Pansy's Volcano | By : Bluemidget57 Category: Harry Potter > Het - Male/Female > Draco/Hermione Views: 206858 -:- Recommendations : 6 -:- Currently Reading : 8 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Chapter Sixteen
The events of Sunday night left Hermione in a state which was bordering on hysteria; if she had thought she was a nervous wreck before, it was nothing compared to the panic and nausea which was churning in her stomach after what had happened last night. All her unease over the fact that she could not remember whether she had or had not danced with the Head Boy at the Feast, paled into insignificance when compared to the absolute and devastating truth that she had kissed him on Sunday. And she had no doubts in her mind about that.
On Monday, she considered for the first time in her life the possibility of cutting classes because she was scared to be in the same room as another person. She had two out of four classes with Malfoy today, and although she finally forced herself to attend; she refused to look up from her text book, unless it was to stare at the board. But she thought she could feel his eyes boring into her back from his usual seat several rows behind her.
In Professor McGonagall’s class they were finishing up a four session project on practical transfiguration, where they were learning the best objects to alter into survival necessities should they be stranded during a battle. Despite the peaceful summer and autumn months so far; the possibility of War was still high in everyone’s mind.
Hermione had been working with Neville as usual, but as they handed in their final reports and she tried to escape quickly, Professor McGonagall called the whole class to a halt. She announced that they would be commencing a new project in their next class and that she would be assigning working partners, so not to assume their regular seating arrangements.
For some reason, Hermione felt her toes curl up at this news, and when she chanced a glance at Professor McGonagall she found the older woman’s gaze resting right on her, and she was wearing a twinkle to rival Dumbledore’s. Hermione swallowed a sudden huge lump in her throat, unsure of why she was so unnerved by this news, or her Professor’s regard, but she felt as though tiny little hairs all over her body were standing on end and hissing danger, danger right in the front of her mind.
Harry and Ron seemed concerned about her at lunch, for she had no appetite at all, just pushing her food around her plate listlessly. Seamus accidentally knocked her shoulder as he walked away from his place further down the table, and she fairly jumped out of her seat in alarm until he stopped and apologized, giving her an odd look as she subsided back onto the bench breathing heavily.
Ron took her hand as they walked to their next class; Care of Magical Creatures, and Hermione thanked Merlin that this was one class she no longer had to worry about seeing Malfoy in. He had dropped it as soon as it was academically possible to do so. His unflattering opinion of Hagrid’s abilities was well known.
Hermione also did not need the class, but was too concerned about hurting Hagrid’s feelings to drop it, and just now she was relieved that she hadn’t, because what she needed now was something not particularly taxing so that she could devote all her energies to panicking.
Harry sped up as they approached Hagrid’s hut. This was still one of his favourite places to be at Hogwarts even after seven years, and he always liked to push on ahead so as to have some time for talking to Hagrid before the rest of the class arrived. As they watched Harry’s back disappearing over the lawns, Ron asked concernedly, ‘Are you Ok, Mione? You’ve been very jumpy today. I swear Seamus thought you were going to take his head off just now!’
Hermione sighed, forcing her face into a smile. She would not let Draco Malfoy ruin her life. ‘Yes, Ron; I’m sorry, I just didn’t realise how hard it would be to do all the Head Girl stuff and still keep up my marks. It was a busy week for me.’
‘I know, but you did a fantastic job. You can take some time off before you start on the next project, can’t you?’ Ron asked. ‘I haven’t seen very much of you for the last fortnight.’ He caught her chin and looked seriously into her eyes as if checking for signs of exhaustion there. She managed a more realistic smile, but then he bent forward and kissed her and her heart sank into her shoes.
She broke away from him with a gasp, and stared in misery into his concerned eyes. Nothing. There had been nothing. Even the minor tingles she had been feeling before when he touched her were gone, and the unwanted memory of Malfoy’s hot, experienced mouth on hers rose like a specter between them. He had kissed her for less than a minute and ruined her for ever.
‘Um -’ Hermione struggled to find an excuse for her withdrawal. ‘People are coming,’ she mumbled, avoiding his hurt gaze. “Hagrid’s waiting for us.’ She turned and hurried towards Hagrid’s hut closely followed by Ron, but kept her eyes on the ground as they moved.
Why had he done this to her? That was the one thing she could not fathom out. She knew she had been acutely aware of him lately but his behaviour towards her had been no different from the prior year. Not as mean as the first five years, but also not any more friendly. And then this. Out of nowhere.
And then there was also that other thing. Harry and Ginny. Of course she had known in an abstract kind of way that they were in a physical relationship. The way you knew that most of the adults you speak to in the course of your life are having sex with someone at some time. But to have it displayed so graphically right in front of your eyes, was something she had certainly never needed to see. And to be forced to share the experience with Draco Malfoy; well, it was enough to send anyone over the edge.
Aside from trying to avoid looking at the Slytherin table she now also felt unable to look Harry in the eye either. When Ginny had come and sat beside him at breakfast and begun chatting to Hermione as if it was a normal Monday, she had been unable to prevent herself flushing bright red, prompting both Ron and Ginny to ask if she was sickening for something.
Trying to control her wayward emotions, Hermione forced herself to admit that for Harry and Ginny it was a normal day. They definitely had no idea of what their friend had witnessed, and it was beyond certain that she never intended them to find out.
Hermione watched Harry now as he stood talking to Hagrid, gesturing animatedly. Despite the events of last night, Hermione still found it hard to view Harry in a sexual way. There had been a brief but intense snogging session with Harry the previous Christmas when caught under some trick mistletoe in the Common Room, which had resulted in embarrassed shuffling on both their parts. Harry had gone on to find that kissing Ginny was much more to his liking in spite of Ron’s growling, and that was the point at which Ginny’s long-held dreams for the Boy-Who-Lived had begun to come true.
The enchanted mistletoe had disappeared speedily after that, and Hermione had always rather suspected that Ron was responsible. He might like the idea of Harry and his sister together in theory, but had been quite disturbed by the reality of them cuddling up on the sofa in the Common Room. And whilst Hermione thought the sight of them very sweet, and was happy for Harry that he had finally found the love and stability which had always been missing from his life, she had certainly never needed to see that.
Suddenly it came to her that Malfoy might not keep quiet about what he had seen, and she was horrified that she had been so caught up in her own angst that it had taken nearly half a day for the thought to occur to her. What if he decided to use it against Harry; reported him to a teacher? Used it to get him thrown off the Gryffindor team? As Head Boy it was well within his authority to report all students involved in physical relations within the confines of the school. What if he told Harry that she had been there too, and had seen everything?
And here she was back at Malfoy again. It seemed that these days her world just turned in one big circle and he was always there at the centre of it. There was no escape.
Hagrid was talking now; he seemed very excited about the occupant of the corral behind his house, but Hermione was hardly paying attention. She was back to brooding on that kiss. She couldn’t even say that it had been the best kiss she’d ever received; it had been too sudden and unexpected for that. She had been bending in a physically uncomfortable position, hovering on the verge of tumbling over, and he had been stretching up too far, and her fear and the last dregs of her common sense had actually kicked in before it could develop into something deeper.
But still, it had shaken her world to the very foundations upon which it was built. If something that clumsy and unpremeditated could feel like the culmination of every single kiss she ever wanted to experience for the rest of her life, what would Malfoy be able to do to her if he was actually trying? Why was she now dreading the thought of having to kiss her actual boyfriend. How had it all gone so wrong so fast?
For once she had thought on her feet - shocked by her friend’s display, she had still managed to come up with a witty (she thought) and scathing quip, and had carried through with the delivery smoothly despite her nerves. She should have been wallowing today in the knowledge that she had cut the Slytherin Quidditch Captain down to size; she should have swept away leaving him struggling for a response to her razor sharp wit. At least, that was how the episode had played out in her imagination before she had leant over to whisper in his ear, but he had taken control of the situation and turned it on her. Instead of taking her taunt to heart, he had ignored it and taken advantage of her unbalanced stance to do the last thing she would ever have predicted had she sat through every prescribed class with Professor Trelawny since the day she stormed out of Divination in the 3rd year.
It didn’t seem to matter what she did, she couldn’t get around it, over it or past it. It was right there blocking her path. Draco Malfoy had kissed her, and Merlin help her, she wanted him to do it again. That and more. So much more that she shuddered at the images in her head.
She felt weak just remembering what she had touched in that brief second of overbalancing, before sheer and utter panic had set in and sent her fleeing in fear. Even now, standing in the middle of the lawn looking at Hagrid’s latest offering, she could feel her nipples tingling and swelling against her shirt at the memory of his hardness in her palm, and she had to press her legs together tightly to relieve the ache which had suddenly bloomed down there.
And that was it; the most tantalizing and dangerous of all the impossible questions which were racing around in her head today. The one she was most afraid to know the answer to. Had Draco Malfoy been aroused by that brief kiss, or had the rigid erection she had briefly clasped been caused by the unwitting display Harry and Ginny had put on for them? And she knew she was lost to all sense when she admitted that she would never be able to bear the knowledge if it was the latter.
Draco was having a terrible day. Hermione was avoiding him as usual, but for once he was not upset by this. He actually also felt as confused as she probably was; he tried not to look at her during class, but the awareness of her presence even when he was concentrating on his books was like a constant low-level hum in the back of his mind.
He was having real trouble dealing with the events of Sunday night, and in an effort not to think about that kiss he tried to decide what he could do with the knowledge of Potty and the She-Weasel’s indiscretion. To his further annoyance, he realised that the answer was - nothing. It would upset and annoy Hermione so his hands were effectively tied. Bloody, buggering Hell, he was turning into a wimp!
One stupid kiss! And he knew he hadn’t even done a good job of it. The angle had been all wrong; she must have got a crick in her neck, and to top it all then he had knocked her over so that she had found out how randy she made him! No wonder she had run off like there were Dementors after her. He had probably blown any chance he might ever have with her with his dismal performance.
Oh, but he had wanted it to continue. He had never been so lost to a kiss. It had felt as though the whole world had dropped away and she was the only thing that existed in his universe. Her mouth was soft and surprised and she tasted like Heaven; when she had accidentally caught hold of his swollen cock he thought for a second that he was going to come in his trousers. But the brief touch of her hand was gone almost immediately, along with the girl herself , and he was left frozen in place unable to move or breathe.
Before his dazed eyes, Potter and Ginny Weasley had flown off to wherever Gryffindors went post-coitus and Draco, still aroused to the verge of pain, had released his throbbing penis right there in the middle of the Gryffindor stands and brought himself relief. He was so hard and sensitized that it actually hurt to touch himself, and his release took no more than two strokes of his hand, spraying out before him as he gasped the Head Girl’s name.
Today, Professor Snape had assigned an extra class for the Advanced Potions group an hour after regular classes finished, probably to make up for their distraction the previous week with the preparations for the Halloween Feast. As it happened, Slytherin already had a Quidditch practice scheduled at the same time, and possibly the only person more determined than Draco to win the Cup this year was his Head of House. With this in mind, for possibly the first time in living memory, Professor Snape excused Draco from the class, with the proviso that he collected the notes from the Head Girl afterwards.
Why Professor Snape had specified Hermione Draco wasn’t sure, but the thought that he now had to go and face up to her was making his stomach twist, and truth be told causing his heart to skip. He was so pathetic; no better than a thirteen year old boy in the throes of his first crush.
He made his way down to the dungeons after a quick shower; the class was an hour and a half and should be ending soon. He was trying to prepare himself to confront the Head Girl without drooling all over her robes.
He passed a couple of 7th year Ravenclaws who were also in the advanced class as they were making their way up the stone stairs from the dungeons. They nodded to him and he would have liked to stop and ask them for the class notes, except for the fact that Anthony Goldstein had been very cool towards him this year, and a healthy caution of Professor Snape would not let him disregard the Head of Slytherin’s instructions.
Setting his shoulders he walked into the Potions classroom; as usual Granger was still there. She was nearly always last to leave a class, even ones where the teachers were not part of her fan club. Professor Snape was hovering by the door as if trying to hurry her on, and he almost smiled when he caught sight of Draco. ‘Ah, Mr Malfoy. How was your practice?’ he asked. ‘Are we looking good for Saturday?’
Draco wondered why his Head of House was being so strangely jovial, and decided it must be a new intimidation technique for the Gryffindor Head Girl. ‘We’re looking excellent, Sir,’ he replied, getting into the spirit of the idea. Let Granger go and report that to Potty and Co.
‘Splendid. Just splendid,’ Snape said in an oily voice. ‘Miss Granger, you will inform Mr Malfoy of what he has missed during his practice today,’ And with that he turned and swirled out of the classroom his robes billowing out behind him, leaving Draco and Hermione staring warily at each other. Draco swallowed and fell back on sarcasm as a defense.
‘Well Granger, going to tell your little sky borne Romeo that we’re on a winning streak this year?’ he taunted, and was rewarded by her wary pose straightening up and her eyes snapping venom at him. He cursed his stupid mouth for running off without consulting his brain, but at least that nasty awkwardness had evaporated. Granger was staring irritably at him just as she had for most of the past six years, and he thought she looked magnificent.
‘What are you smirking at, Malfoy?’ she snapped; he hadn’t realised his appreciation of the picture she presented, angry and pouting had caused his face to break into a bemused grin. Hermione, never having seen such an expression from him before, had immediately taken it as one of his supercilious smirks of old, whereas in fact that couldn’t have been further from the truth.
‘ - and if you do anything to get Harry in trouble, I will make you suffer in ways you can’t even begin to imagine,’ Hermione was promising when Draco finally awoke from his trance, and he scowled not quite sure what she was talking about, having missed the first half of her rant whilst he fantasized on all the other things she could be doing with her mouth.
They both turned as snorting noise from outside the door intruded onto their argument, and the sound of heavy footsteps was heard receding down the hallway. Hoping to find some encouragement in the Headmaster’s latest fancy, Professor Snape had remained to see how the Head students would deal with each other. Their opening remarks had validated his belief that Professor Dumbledore was hitting his head against a brick wall, and Snape had no desire to wait around until they really started hexing each other and he was forced to take points off both of them. He marched away mumbling about insane old wizards.
The distraction was only brief for Hermione; she spun back to look at him angrily and launched back into her tirade. ‘I don’t want to find out you said a single word about Harry and Ginny to anyone.’ She hissed.
‘Why Granger, what’s it worth to you to make sure I keep my mouth closed?’ Draco asked abruptly, wincing inside even as the words fell out of his mouth. He couldn’t seem to control his wayward tongue when he was around her. He absolutely hadn’t meant to say that; he had no desire to provoke her further, but it seemed like he lost all his poise lately when she was near him, confusing his head.
Hermione went white, and then in quick succession bright red. ‘Why, Malfoy - you - you bastard,’ she spat at him, collecting up her books angrily. ‘I won’t be blackmailed by the likes of you. Harry is going to squash your stupid little team at the weekend for exactly the reasons I told you on Sunday night.’
‘Not so fast Granger,’ Draco purred as she made to sweep by him, catching her wrist in a vise-like grip. ‘I believe Professor Snape told you to pass on the assignment to me? What kind of a Head Girl would leave a fellow student struggling to complete his class work?’
He could almost see Granger grinding her teeth as she held herself rigid in his grip. ‘Get it from one of the Ravenclaws,’ she hissed.
They stared angrily at each other for long moments, but Draco was achingly aware of the heat of her body and the fluttering of her pulse where he held her wrist. It seemed like he had been fighting this for so long, but there was no inclination left to do so anymore. This was bigger than he was, and he couldn’t even make himself care. Without his conscious direction, his fingers loosened on her arm and his thumb began rubbing small circles against her skin.
She was instantly aware of the change in him and shot a nervous glance at him, only to be confused by the expression on his face. The anger had dissipated completely leaving something which looked like a mixture of confusion and resignation on his striking features, and for some reason she also calmed.
‘Fuck,’ he groaned suddenly, surprising her with the Muggle curse, which was not a common wizard expletive. ‘Fucking Hell, Granger!’
She ran her tongue over suddenly dry lips and began, ‘Malfoy? What -’ but got no further for he swooped in and did it again. Kissed her. This time there was no hesitation, no awkward angles. He used her captured wrist to propel her towards him until they were plastered together, top to toe. She was still speaking and so her mouth was open when he caught it with his own, allowing his tongue to slip easily past the barrier of her teeth to play with hers. Her eyes were wide open in shock and so were his, staring straight into hers and they were hotter than she could have ever imagined steel grey eyes could get.
He secured her with an arm around her waist, his hand at the nape of her neck holding her head still so that he could ravish her mouth fully. They fitted together perfectly; it was as if Merlin had taken every line of her body and shaped her to fit against his. Draco’s heart was slamming against his rib cage and he was shaking just from the touch of her hands. Kissing had never been like this before; it seemed as though time had paused around them and all he could feel was the touch of her hands and her mouth like fire on his skin.
She heard a whimper and was startled to realise that it had come from her, and oh God, where were her hands? What were they doing and why couldn’t she stop? Somehow they had traveled backwards and she didn’t even remember moving; her back was pressed against the stone wall behind the classroom door and she was wearing Draco Malfoy like some kind of skin tight fashion accessory. Her left hand was destroying his perfect hair and her right was clenched into the soft wool of his uniform sweater under his robes, forcing him to stay there.
Not that he was trying very hard to escape. In fact staying exactly where he was for the next forever was the only thought in his head. Kissing Hermione Granger was unlike anything he had ever experienced before; his brain had shut down and he was operating on pure feeling and it was the best feeling he had ever known. Granger made little breathy moans into his mouth as her tongue played a game of advance and retreat with his and every hitch of her breath caused their bodies to rub erotically together.
She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and nibbled it with her perfect little teeth - his own creation. He sank deeper against her body trapping her to the wall, shaking as she moved her hips and brushed against his erection. It was thrusting hot and hard against her stomach; she could be in no doubt tonight what had caused it. He had to draw back for breath and she moaned, panting in air herself as she desperately followed his mouth trying to recapture his lips, but Draco wanted to taste more of her.
He brushed light kisses over her eyelids, her nose, her chin, he trailed his lips down to her throat and sucked on the spot where her neck met her shoulder hard enough to leave a mark. He reveled in all her little noises, which she seemed to be totally unaware of making. His arms clutched her fiercely to him as if he was afraid she would disappear. There wasn’t a space a breath could penetrate between their bodies, and finally Hermione was able to pull his mouth back where she needed it most, devouring her own. She sucked on his tongue, drawing whimpers from the back of his own throat as she became bolder and her own tongue slipped between his lips running over the roof of his mouth, curling around his own.
He insinuated a leg between hers and lifted it slightly so that she was riding his thigh; she was so hot he thought he might incinerate from within. She began to rock gently against him and the shaking in his limbs increased. If he didn’t stop himself he was going to take her right there up against the wall in the middle of the potions class.
He released her mouth slowly with a series of lingering kisses, finally resting his forehead against her own until he could regain some control of himself. Hermione pressed her face into his neck gasping as though she had run a marathon, her moist hot breath made goosebumps rise all over his body and he simply couldn’t prevent the thrust of his hips against her stomach. Hermione moaned at his movement and almost imperceptibly pushed back against him. He barely heard her whispered words, ‘Draco,’ she sighed against his shoulder and he felt his stomach flip as she used his first name, ‘What….. What - was that?’ she managed.
Draco took a deep breath of her unique Hermione scent, and tried to remember how to speak. ‘Well Miss Granger,’ he started and his voice sounded nothing like the one she was used to hearing, it was thick and low with desire, ‘We wizards call it kissing; funny, I had always thought you Muggles had the same word for it,’ he teased, and Hermione envied him the ability to string words together and form actual sentences.
‘That - that was not a kiss,’ she managed finally, and Draco was inclined to agree. It was actually more in the way of a religious experience, and nothing in his life would ever be the same again.
‘You think not? You might be right - you are the Head Girl after all,’ his eyes blazed into hers and she shivered with something unnamable. ‘We’d better check and make sure,’ he moaned right into her mouth and she was lost again. Every inch of her body where they touched felt like it was incinerating; she felt as though he was devouring her whole and she wanted nothing more than to disappear into him and never return. She wouldn’t have been surprised to find that the wall behind them bore a scorched imprint of their entwined bodies so intense was the heat between them.
He kissed her with long lingering open mouth caresses unlike anything she had ever known before. It was undeniably clear that every single word of his impressive reputation was thoroughly deserved; nothing Ron had ever done to her had come close to making her feel like this, and he had….‘Oh God, Ron!’ It was like a bucket of ice water over her raging hormones. Ron, who loved her and trusted her.
She had been so responsive, so involved in their fever-bright passion that Draco was totally unprepared for her to suddenly start fighting against him. She had been riding his thigh whilst his hands had been loosening her school shirt from the waistband of her skirt, and his fingers were now dancing over the bare skin of her middle. Her own hand had released its death grip on his jumper and was squeezing and relaxing on his right arse cheek urging him closer and closer to her heated centre. She had been writhing against him when suddenly she pulled backwards with another man’s name on her lips.
Her face was paper white. ‘Oh, Merlin, what have I done?’ she moaned. By the Gods she was beautiful; her mouth red and swollen, her pupils dilated and her carefully charmed hair mussed back into the wild halo of pervious years. She looked thoroughly kissed; her blouse was hanging out of her skirt and her robes were dangling half off. She was gorgeous and he had been sure she had been as deeply involved as he, so why was she calling out Ronald Weasley’s name?
The image of Ron’s earnest and devoted face tormented her from the backs of her eyelids. She had managed to break the body contact with Malfoy, but she could feel an actual physical ache in her limbs from her withdrawal. She couldn’t actually move yet; her legs trembled like jelly and she had an empty throbbing achy feeling, right in the center of her body which was unlike anything she had ever felt before. It almost hurt to look at him. His normally perfect hair was sticking up in a dozen different directions. His shirt like hers was hanging loose from his uniform trousers. His tie was twisted up by his right ear and he was panting as if he had run a race. His eyes, Oh Merlin she might melt into a puddle of goo on the floor from the look in his eyes.
She tried to look at the ground to avoid those eyes, but that unfortunately entailed her glaze passing over the most dangerous part of his anatomy, and her own eyes rounded as she realised he was so very aroused that the weeping tip of his massively erect penis was actually peeping out from above the waistband of his trousers. A quick and totally uncontrollable calculation of what that meant dimension-wise forced her to gasp and shut her eyes tightly against the images it produced, even while a new and uncontrollable surge of arousal flooded her already saturated knickers.
‘Oh no,’ Hermione moaned as he tried to pull her back into his arms. ‘Ron is waiting for me,’ she wailed.
‘What? Where?’ Draco mumbled confused as his brain cells tried to repair themselves. He looked confusedly around, staring out of the door as if he expected to see Ron Weasley standing outside the classroom checking his watch and frowning.
‘No, not there!’ she whimpered. ‘We can’t - I can’t - This …was a mistake. We don’t even like each other. How can I …I don’t -’ she couldn’t go on, although what she had said so far didn’t actually make much sense except for the part where she thought they didn’t like each other. He couldn’t believe how much those words hurt him, and while they might be true for Hermione, he was very afraid that they were not for him any more.
Hermione was trying to rebuild her defenses. All she really, truly wanted to do was to let him persuade her to give in and drag her away to teach her all the things Ron was waiting to do to her. And that was the reason she had to stop this now.
Ron actually cared for her, he respected her boundaries and although she knew he wanted to be physically a lot closer to her he had never pushed her to move faster than she wanted. His surprising response to her question about his experience the other night made her all the more pleased by his restraint.
Hermione knew as much about anatomy as the next person (well, except perhaps for Malfoy, who actually was the next person right now) and she was perfectly aware of how Ron’s body reacted when he was holding her; she was aware of the totally instinctive thrusts that occasionally occurred quite beyond his control. She had felt his erection against her stomach and her behind when he was close to her; certainly sufficiently that she had felt qualified to make comparisons just now.
She had kissed and held Ron many times, but never, never once, despite how nice and affectionate it felt, had her brain simply checked out on her. Always, always her mind was ticking over; analyzing, thinking, planning.
Which brought her back to her present dilemma. She and Draco were standing a foot apart, panting and verging on undressed, and she still didn’t have command over her body; it was on the edge of rebelling against her and doing exactly what it wanted. And, oh did it want Draco! One touch of his mouth and her sensible academic brain had rolled over and waved the white flag. Here I am, come and get me! She had been incapable of thought, of anything but feeling. He drained away her free will and she didn’t even mourn it’s loss.
The sudden sound of voices penetrated the haze in her head, and she jumped away from Draco as if scalded. Repairs to her clothing would have to wait. She dragged her fingers through her tousled hair and pulled her robes tightly closed around her front. Scooping up her dropped book bag, she fled without another look at him, but her heard her hissed words as he watched her departing back, ‘Stay away from me!’
He leaned against the wall where he had been pressing Granger scant minutes earlier, finally realizing that his own legs were shaky, even if certain other parts of his anatomy were standing up straight and waving hello.
What had happened now was a totally new experience for him. There had never been a time in his life when his control vanished as it just had. It was a Malfoy’s duty never to let a situation slip out of his command; his father had drummed that rule into his head from an early age. Lucius might be convicted felon now, but the sentiment was sound despite the advisor.
Merlin’s Toenails, he had fucked that plan up tonight! For the first time in his life, Draco had absolutely no idea what he was going to do next.
I feel so Evil, leading you on like that. I was so looking forward to posting the last chapter, and then the site went down, and so did my internet, so I couldn’t find out whether you all hated me or not!! Finally we are back up at this end, after 3 visits from the cable company and 2 new modems, but in case the third time wasn’t a charm, I am trying to squeeze in a chapter before that annoying little green light goes out again.
Finally, things are hotting up for our confused couple. Hope you are better pleased with this offering!
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