The Rise of the Drackens: The Scaled Bits | By : StarLightMassacre Category: Harry Potter AU/AR > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 169799 -:- Recommendations : 8 -:- Currently Reading : 21 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. All rights of Harry Potter belong to J. K. Rowling. I am making absolutely no money from this piece of fictional writing. |
Natural Hunter
Sixteen year old Maximilius Diadesen Maddison was bouncing in a growing, eager anticipation of his first ever hunt. He had come into his dominant Dracken inheritance the previous day and he was now anxious to hunt his first meal.
The new instincts running around his head were confusing and overwhelming at times, but with both of his Dads’ around helping him and watching over him, he was feeling calm and confident, he had been told for years what to expect on his sixteenth birthday, but nothing really prepared for the uncomfortable prickling of the Dracken blood manifesting in his body, the small chemical and tissue changes as his body adjusted nor the extreme agony as his wings pulled through the skin and muscles of his back for the first time. He was amazed at the deep blue colour of his leathery wings, and by the cobalt blue and coal black scales that decorated them, they were gorgeous, though he was disappointed that they were only nineteen feet, not even average, but he had been assured that they were still growing and developing as he was. He hoped they grew to be as large as his own Dad’s twenty-six foot wings, but then he was only six foot six, four whole inches shorter than his Dad. He hoped he grew to be taller, broader and grew longer wings. He wanted a good submissive, a kind, loving, fun woman like his Mum, so he needed the biggest wings he could grow to entice her to look at him.
“Are you ready care bear?” His Dad Richard croaked out, his throat a livid red ruin even as he grinned.
Six years he had to get used to it and he still couldn’t stand seeing his Dad hurting so much, in so much pain that everyday life had become a chore. He heard his Dad screaming at night sometimes, he had padded to his room once a few days after the incident to see what was going on, to see his Dad writhing in agony on his parents bed, clutching his throat with both hands, scrabbling and clawing at the raw wound which was leaking blood, his Dad Myron holding him down as his Mum tried to get some potion into his mouth. It had frightened him and he had never gone back to his parents room when he heard those screams again, not that they often forgot silencing charms, but they did now and then.
“Stop calling me care bear!” He demanded with a scowl.
“But you’re so cute and cuddly and all kind and loving to everyone, just like a little care bear.”
Max would like to think he scowled evilly at his Dad, but the grin and the look in those chocolate coloured eyes told him he had failed and was likely pouting petulantly.
“Stop teasing him Richard.” His Dad said as he strode into the room, his physical presence seemed to swallow the entire room.
It was impossible not to notice Myron Maddison. Six foot ten inches tall, very broad of shoulder, slim of waist and hips and powerful of thigh. Max wanted so much to be just like his Dad, he’d get a submissive easily if he looked like his Dad.
“I’m not teasing him love!” Richard insisted.
“He is.” Max denied.
“I know he is Maximilius, your Dad Richard is always doing something he shouldn’t be. Are you ready to go hunting?”
“Yes!” He exclaimed in excitement.
He had dressed in his oldest pair of jeans and an old tee-shirt that had once been his Dad’s. His jeans weren’t quite new, but as he’d had a growth spurt at fifteen he’d had to replace all of his old clothes with new ones because his shirts just ripped off of him and his jeans were four inches too short. They were half an inch too short now, he had grown with his inheritance and not just upwards and outwards, he thought with a grin as he shifted his new equipment subtly in his too tight jeans.
“Come on then, let’s go feed you.” Richard said and he made such a simple sentence sound completely filthy, his Dad Myron clipped his Husband’s head and Max grinned as his Dad Richard started whining and pouting and trying to climb up his Dad’s body until Myron Maddison let out a long suffering sigh and embraced his sniffling mate.
“I pray that you don’t end up with a mate like your Father.” His Dad told him, but Max just grinned. If he had a mate like his Mum and Dad, life would be hilarious.
“What’s wrong with me?” Richard demanded as he wrapped his arms around Myron and nibbled an ear. “I keep you young and I submit willingly to all of your sexual advances of a dominant nature.”
“Ewwww!” Max whined as he covered his ears and screwed up his eyes as his Dads’ snogged noisily in front of him.
He heard his Dad’s deep chuckles and his Dad Richard’s lighter, slightly choked, laughter.
“I can’t wait until he has his own submissive so we can burst in on him at inappropriate times.”
“You’d never get a grandchild then would you.” Max huffed.
That set his Dads’ off again and Max stalked away with his arms crossed.
“Oh what has your Dad said to you this time Maxie?” His Mum sighed before taking in a deep breath and yelling through the house. “RICHARD!”
His Mum came and wrapped him in her arms, even as she threatened her Husband with grievous bodily harm, even though he was much taller than she was. He always felt like a little boy again in her arms, soft, safe and comforted. He snuggled in as tightly as he could but they were broken apart by his little sister Alayla, seven years old with a hot pink dummy in her mouth holding her hands in the air, grunting around the dummy to be picked up.
“Alayla, you’re almost eight.” He told her sternly as he bent to pick her up all the same, he did as his Dad did and pulled the dummy from her mouth with a pop, her teeth clenching to try and keep the rubber teat in her mouth, but Max won the tug-of-war over the dummy.
“Maximilius!” His Mum cried as she took his crying sister from him and tried to snatch the dummy back. “Give it back to her!”
“Dad said she wasn’t allowed one, she needs to learn how to speak Mum! She’s seven and still grunts and points to things she wants like a baby.”
“But it makes her so happy!” His Mum said tearfully.
“How happy do you think she’ll be in a few years’ time when she’s in high school and still sucking on a dummy?” He asked his Mother as he dumped the dummy deeply into the bin just as his Dad’s came into the room.
“You gave her another dummy?” His Dad demanded of his Mother.
“She wanted one!” His Mum snarled as she cuddled a hysterical Alayla who wasn’t calming down and was clenching little hands in the air wanting her dummy back.
“We’ll talk more about this when we get back.” He promised as he wrapped an arm around Max’s shoulders and led him out of the kitchen. “You did well Max, but don’t fight with your Mother, just call me next time.”
Max nodded his understanding and sighed. He hated fighting with his Mum, especially over little things like a dummy, but Alayla needed to grow up, she needed to learn some independence and how to talk properly, she still had a baby lisp for crying out loud! He loved his Mum and his little sister, but he knew what his Mum was doing was wrong.
“Let’s forget about it and teach our boy how to hunt.” Richard rasped out, the sentence looked like it had caused him a great deal of pain, but he was grinning happily.
Myron smiled gently at his mate and wrapped an arm around him, rubbing his back soothingly.
“Let’s teach him to hunt.” He agreed.
Max was pumped full of adrenaline as he crouched low in the tall grass, his Dads’ close behind him as they directed his attention towards a grazing stallion.
His wings flared and the tips quivered in anticipation, he could feel more than hear his Dads’ laughing at him, but he ignored them as his belly rumbled and his mouth flooded with saliva in preparation for the meat he was about to receive. He flexed his claws that itched to rip open the stallion, but then a wind blew under his nose, he inhaled deeply and he lost complete interest in the horse as a delicious, wild, dangerous scent caressed his nose. He wanted that animal instead.
He was gone before his Dads’ could stop him, he heard the cursing and running behind him as he tore through the wild forest, following the scent trail, he was still downwind from the animal and he caught it by surprise as he burst through a knot of trees into a clearing to see an adult, male bear, fear and adrenaline mixed into a heady intoxicator as he rushed the bear and swiped at it, like he had been shown by his Dads’ before he had even come into his inheritance.
The bear swiped back, letting out a terrible roar that Max answered with his own as he swiped and kicked. He could smell his Dads’ close by, one on either side of the bear, ready to support him if he needed it, not getting too close, but standing close by so that he wouldn’t get killed and that gave him the confidence to crouch and then swipe up the bear’s body, slicing it open and knocking it off of its feet. One swipe across the throat killed the bear instantaneously. He flumped down and roughly tore the fur and skin from the animal as he prepared it for ingestion.
He sunk his fangs into the tough animal messily and tore at it, chewing minimally and swallowing before slicing it up and repeating. When he was full, he completely skinned the animal and rolled the fur up; it was tradition for a dominant to keep the hide of the first animal they hunted as a trophy.
His Dads’ congratulated him, cleaned up what he had left, before hurrying him home. Max couldn’t help but notice that they were both pale, both shaking and both worried.
“What?” His Mum asked as soon as they were home, looking from pale face, to pale face, to blood smeared and proudly grinning face.
“He went for a bear.” Myron answered as he run a shaky hand through his hair roughly. “Our sixteen year old boy took on a fully grown, male bear.”
“Oh my baby!” She cried as she rushed at him and hugged him close, sniffing over him, but the scent of bear blood was too thick upon him for her to smell anything else.
“I’m fine Mum. Look!” Max happily and proudly displayed the bear skin and she took it with a weak chuckle, tears in her eyes as she held the fur in her hands.
“I’ll clean this up for you and make you a blanket.” She assured tenuously.
“Thanks Mum! Merlin what a rush! When can I do that again?”
“Never!” His Dad Richard snapped out roughly. “I’ve never been more terrified for you Max. Don’t you ever do that again.”
“But Dad!” He whined. “I’m fine, it was amazing! Oh I’m so full! I love bear meat!”
“I thought we agreed that you were going to take him hunting for a horse!” Ashleigh hissed.
“We did, we were ten feet from his pre-chosen target and he just darted off after a bear that was eighty feet away!” Richard choked out. Myron’s hand rubbed firm circles on his back to calm him.
“It smelt sooo much better Dad!” Max moaned, remembering the taste and flavour of the bear on his tongue.
Ashleigh shook her head. “Be careful Max, I can’t lose another little boy.”
“Mum I’ll be fine!” He said, uncomfortable with the talk of his dead baby brother, Theo.
Everything had changed when Theodric had been killed and his Mum and Dad had almost died. His Dad had yelled at him to stay put, to protect his brother and sisters as he and his Dad Richard had rushed off to save their Mum and unborn brother when they had realised that something terrible had happened.
He had only been ten, looking after his eight year old brother and his six, five and two year old sisters, terrified out of his mind as he paced with a screaming Talia, who just wanted Mummy.
His Granddad and Grandma had come around then, after he had tearfully called them through the floo. They had taken over and he had told them that his Dads’ had gone mad when they had come home from work, screaming that they couldn’t smell their Mum anymore, that she wasn’t upstairs. He knew now that she had been kidnapped from their own home as he played with his brother and sisters downstairs as his Dads’ were in work. They weren’t usually left alone, but his Dad had a very important meeting and his Dad Richard had a huge court case that he had to be there for. They overlapped only by an hour, but that hour was enough for Ricky to come and visit and kidnap their pregnant Mum from her bed while they were unaware downstairs. Every time he had eavesdropped on his parents after that, when his Dad was so injured, his Mum was screaming and crying and almost insane with grief with the death of Theodric, the same sentence was heard. ‘Thank Merlin the children weren’t taken.’
Max felt a cold shiver run down his spine every time he thought of it. He had liked Ricky. They had even called him Uncle Ricky and he had come into their home and kidnapped their Mother and unborn brother and taken her to a gang of Dracken poachers for money. It made him sick. He would have gone with Ricky willingly. The man had taken them for ice cream before, from the van that came around, never out of sight of his parents, but still if Ricky had taken his hand and led him out of the house, with some made up story of his Dad wanting him and his siblings, he would have gone and he would have taken his brother and sisters with him and he felt horrified and disgusted with himself for that.
He had curled into himself for months afterwards until his Grandfather noticed that he wasn’t himself and had knocked his parents into noticing. They had sat him down and all of his thoughts and feelings had tumbled out of his ten year old mouth. He remembered being cuddled up on his Dad’s lap, those huge arms wrapped around him as his family assured him that he wasn’t to blame, that he had no part in what had happened and that they had never expected him to know Ricky was planning on kidnapping their Mother when they hadn’t even known. He had cried himself to sleep in his Dad’s arms and had woken up feeling much better the next day in his bed.
“Leave off him Ashleigh.” His Dad said gruffly as he prised her off of him. “Run off Max. You did brilliantly tonight; just don’t expect us to go hunting again without holding your hand.”
Max laughed and left the room.
“Don’t forget your homework!” His Dad Richard called out cheerfully.
Max scowled and huffed as he went to complete his homework very unhappily and with a lot of grumbling.
The thick, soft bear skin blanket was ready for him the next day and it had remained on his bed ever since, ready to show off to his submissive when he claimed her.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X
A/N: There you go! Max’s first hunt, his obsession with hunting bears, and a bit of information on what happened to Ashleigh and little baby Theodric.
I know full well that bears are not native to Britain, even though there is talk about reintroducing the bear, among other animals, back to Britain, but when did I ever say the dominants hunt in Britain? They can Apparate you know and have Portkeys. It would be too dangerous to hunt in Britain with the poachers around scouring for Drackens so they can check if they have children or not to harvest. Plus if any witch or wizard stumbles upon a hunting or feasting Dracken and gets away without being seen, they will be exposed and executed as their faces do not change with the Dracken attributes, it’s so much simpler and safer to hunt away from the country they live in and bring their kills back to their homes and submissives, Max has been taught to do this since the very first day he hunted, Nasta and Blaise have also been told to do this, the only dominant not told to hunt out of the country is Draco and he brought Harry a horse, but he’s learning, which is why he and Blaise go out with either Max or Nasta, to learn from older, more experienced dominants. The first hunt scene in the forbidden forest was considered ‘safe’ only because of the extensive wards on Hogwarts grounds and the surety that every student would much rather enjoy the Halloween feast than traipse through a cold, dark, dangerous forest at night.
I hope you all enjoyed it!
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StarLight Massacre. X
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