the love of Circe stop playing games with these two"
Dumbledore said, "If I could I would. But what I have been able to ascertain is the alignments of the founders. Slytherin was Fire, Gryffindor was Earth, Ravenclaw was Water and Hufflepuff was Air...or airhead more like but there we are! Now interestingly having spoken to many former heads and heads of houses it would appear that all Heads of Houses have had to some extent an alignment similar to their founder's. But I must emphasise the phrase 'to some extent'. Manifestations range from personality traits to an aptitude for certain spells and disciplines"
"I suppose I can control Fiendfyre," Severus said quietly "Annoyingly this approach may make some sense." He had to admit grudgingly that this discovery could be vital in Hermione's research.
"You can control Fiendfyre?" Hermione and Minerva both said shocked.
"How else do you think we always have a stock of Ashwinder eggs?" Severus said nonchalantly.
"Dear Merlin if I'd known you could do that I wouldn't have duelled you with fire," Minerva said going pale.
"You have to voice the incantation Minerva. So if I didn't say it or think it you were perfectly safe. You see that is how we cast spells...," Severus said with an earnest almost innocent expression which earned him an icy glare and a "really Severus you are too much sometimes"
"Well you'll be someone worth knowing then when I take over Potions," Hermione said feeling a little lighter of spirit.
"I will charge you know but I'm sure we can come to some arrangement," he said cheekily and Hermione could tell by the way he looked at her she knew what that would involve!
"There we are," Albus said, "your first piece of evidence. Therefore Hermione as well as the research Severus has asked for, speak to the Sorting Hat. There may be some interesting correlations. Take your own sorting as well as that of Severus, Minerva, Pomona and Filius as they should give you the truest outcomes. And then expand it to include myself, Tom Riddle, Harry I believe would be interesting, all the Black boys and girls and not forgetting Lily Evans. Then anyone else you think may be valuable to your research"
Severus threw Dumbledore a look as Hermione shifted uncomfortably in her seat at the mention of Lily. That Lily; the Lily who arrived at Hogwarts, had Severus' total devotion and she realised she felt a bit jealous. Something that was not lost on Minerva. But putting that to the back of her mind Hermione considered the founder alignments and bit her bottom lip nervously. "If Gryffindor was aligned to Earth then surely as a Gryffindor I will be attuned to that?" Hermione said letting her logic take over.
Severus considered this but said, "By that assumption so is Minerva especially as she is a head of house and yet she could not achieve what happened today and not for the want of trying".
Hermione's face fell again but then she brightened up and asked "Can you be aligned to more than one element?"
"It is rare but possible," Dumbledore stated.
Hermione felt confused and Severus said, "Why don't we just approach the entity directly rather than subject ourselves to this? We may find Hermione's alignment but that still doesn't answer the important question. What do they want with us?"
Dumbledore said "No dear boy...," but he was cut off by Professor McGonagall.
Minerva was becoming annoyed with Dumbledore and said "Severus let Hermione review the elemental characteristics and the sortings so she can discover, test and come to terms with her alignment. It will be easier for her and then you can go to the entity. It will be better this way"
Severus ran his hand through his hair in frustration. They just wanted answers but they seemed to be opening up a can of worms. If it wasn't so damned important they would just ignore all of this and get on with their lives. But today had escalated everything. It wasn't just an annoyance. Hermione was doubting who she was and it was tearing Severus up.
"I think we should call it a day," Severus said looking at Hermione. She looked drained and Severus suggested she had a lie down. At first she resisted but then after Minerva said she thought it was a good idea and Severus said he would be down in an hour, she agreed. She gave Severus a quick kiss and then headed to her rooms. Severus hoped she would be asleep by the time he got there.
An hour later Severus had thrown his frock coat down on Hermione's sofa and went into the bedroom. He could tell she'd been crying and was still awake. She was lying on her bed with her back to the door when she felt him lie down behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight without saying a word. She melted into him as he nuzzled her neck. Without saying a word, either verbally or in their minds, the only communication came from their soft sighs of contentment to be this close and this still with each other.
But as soon as Hermione had drifted off to sleep Severus went back to his office and floo called Minerva.
"Could you do me a favour? I need to go out. Can you keep an eye on Hermione please? She's asleep but this afternoon has really upset her. I just need to discuss the details of something I'm arranging for her. Obviously I don't want her getting wind of it. I won't be too long"
"I didn't know you were so romantic Severus?" Minerva teased.
"I'm not sure how romantic this is but she will appreciate it I hope," he stated.
"I'm sure she will," Minerva said smiling. "I will come down to her rooms in case she wakes up"
"Thank you. I really appreciate it. I'll speak to you later," Severus said smiling. Then his smile dropped as he picked up a handful of floo powder. He looked up at Dumbledore and said, "Not a word to anyone"
"Do what you have to do Severus," Dumbledore said. Severus nodded as he threw some floo powder into the fire and said "Ministry of Magic".
Severus returned to his office after dinner to finish off some urgent correspondence before taking the whole weekend off and putting Minerva in charge. He was tired but he had too much to do and too much to think about. Hermione was obviously upset and on top of all the unanswered questions the importance of tomorrow could not be put into words. They were going to make love for the first time. If she still wanted to that was.
Severus wasn't going to get hung up on the romanticised notion of taking a woman's virginity. But that didn't mean he wasn't sensitive to the responsibility he felt. He wanted it to be perfect for her but comforted himself knowing that at least her first time wouldn't be some limp-wristed attempt that left her unsatisfied and underwhelmed. 'Talk about putting pressure on yourself Sev!' he thought to himself.
As he finally put his quill down he leaned back in his chair, he looked at the ceiling and considered what Hermione had said about only knowing she was a witch for 8 years. It couldn't be helped with muggleborns but then if Albus was having her watched why couldn't she have been told earlier? Was 10 or 11 too old to tell muggleborns? Surely he wasn't thinking what he thought he was thinking...preparatory school for muggleborns? As they exhibited they could be invited to attend and then as in Hermione's case they wouldn't feel ostracised or scared for nearly nine years. Introduce muggleborns to pure and halfbloods early enough they could break the divide. It was simple even if practically it would be impossible. It was too radical...a stupid idea! Except it wouldn't be if he got Hermione thinking about it!
Looking out the window he noticed the moon and had another stupid idea.
Hermione had decided to go to bed early. She was exhausted but as she lay in Severus' bed she realised she couldn't sleep until he was lying beside her. She got up and looking out of the window realised it was a full moon. The Black Lake looked beautiful as the moonlight reflected on it and then a sudden sadness fell upon her as she remembered Remus and Tonks and their little boy who'd been left behind...another orphan of war.
She heard Severus come into his chambers and opened the bedroom door to greet him.
"Do you want to go for a walk down to the lake?" she asked.
"A walk in the sickeningly romantic of you," he drawled as he walked into the bedroom.
"Oh forget I mentioned it then," Hermione snapped.
She suddenly stilled as she could sense him stood right behind her and then felt the rich caress of his voice as he whispered in her ear, "I was actually thinking the same thing"
Hermione couldn't quite contain the buzz of excitement she felt as they walked down to the lake together. Severus had to admit doing something so abidingly normal felt amazing. To be able to do this without the fear of being called away or having to fight off potential threats or having to try and stop Potter, Weasley and the Minx from killing themselves was freeing. And the fact he was able to do this with the Minx made every hardship he'd ever endured melt away. He didn't know how to tell her that she was his reason to keep breathing. He didn't know if he could ever tell what she meant to him. But then he reasoned he had at least 100 years to try and if she didn't know by then she obviously wasn't the insufferable know-it-all he accused her of being.
"I didn't know about this spot," Hermione said as they sat down on the blanket she took out from her bag.
"I don't know. You've been here eight years and you think you know all about this place don't you," Severus said teasingly.
"Oh I forgot you've been here longer than I've been alive," Hermione said teasing him but then instantly regretted she'd said it.
"Thanks for reminding me," he said snarkily.
"Oh shit! I'm sorry I didn't mean..."
Severus smirked as she became flustered. "Don't apologise. I guess you can't help falling in love with an old git"
"I haven't fallen in love with an old're not old," she said giggling.
"You're too kind...anyway...," he said suddenly producing a bottle of champagne and two glasses.
Hermione looked astonished. "And what warrants this?"
"I don't know. I just had a vomit inducing romantic idea that I might like to sit by the lake drinking champagne with my girlfriend in the moonlight," he said feigning disinterest.
"You've had a few of those ideas recently...are you well?" she giggled.
"Never felt better," he said as he leaned in to kiss her but she put her hand on his chest to stop him.
"Of course Professor Snape you know you're setting a terrible example consuming alcohol on school grounds?"
"You're drinking it too Miss Granger and if I may say you are engaging in some quite inappropriate behaviour with a Slytherin of all people. What would Professor McGonagall say if she found her Gryffindor Princess half naked with the Slytherin Prince?" Severus said gently pushing her hand away and leaning in further.
"But I'm not half naked..."
"Oh how remiss of me...let me rectify that," Severus grinned as he pressed his lips to hers.
Severus lay on his back looking up at the stars as he listened to Hermione's worries about what they had discussed with Dumbledore.
"I don't believe for one moment that I'm a powerful witch Severus," she said sitting up and pulling her legs into her as she rested her chin on her knees.
"Why?" Severus asked turning his head to look at her.
"Because I just can't," she said sighing deeply.
"Well if you don't believe it I do," he said sitting up and putting his arm around her.
"Yeah but you're powerful. You exude magic. I've always been aware of how powerful you are," Hermione said blushing.
Severus lay on his side and guided her to lie next to him.
"And you don't think I can feel your magic?" he asked her as he gently caressed her both with his fingers and his voice. "Because I can assure you I do," he said as his lips brushed against hers.
"You just have to believe in yourself more". He traced his fingers over her hip .
"You have a brilliant mind...that is a power in itself. And you have extraordinary magical ability. You always have. Embrace it...let it become your friend but never let it guide you. Don't make the same mistake I did. It nearly killed me..." He went to carry on but something suddenly disturbed his thoughts.
Hermione looked into Severus' eyes and saw the distant look on his face. "Sev what's wrong?"
He didn't respond but just continued to stare blankly at nothing.
"Sev?" Hermione said gently as she ran her fingers through his hair.
Time for stupid idea number three. "I need to go to the shack," Severus said quietly
"You what?" Hermione said her eyes wide open in surprise.
"You heard. I don't know why, I can't explain it. I just need to go. Come with me?" Severus asked.
He was completely confused by this sudden desire to go to the place where he nearly died; which held so many bad memories from his youth and which he vowed to never visit again except perhaps to throw a well aimed Incendio at it.
They approached the Whomping Willow and Hermione suddenly giggled.
"You know this is where I fell for you," she said wrapping her arm around his.
"I think that was because I ended up falling on top of you, if I remember rightly, and now I love being on top of you," he said cheekily as he deactivated the tree.
He took her hand as they walked through the connecting tunnel and Hermione felt the tension in Severus whole body increase. He hesitated when he reached the door...his hand stopping just short of the handle. Hermione wasn't sure what to say to him so said the one thing she was sure of "I love you Severus".
He turned round and smiled as his hand now found the handle and closing his eyes he opened the door.
The room was dark and Hermione was suddenly aware that Severus had his wand drawn. He stepped inside closely followed by Hermione and sighing deeply she wandlessly lit the torches.
"Did you just do that wandlessly?" Severus asked.
"I guess I did. I've always been good with fire...," she said, her voice trailing off as her eyes were drawn to the unmistakable area where she had held him, talked to him, started to heal him, begged him, kissed him and first told him she loved him.
Severus squeezed her hand.
"I am aware of your ability to start fires sweetheart," he teased and then noticed where her eyes were looking and he remembered. He remembered everything. It flooded back and crashed over him in slow motion. He sank to his knees as he fought for his next breath and putting his hands on the floor; his face, and soon to be cried tears were hidden by a curtain of raven black hair.
Hermione was not sure what to do. To see him so overcome was heartbreaking but she could not help him. All she could do was make sure he knew she was there and let him be with this thoughts. So she kissed his hair and just waited for him all the while wiping away her tears.
Severus couldn't explain what he was thinking. He had no idea why he had to come here or why now. It was as if with all that was going on he felt he had to lay a few demons to rest. He couldn't be all Hermione needed unless he offloaded some of his baggage. But no it was more than that. He suddenly realised what it was. He'd thought it briefly as they walked down to the lake but he knew now that he had to say it to her here. He just didn't expect this level of emotion.
Severus had been prepared to die for the cause...for the light that is and he had expected that May 2nd 1998 would end up on his tombstone, if anyone could be arsed to do something like that for him. But as the day drew on he felt he was on the verge of walking away from it very much alive. He knew or at least hoped his memories would prove his innocence and then he could escape somewhere...anywhere.
But he hadn't counted on Voldemort's paranoia regarding the wand and his misunderstanding of events. He wasn't some Death Eater being sacrificed for the eternal glory of Voldemort's cause. He was being murdered because Voldemort was a fucking idiot! This wasn't how he'd wanted to die. He wanted to go out in a blaze of...well if not glory just a good blaze. He didn't want to die a sad, lonely death. And yet that was what he had been consigned to. That was until his less than dignified passing was interrupted by the Golden Trio. Memories dispensed with, one last look into Lily's eyes and that was about it but then her...her beautiful, warm, sad brown eyes. Her voice, her touch, her comfort, her warmth, her healing, her love, her tears...his angel, his saviour, his love, his reason to breathe, his reason to live.
His mind was slipping and he could hear Nagini coiling ready to strike; he could hear Voldemort's robes; he could hear his voice; he could feel the pain searing in his neck. He wanted to scream but then he saw a glow and what looked like Hermione standing between him and the snake's poison forcing it away from him.
He suddenly sat back on his heels and with a customary flick of his head to clear the hair from his eyes, he held out his hand to Hermione. She stepped forward and he pulled her into him. They held each other in silence for a couple of minutes and whilst she stroked his hair, he seemed intent on holding her as tightly as possible. As his grip loosened Hermione knelt down. Theyfound themselves sharing the same burning look they'd experienced on the night she saved him and at his trial. Somehow they were telling each other everything would be alright.
"Thank you," were the first words he said continuing to meet her gaze as his tears now fell. That was what he had to say to her.
"What for?" Hermione croaked. The room was full of heightened emotion and she could feel his magic as he could feel hers.
"For giving me the chance to take another breath. For giving me a reason to keep breathing...for giving me a reason to live," he said softly and then he gently pulled her into a kiss.
Her tears poured from her and as she pulled away reluctantly she said, "I don't want or need your thanks Severus. I've got you...that's all I need"
"Well in that case...just kiss me," he said pulling her closer into him again and their lips met for a slow, lingering kiss which burnt through both of them. It was connective somehow and Hermione felt as if this was the most beautiful kiss they had ever shared. She tangled her fingers through his hair and said softly "Come on you look tired Sev. Let's get back"
"Good idea," Severus purred making Hermione feel slightly weak at the knees.
"Gods I can't wait for tomorrow," she said breathlessly as she melted into his arms.
Severus just raised an eyebrow and asked, "Oh what's happening tomorrow?"
"Oh shut up and take me to bed," Hermione said giggling softly.
"If you insist," he said smiling as his lips touched hers.
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