Shiloe | By : Sablesilverrain Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 47211 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Potterverse, or anything you recognize here. I make no money from this either, sadly. I'm terribly poor. -.- |
Shiloe groaned at the light being shone directly on his closed eyelids. “No. G’way.” He grumbled, turning over.
Neville giggled. “You HAVE to get up, Shi.” “Don’ need to.” Shiloe disagreed.Neville sighed fondly. “Yes, you do. We have History of Magic.” He said with a smile. “Binns is a shite teacher anyway.” Shiloe replied. “I can study on my own and get better O.W.L. results.” He gasped as another bond appeared. “Hm. Odd.” Shiloe commented, touching it. It was just like his other undiscovered anchor-bonds, clear and fragile, not leading to anything concrete—yet. “What’s odd?” Neville asked.“I just formed another anchor-bond. Someone just changed irrevocably and became compatible with my magical core. This usually never happens.” Shiloe mused, looking at the bond. “I suppose I should get up.” He said, shaking it off. Neville looked down at himself. “I need a shower.” He said. Shiloe chuckled. “Me too. Do you mind if I take one with Blaise? He probably needs it.” Neville nodded. “That’s fine. I’ll wait in the common room for you when I’m done.” “Thank you.” Shiloe said sincerely. “Go. If he needs you, he needs you. I… Um… I love you.” Neville said softly.Shiloe lifted Neville’s chin with a finger and smiled. “I love you, too, Nev.” He answered, brushing his lips over Neville’s. Neville watched Shiloe’s retreating back happily and went into Salazar’s bathroom to take a quick shower.*****Shiloe crept into Blaise’s room and the black teen sat bolt upright in bed, waking suddenly. “Oh. Hey.” Blaise said, yawning. Shiloe raised an eyebrow. “Hey, yourself. Having a lie-in, are we?” He asked.Blaise rolled his eyes. “I usually don’t wake up until fifteen minutes before class.” He answered. “Since I shower in the evenings.” He wrinkled his nose.Shiloe thought he looked adorable like that, but refrained from expressing the sentiment aloud. “You reek. Of stale sweat and dried spunk. Disgusting.” Blaise commented.Shiloe rolled his eyes. “I want to shower with you. I thought your wolf would like the added contact. And I had hoped you might, as well.” He added, the statement almost a question. Blaise perked up. Shiloe could almost see wolf ears atop Blaise’s head, turning toward him in eager expectation. “Sure.” Blaise said, affecting nonchalance. “Come on.” He led Shiloe into Godric’s bathroom.Shiloe turned on the shower as Blaise sneered at the toiletries provided, finally sighing and bringing over shampoo, conditioner and soap. “Godric hardly had anything worth using at all. I’m going to have to bring in some of my own products, I suppose.” He said, shrugging.Shiloe pulled Blaise under the spray and shoved him against the wall. Blaise looked at Shiloe, his breathing coming in quick bursts as the feral look in Shiloe’s eyes turned him on beyond belief.Shiloe used his body to pin Blaise tightly against the tile, pressing their slick chests together, feeling the wet slide of cock against cock. “Mm, I want you so bad.” He hissed, leaning down and sucking a love bite into existence on the top of Blaise’s shoulder, where it could be bared easily, but would normally be covered by the uniform. Blaise whined, letting go and feeling the wolf surge to the forefront. Shiloe felt the exchange and smiled in approval as Blaise tilted his head to the side. Shiloe buried his face in the crook of Blaise’s neck, inhaling the unique scent of the teen and licking a wet stripe up the side of his neck. “Mine.” He growled, thrusting his cock up against Blaise’s equally hard cock. Another low whine emerged from Blaise’s throat, and Shiloe began thrusting his cock against the Slytherin’s, his hips held tight in Shiloe’s firm grip. “Ohh, yeah. That feels great.” Shiloe breathed. Blaise whined in agreement, his head falling back in total trust as he howled, coming in thick spurts, feeling Shiloe’s release cover his cock before the water washed it away. Shiloe rested his head on Blaise’s shoulder to catch his breath. After a few moments, he began to laugh.“What?” Blaise asked, still breathing a little harder than usual. “You’re bloody hot, that’s what. If you weren’t already stuck with me, I’d have to lock you away to ensure that no one else touched you.” Shiloe answered.Blaise flushed. “I’m not all that hot.” He said.Shiloe raised his head with a finger and searched his eyes, hating the insecurities he saw there. It was little wonder Blaise wasn’t an alpha. “Listen to me,” He said firmly, “Your mother is a gorgeous witch, and you know that everyone says that, right?” Blaise shrugged. “Yeah, but what-”Shiloe held up a finger, and then continued in a soft voice, “You’ve inherited her beauty. No one could ever say that you haven’t. Well, at least not without lying.” He added. “My point is this: I don’t want to hear you say that you aren’t that attractive, because you’re hot enough that just seeing you makes me want to throw you onto the nearest flat surface—or maybe just the nearest surface, I’m not picky—and shag you into next year.” Shiloe finished.Blaise gulped and nodded, his eyes darkened with the lust Shiloe’s words had inspired. Shiloe smirked. “Good. Now, I have to get dressed. I have History of Magic first, and everyone would notice a late arrival.” Blaise chuckled. “I’m sorry.” He said.Shiloe groaned, and then shook his head furiously, water droplets flying everywhere. “There. Now I shouldn’t drip all over the place, at least.” Blaise sighed. “There ARE charms for that, you know.” Shiloe smiled. “Draco is out there in the common room, waiting for you. I want to go out there still a little damp. After all, he’s given Harry hell for years, so I think a bit of sexual tension will do him good.” Blaise shrugged and began washing his hair carefully.Shiloe strode out to the common room, buck naked and glistening with water droplets, and flashed Draco a cocky smile. Draco groaned, closing his eyes. “Merlin, don’t do that when I have somewhere to be!” He snapped. Neville, already dressed and waiting on the couch, laughed as Shiloe just smirked and walked into Helga’s room, the one Harry favored, to get dressed.*****Shiloe groaned, heading back to his rooms alone. Neville wanted to get started on his Divination homework during their free block. Shiloe didn’t see the point. Trelawney was a fraud, and Shiloe didn’t see any point in actually trying to do the work when she wouldn’t know a true prediction if it jumped down her throat. He got into the room, and Godric smiled. “Good. Now we can begin.” “Shiloe.” Shiloe turned toward Helga. Her voice was much more… Present than usual. “Yes?” “I am going to teach you about the latent abilities you may someday display. Not all Shiloe have these abilities, and it is unlikely that you will possess many. However, I think you will have at least a few, so I want you to be prepared. I can tell you of four, the ones that I know of.” Shiloe nodded. “Alright.” Helga inclined her head and led him to her lookout. “Some Shiloe,” She began on the way there, “Can call forth animals or other magical creatures to do their bidding for them, or for their assistance. IF a Shiloe possesses this ability, they usually will display some affinity with a certain animal. Or the whole animal’s general type, occasionally. Cats would include lion, tigers, cougars, cheetahs, and the like. Dogs would include African Wild Dogs, Dingoes, and Wolves. Horses means excepting the Unicorns. The same goes with plants. If you have the ability to greatly enhance a plant’s growth, you will find a certain affinity with specific types of plants.” Shiloe nodded. “Alright. Will I be able to talk to those animals if they are not a common one for Shiloe to speak to?” “Yes.” Helga answered. “Another thing you may be able to do is shadow-walking.” Shiloe frowned. Hm, something he didn’t know. How strange. “Come again?” “Shadow-walking is very like apparition, but it uses shadow, rather than dematerialization. You simply step into one shadow, and step out through another, wherever it may be. This can be used within Hogwarts. It was how I traveled. There are no wards against it, because most wizards do not know it exists.” She said.Shiloe whistled. “Impressive.” He said.Helga smiled at him. “It is. And very convenient, since I would sometimes get caught up in listening, and almost missed classes. That’s usually seen as bad form for a teacher.” Shiloe chuckled. “Yes, I imagine that’s true.” He could imagine the sweet, easily distractible witch almost forgetting that she was due to teach a class. “The final thing I am able to tell you of is that you, as well as Harry, will be able to change into multiple Animagus forms. You will both, however, have different forms, though some may overlap.” She finished.Shiloe snickered. “That’ll be useful.”“Indeed. Rowena will be training you in Animagus transformation when you have free time alone. She will start tomorrow, as she is currently in her library, gathering the books you will need.” Helga said with a smile. “Oh, brilliant!” Shiloe decided with a wide smile. “That’s going to be loads of fun!” “It will. Both Rowena and Salazar are very pleased that you equally represent their houses, by the way.” “I had a feeling that would be the case.” Shiloe chuckled.Helga sighed happily. “It’s a beautiful day.” Shiloe smirked, looking out over the grounds. “Yes. A perfect day to be spending time with a beautiful woman.” He said, laying his hand over Helga’s on the stone floor. Helga’s hand turned over and she linked her fingers with his. “Thank you.” She said. Shiloe looked at her out the corner of his eye and noticed that she was blushing faintly. He smiled in contentment and they spent some time watching the grounds in companionable silence, the family bond between them humming happily. *****Shiloe looked up at the knock on his door. “Come in.” He called, turning back to his book. Cedric came in. “I noticed you weren’t at lunch.” He said. Shiloe chuckled. “Did you also notice that I don’t need to eat FOOD?” He asked.“Yeah. So I came to see if you were hungry. I’m only offering blood for right now.” Cedric said.“Do you WANT me to drink from you? I don’t need to, at this time, so it’s your choice.” Shiloe told the Hufflepuff. Cedric blushed, shrugging. “I think I’d like it.” He said.Shiloe cocked his head. “The bite wound will have to heal over time. My saliva does not contain a healing agent. I’m not a vampire.” “I looked it up, so I know that. ONLY those creatures that NEED to bite have healing saliva. You have another option for Feeding, so you don’t need it.” Cedric recited.Shiloe nodded. “Good boy. You did your research.” Cedric chuckled. “Good boy? I’m older than YOU are!” He said in good humor.“Oh, are you? I hadn’t noticed.” Shiloe teased, turning back to his book. Cedric pulled the book from his hands, conjured a bookmark in it, and set it beside the chair. “I WANT you to bite me. I know you can make it pleasurable, and I think it would help me to become more comfortable with you.” He said with a smile.Shiloe gave him one single nod. “Very well. Where do you want the bite?” Cedric’s face flamed, and Shiloe’s mouth fell open. “You dirty boy, where were you thinking of?” “Well, I don’t usually go around exposing my inner thighs.” Cedric said.Shiloe chuckled. “Ah. Okay. Take your trousers off, then.” Cedric did so, and Shiloe’s eyes fixed on the front of his y-fronts. “Whoa.” He said in appreciation. “Not bad at all.” Cedric smiled bashfully, chuckling as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, my Mum says that’s why she married my Dad.” He explained.Shiloe stood. “Why don’t you sit on the couch? I can kneel at your feet.” He purred. Cedric blushed again as he sat down, spreading his legs. “I bet you’ll taste DELICIOUS.” Shiloe whispered, sliding his hands from Cedric’s ankles to his knees, parting his legs further. He rested his cheek on Cedric’s thigh, inhaling deeply. “You smell good.” He said, and then called his Feeding fangs. Cedric gasped as Shiloe’s fangs bit into his skin. Shiloe heard him moan as Shiloe began to suck, taking in the blood and growling in delight under his breath. Cedric tasted like cinnamon biscuits. Shiloe felt intense arousal radiating through the bond, and chuckled as he pulled away and licked the wounds clean of blood. “They may ooze for a little while, but you won’t die of blood loss, and the trousers are black, thank Merlin.” He said, looking up at Cedric.Cedric’s eyes were glazed, and he was panting. He grabbed Shiloe by the shoulders and threw him onto the couch, laying atop him and kissing him deeply. Shiloe pushed him away. “As much as I’d love to get shagged right now, I’m afraid class is starting in…” He grabbed Ducen and cast Tempus, ignoring the wand’s amusement at their position, “Ten minutes?! I have potions! Shite!” Two doors appeared. Shiloe opened one and snorted. “You’re going to the restricted section.” He told Cedric. Cedric left and Shiloe went through the other door to the dungeons, heading to the Potions classroom with his book. He gasped and nearly fell over as a bond flared blue again and connected. ‘Harry’s going to be really mad at all the male anchors he has.’ Shiloe thought, feeling intense irritation and strain, along with simmering anger. ‘Oh, Merlin.’ He thought in realization. ‘Snape.’ “Where were you during lunch?!” Hermione hissed, as Shiloe met up with the class. Shiloe curled his lip at her. “I had things to do.” He said tersely. “It’s not your concern.” Ron just smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “Good to see you, mate!”Shiloe glared at him, and Ron grinned.“It’s how I’d treat Harry.” He whispered. Shiloe sighed in disgust, feeling the redhead’s buoyant happiness still thrumming through him from the contact.
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