A Marriage of Convenience | By : NinaSweets Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 159377 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 45 |
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters and places all belong to JK Rowling this is a not for profit story. |
A new chapter for you all, sorry I was gone so long. Please forgive me and enjoy.
Chapter Fifteen
It had been just over two weeks since the second task, February had quickly rolled over into a dreary March and Harry was slowly feeling a little more like himself. The nightmares weren’t letting up and Snape was locking himself away in his lab for longer and longer leaving Harry feeling drained and tired but that was becoming normal.
The Ministry was scrambling trying to think up an alternative for the second task. Harry however was not at all concerned because this time there would be no hostages. He was looking forward to being a plain observer with no stupid secret twists. He’d grip a banister so very tightly that they’d have to saw him off it if he even thought there was something wrong.
The majority of the school was happy to have Professor Lupin back teaching classes. Harry hadn’t got to see much of the man outside of class; the Slytherin’s were greatly protesting his return. This meant that Snape spent most of his day handling their complaints and writing scathing letters to parents whining about their children.
This put Snape in an even fouler mood then usual and he’d taken great pleasure in reducing the strongest students to tears.
No one had escaped the man’s wrath. Harry and his classmates were standing plastered to the wall opposite the potions classroom, listening to Snape tear into his NEWT students. The door flew open on the bell and two girls came sprinting out practically hysterical. The rest of the class was fighting to get out and had currently created a bottleneck which irritated Snape.
“MOVE!” he roared. There was a bang and the seventh years all fell out of the doorway scrambling onto the floor. Books went flying every which way and there were a few cries of pain. The students were already crouched in a run holding their books to their chests as they bolted away before the fourth years had realised what just happened.
Everyone stood frozen, terrified to move.
Snape appeared in the doorway and his eyes narrowed at their fearful expressions.
The class was forced to enter the classroom, against all of their better judgements, where they experienced what was probably the worst Potions lesson in the History of Hogwarts. Snape had ripped into the fourth year class so viciously not even Malfoy had managed to come away completely unscathed.
“And you can tell your stupid father if he sends me another owl your potions grade will be the least of his problems!” Snape shouted after Malfoy, throwing his books out after him.
There was a rush for the door after that lesson and Ron, being taller and broader then his classmates, pushed Harry and Hermione through the rush.
Harry was very glad he wouldn’t be seeing Snape that evening. As his last class for the day was Defence Against the Dark Arts class, Lupin had invited him and his friends into his office for a chat.
Harry was happy to stay after class and followed Professor Lupin to his office after the lesson.
The man ushered them into his office, settling them in and flicking his wand at the tea set to start it boiling.
Hermione and Ron sat on the couch and Harry took the seat in front of the man’s desk.
“So, how are you all?” Lupin asked as he handed out cups of tea to each of them. Harry took a sip and glanced at Ron and Hermione who each took a sip and grimaced, swapping their cups with one another. Lupin had given Hermione Ron’s ginger honey tea and Ron had gotten Hermione’s raspberry by accident.
Lupin was watching the action with a small smile on his face and Hermione noticing the man’s attention hurried to answer his question.
“We’re good, even better now that you’re back,” Hermione said brightly.
“Well thank you,” Lupin said, “but really your health shouldn’t depend so much on my presence.”
Lupin sat down behind his desk and offered Harry a small smile.
“Albus told me what happened,” Lupin said seriously.
Harry frowned wondering exactly what Dumbledore had told him. The sham of a marriage he’d been backed into but now kind of sort of enjoyed, nearly being killed in the stupid second task or his failing Transfiguration grade. The Headmaster could have mentioned any number of things to Lupin so Harry just nodded unsure how to proceed. He hoped the man wouldn’t ask too many questions though, if it was any of those things Harry didn’t really want to talk about it.
“How are you?” Lupin asked. Harry opened his mouth but then closed it.
Lupin waited patiently, hands folded on the desk. His eyes were dark watching Harry’s face carefully. He looked tired. Well he always looked tired and ill, it was a side effect of being a werewolf but this was a different tired. It was an emotional tired. He cared about Harry a lot; he’d been best friends with Harry’s parents like Sirius. He knew he meant a lot to the both of them but it was a very odd relationship. Sirius felt a lot of guilt over his parent’s deaths and would unintentionally press that toward Harry. Lupin was a little better at not doing that but even he sometimes slipped up. These situations made Harry feel very awkward and he would have to act more adult then he felt he should have to around proper adults. He was getting used to it though; it was helping a lot with Snape as well. Grown men were apparently capable of acting very petulantly as well, like a bunch of sixteen year olds.
He shook himself from his thoughts and concentrated on the question he’d been asked. Lupin always seemed to know when he lied but if he was honest he wasn’t sure how he was. He had watched the man who had murdered his parents come back to life and then was almost murdered himself. He was... well... he was...
“Alive,” he said finally.
Lupin simply nodded. He didn’t say anything and Harry was grateful.
“Good, now there’s one more thing I must ask,” Lupin said, by the look on his face Harry could already guess what it was.
“Snape,” Lupin confirmed, “Why Harry? He’s so... so... old,”
“You’re the same age,” Harry pointed out.
“I’m old!”
“I’m sure you’ve read the papers Professor,” Harry said,
“You really want me to believe you fell in love with him and that when you proposed he accepted even though he has professed to hate you on more than one occasion and you are also a fourteen year old boy?”
“Yes,” Harry said slowly and Lupin frowned at him.
“Does he at least treat you right?” Lupin asked.
It was Harry’s turn to frown. He thought for a few moments thinking over his answer, Snape’s idea of treating someone right was different then Lupin’s idea of what Harry deserved.
“In his way,” Harry replied eventually. This was obviously no comfort to Lupin whose face turned down into a scowl.
“What does that mean?”
“Well,” Harry started glancing at his friends, “He doesn’t really express himself properly but he shows me he cares differently. He shows me in different ways, by not yelling at me for saying something without thinking; he’ll just kind of sigh and pinch some part of himself to stop from saying anything. He sits up with me when I’m too scared to sleep and he cleans blood off my face when I have a nightmare from Voldemort. He’ll hold me so I can sleep after them and doesn’t make fun of me for getting scared sometimes,” Harry muttered awkwardly.
Hermione was smiling, Ron looked very uncomfortable and Lupin was frowning this time with sadness.
“I just don’t like it Harry, your parents-”
“THEY’RE NOT HERE” Harry shouted. Hermione let out a startled gasp and Lupin blinked in shock.
“Sorry,” Harry said immediately. “Sorry, Professor, but I can’t keep living my life for other people, especially not dead people. Dead people who I don’t really know. I get they’re my parents and I do care about them, I don’t think I can ever forget... seeing them... standing there... they were everything I thought they would be and at the same time not, we spoke for seven seconds. Seven seconds of my whole life and it was the most wonderful seven seconds I have ever experienced but it was still only seven seconds. You had years with them, years and years to get to know them and be with them and enjoy them.”
“Harry,” Lupin started but Harry shook his head.
“I’m just so confused about everything, Sirius and Voldemort and school and this tournament. It sometimes feels like too much and the only thing that isn’t confusing is Snape. He treats me normally. Everyone is asking how I’m feeling, how I’m doing and giving me sad self pitying glances. Snape glares at me and yells but then he hugs me and he kissed me and I get confused but it feels okay. It feels normal, it feels like it did before the second task and that’s the only thing I’ve got right now,” Harry said and Lupins face softened.
“All right, but Moony is feeling awfully protective, reassure him and myself,” Lupin said, Harry nodded, “Have you had sex?”
“Ugh!” Ron exclaimed while Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron’s reaction, shaking her head at him.
“Er...” Harry hesitated and Lupin’s right eye twitched. “We haven’t done anything... that serious,”
“Do you want me to explain anything?” Lupin asked then startled and stared at Harry, “Has someone spoken to you about this? Your uncle perhaps?
“No, er... Hermione did though,”
“Hermione?” Lupin looked at the girl who was blushing furiously and staring at her tea cup with a great deal of determination.
“Well, no one had told him, I couldn’t let him go off on his wedding night completely unprepared,”
“So,” Lupin started but then stared at Harry expectantly.
“Hermione was... thorough in her description. I’m well versed on females and males and the various forms of sexual intercourse they can experience,”
Ron was looking at Hermione with raised eyebrows; she shot him a sideways glance before looking back at her tea cup.
“I was curious. Besides it’s not like I was reading anything pornographic, all these books I found in the library. I wanted to know if witches and wizards were different, which they aren’t, other than the whole men can also fall pregnant, obviously,” Hermione said shaking her hair out of her face and then giving a quick glare around the room daring them to say anything further about it.
“Snape hasn’t asked you to bear him an heir has he?” Lupin asked suddenly.
“No!” Harry said, “Professor I am only fourteen I don’t think my body can even do that yet spells or not,”
“Girls can be impregnated as soon as they hit puberty, it averages on twelve years old but there are some girls as young as eight who can go into puberty early and are perfectly capable of birthing a child. The recorded youngest mother was only five and half,” Hermione said brightly.
Hermione saw that not everyone found this as fascinating as she had and slumped slightly in her chair.
“I’m not pregnant, nor will I ever be pregnant,” Harry said to Lupin.
“Still, make sure you’re both using protection, you don’t know where he’s been,”
“Ugh,” Ron muttered.
“Now, onto more pleasant things,” Lupin said, “catch me up on all the gossip I’ve missed while I was away.”
Hermione and Ron talked a little about the tournament, each discussing their different versions of the same thing. Lupin listened to both politely sharing a knowing smile with Harry when the other two began to fight with one another.
Soon it was time to go and they headed down to dinner together.
Lupin headed up to the teachers table and paused to talk to Snape who was already seated. Whatever he said Snape wasn’t pleased and shot the man a dirty look.
“That’s going to be trouble later,” Harry muttered miserably. Hermione offered a sympathetic smile.
“Do you know why Snape is so stressed? He was out of control in class today; I don’t think I’ve ever been that scared before,”
“Not even when we faced down a hundred Dementors?” Harry teased and Hermione smiled.
“All right so he’s not that scary but still, perhaps you should do something nice for him,” she suggested.
“Hermione stop meddling,” Ron said and she shot him a glare.
“I’m not meddling; I just think it’s something friends do for friends. Surely Snape and Harry are classified as friends,” she said simply.
“Classified as gross more like,” Ron said with food in his mouth. Hermione raised an eyebrow at him but he’d returned to his food.
“When my dad gets stressed at work Mum will read him a passage from his favourite book,” Hermione said, “try that,”
“No, he says my voice grates on his ears,” Harry said and Hermione frowned.
“When Dad is upset Mum always makes his favourite dinner,” Ron offered, “You can cook right? So, why don’t you cook for him?”
“I don’t know what his favourite dinner is. In fact I wouldn’t even believe he ate if I hadn’t seen him do it. Besides he’ll probably think I’m trying to kill him,”
“Well I’d say he’s just cranky because he’s not getting any but that would imply you’d been giving him some and I’m not comfortable with that at all,” Ron said and shuddered dramatically making Harry laugh.
“Thanks guys, but the best thing to do is let him be mad, it’ll blow over pretty quickly,” Harry said.
“All right, but if he has another outburst like that then someone is bound to report him,” Hermione said in a tone of voice that suggested she just might be that someone.
“Hermione,” Harry said mockingly, “don’t you get my husband in trouble,”
“Me?” Hermione said playing along, putting her hands over her heart in shock, “Why I would never!”
When dinner was over Harry decided he’d let Snape cool off a little before he saw him and went upstairs with Ron and Hermione to the Gryffindor Common room. They got a head start on their Transfiguration essays, although that was mostly thanks to Hermione having already finished hers and letting them use it as a reference.
When Harry eventually got up the courage to head back downstairs he quietly entered his rooms. Turning around he found Snape sat at his desk angrily slashing at the parchment in front of him with a quill. Harry watched from across the room his books held to his chest unsure how to approach the man who was clearly in a very foul mood.
“What?” Snape asked not looking up from his vicious slashing. Harry could only hope that wasn’t his Potions assignment, he’d actually worked really hard on it.
“Uh...” Harry frowned for a moment. The man was clearly busy doing work, but he was in a bad mood and Harry knew when he was in a bad mood the last thing he wanted to do was work, but Snape was a teacher so it probably wouldn’t be good to interrupt him. On the other hand if he didn’t, all those papers, on that pile were likely to fail and that wasn’t really fair to everyone who had worked so hard plus if that irritability spilt over into lessons into tomorrow’s classes Hermione might -
“Ugh! Potter! Your thoughts are so loud I’m sure the Slytherin’s can hear you!”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I was just thinking-”
“I know what you were thinking; your Occlumency shields are still atrocious,”
Harry sighed and dumped his things on the couch, hesitantly stepping over to where Snape was working.
“Can I help?” Harry offered.
“How?” Snape asked looking up to give him a glare for asking such a stupid question.
“Right well maybe not with Potions but something else?” Harry asked. Snape stared at him blankly.
“Hermione and Ron were suggesting things at dinner. To help with your stress,”
“Oh, and what did Healers Weasley and Granger prescribe for my ‘stress’,” Snape asked leaning back in his seat giving Harry his undivided attention. Harry squirmed under the gaze and looked down.
“Well Hermione suggested I read you your favourite book because her parents did that for each other but I pointed out you hate the sound of my voice,”
“It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me,” Snape agreed and Harry smiled,
“Then Ron suggested I cook for you because that’s what his mum does when someone’s upset but I pointed out that you’d believe I was trying to kill you,”
“Cooking is very much like Potions and I’ve seen your potions skills, why would I believe you can cook well? You probably wouldn’t do it on purpose but I can see how your ineptitude would lead to my death.”
“Well when my Uncle had a really bad day at work my Aunt would have me cook him his favourite dinner,” Harry said.
“Another horrifying look into your neglectful childhood Potter thank you,” Snape said
“I don’t even know what your favourite dinner is,” Harry said
“Ah this is another one of your very awkward attempts to get to know me better,”
“No,” Harry said defensively. “Yes,” he confessed.
“I don’t have time to play today Potter I am busy,”
“You’re just looking for an excuse to get out of all that,”
“True,” Snape admitted shifting his seat back, away from the essays slashed with red ink. Harry recognised the gesture and hurried over situating himself on the man’s desk. Snape hadn’t been marking essays, he’d been responding to parent’s angry letters about Professor Lupin.
“You didn’t even bother with the niceties?” Harry asked picking up one of the letters. He frowned as he glanced over it, someone as smart as Snape really didn’t need to resort to vulgar swear words. Harry lowered the letter and stared at Snape.
“I won’t be sending them; I am just venting some frustrations. Ordinarily I would try to soothe myself with brewing but I find I am past that point of irritation my hands are unsteady,” Snape said holding up a shaking hand to demonstrate. Harry took hold of the hand and gently traced along it massaging softly and Snape sighed letting his head fall back. Harry smiled carefully working the tremors and stiffness out of Snape’s thin fingers.
“You’re a good little house wife aren’t you?” Snape said idly and Harry snorted.
“You can thank my uncle for that, he trained me well in all things expected for a lady of my station,” Harry joked.
“I’ll finally have things to tell Lupin to reassure him now. It was not I who made you a doting little pet, your uncle did,”
“Do you and Professor Lupin talk about me?” Harry asked in surprise.
“Of course we do,”
“Really? Don’t you have more important things to talk about?”
“Not particularly. He tried to thank me for taking care of the complaints I told him to fuck off, he cordially changed the subject to you and asked what my intentions were. He did not take kindly to me telling him my intentions were to screw you seven ways to Sunday,”
“You did not,” Harry said staring at Snape who smirked.
“Of course I did,”
“Why would you do that?” Harry asked and Snape raised an eyebrow. “You know, Sirius told me that you used to hate each other in school. This is some weird twisted form of revenge for you isn’t it? You get to rub it in his face that you married his best friend’s son,”
“Do you want me to lie to you?” Snape asked and Harry frowned for a moment before nodding his head.
“Of course not, I’m an adult and that would extremely petty and immature. I am above such behaviours,” Snape said and Harry snorted a little.
“Liar,” he said turning back to the task he had assigned himself and continued to massage Snape’s hands while the man lightly dozed in his chair.
“Why do you hate them?” Harry asked quietly.
Snape’s eyes opened and he gave Harry a dark look. Harry gave a stern look of his own. He wasn’t letting this one go. He had to know, even if too many questions were likely to get him murdered.
Harry raised his eyebrows expectantly and Snape narrowed his eyes.
“Your father was mean. He was a mean little boy who wasn’t used to being disliked and so retaliated with stupid childish pranks and senseless bullying. Then he did something completely unforgivable,” Snape said. Snape seemed lost in thought so Harry didn’t dare move for fear he’s stop talking.
Again he couldn’t help himself,
“What?” he whispered and Snape looked at him.
“He saved my life,” Snape said and Harry gasped. “Which would not have needed saving if it wasn’t for your stupid Dogfather,”
“Sirius tried to kill you?”
“Yes and of course got nothing more than a slap on the wrist. No harm no foul Dumbledore said, boys will be boys,” Snape muttered darkly. “The world works in mysterious ways though; karma will catch up with you,”
“That’s a horrible thing to say!” Harry cried standing up and glaring at him. Snape stared at him in a way that made Harry feel stupid for being surprised. Snape was an utter bastard he knew that. “You can’t seriously believe that he deserves what is happening to him right now!? He’s eating trash!”
“What?” Snape asked.
“He’s hiding out in Hogsmeade to keep an eye on me and because he’s on the run he’s eating out of garbage cans,” Harry said, “no one deserves to live like that,”
“Black truly believes he’s helping you by inflicting himself to that? No, he’s a martyr. He could be comfortably hiding away in one of the many Black estates, pureblood customs would grant him sanctuary at the Malfoy’s Wiltshire Manor if he so chose. He is not doing this for you; he has his own selfish reasons for doing this. He wants everyone to take pity on him, oh poor Sirius Black, who grew up with a cruel ‘dark’ family who were mean to him because he was put in Gryffindor,” Snape said.
“You’re unbelievable,” Harry muttered.
“Well don’t worry, karma is a bitch, when Black was handed down his life sentence so was I,” Snape said.
Harry stared at the man, this could get very bad very quickly but Harry couldn’t let it just end like that. Snape had no right to say such things about Sirius.
“He cares about me,” Harry said simply.
“Harry or James?” Snape asked and Harry reared back like he’d been slapped in the face. That hit a little too close to home. Sometimes Harry didn’t know the answer and it worried him.
“Well, who do you care about?! My very first day all you could see was James!” Harry snapped.
“Now I see Harry,” Snape said quietly. It was so quiet if Harry hadn’t been standing so close he wouldn’t have heard it. He stared at Snape for a while before his shoulders slumped and he sighed.
“So you can change but he can’t?” he asked.
“Grow up Potter! A man who’s spent that long in Azkaban isn’t coming out the way he went in,”
“What changed for you?” Harry asked glaring at Snape.
Snape stood up turning to face the wall. The conversation was over. Harry could almost see the walls going up around the man.
“I’m going to sleep in Gryffindor tower,” Harry sighed.
He was halfway to the door when Snape grabbed his arm. He turned to face the man and raised his eyebrows.
“Yes?” he said patiently. Snape was watching him carefully; black eyes flittered across his face sharply before the frowned into a scowl. Harry stared at him waiting expectantly.
“Potter,” Snape grit out. He looked like he was about to explode. “Perhaps we should just agree that we will always disagree on the subject of Sirius Black,”
Snape was not a man who expressed himself easily, Harry knew this very well. This was basically the man’s way of saying sorry and asking him to stay.
Harry let him stew for a few moments though staring at him darkly before giving in.
“Fine,” Harry said simply and Snape nodded.
Harry moved past him and headed into the bedroom.
Snape joined him in bed only a half hour later. Harry immediately shuffled over into the man. Snape sighed but held up an arm so Harry could snuggle under it.
“You sigh but I know you love it,” Harry whispered cheekily.
“Sleep, Potter,” was the reply he got.
When Harry awoke the next morning Snape was already up showered and dressed. He was gathering papers from his desk when Harry emerged from the bedroom in his uniform.
“Are you going to be nice today?” Harry asked quietly.
“I’m never nice Potter,”
“Well Hermione is going to report you if you’re not so I’d watch that,” Harry said and Snape sighed.
“I’m not going to change just to protect Miss Granger’s delicate sensibilities,”
“I don’t think anyone is expecting that but will you please stop throwing books?” Harry asked Snape rolled his eyes but nodded.
“Thank you, I’ll see you in class,” Harry said and left.
He headed upstairs to the Great Hall for breakfast. He thought about the fight he’d had with Snape. The man was completely intolerable when he thought he was right. He just didn’t know Sirius the way Harry did. In fact Harry barely knew the man the way he did. He was aware how stupid he had been willing to run away with the man barely an hour after they had met. There was something about Sirius though, Harry felt safe with him, he felt comfortable with him and the man had never lied to him. He was a man the world had wronged but hadn’t let it get to him. He didn’t sit around moping, he took risks, and he tried to help where he could. He was a good man, an honest man, an innocent man. It had taken the death of Harry’s parents, something so huge and monumental; to give him the desire to kill anyone and it had only been one man he’d been trying to kill. The man he felt responsible, Peter Pettigrew. Harry couldn’t believe that Sirius would try to kill anyone unless he had a very true reason to hate them. He simply didn’t think Sirius hated Snape that much and vice versa. He didn’t understand that kind of hate. Hate was a wasted emotion. Harry certainly didn’t like the Dursley’s but he didn’t hate them. Hating them was just a waste; they didn’t merit enough effort for hate and anyone else worth hating was very much in the same fate. Harry didn’t think he even hated Voldemort. He was angry about what the man had done to him and he was scared of what had happened in the graveyard. He didn’t understand it. Hate is said to be fear of what you don’t know. While Harry didn’t know much about Voldemort he couldn’t hate him. He wasn’t worth it. He was smart enough to fear the man and that was irritating enough wasting those thoughts on him.
Harry shook his head allowing his thoughts to stray back to Sirius. There were different sides to everyone, for instance the world would surely enjoy knowing that Serverus Snape, feared Potions Master, enjoyed cuddling, sniffing new books and pink marshmallows. White ones tasted funny apparently, though Harry protested no difference the man insisted.
Snape had just never gotten to see the side of Sirius that Harry had. Before Sirius’ stay in Azkaban the last time they’d seen each other was probably at Hogwarts and that was nearly three years before the Potter’s deaths. That is a long time for people to grow up and change.
Harry blinked and turned. He didn’t realise he’d been thinking so hard he’d actually come to a stop in the middle of the hallway. Snape was striding toward him now with a glare.
“Get a move on before I deduct house points for loitering,”
Harry turned and hurried upstairs to the Great Hall sliding onto a bench at the Gryffindor table beside Hermione. Ron sat opposite them and greeted Harry with a nod, his mouth to full to communicate.
Harry sighed watching as Snape stalked into the hall. Perhaps his friends could help clear his thoughts.
“Do you think Snuffles could try and kill someone?” Harry asked having to remind himself to use Sirius’ code name. He didn’t want to accidentally mess up and have people start asking why he was talking about Sirius Black when he was supposed to have never met or heard of him.
Hermione looked up from her toast with a raised eyebrow. Ron was staring blankly at Harry across the table.
“Harry, he was falsely accused but his motives for being in that alley were pretty clear,” Ron said
“Why do you ask?” Hermione asked.
“Just something Snape said,” Harry replied with a shrug.
His friends stared, waiting expectantly for him to continue.
“Oh, well I asked why he and Snuffles hate one another; Snape said Snuffle’s tried to kill him,”
“What?” Hermione said, “That’s... I don’t...” she stopped and frowned.
“Well something that big he’d have been punished for right?” Ron said
“He wasn’t expelled, his wand got broken from being sentenced to Azkaban,” Hermione said quietly.
“No but he would have been punished, Filch’s office is full of detention slips dating all the way back to the twenties. I’ve organised a few for detentions before. Funnily enough I had to sort my own detentions into the cabinets,”
“I’m not breaking into Filch’s office to search through decades of detention slips,” Harry said.
“You don’t have to,” Hermione said. The boys both looked at her. “There are eight people who were here at the time they were all at school; you can just ask one of them,”
Harry frowned for a second before he glanced up to the staff table spotting Professor Lupin sitting beside Snape.
Perfect. Now he just had to find a way to get the man to tell him what happened without brushing the incident aside or downplaying it.
A lot more easily said than done unfortunately.
Long time no chat my friends. Thanks for being very patient with all my crazy updates and thanks very much for reading. Thank you so much for the wonderful reviews! They were all wonderful and I feel terrible when I don't update for a long while because you're all so sweet. So again I am very sorry with how long it took but I needed to think a little about where I wanted to go with this story and I think I found it. Hopefully it pans out properly. Don’t forget to tell me what you thought, Nina
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