Changing Faces | By : WynterRose Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Draco Views: 7101 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
A/N: The good news...I have honestly finished this fic. I have been keeping it a secret while I worked on the final chapters. The bad news...I still have to tweak the last two possibly three chapters. Thank you, everyone that has read and waited patiently for me to finish it. I can't promise the last chapters this week, but I can promise that they will be here before you know it. They are lacking a bit of smut, so I must fix that. (and as usual - I don't own any of it and I make no money) Chapter 16: Holding Out for a Hero (The final two chapters will be posted later today)
Harry led the way through the floo network after Draco had sent word that it was safe. Lucius followed close behind him. He crossed the floor to his wife and wrapped his arms around her. Draco was standing across the room watching his parents greet each other with mist-filled eyes. Ron, Hermione, and Mr. Weasley came in unnoticed by the Malfoy family. Harry motioned them to the side so that the family could reunite properly.Draco looked at the Weasleys watching his family and made a cough to remind his father of where they were. Lucius looked down at Narcissa who had pale, tear-streaked cheeks. "My beautiful wife." He wiped a tear from her face and kissed her softly. Draco moved to where his parents stood. Lucius gazed at his son and nodded, for formalities must be kept even at times of war. "Mother, Father, may I present to you my husband, Harry Potter?" His words were stiff as he glanced over at Harry, holding out a hand to him.Ron stiffened, but did nothing as Hermione grabbed his wand arm. Mr. Weasley put a hand on his son's shoulder to add to the pressure. Harry hesitated for a moment before walking over to his new family. He took Draco's hand and faced his mother-in-law, whom he had not seen since the World Cup. This time her face was softer. She smiled at him warmly as Draco's fingers twined around his. The tear stains on her cheeks added to her beauty, making her appear human and less like a statue. Harry could not explain the butterflies that he was feeling in his stomach as she gazed at him.She stepped away from Lucius and took Harry's hand into hers. "It is a pleasure to meet you, my son. Let me be the first to welcome you into our home." She leaned forward and kissed him softly on the cheek and stepped back to Lucius.Lucius smiled at Harry. "Please feel free to do as you will here, Harry. My home is now your home. Anything that is known by Malfoy blood will now recognize you as a permanent member of our family."Harry felt a warm tingle go over his body as the wards surrounding the grounds took note of his magical signature. The sensation lasted seconds, but Harry could still feel the magic surrounding them. He turned to Draco, who squeezed his hand."Harry, my love, my mate, welcome to our home. As your husband it is my duty to make sure that you are always taken care of and protected. You wear my ring and the ancient protections associated with it will surround you always." Draco lifted Harry's hand and twisted it to kiss his wrist softly. "You will always find shelter in our home, you and your family."It was at this point that Mr. Weasley may a slight cough to remind Harry that they were there. All eyes were upon Harry as he turned and looked at Arthur. He felt Draco's fingers tighten around his in response. "Thank you for the…um…warm welcome." He stumbled over the words, trying to determine exactly what he was supposed to be saying. It would have been nice if Lucius had warned him that they would take part in some sort of ritual the minute they entered the hall. "May I present my adopted father, Arthur Weasley, who has treated me as his son from the time we met?"Arthur strode forward to the four while Ron and Hermione continued to stand and watch. Hermione had realized that it wasn't often that you were given glimpses into the practices of pure-blood traditionalists. Arthur took the outstretched hand of Lucius Malfoy and shook it. "It is a pleasure to be welcomed into your home and family. As you have welcomed me and my family into your home, so shall it be in mine."A ring of gold circled the five as the formalities were finished. The gold dissipated and Lucius stepped away from Arthur. Harry looked back at Ron and Hermione. Ron just shrugged. "Right, now that formalities have been kept, we can go about protecting our family," Lucius said while rubbing his hands. Narcissa nodded and led everyone through the house. The hallways were brightly lit as they walked towards the back of the manor. Harry gazed at the portraits of all the previous Malfoys as he walked. "I have made sure the Dark Lord was going to oversee the plans to infiltrate St. Mungos. He feels that it is an important battle." She looked to her husband as they continued to walk. "I'm not sure if he is equipped to take the hospital, but he has taken most of his Death Eaters."Lucius nodded as Harry walked with him and Narcissa, letting go of Draco's hand. He felt a bit of guilt, knowing that Draco had just watched his father walk away with him without as much as a nod. The others followed in turn leaving Draco just standing there. Harry watched as Draco raised his head and walked forward to join the others. Lucius turned to Mr. Weasley and said, "I assume you can warn the Order about the attack?"Arthur Weasley just smiled. "I am a step ahead of you.""So what does that mean for us?" Harry asked quickly.Narcissa opened the door to the terrace and shook her head as a peacock strolled by. "Please ignore the birds. They were gifts from my father-in-law. Mitzi will bring tea to us. ""This means that we have only a few moments to change the secret keeper of the Malfoy Manor to you, Harry."Arthur put his arm around Harry and led him to a corner of the terrace where a table and chairs were arranged. He pulled out the book he had taken from Grimmauld Place and opened it to the appropriate place. "Is everyone here?" He looked up at everyone gathered in front of them.Narcissa looked to Draco silently. "There is one more. I want word that none will hurt him, but he is family and is need of refuge as well," Narcissa said firmly.Harry ran his hand through his hair. He had a feeling he knew who was going to step out of the door next. Draco walked over to him and stood beside him. Ron and Hermione just watched the door apprehensively."Mrs. Malfoy," Arthur began, "I can guarantee that no one will harm your fugitive, or at least until after the spell is performed." He looked at the kids surrounding him. "Their mother will know if they step out of line."Narcissa nodded and opened a side door to where Snape was standing. Hermione stood staring at the loathed professor as she clutched Ron's hand. The only thing holding Ron back was the threat of his mother’s wrath. Arthur just stood still for a moment to make sure that none of the kids would attack Snape. "Severus.""Arthur, pleasure to see you." His answer was curt. "I assume that you are aware that time is of the essence. Thanks to Mr. Malfoy's attachment there is even less time. I have been sent word that my presence is required for the final stages of the plan for St. Mungos.""Right." Arthur looked down at the open book and began the spell to make Harry secret keeper of Malfoy Manor. Throughout the ritual Harry glared at Snape. He didn't take his eyes off of the man, though he managed to answer when needed during the complicated ritual. No words were said besides the simple affirmations between Lucius and Harry during the ritual. "Well, that is that," Arthur said as he closed the book. "I must take my leave and join in the preparations of saving the hospital. Severus, is there anything specific we should know?"Severus nodded and the two men walked away. Harry glared at the professor as he walked back through the house. "Harry, now is not the time," Lucius said calmly.Harry turned his glare on his father-in-law. "Do you realize the hell that man has put me through on top of killing Dumbledore?""Are you on that, <i>again</i>, Harry?" Draco spoke up. "You need to just drop it. It was planned between the two of them. They just wouldn't tell anyone else the plan.""Some plan it was!" Harry said bitterly. He turned and walked to the edge of the terrace and looked out on the grounds.Ron walked over to him. "Hey, mate, we need to get to work." He put his hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry shrugged it off and walked out into the garden."Leave him be, Mr. Weasley. He needs to calm down. Narcissa, would you please take Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley to the Founder's tea cup?" Lucius looked to his wife.Her face paled. "Lucius, you can't mean…"He nodded. "When I chose to leave with Harry, I swore my allegiance to him and him alone. It was not until after this that we found out about the marriage. For better or worse the Malfoy family is now working for the light. I would hope that our love for each other would make this transition a bit easier for you."Narcissa paled. "He is going to kill you."Lucius laughed. "He will have to break Harry before he will ever get to me. I have a feeling that if Harry did not defeat him, our lives would have been forfeit anyway.""Father," Draco said softly, "What is it you want me to do? I cannot stay hidden, even though I want nothing more than not to leave here. You are practically under house arrest with Harry as your guard. What should I do?"Lucius dropped his mask for a moment and pulled Draco into his arms again. "My dearest son. You know you have been my joy from the day you were born. I would not make you go back unless you felt the need. I would prefer that you go out into that garden and find your husband and start making amends for all the secrets. Your husband needs you at his side; he does not need to worry about you with his enemies."Draco hugged his father. He kissed his mother's cheek. He glanced at the outsiders and nodded, then stepped off the terrace to find Harry."Now, Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley, please feel welcome in our home." Narcissa was extremely polite as she turned to the guests again. "I am going to assume that you have a plan for our fine china?"Hermione smiled at her. "Yes, Mrs. Malfoy. We have come up with a couple of options for destroying certain objects. I believe that we are going to experiment with a spell that Mr. Malfoy helped me with. If the cup is destroyed, then we will know it works.""In that case, I shall direct you to a special study room. There is nothing of extreme value that could not be repaired if your experiment gets out of hand.” Narcissa responded politely while leading Lucius, Hermione, and Ron away from the terrace.Ron looked at Draco's mother for the first time. Really looked at her. "Excuse me, Mrs. Malfoy.""Yes, Mr. Weasley?""Where did you get that locket?" Ron asked."Ronald!" Hermione said to hush him. "It isn't polite."Narcissa narrowed her eyes at the red-head. "This is an heirloom of my family. One of my faithful house-elves brought it to me after my aunt had passed away."Hermione gasped and looked at the necklace closely. "Do you think it is the one? That looks like the one that Kreacher took from the study."Lucius looked between the two teens then back to his wife. "Narcissa, dear, was it Kreacher that brought this to you?" He lifted it from her chest to look at it closely. She narrowed her eyes at her husband. "You have never had an issue with my family heirlooms before, Lucius."Instead of responding, he looked into her eyes and kissed her. "My dear, you may have just saved the day. May I?" He reached behind her and undid the clasp and slipped it off. "It does feel heavier than normal. It has a magic coming from it that I don't quite recognize."Hermione and Ron looked at the locket in Lucius' hands. "That's it! I remember the twins trying to open it, but it wouldn't open.""We should let Harry know as well. This means two down and two to go! We just have to find the shield and the diadem. I hope we can get to Hogwarts quickly." Hermione stepped away and turned towards the gardens."Let them have some time alone, Hermione. We can just surprise Harry when they come back, Ron responded. He smiled wryly when he noticed the shocked looks on their faces with his acceptance.The four began to walk into the house. "Lucius, I hope you realize that you have much to explain to me," said Narcissa."Yes, dear," he said softly as she led them through the maze of the house.~~~***~~~"Harry, wait up."Harry stopped and waited for his <i>husband</i> to catch up to him."Harry." Draco put a hand on his shoulder and turned him slowly. "Look at me.""What do you want, Draco?"Draco looked into the weary eyes staring back at him. He moved his fingers softly across Harry’s face. He leaned in and kissed the soft lips in front of him and wrapped his arms around his husband. He put everything he was feeling into his kiss, trying to say with his mouth what was in his heart.Draco pulled away reluctantly. "I wanted to be the one to show you the garden. It was always one of my favorite places. I could hide for hours and no one could find me." He smiled, letting his hand fall, and wrapped his fingers in between Harry's. He pulled his arm slightly and led him forward. "Just over here is my favorite spot. I hid from Pansy for two hours one day when she was insistent upon playing Medi-Wizard. I believe that was right after my tenth birthday."Draco pulled Harry along, talking about small things of no importance. He pointed to a tree in the distance. "I fell out of that tree when I was eight. I was hiding from my tutor. He wanted me to write out my Latin."They kept walking slowly, Draco trying to show that he wasn't a horrible person. He sat down by a pond. Harry sat down next to him, picking at stones and tossing them into the still water. "I was sitting here the day that I heard the Dark Lord wanted to mark me," he said softly. "My mother brought me here to tell me."She told me that I had a choice. I could follow in my father's footsteps and become a valuable asset to the Dark Lord, or I could go to Dumbledore." Draco heard Harry's breath still before he continued. "She told me that it would be my one and only choice. The Dark Lord wanted her to bring me before him that night. She handed me a portkey that would take me to Hogsmeade and all I would need to do was make my way to the castle."Draco pulled up his knees and looked into the distance. "I asked her why I would want to go join Dumbledore. Her response was quite simple. 'A Slytherin always thinks to save their own skin first and foremost. After they save themselves, then they can save their family.'"At the time, I was still mad at you and didn't think the Dark Lord would be quite so…""So evil? So ready to kill at a moment's notice? Would not hesitate to use the <i>Cruciatus</i> on you?" Harry asked. Draco chuckled softly. "Yeah, something like that. I then asked my mother what would happen if I went to Dumbledore. She said that she would be killed. It was that simple. I couldn't let my mother die. No matter how many times I wished I had taken that portkey, I could not lose my mother."Draco felt Harry's hand on his and he smiled softly."I wish you would have come to me. I would have saved her somehow." The two boys turned their heads, one looking uncertain and the other looking rash. They both leaned in and kissed softly.~~~*~~~Hermione had her book open on the table. She was experimenting with a shielding spell to enclose the horcruxes before they were destroyed. Ron was sitting in the corner admiring a chess set made from obsidian and ivory. He ran his fingers over the edges, picking up a figure and stroking it softly.Lucius was at a desk going over old parchment. Narcissa stood behind him with her hands on his shoulders, slowly rubbing them, as if this was a normal occurrence. She leaned down and whispered in his ear. She pointed to something in the document. He turned his head slightly so that his lips could caress her cheek softly.
Hermione gazed at them during one of these completely private moments. She was surprised at how open they were in their own home with guests present. She had expected them to both be cold to her and Ron, but they had been quite the opposite. "Mr. Malfoy?"He leaned back and took note of the girl. "Yes, Hermione?""Do you think it would be safe for us to try the spell now? I think I have found a shielding spell to keep it contained within a small area."He smiled softly. "Yes, and from what I have been reading, this should actually work." He pushed his chair back and stood. Narcissa walked to the table with him and looked down at the objects lying there, innocent-looking."It is amazing how you can capture a part of your soul in small inanimate object." Narcissa's voice was soft as she touched the locket softly. "I'm not even sure where this locket came from, but I would say that it could be traced back to Salazar himself." Ron's head rose. "Do you really think it’s Slytherin's locket?"Narcissa nodded and walked over to the redhead. "Come with me, Mr. Weasley, let me give you a tour of a few of the other rooms. I feel that Lucius and Miss Granger should be able to handle this task without us."Ron's eyes flicked between Hermione and Mrs. Malfoy. "Go on, Ron. It is probably better to have fewer people in here when the spell is broken.""Alright then, if you’re sure." He followed the older woman to the door. "Mr. Weasley, I thought you might like to learn a bit more about Pureblood tradition. I am going to assume that you have not been raised as strictly as our Draco has.""Mrs. Malfoy, I know as much as I need to know.""Were you aware that there would be a ceremony welcoming Harry into our family today?"Ron swallowed the lump in his throat, fearing what he might learn. "I had heard about ceremonies, but had never seen one performed. We’re very laid back."Narcissa nodded. "It is what I feared. As a young pure-blood in our society, there are going to be times in which you will need to perform a certain way with almost no notice. Harry could be forgiven for not knowing he was going to be introduced officially to the family and the wards, but he did quite well today. I'm sure his father would have taken him through the appropriate steps, and if not him, then Sirius would have.""But…""I'm sorry, Mr. Weasley, Ron. It is time you learnt more about your heritage. Did you know that we are distantly cousins?""No…but…""As such, it is my duty to make sure that when we have a formal ceremony for Harry and Draco, you will be able to stand at Harry's side and perform the part of best man to perfection. Are you aware of responsibilities of the best man? You are also his adopted brother, so that takes the ceremony to a new level. Are you prepared to do the rituals required of you?" Narcissa stopped walking and lowered her eyes to the boy in front of her.Ron was a lovely shade of green. "Formal ceremony?" He gulped. "I guess I do need to learn a bit more." He bit his lip. Narcissa smiled at the boy and took his arm. "Come, my dear boy, let us start with a tour of the library. There are quite a few portraits you may want to see."Only after the two cleared the door and their footsteps faded did Hermione finally giggle. "I'm thinking that Ron doesn't know what he just got himself into."Lucius chuckled beside her. "I fear you may be right. Just remember, it will be your turn soon enough. Though you are not officially "family" for the wards, you will be expected to play your part. ""Oh good Godric," she groaned. "At least I can learn something from it. What will I be expected to do?" "You will have your own lessons with my wife and she will explain all you need to know." His laughter was slow and melodic. "Now, let's get to business. I think that you need to set the shield in place and then we shall both perform the spell together."Hermione nodded. She got her wand out and cast an encasement shield around the objects on the table. She raised her eyes and waited for the nod from Lucius before they both spoke the spell. They kept their wands trained on the two objects on the table. A purple light came from both wands and encircled the teacup and the locket. They rose from the table slightly and fought the purple energy. Hermione felt her arm getting weaker. "Keep holding on and focusing," Lucius whispered. After what seemed like hours to Hermione, although she was sure that it was only a minute or so, both inanimate objects let out a cry and began to emit a black smoke. It rose to the surface of the encasement surrounding them. Without warning, the cup shattered and the locket broke apart, particles flying quickly to the surrounding shield.Lucius lowered his wand and gazed at Hermione. "I do believe that is two parts of his soul down. How many more do we need to destroy?"Hermione's response was shaky. The weariness in her voice was apparent to Lucius. "I think two more, but I think we should have more help. I know I couldn't have done it alone."Lucius looked at the girl. "Come, let me show you to a room so you can rest. I'm going to assume that Harry will have us stay here for a day or two."Hermione just nodded her head and took his arm. "Thank you."~~ ** ~~Draco and Harry broke apart at the sound of someone Apparating behind them. “Well, well if this isn’t lovely. Draco, may I remind you that you were supposed to be at St. Mungo’s attacking the hospital.”Draco flushed as he faced Snape. “I have decided that my place is beside my husband.”Snape shook his head. “You were a spy, Draco. That was your part in this war. You just gave up any advantage you had so that you could romp in the sack with this pathetic excuse for a wizard.” He nodded at Harry.Harry jumped to his feet and flew at Snape, his arms prepared to punch. Snape put up a protective barrier between him and the outraged boy. He laughed sardonically. “Physical violence, Potter? Is this the best that you have in you?”Harry raised his wand at Snape and fired off an expelliarmus. It was again blocked by the professor. “You’re a bastard!” he yelled at the sallow-faced man.“I’m a bastard, but I’m the one out there fighting to save this godforsaken world from a madman. What are you doing? Sitting here by a pond and making eyes at your boyfriend.”“That boyfriend happens to be my husband and if he wants to make eyes at me, he can! Stupefy!”Snape easily blocked this spell as well and stepped to the side. “Is this it? Is this what I have been waiting for? A measly disarmament. Tell me what you are doing to prepare! What have you done in the past weeks to defeat the Dark Lord?”Draco walked up behind Harry and put his arms on his shoulders. “Stop it. Don’t fight him. He’s on our side.”Harry shrugged the hands off his shoulders. “Just because we are getting along, does not mean that I fully believe that you are on my side, Draco. I don’t know why you missed your mission, but nothing has changed,” he said coldly. He turned to Snape and asked, “"How many people did you kill today?”Snape glared at Harry. “I may have killed only a rat, a rat that I’m sure you would have liked to have had your hands on. He saw me protecting the mediwizards and had to die. What have you done? How have <i>you</i> prepared? Why am I fighting this goddamned war for you?”“You aren’t fighting a war for me! I don’t know what you are doing. You killed Dumbledore. You destroyed the person leading the war!”“ON HIS ORDERS!” Snape bellowed.“On his orders or not, don’t you think he would have told someone else? Don’t you think he would have prepared me for it? Why would he want you to kill him when he knew I needed him?” Harry yelled at Snape. He was losing his control, letting his feelings run away with him.Snape bowed his head for a moment and ran a sweaty hand through the greasy locks. “You saw him quite a bit this year, Potter. Didn’t you realize he wasn’t going to last much longer? Didn’t you realize that he would have given his life for anyone? You were on the fucking tower. He didn’t want Draco to get blood on his hands! Why the bloody hell do I need to explain this to you. If this is the response you give your allies, then I may as well go back and fight for the Dark Lord in earnest!”“Bloody traitor!”“At least I’m out there fighting this war. When are you going to finish it? When am I going to see the hero that was promised to me? I have waited sixteen years for a savior, someone to defeat the Dark Lord and make sure that he was never going to return. Where is that savior? Where is the person I’m fighting for? Dumbledore made me promises the way he made them to you. Where the bloody hell is my hero? What the hell are you doing to defeat the Dark Lord?”The sweat rolled down Harry’s cheek as he lowered his wand. He never thought to hear such a speech from his hated professor.“Where is the boy who lived and defeated him once before? Excuse me while I interrupt him snogging in the middle of the war.” Snape glared at him and turned to walk to the manor.Harry watched him stalking away. “Professor.” Harry said softly, unsure of what he was about to do. Snape stopped walking, but did not turn around. “Will you teach me?”“Envicerate.” Snape did not give a response, only shot out the curse.”Protego” Harry shot back without thinking. ”Levicorpus.”Snape dodged the spell. “You cannot use my own spells against me, Potter. When are you going to learn that?”Harry faced the man and bowed. “Ready when you are.”Snape nodded to Draco to join in the fight as well. “Just be prepared to get dirty.”While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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