Just Submit 2 | By : grugster Category: Harry Potter > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 190453 -:- Recommendations : 5 -:- Currently Reading : 18 |
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and make no money from writing this story. All recognizable characters belong to J.K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. |
Thanks a lot to my betas, remarkable, for correcting this chapter!
Dear readers,
here is the next chapter for you.
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Characters:Hermione, Toric, Ages
Sexual interactions:Toric/Hermione, Ages/Hermione(just cuddling)
Warnings: het
Chapter 16 - Toric
She did what he asked of her, even though she didn't know why he wanted her to do so. Slowly, she felt the high feeling leave her and her mind cleared. “Oh,” she said and blushed, embarrassed.
“No problem. I think we all enjoyed your little show, and they will work even harder now to keep you safe and impress you.” He smiled. That head alpha was a really cunning one. Forcing him in a training session, so he wouldn't be able to come up and get Hermione and giving her two other choices she wouldn't take as her company. The morale and motivation of his warriors had been lifted immensely and that would last for at least a few months. Then the old werewolf would find another reason to send the pup down again.
When they entered the big spa, many people were in it. They immediately looked over at them. Hermione stiffened. Her mind was clear again, and she was already feeling very embarrassed by her behavior in the warrior wing. Now all those people were looking at her, amused, leering, or a bit confused. The women had already started to gather their children, but then Toric signed them to stay.
“We will use the adult pool,” Toric said and tried to guide Hermione over there.
“No, please,” Hermione said. She hated that pool even though Fenrir and Yorik had distracted her from the bad and frightening experience in there by giving her a good experience. It was a big difference to be in the adult pool with one of her mates versus Toric. She felt attracted to him but he wasn't her mate, and she couldn't be sure how much he would try to dominate her.
“Calm down, pup. We won't use any of the items. It’s the only pool with a privacy screen. It wouldn't be fair to send them all out. The day after the full moon is a strain, and the water is helping us all to get the tension out of our systems. The old ones and the kids especially need to soak, and they spend almost the whole day in the spa.”
Hermione gave him a puzzled look, and Toric used her confusion to get her close to the pool.
“Do you want the full privacy shield or the translucent shield?” Toric asked.
Toric smiled and pushed a button on the console beside the pool. A translucent wall came up around them, the pool and a big area around it. “They can't see you, but you can see them. Want to see the other shield?”
Hermione nodded.
“That's the full shield.” A milky wall had taken the place of where the translucent wall had been before.
“Full shield,” Hermione decided quickly.
“Okay, now remove your clothes. We need to bathe you for twenty minutes. Then I will apply the oil.” Toric started to undress in the hope the pup would obey his order.
Hermione didn't obey because she was too busy looking at Toric's delicious body. He was well built, like a man who spent a lot of time in a gym. He had no tattoos like Calan, but still, he was radiating power and strength. The hair was red-blond on his whole body, and Hermione found that very erotic. Toric's cock was similar to Yorik's, medium sized and thick and already hard like a rock. Hermione wet her lips. She wanted to taste him.
When Hermione forced her eyes from his groin, she noticed that Yorik was looking expectantly at her. She couldn't keep her eyes on his face even though it was very, very attractive. He had a very male face, but not too angular. His goatee was well trimmed and it pointed her down to Toric's chest. His pectoral muscles were very well defined, and before Hermione realized what she was doing, she was close to Toric and running her hand over his well-toned chest and stomach.
“Pup,” Toric said warningly, grabbing her hands.
“I want to touch you and taste you, Toric,” Hermione said wantonly, and when he didn't let go of her hands, she pressed her body close to his. Her skirt scooped up while she rubbed herself over Toric's member, and soon her pubic hair was teasing his hard erection.
“Pup, please, we need to bathe you. You must stop!”
Hermione could see how much Toric was fighting. She could smell his arousal. He wanted her. “We can bathe after this.”
“No, you are still sore. You would regret it.”
“I feel fine.” She lifted herself on her toes and tried to get Toric's member closer to her entrance but the man was too tall. He was at least one head higher than Hermione.
“No,” he said, determined, stepping away from her while still holding her hands.
Hermione whined, protesting.
“You just feel well because Miller gave you a potion. The problem down there is still there. We need to bathe you and oil you.”
“But Miller said sex would produce my natural lube, and that it would heal me as well.”
“Yes, but not before the bath and the oil, pup. That's my last word.”
Hermione pouted while he undressed her, leading her into the pool after spilling the potion in. He pulled her on his lap when he had sat down on the underwater step. Hermione's back was against his chest and he spread her legs far apart. The he fumbled with her lower lips and held them apart.
That made Hermione meow and wriggle to get him to penetrate her.
“No, pup!” Toric pinched her in the bum, and she squeaked.
“That hurt!”
“I know and it should. Stop wriggling. I know it’s hard to fight against your heat, but you need to hold back for twenty minutes because that's the time we need to just soak.”
Hermione held still for around two minutes because he really was speaking very dominantly. After two minutes she was damn bored. She wasn't in pain, even though it was just because of the potion and because she felt his awesome body behind her. Slowly she sneaked her arm around her and played with his bum.
Toric tried to ignore her. He was still holding her lower lips apart with one hand and with the other he held her close around her waist. Still, there was room for her hand to slip between her back and his groin, and she took his member in her hand. The awkward position made her shoulder ache after a time and Toric was very good at pretending to not notice her fondling.
“Can I turn around? You could hold me open like that as well.”
“But my arm hurts, Toric.”
“Then stop fondling me.”
“Please, Toric.”
“Firstly, no, because you are still hurt and if I let you turn, you would tease me even more and I might not be able to control myself. You have absolutely no idea what a pup in heat is doing to the dominants. Second, I have clear orders from Head Alpha Ages. You need to bathe for twenty minutes and then get the oil on you for at least five minutes, and only then am I alowed to fulfill to your wishes. So stop it.”
Annoyed, Hermione pulled her hand away. Her shoulder was really hurting now. After a while she asked. “How long?”
Toric groaned. “Still ten minutes.”
“What? No, it can't be. You’re tricking me. We have been in here for over half an hour. I'm sure.”
“We haven’t been, but if you don't stop complaining, we’ll stay even longer.”
“No, please,” Hermione begged submissively. A change in tactic was needed. She leaned backwards against his shoulder and tried to relax. She inhaled his scent and loved it. There was no description for the smell. Maybe he smelled young, strong and adventurous. Fenrir smelled powerful and strong, Yorik smelled strong as well, but a bit adventurous and easy-going, too. Hermione's senses were still confusing her. Severus smelled powerful, dominant and bossy and often of potions.
“You behaved very well, pup,” Toric said and kissed her awake after the time had passed. He had been greatly relieved when she had fallen asleep on his shoulder.
Hermione looked groggily around. “Time to get out?”
“Yes,” Toric said, chuckling. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her outside. With a big towel he dried her very carefully and then pushed another button on the console.
Hermione jumped when a bench came out of the ground beside her. It was covered with a mattress and she tried to ignore the shackles that where attached to it. Toric had promised not to use them.
“On your back first, pup.”
Hermione obeyed.
Toric took the oil and sat down between Hermione's legs. “I was told it will first have a burning effect, but then it will feel better. Try not to fight me.” He spread her legs and pulled her close. One of her legs he bent and held in a death grip. Then he moved two oiled fingers over her center.
First Hermione felt nothing, but then the burning overtook her at once. She couldn't stop from trying to get away from his fingers. He was already applying more of the stuff. “No, it hurts!”
Toric knew that this would happen, so he was able to hold her in place and press his fingers again into her center to apply the oil. Miller had said it would go away in a minute or so. “Shh, pup, it will get better soon.”
No, it wouldn't stop burning, Hermione was sure about that. She cursed Miller, and Toric for listening to Miller, and Fenrir and all her other mates for making her need that stupid oil. She cursed the whole werewolf clan and the whole world. When she was finished, she noticed that the burning had slowly ebbed, and soon she felt Toric lessen his grip on her leg. The ministrations of his fingers became pleasurable and she started to wriggle in pleasure. The now familiar heat in her tummy and lower region flared again and she tried to get closer to Toric.
When finally the time his alpha had set him to treat Hermione's injuries had passed, Toric didn't need any more encouraging from her. He quickly replaced his fingers with his member. When he leaned over her to ask her for permission to enter, he had to groan because she already had impaled herself on him completely.
“Finally,” Hermione said, relieved and in ecstasy. She moaned when Toric got control of himself and started to move with slow, circular motions. He was tender, even though she knew he must be painfully hard by now. The concentration was written all over his face.
“You can go faster, Toric,” Hermione said, even though she liked his love-making. The moment his cock was in her the heat in her stomach had ebbed, and now she was just enjoying his movements. She cared about him as well, wanting him to enjoy it and not see it as hard work.
“You like it. I can smell it,” Toric said through gritted teeth.
Hermione moaned. Yes, she liked it, but no, she loved it. None of her other experiences were like this. She moaned deeply before she said, “Yes, but you—” An especially well aimed thrust made her incapable of speaking.
“Stop thinking about me. Enjoy yourself.” Now that he knew how to make her speechless, he didn't give her a chance to argue with him again.
Hermione had the feeling that Toric's member was drilling his way deeper and deeper into her even though she knew he was already into her to the hilt. It was awesome, how he moved his hips, his muscular chest in full view. She let her hands run over it and clenched her legs around his waist. “Merlin, Toric, I'm...” She grabbed his biceps and moaned. She felt herself reaching her peak, and all it took was one more agonizingly slow move with his hip and she was coming hard, screaming his name.
Hearing his name on her lips as she came made Toric proud. Finally, he could let himself go and came with a deep groan, burying himself deep inside of her. Thick hot bursts filled the inside of her sweetness, the release a welcome relief to his aching balls and softening member. Then he let himself sink down on the bench beside her, careful not to crush her.
Hermione cuddled closer to him and fell asleep in his strong arms.
Hermione woke in a bed, curled around a warm body. The body was small, she realized, while she slowly tried to wake fully and orientate herself. Brown hair blocked her view and then she realized it was Neville. The boy was sleeping soundly and clung to her. Hermione wriggled to find a more comfortable position and to see where she was. It was still annoying that she often woke somewhere where she hadn't fallen asleep.
“Already awake, pup?” a deep voice asked from behind her. When Hermione turned, she saw Ages sitting at his desk, looking over to her. Neville groaned and snuggled closer again.
Hermione noticed that she was only wearing her thin nightgown and no knickers, and that Neville was pressing his member against her hip now. Thankfully it was limp.
“How? Why?” Hermione asked, confused.
Ages chuckled. “Toric brought you here. Miller said you needed rest, and until your mates are ready to take over, you will stay with me, as will Neville.”
“Miller said Fenrir and the others would be okay in a few hours.” She frowned. “That was this morning. What time is it?” She tried to sit up, but Neville clung to her. When she finally had freed herself from his grip, Ages had come over to their makeshift bed in his office.
“Calm down, pup, and lay down again.”
“I'm fine. I want to see Fenrir.”
“Your mate will come as soon as he is feeling capable of protecting you, pup. Now lay down.” He pressed her back onto her back, and she was immediately encircled by Neville again.
“No, buts, pup. Miller will be here in half an hour to check on you and Neville again. Until then, you will stay in the bed.”
“What's wrong with Fenrir and the others?” Hermione asked, close to tears.
“They are all okay, but not ready to care for you, pup. You’re in heat and Neville still needs rest after his first changing. It was very trying on his weak body. Your mates are resting but aren't in pain anymore.”
“But they were in pain. They were in pain because they took some odd potion, right? You and Miller mentioned something about it and that it was stupid and dangerous. What was it? Where are they?”
Ages grabbed the agitated girl by her shoulder and held her still. “Listen now, pup. You will stop getting yourself worked up or I will have to stop it.” His blue eyes bored into hers, and she whimpered and exposed her neck to him. “That's right, pup. We will take care of you, and the decisions of your mates are their decisions and not yours. Lay down!”
Hermione cried but obeyed. Ages was not only the head alpha but one of her mates as well. “Please, I can't!”
“You can't what?” Ages asked, worried about her behavior.
“I can't stay here alone. Please!”
“Pup, I already told you that the others are not capable of taking care of you, and anyone else will be affected by your heat. I don't think you would like the results of that.”
“Please stay here,” she whined.
“I'm here.”
“No, here.” She pulled him closer, trying to pull him on the bed.
“Pup, you need rest.”
“I need you! I want to cuddle.”
Ages knew that Hermione would be very confused about her feelings and how she had behaved the moment the heat was over in two days’ time. Therefore, he wanted her to rest and not be too active while she was still in heat. He was one of her mates and so she shouldn't feel uncomfortable with anything he would do with her, but Miller had already told Ages about Hermione’s still rebellious behavior. Hermione was finally one with her wolf but she seemed to be a very challenging pup.
“Just cuddling, pup. Come on.” Ages freed Hermione from Neville and lifted her up. “I need to write some letters. You can sit on my lap, but you will keep your hands to yourself, pup.”
Hermione nodded. She was happy to simply get a bit of body contact from one of her mates. She snuggled happily against his chest and rested her head on his shoulder while Ages tried to write his letters in that uncomfortable position. Soon he gave up, leaned back and started to draw circles over Hermione's back. Every time she started to touch him and encourage him for more, he stopped her hands and ordered her to behave. When she finally fell asleep again, he sighed, relieved. He hoped Miller would get Fenrir and the others healthy soon. The potion they had taken to keep their human mind had hurt them a lot. They had known that before they took it. It was a new potion from Severus and not tested before, and so they had miscalculated the time they would need to regenerate. They still lay in the hospital room with a strong pain killer in their systems. Ages hoped they would soon recover or he would not be able to get any work done at all with a horny, confused pup in heat on his lap asking endless questions of him. Still, he felt oddly satisfied and at peace with the pup and super sub in his office. They were fine additions to the clan. Very fine indeed.
So what do you think about Toric. Do you like him? Is he sexy?
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