A Most Trusted Soldier | By : Rettavex Category: Harry Potter > Slash - Male/Male > Harry/Snape Views: 58733 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 4 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor any of the characters from the books or movies. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Severus woke with a lazy, sated half smile. The dusky, early morning light was filtering through the dark, sheer drapes that hung around the feather mattress, casting a dim shadow onto the walls as it cascaded over various items in the room. Untangling his legs from beneath the deadweight of his lover, Severus literally rolled off the bed and onto the floor, before standing and quietly heading into the bathroom to relieve his awfully full bladder and see to his other morning ablutions.
Bathroom needs taken care of, Severus snagged his thigh-length, black silk robe off the back of the door and tied it on loosely before making his way back into the main bedroom. The taller wizard stopped just outside of the bathroom and rested his back against the wall just beside the entryway, taking a moment to study his sleeping lover unnoticed. It was a rare occasion that Severus woke before the Amoral descendant. It was so unlike Harry not to be up with the dawn, ready to bask in awakening nature. The fact that the younger wizard was still sleeping, coupled with the angry-looking welts raised on his normally unblemished back was all the proof Severus needed to know for certain that his memories of the previous night were not a figment of his imagination.
With a small smile in place, Severus quietly padded over to the mattress where he leaned in to get a better look at the marks he had left. He lightly trailed his index finger along one of the longest scratches, unable to stop the smirk of prowess from erupting on his face. The scratches, which looked as though they had been made by some feral wildcat, would not scar but they would take time to heal unless Harry decided to tend to them with a healing potion or salve, which Severus hoped fervently against. As surely as Harry had claimed him so many, many months ago, the previous night Severus had claimed him right back.
They had made furious, desperate love over and over again. Harry eager to give Severus everything the dark wizard needed in order to be reassured of his place not only in Harry’s bed, but also in his heart. During the interim periods, while their skin cooled and they took in sustenance to replenish their energy, they shared lazy, exhausted kisses interrupted by whispered endearments and shy laughter. Somewhere in the middle of round three of fucking, with their passion at a fever pitch despite their waning libidos, despair set in on Severus and something inside him broke. Thinking back on it now the older man could rationalize that it was only a matter of time before the pressure from too many years of emotional restraint became too much for his heart and mind to bear. Even Severus Snape had his limits; Leave it to Harry Potter to unleash the torrent of unexpressed fear, anger, neuroses, and desperation in one shot; but the younger man had paid for it in skin.
It had been an almost out-of-body experience for the older wizard, so unaccustomed to allowing his emotions to guide him. Even now he could recall in vivid detail the snarling fight that had ensued. Harry had been buried deep inside him, fucking him harshly and with maddeningly precise timing, the strength of every stroke varied a degree but every single one battering his prostate until Severus’ mind threatened to fracture from the excruciating pleasure. Just as he felt his orgasm bubbling forth, which he knew would be dry as he had long ago excreted his supply of semen, the ex-Death Eater felt his chest constrict as tears scalded his eyes. Unable to stop the deluge, Severus came with an inhuman scream, his fingertips buried deep into the muscle and skin of Harry’s back. As his body wracked itself with sobs, Severus clawed through the end of his release, marring his lover’s back and bloodying his own fingernails. It was brutal. There was no other word for it. Yet, Severus realized that his mind and soul felt lighter this morning. Lighter than he could ever remember feeling before.
Assured that Harry was in fact deeply asleep, Severus rose and headed down to the kitchen, his mind focused on preparing his lover a light tray of his favorites for breakfast. Suddenly he remembered that it was Friday and he had a seventh year double potions class in less than three hours. In a decision that was both impetuous and made without an iota of regret, Severus headed to the study to pen a short note. He had not taken many days off for personal reasons for decades. Even on the occasions where he had suffered untold horrors at the hands of the Dark Lord, Severus had not taken time off, no matter Albus’ insistence. He had merely downed a pain potion and resumed his professorial duties without complaint. No doubt Minerva would be extremely curious as to what business could keep the highly dependable teacher away from class, but Severus could hardly care to blush about it. He wanted to spend time with Harry. They needed the time to reconnect and to talk about all the things they were too busy fucking the night before to discuss.
Severus closed the Floo after sending the note through to the headmistress’ office before sauntering off toward the kitchen to complete his original task. Not more than a half hour later Severus headed back up the stairs, followed by a floating tray laden with a carafe of coffee, small tea pot, blueberry & vanilla scones, mascarpone cream, a few hardboiled eggs, Lox, a small dish of capers, and cut fruit. When Severus thought long and hard about it, which was rare, he was still a bit shocked at how quickly and deeply his need to please Harry had developed. While intellectually he knew he wanted, even needed this type of relationship, living it day-to-day with Harry Potter of all people was enough to make him feel like he was in a dream world. He was prepared to need Harry. He was prepared to want Harry. He was prepared to fall in love with Harry. What he had not been prepared for was for Harry to need, want and love him back.
Severus pushed the bedroom door open to find a cute, bleary-eyed, disheveled Harry sitting upright on the mattress yawning, the rumpled, purple satin sheet pooling just below Harry’s navel but still covering what Severus knew to be one of the most beautiful renditions of the male sexual organ he had personally ever seen.
“G’mornin’, babe,” Harry mumbled through the tail end of his yawn, bringing both arms up overhead and grabbing the opposite elbow with a hand as he stretched side to side, groaning as his stiff muscles lengthened and relaxed.
Severus floated the tray over to the foot of the mattress, setting it down soundlessly on the floor next to the Calla lilies.
“I’ve brought you some of your favorites,” Severus said softly, his eyes looking at the tray while his hands busied themselves fixing mugs of coffee. He was unsure why he was suddenly so bashful about treating Harry to this little luxury, but figured after their discussions the night before he was feeling a little raw and exposed—happy, but raw and exposed nonetheless.
Severus handed Harry a steaming cup of coffee, black with three sugars and just a hint of cream, before taking up his own mug. After idly stroking one hand through the tousled mess of his sleepy lover’s hair, Severus sat cross-legged on the floor next to the tray with one hand clutching his mug while the other hand idly fingered the broad, curled petals of the lilies. A few audible sips sounded loudly in the silence as each man collected their thoughts in preparation for a discussion that Severus found he was not eager to have. Yet, the reprieve granted by Harry the night before was at an end, as Severus watched the naked-but-for-a-sheet wizard make a purposeful gesture with his free hand in the direction of the bathroom. Seconds later the boxes and contract scroll floated into the bedroom, each item landing soundlessly on floor between the two men.
Despite Harry’s reassurances Severus could not help but be wary at the sight of the scroll once again. Part of him was eager to hear what Harry had to say; the other just wanted the silence to reign, allowing him to lounge in bed wrapped around Harry the rest of the day.
Holding up the scroll Harry said, “I got this out of the vault last week because I wanted to know if there were things you wanted to change.”
“Change?” Severus asked, uncertain where Harry was headed.
“About us. I’ve been thinking and like I said last night I’ve been a little lackadaisical in my duties as your mate and your dom. Now is your chance to call this off, or change it if you want,” Harry explained, gabbing his coffee and floating the scroll over to Severus.
The older man watched as the scroll hovered in midair in front of him. There was nothing he wanted to change and he didn’t want out. It was enough that Harry had seen his own mistakes and was making an effort to correct his own flaws. Severus was not the kind of man to run at the first sign of trouble or failure.
Severus reached out and grabbed the scroll, not bothering to untie it. He summoned the box in normally resided in from downstairs and replaced the scroll therein. Harry just watched as Severus answered in a gesture. Replacing the scroll without so much as a reread was Severus’ way of saying that he was happy with their relationship just the way it was.
“You never opened them,” Harry said, gesturing towards the unopened gift boxes lined up in a row. “Do so now, please.”
Severus placed his mug down before opening the first box, his fingers carefully removing the ribbon. Harry sat quietly sipping his tea, glad that Severus had chosen the smallest box first. He couldn’t help the smirk of satisfaction when he saw the stunned expression on his lover’s face as the older man peered into the box.
“You…it’s mine?” Severus asked, his voice hushed.
“Of course. Who else?”
Severus laid the lid of the box to the side before plucking the paper thin but broad platinum length of metal from the box. The only marking on it was a thinly engraved ‘P’ in old-fashioned script. A climbing thorn-covered vine wrapped the stem of the ‘P’. It was a splendid piece of jewelry despite its simplicity and Severus was nearly floored by what it meant. This was no ordinary trinket. The vine-covered letter was a feature Severus recognized as being one of the elements of the Potter family crest. Never in his wildest dreams had Severus expected Harry to give him something like this.
“Do you like it?” Harry asked, scooting forward on the mattress to get closer to where Severus was sitting, the sheet slipping further down so that the silky trail of hair leading to his cock was clearly visible.
Severus, not bothering to look up, just nodded slowly, his eyes still taking in the highly significant gift. “Do you know what this means, Harry?” he asked, his voice wavering slightly.
Harry gave a slight chuckle before sliding off the mattress and onto the floor to kneel next to Severus, completely nude and utterly unabashed. These were the moments when Severus found himself speechless to describe the stark contrast between the confident, easy-going man before him and the unsure, bumbling yet brave little wizard that once ambled around Hogwarts in over-sized clothing and dirty trainers. Yet, even now, as Harry reached into the box with a slightly unsteady hand, Severus could see the ghost of that little boy still seeking love and approval. Fate had a funny way of setting things to rights, Severus mused, thinking about just how similar he and Harry were. Arguably the two most formidable wizards of the time, here they both were emotionally vulnerable and unguarded, both equally hungry for love and each one steadily learning how to give and receive it. It was frightening given their history to think that each of them could be what the other had been searching for, but in a way that did not feel ominous in the least, only unavoidable as destiny tended to be.
“I know exactly what it means, Sev. I may have been raised by Muggles but in my adult years I have finally taken the time to learn the traditions I had been ignorant of for so long,” Harry said, holding the shiny, flat length of platinum I an outstretched palm. “I found this in my family vaults about six months ago. As you know there are tons of such heirloom jewels and bonding gifts that normally reside in family vaults. Well, this was actually a collar worn by the most senior and trusted human servant of the Potter family. I had it stripped of its magic and spells, melted and then reforged by the goblins. If you allow, I’d like to put it on you.”
Severus stood quickly, tightening the belt on his short robe in the process, wanting to feel less exposed. “Why now?” he asked agitatedly.
Harry let out a deep sigh, returning the length of platinum back to the box before rising from the floor also. The green-eyed wizard crossed over to where Severus stood leaning back against the back of one of the over-sized, stuffed chairs, his long arms wrapped protectively over his chest.
“For many reasons,” Harry said, reaching forward to pull Severus’ arms apart, before wrapping the taller man up in a loose hug. “You need reassurances. I understand that now. I should have done this sooner, when the incident with Wood first happened. I’ve never wanted to collar or leash you in anyway, Severus; but I realize that my inability to give what you so obviously need is actually selfishness on my part. I’ve been thinking about me, when I should have been thinking about you. I will not… ,” Harry’s voice cracked a bit before he continued. “I cannot mark you… not yet, anyway. I’m…not ready. But I hope that this will be enough to prove to you that I want you. Just you, whatever comes.”
Harry pulled back forcing Severus to meet his eyes before he leaned forward and captured Severus’ mouth in a deep kiss, the taste of sweetened coffee enhancing the bitter-sweetness of the moment. Severus let his arms droop so that his hands came to rest atop the firm, muscled globes of his lover’s naked ass, unable to stop himself from moaning into the kiss. Severus tightened his grip on Harry’s ass cheeks, pressing himself further into the warm, hard body of his lover, marveling at how wonderful all that smooth skin and rock-hard muscle felt beneath his hands. The younger wizard was like a living work of art— every dip and plane perfectly chiseled, every muscle sculpted like marble. As their kiss deepened Severus felt Harry push a hand between their bodies and tug on the tie to his robe, which released with little resistance. One side of the black silk robe was slipped off Severus’ shoulder, exposing the pale flesh there, which Harry began nipping and sucking, causing Severus to shiver with lust.
“Will you wear this symbol of my love, desire and affection for you? Will you allow me to bond to you yet again?” Harry asked between kisses, his breath uneven and harsh. “Be mine.”
The last was as much a question as a demand. Unable to respond verbally as Harry once again had him in a lip lock, Severus instead settled for pushing Harry away and flinging the rest of the robe off so that he too was nude, before dropping unceremoniously onto his knees before his dom.
Severus did not bow his head to the floor, as he knew the gesture would be artificial to their relationship. They held no real need or desire to see such blatant acts of submission. Each one knew their place in the relationship and that was enough most days. Harry wanted a sub— of that Severus was sure; but he knew his lover also wanted a partner, an equal— at least as much of an equal as one could be while also being submissive. The dark wizard sat back on his heels and met his lover’s gaze head-on. Severus gloried when he saw the appreciative, predatory look in Harry’s eyes, not to mention the semi-hard cock between his dom’s legs.
“I will always be yours,” Severus replied, wandlessly summoning the platinum which Harry plucked from the air like a snitch as it traveled towards Severus.
“This can be worn anywhere. Choose carefully though, pet. Once it is in place it will be there indefinitely,” Harry said, stalking forward. “It will wrap around and size to fit any appendage.”
Severus looked at the gleaming piece of metal in thought before deciding upon the best location, one that would please them both.
“Bicep, please,” Severus responded. “This way it can be covered when we are in public.”
“You can choose to wear it openly if you like, Severus,” Harry stated firmly. “This is not a slave collar. We are not master and slave. You are my lover; my submissive lover. If you care to show it you can.”
Severus stared at Harry for a moment before nodding in understanding and murmuring a soft thank you, but not changing his choice.
“Very well,” Harry replied in an approving tone before lifting Severus’ arm and pressing the metal against the area of his sub’s choice. The metal became instantly hot, causing Severus to flinch.
“You are not burning, Sev. That is just the protective spells keying to your magical signature. This bracelet has all the normal protective properties you usually find on bonding rings. Portkey to me in danger, I can find you if necessary, wards off most minor hexes and so on. It will not interfere with your own magic in anyway and is safe around your potions.”
The band began to curve and form around his bicep, tightening and releasing repeatedly until it settled on a fit. Severus was a little surprised to find that the metal was practically weightless and seemed to lay completely flat, almost as if it was a part of his skin. As the arm band came to rest Harry summoned a silver letter opener from the writing desk and slit his index finger before dragging the bleeding appendage across the width of the bracelet where the ends of it met, using his own blood as a sealant.
“You used blood magic?” Severus asked astonished.
Harry nodded before pushing Severus back onto the floor and lying on top of him.
“Yes. It’s not dark per se, just…dim,” Harry said in jest, as he began nibbling on various exposed parts of his sub’s body. Within minutes they were both panting heavily and fully erect. Not bothering with the obligatory foreplay, Harry stroked himself with one hand, lubricating his own member with a spell before pushing Severus’ knees up, exposing the older wizard’s loosely furled entrance.
“I need you, Severus,” Harry breathed before pushing deeply into Severus in one eager stroke. “I’ve always needed you. I’ll always need you.”
Severus wrapped his legs securely around his lover’s waist, immediately relaxing into the rhythm Harry began, his heart filled with the knowledge that the need of which Harry confessed went far beyond the act in which they were engaged.
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