The Domino Effect | By : jameschick Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 28991 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Before you judge me take a look at you. Can't you find something better to do. Point the finger, slow to understand. Arrogance and Ignorance go hand in hand - Metallica
Ron was still slumped on the desk as Hermione paced the room and wrung her hands in distress. "We have to do something, Ron! If Harry turns dark..." She let the sentence trail off, not even wanting to consider the ramifications.
Ron was on his feet in an instant. "Hey! That's bloody unfair and you know it. You don't know for sure what Harry and Malfoy were talking about. For all we know, they could have been reading DADA books together."
Ron shook his head at Hermione's scowl. "I'm just saying, besides, I jumped to the wrong conclusion before with Harry and nearly lost my best friend because of it. I'm not making that mistake again. If you want to know what's going on, I suggest we ask him instead of thinking the worst. For once," he added quietly. Fourth year and the Tri-wiz Tournament was still fresh in his mind. He had let his jealousy get the better of him and doubted Harry's sincerity. He wouldn't make the mistake of jumping to conclusions again.
"Yeah. Right," Hermione huffed. "And how do you suppose we do that, walk up to him and say, 'Hey Harry, torture anyone lately?' I highly doubt that would go over well."
"S'better than just assuming he's guilty without asking, isn't it?"
Hermione hung her head. She wasn't often wrong, but in this case, she had to admit that she was. What was worse, was that Ron was right. Luckily for her the five minute warning bell rang and they had to hurry to make it to class on time. And she had Potions, with Harry. Maybe she would get some answers sooner than later.
Standing in the hall waiting for Snape, Draco noticed that several students were missing. Potter being one, and Goyle another. Both were accounted for though; it was Zabini's absence that had him wondering.
Had Harry scared the boy so badly that he was skiving off classes to avoid him? Draco chuckled quietly to himself. He had to admit, after watching Harry last night, he would have avoided him at all costs as well. Probably for less than what Zabini had been put through.
As Snape strode quickly toward them, Draco could see he was fit to be tied; obviously, whatever it was he had wanted with Harry had not gone his way. Several of the Gryffindors, upon seeing the irate man storming toward them, swallowed in wide-eyed fear. It made Draco smile; there was nothing more amusing than watching Snape take his frustrations out on Gryffindors. In his opinion, anyway.
Harry had made it to potions just under the allotted time given him by Snape and slid into his seat beside Hermione. Ron, the lucky sod, wasn't taking Potions anymore. Harry envied him his freedom. "Where were you?" Hermione whispered.
"Don't worry about it, 'Mione," Harry replied. "Snape just wanted to speak with me."
Hermione pursed her lips and huffed at Harry before turning back to her text. "I know you're up to something, Harry, and I will figure it out whether you tell me or not."
Harry shook his head and grinned to himself. He'd let her have her fun trying to figure him out, but if she got too close to the truth, he'd have to make her forget. He hoped he wouldn't have to use this new ability on his friends, but if they left him no choice, he would.
Just as Harry was opening his text book, a brown school owl flew in the window and landed on Professor Snape's desk.
"Potter, come here," Snape sneered as he read the note he'd retrieved from the owl.
Harry dumped his books and other things back into his bag and shouldered it before heading to the front of the room. "Yes, Professor?"
"Your presence is requested in the Headmaster's office. The password is wriggly-worms."
"Thank you, sir," Harry replied and then left the room. He had no idea what Dumbledore wanted, but he was glad to escape Potions. Although, seeing as he had one-on-one training with the git later that evening, it might have been better to let him take out his frustrations in the classroom - with witnesses - than alone in the dungeons and armed with a wand and a licence to use Unforgivables.
Albus Dumbledore had seen and heard many odd things in his time at Hogwarts, both as a professor and as its Headmaster, but the information he'd received this morning had to take the cake. The portrait of Boris the Brave, currently located on the third floor, just past the second staircase, had been waiting in the blank portrait in his bedroom first thing this morning to report a most unusual occurrence. It would seem that poor Boris had witnessed Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter in a heated kissing session just feet from where he was stationed.
But that wasn't the worst of it, no, he had also overheard their conversation, one which insinuated that Harry had tortured someone. And that Draco had been witness to it. That was the main reason for his calling Harry to his office. He alone knew how powerful Harry Potter really was, and if the boy was not reined in, kept under control, he could, and possibly would, be a bigger threat to wizard-kind than Voldemort could even dream of.
It was times like these that he wondered if he'd done the right thing by training Harry to his fullest potential.
Trudging through the halls on his way to see the Headmaster, Harry wondered what it was the old man wanted. He hadn't done anything as of late to get himself into trouble. Well, unless you counted terrorizing a fellow student, but seeing as Zabini wouldn't be telling anyone, he wasn't worried about that. He knew it wasn't anything to do with Voldemort as his scar hadn't burned, which only left his schooling or training.
"Wriggly-worms," Harry spoke to the gargoyle and waited as it moved aside to grant him entrance. He chuckled to himself over the password, it was just one of the Weasley twin's newest inventions; jelly worms that wriggled in your stomach for up to an hour after you'd eaten them.
At the top of the stairs, Harry knocked on the door and then opened it, stepping inside. "You wanted to see me, sir?"
"Ah, yes, Harry. Have a seat, my boy. Lemon drop?" the old wizard offered, indicating the dish of candy on his desk.
"No, thank you, Headmaster," Harry replied.
"I suppose you would like me to get to the point of this little visit?"
"Yes, sir, if you wouldn't mind. I'm missing Potions, after all," Harry answered.
Dumbledore steepled his fingers and leaned forward in his chair, the permanent twinkle in his eyes dimmer than Harry had ever seen it. "Have you ever wondered how it is that I seem to know everything that goes on in this school, Harry?"
"Magic, sir?" Harry answered with a twitch to his lips.
Dumbledore chuckled, "Well, you are partially right, lad. The castle itself has eyes and ears everywhere, and those eyes and ears report to me."
"The portraits," Harry spoke with understanding.
"As well as the ghosts, the house elves, and other animate things. Now, do you know why I have called you here today?" Harry's closed off expression spoke volumes and Dumbledore prompted him, "Is there something you wish to tell me, Harry?"
"I'd rather you just tell me why I'm here than take the chance of incriminating myself if you don't mind, sir," Harry replied with just a bit of malice.
"Very well, it concerns the recent development between yourself and young Mister Malfoy."
"Sir," Harry replied, "with all due respect, I fail to see where my personal relationships are any of your business."
"Ordinarily, Harry, I would agree with you. But in this case I must make an exception. I was hoping you might shed a bit of light on a recent conversation you and Draco shared, one having to do with torture?"
Dumbledore sat back in his chair and waited as Harry seemed to be gathering his thoughts. "I fear your informant must have misunderstood, sir. I tortured no one. And what Draco and I do in our spare time with one another is our business. I will not discuss the details of our intimate relationship with you."
"Very well, Harry. I had hoped you would be more forthcoming with me," Dumbledore sighed and shook his head slightly. "I know something has happened to you recently, Harry, something awful from what little I have managed to piece together. Why you felt it better to confide in Severus than myself I cannot understand, and I wish to, very much so. I do care for you greatly, dear boy."
"There is nothing you can do to help me with that, sir. It is over and done with, and I wish to leave it behind me. Snape was a necessary risk, he has ... skills that were needed. It was not I that had involved him in the first place."
"Yes, yes. I know that Draco was the one to call Severus to his quarters, that he had carried you there from outside and that you have been coming and going from the tower at all hours of the night. What I don't know is why. And in light of the situation, I dare say I have every right to know all the facts. What happened to you could happen again, to some other student. If there are safety measures that should be in effect and aren't, you owe it to the student body as a whole to tell me what happened."
"I -" Harry started and then crossed his arms over his chest. "You're a manipulative old coot! You know that?"
The twinkle was back in full effect. "I have been told that, once or twice," Dumbledore chuckled.
"Fine. But you will leave this alone. I will not give you names, you will not ask me for them. Understood?"
Dumbledore nodded his head in acceptance and Harry huffed in annoyance. "I was attacked on the way back from the last Quidditch match. Voldemort sent orders to a few of his wannabe Death Eaters. From what I understand now, it was supposed to be a test of Draco's loyalties. However, Draco went for a walk right after the game, and the others, in their stupidity, carried out the plan regardless. I was left unconscious in the Slytherin locker room. Draco found me and took me back to the school. He summoned Snape to deal with my injuries and we've been closer ever since. End of story."
The old wizard sighed and stroked a hand through his beard. "Harry, why didn't you defend yourself?"
"My attacker used a spell I hadn't heard of before. It bound me magically."
"Was this the first spell cast?"
Harry shook his head. "No. They used a Petrificus Totalus on me first."
"And you didn't reflect it or break it because..."
"You told me never to tip my hand, sir. That no matter the circumstances, I was to keep the truth of my real strength a secret until I faced Voldemort," Harry replied through clenched teeth.
"Yes, I did, didn't I? Harry, what did these students do to you?"
Harry looked up at Dumbledore, rage burning in his eyes. The old man drew in a quick, startled breath and sat up straighter in his chair. "I would really rather not speak of it."
Dumbledore nodded his head, unsure if he would be able to speak should he open his mouth. The look in Harry's eyes was not one of a righteous warrior for the side of light, but one of a vengeful wizard who had been hurt in unimaginable ways. It was like looking into the eyes of his worst nightmare come true. The sudden closeness between Harry and Draco Malfoy only added to the old man's fears. While Draco was not a Death Eater (yet, at any rate), the Malfoys were and always had been dark wizards. If Harry chose to go down that path, there would be no stopping him.
"If that's all, sir, I'd like to go back to class."
"Dismissed," Dumbledore managed to reply without his voice trembling.
As soon as the door closed behind Harry, Dumbledore put quill to parchment and wrote two quick notes for Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley to join him in his office after lunch. If anyone could drag Harry back from the darkness, it would be his oldest and dearest friends.
Instead of going back to class, Harry headed for the third floor. He needed to be somewhere he could let go, somewhere he could scream at the top of his lungs and no-one would hear him. He was angry. Beyond angry. Having Dumbledore question him had only brought up more hurt. If he had been allowed to leave school and join the Aurors when Voldemort had struck over the Christmas holidays he could have finished it. Voldemort would be dead, he wouldn't have been attacked by Zabini and the others, and he wouldn't be struggling with his own morality. But no, Dumbledore didn't think it was the right time, he didn't think Harry was ready yet.
He was wrong.
Because of Dumbledore, people had suffered. Harry included. He was tired of taking orders from him, he was ready, and the next time Tom Riddle so much as farted in public, Harry was going after him.
Draco hadn't expected Harry to come back to Potions, but when he didn't show up for Herbology he started to worry. It wasn't like Harry couldn't take care of himself; he could - well most of the time. If he was invincible, they wouldn't be where they were right now. He wondered if he and Harry would have gotten together eventually if he hadn't found him that day, if Harry had never been jumped and brutalized by his team-mates.
When Herbology was over, Draco made his way back to the castle with everyone else and headed into the Great Hall for lunch. Within moments, Harry arrived and took his seat.
As he ate, Draco watched his lover closely. There was something bothering Harry, he was picking at his food, ignoring the Weasel and actually growling at the Weaslette when she sat next to him and put her arm around him.
Not that he didn't think she deserved it. She was touching what was his, after all.
A large brown owl flew into the hall and dropped two parchments on the Gryffindor table, one in front of Granger and the other in front of Weasley. Draco continued to watch as they both opened the scrolls, looked to one another with raised eyebrows and then tucked the parchments away. He did not miss the looks they both shot at Harry.
Harry pushed his plate away and stood up. He wasn't hungry. He didn't know why he even bothered coming to lunch. He made brief eye contact with Draco and then left the Great Hall.
After turning the corner, Harry waited. He knew Draco would be right behind him. He was counting on it. It didn't even seem strange anymore that he would open up to Draco Malfoy over his friends. Ron and Hermione were great but they wouldn't be able to handle this. Ron would shout and want to beat the Slytherins senseless, and Hermione would want to psychoanalyse him. Draco listened to him. He let him talk and then made helpful suggestions. He had a brilliant mind when it came to revenge, and he fully supported Harry's right to it.
As Draco rounded the corner, Harry grabbed him and pulled him into his arms. He breathed in deeply and then relaxed.
"Harry, what did Dumbledore want with you?" Draco asked.
"He knows about us and he wanted to know how it happened. We have to be more careful, apparently the portraits are keeping him informed of everything. One of them mentioned our conversation last night."
Draco pulled back, his eyes wide and his mouth open, before he could speak, Harry placed a finger over his lips and shook his head. "He doesn't know, but he does think we have rather colourful sex now," Harry chuckled.
Draco grinned and raised and eyebrow. "Really, and how did he come to this conclusion?"
"I sort of led him there," Harry admitted, "but it was better than the alternative."
"That being the truth? I agree," Draco replied. "Harry, did you notice that Granger and Weasley both received notes at lunch?" Harry shook his head. "Well they did, and I'm assuming it has something to do with you."
"Yeah, you're probably right. I had to tell Dumbledore about the attack - I didn't name names or say what was done to me - but he already knew something had happened. I just filled in a couple blanks." Harry rolled his eyes, "The man is far too nosy. If I'm right, he's going to drill Ron and Hermione for information - information they don't even have - and he'll probably let slip what I told him."
"Let slip?" Draco asked sarcastically.
"Did I mention that he's manipulative as well as nosy?" Harry replied. "I had hoped I wouldn't have to use that mind invasion spell on my friends, Draco, but that's looking less and less likely. Damn," Harry huffed.
"Don't worry about it. If it has to be done, then it has to be done. They have no right to invade your privacy in the first place. Dumbledore especially."
Harry gave Draco a quick kiss. "Thanks, you always know what to say to make me feel better."
Draco smiled. "I'm glad."
"Come on," Harry said as he pulled Draco down the hall, "History of Magic is next. If we get there first, we can get the back seats and get a nap in."
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