Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
here is the next chapter for you.
Remember Neville is a male super sub, therefore nobody insisted on mating him. Hermione mates felt the need to mate with her to claim her as theirs. Severus is still too confused about his feelings for Neville, so he didn't mate with him on this moon! It will be explained a bit more in the following chapters. I hope you are not too confused. Many things will only becoming clear later in the story. The reason why Hermione isn't “one” with her wolf for example is a main plot of the story and you need to be patient to find out more.
Thanks for all your reviews and rates! They keep me very motivated. Please don't stop!
Characters: Hermione, Yorik, Severus, Ages, Toric...
Sexual interactions: Yorik(wolf)/Hermione; Ages(wolf)/Hermione
Warnings: wolf mating
Chapter 15 – Heat
Fenrir whined nervously. I don't understand that. You should feel her. She should help you make the decision.
I know who I want next but I fear the head alpha will be angry. Hermione jumped when she saw a big gray paw close to her head. She had forgotten that everyone could hear her and not just the one she had spoken to. It was all still so very confusing.
Your human mind is interacting. If you feel it should be Yorik now to mate with you, then you should trust that feeling. At least your feelings seem to be affected by your wolf side. I don't care what position I have in that mating circle, pup. I'm an old and busy wolf. I will be happy to mate with you as often as possible but I fear you will be forced to rely on your other mates more often. Your wolf knows that. Give Yorik a sign, Ages mind-talked with Hermione.
Hermione groaned and it came out more like a weak growl. He will hump me bloody.
An offended growl came from behind her.
What? It's true. Don't expect me to just lie here and accept that you all use me like a rubber pussy. Severus and Fenrir have much more control over themselves in their human form than you and that won't be any different in your wolf form. You like it rough, but believe me I already feel as if the other two have rubbed my walls thin. If someone had told me about how I would feel this night, I would have thought twice before choosing so many mates.
As if you would have had a choice in that, Severus snorted.
I’ll show you, Yorik said as he jumped on her.
Oh, great, now I made him angry with me. Hermione, will you never learn? You...
She couldn’t think anymore because a thick member slowly pressed into her. She could hear Yorik panting in her mind.
I can do it! I can do it! Yorik was chanting and pressing slowly into her. He could feel his wolf howl in pleasure, but also in anger. He wanted to rip something for being slowed down like this. Yorik tried hard to relax his jaw over Hermione's neck for fear he would hurt her.
Oh, Merlin, Hermione moaned. Her wolf form was totally silent, but in her mind she moaned loudly.
Who has more will power now, pup? You underestimate me!
Hermione wriggled in pleasure during the entire act. Yorik was jumping higher and higher in her ranking. He could never really stand over Severus and Fenrir but she really had underestimated him. As a reward for his strength she kept totally still under him in submission and made small submissive noises in her throat.
Yorik was in heaven. None of the others had managed to make Hermione stay in her submissive pose and whimper like that the whole time. Taking the potion had really been worth it. Even when his knot swelled, Hermione remained motionless and let her beta decide everything; she was a perfect submissive. The way Yorik pranced around her afterward, his head high and a mocking expression on his wolf face directed toward his alpha and head beta, made Hermione roll her eyes and grin.
Ready for the last round, pup? Then you can finally rest. Ages’ calm voice made her feel good even though she knew what would come now. She hoped she would pass out.
Ages cleared his throat. I can hear all of your thoughts, not only those that are directed at me.
For the first time Hermione was happy that werewolves and humans were different because the wolf couldn't blush. I'm sorry!
It's okay… still; it's not really what I like to hear before I start a mating. At least I can guarantee you that I, as a head alpha, have full control over my body and mind without taking that damned potion your other mates took. Miller will have his hands full tomorrow. Ages mounted Hermione. Try not to move, pup.
What do you mean Miller will have... Ow!
Relax or this won't work, pup.
It's too big. It won't fit!
I have heard those words from you before and what happened, pup?
Ow! Ow! Ow!
It fit in the end, but... ow. There was no more mind talk, just a steady moving in of his long, thick cock. When the biggest part was in, Hermione couldn't breathe again. Before she was unable to speak again, she quickly said, Please don't do what Severus did. Please?
I won't, but I can't make this pleasurable for you. I'm too big for that and you are too young and tight. I will try to make it as less painful and as quick as possible. With that he started to pull out and push in slowly.
Hermione had the feeling her walls were dry and she couldn't stop the whimpers of discomfort, and soon pain, as well. She felt tongues all over her face. It seemed her mates were accepting each other’s presence for once and licked her in unison. That lessened Hermione's pain a bit, but not much. Please, head alpha, it burns so much.
I know. I can feel it. I will try my best. Try to clamp down over me to push me over the peak. I'm normally not used to coming so fast.
She tried to do what he wished of her, but that caused more pain.
Just hold it a bit more, pup.
Hermione knew in her human form she would be crying now, and she was happy her wolf wasn't able to do that. She clenched her teeth together and sobbed with relief when Ages came inside her. His come burned and she tried to wriggle away from him, but he held her in place for his knot to swell down. As a head alpha he was able to quicken that process.
All Hermione could feel was pain. She couldn't walk nor move. She felt Amaris, Neville and Morgan come over and soon she was surrounded from all sides with warm furry bodies. Only Ages left them to check on the rest of the pack.
Hermione wasn't able to fall asleep for a long time. She feared she was seriously damaged and that she would never be able to have sex without pain again.
Pup, stop that, Severus instructed her. You will be okay, I swear. Your natural lube had just given up because we were too many for your first mating in wolf form. I already have potions ready for you, and Miller will take care of you as soon as we are human again.
Why Miller and not you?
I will... I will need rest after tonight. Miller will be more awake and have more energy. Now sleep, pup.
Hermione woke up with screams all around her. She was carried away from the screams, but she was able to open her eyes fast enough to see her mates contract in pain on the forest ground of the clearing. It looked as if they were under the Cruciatus.
She panicked, fearing Death Eaters had come to get her. That Fenrir was a Death Eater as well wasn't penetrating her mind right now. She struggled against the strong arms that were carrying her. The pain that shot from her center through her body made her scream.
“Stop struggling, pup. You will only hurt yourself by doing it. I need to get some potions into you.”
It was Miller carrying her. Hermione didn't need to see his face to know it. “Fenrir?”
“He knew what would await him, as did the other two. They will be taken care of, but now we will look after you, pup. I'll bring you to the hospital room.”
In the hospital room Hermione was quickly examined and had to drink a few potions. One stopped her mind from worrying too much about Fenrir and the others, but Miller had again assured her that they would be okay in a few hours.
“I need to go out there and help, so I have to give someone else the task to bathe with you and then massage some oil into your center. You can choose between three men the head alpha has entrusted you with. Remember, they will bathe with you and then will need to touch you intimately. It shouldn't be too painful, but it also wouldn't hurt if you were able to relax enough to let the pleasure take over or even be intimate with them. That would cause your natural lube to be activated and as you are hurt; it will contain the painkilling and healing additions.”
Hermione glared at Miller. “That’s a typical thought for all you dominants, right? I tell you what; I don't think I will ever be able to feel pleasure down there ever again.”
Miller chuckled, not impressed by her glare. “Your mates will be surprised that you are still like this. We all thought you would behave like a good little sub by now, but look what we got! You are still the fire breathing dragon.”
Hermione's jaw dropped open. “I'm not!”
Now Miller laughed. “Of course you are. No sub would dare to look at a dominant like you do and no sub would dare to speak back to us as you do. You are totally different to what we know about subs and it is fascinating us.”
Hermione didn't like the look on Miller's face. The man was mated and never had made any moves toward her, but that smug look on his face...
“No worries, pup. I still won't jump on you, but I do find you really interesting. It's funny to see the most dominant wolves in the pack speechless or not knowing what to do when you get into one of your non-submissive moments.” He grinned and it made him look much younger. Or was he looking at all younger?
“You look different. Younger. More...” She wanted to say attractive, but held back.
“I hope you wanted to say boring because that is what you should see in me now, pup. It's the wolf who looks at us now even though your wolf seems to have a very free and human-like mind. You should see more clearly now that I'm mated and not very powerful. That should make me look very boring to you.” He raised his eyebrow when she didn't reply. “So I guess it wasn't 'boring' that you wanted to say?”
“No, but I understand what you want to tell me.” She smiled at him. “It's good to see that there are still people around that are satisfied with one mate and who don't think about sex all the time.”
Miller laughed again. “Who says I'm not thinking about sex all the time? Looking at you makes it very hard, but I love my Eileen and I would feel bad for having sex with another woman, even if it is a pup. Still, I'm not immune against your attractions. If you insisted on me mating with you, I wouldn't be able to fight... to resist you.”
Hermione lifted her hand. “Then I swear I will never try to jump on you. Give Eileen my regards. She can be happy to have you.”
Miller shook his head disbelievingly. “She will be happy to hear that, and I'm greatly relieved that you won't try to jump me.” He smiled playfully at her and for the first time here, she felt normal again.
“So who are my choices for the bath and the oil thing?”
“Neil, Calan and Toric.”
Hermione's face fell. “Why not Amaris or Morgan?”
“Because the head alpha says so, pup.”
“But Amaris is a woman. It would be easier—”
“Do you want me to fetch the head alpha so you can discuss this with him?” Miller asked challengingly, earning a glare again.
“Why those three?”
“Who knows why the head alpha chose them, but that’s what you get. Let your feelings decide.”
“My feelings say I should lie down and just sleep and stay away from any man or wolf as long as possible. Maybe the head alpha won't notice when Amaris goes with me. He is busy, isn't he?”
“You are aware that you just asked me to disobey my alpha, pup. I have to report that.”
Hermione looked at him with genuine surprise. “What? No, you don't have to report that! What about the professional discretion?”
“That doesn't count for subs. Sorry, pup.” He really looked sorry for needing to tell her about this particular rote of protocol as much as having to actually report it. “I need to inform your mates about anything you said or did that could be important. But you know what? I will just say you were affected by the potions. That's not a lie, and it will hold him back from punishing you for it.”
“Thanks,” Hermione said shyly. “What if I would have a personal problem? Will I never be able to keep something secret? Some things are not really easy to speak about, women things and such.”
“You could speak with Amaris, but she is a dominant and would hardly understand your problems. Then there is Tara, but I can't say how safe a secret is with her, but she could help you with all kinds of confusing feelings concerning being a sub. You should try to befriend her, even though you feel disgusted by her behavior. It’s natural for her, as she was born a super sub. Any more choices you wouldn't have without someone informing your mates. So I would suggest the head beta. He is a healer and Potions master, so he knows about women problems as well. If you are speaking of your cycles, you won't have them from now on. You know that, right?”
Hermione gulped. She had wondered about that when Ages had told her she wouldn't be able to have children for now.
“You won't get your cycles back for at least twenty years, and then only when you want to conceive a child, either in your human or your wolf form. Until you are around forty in human years, you will only have a bit of discharge during the full moon. You had better stop wearing those stupid pairs of underwear, at least on those days. Speak with Tara. She can tell you how to take care of that and some slight physical and mental problems that could go along with it.”
Hermione looked down at herself and rejected the urge to touch down there to see if she had any discharge.
“You will start to get discharge on the next full moon. This moon cycle was just for your wolf and human mind to blend.” He looked at Hermione thoughtfully. “You should speak with the head beta if you feel unwell or aren't sure about any of your body’s reactions. He is a fantastic healer and he can keep his duties as your mate and his duties as your healer apart. He has shown that several times already. This time you are in heat without having discharge.”
Heat, no she didn't want to speak about it. Hermione sighed. To change the subject she said. “Who should I choose? Who would you choose?”
“That's your decision. I think one is better than the other, but when the head alpha says they are all trustworthy, then they are.”
“So you think one isn't a good choice, right?”
“I don't know Neil much. Calan... well, Calan is Calan. I would like to choose Toric. What do you think?”
“I say you made a good choice.” He smiled at her and helped her down. “Come on, I will bring you to Toric.”
It was the first time she had explored the first floor deeper than just the big living room-like lounge that you needed to pass to leave the house. In that room there were always at least four warriors or hunters, and two more guarding the door from the outside. Fenrir had said this wasn't really necessary because nobody would attack them or even be able to come close to the house without being noticed by the scouts. Draco insisted there were enough enemies out there to warrant worrying about. Many rogue werewolves wanted to be part of Ages' clan, and they could get quite dangerous when they were denied membership. Now that the Ages clan had a pup, there would be even more enemies. The scouts had been alerted twice since Hermione had come here. Hermione didn’t know exactly where Draco got that kind of information from, and she knew that the warriors weren't meant to talk about things like that, but during sex their tongues were loose. Those were Draco's words, not hers.
Hermione was amused by the behavior of the dominants down on the first floor, and she was surprised that she wasn't afraid to be amongst them. She was only a bit embarrassed because she wasn't allowed to wear underwear, so she tried to pull her skirt a bit further down with not much success. The men looked like roosters trying to show their hens how good and big and strong they were. They pushed their chests out and stroked their hands through their hair, smiling at her, winking at her or even roughhousing to show off. Hermione laughed when she saw Miller roll his eyes. “They’re funny.”
Miller raised his eyebrow and looked at her. The entire length of the long hall was filled with warriors and hunters who wanted to have a look at the pup. “That's not the reaction they would want to get from you.”
“But that's what they get, Miller.”
Miller looked at her for a moment and shook his head disbelievingly. “You will be in so much trouble, pup. You will confuse them all.”
“They will survive,” she said dryly and looked around. Why did she feel so good here? Shouldn't she be afraid? Swimming in a pool of sharks? She looked around when Miller started to walk down the hall again, and her eyes fell on a black man with a bald head. He looked as if he was around twenty five, and his muscular and athletic arms were crossed over his chest. He wore simple blue track pants and his feet were bare.
“Wow,” Hermione said before she could stop herself.
“I would love to get you out of here without causing a big orgy because you are still in heat. So please refrain from encouraging them. Ages has given them clear commands, but I won't bet on their obedience if you encourage them.”
“Heat? You mean I'm like a—”
“Don't say it, pup.” Miller’s forefinger waved in front of her face. “You are in heat, and therefore not only have a special very attractive scent on you, but also feel more attracted to dominants. Do I need to remind you that you are still very sore?”
Hermione pulled a face and pressed her legs together. “No!”
“Thanks. Now let’s get you to Toric. Why does he have to have his room at the other end of the house and is not standing in the hall like the rest of them?”
“Because he was just changing his clothes, Miller. I thought the pup wouldn't want me to join her with sweat soaked clothes from my training sessions. I could smell her the moment you dragged her down the stairs and knew you were looking for me, as Calan has lounge duty,” Toric said while he approached them, still buttoning his shirt up.
“You want to wear clothes while bathing?” Hermione asked, disappointed.
Toric stared open-mouthed at her, and Miller rolled his eyes. “You know what, pup? I finally realize that you were really just expressing your boredom to me.” He looked at Yorik. “I fear she will make it very hard for you to follow the head alpha's instructions, but I think I don't need to remind you what would happen if you...”
“I know. I can control myself.”
“See, he is saying he is controlling himself. You, Miller, would have said you would be able to control me.”
“I, pup, will lay you over my knee if you don't stop talking like that,” he said in the same sing-song like voice she had spoken in a moment ago.
“You are mean,” Hermione pouted. Something told her she was behaving odd, but she felt good that way. Why worry about something that felt good?
Miller sighed. “Merlin let her first heat be over soon or the Ages clan will go down.”
“Ah, don't worry, Miller. Look at all the guys here. No way the clan can go down, right Toric?” Hermione smiled winningly at Toric.
“Right, pup; now let’s get you out of this testosterone filled floor to get your mind clear again.” He swept her up in his arms bridal style before she could protest.
“Hey,” she started to pout some more, but then his scent filled her nose. He hadn't had time for a shower and he smelled so... manly. She mewled and pressed herself against his chest and kissed his collarbone. “Hmm, you smell lovely, and you taste delicious.”
She heard the crowd around them cheer for Toric and some patted him on his back and shoulder as he passed them. When they passed the black guy, Hermione sat up in Toric's arm to look over his shoulder. “Who is that, Toric?”
Toric looked over his shoulder. “Which one?”
“The athletic black one.”
“That's Radgar.”
“He looks good,” Hermione said while she settled back in his arms. They had almost reached the stairs.
“I'm sure he is happy that you think so.”
“You think?” Hermione asked dreamily.
“Do me a favor, pup. Breathe very deeply a few times, okay?” he asked in the hall where to his relief, the windows had been opened wide.
She did what he asked of her, even though she didn't know why he wanted her to do so. Slowly, she felt the high feeling leave her and her mind cleared. “Oh,” she said and blushed, embarrassed.
“No problem. I think we all enjoyed your little show, and they will work even harder now to keep you safe and impress you.” He smiled. That head alpha was a really cunning one. Forcing him in a training session, so he wouldn't be able to come up and get Hermione and giving her two other choices she wouldn't take as her company. The morale and motivation of his warriors had been lifted immensely and that would last for at least a few months. Then the old werewolf would find another reason to send the pup down again.
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